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=— °° °&«-§ Together They learnt how to Make Iron and Steed sone Barly types of Furnoces Used in 195849, in Chinas A book of pictures by Rens Alley. Im thot thousands folk go up into the hille, everywhere searching for tzon ore; ripping off ‘the locks that sealed Da 7a Shan Letting the Light of the sun shine on te treasure stored withing ooking for the Tron Wine Tan Chi, of Shenet, —————_| Branches of the banyan tree Join up with enohother; workers | and peasants are like this teos today wien folk go to wrk they carry ‘hey iron tools, but after a year or tro it wilL be the iron that oarri ‘the people instead. after a Year or Two ou Cui-fu of Iienheten, Kwangtungs Rerly Types of Snall Tron Furiaces in China In China, beginning in the fall of 1988, and going on aii through 1959, with developments that renohed into 1960 and 1961 in tint stage fumscea, there was an tron and ates) movement that ineluded at one pertod or another during that time most of the people of China, Hot so onsy to grasp perhaps, just what that meant, They brought to Light ancient methods that had been known about locally, then promptly improved on them, They had back yard fur nages in citi bigger onos in hinterland areas on desert edges, on mountains and over plains, The while of China was abli with furnaces, The first primitive ones quickly gave place to types slightly more developed, which in tum changed to the tall native fumacs, like those of Yancheng and Shacyang and then on to the small mechanised modem type aquipped with hot bl je small Finally thi modem ones began in many cases to pass out im favour of ‘digger ones, and the first stage of the peopl ma attack on the problem of {ron and steel in China had boon passed, The earliest ones have now all been cleared away, fand not so many of the tall native ones even are left, the moderm smell type will be weed where m ‘pot they too will be tut part of a stages The people oF hina have Loamnt that iron aid ateel can be made W7 ny one who turme to it, Tast ia iteoif is a great things giving thon a atrength they had not felt before ‘mene piotures take one over many parts of Onine and are a record of what tock plaes in thove 1959-9 dave nen entineiagn burt ae hot an the waite Tent of She ameitod iron, Students, housewives, farmerts Literally qveryone had a try at turing out trons Many BOW deposits of ooking coal were found and many now cepooi ts of iron ort Gerap iron was collected from all over the country, Alter nate fueie were found whert good coke was Rot available muore wan mich experimentation, and many GLScover! all of whieh are helping the major izon ana tee} industry of today, whien is surely the most rapidly growing one of any country in our word. spending on the go2sd nase of the pect availoble raw material, the Dest techalane available, and 11 the know how that has been gnineds As the may never be seen assim, and an they are often very ancient onee prought out for one test flare up in the Light of ovr todayy Wey will be of tascinating interest to many. Hand methods of preparing ore, too, are already going by the board with the coming jn of mechantsation, The role that the local fumace piayed in retooling an agriculture, in providing aa- terial for suali machine shops that now bum in every coumune throughout the Lond, oannot be overlecked. Cap tione and pictures tell the atory plainly enough without amy elaborate foreword, Just putting the soattered Pe” ‘gures taxen in go many provinces together in one Zolder arter a lapse of a couple of yours, gave me new thriity who wnioh I hop# wil be felt in some mensure by thot doo at their reproduction. A people who can cone together fan vo grand an adventure one realises, 18 capable of doing many another thing on the same vast scale, one result of the iron and steel movenent, te emergence of a new people's art and iiterature dealing writ guet tris aapeot, Talis everywhere were covered with poputer amewings, and wall sevapapers, Local and nationel panera were £4100 with posas working folk had composed mite on the Jobs A few specimens of those are included in thie account, for one mst renonber that a movenmt is a thing compoued of just ortinary people, and that these in putting their whole being inte the Job at hand, na- ‘turally like to xpress anething of the thing they te Gne fools thet el) practical folk will be interested in how thebr opposite numbers in the quarter of the world's population thet 42 Chinese, have gor je thaugh through ef learning how to mke iron snd vteol. their nd their text books con & even in the folloning pages. Peking, autuan,1961. Half way up the slope there dritts white omoke, that then streams ‘tarough Nill and vales herd boys jasually looking to laugh and say ‘that now oloude come up from the wey ‘wut this time for once they art mistaken for its smoke from iron smelters sot newly amongst our hills Waite Guoke IA Ghieheshang, Kwang: A great tell iron famace reaching upwards, 90 that it scons te be just three fect three from heavens a worker climbing high to inspect, finds its ee nas darkened the face of the mun iteolt. Blotting Out the Sun Folk Poem from Saecuans unset over the western hills everywnere the red of fumnces showing brightly; mist covers the moon and each star stays hidden at home 21 becoming shy in comparison with our world, so 1it wp with the Brightness of onclting iron and steel. Flowers of Tron and Steel ya cho-min of Panyu, Evanston ‘after sunset, a red glow rennine and people ank way doce tate stay? way continue #9 lone? then opening their eyes ther 9 how all slong the rods have we yuitt furnaces, each bateh throwing UP Ate muddy ight. Rea atter Sunset Wong Yuan-kuine sus To the fron and steel works to seek her boy friend she right out to get what ane calle a perfect husband never fearing how black and dirty he is, just knowing that ne oan make good steels Iaes Seeking Lad TA Teo-Lienge -12- of course there are aieriouitios ut they can't make us give in Af omy you've guts enough 1 wi11 bow before yous iron and 8 Tron and Steel Bow = 28s fo stanp our fect ang the carth moveey prentne out and wild waters divide tm front of wet raise hands end mountain’ rang are soare step out together and none can stop U8y we are the workers with strength unbeatable. steel Worker's Chant -ue qeoking through 6°6e)' at the molten metals ing ito waves an@ mountainos never mind eiothing soaked with sweat for the golden metal ever seems to be aughing back at w the Golden Metal Seone to Laven Sha Aue / | firmness TERED malt foreign tet q Secont stat North Sh \ \ a | ; \ enh venon, North Shen au at Fons | eine bw tiret erage furnace Tauchang io 4 poor loess S84 yorg on tron anedtine goods na ee ap hill county in North Snenot ones cniied handings Like poor oun burning was especielly ollew fer a furnuce A Miao wonen operation @ 4imp fn Wet Hunans anne County. A pow of elditime furnnens beside the rond im chishou | 2d time furnaces in West Hunan ‘The noeil modern type fupmiee ot Hefed, Anhwed, Haters nidehentond t devicns. back’ inte w Were suny hong a hincing’ eave ane ugh 4 fly wheel “for 's fureace, etong, fu + Chanhetens 6 up amongst Wadlitng dronaand nocovared from the river Bhonhsien, chekiance — | re madd Ab Yulin, Nerth Printtive type iron ebeooe Gacnata taal by tacie ements ee ee sstending Iron end steel works, Tol‘, Yunn HH Unung locaily made east iron ratlsy Tali, tua 4g a Opening up anon deposition for the wovenant, Fenonong, Anhwele Old Type handjere®'t worker naking for furnnee, Yundeng, Kans Flowers nado in loch) machine shors, Xunteng Kansas \ Snail furnaces uoing the hillside a6 A flue, Yaokot~ Kenew. Schoolboys brixeing den ore of their backs Musnan, Kans, Ling while the building ever Mudbrick 4s used for the outeide of these | Sendan furnsces, Kenou, e ® going up in Wuwes, Kot Kansu. ancient Linngehow, truck Anto twos, Ken | Simple hoist fitted to a country fumnece “near Lanchow, kanst, _ aim gurncee moor THlyuan, Shinst Simple SB Shenoi, at Yongsheng, there 49 a tradition ‘of local Iron smelting by simple methods. Tha old Kw koode! brings ny ceaalne ‘ Sng down aren Are ts) @ leyar of brick on the ton. Jambo outside , with & strip of ate J refrectory, ret stage te surface, for tare in Shantung. Teinen. 2. paintings ff those wnich dant &t thi covered the Anhwed pushed ths aula «eee | But the ot one were almost &t Peasants 2Aked t0-Feel that choy could salt fron when they wd ahe fe peve then A senso of strangen. Firat Sondon Furnace. Knaus Soon passed bys blower in fl countryside. } tractors st tines an & eae ‘lowers, Renee power in True used facenes arouns. the flelas, west wandan ane téng —— tes anveried, Funneoes’ al Thinchone 7 BURAK Furnaces at Wushon, Kennny a ‘Scenes on the kuslding Of the first senre furnoces st Tundenme, Kans. Stoking up-w botler for epereting, thong oath iron fiold 8 blower on & = lining the ladles before pouring. al for & second stage A coka burning Aasenbly one small fields Firet stage tumaces in Kem ‘som low, soe highlimy designs Local wves Joinea together Plowsrs and other equfpment 2: the dron ena steal ‘novenant, Mabchow, Chale si Fumacos bullt ani buflding, Wushen Xen an iron snelting field grew up on fie bit ot hilt valley. Chat wy Chektang. fatal Posters eid banners in apport of the izon end steal movenent, Sheol. Thow elao Dascing ot of use in farcup pace tere eee of the lerge scale planta. More small modern furnaces, which are Yidely scattered and union tan ba brought Back Into use whenever needed. ‘Small Pumaces, Yangcheng, 014 cartwteel drive, shantung Locking far tronsends, Chektangs Shanet. repping, aohwet. Mew modern omsli fimace, Yangchens | shenei. | | | | But; ‘e \ eae me lftrat stage furnaces ButLatn, tines et, Kana, ase furnaces only Yengcheng,Shansi turnaces Barly furnaces at Mawel est Kenous Early furnaces in countrystap near Lenchow Kenan Eerly Yngoheng nd Teineheng ake | Berly fumaces in vfest: Kene. t 7 Marly furnaces, Sanden, Kaneu. | ml First fumaces, Yundeng, Kanpu | F Burfiaces and pig stacked, Yangchong Shani. i Fitting in » Roots Blower, Yundeng om crucibles for simple emeiting Kerio. aah — ie 4 proaieta of Sgn eaten Bs j movement, ‘TLendhut Kane" Barly ypen 4 small of1 drum with refractory eli gn early Senden field, Kem r r r : 7 E Barty fomaces) Send, Kener ito ere being harvaated, ] a Blowers from village kitchens, Mew Blowara mds, O14 women opersting » large size Shomer Ronee Horns] students vorking at Yaokel, Feng on thelr style furhaces. Sandan farmers with coke md ore. = wolf fed | “A stadimt teying to get tron Yaokety Kans Besrings nade from native low evade ot produced st Yundengy Kees E " piset stage THmACNe gone times furnaces St) Bo Tnts Danke and Bel ups bringing in the firet aachinery Sanden Fron Fields. siaderte et Trot aneltings Tent Th oy creel college ones £70R 1 amet West Kenoue TOM gaeiting faba rimasy sghool bey, Sea’ Zenaa enenting Le10- gral boiler being carried out @ mnelting field, Yulins My Sterting mn tron sielting field, Kens. Schoolboys brin; mn, Eihpolbaya bringing dom doa Elowere for enall fumaces Hofel, anhwe: Quall Bessener steel fumace in Talyamn school. sm Shanei fumaces. tiret stone country furnaces yong A Vater Tower made of ot] drums, Shantmg Iron smelting tidld. Gheoyang, Hunan fumnace Bieh mi ink @f old native type Aumacer Countryaide near Lennon Kensie The ron Tune, from a Tew Furnace. Modern small typey Hofel ‘ariel rey anhwel fumace scene wlesting on Kwengse Tron fields =| putting tinber for makin Beliewss Eee. - piming @Ke Smoke fvom d‘stert, furnaces; » Shenat country rond near Yenen. moenchal

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