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One day, a family was in turmoil and full of trouble. A mother with blood and sweats poured out just for
the sake of her children. On the other hand, there was a father who are a womanizer, drunkard,
gambler, jobless, and he only knows is to be happy with his own.

(the mother just came home from her job when she found her children struggling with hunger)

INA: son! son! Where are you? Mom is here.

ANAK 1: mom you’re here. Do you have something to eat? Because we are very hungry.

INA: what? Hungry? As far as I remember, I gave your dad some money to buy a dish for you. wait,
where is he? I haven’t seen him yet since I arrived.

ANAK 2: dad is not here mom; he was at the house of his friend. Gambling and drinking.

INA: drinking? Seriously?

(the mother went to her husband, and saw her husband gambling and she also saw a woman sitting
beside him)

INA: how dare you! You stupid moron. You are no longer ashamed ha?
TATAY: can you please stop? It’s embarrassing!
INA: embarrassing? Really? Do you hear what you were saying ha? As what I do you are ashamed, but
you being a womanizer, you are not even ashamed? What do you think your children would say when
they found out that their father is a womanizer? tell me? Tell me! Have you thought about it??
TATAY: I do nothing wrong! And besides, why do you even care?
INA: I care because I am your wife! Wait a minute, hey you woman! Do you know that guy whom you are
flirting is already married? He has a wife and that’s me!
BABAE: I didn’t know, he told me that he is single. I really don’t know, I’m really sorry, it’s not my
intention to ruin a relationship.
INA: next time, you get to know the person first before you approach them first.
BABAE: don’t worry, it won’t happened again. And you! This is for you *slapped the father*
TATAY: stop it already, let’s go, we will talk in the house, pare sorry.
KUMPARE: it’s fine pare, go ahead and fixed it. And you guys who are watching there. Get off the show
is over.
(the father dragged his wife home,)
Sa bahay…

TATAY: let’s talk, what was that? Do you really have to do that?
INA: why? What’s wrong with what I did ha? You’re asking why? --- I left you some money, right? I told
you to buy a dish for your child, for our child so they can eat! Then what? When I get home from work, I
saw my children struggling from hunger, then when I asked them where is their father, I found out, he is
there on our neighbor’s house, drinking and flirting? Tang***! *umiyak ang ina*
TATAY: stop! *akmang sasampalin ang ina ngunit dumating ang mga anak*
ANAK 1: mom, dad, stop! Please don’t fight!
INA: daughter, were not fighting, go ahead, go to your sister. I and your dad will just talk. Okay?
ANAK 1: kay mom *pumunta na nga ang anak sa kanyang ate*
TATAY: tsk. I just go, bye.
INA: when you leave or when you come out of that door, forget about me and your children *patuloy
parin na umiiyak ang ina*
TATAY: it’s up to you!

(the father had left and the mother continued crying, not knowing that her older daughter was
listening to them. She heard every details of their conversation)
The next day.

INA: kids wake up and pack your things we’re leaving. Go ahead
ANAK 1: mom, where are we going? Where is dad?
INA: it’s a long story, but we will go to your grandma’s house. We will stay there.
ANAK 2: to grandma? Really? I want to be there mom; we will pack our things mom. I’m so excited.
INA: just come out when you’re done, understood?
ANAK 1: yes mom
(their mom went outside of their room)
ANAK 1: Ate, where’s dad? Why are we not with him?
Anak 2: dad went somewhere, I don’t know where, let’s go outside mom is waiting.
ANAk 1 : okay, Mom! Let’s go where done packing our things.
INA: really? Okay, let’s go.

(at tuluyan na nga nilang nilisan ang kanilang tirahan. Nagdaan ang ilang taon,naging busy ang ina sa
kanyang trabaho. Napapabayaan na nya ang kaniyang mga anak. Sa tuwing may award o meeting ay
wala ito. Tanging ang lola o mga tita lang nila ang pumupunta. Dahil doon, nabuo ang galit, inggit, at
sakit sa kanyang panganay na anak na na naging sanhi ng pagbubulakbol nito. Lagi itong lumiliban sa
klase at napabarkada ito. Subalit ito ay hindi alam ng kaniyang ina)
Dining area
Mother: How’s your studies? Do you study hard?
Anak 1: ofcourse mom, mom I’m the top 1 in our class!
Ina: really? That’s good, how about you N—how’s your studies? And by the way your grandma told me
yesterday that you always come home late.
Anak 2: yeah, it is because I’m busy at school, I’m done eating, I’m going to school. R--- are you coming
with me or not?
Anak 1: yes ate, I will go with you, mom we’re leaving. Bye mom
Ina: okay, take care and study hard.


(when they arrived at the school, Norlyn stayed at the school gate and waited for her younger sister
to enter. As her sister enters the school, she left immediately and went to her friend’s house.)

Riane: where are you going again sis? Are you going to cut classes again?
Norlyn: it's none of your business okay? So please? Just go to school and don't you dare tell it to mom,
Riane: Fine!

At her friend’s house.

(N arrived to her friend’s house)

N: Hi bro, how are you?

Rex: I’m fine, how about you and your baby?
N: we are both fine, where are the others?
Rex: they are at the kitchen eating breakfast,
N: is that so?
Rex: yes, come on let's go at the kitchen
Marie: Hi norlyn, you're here already
N: yup, so how are you guys?
Ace: Norlyn can I ask?
N: yeah, sure
Ace: until when will you going to hide it from your mother?
N: does she needs to know?
prince: of course, Norlyn, remember, she is your mother, therefore she has the rights to know about it
N: I don’t know, I’m not yet ready.
Ace: okay, I respect your decision but please, tell her already, before she knew it to others
N: Don’t worry, I will tell her but not this time
Camille: you know what guys, we are here to bond, so stop talking nonsense and let's just party!
N: let’s go *smiles*

(after how many hours, of chatting with her friends , it is already 10 in the evening when N decided to
go home, when she arrived at their house , she found out that her mother is waiting for her)

On the other point of view,

Norlyn's Adviser called her mother because of it's absence

*phone rings*
Justine: This is Mrd. Sta Cruz speaking how may I help you?
Ang: hello? Mrs. Sta Cruz?
Justine: yes? Whos this?
Ang: this is Mr Ang, Norlyn's class adviser, i just want to ask if she is there, because she's been absent
for many times already, and I'm worried because her grades are getting low?
Justine: excuse me? Are you sure about that? As far as I know,she always go to school.
Mr. Ang: But she didn't maam
Justine: o-okay I'll just talk to her later when she arrived.

As soon us the call end. Her youngest daughter arrived.

Justine: Riane? Where is your sister?
Riane: ah eh, I- I don't know mom
Justine: you don't know? Really? Riane don't you dare lie to me!
Riane: mom I'm so sorry, ate told me not to tell you, i'm really sorry mom.
Justine: so you knew it since then? Tsk. Go to your room and change your clothes already.
Riane: okay mom, im sorry
Few hours later
As she enters the house her mom slaps her.
Mother: Until when Norlyn
N: what are you talking about?
Mother: Your teacher called me a while ago, he told me that you’ve been absent for several times now
and your grades are getting low. Tell me N what’s the matter? Why are you like that? I didn’t raise
you to be that way!
N: nothing, I’ll go to my room
Mother: wait, I’m still talking to you, tell me N, please, what’s the problem? Why are you like that?
Why did you become like that! *crying*
N: do you want me to tell you the problem? Okay fine, it is because of you! I become like this because
of you and dad. Mom all my life I wanted to have a happy family, But f8ck this life! My dad is a
drunkard while my mom is a workaholic. All my life I’ve been asking for your attention mom, I always
wanted to be with you every time mom. But where are you? You are nowhere to find. I envy my
classmate cause every time that they receive an award, they received it with their parents. But me?
I’m always alone. So, stop questioning me why I become like this again, coz I will just say the same
Mother: I-I’m sorry, I didn’t know that, I’m really sorry
N: sorry is not enough mom, you hurt me so much, not just me but also R,

(Norlyn rushed outside their house and went to her friend’s house and luckily, they are still there, she
tells them what happened)
N: It hurts, all my life, I want her to be with us but she doesn’t, she always thought about her work, hw
about us?
Camille: stop crying already Norlyn, maybe she has a reason,
N: reasons? What are those tell me!
Marie: you should have listened to her first,
N: I have no time to listen to her rants, I’m so tired, do you have some alcohol there? I want to drink.
Camille: let’s go
(after how many hours, they are all drunk, and they don’t know what’s happening, few hours later,
something happened to N and his boyfriend that causes something that they will regret or accept.)
2 months later, (N found out that she is 2 months pregnant, she tells it to her friend and also t her
boyfriend. And they hide it to anyone), but they didn't know that someone heared ther conversation
Norlyn: Guys I have some to tell you
Marie: what is it?
Norlyn: please promise me that you won't tell it to anyone.
Camille: sure, what are friends are for right?
Norlyn: I'm 2 months pregnant,
Marie: what? Are you sure?
Norlyn: yes
Camille: what are you planning to do now?
Norlyn: can we keep it as a secret?
Camille: sure
Norlyn: thanks guys. I'm so thankful because i have a friend like you

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