Direct and Online Marketing New

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Strategic Management
Ángela Salmerón Serrano


Chapter 1: Introduction to direct and online marketing............................................................... 2
Direct marketing........................................................................................................................ 2
Online marketing....................................................................................................................... 2
Direct and online marketing...................................................................................................... 4
Chapter 2: Advantages and disadvantages of direct and online marketing ................................. 6
Advantages ................................................................................................................................ 6
Advantages for buyers .......................................................................................................... 7
Advantages for sellers ........................................................................................................... 7
Disadvantages ........................................................................................................................... 7
Chapter 3: Practical cases and objectives obtained from the application of this type of
marketing ...................................................................................................................................... 9
AMAZON (VENTA ONLINE) ........................................................................................................ 9
FACEBOOK (RED SOCIAL)........................................................................................................... 9
SAMSUNG (COMPAÑÍA CON DIFERENTES TIPOS DE MARKETING) ........................................... 9
Bibliografía .................................................................................................................................. 10

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Chapter 1: Introduction to direct and online marketing

Direct marketing

Direct marketing: is an advertising technique and form of marketing that

targets a group of customers or prospects with the aim of influencing/encouraging
them to follow a course of action. Direct marketing can be through a variety of
channel: (Baker GoodChild Company, 2016)

• Direct-mail marketing: involves sending an offer, announcement, reminder, or

other item to a person at a particular address. It can be customized, it is flexible
and allows easy measurement of results. Although direct mail costs more per
thousand people reached than mass media such as television or magazines, the
people it reaches are much better prospects. (Gary Armstrong, 2015) [Page

• Telemarketing: involves using the telephone to sell directly to consumers and

business customers.

• Direct-Response Television Marketing: ads with a duration between 60 and

120 seconds, which persuasively describe a product and give customers a toll-
free number or a Web site for ordering. (Gary Armstrong, 2015) [Page 483]

• Catalog Marketing

• Direct Digital Marketing: Web sites, ads and online promotions, email, online
videos, blogs, social media marketing and mobile marketing.

Online marketing

Online marketing: is the promotion of brands and marketing of services and

products through a variety of digital media channels like internet. It comes in several
forms: (Baker GoodChild Company, 2016)

• Web Sites and Branded Web Communities: for most companies, the first step
in conducting online marketing is to create a Web site. Web sites vary greatly in
purpose and content.

Ángela Salmerón Serrano 2

Some Web sites are primarily marketing Web sites, designed to interact with
customers to move them closer to a direct purchase or other marketing
In contrast, branded community Web sites don’t try to sell anything at all.
Instead, their primary purpose is to present brand content that engages
consumers and creates customer brand community. Such sites typically offer a
rich variety of brand information, videos, blogs, activities, and other features
that build closer customer relationships and generate engagement with and
between the brand and its customers. (Gary Armstrong, 2015) [Page 470]

• Online Advertising: as consumer spend more and more time online, companies
are shifting more of their marketing money to online advertising to build brand
sales or attract visitors to their Internet, mobile and social media sites. Online
advertising has become a major promotional medium and its main forms are
display ads and search-related ads. (Gary Armstrong, 2015) [Page 471]

• E-mail marketing: is an important and growing digital marketing tool. It is

allows sellers to send specific and personalized messages but it has a dark side,
the explosion of spam (unsolicited, unwanted commercial e-mail messages that
clog up our e-mail boxes) has produced consumer irritation and frustration.
(Gary Armstrong, 2015) [Page 472]

• Online Videos: another form of online marketing is posting digital video

content on brand Web sites or social media sites such as YouTube, Facebook,
and others. Some videos are made for the Web and social media. Such videos
range from instructional videos and public relations pieces to brand promotions
and brand-related entertainment. Other videos are ads that company makes
primarily for TV and other media but post online before or after an advertising
campaign to extend their reach and impact. (Gary Armstrong, 2015) [Page 472]

• Blogs and Other Online Forums: are online journals where people and
companies post their thoughts and other content, usually related to narrowly
defined topics.
As a marketing tool, blogs offer some advantages. They can offer a fresh,
original, personal, and cheap way to enter into consumer online conversations.
However, the blogosphere is cluttered and difficult to control. And although
companies can sometimes leverage blogs to engage customers in meaningful
relationships, blogs remain largely a consumer-controlled medium. Marketers
can use insights from consumer online conversations to improve their
marketing programs. (Gary Armstrong, 2015)[Page 474]

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• Social Media Marketing: countless independent and commercial social

networks have arisen that gibe consumers online places to congregate,
socialize and exchange views and information. Marketers can engage in social
media in two ways: the can use existing social media or the can set up their
The use of social media has advantages and challenges. On the positive side,
social networks are interactive, immediate response, effective and ideal for the
creation of a community of customers. On the negative side, consumers have
control over the content of social networks. (Gary Armstrong, 2015)[Page 475]

• Mobile Marketing: features marketing messages, promotions, and other

content delivered to on-the-go consumers through their mobile devices.
Marketers use mobile marketing to engage customers anywhere, anytime
during the buying and relationship-building processes. The widespread
adoption of mobile devices and the surge in mobile Web traffic have made
mobile marketing a must for most brands. (Gary Armstrong, 2015)[Page 477]

Direct and online marketing

Direct and online marketing: the best approach is generally to use a variety of
marketing channels to manage a business. It’s perfectly viable to have campaigns for
direct marketing and digital marketing, which run together simultaneously. (Baker
GoodChild Company, 2016)


In view of the above, it can be said that [Direct and online marketing involve
engaging directly with carefully targeted individual consumers and customer
communities to both obtain an immediate response and build lasting customer
relationships. Companies use direct marketing to tailor their offers and content to the
needs and interests of narrowly defined segments or individual buyers. In this way,
they build customer engagement, brand community, and sales. (Gary Armstrong,
2015) [Page 464]

In today’s digital environment, direct marketing is a powerful tool for moving

customers through the buying process and for building customer engagement,
community and relationships. The new direct marketing tools provide rich
opportunities for building close, personalized, interactive customer relationships. (Gary
Armstrong, 2015) [Page 466]

Communication has entered a new era characterized by the interactivity

provided by new technologies. This situation has also been reflected in new forms of

Ángela Salmerón Serrano 4

advertising communication. The liberalization of the market, the increase of
competition and the power of the Internet have made it possible for the user to
acquire a major role. Consumers have thus become an active part of commercial
communication, selecting or ignoring the messages that interest them, and interacting
or creating new content thanks to the possibilities offered by the Internet. In short,
they have become sellers and also generators of content, becoming a mix of
consumers and producers.

On the other hand, the traditional segmentation of markets has been replaced
by a chain of communities, inside and outside the Network, which are grouped
according to tastes, hobbies, tendencies and / or opinions.

In this way, thanks to the impact of social networks, forums, blogs, wikis, etc. It
has been developing this new strategy called direct and online marketing, which
exploits the electronic media and pre-existing social networks on the Internet to reach
the consumer and generate conversations between them that add value to the brands
and that suppose for the professions of marketing a powerful tool, since it is a form of
free communication about a product, a brand or an idea. (Virginia Aguilar Arcos, 2014)

In chapter 3 some examples of the implementation of this type of marketing

will be given.

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Chapter 2: Advantages and disadvantages of direct and

online marketing


• Low investment rates (costs) necessary to develop a campaign

• Ability to reach a large number of people

• Information is transmitted and propagated easily and quickly

• Scope of geographically dispersed groups of consumers

• Flexibility in terms of content and formats

• Exponential increase of message forwarding by users voluntarily

• Improvement in the reach of the target audience, since those who forward messages
know who of their acquaintances will be more akin to reading and accepting their

• Acceleration of product adoption

• Greater credibility and reliability of online opinions than in other marketing

strategies or traditional advertisements

• More effective than other marketing strategies or traditional ads

• Improved knowledge of the product, brand or company

• Improvement in the positioning of the product, brand or company on the Web

• Possible measurement of the result of the campaign in real time

• Greater influence on the consumer's purchasing decision

• It obtains information about the consumer and allows to interact with him

• The effect is lasting over time through the Internet

(Virginia Aguilar Arcos, 2014)

Ángela Salmerón Serrano 6

Advantages for buyers

For buyers, direct and digital marketing are convenient, easy and private. They
gibe buyers anywhere, anytime access to an almost unlimited assortment of goods and
a wealth of products and buying information. Through direct marketing, buyers can
interact with sellers by phone or on the seller’s Web site or app to create exactly the
configuration of information, products, or services they want and then order them on
the spot. Finally, for consumers who want it, digital marketing through online, mobile,
and social media provides a sense of brand engagement and community, a placed to
share brand information and experiences with other brand fans. (Gary Armstrong,
2015) [Page 466]

Advantages for sellers

For sellers, direct marketing often provides a low-cost, efficient, speedy

alternative for reaching their markets. Today’s direct marketers can target small
groups or individual customers. Because of the one-to-one nature of direct marketing,
companies can interact with customers by phone or online, learn more about their
needs, and personalize products and services to specific customer tastes. In turn,
customers can ask questions and volunteer feedback.

Direct and digital marketing also offer sellers greater flexibility. They let
marketers make ongoing adjustments to prices and programs, or make immediate,
timely and personal announcements and offers. (Gary Armstrong, 2015) [Page 466]


• Relative lack of control over the message and its distribution

• Possible alterations in the message throughout the broadcast chain

• Blocking of messages by protective filters against viruses and SPAM

• It can be perceived as an intrusion in the social networks of users

• Difficulty planning the campaign

• The inappropriate use of marketing can be counterproductive by creating

unfavorable attitudes towards a company, brand or product

Ángela Salmerón Serrano 7

• Dissatisfaction with the company, brand or product can multiply the negative effects

• Difficulty creating a message that motivates customers to resend it

• Difficulty in identifying key individuals in social networks that will adopt a product
and promote it among their acquaintances

• Risk that certain users are paid by companies to spread their messages

• The factors that motivate the acceptance and dissemination of information may vary
according to the people

• Few users reach forwarding commercial messages to their contacts

• Online information is perceived to be of lower quality and credibility

• Recipients may not accept the recommendations of others

• Difficulty in evaluating the effectiveness of the campaign

• Not suitable for certain companies, brands and / or products

(Virginia Aguilar Arcos, 2014)

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Chapter 3: Practical cases and objectives obtained from the

application of this type of marketing
They use digital marketing efficiently across all customer communications touchpoints:

• Reach: Amazon’s initial business growth based on detailed approach to



Ángela Salmerón Serrano 9


Baker GoodChild Company. (13 de May de 2016). Direct Marketing vs Digital Marketing.
Obtenido de BakerGoodChild Web site:

Gary Armstrong, P. K. (2015). Marketing, an introduction. Edinburgh: Pearson Education


Virginia Aguilar Arcos, S. S. (January de 2014). Redalyc: scientific information system. Obtenido

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