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WHAT IS DISCRIMINATION? Discrimination that occurs
because of one or more of the
above characteristics is
unlawful under the Equality
Act. Considering every
person has at least some of
these characteristics such as
age, race or gender, the Act
protects every person from
being discriminated against.
Discrimination means
treating a
person unfairly because of
who they are or because they
possess certain
characteristics. If you have
been treated differently from
If you are treated
other people only because of
unfavourably because
who you are or because you someone thinks you belong to
possess certain a particular group of people
characteristics, you may have with protected characteristics,
been discriminated against. this is also unlawful

-Positive discrimination is -Negative Discrimination is

when people who have been when you treat someone in a
poorly treated based on their bad way because of their
Race, Ethnicity, Religion E.T.C class, race and religion.

-Positive Discrimination is -Negative discrimination is

helping people who are being when you are negative to
negatively discriminated. those who are different to
-Positive discrimination is
when your are being nice to
someone and helping them

-it is where someone is

prevented from doing
something such getting a Basically it is when
job, going into certain someone does not like
public places etc.. another simply because of
because of their physical the way they dress, or
traits, race, disability, age, what race they are, or
sexual orientation, what their sexual
hairstyle, religion weight orientation is. And I
personally think that ALL
forms of discrimination
should be illegal.
The following is a 12-step checklist to help
you decide if a product is truly worth buying. If
you answer yes to any of these questions,
then you should be skeptical of such
supplements and investigate their value
before investing any money.

1. Does the product promise quick

improvement in health or physical
2. Does it contain some secret ingredient
or formula?
3. Is it advertised mainly by use of
anecdotes, case histories or
4. Are currently popular personalities or
star athletes featured in its
5. Does it take a simple truth about a
nutrient and exaggerate that truth in
terms of health or physical
6. Does it question the integrity of the
scientific or medical establishment?
7. Is it advertised in a health or sports
magazine whose publishers also sell
nutritional aids?
8. Does the person who recommends it
also sell the product?
9. Does it use the results of a single
study or dated and poorly controlled
research to support its claims?
10. Is it expensive, especially when
compared to the cost of equivalent
nutrients that may be obtained from
ordinary foods?
11. Is it a recent discovery not available
from any other source?
12. And finally, are the claims too good to
be true or does it promise the
Nutritional quacks appear in
many disguises. They may be
authors pushing some new
miraculous diet plan, a
company selling the latest
weight loss supplement or a
multi-level marketer selling a
fantastic performance
enhancing drug.

So how do you determine

which are legitimate products
are which are scams? There
is no foolproof way, but if
you look for some specific
Nutritional quackery may be clues, listed below, you can
defined as the promotion of avoid making a bad decision.
products, treatments or plans
that claim to provide a
benefit to the health of the
consumer without proof of
effectiveness or safety.

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