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Offered with the Highest & Purest Love

by GEOM!* & the Holy Archangels of Light

GEOM!*, 2006
Giorgos Mylonas, Copyright, 2006


All Contents of this page are Copyright 2006. All rights reserved!
This material is not to be re-published on other servers, websites,
translated, displayed, altered or in any other way used without the
express written permission of the author.

Please Note:

English is not my primary language so please

forgive me for any grammatical or other mistakes.
Thank you for your understanding!

Deep Red is a new/old and truly powerful, exquisite and

special frequency of LIGHT that may help us in many areas
and various issues, especially in protection, grounding,
revitalization and deepest psycho-spiritual cleansing.

It is truly wonderful and it has given me and other people

many miracles of healing. Receive it if you are already
using spiritual/energy healing or Reiki and add its
awakening, cleansing and protective effects to your
everyday life and your healing sessions. For some people
this specific energy ray / stratum of light, the Deep Red
Energy, becomes their favourite ‘kind’ of energy. It can be
activated easily by intention once you have been attuned to
it through your higher self-spirit and your teacher.
Deep Red / Deep Red Reiki
Supports you in the following areas:

* Awakening
* Psychic Protection
* Overall Empowerment
* Sealing Your Field / Space
* Reclaiming Your Divinity
* Reclaiming Your Power
* Revitalization
* Unfolding New Passion for Life
* Gaining Higher Will / Stronger Will
* Coming to the Front of Life
* Holding more Light, Life-Force and Love into your energy
system, body, mind, cells and DNA
* Boosting your Healing Energy and your Healing Power
* Helps on the Path to Enlightenment and Helps the Self
become One with All That Is / God/ the Source
* Brings forth many blessings and positive energies, overall
well-being, protection, guidance, light, joy, peace and love
into one’s body, mind, spirit and everyday life!

Use with LOVE!

Receive with LOVE!

Share with LOVE!

All is LOVE!

LOVE is All!

God is LOVE!






How to Receive
the Deep Red Energy

* Have a warm bath or a warm shower and while doing so relax your body
and mind and open your heart and your highest spiritual potential
(through intent). Think about the attunement you are going to receive…

* Cleanse your house energetically / etherically in any way that you know

* Cleanse your self energetically / etherically in any way that you know

* You can use music, incense and essential oils, aura-soma products and
crystals, flowers and colors, sounds and bells, reiki healing energy and
reiki energy symbols, positive thinking and positive affirmations.

* Light one or more white candles and dedicate them to the highest good
of all beings. (mentally or out-loud)

* Sit comfortably keeping your spine straight.

* You can have some relaxing – meditative – spiritual music on.

* Take ten deep breaths. Breathe-in the nose and breathe-out of the
mouth. Make your breath as slow, deep and spiritual as you can. You are
Spirit breathing life energy in and out!
* Relax your body and mind. Clear your thoughts. Relax your face. Relax
more. Let go. Relax completely.

* Visualize a Great Golden Sun full of light and love around you. You are in
the middle of this Sun. You are glowing. Radiate light and love. Open
your heart. Receive light and love. Open your heart. Radiate light and love.
More and more light, more and more love. It is everywhere within your
body and your mind. It is everywhere, it is all around you. You are within
this Great Golden Sun of the highest Spirit. You are ONE with Spirit,
the Divine, the Source, One with Life Itself, ONE with the Truth, the
Light, the Love… You are Truth, You are Light, You are Love. You are the
Source of all good things, the Source of everything possible. You are one
with the Source. Full of light, clear and wonderful divine light, full of love,
pure and compassionate, healing love. You are life. You are oneness – unity,
simplicity, beauty, goodness, you are truly an angel… Relax deeply... Let
go... You are now freer than ever…

* Mentally ask to receive the attunement. Place your palms in prayer

position in front of your chest and ask to receive the energy…

“I ask to receive the Deep Red Energy and Its Holy Divine Attunement to
its Full Deep Red Power from Master… (say the name of your teacher) and
from my Higher Self and the Infinite Spirit / Divine Source Itself.
Please all the Angels of Light and all the Angels of Love support this
request. I ask for the Highest Good of all beings.”

You can see the words “DEEP RED ENERGY” in golden/red letters of light
to help your self with this request.

* Wait for approximately 20 minutes. Keep your eyes closed and be

relaxed but conscious - what do you feel on all levels, in all areas of your
body and your mind? Be attentive. Notice everything. The energy, color,
sounds, smells, feelings, temperature, ideas, images, etc.

* After approximately 20 minutes have past or when you feel that this is
coming to an end, give thanks mentally and take another ten slow and deep
breaths full of energy, light and life-force. Ground your self and center
your self with your intent. Return.
* You can lie down, go to sleep or do some self-healing by placing your
palms anywhere on your body and letting the energy flow for some

* If you need this, you can cleanse your aura and your self in any way that
you know of, right after the empowerment.

You can take a bath or a shower once again.

Drink lots of water and even more water for the next 3 days - remind
your self to do so!!

Think positively and use the energy wisely - with love.

Rest as much as you can.

Sleep well.

Breathe deeply.

Love your self and others unconditionally and compassionately. Love the
earth. Love your life. Let LOVE flow freely and easily!

*And ENJOY all the gifts you receive and share!



Do the same preparation as above – this is very important!!! You have to

cleanse yourself and raise your own energy first! Prepare yourself and
your space as much as you can!

The person to receive the attunement sits with the spine and back
straight in lotus position or on a chair. Palms are on the legs and open to
the sky.

Guide the person in meditation. Enfold the person with light and peace.
Ask him/her to take 10 deep and slow breaths. Ask him/her to visualize
clear crystalline white light as a wonderful waterfall all around him/her.

Call Forth with your intention the Higher Self, the Monad, God, the
Source, the Holy Trinity, the Holy Seven Rays, the Holy Archangels,
Angels of Light, Angels of Spirit, Angels of Love, your guardian angels,
spirit guides, the Holy Brotherhood, Saints and Masters from Higher
Realms, the Ascended Masters, Diamond City of Light / Shamballa and all
enlightened beings from all levels and dimensions. Ask for all the Light
and the Energy of the Universe! Open your spirit, mind and heart.
Instruct the person to do the same.

Call Forth the Angels and Archangels and Elohim of Deep Red Energy.

Visualize the person to receive the empowerment as if he/she is his/her

future enlightened self – a divine being full of possibilities, infinite light,
infinite life, infinite love! Of the highest purity, of the highest serenity
and freedom!
Ask the person to raise the palms and have them in prayer position in
front of the heart.

Ask from your Higher Self to send the DEEP RED ENERGY in full power
and wisdom and love to the person. Wait for one minute.

Ask the person to raise the palms and have them in prayer position in
front of the forehead.

Ask from THE PERSON’S Higher Self to send the DEEP RED ENERGY in
full power and wisdom and love to the person. Wait for one minute.

Ask the person to raise the palms and have them in prayer position above
the head.

Ask from Archangels to give the DEEP RED ENERGY in full power and
wisdom and love to the person. Wait for one minute.

Ask the person to have the palms in prayer position again in front of the
heart and take three long and deep breaths.

Ask the person to have the palms on his/her laps again. Guide the person
into relaxation and meditation with white light, peace, serenity, and love.

Seal this process and attunement with a great golden sun of light around
the person and THANK anyone involved!!

Ground the person. Center the person.

Drink a glass of water and instruct the person to do the same.

Do some self-healing by placing your palms on your body anywhere you

want to.

Feel the new energies, more light and pure love running through your
To Send the Empowerment through distance to another
person simply visualize the whole process. But do the
extensive preparation first!

Only Reiki Master Teachers can give this
attunement after they have received it for

Simple but Powerful Energy Technique

To activate the energy daily in your life

Just think or say
“DEEP RED” or “DEEP RED ENERGY” or “Deep Red Reiki”
This boosts your energy and your LIGHT/LOVE/LIFE-
FORCE QUOTIENT (how much light/love and life-force you
hold and you radiate) and opens your third eye and all
psychic powers of true spirit.

Use anytime you want and as much as you want daily. It is

truly wonderful!


To activate strongly the energy say or think “Deep Red” or

“Deep Red Energy” or “Deep Red Reiki” and visualize a
volcanic eruption for one minute or more. See the Deep Red
energy and pass it through your energy filed and your body.

Use it intuitively any time that you feel like you need Red
or Deep Red Energy – protection, revitalization, awakening,
grounding, etc.


The symbol of Deep Red Energy / Deep Red Reiki
is the Volcano.
Visualize it in full power for a minute or more
anytime you need protection, cleansing, energy,
empowerment, healing.

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