Sad Experince: School Experience

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I am a petite and always happy student. I have many friends no one hates me. at school
I am a student who is not diligent. I often come late to school because I can't get up in the
morning I'm also lazy in doing picket assignments. at school I am not a very intelligent student
but my brain is not too stupid. I belong to a student who always works pr and I often give my
pr to friends. and help them during the test
today is a receipt. I'm sure I will get a ranking of at least rank 2 or 3. But it turns out
my guess is wrong, I got a rating of 8. I will scavenge in class I am not sure of all this. "Puspita,
this isn't adiill, I always help them in doing their assignments ... why did this happen to me ???
he who got rank 1, he always cheated on replaying and copying my homeless home ... why did
this happen ??" I scavenged in the class. the whole class tried to cheer me up. "What do you
say, maybe this is just your misfortune. We all know the truth. So you stop shouting" all my
friends, goddesses, puspita, sukma, agus and others try to cheer up.
I've never been like this before. I used to get 13th place in junior high school, but I
didn't cry because of the sportiff's feelings. but now it feels so painful that it makes me cut my
hair short
but, deadly [the next day I accepted the truth. I can accept everything. I will continue
to fight ... I also don't feel angry at my friend. even though I still often give the cheat sheet,
even though I'm a little sorry but now I'm okay
There is nothing sadder than farewell, truly something very valuable where we have to
let go of those who have accompanied us for several years. Many experiences, stories, lessons
that we have taken from being with them. We feel like we don't want to part with them. But it
is not a meeting without separation, something will be more meaningful if we feel life without
it. Well, that's what I experienced during the MTs farewell yesterday.
In April 2015, I felt the loss of a family that had accompanied me for the past 2 years.
That same day, we have decided on the path we will each take. In the framework of the farewell
event, each class prepared their art performance. My class is an acceleration class which we
named "El-Gradion". In this class I forged knowledge for 2 years, much of which I learned
from those 2 short years. My class has prepared an art stage, we want to present a musical
poetry. We have prepared the art show, from afar. We spent many days displaying the best.
The greater the togetherness that we feel.
After 2 weeks of training, finally the farewell day arrived. On that day our art
performance was designated as the main art stage. We sat in one class at the venue, waiting for
the event to begin. When the program began we gathered behind the stage to prepare for our
performance. After that, our turn arrived. When performing art, I and 8 of my friends became
poetry readers. After reading poetry, our performance finally finished. When all the event
arrangements are finished, we take a picture together. At this time I really feel the meaning of
their existence.
Everything has finished, a very good farewell. All of this is to meet a better future.


Today, Ayu's sixth birthday. Mama and Papa give him a present. The prize is very
small. I opened the gift. Inside, there is a small washcloth. The color is yellow. There is a red
lace around the side.
Ayu thanks Mama and Papa. However, he felt disappointed too. "On my first birthday,
I got a teddy bear.On the second birthday, Barbie doll. On the third birthday, I got the train. On
the fourth birthday my gift is a doll house.Then when the fifth birthday, I got shoes. But now,
on my sixth birthday, I only get a washcloth. "Papa goes to work and Mom is busy in the
kitchen. Ayu is confused about what to do. He then tried the rag. First wipe the table. He lifted
the fruit box at the table. Ah, Ayu found a beautiful hair band.
"Wow, it fits my hair perfectly," Ayu said. The ribbon is then pinned to his hair.
Then Ayu wiped the four table chairs. Wow, he found one item on each seat. There is
a picture-colored book, a box of crayons, a wallet that says 'AYU', and a beautiful little comb.
On the sideboard, Ayu found a pair of doll shoes. The shoe is perfect for her Barbie doll. On
television he found a beautiful little ring. Cicin is decorated with colorful glass stones. The size
is very fitting on Ayu's ring finger.
When Ayu watched the sparkling light from the glass stone on the ring, Mama came.
He smiled sweetly. "Ayu," Mama said, "it's all for you. Mama deliberately hid it so you found
it. You like?"
Mama then took out a big birthday cake. On the cake there are six candles.
Ayu is very happy. "Thank you, Ma," he said joyfully. "Now I understand why Mama
gave me a washcloth on my birthday. Mama wants me to be busy, while Mama prepares a
surprise for me. Oh. What a beautiful birthday I am! "
One day I bought friends with firecrackers at noon at 1:35 a.m. at the firecracker shop,
I bought a Roman candle shot 6. On that day the 16th month of Ramadhan meant
commemorating Indonesian independence day and then I and friends returned from the
firecracker shop, we save first. said the novan, we will meet at my house, then my friends
answer yes. at 16:30 I gathered in the mushala al-iman and waited for iftar. we wait while
reciting and helping to prepare iftar, then we sit down, there are fathers, mothers, pilgrims, etc.
we wait and then there is a voice that ... it means it's breaking the fast, we pray dlu want
to eat and pray iftar, then I and my friends have finished eating and drinking, then we perform
keep going in sitting, we pray sunnah then have finished praying sunnah, then iqamah
stands the imam says takbir I follow because I am a believer, then I have finished praying
sunset. then I went back to my friends' houses and went home, the hours had passed Adzan
Isha'a had arrived we prayed Isha'a and Tarawih. we pray in congregation then the time has
passed is over, we go home each and the novan with me to tell friends we will gather to his
novan house, friend answered yes, just relax, then I go home for a while.
So I gathered at the novan where my friends had already arrived, then I saw at his
house Pak Jumadi preparing, cleaning, and cleaning for the ceremony. then the novan had taken
the firecrackers at his house, we went the road to bring the firecrackers and then we stopped at
a rather large terrace, there was a baby behind his house I told him not to turn on the firecrackers
and then slide up the firecrackers until hbs We are happy, bro, suddenly there are those who
have babies but we are chased then we stop for a while then we are not pursued anymore I
laugh hahahahaha then we come back again there are no more. we've learned hahahaha. do not
turn on the firecrackers if there is a baby, the heart can come off. this is my experience
I always lock my dorm room before leaving. However, strangely when I returned my
room was always a mess. Anything falls on the floor or not in the last place I put it. For a week
I didn't care about that. Until one day on Sunday, I decided not to leave the boarding house. I
want to know who is a fad.
That day I woke up in the afternoon, everything was still normal. There is nothing
strange in the room. However, when the wall clock shows at 2:00 p.m., I feel someone is
watching me in the corner of the room. I felt uncomfortable and decided to cook instant noodles
in the shared kitchen. When I returned, my books on the top shelf were scattered on the floor.
I'm confused, very confused. Then when I ate, the books that I had cleaned up immediately fell
to the floor. I am shocked! Then, other items began to fall. I'm getting confused, there's no
wind, no one else. I'm getting panicked, I'm confused and scared. Then, I tried to get out of the
room and the sounds of falling objects began to be heard from my room.
Then, I ventured to open the door again and at a glance saw a child with a bald head
and worn clothes on the shelf of my book. Then, the child disappeared smiling at me. Fear I
closed the door of the room and asked to move rooms with the owner of my boarding house.
That night me and my three friends were bored. That night was also Friday night, and
suddenly one of my friends invited us to play jelangkung. He said it was fun, but I and one
other friend immediately claimed not to be brave. However, two other friends continued to
force, we finally agreed.
Right at 11 o'clock at night, our preparations are complete. Start us with a ritual that
people already know. 10 minutes passed no strange things happened. We decided that there
was nothing in our boarding house. Finally, one of my friends decided to go to sleep, leaving
the three of us in my room.
Near one o'clock in the morning, we began to hear people clawing at the walls of my
room. I was confused, I thought only the usual garong cat wandered around the boarding house.
Not long ago, suddenly there was a loud knock on the door of my room. My friend immediately
went to open the door, but there were no people outside. All boarding house residents have
entered their respective rooms.
We began to panic, I asked my friends to stay in the room. However, the door to the
room, the window, and the door to my closet began to sound, like someone was banging. We
are very panicked and scared. We did not dare to be in the room, but also did not dare to see
what was outside. The truth is we closed our eyes and hid in blankets, three of them. We don't
know how long, we just try not to wet ourselves.
Eventually the voices disappeared, and I saw our jelangkung gone. I ventured to open
the door of the room, the jelangkung doll was outside the room. We decided to immediately
burn the doll. The next three nights I didn't dare to sleep in my room, I moved around in my
friends' room.

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