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Banker’s Indemnity Policy

Underwriting Manual



S.No. Description Page No.

1. Scope of Cover 3

2. Important Exclusions 4

3. Important Conditions 5

4. Important Provisions 6

5. Premium & Period of Insurance 7

6. Rating of Premium 8

7. Endorsement 11

8. Proposal Form 17


The Banks/ Financial Institutions carry a heavy financial risk in their day to day operation. For this
purpose, ITGI has come out with a policy called “Bankers’ Indemnity“ to cater to the needs of
Banks, Financial Institutions. The cover can be given to following category of Banks/Financial
Institutions :-

-a Banking company as defined in Section 5 of the Banking Regulations Act, 1949;

-a corresponding new Bank constituted by the Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of
Undertaking) Act, 1970.
-the State Bank of India constituted by State Bank of India Act, 1955;
-Associate Bank as defined in Section 2 of the State Bank of India(Subsidiary Banks) Act, 1959;
-Co-operative Banks as defined in Section 56(a) of the Banking Regulation Act 1949;
-Regional Rural Banks established under Section 3(1) of the Regional Rural Banks Act (21 of
1976) and
-Any Bank established under a Land Mortgage Bank Act or Land Development Bank Act of any
-Any Other Bank/Financial Institution which has been established and is functioning under the
Guidelines of RBI but excluding any NBFC.


The ITGI will indemnify the Insured against loss of Money/Securities sustained:

a) On Premises:
by any reason of Money and/or Securities which belong to Insured or in their responsibility, custody
in their own Premises or in premises of their Bankers deposited in safe deposit for purpose of
exchange, conversion with Issuers or its agents or with any person employed to manage
exchange or conversion; lost or destroyed due to fire, Riot & Strike, Burglary or Housebreaking,
Theft, Robbery or Hold up by any person including employees of Insured.

b) In Transit:
Money or Securities being lost, stolen, mislaid, misappropriated or made away with whether due to
negligence or fraud of the employees or otherwise whilst in transit in hands of such employees
from the point it is received and to continue until thereof at destination.

c) Forging or Alteration:
By reason of the payment made in respect of bogus or fictitious or forged or raised cheques and/or
drafts and/or genuine cheques and/or Travellers Cheques and/or Gift Cheques, Drafts, FDRs
(excluding Bills of Discount and other Credit facilities) issued by the Insured bearing forged
endorsements or establishment of Credit.

d) Dishonesty:
Loss of Money and/or Securities by reason of fraud, dishonesty of employees of Insured
which have been committed singly or in connivance with others.

e) Hypothecated Goods:
By reason of fraud and/or dishonesty by employees of Insured in respect of any goods pledged or
hypothecated to Insured and under his control.

f) Registered Postal Sending:

Due to loss by Robbery, Theft or other causes not excluded whilst in direct transit or intended to be
despatched by Registered Post from Insured’s office to the consignee provided that such Parcel
Post is insured.

Limit of Liability:
10% of Basic Sum Insured or Rs.50,000/- whichever is less for one consignment.

g) Appraisers:
Loss due to infidelity or criminal acts on part of Appraisers which are on approved list of Insured
approached and selected after thorough scrutiny.

Limit of Liability for one loss or all losses :

5% of Basic Sum Insured or Rs.25,000/- whichever is less.

h) Janta Agents/Chhoti Bachat Yojna Agents/Pygmic Collectors:

Due to infidelity or criminal acts on part of above agents provided that
1. these agents are part time commission agent of the Bank
2. they are appointed after full scrutiny about their credentials which is guaranteed by
reliable independent persons.

Limit of Liability:
5% of Basic Sum Insured or Rs.20,000/- whichever is less for each agent.


The Company shall not be liable for:

1. Act of God Perils such as Earthquake, Volcanic eruption, Subterranean fire or other Convulsions of
nature, Flood, Inundation, Hurricane, Typhoon, Storm, Tempest, Tornado, Cyclone or Atmospheric
2. War, Act of foreign enemy, hostilities, Mutiny, Military or popular rising insurrection.
3. Nuclear perils.
4. Losses due to negligent act or omission of Insured Employee and/or wrongful act of Directors,
partners of Insured other than salaried one.
5. Loss of Money, Securities, personal property confided to Insured of which the value and description
have not been ascertained before the loss.

6. Losses resulting from trading, actual or fictitious in the name of Insured or not with or without
knowledge of Insured and not withstanding any act or omission on the part of any employee in
connection herewith whether acting within the scope of authority or with any account recording the
7. Losses attributable directly or indirectly to a manipulation or faulty computer or EDP System and/or
any fraudulent use of the computer of other EDP system by employee or outsiders whether these
computers or EDP System belongs to Insured or shared with others.
8. Loss due to any act committed by concerned employee(s) after a discovery of loss in which the
said employee(s) was involved.


1. Audit:
The Accounts of Insured shall be audited by Statutory Auditors of Insured annually.

2. Examination of Books of Accounts:

In case of any loss, the authorised Representative of the Company has a right to examine
into circumstances of such loss and the Insured shall produce all Books of Accounts,
Receipts and documents relating to or containing entries relating to the loss in his
possession and will also show Internal Inquiry Report for determination of the negligence,
the involvement of employee so far all those documents relate to claim and will in any way
enable company to ascertain the liability.

3. Right to Recoveries:
Any amount which but for the acts or defaults on which the claim shall be found, would
have become payable by Insured to his employee in respect of whom a claim is made
hereunder or any other money which shall be due to such employee from Insured shall be
deducted from the amount payable under this Policy and all the monies, estates and
effects of such employee in the hands of Insured or received or possessed by Insured
and all claims which may be or prior to the settlement of the claim from Insured to the
employee and also all monies or effects which shall come into possession of Insured or
Insured’s power for or on account of such Employee in respect of whom any claim shall be
made on this Policy shall be applied by Insured towards making good the amount of this
claim under this Policy in priority to any other claim of Insured upon such monies, estates
or effects. The Company shall without thereby being held to admit any claim or being
held to admit any claim be entitled at any time in the name Company or Insured’s name
to take steps for recovery of any property claimed for and Insured shall be bound to give
the Company all information and reasonable assistance in so doing. The Insured may
also be required as a condition of any settlement, to procure and give to the Company a
valid legal title to the property settled. Any money recovered after settlement of any claim
shall be over property not exceeding, however, the amount paid by US.

4. Subrogation:
The Insured and any Claimant under this Policy shall at the expense of the Company do
and concur in doing are permit to be done all such acts and things as may be necessary or

reasonably required by the Company for the purpose of enforcing any rights and remedies
or of obtaining relief or indemnity from other parties to which the Company shall be or
would become entitled or subrogated upon the Company paying for or making good any
loss or damage under this Policy whether such acts and things shall be or become
necessary or required before or after the Insured’s indemnification by the Company.

5. Contribution:
If at the time of any loss covered by this Policy there shall be any other insurance covering
the same property whether affected by the Insured or not, then the Company shall not be
liable for more than its rateable proportion thereof.


1. Excess:
2% of basic sum insured or 25% of each loss, whichever is higher, except for those losses
caused by Fire, Riot and Strike, Burglary and Housebreaking Risks under item 1 to 5 of
Scope of Cover but not exceeding Rs.50,000/-

In respect of loss under 6, 7 and 8, 25% of each loss in Excess.

2. Reinstatement:
During all the times in the period of Insurance, the Sum Insured will be maintained to the
full extent. Accordingly after settlement of any loss, pro-rata premium at the basic rate for
the unexpired period for the amount of loss will be payable by Insured to the company and
such premium will be deducted from the loss amount. The continuous cover to the full
extent will be available, not withstanding any previous loss for which the company may
have paid and irrespective of the fact whether additional premium as mentioned above has
been actually paid or not following discovery of loss. The intention of this clause is to
ensure continuity of the cover to the Insured subject only to right of the company for
deduction from the claim amount when settled, of pro-rata premium to be calculated from
the date of discovery of each independent loss till expiry of Policy under which the loss

However, the liability of the company will be limited to twice the Sum Insured during the
entire period of Policy. Thus Reinstatement provision will not apply to such losses not
discovered within six calendar months from the date of non-renewal or cancellation of the

3. Retroactive period:
The company shall not be liable

a) for losses not discovered within the period of this Insurance.

b) Losses not discovered within six calendar months next following the date of expiry or
the date of cancellation. However, if during the above mentioned six months, there is
any other Insurance then this Policy will not cover losses covered by other Policy.

c) For losses not sustained within a retroactive period not beyond 2 years from the date
of discovery of any loss.

4. Valuation of Securities:
It shall be taken as average market price or value in Rupees on the date of discovery of
such loss (omitting Sundays and Holidays). If there is no market price or value of any of
them on such day, then the value shall be agreed between the respective parties and in
the event of difference as ascertained by Arbitration.

5. Valuation of Jewellery, Ornaments:

It will be as per 100% value recorded in the register of the Bank at the time of pledging

Premium and Period of Insurance:

1. The Premium quoted in this Manual is for one year.

2. Normally the Banks want the coverage under this Policy should be coincidental with their
financial year. Therefore in the first year of coverage it is allowed that if the insurance
commences from a date other then the date of commencement of financial year, the
Insurance can be restricted upto the end of financial year so that from next financial year,
the period of cover is same as that of financial year. For this purpose the pro-rata
proportion of Annual Premium will be collected.

However, in any other situation, the period of Insurance shorter than 12 months will call for
short period rates.

3. No instalment facility for payment of premium.

Additional Limit in covers(BIP5):

It is possible to increase the limits of Sum Insured higher than Basic Sum Insured for Item 1 (on
premises) and Item 2 (in transit) by appropriate additional premium. However, for any additional
Sum Insured for any other item i.e.
3 (Forgery), 4 (Dishonesty) and 5 (Hypothecated Goods): The sum Insured can only be increased
with the permission from Corporate office of ITGI.


During any time in the Period of Insurance, the Sum Insured cannot be increased. However for
specific occasion, where the client is very important and there is genuine reason then in that
situation, the Corporate Office of ITGI can allow to increase the Sum Insured for any particular item
by taking appropriate additional premium.

For example:

In situation like curfew, Natural calamity or due to other technological reasons (Y2k), the Bank may
have to keep a higher deposit of Cash at their premises. In that situation, the Sum Insured can be
increased by paying additional premium.

Cancellation Clause:

The Policy can be cancelled by the Company at any time and in that case the company will refund
on pro-rata basis. However, if the Policy is cancelled at the Insured’s request then in that situation
the company will retain the premium on following short period provided that there has not been any

Short Period Scale Rate of Annual Premium

Period upto 1 Month 25%
1 month to 2 months 37.5%
2 months to 3 months 50%
3 months to 4 Months 62.5%
4 months to 5 months 75%
Beyond 6 months 100%

Rating of the Premium

1. Basic Premium (Item 1 to 8 of Policy) – 6% on the Basic Sum Insured.

2. premium for staff: The number of staff will be taken as existing as on commencement of Policy
Period plus 5% thereof for normal increase in staff during the period of Insurance.

a) Basic Sum Insured upto Rs.2 Lac Rs.10 per Employee.

b) Basic Sum Insured from Rs.2 Lac to Rs.5 Additional Rs.1.25 per Employee per lac or
Lac part
c) Basic Sum Insured from Rs.5 lacs to Rs.13.75+Rs.0.60 per
Rs.10 lacs Employee per lac or part
Rs.16.75 + Additional Rs.0.25%
b) Beyond the Sum Insured of per employee for each lac or
Rs.10 lacs part thereof beyond Rs.10 lacs.

Therefore aggregate rate per employee will be arrived.

Premium for Staff = Total No. of staff x Aggregate Rate.

Note: The staff Premium as per above has to be based on all existing employees (officers, clerks,
sub staff) whether permanent or temporary, whole time or part time, or on contract on otherwise
including apprentices on the roll of Bank at all of its offices at the beginning of period of Insurance
plus 5% increase in the total no. of staff. The number of appraisers, Janta Agents, Pyre Collectors
and Chhoti Bachat Yojana performing duties of a like nature should be added to the number of
employees for this purpose.

1. Discounts: Where the number of branches is 500 or below, the discount in total premium
may be granted as under:

No. of Branches Discount

01 to 25 25%
26 to 50 20%
51 to 100 17.5%
101 to 200 15%
201 TO 300 10 %
301 TO 500 5%
Above 500 Nil

2. Good Feature Discount:

There would be a discount for good features such as distinct stationery, various liability Insurances
taken vendors who supply the stationery, manage phone banking, call centres; Security measures,
location of the Bank and its branches proper transfer policy for employees, and officials of the
Bank, then a further discount upto 15% may be considered

Note:- Please note that all the discounts except for no. of branches are strictly at discretion of
Corporate Office of ITGI.

3. Additional Premium for higher limit:

The additional coverage in respect of Item 1 and 2 (on Premises and in transit) in addition
to the basic Sum Insured should be charged at 1% on the additional sum Insured. The additional
premium for any other item should be charged at 1.5% on additional sum Insured for other items.
However, it is prescribed that the additional coverage for Item 3, 4, 5 should be given only after due
clearance from Corporate office of ITGI and normally it should be avoided.

EXTENSIONS under Bankers’ Indemnity Policy:

1. Change in Excess Clause (BIP 1):

The excess for Item 1 to 5 of the Policy is 25% of each loss or 2% of the Basic Sum
Insured whichever is higher, but not exceeding Rs.50,000/-. Each loss in respect of each discount
or criminal act shall be treated as a separate loss. The excess will not however apply to loss or
damage arising out of Fire, Riot and Strike, Burglary and Housebreaking Risks.

In respect of losses under Item 6, 7 and 8, the Insured shall bear 25% of each loss.

The Excess of this Policy can be changed as under:

a) The Insured shall bear first 25% of each loss under Item 1 to 5 or 2% of the basic Sum Insured
whichever is lower and in no case the amount will exceed Rs.50,000/-.

b) The Excess for Item 6,7 and 8 can be reduced from 25% of each loss to 10% of the basic Sum
Insured. For every reduction in the Excess limit by 5%, the premium will be loaded by 1 to 5%.

However with the experience and at request of insured, the Excess clause can be suitably altered
and in exceptional cases, the excess can be removed totally.

The change in excess clause will require payment of additional premium by loading the premium
by 10 percent to 20 percent depending upon the situation like the type of Bank, basic Sum Insured.
The higher the basic Sum Insured, Network of Branches being very big, the loading will be higher.

2. Coverage for earthquake, volcanic eruption, subterranean fire or any other

convulsions of nature(BIP2):-The above perils are excluded under the policy. However on
payment of additional loading of 2%of the premium , the above risk can be covered for the
premises i.e on premise.

3. Coverage for Flood, Inundation, Hurricane, Typhoon, Storm, Tempest, Tornado,

Cyclone, Atmospheric disturbances(BIP2): These perils can be covered at the loading of
Premium by 1% on the premium. However, this peril will be applicable only for losses on

4. Retroactive Period Cover Amendment(BIP3): The provision of Retroactive period cover can
be amended. In that event, the premium will be loaded by 10 to 20% against depending upon the
situation. The implication of this amendment is as under:
For losses not sustained within a retroactive period upto 2 years from the date of discovery, the
Company is not liable. However, this period of 2 years can be waived off or the period can be
increased or reduced. If there is no mention of retroactive period then the retroactive period will be
from the First day of inception of policy. However, in no event, the company shall be liable to pay
any claim in respect of losses sustained prior to inception of the original Policy.

5. Coverage for losses due to manipulation, faulty computer or EDP system and/or any
fraudulent use of Computer or EDP programme(BIP4): Though this peril is under exclusion,
however, on payment of additional premium by 10 to 20%, the risk can be covered for losses
occurring under Item 3 and 4.

Basis of Rating:
The above ratings, discounts and loading have been provided based on Market rates. However,
these rates are indicative ones and based on Claim Experience, addition of new perils, the rates
will go up or go down.

New coverages

Depending upon the situation the policy can also cover the documents such as Deposit account
folder, loan files and agreement and transit of documents related to business of banks can be
covered for transportation within the city.

BIP 1: Change in Excess Clause.

Endorsement attached to and forming part of Policy No………………………

It is hereby agreed and declared that Notwithstanding anything in written the

mentioned Policy contained, the Excess clause under Provision 1) of the Policy
will be read as under not otherwise as stated in the Policy :

“You shall bear the first 25% of each loss under item 1 to 5 of ‘What is
covered’ or 2% of the basic Sum Insured whichever is lower, but not
exceeding Rs.50,000/-.”

Each loss in respect of each dishonest or criminal act shall be treated as a

separate loss.

The Excess will not however apply to loss arising out of Fire, Riot and Strikes,
Burglary and Housebreaking risks.

In respect of loss under Item 6,7, 8 of “What is Covered” you shall bear first
………% of each loss.

In consideration whereof an additional premium of Rs……….. is charged to you.

Subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exceptions of this Policy.

Authorised Signatory


BIP2: Coverage for Earthquake, Volcanic Eruption, Subterranean Fire or any
other Convulsions of nature and/or Flood Inundation, Hurricane, Typhoon, Storm,
Cyclone or Atmospheric disturbances.

Endorsement attached to and forming part of Policy No………………………

It is hereby agreed and declared that notwithstanding anything in the within the
mentioned Policy, the exclusion No.1(a) and/or 1(b) of “What is not covered” of
the Policy is deleted for the purpose of item 1 “On Premises” of “What is
Covered.” Accordingly the Item 1 “On Premises” of what is covered will be read
as under, not otherwise as stated in the Policy;

1. On Premises:- By reasons of any and/or securities for which you are

responsible or interested in or the custody of which you have undertaken and
which now are by you supposed or believed to be or at any time during the
period of Insurance may be in or upon your own premises (including Mobile
office) or upon premises of your bankers in any recognised place of safe,
deposit or lodged or deposited in the ordinary course of business for
exchange, conversion with the issuers or with any person employed to
procure or manage the exchange, conversion or registration there of being
(while so in or on such premises or so placed, lodged or deposited as
aforesaid lost, destroyed or otherwise made away with by;

a) Fire, Riot and Strike, Terrorism, Burglary or Housebreaking, Theft, Robbery

or Hold up whether within or without and whether by your employee or any
other person(s) whomsoever.

b) Earthquake, Volcanic Eruption, Subterranean fire or any other convulsion of


c) Flood, Inundation, Hurricane, Typhoon, Storm, Cyclone or Atmospheric

disturbances (not applicable to mobile offices)

In consideration whereof an additional premium of Rs……….. is charged to you.

Subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exceptions of this Policy.

Authorised Signatory


BIP3 : Retroactive period Cover Amendment.

Endorsement attached to and forming part of Policy No………………………

It is hereby agreed and declared that notwithstanding anything in the within the
mentioned Policy contained to the contrary, the item 4 of Provisions mentioned.
“Retroactive Period of Cover” will be read as under, not otherwise as stated in
the Policy:

4. Retroactive Active period of Cover:

We shall not be liable:
a) for losses not discovered within period of this Insurance.
b) In the event of non renewal/or cancellation of this Policy, for losses not
discovered within …….calendar months as the case may be (provided that
if there be any other insurance in force during the said……calendar
months whether effected by you or otherwise, this Policy shall not cover
or contribute to any other loss covered by such other insurance).

c) For losses not sustained within a retroactive period not exceeding

…….years from the date of discovery of any such loss or losses.

Provided that in such retroactive period, the Insurance was continuously in

force but in no event We shall be liable to pay any claim in respect of loss
sustained prior to inception of the original Policy.

Further it is provided that losses which become payable under this clause
shall be subject to the terms, conditions, exceptions of the Policy currently
in force or on the date of discovery.

In consideration whereof an additional premium of Rs……….. is charged to you.

Subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exceptions of this Policy.

Authorised Signatory


BIP4 : Coverage for losses due to a manipulation or faulty computer or
other EDP System or fraudulent use of the computer, or EDP system by
employees or outsiders..

Endorsement attached to and forming part of Policy No………………………

It is hereby agreed and declared that notwithstanding anything in the within the
mentioned Policy contained to the contrary, the item (7) of “What is not covered”
stands deleted in respect of clause (3) “Forgery or Alteration” and clause (4)
“Dishonesty” of What is covered” .

In consideration whereof an additional premium of Rs……….. is charged to you.

Subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exceptions of this Policy.

Authorised Signatory


BIP 5 : Additional limits in Cover.

Endorsement attached to and forming part of Policy No………………………

It is hereby agreed and declared that notwithstanding any thing in the within the
mentioned Policy contained to contrary, the Sum insured in respect of clause…..
of the Policy is increased from Rs…… Rs……………

In consideration whereof an additional premium of Rs…… charged to


Subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exceptions of this Policy.

Authorised Signatory



1.(a) Name of Bank (a)

(b) Address: (i) Regd.Office: (i)

(ii)Head/Central Office: (ii)

2.(a) State the total Number of At the beginning of the previous

Financial Year
(i) Employees (officers, Clerks and Sub Staff) (I)
whether permanent or temporary, whole-time
or part time, on contract or otherwise including

(ii) Appraisers, Janata Agents, Chhoti Bachat (ii)

Yojna Agents, Pigmy Collectors and other
Persons performing duties of a like nature.

(b) State the total No. of branches in India and INDIA ABROAD
abroad existing at present Total:

3.(a) Are you at present insured under a (a)

Bankers Indemnity Policy? If so, state
the name of the company and the
amount and period of Insurance.

(b) Have you made a proposal for insurance (b)

of this nature to any insurance Company?
If so, with what result?

(c) Has any proposal for Insurance of this ©

nature been declined by any Company
in the past?
(d) Has any Policy been cancelled or renewal (d)
thereof refused? If so, give details.

4.(a) Have you ever sustained a loss or loses of


(i) Whilst living at the premises (I)

(ii) Due to dishonest act by employee (ii)
and/or agents.
(iii)Misappropriation of Hypothecated goods (iii)
(iv)Whilst in transit (iv)
(v) Whilst in postal transit. (v)
(vi)Arising out of false valuation by Appraiser. (vi)

If so, please give details sin respect of the

past five years giving date of occurrence,
date of discovery, amount of loss and brief

5.(a) What is the amount for which cover is (a)

required(i.e. Basic Sum Insured)?

(b) What additional sum Insured, if any, (b)

you require in respect of money and/or
securities whilst.
(i) on premises? (I)
(ii) In transit? (ii)
(Please note that cover under (b) is for
amount in addition to basic sum Insured)

Period of Insurance FROM……………….TO……………………..

We, the undersigned, do hereby warrant and declare the truth of all the above statements and that
we have not withheld any material information and we agree that this declaration and proposal
shall be the basis of the contract as mutually and finally agreed between us and the IFFCO-TOKIO

Proposer’s Signature


Section 41, of Insurance Act 1938

No person shall allow or offer to allow, either directly or indirectly as an inducement to any person
to take out or renew or continue an insurance in respect of any kind of risk relating to lives or
property in India, any rebate of the whole or part of the commission payable or any rebate, of the

premium shown on the policy nor shall any person taking out or renewing or continuing a Policy
accept rebate except such rebate as may be allowed in accordance with the published prospectus
or tables of the insurer.

Any person making default in complying with the provisions of this section shall be punishable with
fine which may extend to five hundred of rupees.


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