Eagle of Samothrace

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The Eagle of Samothrace

East of Greece lies the island

of Samothrace where the
male mysteries of the Great
Gods were celebrated.

The Greeks acknowledged

these beings were “before
the Olympians came”.

With them were the starry twins known to us as Gemini, the

Dioscuri, or divine horsemen, protectors of soldier and sailor.
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Castor and Pollux were the sons of Leda who Zeus surprised in
the form of a swan. Pollux was his immortal son. Castor was the
son of a human king who Leda later wed.

When Castor grew old Pollux

asked Zeus if he could share his
immortality with the brother he
loved, so the god placed them as
stars in the sky.

In the mysteries, they hold a torch down and a torch up, perhaps
to show that the seeker whose light is low and the guide whose
light is high, are one and the same person. That we initiate
ourselves into the deepest mysteries.

The Rites

An initiate would be given a ring of iron magnetized by natural

sources, and a red sash. He would spend some time in a cavern on
a stone bed. And later with nude male dancers wearing shields

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and carrying spears. They made a loud clashing noise that must
have echoed off the mountain.

There were no class distinctions here. Freeman and slave and

noble were all brothers.

The island Temple

satyr, a mythical
being of the woods

You may be a sweaty warrior, a thoughtful artist, a clever orator,

or a humble farmer. Seek out your brothers. Feel the energy add
to your reiki healing. Lively. Primeval. Sharing touch to touch and
grin to grin, for now all grievances forgotten. It's time.

Remember the eagle and be sons of Zeus…

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How to heal with this attunement

Just say aloud (name of system) once and let the energy flow through your
hands and heal as you usually do.

How to take down this attunement

Just say aloud “I am now accepting the attunement to (name of system)

from (name of teacher) in a way that is good for my health and spirit. So be

And relax for a few minutes. You may sense energy tingling in your hands or
warmth, or if you close your eyes and let your mind drift away, you may see
unusual pictures. It really doesn’t matter. It works even if nothing is sensed
at all.

How to give this attunement

Just say aloud “I now attune (name of student) to the energies of (name of
system) in a way that is good for both of us, in health and spirit. So be it.”

Or you can put the attunement in a “chi ball” of imagined energy and let the
student pull it down when convenient.

Best wishes and love and light,


Disclaimer: This energy system is intended for relaxation and wellness and
spiritual growth, but people with medical problems should of course continue
to see their doctors and get medical advice from a professional

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