Collector Subsystem (Air Collectors) : 3.6 Design

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Section 3 Detailed Design Collector Subsvstem Desim(A/C) - Pam 3-110



The collector subsystem is the most impoRant and usually the most
costly subsystem of any solar energy system. The design objective is to
develop a subsystem that will produce the design thermal performance at
minimum cost. Factors to be considered include:

Array design

- Selection of individual collector

- Verification of the collector slope and orientation
(selected in the conceptual phase)
- Determinationof collector size and number of
- Arrangement of collectors and collector arrays
- Design of structures to support collector.

Collector ducting design


. Collector subsystem component requirements

Design drawings and construction requirements

. Design reviews.

3.6.1 Array Design Collector A survey of available air collectors that are suited to the user's applica-
tion should be made. Collector arrangement studies are then recom-
mended to minimize overall area for mounting collectors and to obtain
the design square footage of the collectors. This is particularly important
where available area may be limited, such as on the building roof. Some
tradeoff between size of collectors and number of coliectors may be
necessary. The recommended procedure is outlined in the sections
below. Collector Size After selection of the specific collector type to be used, the A/E should
and Number select the collector size best suited to the application. Installationcosts
usually can be reduced by using large collectors; i.e., 4- x 8-ft or 4- x 10-
ft (1,219- x 2,438- or 1,219- x 3,048-mm) plates. The number of collec-
tors required is determined by dividing the total collector area calculated
in the feasibility study by the gross area of each collector as provided by
the collector manufacturer's specification sheet. Collector Slope Verly collector field orientation and collector slope angle used for
and Orientation feasibility study in Section 2. The preferred field orientation is facing true
south (in the Northern Hemisphere), but deviations up to &3O0 have
minor impact on solar energy system performance. Deviation from true
south may be necessary for roof-mounted collectors because of building
orientation. The preferred slope angle for winter space heating is equal
to the latitude plus IS0. High collector slope angles maximize solar

Solar Design Manual

Section 3 Detailed Design Collector Subsystem Desim(A/C) - Page 3-111
mergy generation during the winter. During summer, the reduced solar
peration capacrty resulting from high slope angle should be ample for
service water heating in most applications. Collector Field Layout Factors to be considered in the collector arrangement design are similar
to those for liquid collectors (see Section 3.3). Additional factors must be
:onsidered when designing an air collector heating system. The space
available for ducting, both into and out of the building envelope, must be
considered. The space necessary is considerably larger than for liquid
collector heating systems because of the size of the ducting. In addition,
with large and multistory buildings, there is normally more than one
heating zone (thermostat control). If the conventional heating system
design requires independent furnace units, distribution ducts, etc., it is
advisable (and perhaps required by fire codes) to also design separate,
independent solar collector loops to interface with the furnace units.

After the number of collectors, their size, orientation, and slope are
determined, the arrangement of the collector field should be established.
Normal practice is to fay out the collectors in an east-west row with as
many collectors in a row as can be accommodated. The number of
collectors is generally limited by the space required between collectors
for securing the collectors to the support structure. Most collectors have
openings on the back for inlet and outlet air ducts. For collectors with
openings on side frames, adequate space must be provided for cunnec-
tion of ducts to side frames and routing of ducts. a

North-south spacing between east-west rows must be adequate to

prevent any significant shading of rear collectors by the front (south)
collectors. The method for calculating this distance is demonstrated in
Section A limited amount of early morning and late afternoon
collector shading with minimum row spacing, as determined above,
should have negligible influence on solar energy system performance.

With minimum spacing defined, the optimum arrangement of the collec-

tors in the available space for the collector field must be determined. If
possible, it would be desirable to have some symmetry in the collectors-
per-row arrangement ta simplify collector ducting design and flow balanc-
ing after system installation. Some provisions for adding or reducing
collectors, as determined by system performance analysis, should be

The resulting collector arrangement should now be shown on a drawing

of the selected collector location. Dimensions locating the collector field
with respect to the building, as well as dimensions of and within the
collector field, should be added. Dimensionswill be useful for designing
the collector support structure and collector loop ducting. Design of Support Typically, 4- x 8-ft or 4- x 104 (1,219- x 2,438- or 1,219- x 3,048-mm) flat
Structure plate air collectors have the same overall configuration as liquid flat plate
collectors of similar size. Design requirements, factors, and features of
support structures for liquid flat plate collectors described in Sec-
tion are applicable to support structures for flat plate air collec-

Solar Design Manual

Section 3 Detailed Design Collector Subsystem Design(A/C) - Page 3-112
Space for large ducting for air being delivered to and returned from the
collectors is an additional consideration. Most air collectors require
individual inlet and outlet ducts. Provision for these ducts is usually 4- to
6-in.- (102- to l52-rnm-) diameter openings on the back sides of collec-
tors, typically near each end. Two-pass collector designs may have both
openings near one end. On some air collectors, duct openings are rec-
tangular and located on end or side frames.

Collector support structures must allow clear access of air ducts to the
openings. Backdraft dampers are sometimes installed in individual air
supply ducts and flow balancing dampers on air outlet ducts. Collector
support structures must allow easy access for damper installation
adjustments, maintenance, and replacement. Attachment of supports for
individual collector ducts and main ducting to the support structure
should also be included in the design.

3.6.2 Ductlng Design Detail designs of ducts, including materials, thickness, duct fabrication
method, and supports, should be in accordance with duct construction
requirements of SMACNA, "Installation Standards for Heating, Air
Conditioning, and Solar Systems," or other HVAC industry standards.
Pressure drop data for ducts, plenums, and fittings contained in the
above standard should be used for determination of duct pressure
losses. Pressure drop data for collectors, filters, air handlers, and
dampers should be obtained from potential manufacturers. From the
above data, total pressure drop through collector subsystem ducting
should be calculated when heated air is being delivered directly to space
heating and also to thermal storage. Ducting Arrangement of the headers and individual inlet and outlet ducts to and
from the collectors in the bank should provide reverse return flow, as
discussed in Section for liquid collectors. The design goal is to
provide the proper air flow through collectors to optimize thermal per-
formance while reducing fan power requirements to a reasonable level.
The total flow rate through collector loops should normally be equal to
the flow rate at which selected collectos were tested for performance
certificationtimes the number of collectors in the loop. The typical collec-
tor test flow rate is 3 cfm/ft2 (15 Usem2)of collector area or 96 cfm (45
Us)for 4- x 8 4 (1,219- x 2,438-mm) and 120 cfm (57 Us)for 4- x 1 0 4
(1,219-x 3,048-mm) collector sizes. Higher flow rates improve collector
performance and increase fan power; whereas, lower flow rates increase
outlet temperatures. Typical pressure drop through each collector
should be between 0.25 and 0.50 in. of water (62 and 124 Pa). Total
pressure drop of the collector subsystem ducting should be limited to 1 to
2 in. of water (249 to 498 Pa) for smaller commercial systems and 2 to 3
in. (498 to 747 Pa) for very large systems to permit use of available
commercial fans with practical power requirements. This includes
pressure losses through collectors, ducting, all dampers, filters, and
thermal storage. Typically, 50% of losses are attributable to collectors
and the balance to duct system and thermal storage. Total duct system
losses (excluding losses through collectors and rock box) should be held
to 0.25 to 0.50 in. of water (62 to 124 Pa) for smaller systems and 0.50 to
0.75 in. of water (124 to 187 Pa) for very large systems.

Concern for air leakage from collector subsystem ducting is much greater
than for conventional W A C systems because of higher internal air
Section 3 - Detailed Design Collector Subsystem Design(A/C) - Page 3-113

pressures, longer runs, routing through unheated spaces, and longer

system operation. Designs of duct systems, includingconnections lo
various fittings, collectors, air handlers, thermal storage pebble boxes,
and dampers, should limit air leakage to less than 5% of the total loop
flows. All ducting joints should be sealed with sealant approved for
HVAC use.

Duct routing should be designed for minimum run lengths consistent with
space available. Most air collectors are designed with individual air inlet
and outlet openings on the back side with inlets at lower ends and outlets
at upper ends. If selected collectors have provision for side-by-side
stacking for parallel air flow through coltectors, such configurations
reduce the number of air inlet and outlet ducts from main ducts and
should be utilized within the limits of any overall pressure drop increase.
Manufacturers of proposed collectors should be consulted on the type of
flow balancing dampers to be installed at collector air outlet openings
and also on whether backdraft dampers should be installed on inlets.

To prevent potential contamination and subsequent fouling of thermal

storage pebble beds, filters must be provided in ducts routing air to both
openings (hot and cold). Filters must be located for easy access for
inspection, cleaning, and replacernent. Filters must be located in ducts
where air flows always in one direction, as illustrated by Figure 3-14. Insulation Wherever possible, SMACNA recommendations for duct insulation a

should be used. All outdoor metallic ducts require insulationto provide a

minimum of R-8 (ft2-h~*F)/Btu [I . 4 ( t ~ ? ~ ~and
C ) must
/ ~ be weather-
proofed to withstand all elements, including ultraviolet radiation. lndoor
ducts routed through unheated areas shall also require insulation with
minimum value of R-8 (ft%h*OF)/Btu[I .4(m2eoC)/W1.lndoor ducts routed
through normally conditioned areas, including those within walls, ceilings,
and floor spaces, shall require insulation with minimum value of R-4
(ft2eha0F)/Btu [O.7(m2eoC)/w.

Specified insulation installation requirements should be in accordance

with recommendations of the manufacturer.

3.6.3 Collector Subsystem The main components of the collector subsystems of an air collector
Component Requirements solar heating system are:
Solar collector

Fan assembly

@ Remotely controlled dampers

Manual dampers

Backdraft dampers

a Insulation.

Detail designs of collector subsystems are based on selected configura-

tions and performances of these components. Configurations and
performance requirements should be selected from the survey and
Section 3 Detailed Design Collector Subsystem Design(A/C) - Page 3-114
evaluation of currently available commercial components. Requirements
selected and used during the design process must be properly docu-
mented to ensure that configurations and expected performance of
components actually installed correspond to the design requirements.
This should be accomplished by specification of pertinent requirernenls
on the appropriate component specification sheets provided in Section
4.3.3. Solar Collector Collectors for air heating systems perform the same important function
as those for liquid heating systems. Coliector configurations are similar
for both systems. Differences relate mainly to the specific heat and
density of air compared with liquid heat transfer fluids. The lower specific
heat of air, 0.24 versus f .O Btu/(lbm°F) [I
.0versus 4 kJ/(kg**C)], requires
higher mass flow rates to remove the energy being converted by the
collector absorbers, and the lower density requires that a much larger
volume be handled. In most commercial air collectors, air is circulated
from one end to the opposite end through one or more channels between
the absorber plate and the back insulation. A spacing of about 1 in. (25.4
mm) is commonly used. In other types of collectors, air is passed
between the absorber plate and cover glazing, or air is circulated in
contact with both top and bottom surfaces of the absorber plate. Collec-
tors are designed to mount on support structures very similar to liquid
collectors. (Some air collectors designed to be mounted integrally on
walls or on steep roofs are generally less than 24 in. (610 mm) wide, but
have lengths varying from 2 to 12 ft (610 to 3,658 mm). These collectors
are designed primarily for residential applications.)

To achieve maximum thermal output, air collectors should be selected

based on ASHRAE collector efficiency curves reported at comparable
test flow rates. If ratings are at significantly diff erent flow rates, direct
comparisons may be misleading, and ifthe flow rate finally used is lower
than test rate, efficiency will be lower. Selections should be made from
collectors that exhibit the best efficiencies (based on ASHRAE curves) in
the range of expected collector operation (X-axis). Collectors with the
best efficienciesand tested at the lowest air flow rate should be selected
for the design if price, durability, and other factors are comparable. It
should be recognized, however, that considerations other than efficiency,
such as price, may dictate selection.

Using the previously discussed selection criteria, configuration, features,

and performance parameters should be selected for the design purpose
and for defining acceptable collectors that can be used for the installa-
tion. Where possible, requirements should be selected so they can be
accommodated satisfactorily by two or more of the currently available
collectors. This allows some freedom of choice for the system installer,
particularly ifone of the candidate collectors becomes unavailabie or
develops unacceptable procurement lead time or cost increase. The
specification information needed to ensure proper selection of air collec-
tors is shown in Section 4.3.3. a n Assembly Fan assemblies for collector subsystems must provide the design flow
rate to the collector under operating conditions with minimum power
consumption. The pressure drops to deliver design flow either directly to
space heating or to thermal storage were determined during collector
system duct design in Section Where pressure drops for the two

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Section 3 Detailed Design
w --
Collector Subsystem Design(A/C) -Page 3-115
operational modes are different, the pressure drop when delivering
heated air directly to space heating should be used to optimize solar
energy system performance under this mode. Flow rates during delivery
to storage will then be higher or lower with some resultant performance

Use of two fans, one for collector loop and another for space heating
load loop, allows performance of both fans to be optimized.

Where fans are located in heated air return ducts from collectors, tem-
perature adjustment to both flow and pressure requirements for fans
must be made. The correction factor, F, for both flow and head require-
ments is:


t = air temperature in the duct, with 150°F (66OC) maximum

t,= room temperature; use t, = 70°F (21OC)

For example: assume air temperature = 150°F (66OC)and room tem-

perature = 70°F (21%)

F = (150 + 460)1(70 + 460) = 1.I51 for typical system

[F = (66 -t273)/(21 + 273) = 1351 for typical system]

Regardless of where fans are located, the cabulated flow requirements

for fans should be increased by approximately 10 to 2SoA in specifying
the fan to allow for potential inaccuracies in the pressure drop calcula-
tions and the tolerances of the headlflow characteristics of fans. Higher
allowance values should be used for systems with long, complex ducting.
HeadAlow requirements are used by the system installer to select fans
for a given application.

Where possible, fans should be driven by motors located outside of the

hot air duct. This aliows easy adjustment of fan speeds by changing
pulley diameters to achieve desired flow rates under actual operating
pressure drops. Drive motor replacement for repair or for size change is
also facilitated. Direct-coupled or belt-driven drive motors within the
heated air stream require motors capable of operating continuously in the
hot air environment.

Specification requirements for fans include, but are not limited to, those
indicated in Section 4.3.3, Engineering judgment should be used to
determine values or inputs for parameters not discussed. Remotely Actuated Remotely operated (by control system) dampers either allow or stop flow
Damper Assembly along the designated flow path. Ideally, dampers should cause minimum
flow resistance when open and positive flow isolation when closed.
Damper blade@) should have sealing edges of felt, rubber, or of other
durable and flexible material. Dampers must be installed so that any

Solar Design Manual

Section 3 - Detailed Design Collector Subsystern Design(A/C) - Page 3-116
back pressure will assist sealing. Control dampers are typically electric
motor or pneumatically operated with positive drive in both open and
closed positions. Ifpossible, actuators selected should be the same type
(electric or pneumatic) as used in the main HVAC system. Actuating
shafts of dampers must be long enough to extend through 1 or 2 in. (25
or 51 mm) of insulation applied to the ducts. If duct dimensions are large
[over 12 in. (305mm) in diameter or over 12 x 18 in. (305 x 457 mm)],
rnuhiblade dampers should be used. To help identifydamper positions,
c?xternalmeans of indicating damper position should be provided.

n some systems, pairs of remotely operated dampers are also used to

nodulate flow volume through a flow path. An exampie is to mix the
solar-heated air and room return air to control the temperature of heated
air delivered by the space heating system. Such systems will require a
Feedback control system to control relative positions of blade@)in paired
dampers. When multiblade dampers are used for these applications,
adjacent blades should rotate in opposite directions.
Specification requirements for remote dampers include, but are not
limited to, those indicated in Section 4.3.3. Engineeringjudgment should
be used to determine values or inputs for parameters not discussed. Manually Operated Manually operated dampers are used to isolate or divert flow path
Damper Assembly manually, such as diverting flow away from thermal storage during
nonheating seasons. Basically, they are similar to remotely operated
dampers except that blades must be manually positioned and locked in
place. Thus, manual operators must have positive locking mechanisms
in both the open and closed positions.

Specification requirements for manual dampers include, but are not

limited to, those indicated in Section 4.3.3. Engineering judgment shouM
be used to determine values or inputs for parameters not discussed. Backdraft Damper Backdraft dampers act as check valves to permit flow only in one direc-
Assembly tion. Ideally, they should provide positive flow isolation in the closed
direction and minimum flow restriction in the open direction. To achieve
this goal, sealing action of blades or flaps to backflow and opening action
of blades or flaps should be self-actuated, either by back pressure or flow

Specification requirements for backdraft dampers include, but are not

limited to, those indicated in Section 4.3.3. Engineering judgment should
be used to determine values or inputs for parameters not discussed. Handler Units An air handier unit may integrate fans, damper, heat exchanger, and filter
into a single unit. The units are normally designed for a specific system.
Detail drawings for an air handler unit must completely define the final
configuration and other requirements to enable solar energy system in-
stallers to fabricate, or have fabricated, an economical, acceptable, and
reliable unit. The requirements for insulation are similar to those discussed for liquid
colector solar energy systems in Section

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Section 3 Detailed Design Collector Subsystem Design(A/C) - Page 3-117

3.6.4 Design Drawlngs and Design drawings and construction requirements generated during this
Construction Requirements phase must physically define and indicate detail design, construction,
and installation requirements of collector subsystems. Requirements of
applicable standards, codes, and practices should be cited wherever
possible. The following are the minimum information and details to be
.includedin these documents:
. Collector Arrangement

- Arrangement of collectors in rows and number of

collector rows within collector field
- Overall size of collector field, location with respect to
identifiable building features, field orientation with
respect to true south, and any building obstwctions
that must be avoided (see Figure 3-19).
a Collector Support Sttucture

- Overall configuration with all necessary dimensions

- Material, size, and fastening o r attachment method
of each member of structure, which permits struc-
tural sections for each collector row to be shop-fabri-
- Methods for installation of prefabricated structure
assembly to the building (roof or wall), including all
dimensions required to properly locate structure
assemblies within coltector .field
- Details for sealing any penetrations required through
building exteriors (roof or walls) for installation of
suppart structure.
Collector Installation

- Instatlationdetails of collectors on support structure

showing relative locations with dimensions of each
collector on support structure
- Method for dielectrical separation of collector frame
from the support structure, ifisolation is necessary
- Details for securing collector frame to supprt
structure, including specific fasteners and hardware
items such as clips, brackets, etc.
Air Duct Routing

- Plans and elevations of air duct routing from collec-

tors to identified HVAC interface and to pebble bed
thermal storage, as well as air ducts from HVAC
interface and pebble bed to collectors

Solar Design Manual

Section 3 Detailed Design Collector Slrbsystem Design(A/C) - Page 3-118

- Dimensions of air ducts and locations of any duct

configuration changes
- Locations of fan, dampers, and filters relative to
identifiable building features
- Details of duct branching to and from main collector

Air Duct Construction

- Construction details, including materials, thickness,
dimensions, and seaming methods of all noncom-
mercial ducting sections and materials and thickness
- ----
of commercially available duct and fitting where use
is specified
- Method of joining and sealing duct sections (refer to
SMACNA duct construction standard where appli-
- Provisions for installing sensors and other instru-
ments required for controls and instrumentation
selected in Section 3.8.

Air Duct Instatlation

- Typical methods for connection of duct sections and
attachment of fittings (elbows, branches, etc.)
- Details for installation of various dampers and filter

- Details for duct supports

- Methods for connection of ducts to collector, damp-
ers, filters, pebble beds, and HVAC interfaces.

Air Duct Penetration Sealing

- Method for attachment of ducts at or near penetra-
tions through building exterior
- Methods and materials for sealing duct penetrations.

Air Duct Sealing and Insulation

- Materials and methods for sealing all duct connec-
t ions
- Materials and thicknesses of insulation
- Methods for insulation of dampen,filters, and fan

Solar Design Manual

Section 3 Detailed Design Collector Subsystem Design(A/C) - Page 3-119
I - Materials and methods for weatherproofing insula-
tion installed on outdoor ducts.

Air Handler Units (if used) or Related Components

- Overall configurations with dimensions

- Material thickness and detail shapes of various
- Methods for attachment and fastening of various
members to complete assemblies

- Finishing of completed assemblies

- Methods for installation of various components that
are integrated with units
- Physical and performance requirements of inte-
grated components.

Installation of Air Handler Units or Related Components

- Location and methods for installation of units
- Fitup and attachment method for various interfacing
- Materials, thicknesses, and locations of thermal

3.6.5 Design Reviews of Air Preliminary design reviews should be conducted in accordance with
Collector Subsystems procedures of Section 3.1 0 when the following efforts are completed:
System schematic diagram
* Collector arrangements
Collector support structure overall configuration layout

Analysis of the effects of collector system on the building

w Collector air duct routing

Sizing of ducting and duct pressure loss calculations

Preliminary selection of collector subsystem component


Preliminary selection of overall configuration and inter-

faces of air handler unit (if used) or related components.

Any changes resulting from preliminary design reviews should be

Solar Design Manual
Final system design reviews described in Section 3.10 should be per-
formed when all design activities, including all analyses, are completed.
These reviews should be conducted in conjunction with final design
reviews of storage subsystem and electrical, instrumentation, and control

Details and drawings must then be updated to reflect incorporation of all

agreed-upon and approved changes resulting from design reviews.

Solar Design Manual

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