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Title :

Proponent(s) :

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Duration/Inclusive Dates :

No. of Participants :

A. Rationale

Program/Project Objective(s):

The role of team work in institutions has been identified as being critical. Good
organizational performance can be attributed to the quality and nature of the team and the
interaction amongst team members. It is therefore imperative that institutions are seen to function
and perform their duties as effective and efficient as possible.

The __________________will spearhead its annual team building, entitled “People,

Purpose and Passion: The Pathway to Success” on ____________to be held at___________.
This activity aims to bind team together to achieve shared targets and also to develop individual
excellence and specialism in the field of hospitality industry.

Team Building 2018 capitalizes on the idea that “Alone we can do so little, together we
can do so much.” This is the time to recognize individual’s worth and withstand hurdles with
team’s cooperation that will lead to the path of success.

Thus, this team building is of utmost importance to ensure that The ___________, as
mentioned by Howard, “A workplace filled with and driven by employees with positive attitudes
- vibrates continually to the tune of service excellence and passionate team success.”

B. General Objective(s):

The general objective of the activity is to create high performing teams in an organization,
and to have a clear understanding of team building, or indeed of the role of leadership in
achieving high performance.
C. Specific Objective(s):

There are specific objectives of the activity, to wit:

1. Conduct teambuilding and establish a positive team culture, beliefs, values and norms of
2. Nurture shared problem solving and generate new ideas,
3. Encourage problem solving, innovation and leadership for specific tasks,
4. Reduce self-created problems by strengthening capacity building on team cohesion, and
5. Develop service excellence and specialism.

D. Expected Outcome(s):

The contents of the activity are focused on strengthening Problem-Solving Team Processes
and Group Relation as follows:

1. Problem-Solving. This phase aims to develop participant’s ability to work through

problems by using critical thinking skills to arrive at a solution. Within this phase,
participants will be able to work together share and compare ideas and choose the one
that best solves the problem. The participants can solve a problem with this process:

a. Find the problem

b. Define the problem
c. Describe the problem
d. Diagnose the problem
e. Test the diagnosis

2. Team Processes. This is where team members are highly dependent on one another,
interpersonal processes are extremely important for team effectiveness. The team
members function more independently, interpersonal processes are less important for the
effectiveness of the team. The more effective a team is at setting goals, coordinating
activities, and working together, the better the team performs, and the more satisfied
members are with working as part of a team.

3. Group Related. This is the phase where participants share diverse perspective, pool
knowledge and skills and receive social support and encouragement to take risk. This is
the phase where each group will be able to delegate roles and responsibilities; and Hold
one another (and be held) accountable.
E. Methodology (strategies, styles and methods of training to be used)

The teambuilding will ensure the full and active participation of various department of The

The training method for the Team Building 2018 – People, Purpose and Passion: The
Pathway to Success focuses on activities for Problem – Solving, Team Processes and Group

Activities for Problem Solving

1. Blind Formations
2. Line up Blind
3. Amazing Race

Activities for Team Processes

1. Memory Wall – A visual "memory wall" creates a welcoming environment and

reaffirms the positive relationships between team members. Rendering each memory -
individually or in groups - as a drawing adds much-needed levity and camaraderie to the
whole exercise.
2. Back of the Napkin – The "back of the napkin" is where so many great product and
startup ideas first came into being. This simple team building exercise replicates this tiny
canvas, giving participants something fun to do while promoting teamwork and outside-
the-box thinking.
Activities for Group Relation

1. Defend the Egg – teambuilding activity that involves collaboration, problem solving, and
creative teamwork. Groups build a structure out of ordinary materials and try to protect a
raw egg from breaking when dropped from a high elevation.

F. Possible Risks/Problems and Countermeasures

The possible problem is if the company will be going to rent a service, each participant
must be informed. Hence, they will not ride with those employees who have service;
and, the rental fee for the service will not be wasted.
G. Monitoring and Evaluation

To monitor the conduct of teambuilding, a special committee to supervise each games/ activities will
be formed. They will be assigned to disseminate information regarding to the activity as well as evaluate
the outcome of each game provided with mechanics and criteria. The result will be known on the
awarding ceremony.

On the other hand, before conducting such team building a survey questionnaire was disseminated
and answered by some of the participants to find out the scope of methodologies needed to use during the

I. Budget Estimate

The team building will cost around PHP 72, 610. 00the breakdown of which is as follows:
A. Food and Drinks P43, 310
B. Location P13, 200
C. Prizes and GC P6, 000
D. Materials P1, 000
E. Transportation and Gas P1, 000
F. Contingency Fund P2, 000
G. T-shirt Print P6, 100
TOTAL PHP 72, 610. 00

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