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BSA 2-1

We only got 17 months left to live in this planet, they say. I have seen hundreds of posts
saying that there are only 17 months left. Yes, you heard it right. Seventeen months. I do not
know who might have started it all, but I do know that from everything that is happening in the
environment, there would be nothing left for the future generations. And it is completely
bothering. Imagine living our days for nothing, going to school for a degree only to end up to a
complete destruction. The Earth is being taken away from us just so you need to know.

I am sure you’ve heard about it all. The alarming Amazonia rainforest fire wherein it has
been reported to be on fire for several weeks now, but no immediate reports from the media
was created. This Amazon rainforest is said to produce 20% of the planet’s oxygen and is
considered to be the lungs of the Earth. The phenomena itself imparts to the ruin of the planet
Earth. Another thing causing the Earth a major distress was the dramatic glacier meltdown in
west-central Iceland called the Okjokull glacier. Satellite images were taken showing the
difference of the glacier between September, 1986 and August, just this year. The recent news
only goes to show that we are slowly losing it. And if no instantaneous action was taken, we will
all live for nothing.

I think it is safe to say that we are late. Too late. The consequences of our actions are
taking into place. And everyone alive is going to suffer. There is no safe haven here. What we
need to do now is to try changing our habits. It is actually not that hard. To start within
ourselves can make a great change. To follow simple rules and laws regarding environment
preservation can make it all. We can use the media to voice out. To call out those who have no
heart for the planet, to be the voice of the millions of people living in the Earth. Yes, they might
say we’ve only got 17 months to live in our planet. But what I can only say is that we’ve got 17
months to save it. And with that, 17 months can turn into years- five, maybe, ten, thirty, fifty,
or, 17 months can turn into a lifetime, only if we get to do something about it. And together,
we can make it. Thank you.

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