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What: My Personal Development Goals

Goal #1
I want to improve myself in terms of proper mindset and
balance. I want to learn exactly who am I, my strengths and
weaknesses. And also I want to improve my attitude for the
better. I want to gain more confidence and imrove my self-

Goal #2
As a teenager, there's a thing that affect my personal
satisfaction. So I want to learn how to be contented in the life I
have and learn how to be happy and positive at the same time in
life. And also I want to have a time that just to relax and enjoy life.

Goal #3
Most importantly I want to exapand, like trying to be more
open or saying my opinion to others, saying what I really feel.
And lastly the faith, I want it grow and grow and grow so I can be
the greatest version of myself and becoming the man God
How: Action Steps I Will Take to
Meet My Development Goals.

1.Plan your action

Everytime I see the

Following situations.

1. A person that judge one another.

2. A person that have a low confidence and low self-esteem.
3. A person who have nothing in life.
4. A person who do not contented in the things they have.
5. A person who do crazy and bad things.

I will take following actions.

• I will tell to that person how the feelings to be judged.

• I will tell to that person don’t be afraid to show to people
what we really are.
•I will tell to that person to be strong and always have faith to
• I will tell to that person of how many people that have
nothing but still happy.
• I will tell them that have faith in God and trust him.
2. Anticipate obstacles.

WATCH OUT: What barriers can I identify which might hinder

me in pursuing my development
goals? How can I overcome these barriers?


1. Judgement
2. Fear


• I can overcome the judgement of others to me by just doing

stuffs that make me happy and just ignore them.
• Maybe I can overcome my fear is just trusting myself and God
so in that way my fear will be lessen.

3. Leverage strengths.

HINT: I have great strengths upon which to draw from. Which

of my strengths can I leverage to
help me achieve my development goals?


1. Believing in myself
2. Faith in God
3. Having a confidence
How will it help me achieve my goals

• It will help me to do the things that people might judge me

because I bealieve to the things what can I do.
• Having a faith in God will help a lot because it can be a
source of strength.
• It will help ne to show to the people of who really I am and
show them the things I can do.

Who: Resources and Support for

Achieving My Goals.
How will I draw on my family, peers, and others to track my
progress, gather advice and feedback and support my learning?

I will be more open to them saying what I really feel so that

they can help me to overcome that thing and learn new things to

Who will I ask to support me? Who do I know who already

possesses the competencies I want to build?

Maybe I can ask my family and friends to support me because

they are the people who knows me and it can be easier to tell
them what the things I need to overcome.
With whom should I share my development plan?

I want to share my development plan to the person who I

think we are similar so that we can relate to each others personal
goal and no judgement.

When did I begin taking actions to meet my goals?

I will begin now and taking my action everyday and learning

new things everyday to improve myself and meet my goals.

When did I start to see significant progress? (Milestone


I can see significant progress if I can see myself improving and

for me there's no need to rush this things as long as im learning it
can still be a progress.

How did my learnings influence me?

Learnings influence me in terms the new things that can help

me to improve. Learnings is the way of accepting my weaknesses
and accepting my loss.
What was the impact of meeting my development goals in my

Meeting my development goals in life is just like achieving

one of my dreams because it will help me to be a better person
that can help me to achive all my dreams.

How did I celebrate every time I meet my goals?

I will thank God in helping me to trust myself so I can meet

my goals. And celebrating just a little time by myself and continue
meeting my goals.

Assess Your Current State

List your top five (5) skills (things that you do well):
1. Knowledge of mathematics
2. Knowledge of understanding
3. Creative thinking
4. Being independent
5. Just be happy always

List the five (5) values most important to you:

1. Trust
2. Honesty
3. Happiness
4. Faithfulness
5. Truth
List your top five (5) strengths:
1. Good listener – Friends tell me
2. Good at finding the truth – Friends tell me
3. Good at making others happy – Friends tell me
4. Good at being independent – Family and friends tell me
5. Good at thinking – Friends tell me

List your five (5) areas that most need improvement:

1. Analyzing – My brain tell me
2. Staying focused – Friends tell me
3. Science – My grades tell me
4. English – My grammar tell me
5. Motivation – My dreams tell me

List five (5) priority interests:

1. Reading wattpad
2. Watching vlogs
3. Social media
4. Sleeping
5. Thinking

List five (5) priority wants:

1. More time to watch
2. More time to adventure
3. More time to read
4. More time to do activity
5. More time to explore
Identify Areas of Opportunities
Accomplish things and learning new things.

What is your long-term goal?

Business Woman

What areas do your friends and colleagues see as opportunities?

1. Shopping
2. Exercise
3. Explore/go to nice place
4. Study together
5. Adventure

What organizations, clubs, or areas of interest look exciting

and/or filled with potential? How can you learn more?
1. Business org. – Join to business org
2. Video editing – Join to video editing club
3. Theater club – Join to theater club
4. Fitness club – Join to physical fitness club
5. Environment – Join to the club tacles about environment

List five (5) key goals:

1. Be a business woman
2. Be successful
3. Travel the world
4. Having my own house and car
5. Be happy
If you want to be happy,
do not dwell in the past,
do not worry about the future,
focus on living fully in the present.

Be mindful. Be grateful.
Be positive. Be true. Be kind.

Be the reason someone smiles.

Be the reason someone feels loved
and believes in the goodness in people.

Do what is right,
not what is easy nor what is popular.

Believe in Your Heart

Believe in your heart that you're meant to

live a life full of passion, purpose,
magic and miracles.

Follow your heart,

listen to your inner voice,
stop caring about what others think.

“If we all did the things we are capable

of, we would astound ourselves.” – Thomas Edison.

Dela Cruz, Bea Sophia A.

Journal #3

I Bea Sophia, do hereby promise that

whenever I feel stressed I want to be alone
and I don’t want to hear any noise so I can
think just by myself. I talk to God and ask
him questions to ease the heavy feeling that
I feel. And when I done to think and talk to
God I go to sleep so I can rest my mind and
to ease my stress. Express your feelings
instead of bottling them up. Don’t try to
control the uncontrollable. Don’t bother to
ask God for help because one thing im sure
he'll surely help us.


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