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Part I: Electrical Engineering Materials and Electronics (Time allowed: 45 Minutes)

1. (2 Pts each)
a. Explain the particle and wave nature of electron.
b. What is electronic polarization?
c. Explain the basic difference between perfect conductors and superconductors.
a. Discuss the basic operation principle of a Bipolar Junction Transistor (briefly explain how
flow of current is established across the emitter, base and collector terminals of the device).
b. For the following circuit calculate the base, emitter and collector currents given the
following device equations. (4Pts)
Assume: β = 200 and VBE(on) = 0.7V, IC = βIB and IE = (1+β)· IB

a. Mention some of the practical applications of operational amplifiers (at least 2). (2Pts)
b. A certain system design requires an op-amp configuration that can be employed to eliminate
unwanted noise signal introduced to the system. If you were asked to design this op- amp
circuit what type of op- amp configuration would you suggest? Why? (2Pts)
c. Given the following op amp circuit, calculate the closed loop voltage gain (Av) of the
network if R2 = 100KΩ and the op- amp is driven by a voltage source of maximum
amplitude 0.1V that is capable of providing a maximum current of 5µA.
Given Av = -R2/R1 (4Pts)

Part II: Signal Systems, Networks and DSP (Time allowed: 45 Minutes)

a. Discuss impulse, step and ramp signals and give a practical example for each of these
types. (3Pts)
b. Define sampling theorem and state its importance. (2Pts)
c. Describe the relation between input x(t), output y(t) and impulse response h(t) of a system
in both in time and frequency domains. (2Pts)
a. Discuss what do we mean by analysis of a network and then synthesis? (2Pts)
b. Given a current signal characterized by a transfer function in the network. Discuss the
effects of the locations of its zeros and poles in the imaginary plane on the nature of the
signal. (3Pts)
c. Discuss different ways of classification of filters. In telephone central offices where the
frequency range is usually several hundred MHZ, which one you recommend, active or
passive filters? Why? (2Pts)

a. Describe the Nyquist Criteria in sampling theorem. (2Pts)
b. Explain the basic difference between Fourier and Laplace Transform. (2Pts)
c. What is the Z-transform of the signal  (n) ? (2Pts)

Part III: Electromagnetic Fields and Communication Systems(Time allowed: 1hr)
1. What is F in each of the following equations? (1Pt each)

a. , where Vab is the electrostatic potential difference b/n points a and b.

b. , ρv is the free volume charge density.

c. , Js is the free surface current density.

d. , Jc and Jd are conduction and displacement current densities respectively.

2. Write the four differential and integral forms of Maxwell’s equations in case of static fields.

3. List the three essential parts of any communication system. (3Pts)

4. Given the following modulated signals. (1Pt each)

a. Ac(1+μ m(t) )cosɷct

b. Acm(t) cosɷct

c. Accos(ɷct+kʃm(τ)dτ)

d. Accos(ɷct+km(t))

Where m(t) is the message signal and ɷc is the carrier frequency. Identify the type of
modulation for the above signals.

5. Explain amplitude, frequency and phase shift modulation. (3Pts)

Part IV: Electrical Machines and Control Systems (Time allowed: 45 Minutes)
1. (2Pts each)
a. Write the basic differences between Asynchronous and Synchronous machines.
b. Draw the physical diagrams of shell type and core type single phase transformers and
discuss their principles of operation.
c. Discuss the principles of operations of DC series field winding motors and DC shunt field
winding motors.

d. Write the basic differences between squirrel cage and wound rotor motors.

a. Define the term control system? (2Pts)
b. What is stability, also write the difference between: (6Pts)
i. Marginal stability and
ii. Absolute stability
c. Define the term root locus and bode plot? (2Pts)
d. Define and give an example of compensator? (2pts)

Part V: Digital Logic, Computer Architecture and OOP (Time allowed: 45 Minutes)


a. Draw/construct an RS flip flop using NOR gate. (2 pts)

b. A device that is used to switch one of several input lines to a single output line is
called_______________. ( 2 Pts)
c. A circuit capable of accepting n variable input and generating the corresponding output
signal on any of 2n output is called_____________________ ( 1pt).

2. How many address lines are needed to address one megabyte memory chip. Given: The
memory register size is 8 bits (work out, show all steps) (2 Pts)
3. There are typically four stages of an instruction cycle that the CPU carries out: (2Pts)

List them. i. ________________

ii. ________________.

iii. _____________

iv. _____________

4. ______What is meant by a bus on a computer? ( 1 pt)

a. Connections that carry data between components;

b. Heavy wires that connect the motherboard to the power supply;

c. A socket that is used to mount the CPU.

d. A special kind of charge carrier that can carry several hundred bits of data between the
components on the motherboard at any one time.

5. Define a super class called Employee that has two subclasses: Instructor and Campus
Police. For employee, we only have simple attributes such as their name and id. For
Instructors and Campus polices, each has specific attributes unique to the class. Campus
polices have attributes such as working hours and the gate they are in charge. Instructors
have attributes such as the name of the department they are member of and the list of courses
they’re teaching. (10 Pts)
a. Create a test class and exercise the interfaces of the various classes you defined, by
creating the corresponding objects.
b. Draw the hierarchical relationship formed by the classes you defined.

……….The End……………

…………..Good Luck ………

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