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Schools Division Office

School District VIII

Quezon City, 2nd District, Metro Manila



12:30- 1:20- MARCELO H. DEL PILAR

1: 20- 2:10- JOSE RIZAL

Content Standard: demonstrates understanding of text types to listen for different

purposes from a variety of texts
Performance Standard: uses linguistic cues to effectively construct meaning from a variety
of texts for a variety of purposes

Day 1

1. Identify signal words from a text heard
2. Follow and give series of directions accurately
3. Observe care, accuracy and precision in giving/ following directions


A. Topic:
Identifying Signal Words from Text Heard
Following and Providing Accurate Instructions
B. References:
EN5LC-IIa-4, EN5OL-IIa-1.13.1
Navea, Leonila S. ENGLISH THIS WAY.Manila, Philippines: Phoenix Publishing
House, Inc., 2014 ( pp. 6-8)
C. Materials:
Selections, pictures

III. Procedures

A. Preparatory Activities

1. Motivation

Ask the students what preparations do they make before going to school. Have them give two to
three everyday routines they do.
2. Unlocking of Difficulties

a. through demonstration/ picture clues

They slouch on their chairs when they feel lazy.

b. through pictures/ definition clues/ context clues

Posture is the position in which we hold our bodies while standing, sitting, or lying down.

My school bag has many compartments.

-posture - compartment

c. through context clues

I felt numbness in my shoulders after carrying a heavy bag full of books. (lack of sensation or

d. through configuration clues


i s r t s
3. Motive Question

What are some steps or directions to follow inorder not to hurt your back and shoulder with a
heavy backpack?

B. Presentation

1. Explaining to the Students What to Do

Say: At this time you have to listen to the selection entitled, “ Do not Break Your Back with your
Backpack” adapted from “ Back to School Safety: Avoiding Backpack Injury”. Afterwhich,
comprehension questions will be answered. Set listening guidelines.

2. Modeling for Students

The teacher will read orally the text. (see separate copy)

Have the pupils answer the motive question.

Answer the comprehension questions based on the text heard. (Sample questions)

1. What is the first step that you must do to avoid hurting your back with a heavy backpack?

2. Why is it good to select a backpack with multiple compartments?

3. How do you pack your things in your chosen backpack?

4. How do you pick up your backpack properly? Why is it important to pick it that way?

5. Are the directions in the sentences clear? Why are these directions important?

Explain what directions are. Directions serve as guide for people to know the right thing to do
and the right information to write. Directions are instructions that tell people what to do. All
directions must be :

 Clear
 Be precise or exact
 Be logical and sensible
 Use signal words like first, next, then or finally to show order.

Ask: What words in the paragraph give the step-by-step direction or sequence?

(first, next, then, finally)

Say: The words that give the step-by-step direction or sequence are called signal words.

3. Guided Practice

The class will do some activities: Call on volunteer pupils.

1. Listen and Do
a. First, get a partner from your group. Next, raise your right hands then, clasp them together.
Finally, bow at the same time and wave your hands.

b. First, form a diagonal line. Next, put you left hand on the right shoulder of the classmate in
front of you. Then, bend your knees and lastly, raise your left hand and make a peace sign.

c. First, boys will put hands on waist. Next, girls will hold theirs skirt. Then, point right foot
forward. And then, go to the original position. Finally, turn around clockwise and bow your head.

2. Think and Tell

Pretend that you are one of the following people. Give your instructions orally.Choose one.

a. fire fighter- what safety tips to follow to avoid fire

b. doctor- how to take care of an infected wound

c. police officer- how to report a missing person

d. NDRRMC officer- what to do during earthquakes/ how to prepare for typhoons

e. Big sister/ brother- how to teach your sibling the proper way of handwashing

Generalization: Signal words give step-by-step direction or sequence in a

paragraph/selection.First, next, then, lastly, finally, furthermore, next to that, second, after that,
moreover are examples of signal words.

4. Independent Practice

Read, Write or Draw and Follow (Pupils will use their whiteboard/ illustration board or piece of
pad paper or notebook paper)

a. First, write your complete name on the upper left corner of the page. Then, write your section
name below your name. Next, write today’s date opposite your name.Lastly, review if what you
did is correct.

b. Get a piece of notebook paper. In the left hand margin, write the numbers 1-10. Draw three
hearts beside number 3.On all the even numbers, draw a smiley face beside them. In the center
of the last line of your paper, write the word, “DONE”.
IV. Evaluation

Arrange the steps on how to start the computer using the indicated signal words. Write the
numbers 1-5 on the blanks.

_____ Next, locate the computer power button.

_____ Finally, work on the programs of the computer

_____ Wait for the computer to start after pressing the power button.

_____ Then, press the power button.

_____ First, plug in the computer to the power source.


Select one topic and give directions based on your chosen topic. Remember to give clear,
precise and logical directions. Use signal words to show order.

1. How to go online using a computer

2. How to prepare a scrapbook

3. How to wash the dishes or clothes



Prepared by:




As you prepare daily for school, here are some directions to avoid hurting
your back and shoulder with a heavy backpack.

1. First, you must select a proper backpack. When you are choosing it is
good to pick a backpack with multiple compartments so that weight is
didtributed well. It is also good to choose a backpack padded with straps to
be easy on your shoulders..

2. Next, when packing your things in your chosen backpack, distribute the
weight of your backpack evenly. To organize your things, put the heavier
items to the center, and then put the lighter things toward the sides.
Although all things can fit in the center compartment, use the
compartments to distribute the weight.

3. Next, pick up your backback properly. To pick it up, bend your knees,
and then grasp the pack with both hands before putting it on. Wear both
straps of the backpack everytime you carry it. It will feel lighter. It will also
promote good posture.

4. Know when your backpack is too heavy. It is too heavy if you slouch
when you carry it. Another sign if your backpack is heavy is when you feel
numbness in your shoulders and arms when you carry it.

5. Finally, always check the contents of your backpack every night.

Remove things that you do not needto bring the following day. You do not
need everything everyday. However, there are things that you do not need
everyday so keep a checklist of items that are for daily use.

__ “ Back to School Safety: Avoiding Backpack Injury,” Medical

News Today (August 2006), under “ Bones/ Orthopaedics News,

(accessed March 4, 2009)

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