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Filipinos consider English as our secondary language, It all started when Filipinos started

to adapt the culture of the Americans when they came here in the Philippines in 1898. Since then

it helped the Filipinos look more professional if they are fluent in English which gives other

countries a competition, unfortunately, recent study shows that the fluent English speakers in the

Philippines has declined based on the test results conducted by the International English

Language Testing System (IELTS) which they said “was very disappointing” as Filipinos were

known to be fluent in English.

With that, the researchers did not let this pass and plans to take this opportunity to find

out what really has been happening regarding the Grade 9 student’s performance in English and

seek out what makes them hinder their true potential, In fact, the researchers noticed that some

students struggle when it comes to performing in English such as reading, writing, listening, and

speaking, but in order to prove such beliefs the researchers need to gain information about their

academic background.
This research will mainly focus on the effects of English language proficiency in the

academic performance of the Grade 9 students of Don. Alejandro Roces Sr. Science-Technology

High School.



This chapter will discuss the Research Design, Respondents of the Study, Research

Instruments and Procedure. The researchers gathered data about the study in Effects of English

Language in the Academic Performance of Grade 9 students in DARSSTHS.

Design of the study

This is an informational study in where we study about the Effects of English language

Proficiency in the Academic Performance of Grade 9 students in DARSSTHS. The study focuses

on the effects of English language proficiency in regards to academic performance in grade nine

level of Don Alejandro Roces Sr. Science-Technology High School.

Respondents of the Study

The researchers conducted survey questionnaires for the 80 Grade 9 level students of Don

Alejandro Roces Sr. Science-Technology High School. The researchers distributed eighty survey
questionnaires for grade 9 students.This will enable the researchers to be objective in the

gathering of the data needed for the researcher’s study.

Research Instruments

The survey questionnaire that was made by the researchers was the major instrument that

was used in this research study. The instrumentwas distributed to 80 students of Grade 9

level.The survey questionnaires are the primary instrument we used for the researchers to support

the topic of effects of English language proficiency. It is a10 item survey questionnaire with

multiple choices. The questionnaires used in this study was designed to obtain information and

opinion from the respondents. The researchers assured that the answers in the questionnaires that

are kept confidentially.


The study include a survey questionnaire that will be distributed to 80students of Grade 9

level which will help the researchers to gather information. Before the survey questionnaires

were distributed the researchers have listed different questions that can test the knowledge and

opinion of the students in Don Alejandro Roces Sr. Science-Technology High School about the

effects of English language proficiency. We used the recent researchers study or thesis related to
our topic, we also gathered information from the internet. The researchers will ask the

respondents to answer the said questionnaires during their free time or after class hours.And all

the survey questionnaires were tabulated and analyzed carefully for us to come up with a


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