Antenna Theory by Balanis Solution Manual 3rd Edition PDF

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A W=8xH=Rel Eel] x ReLHelet] Using the identity Re[Aei*] = 3[ Eels Breit] The instont Poywting vector Con be written as ={4lgeietseteloty } xf{trueiety wteiet lt ai (ACExHt + etx] + ST extel§ etuteit] } = 2 {Sd CexH*+ CE xnt)*] + SlExnele (Ex eit) ] } Using the above identity again, but this time in reverse order We Can write that ; a) tl ReCExnt)] + dlRe CE xH eo) ] 22. (6) Wrag =2lEXH"] = 5 ae = Se 0.03315 dy Watts/m = «b) Prod =§. WraadS = ee c Co. 03315)(r> Sine de da) = CC 03315) Cloo)* sing dedg” = 2M (0.03315) (100) ("sinode = 21(0-033/5)(100) = 2 =A4l65-95 watts 23.) DL = At Um . Am C200 £159) = 22.22 = 13.478 rod, 0? (128.66x103) Go = €xD, = 69 (22.22)=20 =13.0/dB (b) Dy = At Umax _ am(2o0 x63) DRL (125.66 x163) 7° =!8-01dB Go = €4: Do = 0.7 G@o)=16 =12.55dR 274 u= Be wsto = arcT/a Ya ne Pea= s \, Ussing de dg = a Cost sing 6 dg Wa = ane, 5 cos es Ped = 27 B, (- ests See). oot ee U= 6.3662 in B= 22 = 6.3662 6.3662 6 Clo8)™ - @839 = 6-3662 XIT°OS% = 6.366210 £ costa] = 6.3662 X106 watts Amt w= Us $3582 goiy = Wha mar (bh) D,= At Umar . am (63662) 2g = D. Prog 10 8 {4B © G= et De = 8 = 74B ' 0°<6 < 20° 6,)= if = UG6.#)= + 542 csc) 20°<8< 60" O° 8 J < 360 oO 60°S 6 < 180° 0.342 CSCO)X art Pract =( i, Uc, g) Sing 464g = 20 [ : coneaerfih Jo Jo 20° aT 13 sing de | ey -esa| + 0342-0 I ° vy =an{ [-esc4)tt] + 0.342 (F-F)} 2m { [op.aagere] + 08427 (af Tv { 0.0603] + 0.23876 f= 1.OTVZ Diabet = 6.6813 = 9.25255 48. 26 (@) p, ~ 44253 . 44253 . 39 29 15.94 dB Bia bea = 30.035) 2 Aem = = Dy Dy & TBI = 72.815 = 34.27 15.35 4B Oia + G24 (oy 635)? 4 Aem= 22, 27D, = At Umm Prod (@) U=Sind sing for os6<0, OSBET Ulwoae=| and it occurs When 6=8= 2. mcr a s Pra 5 i Ussinededg= {/ Sing des (° Sinrede = 2(H)=T. Thus De= 4T£) = 4 =6. 0208 The half power beamwidths are equal to HPBW Caz.)=20 7~ sin'€ 2] = 2 ¢ Fo°-30°) = [20° HPBW Cel. )=2[ fo" sin'C Ya) ] = 2 (P0"-30") = (20° Ina similar manner, it canbe Shown that for (b) UsSine sinty > De = 5.07% =7.0TdE HPBW Cel.) = (20% HPBWCaz.)= fo° () Ussing Sin8y > Do= 6 = 7-T2dB HPBWCef.) = 120°, HPBWCOZ)= T4.93° Cd) U=SmO Sine 3 DO. = 12T/g = 41 = 61348 HPBWCel.) = 70°, HPBWCaz.)= 120° (e) U=Sin*¢ sinty > D.=6=TTBdB, HPBWCaz.) = HPBWCeL)= fo° @ us Sie sive > D, = 74 = 70T= 8.498 HPBWCeL.) = 70°, HPBWCaz.) = 74.93" 28. Using the half power beamuidths found inthe previous problem 29: 2-10. (problem 2-7), the directivity for each intensity using eran? and Tai and Pereira’s formulas is given by U=sin6-sing } (a) Dp = 41253. _ 41253 = = 2.86=4.5° ia B24 120 (20) Eee ) = H28IE 12,818 2253-40300 @iat @.35 — Ci20)% 120) CO) De X 3.82= 5.6248 cb) = 3824=5.10d8 U =Siné Give 5 Ca) D, x 4.59 = 6.6248 U =Sine-Singo 3 ch) D, = 3.64 = 5-61 dB Us Sin’s-sing; Ca) DX 3.82 = 5.82 4B Cb) D, £3.24 = 5.10 4B U= Sin’g Sing; co) Dx 5.0f = 1.07 AB Cb) Dex 449 = 6.53 dB Us Sin*é singe; Co) D, = 6.12 = 78TAB cb) Oo = 5-3] =%254B © D=*T =-40 = 55317 = 7.433 dB Or@sx ¢1-5064)* ® o- Se) ee OF + @h 1-506 4)*4.1.5064)* = 6.8906 dB = 4.88725 (8) Dp= AT Umar = Umar Pret Us Hi scancx HSS) Tass J . Froa mA c Using de dg = anf usinedé = 2n{ (“sede ‘: (e550 de + (ésin de j =20 {€osey|** fe ges oreo} 10" CG@ntinuedl) 2-10 Conta) = ay {Gosssr + ( =28te866) + (= 20408 yf Prag = 24 {0.866 +1 ~ 0.254 0.433 +0.05 } = 21 (0367) = 0.13841 = 2.3057 D = 44 = 6.4496 = 73636 6B 23059 cb) De Gdipole) = 1.5 = 1.761 dB D. Cabove dipele) = (73636 1-761) dB = 5.6026 dB De Cabove dipole) = — = 3.633 = 5.60348 w : 211. @ Pay = 00" ue Sine dade =[Sineay Gs“esing do ate =O)C5) =F Uno = U(G=0?, w= 2) =4. Do = 4 Umr. AT = 29 =13.0 4B *\weiPeadz Cl78) (® Elevation Plane: @ varies » B Fixed > cheese = "/z UG,g="2)=a@st9 , Of E¢ V2 47 HB! z oe cos*[-HPBwiet) ] = HPBW Cel.) = 2. @S'{VO5} = 65.5%, segs lS. =(° “flucasrsnesede = an. { (node + (ose = af ‘ce Sai +( a abe se sinedé = an{ cose | oe (- oss )| _ fren bekeert + 0.4337 = 3.5626 <2 AT Umax _ 47 1). _ De pay sens 3.5273 = 5.474503 2) y= 25) =0.5 9 C6 = 0-5(0.866)=0.433, 6= @5 (0.433) = 64.24" " ars 2064.34) = 128.68" = 2.246 rod = Bay Ds aati = = ge 2.4712 = 3.76414B we Gar (2.246)* 2-13 a. 35d8 b. 20 Le4.| ane! = 35, beogiel Booed = $B 1.75 Emax | = jo!52 56 234 EE i Tr fas Qe14 &. Ussine, Umax=L, Prod ~ "Cusine dedg = (-"("sints dedg’= Dy= Smee = AF = = 1.2782 b. HPBW= 120% 21/3 2 The directivity based on (2-334) is equal £0, Daze While that based on (2-33b) is equal 0, D,=-/g2 aenfaaee a Cx Computer Progam Do= 1.2932 4 me 7 on 2 2-15. a. U=sin8e, Umox=4, Proa = {7 [i.sinte dodgy = aD, = b. HRBW= 74.93° ‘Fret €2=98<) Dy so EE = eae c (1433) 0.0029(74.73°)* From (2-336), p= 772.4 +19 fo BB+ ppg = | ORF S Computer preqtarm De= 1.67766 5 The value of Do 61.6776) is similar to that of (4-Pior 1.643 = 16897/ 2-16. a. usJi?ckasing) , a= Mio, kasing=Zsing. HPBW=73.10° From (2-330) D, = Iol/E (72.10)- 0.002°7¢ $8.10)*] = |.4K9/20 From (2-33) Do 24+ 1911 0818+ 931g, = 1.47729] Q=A/20, Rasing=Zsing, HPBW=9)10° From (2-330) Do= 17033, Ftom (2-336), D,= 1.502 bask” “Fred = ("("a%ckasing) sinedodg = 0.638045 . . io AD 10 _ = AN (098 73) — |. Umex = 0.0873, .. De amaaoee: 1 A6P/P3 amet Ms a Frod = fe lf S7CVe ‘sin 6) sinededg =o 22664 Umax = 0.024074, Dia AnCo.02terit) 1.49257 wh 202604 3 If the radius of feop is smaller than Nios, the directivity approach to 1.5. 217 Using the numerical techniques, the directivity foreach Intensity of (Prob. 2-7) with 10° uniform divisions is equal to Us Sine-sing ; Cay Midpoint ; Do = 40 Umax Unmaw = 4 Prad a Bo ! Prod = te (is) sing; & sin’; OS g ete 44nd, "16 BeHZtG-VE, Ge 438,58 Praa = (HE)? Cil.38656) (8.7924) = S.UIF D = AUG) _ 2 ss 3.114 4.03 = 6.05dB &) Trailing edge of each division = ACVB), 451,23, -77 018 Trailing eek 6 BS CB), JH 23, °- 118 Prad = (GE) *Cil.25640) (8.76785) = 3-076 D. = AM = 4.09=6.11dB Th a Similar mawner U=Sing Sine 5 @) Prad =2.463 = Do= S10 = 7 oTdB Ussing Sin’e ; Cb) Pad =2-45| DO, = 513=7l0dB (9) Rad = 2-072 PDO = 6.01 = 7.T7AB Cb) Pad = 2.086 Dy = 6.02 = TB0dB U=Sine Sing 5 Ca) Prd 32.467 > = 474 = 6-648 Cb) Prad = 2.618 9 De = 4.80 = 68148 U=Sin’e. Sinte 5 @) Prad = 2072 2D.=6.0l = T'T7AB Cb) Prad = 2.086 90,= 6.025 7.8048 Us sin*s.Sin’y 5 ca) Prad = TTT DQ = TOT = 84908 0b) Prag = LTTE SD= 7.08 = 6.50AB | 2-18. Using the computer Program Directivity at the end of chapter 2, the directivities for each radiation intensity Of Problem 2.7 are equal to @. U=sine sing ; Prag = 3.1316 Umax = 4. Do = AT-Umex 5 Mox . € Bisle 4.6125 > 6.034dB b. U=sine-si3y 5 Prag = 2.4590 Uanog 21 ccenisiieDete Ae, « Zasyo ~ Sll035e > 7.0845 4B c. U=Sine-sins ; Pra = 20870 = FAT AS AML. Umax = 1 1 Do Fear ~ 602124 > 780d d. U=sinresing ; Pog =2.6579 b AMA Umax = 4 1 D> Sopp = 472773 9 6.74608 €. U=sino sine ; Prod = 20870 = ATL D= Soe7 = 6.02126 > 7.7768 JB f Ussin’a-sinte ; ie 1.7714 = 7.07K03 2 &.5087dB R=+ aot 249. los Els CoSEE C258 ~) gy diet nattO=0°% 0107 Emax = °-707-C1) = Cos [ZH (cose, ~19I coS'(2) = oles not exist Ficose-1) = AF sei = a @S'(0) = 4% = & rad Or =@= 2CE)=0 D, = 4T = 44 2 H2).293 2). bd, TIPE ee Cb). Using the computer program at the end of chapter 2 Do= 2.00787 = 3.027 AB Sine the pattern is not very arrow, the answer obtainedt using Kraus’? approximate formula is not as accurate. 220. 6. Elma = 5 (050+) [yg = 1 of B27 097 = Os (Fles6, +1) my q {eee hg SPSS (-2) > does not exist FG) : Da > 9° 27rd 6ir= bar = 2(Z)=7. De® 45 = $ <0.273 = 1otrds be Computer Program Dp = 2-00787 = 3.02748 Pra = (7° wssinensing sneds dg = 2 Uy: Edi (8) = WoT Sidr) 2 te \ Fer = 448 al 6%. Do= ATUmy _ AM Ue _ Prac Uo tJ) & Bw) = 0.447072735 61622 b Computer Presa Prag = (2° (7 us sincesing) sing dadg = 27-(044.7672735616/8) Do= 4.4735 2:22: (a), Using the Computer program at the end of Chapter2. De= 14.0707 = 1.4808 © Ulnar = SERS], 1 when 60° 3 eer sincmgine,)]* U> 2 Uma = 2 C1) = [ T sine, | Iteratively we obtain 64 = 26.3", Therefore @ig = Ora = 2E63)= 52.6". and Dp, = 41253 (52.6)* = 14.91 =U-13 dB using the Kraus’ formula (€) for Tai and Pereira’s formula R= 285 _ 72.815 ~ 4 = 1B6 SHA dB 2-03 2 (52.6) 223 U ap IEI* = ag Smo cos => Umar = @). rat = 2 ha ah Sine os'p ded = 4G) eh Do= 4tCUmax — A taney ceca Prac = 7 cb). Umar = 3 x at ema 0 In the elevation plane through the maximum <0 and us aysine, The 3-dB point occurs when U= 0-5 Umar = 0.5L) = sb sing, 9 G2 Sin (5) =30° Therefore @ia = 270-0) = 120° Tn the azimuth plane through the maximum 6=%/2 and U=mosiZ. The 3-dB point occurs eshen UX 0.5 Umax = 0-5 (37) = Hes" > B, = CS"(0.707)= 45°, @,y =2CPO"~45°) = Fo" Therefore using Kraus formila Do= 425 =3.02+5-82d8 2) Using Tai and Pereira’s formula Dox T28IS = 12,85 924-5008 Oat Gra Cr0y"*CFo)* CA) Using the computer program at the end of Chapter 2. De = 5.16425 = 7-13 4B 10 224. = [ScKasino]*. ceoy* [SE ae Us [cenanongs sine fea sing kasine (0) Umax = Ue(t)"= Ye and it occurs when kasing <0 36 =0° The 2-48 point ts obtained usin Us £Umox = Ys =u, [ SiLeesine)] “=p TiCkosind) - 9 2535 kasing AReasing With the aid of the JiG)/x tables of Appendix V. X=RGING, = 1.61 => Os= Sin'( Soy) = 14.847°D Oar = 27-674" (Since Oi = Oar = 27.674", the directivity is equal to Dox A253 =~ 46.79 = (6.10 dB (29. 694) 225 (e) Linear because AS =0. @ Linear beause As~O. ) Circular because 4. Bx =Ey 2. 4g= é CCW because Ey teads Ex , AR=1 ,. T= % cd) Circular because 4. Ex =Ey 2. Ag=-"2 CW beause Ey tags Ex. ARe4ty cbse ©) Elliptial because 48 is not multiples of Va. CCW becuse Ey feads Ex, AR= O4/os Letting Ex =Ey =Eo = ELosciti+ve)] *= 130656 & 1.30686 OA = Fel. ie Years ~ = 2414 0B = E.Co5Citi-va)] "= 0.541196 Eo oB4IT6 “T= To" ton’ [242 cosas) ] = Fo" graw'( LS) ial = fo° S(70") = 45° C$) Elliptical because. Ap is vot Multiples of Tz Cw because Ey fogs. Ex From abe OA= 1-30686 Fo paar = 130886 = 2.414 0B = 0.54176 et OBA T6 From above T= %°- X(90°)=45° C Continued) 11 225GitG). Eliptiol because 1. Ee # Ey 2. 4B is not zero or multiples of 7. CCW because Ey leads Ex. : pes M3 OA= Eft (pas 0.082 6 By pow OB = Ey{d[0.5+1-0.75]}=058, T= YO zton'(S) = Jo"~ 3 (180%) = 0° Ch) Elliptial beause 1. Ex #Ey 2. 4€ is not zero or muttiples of 7. CW because Ey fags E . From above 0A =Ey } Sars OB =05 Ey T=%°- ECi80") = 0° 226. E,Cz,t) = Re LEx @HEt RE+M%)) = Ey CSC wtt kE+ Be) 6, (zt) = Re [Eyelet E+ Ry) ) = Ey @sCot+ kz+ey) where Ex and Ey are real pasttive constants. Choosing Z=0 and fetting AG = By-Bx= By-0-8 Exe) = Ex @SCwt) “) Ed) = Ey Cos(wt +2) anol Ect) = JEM EF = (Etostwt) +E fCs ott) 2) ‘The moximum and minimum values of C2) are the majer and minor axes of the polarizction ellipse. Bpuaring and using the hal f-angle identity, €quation c2) can be written as a= Sf bes Ey*+ Er@sawt) + Bf @s*lzwt+e) 1} (3) Since Ex and Ey ave @nstants, the maximum and wninimum values of (3) occur when fo= Ee @SQwt) +5*@s [2coxtes] (4) is maximum er minimum. These are found by diftere mbating @) ond setting it equal 40 zero. Thus Shag - Fé sin @ut) - Ef sin [acor+e)] =0 ( Gntinued > 12 2-26 Conta) or ESin@ws) = -6,*sin Ruwt+ 91 = -E/{Sinawr csag + cos awt Sinag ¢ «BD Dividing (5) by @s@wt) yields Ed tan Qu) = - Ey tan[2wt] @SQg) +Sin@g)] or fant) = ~Efsin (29) EP + Ey cost. from which we obtain thet © 7 “SO? Qs(awk) = Eb+ B*0Sap) (sy et - Ej+ Et Cos@g) Span CSE CoSQwt+ 2g) = (1) 8) where @ = VEX + Ef +2 ErEy @S(ax) Substituting (6)~(6) into () yields E's ZL ECtE pt FCC] whose. mavimum value is . 4 72 on = {AL EA 5+ (Ett Bft 2E76 cesae Yt Ems Emin = 08 ={3CE2+E- (6,44 Bf +282 Bt cosag)”] }* The silt angle T canbe obtained by expanding (4) and writing tthe two os Ee 26tyass + & = sins oD ER Ex By Cu hich is the equation of a tiltedl Ellipse - aoey Ghese principal axes coincide with the major tiltecl ellipse, We can write that Ex = Exsin(z) “& coscz) €y = Ex coscz) + 6 sincz) ae where E,’ ond Ej are. the new Fielol Values along the new principal ONES x5 ye Substituting Ce) inte C7) yields REG Coscasinez) _ 2EZ Ey @SLz)Sin(z) _ 2EL EF cose (Sin?z -@s*z) =0 Be 5 Ex Ey @ Gerdinate System minor aves of the (Continued ) 13 2-26, (cont) which when Selyed forthe tilt angle t veduces to fan[2CE-z)) = 2EEy Os# Ee EF See $-4 tal (2B 5288 ) for more details on the tilt anyle derivation: See J.D. kraus, Antennas , McGraw-Hill, 1750, pp. 464-476. 227) pu = bx 59, + By sing, fa = drasg.+ dysings PLE= [fu Ga [72 | Cex O59, +4 sing, )- (Geog +dysingss|* =| cose Cosd, + Sings Singa]* = [SCH “AL |* oy Gu = 8x Sine cosy, + By Simei sings +8 @S8, 6a = dxSinds @sgut aysingg Sing, + de O86 PLE = | Gu f[*= [ Sm6i St, SmO.@spy + SimrSin fi Sm durSinB + S56 @S6,|* PLE = [Sin6,Smn6, (cos gi, -@SB. + Sing Sing) + @S0, GSO3(* PLF = | Sing Sin6s GS (P,-~,) + @S6, @SO2 228. Assuming electric Field is x+ -palarized, ©) Ey= GEO > fy = de Ea = (do ~jds) Ef ene.g) »=(45*) PLF = Iw fal?= 2[ Garg ~} o% By |* Since y= & @S8 ase + dy @sé6 sing - dzsin Op = ~& sing + 4 @s PLF = 3CGs*0 Gs*p + Sint) () when Ea> 6 d6+j}dy )E.f(r.6,9), PLE is also PLE = 2 C cos Gs*p + Sin7e) A more general, but also more oe expression Gnbe derived when the incident electric field is of the form By= Cade +bdy)@**® where a,b are real constants It canbe shown CUsing the Same. prececure ) that PLE = Gans l Lo, cos6 asp + bsinosing)? + casing —bCosg)* ala [> 14 LID Sonica) Ev BG tjG IIs = ACas;a) Ew Ea = Ex (do ~ joy) $cr.8,9)9 Ca= & Cds ~ jap) 3 (70 yen aes. PLE= 2| Cot ja})-(0 jG) | *s 4 1¢d ds dds) Eee ae ela 39) Converting the spherical unit vectors #0 rectal ps ee tee | as it was done in Problem 2.27, Leads to PLF= 2(CoS@ +1)> cb) when Ew= Bo (de £3 dy) Eq + Es (ob +jdp) 050.9) the PLE is equal to PLE = 2 ( Coso F1)* eae 230. — Ew= (dsesg ~ de sing eso) Fer, 0,9) or Ss Ey= [ dy cose — de Singase Eee flea) VOs*¥ + sinty ws6 ly Thus by = dacs — dasinposs 10s '¥ + Sine @sO and pues ig ils | ( ase =dasingcse ), Veos'a + siniocoss Trassforving the rectangular unit vector 40 spheriak using Gx = GrSingasy + de ase cosy ~ dy Sing’ cos*6 2 the PLF veduces to PLF= Osf+singos® The Same. answer is obtained by transforming the spherical unit vectors 4 Tectanglar, as was dene in Prob 2-27, 231, eax Gh a) G)F08,8)= (ZEA) 1 fovea) Fo nasenas a es z © = (SBA) => weve is Right Hand (RH) ae és fads 254) se (Antenna. is LH in receivin T= -0-4576 dB using the +Si9 ede, and RH in transmitting) (Antenna is RH in receivin PLES lé- Al= { HOtEIO AE USN He sgh se andl tH In transmiting YD C Continued ) 15 2-31 cond coy by = (HAIG) > Wave is Left Hand CLHD v2 fs (2& ich) ‘S. ih Pe (Awtenna is LH in receivin: PLE = [dw @|= { 15 = "1648 Using the + Sign wade ond fin tranmitingh eae ; sign (Antenna, is RH in recivi ae ae) sa mode amd LH ite) 2:32,% © fear eaereas. 2 eo 2 fa Ge tay. ppa| &tY | ack +jd, 4 PLE= 4 =00B Continued > 16 234 Cont'd) cb) ES eae a4 oe rF=[6y-Al'=| (SM) ( S34) PLE= 0 = -codB 235, B= GES | Gack E*= (Gr }G) Ee: (S95) ane = é= (24) (2) ew = 2 @ Dole ful *= Be Gol Bgl” © &D.= &) At 10GHz > A= F = Bxi08 i Ss Eg = S210" = 3x15" (OX I 10x lo? ~ G. Aem = 254. (és: Owl *= exe Clay | de (24, (diet 3d De = tx6* ascs)= ta? (2)= lonean(2) =10 = 10 boy,.Goldim) > Ge cdim) =lo*=10 Aem = 0-3581x10> m2 (Pr = Aem Wi = (6.3581 108 )C1oxid%) =8.581x108 watts Pr = S581 x10 watts 2. & Eqs (2d 8) ay Ee G= adk 4} 4 we A 4 @) Ev = GeEw> Ovo de PLE = (fw: al?= [G-l= #5 0.8 =-0.7691 dB Ey = dyEw > Ow = dy Pur Iba Alte Lyglte a o.ze- 6698 237, Ey= Bj +B/ = 3@sat +2 @swk = Seswk Fr= Eft Ef = 7@s(wt+ F)+3coswt-£) = -TSinwt +3Sin@t = -48inot AR = 251-25 dlr (b) At wtao, B= 5 ay At wt="2 9E=-46% > Rotation in CCW 238. @) pLE= & independent of > must have CP SeRR= 1 (D). Polarization will be elliptical with mojer axies aligned With X-axis. Guess tL AR=2 verify: @y = (26x +}ay)/VE PLr =I fy alt= | 2@SbrJsin¥/ “— deste sin'y Ver RLE= 6.6 W=fO: PLF=0.2 (C) PLF= 1 ak Y=45°and 225° PLF=0 at W = 135° and 315° Polarization muct be finear with thal angle of 45° ~ AR = 00 18 a9 a = I, ht A ee (5041+ 73) +j (254425) ~ 12445675 3 (12.442 -j 6.7724) x 103s 14.166 X109L28-56° Rr=73 8 xX =42.5 (0. R= 3 Re (Vp Io) = Re Ci2.442 +} 6.1124) X19 12-442x15" W Cb). Pes Z/Igl*Re = 7325x105 W G), PL= ZITA Ri = 6. 1003x108 w The remaining Supplied power is dissipated as heat In *he internal resistor of the generar, or Pa = ZIDR, = 5.016 PX 1OSW Thus =3: PrtPa t+ Py = C7325 + 0.1003 + 5.0169)XI07 = 12.4422 x16 2=R ZUO. The impedance transfer equation of “ 3 2 Zn = [ z +32 tanckL) Ze +) 2. tanckh) Yeduces for 4= 7/2 to Zin = 2 Therefore the equivalent Load impedanae at *he terminals of the rr is the same as that for Problem 2.39 Thus the Supplied, radiated, amd dissipatesl powers are the same as these cf Problem 2:37 loy Aswon |_| m=50+j}50.0 ita: Zyy= L100)* = (0000 66 So+jo 5000 2 Fevaitable =z) = = 5 Vog = A (Ed** + Te e5**) vee Re & ue laws 4 ce _ TeopeJ#*) = Fig 4. VO)= ACI + Teo)) LO=£- re) From Fig 4; —y, + 1co)% + Woo) =0 =e +2 (1-Te)) zo +A Cit Tex=0 =Ve +A ATO) +A + ATO? =O 2Azk&e > Aare Paccepted =Re[ vor I) ] Vio) = ¥ (1+T0@)) Le) = $6.1 - Te) = Zin~Zo os Zn + Ze CGntinued ) 20 = Zin — Ze 242 Cont'd) 2 vod= BC+ B=) = EC) + RintjXin 7 Zo = eee = ( Rint }Xint 2 + Rin ti Xin ~#:) = Rin + Xin + Zo Vio) = Vs (Rint) Xin) Rin tj Xin +Zo = Neo pot Sine Bac an vous Zin theo Sin tS HOS as Se) Bes zh nee ) 16) SNSs oe Ys ZmtZo Rint }Xin tt Zo Re [ Vo) Toy] = Re[ ME Rin tj VeXin yy Vs ] Rint ZtjXin Rint Zo-jXin Paccopted = Re (2. Weil Binns Reals ): MERI (Rim Ze) *+ hon Rint B+ xe z vst —Sin__ = 4B = (Rint &)*+ Xin Realised Guy Rin AER (Rint Zo)? + Xion i 243. (2) RL Reg C2-gob ) = TMP = Me 2TXIO* CAT AIO : Saran eee ee pe 2700) (ears 0.4415X 1075 0.004415 (hms) (by Re CA[g) 28002 (A)*= bowr(ze)* = 0.21932 > Rin= Ry = 0.21932 Ohms C because of assumed Constant current) Re Ae 202 sg 0.98047 RitRr 6.21732 + 6.004415 Ce) ca (2-70 ) = Cg = 78.027 % GG) ZL=CR+Rin) +) Xin = (0-UP2+ 0.004.415) +) Xin = 0.2237 +5 Xin Ze Meo _ Xin XB 120 Sn lla) 4 jag Un Ge ) J an (RL) tan (32 A 1.2040 — A [A0+ [een | 252. BOE rf 0.1051 C Continued ) 24 243, (Contd) _ #i- ze = = 0.9996 Bit Ze (0.2237- j 232.8806 )+ 50 1+IFl vane SSR CHSIC a ~xoo iMrana oem ee 244, i Radiation Efficiency of a dipole Iz@) =I, @s[ Laren Hg (r= = a els eas ara OS (ZEI heise ds =adgdz = differential patch of area dw > power loss into this patch dw= Z[Hp|*Rs adgdz (time avs) z cs" [ Zz ]adgde Ww (total lass) = abe BERS cost Ez] adgde €ERs = Skin Resistance ) 28 dw = -(%) 2 a : 27 - Rs cos* [Fz] dz = = 28 | Sar ewe ERE Ri = 2 210 245. E={¢ 0<6<¢ 45° 2 45°69 < Fo" a 7O°< 6 < 180° Getaee Se ssie* re ay 7 1 Umea eons © continued? 22 2A5 Cont'd) fae 45° 5 [es a ae [ [ Sine de hy $ singe ] = = [av] [-os6]7+4-cos0)|% J sae [~@S45°+ coso* ~ HOS tae" + Za po] Proa = 0.54287 250° D = AT Umar postage “ot = 3684 Prod 0.54287 2Mr+/y RS (») When the fist is equal to (o%/m, for @=0° /( } 6 _ ¢ 10 Wm 0¢6¢ 45° a Fee j ° AB%6 $90" Ax10M%/m 70°<6 < (Bo? Poa = EP (ae Occ TU! ff [El oma E[Asinade } de ] Rod = 2 (84281) (47) |tol* = 36,1973 Prod = J | TIARr = [Trms|* Re PR = 86193 = 36193 = | gare (Zmms |* ce 246 f=i5eMHe, A=2m a imdipole ts 2 in electrial length 9 Rea 73.0. ,Zin> 734j425 2 Oe eevee ae ag Tost DATES HAAS Ons LBP A 5. Puissip = Pass = ElTant]*Russ = (67 mW @\xloav C. Prod = 5 lTant|7Rr =2L36W d. @g= Rr _ 8 t100_ gg, SS ae ens 7340.62 11% 23 2-47. Using equation (2-94), the effective qperture of an antenna Can be Written as fare WER here Wz = IEI*/2y ie we Wilzal » where li Defining the effective Jength fe as V7 =Ele reduces Ae & Aa eer 9g. = fAalzel 1 Ze[* Rr For moximum power transfer and fossless antenna CR.s0) Xa = -Xr, Re =Rr > (Zel = 2Re =2Rr this fee [Atom Re 2 > [Aem Rr co. [hem Rr aq Rr a % 2B. Aen = 2147 = (PE): ecg = “11D “1 Be fa]? Dy = a Ga! B50 whe 5 AS BAe eae 7S +50 1oox 10® ety ice 2 1E = 3,125 FE [1-2] 249. Wi = 10% W/nt Aem = Xo. , D.= 20dB = (oReg XD X=lee < 8 ~ See SAO" = 0.03 m = 3xId2m Tox 10> = maya xin =. Aem (ie Dee ie ~ (100) = 0.97/6X15%= ZU6X 163 4 re : Pre = 16% (22107) = 2A 0. 916K15F = 7.16 X 15% Watts Prec = 7216 x16% watts. I oe > a 250 Aem = z &D, = XG. 4. Ge = 14.8 4B 9 G, Cpower ratio) = (0! = 30.2 $ = B2GHe 7 A=3.6585 om Aen = G85)" (39,2) = 32167 On* The physical apertuye is equal to Ap= 5:5(24)* b. Ge =16-54B 9 Ge Cpowey ratie) = 10" = 44.666 F = 10.3 GHe > AF2zH2 Om Aem = 232)" ta4 668) = 304.2 Gm C. Go = 18.048 % G Cpower ratio) = to! = 63.096 f =12.4 GHz DAH=2ZAIP Cm Aem = 2A) ces 096) = 29-387 Com> 251 Gain= 3008, F=2GHe , Prd =5W Receiving antenna VSWR=2 , efficiency = 95% Ee = (2dk+jG)Fe(@8), Use Friis transmission formula (2-118) Pr = Pe Ceat Gear CL URAC ITFL2) (AAR) Dele fe) Dobe fr)» PLE Pr=l0*W, Ccae= 4 (we assume that), Ccdr =0.95, I-IRI?=4 . as =IVSWR-I]- 2-1 _ = oe ie 29 (rl =|WSWRY 251 = 3 (Init) = &% RE a = 0.15m > R= 4006 Xie? m, mole Os ae -18 hene (2g)*= (aoa) = 89X10 ‘ Dé = 3048 = 103, PLE? Pe = Bed jh) > 1B Bl "= 0.1 erm We Cady +jdy) > oH = 5 (4) (0.95)C4) (4) (8-910") (108) Dr (0-1) Dr = 2-661 2 Hence Aem = oa 2.66| = 0.00476 m> 252. uce.a) = (e320), 0°£6 <90° } one $360" O 5 WS6< Ibo" Aen = 2D, D = 4 Umax Prod seen Prat = =e ie Uce, p) sine dedg = arf Bedi SAS ar[- z Prad = 2m (- ee De= Biter. Anes Pra a5 per Bea 3x108 - 3x (0? = 0.03m Aem = 10 (0.03)*_ 19X10) *_ Ig. (9x 1074) _ igre Tmt ar ar cecal, Aem = 7/6/97 x10* 753. etatus mile = 1609.3 meter, 22,300 (stabs miles)=3.58873/eI0m eo aR Ot Samar = Sa 4.943410" Watts/m2, ( De= 6046, =10°) (EA= 015m ) Rem = (5)*08= 1790,493, m* pak aT Ft Aem:Pa = (790.493) (4.943x10"") 8.85. 10'> watts. » b, Aes= XD, Preceived = 254 Aem = 0.7162 Aem = (B)* ea (t= irl9) 1ew De = Aem = 75-50 _ = 3x108 _ Baas?) p07 OZ A Siecaies ~ S D= 2.262 a (I-103P) D, = |-04t7 26 255. Pe = Ws Aen = Wea clin) (24) D.| fa Ql? Wi= SWim2, cq =4 Chossles: - Zin-2e _ 73-50 _ : Reed Zitz 730 — %-187 N= 3x10 = 20m, Do=2156dB = 1.642 , PLF=4 lox to Pe= (5)C1)(1~ (0.187)*) (38°) (1.643)¢1) = 567.78 Watts = Pp Pe = 567.78 Watts 256 Pr: eens Re (re) Gor Got , Gor =Got = 16-3 > G Cpower ratio) =42.66 $= 10 GHz = A =0.03 meters. Py = 200 muotts = 0.2 Watts @. R=5m : Pe= [$43]* (4266)*0.2) = 82.7 uhatts b R=S0m : R= 0.829 wwatts C. R=500m : Pe=G27 n watts The VSWR was not needed becayse the jen was ger Ros Sea! pe cite: EL” (ate) Gee Gor Got = 20dB 9 Gor (power ratio) = |o*= loo Gor =|5dB > Gor (Power ratio) = $= 1GHz > A=0.3 meters R= 1x (03 meters a. Fon tee: @[* 4 Pr = (72:35 )* (100)(81.628)([50xl0) = 270.344 M Watts b When transmitting antennas is civcwlarly polarized and receiving antenna iS Lineurly polarized, the PLF is equal to 16 Onl *= | (si8) de] *= 2 Thus p= £ (270.344 x16%) = [B5.172K10% = 135, 172 Mats ak 258. 253) 260 261, lossless : Cea = 4. polarization matched «Iw fal“= 4, Line matched : C1 -1e}2) =4 D. = 20d =0* = (00=D,, = Dot Pe = Pe (Big)* Dee Der = 10 ( 5," Cloe)c100) = 0.253 watts Pe = 0253 watts Lossless: Ccd=4, PLF=4, ine matched : ((-IFI+)=4. Dy = 30dB = 163 = (000 = Dor = Dot Pr = Pe (ae faa) Cle00) *= 20: (aR) * 100 = 12.665 warts 3x108 axon cl Gor = 20dB =100, Got = 25dB = 316.23. A= P= Pel&e-bel® (ZE)> Gor: Got = l00:(t)-Ceresto) “Cieo) 316-23) = 6x10 watts = Pr f = loGHe, > As Suet =0.03m Got = Gor = 15dB = lo! = 31.62 R= lokm = lo4m Pr > lonw =i w Wee-fl? = -3d8 = Frils Transmission Equation : Pp, 2a 82 De = Got Gor a)" |G Fl = ((0'*)* G28 z)* (2) = 285x o" Pos 2esxio" Pe % 10° W > (P)min = 351 262. fos P exer Dee Dor (Ag)” = (P)( Ore Ccat) (Cre Gear) (ae )* Doe: Dor £ = (4) (@re (19) Cere (4) (Ag)? Doe Dor NE § 23aut =3m, R= loxto*= [0*. Fin) *= (gga) (Sext0*)'= (0.23072154) = 9.697 A10% 08 (Bg) 7 = 5.699165 Gre Gr = (1-1) =(1~|B2282]*) = (1- |222 |) 3450 i233 = (1~ (0.18897 )*) = (1 - 0.0357) = 0.9643 Cette = Rear = 4 Det = Dor = 1-643 BE = (09643)*C.643)*( 5.6992 1B") (ORIEN om) ¢5.09010") =25]-(5.679x5") = (4.30510 ° Pe = gee 6TH 10” Cx (5) = 6.99 x 07= 679. Pe = 699 watts 5 3x08 _ 3xtoe _ B-(B) Gee Gor, N= FyU09 Joxo8 30 ie spiotiece ee 3x15 toxto® 156 c= = lane] Ger = to Gor = (68 (4x3 xt08) > Go = (63 (an x3-x10%) = [27x (0* = [2007 Ge = (200 1 = 3,759.7) = 10 Hoppa (80 767-910 dB Go = 3,767.91 = 35.76 dB 264, 9 ¢=mat= 25127 Got = Gor = 16-3 dB > Got ( power ratio) =10 $= 0GHe FAS003m fe Got & = oe ee Cee) Of 5 =R. = 200A = 6 meters; = 254? (42.66)* P_A P= 2507 Ee) [ caraeony+]* @.2) = 200 nwatts 8 A266 b. R=R, = 5000 = [5 meters ; P, = 0.23 nwatts 265 ot * Gor P. = Pps: See Gor [% 2 [jo PSOE ewe ATR Ra. 5X0? Pr = (0% (3). 150% p_oos eo yt ar AT C(0®) Pr = b22x10® Watts E06. Be Saree eK ]3e Peat [sree F Sere et a 40 AT RR, Pe Gor-Got a As 3x08 Ly 3x0! off = 0.1425 x103 (AT) [Seeceoceeey] “s al4zmiat (000 (75675) t 267, g= Pram [ Re Pe Gor’ Got eS = 3x08 A> -Txe = 38 O= 201+ (4m) | am (700)c700)\* itoo fc 3 | SBC ER 6 = 94,14.5 me 268 = 18-617 (Be) Gee Gor Got = 20dB + Gor =(07 =100 Gor =15dB > Gor = lo'S=31.623 f =! GHz > A =0-3 meters R = (03 meters G) For PLF=4. Pr = (gers) C100) (31.623)C150) = 270. 34k u Watts Sad 5 Pp = 270344 uwatts = 135.172ANatts by PLE =| (tid). & iP “or any other linearly polarized unit vector 269. o=0.85A* PPro Ostet Gor,/ 7 ya A ea hae bare) 1ew er | 0 = 0.85 A, Got = Gor = ISdB =) Got = Gor = 31-6 228 dimensionless) Ri = Ra = (00 meter => Ri =Ra = |, 000% eae F= Sate 3 A= Be = 0.4 meters lev: @r|*= 148 > | fw &|*= orang P. ao 2 Pe a2 (316228)? (0.79 Pe Lr, ( AMX (oe x) #3) = 0.85 (31.6228)* (0.7943) _ pbieex te (aT)3 ((o2) Pr = 0.3402 x10 (lo) = 0.3402X10'° = 34.02 xio' watts P= 34.02 pWatts SL 270. Tassie Tec =) Ta =5°K Te = 72°F = 3 (92-32) +273 = 275.2°K —4dB = 20 fogoe = ~4 Goyhogo® = ~& (20) (0.434) A= gag = 0. 460 Nepers/iooft = 0.0046 Nie, G, L=2 feet i Ta = 5 6260-00462 4 295.2 [1 - 67400046)2] = 4.9) 45.38 =10.29°K b, Le 100 feet , Ta, = 520 00467100, a96 2[ jE 2U0-0046)100] = 172.72°K d d . = 2 ~ (once yde?, 271 Tete eh 2a(a)di a (ea) Tala) € f,24@ ahs 0 If a2) = obo = Custant d tele To= Th 4s (Meee) Tata) @2%°9-20 Ta= Ta S24, greed (, decay Tm cepe’2 Fae If Twl2)=Te= Constant and €02)= Ge = Constant Tela ented +67 ered fertetya Ta = Tos + & q ered Ceneed_ 1) For €,= 20 The Ta ered, i grted(a3%4 4) anew spe) oh If He = jweVx Te a) Moxwell's curl equation VX Ee=~jauHe cn be uritten as VX Ee= JouHe = ~Jwmcjwe Vx Tle )= ad VxTe YX (Ge-WHe Tre) = Vx(Ee-#Me) =0 where kis abe Letting A s Ee -RTe=-VG_ => Ee=-VAt k*Me Taking the curk of CL) and Using the vector identity of Equation (3-8) Leads to Vx He = joe VXVXTe = joe VCV-Te)— V2 Te J tats Maxweil’s equation (2) (3) VxHe= J +jweEe Tedwes @) to J + joe Be = jwelVCV Te) - V*Te 7 (a) Substituting (2) into (4) teduces to Vile + Re ~jH+[V(Ve) + VI] Letting Po=-T-Te Simplifies (5) to cs) Ve + ke aja and (2) to (6) Ee = YCV Te) + RTe Gmparing 6) with (3-14) leads te the relation oe Te =5 ee A (a) 32. If Ems Joe VK Tim es Maxweil’s curk equation Vx Hw = jwe Em Can be written as VX Hye = Jwecjye VX Tm) = OME VK Tim or VK CHm— WE Ty) = VXC Hm) = 0 Where kis ajue Letti "8 Hw 4m = - TP Hm = ~ Vfl t RET, @) (G@ntinued ) 33 3-2 COnt'd) Taking the curh of (4) and Using the vector identity of Equation (3-8) Leads to TX Em = SYR IK TX Tin = JH LV CV Tw) — V7 Tie J @ Using Moxwetl?s equation VXEm= —M-j!Hm — reduces) to —M = JK Hon = uO VT) =? TT 4) Substituting (2) into g reduces to Vim + 8m = oe + [V7 Tn) + VGm J cs) Letting Gq = —T-Tm nts 5) te Y*Tn + RD = J 3h and (a) to Hm = VC% Tm) + Em Gmparing (6) Pes (3-25) Leads to the relation Tm = Jape E ae (6) om) fe a eer ag A= dz Az, = O2Ca rs the above into (3~. - Leads to the following ‘terms ; Ax er eo dees #4 (or dee) aikr = 6 [eS kjk Sa adie 2q cir gh. oo Ag = #0, So ert The sum of the oe three terms is equal t2 zero ,and Ut Satisfies (3-34) The Same conclusion is perives usin: As G:An= dec, 5" as a Solution 34 34. The solution of V*Ae= Jz can be inferred from the Solution of Poisson’s equation Vo=-f for the potential @ (O45 29 represents the charge density a) We begin with Green’s theerem S (yee ae-p)dv'=§ Cpap-sv p> fda @) where t and gy are well behavecl Functions C nonsingular, Continuous, and twice differentiable). For tp we Select a Solution of the form t sor @ here (Xx A+ Cy“) *4 CBB) (30) By considering the charge at the origin of the coordinate system, it can be shown that Cprovidel r#o) [eo (ala na = veep =a (eR) + pape wOinedg +72 Gms Spe = V'G)=0 Thus (2) reduces to 2 U EYED ye 6 Be d= ~£() CREO ay a To exclude the r=0 Singularity of ~, the observation point *,45%/ is surrounded by a sphere of radius rand Surface =“, therefore the volume V is bounded by the surfaces Z and 4 ard (2) is broken into two integrals ; one over = and the other of £% Using (4) reduces (2) to tf bev =§ cpap pry) ida +8 cyrg-gry rh dacs) nd ih = aera eo Tfda as v9, SF da i $ da (5a) (Continued ) S44 (Cont'd) Since r” is atbitrary, ican be chosen Small enough So that ¢ and 2% are essentially Gnstant at every point on ee Tf we make r’ Progressively Smaller, Zand its normal derivate approach their limiting values at the center Cby hypothesis, both exist and are continuous functions of position). Therefore in the Limit as r“>0, both con be taken outside the intesral and we an write that Ee & CPy¥e-B Vy)-Ada = -4T Pesy,z) © Ot ——— 8 igs dim 3 L Saito do = fim 3 L (32) a" r)=0 Substituting (6) into (5) reduces it to $oyn = gel fav + a§ [heat] Ada (7) The first term on the right side of C7) accounts for the Contributions from the charges within = chile the second term for these outside =. Expansion of = to include all charges makes the send term to vanish and +o veduce (7) to einen, Bouy,e= mes r @) By comparing yz = Tz with 1) we can write that AnGay 2s ge ( Seley 2 gy a9) v i For more details see 0.7. Paris and F. K. Hard, Basic Electromaysetic Theory, McGraw-Hill » (%6P, pp. (28-131. For the details of the Solution of C3-3)) see R.E. Olin, Field Theory of Guided Waves , McGraw-Hill. 1960, pp. 35-37. It can be shown that sjke Ae= Al Teeayie) Sav Because. of the Length of the derivation, Lt will not be repeated here . 36 35. A x [dANC0.p) + de Aol6,9) + gAQC0,)] e— JOA ~jaue VTA) ‘ f A VA = 72 Syl Ar) - fan ae eee Bee reales al ee var eke im 3 nN y peva=- VOVA) = Vad BP a det hs dp ane = OL eL-wme AL] 4 ele tdo{toytel: 144 +] +at beast +ds{rco+al: Therefore E= ~jwA~j abe vCv-A) zikr Bs -jol Gv Ar + dots +dy Ag] sjape {Lope Mme eG: Se 4 (FOt AG dt fei e srt y+ 6 sh +4e[ tort AC- Bet {joe (det dan + ds Ay 1} dis: z “]+HE-a-} Ina similiar manner, it can be shown that =f VKA= $15 FEL Ae + ds Ay — deAG] f+ hl + HC Let us assume that within a Linear and isotropic medium, but not 36. pecan homogeneous, there exist two sets of Sources Ja, Ms and Js, Mz which are allowed to radiate Simultaneously or individually tnside the Same meclium at the Some ‘frequen cy ane produce Er, Hi and Ea, Ua, respectively. For the fields tobe valid, they must Satisfy Moxwell’s equations (Continued ) 37 3-6. CCont?d) a) @) @) (A) VxHa = ¥EatTa where = jocudjpl) cs) d= br jace—je*) (6) If we dot mattiply (1) by Ha and (4) by Ea, we aan write Ha: VXB, = — 2 H2*Ha ~ Har Ma Be Vxt= #88. t+ GrT2 Subtracting (7) from (@) reduces # Ea VX Ha~ He 9XE, =f See + BAH + By T+ Hae Ms (8D cr) @) which by using *he vector Hdentity VCAXB)= B (VX A)-A+CUXB) Clo) Gon be written as V-CHaX Ba) =-V-C Bax.) = PERCE. + 2H -Hg + Be Ti+ Ha Ma A) Ina similar manner, if #e det muitiply (2) by E, and ¢3) by Ha , We con write E.: VXH = FE Retin Hy 0X8, = -2 He HM Ma Substracting £13) From C12) Leads to Ex VXHi~ He VXE, = GE Ee tS Heh, + Est del, C14) which by using. Clo) can be written as VW: (yx B.)=- VCE. XH4) = FE Ee te He Hat Substracting C15) from Cll) feods to —9-CBaxkHe = E2XH,) = Ee Tt Ha My ~ Ee Ty He Ma tb) which ’s Rnown as the Lorentz Reciprocity Theorem in differential form. Taking the volume integral of both sides of C16) and using. the divergence. theorem on the deft side, We Can write Cié) as ~§$CEixHa~ EaXHa) ds SSIS CBr Tat Heme ~ETi-HeMa dv Cir) hich is known as the Lorentz Reciprocity Theorem tn integral form, az) aa EeUtdem. cs) 38 4t.a sinp= {es = f1- (8 -dr* = J 1=Ginecesg)> In for - zone fields mane ; Ep = jp EAE siny =) MGLEN Yi eneasay: f Hy, = j bse “sin = b= Us (I-sirn’eos*a) ‘Prog = Uo "["c- sivte-cos)-simodede = Us & d= ar B=15 4-2. a. sinp= {1-Cos*p = {1 14y de> sf —siresing: In far-yone fields jkr Ey = RRL cing = jp Bate site stg Hy = ss j AL sine any b. U= Us (i~sinte sin’ ) Prad = ul” "Co sin’g-sin'g) Sinddedg = =f C{ sin - Silo: sin'pde]dg = uel (zag - 3" ‘cued dg ] = Uel 4T- $r]= $ru poe Abbe 2 2 x15 Ue BE tps. Q. g=02 (x-z plane) jkr Ey ai SE fi-sinte ss cite =i BES cose At geo" Ey hag only Go direction, @) Ey Eo polarization (Eaca)| b B=9o® (y-z plane) kTLeike 40r Ep =it At B= 90°, cq-2 plane), Ep has only ay divedion : Ey + Ee. polarization chy B=997 ' \Escol c. = fo C2-y plane) = jy Rubel” peo ajy webeier, Ep a" an !-as'g 1 Se At 0290. Cary) , Ey has only Ay direction. Ey ~~ Eg polarization Ly 90° ce lEp Co) Uh. a. B=0? 6 x-# plane) _ hrelee cio At B=0% Ey direction has only Gy component Ep ~ Eg polarization b, Bet” Cye plane) oe it jkr Ey =)1 SHES Jisire =j1 Ae Toh ev#Y Amr gy, 136088 AL Hz Tot Ey divection has only Ge component 42 ale B= For Ey ~ Eg polarization ce. @= Fo? (x, yp Plane, Ek bile eo] Saar Oe AtO=@o, Ey direction has only Sy Componeut + iS a ae LTS PS “gel KV 6=%0° Ey ~ Eg polariestion 41 Le5, Co) Using (4-26.09 - CA-262) and the duality ef Tablea.2, the fields of an infinitesimal magnetic dipole of fength £ and magnetic current In are given by E,= Eg =Hg =0 ports 5 ag Eg =-) tint Sing Li+ spe] *r Hr= Ime cose 5 sjkr anne Ci+ yard é oe sing [it te Gee] ete Cb) Since the pattern of the magnetic dipele is the same as that of the electric, the directivities are also identical and equal to De = & (dimensionless) =(-761 dB 46. (a When the element is placed along the x-axis Simp =]! — Gos*~ = yl — lx: dr] * im6 Sing + Az Cosb )|* and the fields can be writen as _ WIghed ae on ee eI Bees V1 —siwe cos*B =-) tS sing Hy sEx eat (b) Ino similar manner, when the element iS placed along the y~ axis Simp = [i costy = [I= 14): drl* ={1- SiPesiniy and the Fields canbe written as -j: eit eo simap =-}: aiLeihry I= Siv* Site Ey = jteet i" siny ay REL itr Me) ae en” Sin Convert Y to spherical coordinates siny = 1- cos*P = 1 ~ (Ga Ge) i i ee , ae FS < ae od : = (8+ 4 “(dr Sina cosp + dy Sing sing + de @S6) z A Regs SSM 2B sing Coospt sing) Thus ybtel jkr Eee ee" | aaa 6 (cosp-+sing )*] Hy =j ee te Jt = dbsree Ceosp-tsing)*) He = hImk pr p= j aryr OM sin Ey =-j tet eas eit simp 2 Cowert y #0 ce Coordinates Siny= ge sine (sing + csp) Thus Hy = j Aad ik Vargr 1 - EEsi%6 (esp +sing)*] J dint hr [) — Tse (cosp tsing)2 Ex 4-9 # ce Shae where Hr=Hg=0 = kTLsing sik H raHen 0, Hy = j ARISING [45 Yi aa z Vx is not 0 function of g E= ¢. ine) — de E= joe XH = saz f ds sing & (Hsing) — dy FE (rH) +400 F hich reduces using the Hy from above to Sees ToL @so [i+ jel eit amr = REL Sine oy E,= pip C+ se aoe Eg =0 AAO. Weve = ZRELEXH*1 = 3Rel dy Ey x Gots] Wave = We = Re Lda x dy EF] 8 a5 Re (lbs) = 6 Sel” Wr= [3] eet] sate sin’é = w, sie | here We = 2 #leL]* Pad = ( eta Gr rssingdle dg = ana ( “sists de = 20 We (3) Paa= 8 w= 7(5)/ 5el 4 A= dsAe= & Adel gikr 5 4. oak, ak | (4-60) - ioe Te Ar = Azose= 4 Ante cose =A oo ae os Ag = ~AzSme - _ut,pei* jk ABLE Sine = Ags) SY 4, = ABA sing Ag =0 > Ag =0 Substituting these into (3-51) and (3-598) reduces to Fr=0 Eo =-jo2 rae = jee, Sing =j 7 kL Ot bk elke Sing Eps =o as =0 Which are Wentical to (4~26a)-(4-26 ¢) 44 412 pe [r+ Caress +22) ]* = 101+ (-arecosg+ 2/2) ]"* Using #he binomial Expansion of b3 fu (a+by"= Le eno" y onpen) 4 ! TF b* cnycn-pen-ay 2 3 it can be Shown by deeting ase bs (are‘coset 2’) ae #hak 3 a of R= r- 2504 t(F sin’s) +H (F'eos0-sin’®) + BLS Cit6os%s -5as%)]+- Therefore the fifth termof (4-41) is 1 14 Te [47 1+ 6cos*® -5as%8) ] Fer-maximum phase error of "/e radians 062 IDA < 1 < 2DVA (a) For a maximum phase error of T/16 radians {2(385) {DVR For far-field > { 2a rea a de/= aaa gt SHIRE here 0 Se | = eye CAB x’ay/eo Making a change. of wriable of the aren Z-2/=-p , dz=dp reduces the potential to te (? aylPrPe he = Aba (* Sr “P where @t= xt ye o> ep Usin sie VF oS J fs Spee # = STAR cha) We can write the potential as Ac = 5 4B Hop = j BHO amp) (b) He ag ¥xa and E= joe VXH Since ee =Ag=0, im cylindrial Coordinates Hap vad =a dy Be) = dy) Be SHO che) Using Equation CV-19), ty can write the H-field as H= ds He =-de j 42 HP cee) a there HI%CKE) is the Hankel function of the secand ‘ind of order one and. argument ke. The electric field can be obtained Using E= jog VxH = & a suelo Hts) ] = =e jae (Si ) = = fh jue Cj 4 2 HP -j ae 241k) ] Since 35 HM = pat ise p Hike) by using v-18 = de [- BE Hd ] =a 1 BE HP cue 4T 447. = it {el cri where Line oon Cas(klase) - es (HL) 14, See Which can also be written as WW: Ine = 2 [“Less(tfase) + os) “20s Mos 05 (40) 4g S ane Letting { ese=U oe ~sinede = dy > 48 = — Sine Teduces Int to Sc Coos*(Htu) tas*()-208 (Lu as($)) yy Dearne ea | eee ae = (| Lastly + csttht)-200 Cy) osc¥t).] ata a Cl+ay = df Liececttas teesiay - (aster) + aclerolay as Cit uy oe Making another change of variable of the form cawkls v > du= 9% We can write that Tt = 2 Mat aochl)t Schl?) dp ane ly, Ast 2: = (Mes oseas) scr) avt 2 Mess 4+ osC?-M) 1, le uv a ~ (Lees tebe] avr 0 a provided Y= we If z=elv, =| eee re “costlel) + CoS Cv) cosclel) + Sintv)sin Hel) -(' escuslase) + Sinckd)sin), “Jo a (Continued ) 48 A-!7 Contd) Md uJ : = [t+ cosckty] (l= Gesu yy Sincy) Sinckl) Tint = [1+ co iN SY dy 2 Sino) Sh) doy : hl Sin Cet) (7 sinv aah t YE Aa dy — esc) OS? Jy which reduces to Tae = {C+ Ancee) - Ccat) +d sinckty CS; (240) - 28,040) ] + 2 eck) [C+ inh) +0; Qkt) 26, cet f where C 20.5772 Gi Rais 7iEPr. is Wential t (4-68) From (4-88) = 7 IDl* (" @s*(Fase) Frnt = Tie f Siva de letting a= ase ai ind Be } 2 site =1-as'e= toa. We can write ID|*(° @S*CFU) 1 _ pte (4 cos Fu) Red aan lap teat eG atte ge which can also be written as =p 'Bl*T C! ess 1 x Proa “SL OSE) das cos*(Z4) tu] 0 a ° 1+ Making anotier change of variable of the ‘form YS olatt inst integral Valtat th inte oh } for the first integre bide le } pr the Second integral Wecan write Prod as eee =» 'BIS (1 sin*(Bv) 2 siX(EV) ten Bl *sinX(Ey Pad =" amr {f eo + [sh ay} Var - Pov Using the half-angle identity < sin*(Zy) = -CSTy > reduces Prag £0 Pua = pelt * Ci-coserv)] dy ° v By letting ae, dy = ty We can write Prag as Res = Be fs C868) Jay = ay els Cin 21) 49 Ha { 121 nt, 4 = i 2 ihe Coss ae Ma gr a2) J Cos [ke cose Jde/= at N) « A@y= 4 Ay = 0-4 = Aw = dy: Inthe for- zone er Bla a (1-2 ~ hla Cae sin(t ose) sy spe% Wrz pah ° eee Bike eet b Ad giky = 0 sin( ase) ie cos (Mase)-1 1 cose (tf ag6 )* J (~@s(tase) ChE cose) > e u Er2o Te Eo ajo ee sing { Fe +0 Hr 0 He =o Hg * “% ¢ Continued) 50 ANB. Contd (bh) From te PR ah = ae sing beet rey atte J] us cme: rt cos (BE) ei 058 9, th fet qzjkcose and b= TE use following ienteg real formula, ue ( cosbe eMde = 2% (acosbz + bsinbe) a? 453 eik 2B cos8 Eo =J7 eit sng u{ , age __ jhease cos 384 Tin ee (£)*-#eas%s jou onthe Ferd) he ake ston [este gs (E)= #as*s pl oe eikr Ey = jee sing-T. 208 (#Hese) x oS os (3 Cosb) 4mr @~ Koes =) tar a 3& Ye cose git 4 ose ai 4 wa sjkr ; Hg =j eke ging =: 2as(Hose) _ Leit” as(Eese) (Bye wtase J 3K sind ket h ©) Eo=j1 aur sing ae ‘te cos*(E#/) elh2/@se yar fet a=jkose and b= %, use the following integral formula. az az az Pe ede = S + sou (2 esabe+bsinab=) 4d eiteese aihecose + Sib og tes Zn Fe’) Ey =) bo cine Te ug a i aie cose @ Sass aig te ” sind Te {snctiess) peose SNH sé) Ly, ROSS 2. eos8 4200876 foKenlS sinc#! ose) n SUNG hy + Sin (E58 Hp = J nd To a kose ee A oS 51 419, vswR= 14 = pL Rin- Zo Zo =50 @) L29%%y, ela, ko w/2, 2kl=T Rr = 604 + dna) -C.(%) + $ Sin(Z)[ G:C) -25:(2)] f Rr= 604 0.5772 + 0.45158 ~ 0.470 + S[).85-2 43698) J f =6.0388 ae Since Sin*¢ ely = 6.8388 = 13,6796 sint) [= 13.6776-50 _ Se COURSE RY) bs 13.6776 +50 Oa eS 1~ 0.5704 epee 0) b=A/2: R= M2, REAM, 2kb=27 Rr = 60 {C+$n(m)-ciCm + dscm) [o+ IE) +Ci@m -2.a} = 60 {0.5772 + L14413 -0.057- 4 [0.57724 0.45158 - 0.0227 ~2@ost]} Ry = 7313 9 Ry = Re 7818 SED” Simca [Ps BB-50 = oiaqes > VSWR= 1tO8%OS _ | 4 g26 13.13 +50 1 0.18785 Cc) f= 8AM 5 Rh/2= 8/4, kh = an/2, ape=3T Rr = 600.9072 + tw(3T) ~Ci( SE) +2sin 3) [8;(ex)-25:(82)] f = 604 6.5772 + t-5502— 60.17637) —F[LE6TATZ~ 26.697 ¢ Rr = 185.765 > Rin= 185.965 _ = 29, 93 Sinz (314) T= 3773-50 5 0.9630 = vswe = 17STBE - 7.4286 371.93 + 50 3 (Continued ) 52 449. Cont'd) MAYEN Hf t ideloom] Qbear Rr = 60 {0.5772 + Ln(am) ~C; (am) + dc08 2m) [0.5772 + Lac) +C; (41) -2€: (an) ] $ = 60{ obT72 + 18378 —€00227) + £41) [0.5772 + 444 73 ~0.006 -2 (-0.0229)] 5 Rr = 199.099 9 Rin = 12094 - co Sinton) [= 2282 = I= B0/~ +50 1 450/em =1 9 VSWRS % 4-20. ee a=l0*A, f= toMHz, b= 5.7X10"S/m R=R -4 L Far xiol(amxio") 1 = Rng = = = As eo ama Samoa \ 2. seaniree = Rne= s(t = a Rng = 1.324 oe 5 Meera: @) L= 50; R= gou2 (gx) = O36 ohms RL = Rag = 13245 (Gp) = 0.02647 = 316X100 Cg = BE woo = 236X100 od ag y, R+Re 002647+0.316 () b= 9%; From Probayy Re = 68388 Re Ry = Laas = 033i! 6. a Xoo _ 6.8888 +0.331) Cod = = 75.38% (Continued) 53 4-20, Ccont’d) ce) £= Aj From Poh M19, Rr = 93.13, Ris Rip = ESRAS 9.66225 = 73,13 xl00 ategees Sct = 737g 40.66235 97-10% @. L= A; From Prob 4-19, R= 197. off Rie Rug = 13245 Sete SIONS sy poe 199.099 + 13245 SYF34% eros 421. He=i ad = sno Incos (Ze) ob de’ ] ae = Ha- Sanh. £ ake (i eecipielt COSB 2 Ma Usin the same formula in Problem 4-!6 cb). j Ink sF ng. = eo Ink eit 208 (Fees) “) Warr SE éensto dja ko Sine = ; tn itr coslE cose) pane Sino jkr r Ex =-He = -] eit. oscéese) E te ir ne ‘sing 54 422. (> vswe= Lt!C Ws» jp) = vswe-! = (2245/4 I= IF I VSWR¥I + |rl=|sl = aon |[=& L|- | int Bel aie a sf tee ; lagest . tle dees FitZ F Fins Wz = 100 O) R= [Lig GT Ne Re=Rinsir?(AL) = (00 sin?(96.79") sint( Ht) Rin = (00 (0.9926) = 100 (0.7852) = 78.52 Shms Ce) Rin= Rin = 78.52 ohms Was = 39 ( [Eel * | Eel?) =4[ Eee IAM 4 AD] 423. Pony heresy Pas a ieee (ee i Hela] é (osm dodg = &) 2» Rrea = 2Prd 24 2 HAI + 4Az) = Elliptical polarization since oy Bey = yaks 1, aysin lotr) da + GAbSIO T.9, ascwe-kr) by ane amr Pag = Bt A+ AAS) Rwy . 4-24 Dipele with L= Ao sjer x Et a j7 Be { ssches)t ea sing Ie a =k ce + @) tN ears f- cos (Zoos) k sine =k jy eto -A @s(Zese) anne | hat saeae Eady Beer (ga A sch oss)} 4mr ‘sind = gd @sE ass) (@) he) = - de SSE — a 8= fo" cb) Nhe) Inge = [- baste ce) =2 = 0.3183 Sine hs © LheCylny . 28 d= 2 AR whichis 63.66 % of £ = Z= 0.6366 (We Uh E egy = [dy $ SCHOEN). 162 o 6=fo° 9 OE) = Bezier ws il. a a el Ro beget, p= Ho" At f= 300MHe | A=$=1m 20422. 6S) 0: 2 B= 2S = bm r=200m>>0.50 (os er (ene he Pe = Catz) Got Gor = Cape) Det Der ; *— for Lossless antenna Now since Dot =Dor = 643 for B dipole. = Cats) (1643901648) W = 0.2m 426. The time averoge Power density (Way= 3f") Way= ylZel* [ cos Ease c 2r™ ook mo tos (SEES) | Page g BE" OEE gg i Pra = Z Rmallol® | Ria = Ze L¥+lncax)-cpeany) = so [0.572 + 1836+00] Rrad = 73.0523, bo =4:(73.0F23)) Zs Prat 10.5: (00) =Sowatts . - (T.)* 1.26eee. At r=500m, 6=60°, B~o° - 1.366688 Cos?( F Og 60°) = jor. : z War = 0% era Sap) e [ Sin =go° 138868 —. (0 6667) = 15 Tr 25 xi0* L743 x10° watts/m>, Im = To sm[k(£+121)] 427. (a) d= A/4 . z= 8 = resinCk( P43) ] = Rsintk Z]= Tsim [FF] = I, sin(Z) Tin = 0.707 Te R= (BE) *Re= (2, JRe <2 R= 2°70)" 146 Xin = ($5) Km = (Gag) Xn 2 hm 2 2CA BPI BF Zin= Rint jXin = 146 +85 a6 =}85 2 146-585 2 egy 32.978) x10" () Yin = [g64}85 146 -j85 168. P41 z tb = -j 335.776 (Capacitive ) Ynet 2.998 KI6> = Xm= Y= 6) Yun = SAGX? > Zn= Gasciss = 175-503 ohms [Fr] = [188-98 2800 | < 104.4966 6 2) We 175.503 +300 1 495. 503 vowrs (IF 6-2") /CI- 0.2) = 15346 ST 4-28, 452, Ze=50 chms a Si ee eee Zin = 734j42.5, Yin= Zin = 73+} 425 73-j42.5 Yin = 0.01023 -]0.005%563 = (0.23 -}5.9563) X10°= Gini Br, foie £ Bins 7s = Biy = Meus 21f Cin 9 Cn STE = 2 t65o =0.94999 102 ~ Cin = 0.94797 pF Gin = 10.23x163 Rin~ Ze _ 97.75 - 50 t Rin= Gin 97.75 , Tin= Brae = gape eo = 08282 1+ [finl 140.3232 VSWR = = oS = 1-95: WR '-ITinl 1 -0.8a32 ve 429. ea Gg) Mubtecitr, sim Pose)| 4, erbtel¥r cy amr gz a = Ce Lb sje te = ~ Gj MRE = zier Elese yj ee b = j ARE hots) hee) = dy: i i m pioherer opal agekiuele en =H est teh ou peallen ane = [beti-BM | Ty heed) Iheto)l? |E™*F be rep =f 4rr Pde) = lofeao( 4) =0dB 430, wesc ctg1 EHR) ., Ws4ePOs jogs 9c =j4izei 5 c= az jer Vea Grz Loads + Aye") T (NA )aayge” [2S = 406" [2 +) (@s30°s singe") ] =49 8" [1.5 450866] = 4067 C1. e"] V2 = Jo o'40's 536 -j45° 58 431 Ls3em, AsSom, T= 10@5&" Po AR = 243" = IE = 3.6 om 3 10cm is in the farfield . £= 2-06 > length of dipole is finite, onLoo6n Ee*j = cos (Boose) - nos4t)) pee een xf eT + Sin Tarr ‘sing Hes SP (e scamacesyt620F| «gangs ) ‘Sinage = 0.7703 ie Fe ars dr = Er = 2E. i= dm = 19. 5ce 50H 60, gi4t > E, = jor Reif? AT (9.99703) | 4629 e882 20 (0.1m) [Eel = 4620 W/m ,|Hgl = 4822 = 12.25 Ampere 432. Using equation (4-79) in Soe. Pee Seti ~ “sso r) [32.668 ohms 433, #- ST) gl sSt, akl=3r a) Using (8-600) , (8-60b) Rr = 185-808, Xr =/90-7767 by, Using (8-6la), C8-61b) 185-808 _ ap = 110-7767. = 395.5936 R By ee Sin'(34.7) ©) pr = 376/7- 300 « 6 igge3, 37/.61'7 + 390 vswR=L+ 010663 = | 2397 | - 010663 59 434 L=0.625A, OF Using. (8-600), C8-6ob) Rr= 31-7415, Xv = 146131638 b. Using ¢8-6la), (8-616 ) Rin = 154.5797 , X= !7/-203 C. Pra 15d 599 ~300 6 3197, vowR=! 403171] _ eno 154.577 +300 1 =]-0. 3199] 435. a. t=200m, aim, f=i50 kHe > A= 2000 meters cedar ss ERA) =Tnwreenpya pon Unt A) Zin 2072 (£) 4] 120 Tee = 2011? (je) —jl20- RACY Zinpst = 2+ Zin = 241.9939 + j 1377.07 input = 3.7739 + j 137707 Re = 99. 19937 _ yo gay b. Rediation efficiency = 100- R+Rr 3.7737 Rr Cc. RPF= = 17739 53 RPE = aldepa)l T37me = 14335 X6 d. X= —Im(Zinpat) = 7 18707 = [Gam - { S373 = n= (ez = sg7st = 0.282 @ The answer to this part was found by manually entering. values of X until’ [|= 06333 was obtained. The values obtained are X4 = 0.77803 X2 = 1.00198 The corresponding percent “Ss bandusidth is cpest O. a 1 BW= (XX) x100% = 0.3757, i ie f | ome | 60 436. Ey =j preeeeed®y Sing-CosCRHOS8) } OOK T/2, OK PK 2m arr Weve = $ Re CEXH*J= Srlesl*- Ge RH! Sere. os*Ceh oso) am ce Fra = i. a Gr r3sinodedg = ie BI Tsetcrtonsie 39 @s*Ckheose)dg = Z| HL *('s vig | Lt Co8l2khcosa) }do 1 wae iS ) Ete ELE si fieetskicse) - : Sib de +f ‘Sivte as (2kh @se)do } Prod = 2 | Hol.|*{ 7,47, } zs ai where I, = {, Te 3g dQ = case (sin sbea)[ Th 3 2 : L= { sin’ cos cAhcese)d8= ( Sin’ -CosCkhaos6) Sind dé 3 lo let A= Sino du= 2 cesthose) |) = # #hos(3o)= 2h (0867) = O80) =E>h= joey = 0.288% b. DS z ———____ (ak): - 3 ~ GSCakb) + Sina) ] 1 2th = 2.0L) -ca.aten) = 3632 kh (2kh)s De ras zi 2 ~ [¥- @S@632) sing.Gp)~ is $- ae Steaeaghs) eld g9sse]-aenesl Aya y 2 © Res an(h) TS - EEGs SLO?) ax orca) stl 437m 438. Ey =Cysinecoschhcose), ahere Cz=i7 bebe ey = =5.12=7.1dB Ea), 7 CeSingn @StkhGasts)| =O Singn =O, aschhesin)|, 50 Singn = 0 3 6n=0° GSCKh GsBn)| = CoS( 4T@SHn)= 09 AT Sb = CoS'(0) = + (FAEY MN= 0,1 3,- n= @s! fe Ge /e] 1 N=0,1,2,3,4,7°7° N=O: 6) = GSH) = 82.62" ned; = cose d)= 67.98" | Tor O'sa< yor n22; 6:=@S'(tF)=5132" | Cfor %0°L0< 80°, he field is zero) n=3; 03 = @S"(4 Z)=26.96° Ned ; 04 = CS'(f) =Deesnotexist. The Same hdds for n>5- Therefore uhere the field vanishes for 0°<6$70% are G0", 26.96%, 51.32%, 67.98% and 82.62° 4:39, Ey =Cy-sind-coscehcose) . where Cr= ip tea Eolgcgoo =Cr Sino"): (os khy @S (60")) =0 > CoS thn CoS(6ot)) = 0 hy CoSGo= khn(E) = Khn= GS'0)=+(AMAL)T, n=0,1,2,3,--- Choosing the positive values hn (4HE4)A, NO, 1,2, 3) °° - hn = 0.5A, IBA, 252,352, 4.52% 62 440. & 4-72) = ys > AF= 2[escthase)] = +2 CoS(h CoS Om) = Q. ‘kh CS Om = Ds ae eet = hp AS Gl” m= Gos'(4%S) 5 m= 0,1,2,3,- = eo eae ee 20; bo= Gs (to) = 70 (oS"(/3) = 70-5288° m=4; 64= @s'(t4)= | e CoS'(-/a) = 10984T12° @ Below Grourd Plane) M=2 5 Ba= OS'(43%)= {eee 48.1697" ‘ale = 1318o3°C* Beloca Ground Plane ) m=3: 635 @s(44)s { st) = ae le (9 Below Ground Plane) mM=4 2 O4= Cos(44/3) > does not exist b. Eom= C- sing [2-@s¢hhcoso) Iyy= #26 » Shere 6= 90 C. Ee _ sing: cost ehcoss) ‘6m alot: Ee x Ee. = -0odB 6=0°: Emo? Ee 20 Lego (0) 2 = 481897°: E68 _cing. cos(theesé} = iat of 8 =20le4, fo.rask) mF = -2.554B 0 = 70,5268": E6/Eom =Sin6-cosceheost)|, = if =0. 269 58 = 8 = 20 Lea o(0- 3428) B= ~O5II5dB 6=90° : Ee /E—m = Sine cos ckhcos6)|, be 13 £e = 2obegig(1) =OdB 4a, 4 Zin Le) a O. Zin( = Ya}= 2 Zin L=A)| 2m) idl above ground plane ‘fice space Feed’ | 5 From Problem 4.19 > Rim =Rr =199.099 Referred to feed at Cenler of A/z From Figure 4.19 >Ximdl=2)| 62.5 ees above ground plane d Therefore. Zim L=Ma)| = POP +65 = 99.5095 above ground plane Grtinued) 4-41 (Cont'd) b Zs =i, Zim_ _ 99-5495 +)625 -@ sins) ~~ sin3¢r) C. [a Zin=Ze _ @-b0_ _ 1-50/0 _ Zin*+ Ze Wt50 |+50/o & GIES ters VSWR = ee + Xim Can also be obtained using (8-606). For =A Pel= 27, 2kL= 4m, Thus Xim(t=%)| = 4 Xin (4=9)| =x {2c Cel) + cosceg) [2 SiCke) — Sie] } Gove ground plane free space = COT {2 Sin) + cosvon)[2sicen) -S:C4an)] } =! f2ct. 4) + [2c1aie)-L4ralt 7 9 4 442. : ' ‘es “it f Ef: 443. Feit sitel® sing: [2Gs¢kh@s0)] [AFlnar = 1S CkhGs6 )]ygy= 1 when RhG@Sbmox= HhCoSOpax = 7, RhOS(60°)=T, Ah(d)=t, har No matter what the height is when O=90°, it is o maximum. So you always have a maximum ot O=70° If you want a maximum at = 605 then khcos6=nt, (n=12,3,--) Leads toamaximum at 8= 60°. Ned: KhOSBlqgy=T, h=A Leads to — moxima at 8=90", 60" Tf you check chsely, it also Jeads to a maximum at 6=0°. So you can not only have one maximum at 8= 60° 64 Ahh. Ey ~ Cy Sind Cos th «s6)| ee 6, gies h= =e sat a wa8b le=er 4.C01736) = oat! AgaT h=14397A, A= SXIO® = Zox107_ Soxio® —exgr = Smeters h= 1.43972 = 1.4397.(6) = 8.6382 h= 6.6382 meters 445. Using the coordinate system of Figure 4.21 the total field is given by (4 Ne) or Eps sate Vi-sin’s sintg [2jsin Ckhoose)] , oc6e0, oCkh Sind sings dg } }do = (sin Cau]de Ghere I, = aes * pe (Toseth ane sg} a cr G-ae x +e )dgy, where y=2khsinosing -2{n-4(" ade misn( ye coe Her sseaif Fhosi|, FF we v4 -2 mee (e Cap = 42a" Go" a si g ee fai Le Zor ou? hs sistyde] = Foner ( “sintpag (33 khsing ) From Mathematical Handbook of Formulas and Tables }=2xsing Schoum’s Outline Series, pq 96 Equation (5-30, "9 a Sihde = LSS + @n-@nd) ro (" oo geeraanacanc 2 ee (Continued ) is be 65 LA5.Ceont'S) n+! Lothsine = = 3-5. -> (an-3)Q@2n-}) Tus Tee 200 Zhan where a ean and 1- [Tews Mio SH) han site = kh) TW oat “ae ‘an! fs ede si Series equation of the previous reference, or I Stns das WAGs ChB On Gnt nan, Henge e 163-5... Can-1) anti) (ant3) We can (orite that Te rey (244, (Aangs) » Aanes = (nyt However = 1/3 : = Q@ne3)an~1)_ 2-4-6 Aan Aants = GGL ISaSE eae Therefore T = Tz ey (24h? (ant) Caw! (ant 1Xant3) ( an | Gkhi4 _ (2kh)* 6 eho 8 fe (2kh) (2042) a 2r-35 4! im not 617. Loy, Qn)? ee) which when expanded can be written as T= {3 -[B+(obh)* dp +gp-ah) Heh) Pe 2(@kh) Tes swat Recombining appropriate terms, we have thot =T + fae" ehh) cyt cou Ee Lo mf ppl) Se" ST) eal Sees eG i = $ att aR + pips [th hid? s Zc GRIT? 9 } +++: €an-2)@an) (ante) is ee SCM) AnH Cant3) @n~) Gantz) n=) Gt Gn 3) Which reduces when expanded to = 1 [ E~ Sinfakh) _ Gog Caeeh) 4 Sin (2kh) r-0[3 “@kh)Cakh)* * (akh)* ] Therefore the Yodiated power can be written as | B£AP 2 _sin@kh)_ cs (kh) , sin@akh) red = lA T= ELSE [a7 Say See te * | 66 LB. Ey = CoV Sir 0Sin [Sin chhcose)] | Cz =-7 Rloteler SIr 4. Ey (P=90')| = Cz so -Sinckhcos8)| = C coscase) sin CHE) = 0 ona5° b-45° #h= Sivito) =m, 1=0,1,2,3,-- Choosing the positive values and excluding the n=o value, we have the Smallest height of (n=\) HJ EEL “ar na = 001A b. h=-B 92 nee =aEyR= = 2021 =88857% 41 Ree lao? (yp) 2 ~ Sin@en) _ @saz TM) 4 Sin @2T) Z swear) ven) * ~ Gems J Rr = L202 (Se)* a cocoon wet 0.294 2 kha = Dy= AOS __. 40090 - ses [$= 057765 +0.0108694 +00007316] 06208 Dy = 5-983 = 2.774 4B LAT, Ey (p=90')= Cast sin kh @sd) , Q=-7 tebeiir kL Lehr arr Ep (p= 90 ol ae CoSBy-Sin (0.707 AK CSBn) =O Cos Gn =O J Fens te Ss0" Sin (0.707 AR @S Gn) = SiN CL4ld CoS En) =0D1-414TCoSEn = Sin'Co) L4ld4tr Cos bn = Sivi"(o) = ENT, N= 015903, br= @S'(+73q) )N=0,1253, °° neo: On= @s'(0) = 90° netd: On= O87 qq) = 45° nega: n= OS! (t73q) = Does not exist: The sane holds for n>3, } for 0°£6< 90° His = j kite” t ame sini ss a, He=-j trmteitle Gaeee San Diese - Fis Panes? \ phase, P= Vi=Ta,for amplitude I Far Feil R=rthess ana ce He =4 ae “sing [ ajsin cheese) | G49. cls jy destent nese t ‘ =-j7 kiten! o Ee It syle’ Sings ‘im By Far-field: N= 1-heose } phase Ta =T+h Cos (rere , 6=6:= 62) amplitude. ain kDL EI jkncosa jkhose Eo=j1 Sa [e e ] E=jq Hele ging [.2j sin Ceh cose )] seat galt eres * y h He fe "sin ororerBer get, : t He = ja&tn elt, sinbe 14m Tapbar-fields. DSCGIEN | hee. Qrener 3 dapitude Yeert+hose 6 =e ob. pdotel ite sing [2¢0s (kh @s6) ] B t 451. a. & sjy Ht Hong mesntdttisey’ 4 t same i ©. bs v ee OS 60°= nT, n=1,2,3, RO n* Resa = Seat v & image Smallest h n=l sh=n (GQuntinued ) —s ae es IE peels Nin ety” -gin2a [4 Sin*Ckhoose )] U6, p) = Sim Phi pate a t c 9) sine dods = r7&) )2 | o[® (, ‘Sin®s-Sin*Ckheos 6 do wf) ap: {3 oa “om | me (A tal? {3 tap FY (F117 {0.3397} anus 459.2) _ 2Sin°45*) Sin* (amos 45° 0.3397 re 2 (L)* [rol sin?0 Sin" khcose ) et 1 DprA a 22.74 = Ps Ry= 2 Prad = 207 (4° {03397} (a 4 Res anxiety 0.3397 = 23X10 2s 452. since d< dy = as 6 + 1,000 ) = 2.87669" ae | UX BXITYV36m)) © Bx PE ZEXIT TAL Therefore the earth is a good dielectric 99,=.1H i= waa a hy Bh io9 ( gy) = tan ( = to? 97368 x10%m) The divergence factor is equal to (a= 5280 miles = 8.4) whe 7p, , 2059¢1,000) re Ds (i+ 2 aay = [1+ 8.497366 xI0°X 2x10 CO om | (14 0.000463)" 0.99977 and the reflection coefficient equal to Ry = Te Cosbi — 2 CoSbe. =F y= = (E To @S6i +N Cosbe where. Yo E, Ue eae, - VE Ye Sings =V.sindt > @osind: = sings 9 Sinds = SS sin6i= VE sings Cos be = J isin’, = f1- £2 sins, =/(— See siti Therefore Cosbi- Hi cose _ 086i — Te sirbyer = £1 00881 = fer -sin“@ © €@s6i + [er-Si bi Gutinued) soz + HE cose © 080: + BE im sits /e 69 1-52 Cont'd) 61 =90-p = 90-2.87669°= 87.(233|° => Sinb: = 0-997, Qshj =0.0502 S= 00.9987)* _ -1.949649 __ 9 ggg Thus Bla ie Ste + =(09987)* 2.251649 ier ‘oo jkhi@ose “Stare ae eos). [ee $e. Rr el diaper (2331* 1 [d+ Chi-hi)® = _[(20,000)*+ C1, 000-79.5)* = 20,020.26 m =66, 734.207 hi=5m =16.667A , he = Looom = 3,333.3333 A Toe)¥E(66,734.207A) Cos (Eeos(e712")) jeikhi Cosa: OR, eithicsts] 27 C 20,020.26) Sin (87./2°) i720). 3 Cos c70.52°)-j Sin(7#-52") + 2669-] 0.9637 = 12-94.52° cos[Z@S(67.12)] = 0.996887 , Sin(@7.12°) = 0.99874 bi C088: @) 3E(16-667A)(6.0502) = @ 52% 16-667)(0.0502) - 9 iS-257 12801.2° = 0.518|-j0-8553 Ey =jr20m- e 3506 6,734.207A) = Cos(3ol.2*) +] sin (301-2°) = e@dhhicesti_ | 7-301.2° = 0581+) 0.8553 DRrETAK SE - 9 o9977¢-0.777) CoSiB|+j0.8553] = ~(0.4025+) 0.6644.) Thus e@edRn O98 + DIRM COND: _ (4 sigi—jo.0553)~ (0-4025+}0.6644) = O56 —j 15197 = |.524)265.65° Therefore Ep = (129°) (i207) To(1£ 14.52°0.996887) (4. 5241-65-65") 2M (0.99874) (20,020.26) Re 4592x1621, £7017 cs [Ee] = 4-592 x107 [Tel Volts/m 70 4-53. From Calibration ; Biri cs Pr tox Pe RE PCH py R™= —Z—xK10xt08)? = 200m+ On asteroid Pr = Pe = | t+ Reith oso | Approximate geometry ; vee. 6 .. v y sim eae ee = at 1s ~ a ° B ton Cin) <1.5xX10%= 0.086 6'= E-p | @soi=sinp * 15x 10> singé= sini a. Fo 2vz Sid 9 cos 6) 3 = pooee i 2 Ry = ease! se _ 3015x1602) — SF 5 ~ 0.9905 = cospitcsot BOLE xIe3) + ENEs S’=S=looom 5 a=loom D=[1+ 2_S8/ J = [av 2 seoercione) Te 0.7746 ad tan p 1082000) 1-5* tO ee A= = 3x08 _ s 300x(0* a oa tk [14 Dpvel2th@59)*= | 1- corpus toavosyei"* | = |4~ (0.7746) (0.9905) e347 | * = O054ir72 Ree iia (0.0541772) (5) = 1.3544 x10°W = 135 UW 4-54. Prad = l0Watt, r= 3.7x107m, Do=50dB + 1o® = 40 2 Aw IE 4 oe 0. DF ates = cae , (Since Umax = oo jy=lzow) FErS lOPx2xl20Tx 10 LA gxio® Am (3.97%107)= E =2xl0* V/m ( Gotinued ) 1 454 Cont'd) b. Use Friis Transmission BES (BE)? Ge Gus = Ba) ® Dok Dar (Since we ascu ‘cl NO (oGie PR ERGS in ince We ascume. 00% efficiency ) Pr [0:08 2 To ar capac) | * (1000) Cl. 643) R= 6-84x10% Precewed = Since Rr273=Rin for %e dipole. then BRin ¥ ié V= V8CPecciyes)(Rin) = 24V GOS Por uasaeda | £- dae for gone S= 35 18|* Wave front EL. /dAe Ceifonal Surface’) IE] y¥ dA For spherical wave : (El Si Se for plane wave : |e) /e,) = 1 Tn general, it can be shown that for a wave front eikonal surface we have Jel. (age @ and e, are radiief curvature [El ¥ (A+ 8)CQ¥ Ss) "of wavefront . og) Lae wave : @=@e= So E So* So We ey ee set | ge ull, ete) Fe plane wave: C=eaz LEL TE 1. When “the wave front is reflected from a surface we have IEL fer pe i ae [El ¥ @resiieies) “Yt )(a+ Be) (Grtinued ) "2 455 (Ort'd) Eis field at observation point. &, is field at reflection point. flot surface bservati Urfole Source ales “on Radius of curvature of > wavefront not changed by — reflection. \ I+ S/gr Th physics, we always used fi=f2=%. This is not Valid here because that was valid for near normal inddence ; we have hear grazing Incidence fi= acose’ ¢ perpendicular to the plane of incidence = elevation plore) z fi = sate = Cparallel to the plane of incidence = Geimuthal plane ) Thus if Zz is, ZOSO* a plate ain Srt stacs, | Or” lel. [Ed Vile S(H+ acess, tts Ce + Ss s e Av S+ 255 [44 Fx Oh gel ice eda ep a = = Ose) {ie ee ts S48" S+ 87 (Continued ) 3 455 anh sea Poste PRESIY HE | Fee gr eure ion ie te biel s ae IEol (1+ S) Vi+ Simp fit 25S “(4 ae 4 ie acsesysiny | “(1+ S/s-) hear grazing. neglect divergence in azimuthal plane. m4 5-1. From (5-!1) > A= 4s Apive) = 4, ig j AAS ese Ty ei (a) Using (3-20) and = ¢ VIL-24) H= jt XA = sil & ras [3 Can sine) 34] a + asthe Blens)] +b MI) Which reduces to =ie{ & Gr Fain Sy (Ap sine) — de F RCAg) F a o Ag ae above [si ie r{&rs rane Sl j aot Sing Ste is jer] a] hs $3 jd 80 14 he =) ei ]} Which can be written as Ve Fal oetiad (it jet H, = -_Cea)?I.sine eles ayer eee [ 1+ Tee am] é Hg = 0 by Using Equation (3-10) with J=0 along with the H-field Fanbeanis from above Es jug 9xH = se {de () + dao) + dy pL Sere) 3")} which reduces to E-=0 c =0 mel The same expressions can be obtained using (3-15) with the Aw from pork a | a dst Lit sale Os 5-2. According to the duality theorem and the dual quantities 4S outline ih Table 3.2 Electric Dipole Magnetic Di pele E 2 a Hy © -E de e im é€ = ZX # 2 : k S k u So ‘a Ym S L Thus applying the above to the fields of an electric dipele , as gwen by (4-Ba)- C4-loc), we obtain the fields ofa Magnetic dipole given by E,=6 Eg=- j Binh Sin8 (14 =) aikr aqtr He RES Coe sare He = jap Beak Sine fy 4 Hee > ~ Gee esr He = Which ave identical te C5-20a) ~ (5-20) 76 5-3. Rr C4 turn) = 20n2(£)*= 2002 (-$)*= 0.31589. ohms Rr (4 turn) = N2R-Cturn) =4°(0,31583 ")= 50532 ohms = eo SO a hae ir 7) Ri C4turn) = Rog CA tom) = -B{ 94? = res — RLS Rag = poets ee = Romic = NS Rs CRE Pht ) =y S42 2 x107x (4 xi") Rs 2 Tallin srieiecaras = 9.3223x|04 = MBs 2 4: (6.3223 x154) STOR, araR Copan oats Besos from Fig 5-26 Ro y4 Thus RL= Remie = AGB3223 18°) (544) = 015724 and — Cc (4 turn) = Re/ (RRL) eS = 72.06 - =fashy, ca CAturn) =100- Re RRL) = _5:0552 100) an 5.05324 015724 — 76.98 % 54. Hy = - ESEE™ ging ae =jkr * z L 4 Eg =-y He =% ae sing where G= 1a Woe eee Wave = Gr & Re (7IHol*) = de-3 [He |* = drt [TS za) site i Rad =f Wave: 4S = ("Pe Wr: Or rising dedg = an (" Wr t2sing dé z, . Jo = TST | Crertadg = 4TH | Cr* Te | * my [282] (steeds = Be oe = 1% (roy IL) 7 55 = dy j MORES C4 Hee eI x by j Cae sing a equation (5-1) and 1 large Using C3-58a) Er = Ee SO Ep = “jag = qjacj eee ‘sng) = ee sin where § =1a* 7% alse using (3-58 b) Hr Be He = jPAw = je uateee” Lit sing) = -TSLEM™ ging -| 4 4 56. a R= 20n8(S)*= ome (28a)* aa Ba = 3om 0.73 = 20n%( ana)* = A= 0.03724 A S177 meters b o93N*=300 3 N=20.2972~20 Rr (20 turns) = 0.73 (20)* = 272 C. P= AemWirer = APD. € 0S) = 2 (a) (1-1m4)-166 = @o)* (2 [282-300 a 3 a (2 3) ~ lesz J 16> 0.07% x10% watts 5-7. = %o b= 7300, 2C=A/oo oC = "oo, N=6, f= 5x10 Qa. Since a= Boca Do= 1S = 1761 dB b Rez 207°C S)*= 2072 GE)t = 20 * C1 724X107) =O. 3778 ohms C = anas20 (8) =A Ry (Single turn) = 0.3778 ohms Rr CE tums) = 13.673 ohms R= SOR, (Be+1) Ojo = Maee 2 is SS o* Kise” 2 ieee (Continued ) 78 5-7. Cont’) R= (ae = fre CAKE?) _ (EEE as =z "2 CST X107) Bi JAE ceontct) x16? = 2m] x16% = (8.609 10% = 6 (X80). 54 Co. R 6 ) (8.607 x64 (0.6541) = 6 Cio) (18.607) (1-65) xlO* = 1,842.a1xlo* RL (6 turns) = 0.18423] (Single ) R= ASO [aE am) «1g [APE x10? 300 V2. 65.9% 107) ST = ee ot = 2m(lo) dy 33, XlO* = [86.0917 XLO (6 turns) R, = 186.0719-(6) C165 ) x104= 1,842.21 oF Re _ _ 13.693 RetR. 13.6934 0.184231 c Ine | CRrt+Ri) = 50 |= 13.857- 50 CRe+ Ru) + 50 13857756 cad = X00 = 98.67% 73614277] = 6.566 63.857 er = (L-IPI4) xloo =C1~ 10.566|7) xloo = Ci= 0.32) X10 = 68% d. G = Cad, =0167)D. = (0 9867)(05) Ts Go = 1.48005 & Total Maximun gain does not include the refledial) 58, F=a0mks + Astom , ka= 2yo.15)= 0.03m = 0.07425 Crad) Rr= N* Ul (ka)* = 64 x Te x (003T)* = 0.9968 2 1 —— yx m «Kb B= Faegind = Trego nich xatxio? BBR Sel Suelo: on py Os OS a ee dtu: RLS 2b5 = Saygen ooo xaaxtes = 021622 8- turn: R= 8x RuCHurn) x (Re41) , AHrw=s B05 RL= 8x (0.2162) KL5 = 2.574 R 6.2968 Oey = aE = EOS sn ag = 208% RetRe O.PP6B +2574. 19 5-9. A small boop is equivalent to an infinitesimal magnetic dipole tohose axis is vertical to the plane of the Loop provided that Tnl=jSqut. where Im is the current of the magnetic dipole, 2 is its Jenjth, S=1ta*= area of the Loop, and Io = Current of the hoop. ‘Thus the fields of the losp canbe obtained from these cf an equi valent magnetic dipole . Q. When the Loop fies on the y a-plane, te Fields Gan be written, using (5-208)-C5~20d) for > large , as ej kinte!™ .. ae Ey= "ir sim, Hy* = where sinp= fimcos*p = (i—( A: Orl * = Ji-sinte os'y Tl = jS eds aj ra* gate F sit = aE Tus p= awake i —amease , y= sf 4r b. Since the Field pattern of the antenna is Sint where y is measured from its axis, dts directivity is the same of a Small electric dipole or small Loop, Thus D, = 2. Using the results of Problem 5-7 510 : ] x GapkIen” ae Oey Lo 8)"l on cin a Eye SyknOM Tg gp. Sekt Norma a Ey Hy © Ey em b, Directivity =Do= 3 80 Si. Using the computer Program at athe end of Chapter 5. a. 4=A/50 =0.020 Do = (-4988 = -7575dB , Rr = 0-047 ohms b a=W =O.1A Do = | 4697 =1-6731dB , Rr= 28.41 chms Cc. a= 74 =6. 25a R= 12967 =L129idB , Rr= 723.738 ohms d. aQ=AQ=oO5A D, = 7968 = 25447d8 » Rr = 2.202.528 ohin S 512 According to (5-54) a Eg = GALEENT chasind) ~ Ji (hasind) Therefore. the nulls of the pattern Occur when Ti Ckasing,) <0 => kasing,= 0, 3-84, 7.0l, 101%, - “s, Excluding 6=6 ss Si 1 384 1 = sin! 29.27" § oe 24) = sin' Acaey | sin' €o.488%) n= k sin" (421) = sin! 2245) = Sin (0.8725) = 63.17 513. Since Es ~ Sickasing) a Eo ly .= Jickasing) |, = Silo) =o Ea lecms =TiCkasine) |, _¢,.= Jutka)=0 => ka= 3.84 Thus G= 34 = S842 = 0.615 A b. Since aco6liis A> OBA, Use forge feop approximation According to (5-630) R= 600*CSa) = GoM* 2K) = Got*(2m C.6tus)) = 2,273.94 cc. The directivity is given by ¢b-63b), or D.= 0,682 (E) = 0.692 (733) = 0.682 (2T)(6.6I5) = 2.61% at S14. Ey~ Tickasina) 7: ae = Sites Pci) -0 as From the Table for Tix) in Appendix V . Thus a= 263.84) = 203-84), =).222r% k am b. Eplmar = Elna (ake Ji 61.84) <0. 58152 = - 4.70708 Ee ly ges = Sicha) = J, [38 C1.222a)] = Ji (7.678) = 0.175 This = - 1513748 AE = Ea lyre Ee [pag ~I5I3? —C4.707) = - [0.4348 515. Ee ~dickasine) a. According to the Table for Jicx) in Appendix V Td)=0 when x=o, 384, 701, 10-1?) --- > Since we want a null in the plane of the leop (@=0°) and two additional ones for 0°S6 ¢ 90°, then Kasine |y.,= kASIN® |p... = ka= 7-01 Thus 7.0) as 201. QoL, _ i= Bla = usa b. The nulls will occur at 6=0° and (80° 8= 70" and ‘asiné | = 3.84 GQ LUBTA _ nip 3.84 a 7 > o=-siW ern 33.21 and 6= (80°- 33.21" = (46.77? 82 516. E= eC, J,ckasing) whereC, is a constant => By = Oe ard PLE =| fy A|*=1de° fl? By inspection, the PLF is moximized if ‘the probe antenna is also Linearly polarizecl in the p divection. This canbe accomplished by Using GSA probe antenna another leop antenna So that =, and PLF=|dy-dy|7=4 Tt can also be accemplished by using Linear dipole asa prebe antenna with its length Parallel! to the plane of the loop and tangent to its curvature. Some specific examples would be Tusing the transformation of VII-7b J a= Belgas ge > PLF=1 de: Bx lager =| Oe *(G cosp -Gysina)d \2 e =e? fe = [de CG)*= 4 = 4) [pace PE iad Apsara leat siee a aienne a : = |dp &)? = 4. ond many others. 517, A very Small Loop of constant Current is equivalent to a magnetic dipole. Since the loop is placed for both parks Ca and b) Perpendicular to the xy-plane ¢ the plane of the leop is perpend- icular to the xy-Plane), the axis of the Linear magnetic. dipole will also be Parallel to the xy-plane. Thereforce according to Figure 4.(20, the image. of the horizon tal magnetic dipole will be as shown inthis figure... Tn tum the array facter for both parts Ca and b) of this problem will be the Same as that of the vertical electric dipole of Figure. 4.13 or AF = 2s (hhosé) ( Continued ) 83 = ‘ant’ ea ca Actual Source Since the actual Source and the image h aye oriented in the Same olirection . Therefore According ko (5-2a)~(5-29¢) xy plane G. Plane of the rs 1s parallel to the tp Tnge xz-plane Ex = qe ae ny (AF), sinp={POsy = (1 1G a ike = fl —sin?e sin ae en [2 cos ckh cose] ha Ex = ito cosckh ase) {1— sin'@ Sine ar Hy = -£x henley b, Plane of the feop is parallel te the ye plane. The fields ‘or this problem are the same as those in part a, above except that sinp = Vi cost =1 1 -1dx- del? = I-si'e cose 5-18. aT, ike erp ad G. Eg= Hore” sing 4 gach : IAF| = 12} sin (khase| Sie cb h Ese pssnet sing, S=ra* vie (Ese = Ep (FD = pes E Sint {ajsinctrcese)] , ¢abeve ground plane total Flela. b. oh=a, he 20 Sing. [2}Sin(am@sé)]=0 , sin@mcosg)=0, 2n@s¢ = nm. : 120, 1,2 620°, oSA= 2, n=0,1,2.9 bn=%0% Ge = CSO) = 90° 61 = Cos'() = 60° Ga =0s(3) = 0° CContinued ) 518. CGont’d) fee C. (Ea) = CSiNOSin Chhe86))4. ge = 0 = ¢(G) =¢ E sin (BH) sin (Bt)=0 9 Wasi’) = nm, n=0,1, 2,3, -- Han > Physical Neagero height 2 h=nA, n=1,2,3,--- 519, a. Array Factor = 2 Gsckheose) rn r i> h b. AF = 2e08¢hheos6n) =0 > => khoosOn = Cos'(o) = "Wz, N= t1,43,25,---° ee Ura reelee as cod MEY gz O82) Bi= CoS'(4E)=60', G5= cos'(+3) = does not exist 5-20. From Problem 5.17 (a) Cy Cos C kh CoS6), li — sins sin's e=45° B= 70° = Cy Cos Chose) & 4 0S8) 0) ae = OTT CrCos (HR) =o => HE = Cos'Co)= EN, N=13,5,-- For the smallest height =a aye Ae Se hoz sha BG = A= 0.3535% a y = & fae ay: VTS. wh&; 521. 9. R= BY SE = aocwt) Ves7re? — “20 Bx = 2.27915 ohms Pi a - : be Re = 120. (34)-(BS)* = lao-4( 30) BE)” = 8 (gooy t= | P227E chs (S=m¢35)*) C. inductive reactance Xa=OLla a = La = poo [in (82) -2] = amis? (Zs): Lin (350) -2] = 2.6 48x16 (©a= Ry, bewtas) « Acim, f-3x108 Yaz amf-la = 2 (3xl0®)-(2. 648X167) = 479.158 2 Xa 27 (Re or Rr) 5-22, From equation (5-24) Rr = 2(E) (he) *= 7 (48)*= 1207. a(S)? = Ss = 120: 2-4-0 ( $a)" = 31170707 S — K aa a b> b Ssob, Re = 31170.707., S5- le a my b, Area ay ou) S=Tab, praia In Far - Field (Rr >>1) Yegion 523: = Re ee = jk Ex= Eg dp = ae geal cacy ete fength) Ey HO OM cing = TSE SIM APs aps oe Tiere eae a Ak = Wj bdo (ikssind) oj (hs aw) 0 amr ee Le= jkS sind by e2i\* C=2ma 314A Daz LAX ~ 9.2228 2 = 2in(aw$)= 26 0.2228) = B) = 2 dn(an A nay, 2.0 G. From Figure 5. Zin = Rint }Xin = 220-j40 b Bf Bin Ze) won| 22044058002]. Ir Zin + Ze! 220 -j40 +300 aS vswe = 14ITl = Le Onis 2 ayy Iirt ba.im5 CBA ee oe : ~3_) < Ye 2s 220-340 {4 #08) x= G+jBe To resonate ‘the circuit, the unknown element must have an inductive admittance of =-) ewes oie seat Yunawsin = )0-0008 =~) QE FL 0.8 xie3enf ) As i © O.@xIoS(2m x10) I alos Let There fore the unknown clement across the terminal S of the Leop must be an inductor of L= 1.789 x15 hewies 1 8PK Ooh 525, anprrew Figure 5. Corby Zin = To-jllo b. Inductor; Xv= tO sQL=2TfL L= 1l9 = Wo uo 5? auf ~ dn-Cot) 2m *l0 Cc. Zin= TO Zin-2<]_ §o- 78 i2 lS lees |= = —= = 0074 iz +Zcl 90+78 16a 1% = IHITL (+0014 10714 _ VSWR = iep™ i=o0m4 oqags — 11938 87 526. a. From Figure 5. \1¢b) Zin = Rin +) Xin = Rn = Xn=0 When 12 > 21 (a/b) = = 403.427 38 = 64.21 1) > 2m (4/)=e® © 244.672 DE = 38.94 10 > 2m(a/b) =e" =/48.413 3S 4 = 23.62 FT > 2m(a/b)= CPs 70.017 > B= 14.33 a 2 = 2W(ane)> b, These occur when the smallest Circumference of the bop is < From Figure 5. cb) > “A. =12 9 CH 2a X 108A 2 A=OITIPA Pb= OIG ALEA.21 =268 A100 LQ 51) SC=2TG X (LOA DA= 0.195 A Db =0.1TSA/38. 74 =4.476KiFRA QLZODCH 2a X [AAS O=AIBI4AD b= O18 42/23.62 = 768 X1EA AL = F FC=2TO. + 1.2BAD A= 0.2037AFbh = 0.2037 4,23 =14.216"15°A 527. Im=1.csg a. A@)= Alot” “G cose’ S— Biya ea | sy ih ty “Aas |-d Gf cap'sing” eikasine Cos OB) 4557 +a cos*e* eine ames as sas 0 = Ae (a('s Sin log’) SRASIN OSB) 45, ét x + by ( (cos cap) + 1) elbaSins COS elyr } u eS 2 es chasing)sin 2g ~ dy J, (kasind) cosag + 4, To (kasing) $ HW = = = Aee - {dy T.chasine) cosp+ dy dy $ La. chasine) + J, kasing) ] }. = eer a TCkasine) ee dip J, Chasing) @sy + dy SeaScae C Continued ) 5:27 (contd) Ag = wee ae { seceasing) - Tika sind ) } asp Ra Sine = jer, ABS oe Ti Chasing) cose Ag > Aa oe Si chasing) Si >i “fase ose Sing’ Ep x Utke 7 EMT /cpasing) cosg Eg Jka Ts eikr Ti (Rasing) Zz Pe epaeae oe sing b. 650, f2% Eg =o ; E, = Sha 7, 4 WayinelEde. = hoy* sie ee ZL Utero, p=E) = 3 I, thay? 5-28. a. From Figure 5.14¢o) ‘the smallest changes in reackance for the smallest A (hh= TSE = 2-85 a, = 0.2268 Ae ‘oh =e Sai 0.2268 b. For 0, 2kh=285 => —Anyg,~0.4 This AR & -0.4Ro and Rr =Re tAR=R.—0.4Ry =0.6Re Acording to (6-24) R= 2012 (£)*= 2002 (3 \eS 2077? (2 Je 0.78757 Therefore Rr = 0-6 Ro = 0.6 C 0.98757) = 0.4725 Chms 89 5°29. 0. Rin= Re= 207? (£ £)* = 200? (20a)*= 2002 (# 2)* =0.3158, ~A= EX108 comin iae ee aie coo? Xin gus [inlB) ins ] = ze ce%) amas? C23) Cant BR J-) = 8m (3) [ gn (400)— 1.95] = 317.798 Rin = 3158 , Xin = 319-798 Bb. 2keh = 37 (2)(0.06 A) = 0.95398 © tae, a. ee Ni te > oy +joe, = (Aajamxick (aq X15") = 104 oie ie =e =o, N= VERE f38, = \E =Ven = 14 =2 9 Noa ane AR =Ro= 0.3158 § 14 Cd) AR a), Axxo. Using Figure 5.14¢d) > SR 21.9 > Ak xo ee C. Rin = Rn t4R = 0.3158-C2) = 0.6316 Xi, =Xin tAX = 3IP.778 +0.03158 = 31%. 82958 doors Zin~Ze _ 06316 +3319.82958-300 _ 438.078 Z 133.107 Bin Ze OGRE SIPBAPSET 300 438 7422 46.112 = 0.97802 86.335° I+ Wl 2 1+ 01980 = 997. €. VSWR= 1-thal 1 = 0.9 980 64.0. &=6 +E, +E, = 26, Oe Ss gh where the center element is place ak the origin. For fur-fiekl observations Gmputer rege PIMOR Yirrhae wan [Sot G=G=r for amplitude variationg | 4°74 and Ey=e) are, + eitdese 4 eikdess } on “sass wp, BL afi rg (elton, eidtosey} bee EES athe a C14 cos (kdcos oJ} F4)=408°CE O58) Thus the array factor is equal to AF (8) = 201+ eostkdase)] = 405*(Mcose ) Which IM normalized form can also be written as AF(6)n = I+ @S (kacos6) = 268°(£4 G58) b. The nulls of the pattern Can be found using Cither of the above forms for the Grray factor. For example One form “the, other Ferm AFG) = 14 @SCkd@s6n) = 0 2008°( kd @sdn) =0 CoS Ghd Cos 6n) = -| kd Osn = @S'C0) = M, n=4i, £2. kd G$6n = CoS (-1) = nT, N=S1,43,- Gn= GS '(nAfad ), N=£1,23, £5,- which are of identical form. Therefore beth forms yield the same yesults, Thus for d=%/4 =o@s7( th = @8'(an) n=+1,t3, -- > Neo nulls exist, n = @S CB hay Ns a On=cogl(nACad)) , n=#1,23,-- C. Similarly the maxima of the pattern Can be found using either of the two forms for the array factor, Fer example. (Continued ) OL & UCortd) One Form Other Form AEG)= Ht aschdcosda)e2 AR)= 268" eos6m)=2 Cos CRd Cos m) = | cst Os Om) = £1 ted cos Om = COS'C1)=2mmT, m=o,#1;-, BAcosGm=GS'CeI)= mT, M=, EL, Gm = CS" MA), m=0t122,-- , Om= Cosi MA), m= 0,41, t2 which are ef identical form. Therefore both yield thesame results . Thus for d=A/4. m=0: b= GS'0) = 90" m= @SAm) , m=o,21,42, 9 {evs 01=coS (4) > Doss not exist 0 The Same is true hr ether Values o| m mata, 2377). Therefore the only pee Teak UR IAPE OR dam 4 sith = Baste sing one dipole Eg= jy Factor: — 1 Aa 22 25 Coy oS (AP= E.[ el? e! cosy i eRCSY) = pele giteesp-4), Qi FCsy-O)] = BelF.2. cosfCosy - 9) = £,e!4 2 ws (Ksinasing - 4)) As = , 2 = sin8 (Gy dr = Sine sing = CoSP ) y.2 lane, geqye a.) [Eg ¢@)| ¢| sing- cos () | (xe plane) B=0% cast -rcact © |E_(@)| & [sing cos (Hsin) |, Cy-2 plane) B=Io (3) |Eecp)| | cos(Ksing-d] Cy plane = Jo" (4) [Ep Cele. os oO () IE) | p= 90° “Oo (5) \EPO\ gras aw 0 (Continued ) 92, 63. Method I Q, Derive the array factor} AF = -eikease = teikdeose _ ~2}Sin (Rd cose) ~] AF = 2sinckd cos) +{ AF = 2Sin(1cos@) +41 b, 2sin(t cose) = -| kdcosg =Sin'(-4) = -EZ ~5T ~ 130, 2 = Cl7 > eee er, 6n = CoS'(%) “E> 6= 77.597" “SI 6.=14644° Method IL Uniform array with @= -We a. gpa Sint _ sin el rese-F] sm sin £[ nase ~E b Or= OS Aycet%tn] — per2 =os'[4($+%0)] N#3,6,9 nal; cos'[-t] = P7.57° n=2; @s'[=Z]= 146.44° 64. G. Apa |e eikdose+ a), sickdese+ 4) = [+2 @S8Ckdcos6 + T/2) . AF = |-2Sin Cad cos) (Continue ) 94 at ) A 3 6-4 Cont'd) b. to find the nulls, AF= [-2Sin (kd (058) =O 2sinckdcose)=1, Teese=sn(S)=F, 8 BE... =¢ 3 cose es = 2 ae Sui = 80.4", 33.6° a — eit | eikt eke sky bps 9 Sse Te ae oor ge = SM aiktose eikdose_eitdaue_ gjkdore ] =r-¢ n=r-dose > Trar- Pose, Ratt dase, art dase AF = 2} [sin (3&4 cose) + sin(Loose)] 0) het X= kdese , y= #4 cosg > AF= 4} [sin ced ese) Gos( 4150) ] AF (d= M4) =4} [sin ( W@s6) @s(Ecose) ] On= 0% 90°, 180° 66. E seta = ST. cikderH , cikdasy ] eit (24 acoschd cosy) ] Gsp = dy. de = sing sing So, AF= 24+ 2S (kd Sing sing) OF Ags 201+ csCkdsinosing) 1 6-7. Placing One clement at the origin and the other at d distance above it, the array factor is equal 40 Hig 1+ elOttH0r) eftChdcsorsy] athens np) « et kctdern] AF@)= 2e)384656°8) est Lchd@sor 6) ] Ubich in normalized form can be written as (AF yn = CoS (gC kdeose +8) ] a. @= b= 38(4)-- b. For d= ™%, AF), = STE cose -4)] Cc (AF Yala =4= os [ECCS Om- 4) ] > On=0° “4 (AF) n= 0.707 = @S[ECSOy 19 FCCSEnA) = @S (0707) = ‘2 for +14 > Cosbh-L = 19 CosOh=2 7 Bh=@S (2) > Dees not exist for -%4 3 @sbh -1= “1925 6h =O= Gh= GSO) = Fo°= F radians cherie s Oir = Oan= 2(E-8) = * au = and Dp & me See A a 1.273 =1.047dB Computer Program (U=«s* [4c@se-4)]) Do= 1.42451 = 1.5367 dB 68. O. @arkda+e b. (AF y= GSE (ose 4)] (AP nme = 1 = @S [$ (oS6m*+4) | 9 Om= (80° Tt radians (AF)n = 0.707 = @S(Z (056, +4) ) > B= 90°= E radians Ow = Oar = 2(7~X)=7 and Dox 4B = 4 =1.273 =1.04948 Computer Program result. Uscos* [$(os6+4) ] = 1-42451 = 1. 5367dB G9 a. ga-kd =~ 30 (A) =-T= ~ 160° b. One @S'C1~ BA] = aS U- BA = OS 1-F) , Woh, nF4.8-- n=4: 64= @5! mine = 60° 1 ba = Gs!Co) = Po? 1 63 = @S'CA)= [20° C. m= CoS'(L~mMAd) = @S'(1— mA ry/a)= @S'C 1-2), M= 0,1,2,-- m=O! 6. = @S"(4) =0° m4: 64 = GS"(-4)= (80° db Op = 2081 4-H) =20s'4~ A =20@8'(4-4)=2@5'(2)= 26) @o =120° ©. De= 4N(2)=4¢4) (4) =8= F038 G10, a. De=4na) 2o= 40 bog, De Cdimensionless) = De Gimenstonless) = [o*= (00 400 san (2x)=N N= loo b. L=29(Q)= Ba=24.750 a Yee mre Evie AAT ome peat sug = Oh = 2005'(1- gr E268 Tales) = 205'(1~ 3118?) - 208'(1-o.01771) =205"( 0.78228) Qh =2C 10.799) = 21.598? wap.6° d. Sidelobe dB) & ~I3.548 e. @=tkd =+ 3 (2) bE =290° G11. 0, Choose diferent phase excitation. That is B=4(kd+ 214) = + (kdt+q) @aa (BF + Zak) <4 (T+ 0.0294) =A (1.070076-+0.0294) =HC1.6) st T1.684" b. Divedivity Increase by 1.787 factor = 2.526 dB C. The HPBW will decrense because sidelobe level will increase. On= 20s\(\— USTBA) . 20s) - O1STBA) 3 aces! (I= 0. out 7844) = 208'(1 0.005572) = 2S'(0.9944) =2 66. 066) = 12.13" decreased by 47° d. Sidefobe evel will increase. It will be higher than -13.548 oF 6-12. 4. d=(S4)R=0.2250 bo B= kd+ 244 = 20 (0.225)+0.2% = 1.7077 rod C. Gn = cos! Cis cram sA7) Gn = OSC +cr-any ee ) 61 = @S'(0.797) =28.9°, bs = 050.333) 90.£3°, Os = @S'Com) = 96.38%, 8¢ = @S"(-0.555)= (23.97 d. First null Beamuidth On = 2C08"C1- FE) = 2 coS'\(1~ zeagasyie) = 77.88" ©. De = 1.769 [4n-(2)] = 1.787 [4-10 (0.225)] = 16.10] = 12, 06848 6-13, Neto, d= %4 a. Brosdside (Table Eland 6.2) 9 @=0 HPBW = 20 fo°— cos! ( HSEMAS) ] = 2 cHO* 77.60") = 20.4" FNBW = 20 f0?— cog'( £)] =2(10°~ 66.42") = 47.16° FSLBW = 2L 70° cos"(-£)] = 2(fo"— $3.13") = 73.74" From (6-'70) > Relative Sidelobe moximum = ~18. 46d8 From Table 6.7 > Do = 2N(4) =2+ 10-4 =5 = 6.7948 Using. the Computer Program at the. end of Chapter 2 Do= 6-21 3 7I7d8 (Continued ) 6-13 CGntd) b. Ordinary End-Fire CTables 63nd 6.4) 98 =tkd =+ "2 =+fo° HPBW = 2eS'TI~ LSUCA ] = 2 (34.62°)= 6F.25° FNBW =20C0s"[|— 4] =2@5"C0.6)= 2 (53.[3) =(06-26° FSLBN = 205°C ~ 34] = 2(66-42) < 132.84" From (6-("2) > Relative Side Jobe. maximum = -13.46d8 From Table 6.7 Do=4N(2)=4C0)2 s]o=l0dB Using the Computer Program at the end of Chapter2 > Do= (0.05 = 10.024 C. Hansen-Woedyard End-Fire (Tables 6.5 and 6:6) B= + Ged +H) = & (Qo"4 18%) = £108" HPBW = 2 cs"[1- (3984) = 2Clf. 25) = 38.5° FNBW =2 S"[|—$-] =2 (36.87)=73.74" FSLBW = 205" T)— a7 = 2 (53:13) 206. 26° From Figure 6.9 > Relative Side fobe, maximum * -9d8, From Table 6.7 > Do= 787 [4N(4) ]=1-787 (Anctox q) =17.BF =12-5dB Using the Computer pregram at the end of Chapter 2 > Dp= (6.02 =/2. 56dB, 6-14. (AF = Stl Sckdcos6+@r] _ sin [5@eseter] Nsin[ackdcos8+@)] lo Sintd(2e58+8)1 60 =AS B= — kdCeS bo = - 38 (B) (os 45° = - 1-07 radians G. Using (6-23) On S HPEW = @s" [esas 0.44375, ] -@s'[asas? 40.4325] = CoS'10.909- 0.443 555] ~cos'[0707 +0443 ea] Qh = Gs" (0.5299) ~ CoS (0.8843) =53°— 27.83°= 30.2° be Dos BB Uae = 4 Us=a(" [sin [5-Z(cos6 ~0.707)] ] *sino de ° 5: E (C058 ~ 0.707) fet &=5 ECcse-aor) , de= - BE sineds = 173.4067 x tes eel coe CEE, Nd» large ) Ves of (Siz ae = (Continued ) ontinuec 6-14 C@nt'd) = Umox 21 Pe Bua SONS Since for Go= fo" D& 2NG) and for 6o=0° Do an(A) We wight expect for bo=AS? the value of Do tobe Somewhere between De|aage and Delage A posstity is Dal fie BnC4) =3.0)(E) , We tS = De b0= fo" Using computer Pregram : = 5.32) 615 (AF )n = SinlEddoverar] : N SinTE Cedeos6 +8) 7 a. For G=0 9 (AF n = Sin(Sed@sg) Nsin(thd cose) 4m order for the array net £0 have any minor tobes, we Gn assume Ahat its first null occurs at 6=0%er 180°. Thus Sinha) =09 Nkd= Tad=% (Ckka) This assures that there are no minor Lobes uaa sb. For G=#d the maximum occurs at B= (8c ave the array faster can be written as CAF )n = Sin N kd Gos6+4)1 N sin [dad (cosé +4) ] Thorder for the array net to have any minor Lobes, We an assume that the first null is formed at 6= Dou Tus Wied (ose +4) |p 6g =NRA=T 9 ol =a SA 100 616. td= 2HA-3 a, =0 radians b - V2 iC We d. -136 = -YEr = - 0.433 8 e. Ero pays on ~(E 40.157) = ~abT=-472 if = +(E +047) or +(2+0157) = nee 617. N=I9, d= a4 a pe-kdese| = -(2)astae)=-F =P = -13603 6=30" d= a4, B= - MB = -1.3603 (rad) = - 77-742" b Oh= os'Losm -o4ns Gr] -@$' "(0586 +0443 A i ta gaze Ge=30" = Cos’ [asec - 2442] —as'[oses + 0-443 ] = @S'(0.777K) — CS (0.2646 ) = 38.976F'— 17.3309 °= 21-64-57" Gh = 21-6459" C.Eis5 48] Computer Result. HPBW > 23 degree . Do CDirectivity ) = 10-1034 tol 6-18. d= an(4/a) a. d= 2) De 2 G=5= 6.9¢a8 Computer Program - De= 7132d8 b. d=? 2B p,= 2.10 d=10= 104s Computer Program : De = 10.0043 cds % Do = 2: 10-(0.95) =15 = U-76dB Gompuler Program + De = |! 62448 d. d= A, Dow 2-loct) = 20 =13.0d8 Computer Program : Do = 0.01aB 6-19. The recommended element Spacing is d= Ts , Bhere 6 is the Scan angle in degrees G. b= 50° eer d= TE cee gee = OSSST wavelength b. b. =45° 2 d= TresaeT Team = 0.58578 wave length Oa =4004 i x d= [pees * Tees” °-07 Wavelength . Although a narrow element Pattern can Sometimes accommodate larger Spacing , using this rule, will ensure. that the array factor has ently oe maxima 620. si Ee , inthe vuiible resion Since the excitetion coefficient of each element is identical , @50, Thus AF= olfey cif y oi 4 ol¥e lohere = 3 For element at origin Px = kd COSY, = kd ded = kd Sn6-CoSp'$ Foreement along x-axis ly = kdosty = kd dy-dr= kd sing cosg $ Forelement along Y-axis Wz = Rd Coste = ded de dr = kd cose For element along Z-axis 102 G21. eo", de My a. Pakdeose+g = HF Ose to= Fase zoe 6=0° > Y, = Ease’ =Zosct= 5 2 Z=3 9=45°9 th =Fosas=F b> B= 0.444+/0.876 AFs (2 ~})(Z- 0404 S0.876)= Co.8% +; 0.444 + BC0.444--j1-896) Selements needed ee Ca = ~6.876 +j0.444 Ga = ~0-444 731.896 a3=4 622. 6=%, d= ™%4 a, y=kdese+p= Poser = Lose+z visile Tegion : 6=0°> ye dt e=2 G=1g0e°> Y= -E+E=-F b. AF = (2-4)(@-2)(Z-2s) = Ai +02 +03z*+ aqgz? “4 }= 180° > delement required Pioe = kd GSO +B = F0-CoS Clo*) 45° = 133.6 33° = ~26Fo+) A724 =z, Yee = Yo GS (70%) + 45° = 75. 782° = 0.2456 +} 0.9674 = za Viige = Fo” GS (U0) 45°= [4.218% = 0.7674 +) 0.2456 = ZS SAF = E+ 067070.724)(2- 0 UB 7 0.9674 LZ ~0.9674-j 0.2456.) = [27 (0.4444 1.692402 + 0.8713 -}0.491)] (2~ 09674 -J0. 2456) AF= 22+ 2°C-05250-j1-580) +2 6-1-7184 ogy ) +Co2H+} 0.670) Soy = +0.24 40.670 = 1.00/38 L 43. 62° Qa = -k1B +f /04| = 2.008782 148,186" Q3 = - 05250 -j 1-890 = 2.0088 Z -/25./500" Gq =4 103 6-23.0. p= kde +e = 72°056 e a x b. ie 850°: Y= y= 0.44 > A= 0814075 O50" Y= f= 0.2578 9 Z= 067 +) 0723 Q= 100° p= 0.218 3 Zz= 0.97% -~j0.216 AF = (2-0.31-j0.95)(Z - 0.69-}0.923)(2-0.996 +)0.a16) AF= 23 +2°(-1.98 haere 2 COBB +) 2.278) + (0.272 ~jo %) 4 elements reguired CL Gy = 0.272 -j 0-762 = 1 L-74.22° Qa = 0.865 +] 2.278 = 246 £67.37" Gz = -L78-j'46 = 2462 216-4° Oq = | do? = I+jo G24. q. The excitation Coefficients for a 3-element array are 4.2.2. Placing one element at the origin, one above it , av the other beleus it, the Problem is identical to that of Problem 6.1, Thus the array. factors are identical and egual to b. (AFn = It @SChdeose) = 205° Lose) C. The nulls of the pattern Can be found Using @ither of the above. form 6, GS it Was demonstrated in Problem 6:4. Using either one d=A > bn= @s! (nA/ad) = G@S'(n/e) , n="F4, #3, $5, n=t4: 01 = Gg'(+ 4/2) = @S"(+0.5) = 60% Ro* N=43: 03 = eS \(4¥2) = OS'(4).5)= Does not exist. NEEB: G5 = COS (+ 5/2) = GS'(2-5) = Doesnot exist. The same holds for In] 1. d. The maxima of the pattern Gm also be found either of the forms. Using the results of Problem 6-4 d=A > Om = @S\(M¥d) =@S"(m), ms0, +4, 2,43, --- m=0: = @S'(0) = 90° m+4: 64= @S'@1)= 0°, 180° mst2: Qa= GS(42)= Does not exist. The same holds for hy3. log 6-25. Fora three-element binomial array the array facter is that given in Problem 6.4 and 6.24. Thus in normalized form it canbe written as (AF)n = cos*¢ kd cosa) Whose maximum Cocurs at @=90°. Tn order not to havea Side Lobe , the Argument of the outer cosine function at 6=0° er 1Go® must be egual or dess than ™/2. Thus mes |ttoso|, SEadsg-3 6=(8o" 626. The excitation coefficients of a 4-element binomial army are 1,3,3,4 or a. G1=3 =2M=4 2>M2=2 eal fe b. (AFA =2-Gn0s [lau] , U= TA G@sp, Using. C6- 61a) and (6-61c), wet Thus (AF)4.= 01 Costu) + G.os (3u) =3a8 (B4 sg) + as (34 ese) which an also be written, using (6-66) for m=3, as (AF)4 = 368 (3d) + 408° as9) “308 (ase) =4.65°(Tdeose) (AF). = 4053/34 ose) C. The nulls occur when (He = AGs% Sosq)=0 9 SdasGn = s'@)= + ONE, n=0,1,2.-- ~ =| [= 3: - or On= Gs! GmeDAT AM ctf smd2] Heo, L3 > N=0 2 Gos GS'(£F) = 48.19", 13/.8° n=1: 04 = @S\(42)= Doesnot exist. The Same holkfor hy2 . 627. ie z ee 0 rt 2 M=2 G. Use Pascal’s triangle to find excitation coefficients 20=6 > Og=3 Gnd. O2=4 b. AF= 2£ n CoS Cokd Cos) =2{3+4 CosCkdcose) + CoS (2kd@se) $ = € @Stakdeos6)= 20S (edess) -1 4 1+2@sChd cose) +08*¢kd cose) } a = oe a AL I+ cs cheese) = 16 es4 (td 056) C. U 8,8) = JAFI> = 256 cos (hd cose) Umax = U(6= 2, 2) = 256 Py(6,0) = U8, #) — cs%( Adecg) Urax d. nulls occurs when cas(&d G50n)=0 Rd @s0n = (amet) ) N=O,44, 42, °° On= oS'{ CaneayE } = @s'f canes) $} n=0: O.= GSE) = 36.9° ned: Bo = @S'C$)= [43° 6°28. The excitation efficients for a 4~element binomial array are 1,3,3,1 or a Qs3, Q2s4 b. Since the elements Gre placed along the x-axis Gsy = dx 4d, = de: (de Sing asg-+di Sina sing +&Gs0) = Sinéasy The array factor for this array is similar to that of Problem 6.26. The (AF 24 =3 SCE sing coop) + CoS (284 singcasy)= 405°C sine oss) C. The total fied is obtained using the pattern multiplication rule of (6-5) by multiplying the fell of a single “Na dipele as gwen by (4-% + With the” array factor above. Thus « ToeikY cos( Eeese) ay Wd gj Chotal) = Ey (single) xAF) =jpee- SeSb EOS? | 4 cos*( SE sina cose = Esinfed bF) =) BE SES [sos 3 ) | 106 6-29. The answers to this problem are identical to those of Problem 6.28, except that Cosy iS equal to Gs = dy-Gy = Sine sing Therefore Sine esp in Prob 6.28 must be replaced by Sino sing’ 530. a. From (6-63), G=l0, G2=5, As=4 , € Verified with compster prgren b. Since ‘the array is broadside, the progressive phase shift between the elements ag Yequired by (6-18) IS zero (@2) C. AMe= 22 anes Coroul, Ms Wass = goose, Gouipater freon > Do= 6.087 dB ze cake es medeAyy E = de jy — (ste) f {loces(Ecose)+5cos (cose) + cos 38 cess) 631. a. From (6-63), Qisld, 02=15, 03=6, Gaal Verified with Computer b. Same answer Like (b> in Problem 6-30 ter. ~ (D. = 6.4678 ) me Ae ded AF =F ays [acm] =P +15 0es2u+ 6 OSdut SEM (© A= Mosg = Zas9) d. Fietd of Ee at origin : From (4-620) Eo=j 728 Rei El cos (C056) ~ ost) ] one dipole of 3 length fee ‘sine sae Bee ne [ ces Ghose) - 0.407] [ior [Ses 2u+6 esau t cos 64] smé ‘~ U= Tose ) 6-32. The excitation coefficients fer © 5-element: binomial array Gre 44,6,4,1 or Gi=3, G24, and O3=1, Thus the array factor can be written using. (6-61 b) and (6-61C) as O. (AF)s = Eon Ces[acn-1 4] = 91 +2 Cos(2u) + 43 @S (44) Using (6-69) for m=2 and m=4, the array factor can also be written 9S (AF)s =0.+02 aasu-1]+ dsl Bcostu-gestu+1] (AF )s = 3+A@estu-I) + (8 cost Beosty +i) = Sastu = 800s"( 33 ase) (Continued ) 107 6-32 Cont'd) b, Using the computer pregram at the end of Chapter 2. Dp = 3.668 = 5.6448 c. The nulls of the pattern are obtained from (APs = eost( Rasen) |y = BCostiT@56n) 20 TOSOn = GSO) = 2 (AML), MAO, b23,4,° 77° bn = os" [£(288)], ne0,1,2,-- - N=0 t bo = COSC 42)= 60%, [20° N=4 ; 64= (oS*(+S)= Does nat exist. The same holds for "2. 633. R=20dB > RoCveltage Ratio) = lo* =10 Zp 22 (Corsa )* + (lo-viory )* 1+ 2.2452 . The array factor Can be written as (AF)s Re Gn Cos [20m UT = 4, + O2CoS(2u) = Ait ar [2@s*u-1] (AF)3 = (@1-Ga) + 20. OSU = COA) +203 CoS*( TL aso) Letting @su= */20, Gnd equating the array factor te the Tschebyschetf Polynomial of order 2 , We obtain (a.-aa) + 242 (%) > -14 2275 a £29 G22" = (2.3452)7= 5.5 beger Ge capers 25. ane =I. &@i-a.J=19 Qi=a1=4.5) b. Thus the array factor iS equal to (AF)s = 0.818 + CoS(284 cos) = -0.182+ 2@87( 54 e056) C. (AF)z = 0.818 + CS (21 CoSOn) =O > CoS(2TCsGn) = -0.818 2M OSEy = COS"(-0.8/8) = hie 144.865°= + 2.5287 racl . Also (£2.528722M) rad. 2215.115° =43.754rad . Also (+ 3.754 t2mn) rad. Therefore g, = Gos'(t 2.5287 ) ~ 66.279, 113.93° On= GoS*( +2.5287-2IT) =126. 69° a ene 7 n= Gs" ( 22-5207 t2TT) = 53.3/° = ( Continued ) 108 6-33. Cont'd) On= Cos'(# $284) = 53.31°, 126.69° On = @S"(43.754-2",) = I13.73° 2T Gn = OS'(-3.75¢+2T ) = 66.27" 27 Therefore the nulls ocur at Qr= 5331°, 66.27% 113.737, and 126. 67° d, The maxima ef the pattern are obtained using (AF)s\ = 1.818 = 0818 + @S(27 GS8m) > GS@T@SOm)=4 2H COSOm = CS'(1) = O° +360°m or OF 2M Fadians Thus @m = os’ (ar) = 90° Om = @s"(2£)= @S'(1) 50° 8m = coS'(- 22) = Gs'(-1) =la0° There exist two more moxima and one occurs between 53,31° and 66.27° and the other between |I3.73° and [26.69° Alternate methods can be used tofind them . Owe methed will be fo Boke derivative of (AF)s and equate it 40 Zero. This allows you te find the extrema Cminima amd moxima), Tf the value ef the second deri\ative ot these points is positive, they are minima if it is neyative they are maxima, Thus Singm=07 Om = Sve"(0)= 07 180" They are maxima (from above) . Gn (ze Gg6m) =o 7 2M GSHm = Sin"'(O) = EMT, m=o,1,2, > * m=0; (56m = 0 > 0m= GS*(o)= 90° C Maxi mum) M=1; mMSm = +79 bm = CoS'(t) = 60%, 20° CMoxima ) M=23; 20C0S6n = £20 Bm = CoS'(t1) = O° 180° ( Maxima) Therefore_the wmoxima occur at 6=0% 60°,90'|207 and Bo" CAPS _.— sin (asm) (2m Sinn) =O Sin Bm =0, Sn 2M@SEm) =o Note: This precedure. did not yield any nulls because the nulls occur at prints (see graph next Poge) Where the Smooth Curve was truncated and where, there Gre Jero Crossing s. C Continued) 109 633 Ccont’d) An alternate method will bet. Use the Procedure which wos usecl to tabulate the datu of Tade 6.8. Since this is a 3-element array, its array factor is equal to a Tschebyscheff Polynomial of elon? and itis shown Sketched here. "[ "7 a The nulls occur at Z=+t fz =+0.[07. Thus Using the Yelation of (6~72) $= wsty)=Gs(Facese) Ford=a, Z=+ Wz, and Zo= 23452 =4 CoS (THS6) = tie 3a5aNE 0.3015 ‘| Teonsyscnt Paypal fora 2 ITa@)| £72.45°= 4 1.2645 rad > 6= @S'(t 2848 ) - 66,27" Also 6= 113.72° (07. 55° = 41877 rad 9 O= cos'(+ +877 ) = Saal” Also = 126,69" The maxima of the puttern our at Z=0, 2=4+%= 423452 For 250% CSCI 056) = 0 => Toso = @S(0) = + (2M), m=o,1,2, - M=0 + Tose =+F 0 = Cos'(++) = 60% [20° met : TOsg= #30 2 G= cos'(43) > Does not exist. The same holds for m%2. For @=42.3452=+2,: cos(ncose)= Z = +1 > Wass = @S'(41)= mT, MN=0, 4,2,--- M=0: Tose =0 > 65 GS"(o)= 90° m=4 1 (os6 = £09 6= GS-41) =0°, (80" m=2: Tose = +269 6=@S(42) > Does not exist . The Same holds for m%3. thus the Same answers Gre obtained as with the previous method . Tosh = @$"(+ 0.3015) = { uo 6-34. The procedure fr this problem is identically the Same as that of Problem 6.33 except that the side lobe level for this one is -40dB instead of -26 48 2 G. (AF); =F dn CoSfacn-i)u] = + Aa Sau) = (a)-A2) +20, Cos" wei Ro= AodB => Ro( voltage vatio) = loo B=4(Cloot floors ) + Ctoo-Vioo=1 )*] = Z 1063 Thus (0:02) + 20a, @S°U = (i-Gs) + 20a (FE) = 22*-1 = Tacz) 24, (E) 22% 5 Oi= %*= (7:1063)* = 50.5 Q\-Ga=-1 7 @= 2 = (7.1063) 3 OF “1402. = 49.5 a) = 49.5 : Gin = A/a. = 49.5/50.5 = 0.7602 rah poet rormalized Qan = Q2/g, = 50.5/50.5 = !-0000 6. (AR)s,= din + Gan CoS (2u) = 0.%802+ GSC 754 cose) & CAF)3 = (Qn ~Gan) + 20an CoS*U = -0.0198 +2087( M cose) c. Por d= 3% (0°<6< (80") (AF)s = 0,802 + CS [2T2 esbn] = 0.2 + @5(F Cosbn) & casbn = 0S"(-0%902) = bane eB en £171. 42°C + 3.3407 red ) Therefre §n= Coste 2622423)) = 31.365, 128.64° On = cos'(+ 23:3400)) = 44.85%, 185:15° 37 seeks cS fe AGE) oft tee (eeshllarerel | > Lrd f= 10636 { 2 @sh[(GarCooy me] J 21323 D. = _2 C100)* I+ Goo*=1)+ 1.3234) Using the computer program at Ahe end of Chapter 2, De=3.76 = 5.75d8 6 d. = 3.4 =5.32dB € HPBW = { CaS" [cosb. ~ 0.443(;45) ] — cos'[cos8,—0 443(5,))} |, ae = [8 [o-0.443(8)]- cos" [0-0.443(#)] } 1-323 = 30.05" (Continued ) il 634 Contd) The excitation @efficients can also be found using (6-776) or Ma On = ay 8" 7g, )°EY_(B+M-2)! Com) a3 fn ) & cg! grrlcmgon! with M=4 Thus s -§ t =p! a = Pe = 2+ (%1063)"= 49.5 = 2G-D! G01 -g)! 2 B= 2 CF cp ogs3F) Gini2 = (Fl063)*= 50.5 %6 (alg ap! pe (AF )q =Z most an-vu) = A COSU + O2CoS 34 = (G1-3Qa) CSL + AG. Costu Ro = 40d8 9 R, =100 a Zo = cosh $ @sh'(100) 1 = 3.0095 erepore: By (AF)4 = Gr-Sa2) ¥ +4q, (Z)'= Se +425 = (2) as Gos? =4 4. = 27.257 Gy = 2668 Ar 307257) = Q.=4 eee FO = 72.742 y) 2 b. AF = 2-668 Cosut+ COS3U » ME ud cos8 c. Hee Us 3 Cosé +, AF =2668esu+ CoS3U= 2.668 COSU -3cosu+t 400s" = -0.332 CSU +4 Cosh = cos (H0s8) [-o.332+4cos*( Hse) | = cs (Hess) [ 1.668 +268 (450) | =0 e si 2.5571 1 @S(Fes0.)=0 or Hese,= Os'C 6.834) = ky 726) Gn = Cos'(Z at) = 48.17", ° Computer Result es s 6n= O8'[ ae (ssn) on Divectivits 6, = cos LE(3.7261)] = 37.7487" Do= 6a5fdB Computer. Pregram: G12 72.742, O2=29 2/7 Normabi red G24, 6,=2.669, 112 6-36 (AF)s =o Gn Cos[2tn-)U] = i Cosy) + dxcostau) + Osos au) = at G2.@e@s*y-1) t asCB@sty-Bastutl) = (202-803) @s*U+(6 @S*U)d3 + (Ai-Ga t Gs) Ro=10, Zo = Cosh(4 @sh''Clo)) = 1.2933 , Tal2)= 624-22 % | © @a3-803)(E)” +803 CE) + (ay-oseas) = 8244 824+ | behqte eg Eee Ga iee ar ole. (262-8 (2.7776 1 = 82S iach i se9hl Cl. 2733)> Gi-O2+G3 =| 4 Q,= 2.7023 Oe Qs=!, O25 1.6065 01 = 0.966 b, array fackor - (AF)= 0966 + 1.6085 CoS@U) + Cos¢4u) us Mose Ge d= 3% ys Beos8, 0 = 0.766 + 1.6085 (20s7U -1) + B@S4U-8 GS7U +] = @GS4U -4,783:Cos*y + 0.3575 * Gos (S2aso) = £0.714356.2026, £ 027572265/5 2. COS (On) =H COS (0'7/43562028 ) 6n = 70.77°, (0S(Gn) = BE COS'(+0. 2757226575 ) On=5237°, 37.4.23° Null deqree On = 373% 57372 70.79" Computer Result: 4. = 2-702, O2=4.5, 43= 2.7, After Normahzed: Q1=1, G2 |.603, G3 = 10 113 6-37. AF)¢= 2 ay os [on-vu] = @ Gout aacesau + dacessu a RGB) = 20 = 20 Logo (Re) + R=l0 Zo= Ccosh(4 Cosh" (1o)) = 62733. (AFJe= Gi CoSU + Ga(4cos*U -3Cosu) + As (6 05x -20@S'U + 5@Su) = G36) GSU + (402-2603) @S°U+ (4) -302+ 503) OSL = 162° -2027452 as.cis) =16 7 03=3.618 0273)5 © AQ2 - 20 (3.618) _ -20, 7 Q2= 7275 1.2933)? Oy = 307.275) + 503-618) _ yg. = 10.2015 C4 2933) a Q\=2.81965, Ga=2.0ll, Qs=1 b (AF)e = 281%65-Costy+ 2.011-CosW) + Cos(su) Cs Null point, us Base AF )« = 281965 (@Su) + 2. oti (4coS9u-3@su) + 16 Co8Y —20 @s3u + 505K = 16 CosSu — 1.756 @SPU-+ 1-78665 @SU =O. + CoSU = O, + 0.7353555305, + 0. ABAAQSITIS . ead 6n = 5 (EH) = 48./9° $ (28 G59) = +0.73535S53,, On = 157° CoS(SE@sg) = + 0.4544.251776, On=62./7°, 29.90" Nall degree . 4 3 ‘5 On = 29-90", 62.195, GBP, 7/59 114 638. Re = 40.48 > Re (Vette Yatio) = lo (AF), = = Gn@s[(an-pu], Y= TA sinsasg = & sine cosy’ = OU +02 COS3M = Ca) -302) COSU + 40, SPL Zo = cosh [¥ cesh'Cico) | = 3.0095 There fore CAFD4. = (4) - 30) = +40, ( (é)* = -32rdzt> Ors 22 = (3.0075)3= 27.2573, A= -3% +302 = 72-34 Th normalized form Gan = O+/a,= 1.00, Gin =a. = 2.6688 (AF)4. = 2.6688 coS( Tsing cosp) + @S( FF sing ese’) op tele cog E, =jy TLel*” Cos(E cose) Ie 3M gj ‘hotel JIS eee [2ecee Cos(Fsingass) + Cos (38 sing coup) | OD t 2Re ey TH DUL=2) , where OU= 8) =165 fal + 0.636 (e cosh [Viesrtap me] y a = 140.636 {j55 Cosh[ [5.29631] }'=1328 PES Seaiclesrehics aE STG = Ms F249 = 3.9648 23.25.0543 (00%) 1.323 (_* ) 49 =3.9648, De (computer) +2 2302-3 Arig ae b. B= 2 Cxyplone) Fo ctotat)| = Wlztar as( Foss) +@5(3" esp)] = 2829 0-54 45" pene 2(.90-54.45)= 711° = T/2 (4-2 plane) E5 Ghotal)| = a.ccggf_S(Eese) = See 365 508° aie Ae ee siné ] = HPBW = 2(90-50.8)=78.4° whichis the Same as that of a "2 dipole . as 6-39. The answers for this are identically the same as those of Problem 6.38 except that the Sing cosg factor is replaced by the sing smg factor. Also the HPBW in the x-Zplane of this problem ig the Same as that of the y-z plane of Prob 6-38. 6-40. (AF)s = Zon @s[2cn4yu] = Gi + G2 Cos(2u) +3 @SCAU) =) + O2(2GSU-|) + 43(B@S*u-g @s*u +1) G. Ro=A0dB = RoC Voltaye ratio) =100 3 [toot fieo=1 1+ [10 - Lieo*=1 ]* } = 2.013248 fetting cosu= #/20 (AF)s = (@1-a2 + G3) + (202-803) 0S"U + 83 @s4y = ( i-G2+Gs)+ (20a -603)(¥)*+ Bas (E)t = |- 8274824 Equating alike terms yields 3 = (6-429 ,02= 47.503 , i= 34.074 or in normalized form Ozn=4343=1-0, dan= 2743 =3.013 , Om = Oy~a,=20% b. CAF)s = 2.074 + 3.013CS(Esing @sp)+ @S (Tsinbasp) , U=Besingcose] , ny C. f= 140.636 (52 cash LY Ceash in) i= (+0.636 [ie5(85-64)] = 1.3.23 2R.~ = 2 6100)* > = = 1887 = 26d ~ 1 e0FCES) 14-C100%1) 1.323 phe D, Computer Pro = 1-798 =301dB al the end of ras de HPBW= $ { coS"(cose,— 0.442 2,) GS *Ceosbyt0. 44727) Joye = 1.323 {o5'[-0.443(-Le)] - @s! [0.043 (GE ye 1.323 (41.5/3°) HPBW = 54.9° 116 6-41. a. N=2M+1=9 9M=4, R= 30dB9 Retvoltnge Ratie) = (>= 31.662 je Rate) He Alsi-s62+[(3r662)—) ] *+[31 662 [ere6a)—1 ] 2 F Bo = 1-67924K + 0.595506 = 1.137375 = b. (AF) = & OnGs[2cn-nu] = 01+ 02 Coscau) +G3Co8(4.u) +04 OSCE) +s @scen) = 0) + 2 (20sU-1) + 03 (Bostu —BCoSU+1) + Aa6s2 Cosu-aecosh Heast -|) + 05 (128 @s®u —256 Costu + 60 @S4U ~32 8 +1) (AF )q = (G,-0,+05-GqtO5)+ (202-803 t (864-3205) OSU + BO2-48G4 +6005 Os fu 46264-25605) Gy + (1284s) Cos®u a 6. Jetting #/zo = CSU and equcing. (AP)g= Tele) = I-322*+602* 25624128 2 Jeods to Os = z= (113737%= 2.8004. 256 = 3206-25605 5G, = (286 zp 2560s )/32 = 5.085 zf (60 = 863 ~4804 +1605 3 G3 = (16024+4804- [6005 )/e = 7970 Zot 732 =_202-80s +1604-3205 3 0,=(-32%* 80s - 18043205) /2 =10. 226 Zz | = Qi W243 -d4 tds 9 i= 14+02-G3 +04 -Gs = 5-540 Thus Qt 5.540 9 201 11080 5 15 Nermolized, Gin =Oi/as = 1998,26 1m =5.956 10.226 aR: i. Form dan = a5 = 3.652 Ose > Asn = /a5 = 2846 poe, Gan Leis oy = apo Osn = Gs/as = 1-0 y ©. £5 b+ 0636 fares CoshL [Gosh*3142)~ 72) [ette636 Fafa 372)] = 148 Do = 2R°/{14-(R24) $(Bi)} = 2@!-662)'/ {1 4 (s.662°1) M44 S) } = 7844 = 8. 745dB a d. HPBW=¢ { cos'(cosp,— 0.443 Dz) ~ @S\(costot0. 44357) ee 90° = b144 {co0s"(-0.443 ge) @5'(0.443 as) }= 1144 75.65 — 84. 38) HPBW = 1144 CIl-30) =12.93° 17 6-42 9 2Nv1=3, N=1 Net = GQ. CAF )ayg= Sy OM" COSLRCA-DULT = 2 An COS [2en~] = Oi + Aa CoS (24) = Gy + Q2C0$(2u) = Ot G2[2@s"U - 1] = (0)~ G2) +202.057U (AF) ana) = (O17) + 202 (S70 ReldB) = 26 = 20 bos io [ Re Cdimensionless)] , 13=hegieR, R = l0'?= 20, 20 = Ta(#e)=22.7-1, 2%*= 2), B*= 10.5, A=3.24 Cosu = Z/Zo (AP ane) = (0.02) + 20; Cos*y = T(z) = 227-4 (aia) + 202( %72,)*= 221 , 28% = 29 Ga=(Be%) = @r4)"s 00.5 (@-d2)=-1, O,=105-15 97:5, USPS > 2asI? Qin = 0.705 > 2am=1.81, Oan=1-0, Oan=1.0 Qa 201 Ga 10.5 19 (0.5 1.0 “el Lo 0.553 1 0.553 a b. (AF ayy = (AF)s = 2; Gn CS[2¢n-194] = a1 +. (2u) AF); = 0.905 + coslauT=0.%05+ Cos[ Wdeose | = 0.905 + Cos [ dcose ] = 05 + 0.553 ws (Wdcose) (Continued ) 118 6-42 (Cont'd) C. (AFIs = 0.705 + cos (22deos6q)|,_ 2 =0 Cos ( EF OS Gq) = CoS OS8q) =0.905 T (0S8n = cos“(-0.705) = { £154 .82° on #2. Jo2rrad £205.176° or + 3.58] rad = e 2.70. a Gc = @s'(t 22) - GS"(£ 0.86007) = 30. 6755 /K9. 316° 64= OS (2 $58 )= GS! (1-139 86) = does not exist, 6 = 30.675%, 19.316 d. (APs = 0.705 cos (FEdeos Om), 94% 0-05 COSC Sb) = 1-905 CoS (WCos6m)= 4, TeSbm = @S'(4) = am, m=0, £4, £2, £3, - CoS6m=2M > Bm = Cos'(2m) m=o: Om = @S"(0) = 90° } §= 70", @. R=20 , f= 140.636 {2 ash [Yeesitp.y =a] F cosh "(Re) = dn [Re #(R*~1)"] =n [20 + (400~1)*] = 268825 $= 140636} 2 cosh ((S78%) f= 1+ees[ eesh (193205)] $= 1+0.077 = 1.079 On = 2(3 -Gs"(432)] - 2 B-ces' (BEX) = 2[-aste.9s)] On= 2[E -La7!] = 05996 rad = 34,3545° On = On f = 34.3545°C 1-079) = 37.068° fe (ie Pa NET I = 27776 HRA EZ) + (20%1) 1079 EX Do= 27776 = 4.436 dB 19 643. 4. D,=2N(3) D, = 33d13 = 10 fog, D, (dimensionless) 3.3 = bog. D, (dimensiunless) De (dimensionless) = 103 = 1,995.26 1995.26 = 2N(2) san(A)= Bo n= 15,9621 = 15,962. = 15,962 b L=(N-t)d = (19.9624) = (5.361 = 997.56 A L= 99%56XN c Sy OTS A Tae co gh BSL CIA @ = 2[ E-ascigt )] =2 La o8 Sess) I @p = 2[90° — 89.9745°] = 0.05086°= 0.05086" d -13.46 = ~!3.50B G44. a, B0dB = 20 lego RACVR) cosh'¢a.623) =Ln[ eros | 24.147 RoR) = lo? = 31-623 § = 1+ 0.636 f = SIras sh [shear 623))— 7] } = 14 0.636 Uses cosh [2.707] } = 140.636 [aan = 140636 (0,226) = 1+ 0.144 = 1-144, f= 1144 1.144. (0.0586) = 0,067° @a = 1015 - 1015 = 9 05087 = 0.0509 De 1995.26" chee @h = 1.144 (0.0509) = 0.0582. bi pees 2k 2 (31-623)> x ES LHCRP-NF AG 44 [eal.623)*-1] 1144 DEB )A 2 (31.623)* ~ 93,98 =27.674 dB 1+ 146 D. = 931.98 = 27.694 dB 120 GUS. a. Number of Elements = Number of complete minor lober +2 =44+2=6 b. Excitation coefficients On. am=6 9M=3, P=6-1=5 ~40d8 Sdelobe Leve| : = Rod) = 40 = 2008 Ro (VR) > Rove = lo*= 100 i ; Zo = EL cReve+ VRode 71 ) Pt (Rup -VRaa —' ) | = [coo + f=) + (190 - oomt ) ? ] = cosh $ csh'(Reva)] = cosh cosh W100)] = 16159 ote cM teh gem)! M-) gan got cena CM-f)! n=l} ae at (z. J +3 2! G@-D rel RONG! @)' als peas aris it YESS + (uy as TL = 8.0798 — 63.79 +1l0.172 = 54.96 Nez: tam Zea h cab G13 2-1) i GDI G2] G-p! = cyte’ 35) 4 (yy? ZF ALS = ~21,097455.086 =33.76F = ay Zz of 3! of thafo! 3 ga ter 3 js a8: Os =F CAF (Be) FL 3! (2-1) eyez 4!5 oy gigs raed Gad gr 3-i01 03-§ >! ol Slot a= BA.t6 SA de =35ter [> > 3.085] z= thor J rmased ag Cc. d= Zas(- aes = 0.724% % d. (AFn = 0, @S(M) + O2GS(3U)+ O30S( 5K) > Ms 4 sg = 7 (22 X)@38 = 0.7.1 Cos0 M= 2.1991 CSO 121 GUS Cont'd) ry = 4 yee cos cu) + 3.085 cos (su) + cos ¢5u) ishere U= Sescg SHON) 8 dase 4.7 SICH) for the condition which all the minor Lobes to be of the same evel. The dmar = 0.71237 is obtained by using the above equation . But one problem scturs when we wank ko use Fhot spacing. The radiation patternof the array factor Shows that another half minor lobes existed in the Zero degree When d= 0.7/23? . In order to meet the Specification that exactly four minor Lobes are expected in the reylon (0° $8 $90"), the maximum Spacing need #0 be modified under this condition . After Some trying, the maximum elig: ble. Spacing for the Specification is 07, Tus, bet d=o7A inthis design . The Tadiation Pattern is drawn in rarge between Od and-Aap in Fig: 6-4, Array Factor Power Pattern of a 6-element Broadside Doplh-Tschebycheff Array Antenna g : g g 0 10 20 30 0 50 0 Fi 4.°6-45 FOUR SIDE LOBES ALL AT-40.dB LEVEL, 122 646 Q. Tscheby Scheff b. 30= 2olepie Rove) 9 Reve = (O= 31-628 Z=4[ Rot (Red) + (Ro- VRe—f )P] =4 [031.623 + VG@ieaa] )* + (31.623- Varga Lt )*) = 3[ (31623 + 31.607) 4 (31.623 -31.607)*] z= 217.952 + 0.12651 = 4.039 2M+4=3 > M=1, Mt+1=2 clay Ci42-29/ 2 ay 260 "04.0399" +0) Woapy oe? Gti2o! 2 201-1) Citi-29!C-14t 2D! Ga wlan! =ciayl2_ + €1)¢4.039)* 2 __ 200) 2M) Qs -1 + (6.314 = 15.314 ds = Ci)" aspen StS 2 (22! (442-9! Gat! G2 3(1)(4.039)2_N GQ) Lig, =e15 201) (a0) Vee C, f= 1+0636 laos cosh[ (esh'ai.623)* 12] iG =14+0636 ie osh[ [ausexm ey a 2 f= (0.636 { 2 cosh (2.709) } = 140.636 { eae 3168 fs tld me HPBW = @h= OS [oose,-0.443a2— ] = 5" [cose. 40.4432 ch =9° Ltd a 01=90! 6.290 se OS 5 ° ° = CoS" [~ 0.443 el ~ @S'[0.443 oa J =126.0°- 53.8 @n =72.4° @h (Tee) = 22.4 (1.144) = 62.6256 d. D, = 2600) = giz = 1.179308 1+ (999) 1144.4 3 123 647. a nx Qn = 1+ cs(Sm@) 20, = 1+ S(T) = 41+ es00)22 3 a=4 a2 = 1+ esses )| = 1+005(E4) = 1+ @3(Z)=1.77 a= k/y a =4+0s(E)= 1 = Ya et O2 = 1.907 Qz=4 648 The length of the array is obtained using. an iterative procedure of (6-22) or its graphical solution of Figure 6.I. = Os! A 2083) tee 2.7992 6h Coosa, nka ) @s'Ceosbo+ Fe ) Oo. @.=30° | using iterative procedure = Ale Te2 Fae Ce8'(cos Z 2? ) Nkd= x= 318.95 , Nkd=31895 , N=(L+d)/d (Led) 32 =31895, L+d=50%A . L=G0.76A-d) From Fig 6, Led=BoA L=(60a-d_) aS) -es@st + b 6.=45° , Using iterative procedure Ntd= X= 225.46, L+d=35.88A -- L= 35.88% -d ) From Fig Gl, Led=35X - L=@5a-d) C. 0.= 60°, using iterative procedure Nkd= x= 184.07, Ltd=2p-2pPs6a , L= ap2petr-d From Fig-6-ll, Ltd=30A, » L=(30x-d), 124 G49. 60=60", g.= 7%, deady =A, O<8<180% 0°S P< 360° We need to find @ and @ which angle Satisfy beth 6-474) and (6-49b) je Sind CSP — Sindo @SY. = 2k sim dsr) Sing Sing - Sing.-Sing, = + 2A =n (ody =A) y Sing @sgy = +m Soom = 1 ee L sing-Sing-Y=tn ; n=0,4 Tn case of NO eles poise set :-> @=%° and B=180° sing Sing = "E: — sin bo sinigor ze SF M=0: CRESS 0S: G=0° or B2180° er B=fo° or Brant sine sing- Z:@ @%o Or GG", \20t #2246530" @=@ @=9 m=+4: (sme cosg=4: D>(8= For and B=0* ) or (8=Fo°and @= 360") Sing Sing = J @#® @ 49 In case of nea ana ( Simoogs= 4 1D CO=70° and $= (80°) m1 (cnosing= 2-10 @4@ Sing asf = :@ G50" or 6=[60° or = Fo or = 27° RE: vy v. a . Sino Sinp= FE -4:O,O4@, O#@ 0=-76777-a31" @=@ b= 2bIF 27 234° - Q@=® oe esp =+1 :@ (= fo" and g=0") or CB=Fo° and P=360") sinasing = -4.@ @#® @#*® m=o ( met Again, we found the angle of grating hobe @=120° Greting lobe B=270° 8 = 240° 8 = 200° I n=0, m=O ens é 6=60° -» Major Lobe 9 Noexist in physical, CGntinued) 4125 {oF ~ 7699" 5 No exist ™ prysiced. meaning 6-9 (cont) a> 5 nerkmeo haa g=- 172391 ac B= 270° Hes 7617 Q= 2,301" Grating Lobe Grating Lebe Therefore, three ating tno neo, W=O> (geo? B=70°) ® ei tec! (8= 7.697 220°) (qait230\", 672707) g 3 a Ne © cin2.34, p-270) tre maximum value ot , 2°) 126 650. de=dy = 7/8, Mato, N=8, 66=10%, .=90° A. Be=-kd Sing @sg, = ~ 3 2 sinciot) coscpor) =0 By = ~kdy Sind, Sing, = - a sino") sin(9o") = ~ 0.1364 rad = -7.81° b. D.=M@sé, Dx Dy Dx =2n( 4 S) = 20g) =25= 3.9848 Dy = 2n ($4) = 2 @)($) = 20 3.018 D= TosClo) (25) (2) = 15.47 = U8 7aB c. ro = eos'fasn,- 44s, SOF [os toate], = @S'(-0.443 THe) Paeeiebh us = 110.9% °69.24° = 4/.52° = 0.9245 rad Also from Table 6.2 Oso = 290% oS" SUT =2[90°- cs (L318 Sexe )] = 4147's 0.724 rod = cos! LS Oyo cos! (cos6, ~ poy ass Bae 10.4425, = CoS"'(-0.443 +) ~ (0S'(0.443 4) = 116.3°— 63.70"= 52.57% = 0.718 rad Also from Table 6.2 = ep cty 137A 1] es eu eG Op = 20H°- aos Fady = 2 [90" cos! (13Nx8 )] = 52.56°= 0.9/7 red Therefore On = [_ fs Vos" [ Ore COSA, + Ge ss] eS Oyo = 5257" 253, 40° @s6. — CoSClo") = 0.932 rad A=" 60=l0* < Wes eae % 7" = Al.S2'= 07245 rod Oe sin'y, + By, OS*% oe 6. Ge Bh = By SeCBo'= Bye Seco, Yh = Bre = Oye Go= Bp = {os Cosmos A] oe pectemeniel - ff "Fo" = {coS'[cose.- 04a, a] -@s! ae 43 ii Bl = { coS'(0~ 0.443 =) —cos'C0+ 0.443 gle )} thor?) Bo By= C00. 2t- 79.79] 1.079 = Bratttoitesos' = 0.3844 rad Also from Table 6.2. Bro = Oyo = 2190 CoS" ASUA, ) [C077 2 cve.20yci.o79) =22.01"= 03842 rad Thus @h= Br S0COo = Oy. Seb, = 22.03 Sec (10°) = 2203 (|-0(5) = 22. 37° = 0.390 rod Wh = Ore = Dyo = 22.03°= 03844 rd. SC. Ry = Ohh = 2237 (22-03) = A92.8| (degrees)* = 0.50| Crad.) G52 deady= V8, M=l0, NB, bo=l0", & = 90°, Re =GodB = 31-623 G. Bx ~-Rde Sing, COSPe =- F) Sinctor) cosCgo%) = 0 Gy & — dy Sido Singh = - 3E( B) sinGor) SinGgot) = - 0.1364 rad = = 781° b. Dy = TSB, Dz Dy §=44 0.636 [> coh] Ceoshiesieap) mY (Se 623 = 140636 { 25 cosh [Yearany 0 | t = 110.636 [2555 (7.523) ] = 144 ei 2631623)" = 2185 =3375dB FRM AZ 14 S621) baa Ee = 28" =n ss rag = ance 1+ CR OS pea 1+ 631.623 H1Y(L(44) D, = 7 @stlo®) C2185) C1748) = 1-817 = 10. 72508 ©. M2 On| £ = 41.52 0144) = 47.60" Gl ond 0; | Uniform uniform , )were ec from the. yo = B;.| F = 52,59 (1144) = 60.16 luiith 3F" Paola GBS Uniform From the Solution of Problem 6.50 yo. = BONES |. 60.16") = 609° = |. 066 rod @s| 7. ase = estes) Pte saree bom to? Uhl = @re = 47-50° = 0.829 rad Bo 9o* Gero? 61.09 (47-50) = 2,901 775 deyrees )* = 0.884 (rad )™ % 5 u 2 2 $ 1 ~ 32,400 _ 32,400 dD = So SIT =10.48dB and it agrees 2a Geyrees)* 2,901.775 closely with the more accurate valueof [1.87 or (0.7 25d 129 G53. In the design of an array, the maximum oaurs at @=Go at the design frequency £= fo which has been used to determine the progressive phase between the elements. As the shifts from fe, the maximum also shifts t Some ather angle 6 oreay Fave Be. Ata frequency fh. the maximum of the ney factor Will be 0.707 of the normalized maximum value ef unity. The frequency fy is referred to as the half-power frequengy , and Jt is used to determine the frequency bandwidth over which the pattern varies over an amplitude of 3-di3 from the maximum at fo, Te determine the frequency fh onc the 3-dB frequency bandwidth, the. normalized array foctor ef (6-loc) is wrillen using. C6—21) as ara ft SinLMdcoso~cs0.) ] sin ra (@s6 ~ Cost) ] The Frequency is obscured in the array factor. Tobe valid over: aband of frequencies, the wavelengths A and Ae and the frequences f and fe should be shown explicitly. Using the relation v= rf, the array factor Can be written as AF= & SwLSh4 cfeose~fo 056.) ] sin[ ud Cf aso - fo 0500) which peaks at 6-6. when f= fe. At any other Frequency, the arvay factor peaks when {G58 — foCoSb= 0 > CoSb= Sosa The half- power of the anay factor is obtained by Letting 6=6. anol occurs Ned 6 costa fasta) ~ NEA ase (fife) = 1391 or Gn-f.)= 139V_ . 0.886U . 0.0860 Ntd@S$@ Nd G50 © (L+d) @S6 CContinued ) 130 6-53 (Cont'd) Therefore the 3-dB frequency bandwidth is Bw (3-d5) = 0-8860 _ ogee Nd@sb. (Led) Gs, Therefore the bandwidth of an array depends not onthe fiequency operation but rather onthe array bength and San angle. . This is @ fundamental constraint on wide instantaneous bandwidth of arrays, 131 Tl, Using (TA), the arrey factor can be written as AF= Qta.z+azz*= 1+22+2* = CI+z)~ Which has two reots and beth occur at Z=-l. Q. The nulls of the array factor can be found by cxteing = equal to-1. Thus z= eithdoser6o_ > kdosd +8 = £ @nti)T, N= 0,1,2,--- For d= A/4 kdcose +¢ = R(Z)ese+8 = Fose+e = teantiyT, N=0,4,2,--° 6= cos'TRCSt (anti) ], N=0,1,2,--- For @= 65 6 = Cos'[£2(an+1)] = does not exist, No zeros. =f; For 0-2 g= 8 [2 Gos #(2nt1))] For n=0 3 6= @s [2 Cos ti] Using the positive sign between the two terms §= @s'C+4) = 0° For @= 1: = 6= @s'[2(-1¢@ant))) As ‘ For n=0 3 = Qs [2C1+1)] = @S'(0)= Fo For B= 3% 5 6= cs! [2 61.5 £0ant)] For n=0 94 GS"[2G1stI)] = @S'-1) = 180° The computed patterns for d= 2 and Geo, a, 3) are shown plotted in Fig. PLL. The nulls do occur at the Computed angles, (Continued ) 132 TL.Cont’d) 4 Fig. Pt 7-2. For @=0 and d= %q Ap = kdcose +8 = 3 (F) Coss = Fcese which reduces to 60°: payed sas j G=60: p= Ya=E(a) =F 9 B= C145)AZ G= 120: P= Ws= ECd)=- FD Zsy= C1-SVNT Therefore the array factor of (7-5) Can be written as AFS (2 ~2:)(@-2,)(2-25) =(2-j)(2-@a+j)) (z- hay) S-jt CitjWa)z —Ce+})z7 423 ( Continued ) 133 7-2 Cont'd) 2 ARS We es Cupane FZ + cgay IEP? 2+ 4 CH Another Form is A= MOMs Cased z + (326+ CE? AF=Q+Q2 2+ a3 2° + az Four (N=4) elements are required . . The exciation coefficients are equal to a= eM SM = | L382 =| LM2 Qs = (1-732) 30-7553 = 1.932 20.7553 a3 = C.982) OFT = 61.932) 6? Se pga/a.ns7 17322-2526 4 =1=120 _ The array factor is given by any of the two above ‘ferns. The array factor is plotted and it is shown below, . 134 7-3, ARS 2C#4-4)s- 24255 Ot Anz tAsz*+ Aq z%+ Osz4+ 062° Therefore G. Qi 03=04=45=0 y Totalof Gelements, four of which are Qa=-1= 12180" null elements, Therefore only 2 active Qs = +4 = 120° elemenis. oS, The Spacing between the active elements aed Benak | ig ae By 2(5-4)d = dd b, Z=0 Mmy=3d Z3s2d 26 = Sd The excitation coefficients are shown in part (a). For a spacing of 20 between the active elements Z6—Z2=4d=1-6% d= 040 The nulls of the array factor are found using. AF =2(z4-4) = eed kdcos6 ( giAkdcso_ 1) = elem cos, (G32 O58_ 1=0 Therefore. S270] | = 327 OSb, = ENT, N=0,2. On = cos’ ‘(eth) 3 bn=%0% 51-32% 126: 68°. Fei 2 ARS 2(z#38-41) =-Z+Z4= OitGezZt O3Z** O4Z3+ O524 Therefore easee | Total of 5 elements, three of which are null elements. 4= 12180° : Thi nly 2 active elements ae oie erefore only e b. #70 © Z4=3d 4 The spacing between the active Clements a 234d } is Zp —22= (4-1)d= 3d The excation Gefficients are Shown in park Ca) da. Zs-Z2= 15% , A305 The nulls of ‘the Grray factor are found using AF= 2(23-4. a)= eit shygismases 1) =0. gu oss |, = 37 O56n = =2ntT, n=0,2 On = Gs (eB) 9 be 46.19, 131.61 BS 75. sF@= f 1 d’g tao" 0 elsewhere 40° FE <0 < Fa Using Equation (7-8a) , ~k/1.305%) $$ < R/C1.3054) for e=0, and 140°> 6 > 40° Thus k in (R24 ’ Te) = Terssay L se Giesa) / (Saez) ] and 1 4 SF@)a= SFO), = +{S; [$Cooss + Fai5q)]~ Sil 2mCos9 ~ Taesg)] f For £=5A and £=10A, the normalized current distribution is shown in Fig PSG) and the patterns in Figure P7.5¢b)- 1 Line Source, (ls 5A) tized current Iz7) \ Line Source Ger) 02| = 2 ac 2 / 2 j 2 VY ies de eae ae () 05 ae re aa 38 OFF ‘Source Position 2'/& ' g ig , _ SPACE Factor \SF@)] ‘bead Rg P75 d) = esa a sos 1 160180 observation Angle 6 (degrees) 136 EG. Using Equation (7-80), — Kl 5 & Rl2 for Re=0 ond l20°>6 >Go% Thus T@= £[sine#)/(2)] Ord SFCB)a = SFO = + (Si FArceose + 5)]-Silkaceose -3)] $ For £=5A and L=t0A, the normalized current distri bution is Shown in Fig. P76 (a) and the patterns in Figure P76 {b). os Ling Source b5N) os Line Source | ehbr) o4 | Normalized Carrent 17 -02} -04 mt OREO opera fT * 12; = Synthesized (U=5A) 1 Desired Synthesized (Selo) zs wie, on” | St ay 4 oo! ‘2 os g =) o o2| 180 ay © observation “Ange 6 (degrees) Fig. P7-6 187 7-7 For 60°<6 < 120% the excitation coetticients can be obtoined using The. in (aE m= AC gintay = gL See) =) oe ar or iM rormalized form by (ay)y = SCE) ie Tn normalized form, the. forms are equal to 2M+1=11> M=5 2M+1=21 9M=lo m= 0,41, ---t5 m= 0,241, -- + HO ud) (Om) ™ Cm) n ° 1.00 ° Lo 21 0.6366 = 2 a4 2/T 42 ° 42 ° 430 -0,.2122 2-H 4300 -2/3n - ° 44 ° 45 0.1273 = & 45 2/50 46 ° soles AA +8 ° +7 2/0 +10 ° For d=%¥2, the corresponding array factors are given by (7-3), a AF), =14+2 LA CoS +AznCoSSY + Asn OS 5Y I AF(8)., =1+2 [Am OSP + Asn OS 8 + Asn Coss + Gan CosTY + Agn CoS 7H J where w= kdasé =T cose The desired and synthesized patterns ave shown — plotted in Figure P7.7 C@utinued ) 138 T-7 Cont'd) 50° Array Factor (AF(8)] 30° | —___ Synthesized (M244) — . = . Synthesized (M24) eI 150° a0 Observation Angle O(derees) Fg. P17 7-8. For L= BA > GmCoS"(mP) = COS'(0.2m) , m=0,t1, = £5, Thus n_|_ 6m Om mn Ov, Gm °. 50° 1 z 4 1e.46°| 1 to.54"] L 2 | gear us.5e| 1 [Eg Spats [Fo 126.87" 0 4 36.87°| 0 143.13°| 0 5 Os 0 180° ° For L=l0A Om =CeS'(mB)= Cos'(o.m), m= 0,41,°", 410, Thus m 6m Om ™ 6m Gm ° 90° af 1 Bu26° 4 af G5. LT 2 9.46" 1 a2. 101.54° iL 3 Tao 4 -3 107- 46> 4 ae i ~4 3.58" 5 60° 05 5 120° 0.5 6 53.13" 0 -6 126.87° 0 We 4557° 0 ST 134.43" 0 8 36.87° 0 “8 143.13° 0 9: 25.842 =9 154.16° © 10 oO ° -10 180," 0 The patterns Gre computed using CT-18) are shown Plotted im Figure P78 (Gutinued ) 139 T-8 Cont'd) SPACE FaAcTer seca] Observation Angle 6 (deqrees) Fig. Pare 7-9. Since the number of elements CN=tl and N= 21) is identical, Yespectively, tothe number of samples for L-5A and L= lor in Problem 7-8 when d=A/2, the corresponding @xciation coefficients and the angles where each of the Composing function s is maximum are identically the Same as those. tabulated in the solution of Prob. 8. The patterns Gmputed using these parameters, along with Equation (7-21), are shown plottect in Fig. P77. s z = “ 2 2 & = u g < Observation Angle 6 (desrees) Fig. P1-# 140 7A0. Fora desired pattern of SFC) = Sin?(e), 0°< 8 ¢ 180° the desired exciation coefficients and other parameters for = ba ave listed below ™m — 6m (des) Qm (= SFCB=Om) —-m — GmCdeg) Gm = SF (6=6n) Os 220% 1.0000 Ay 0. 1698 -2 113.58 0.7698 3 53.13" 0.5120 -3 126.87 0.5120 4. .36,a7° 0.2160 -4 143.180.2160 5 ° ° “By Abey o The pattern computed using these porometers and Equation 7-8) is shown plotted tn Fig. PT.1O- 7 II : Téis dential #0 that obtained using discrete array modeling - -) OO cere Desired Ss aa eee BB ib. Nedd G=ai2) 5 at gz se n= toe so" aoe 1a a Observation Angle 6 (deqrees) Fig. P9.10- 7,11 141 FAL...Since the number of elements N= II for d= %/2 is idential as ‘the number of Samples of Prob, "7.10, #he excitation coefficients and other requited parameters are the same as those fistecl inthe Selution &§ Prob. 710. Using these and equation (7-21), the pattern computed is shown plotted in Fig, P7.0-7.11 It is identical to that chtained Using Continuous ~ Source madel ing. TAZ Since the desired pattern Is given by > sites 0.342 CSC (6) 20° OK G0" 0 Elsewhere the vequirecl parameters for a Woodward line-source design of f=20A are listed below WM — Om (deg) Am > SFO= Gra) mm — On(deg)-—- Am=SF(O=Om) 0 90. ° Al 87.13 ° 1 9287 0 2 64.26 o 2 aoe 0 3 81.37 ° “3 98.63 ° 4 718.46 ° “401-54 0 5 "5.52 0 “104.48 ° 6 72.54 0 “6 107.46 ° ae 69. 51 0 “7 110,49 9 8 66.42 ° “8 13.58 0 9 63.26 oO =i 116.74, ° 10 60. 0.3949 10 120. ° "1 56.63 0, 4095 ou 123.37 QO 12 53.13. 0.4275 oie, 126.87 0 13 AIAG 0.4500 +13 130.54 oO 4 A551 0.4789 “4 134.43 ° 15 41.4] 0.517! “5 138.59 ° 6 36.67 0.5700 16 143.18 ° 17 31.79 0.6492 -IT 148,21 oO \8 25.84 0.1846 “18 154.16 oO 9 18.19 ° Ta 161.81 ° 20 ° ° -20 180 So The pattern computed using these parameters and Equation (7-18) is shown pletted in Fig. P7.12 (Continued ) T-12 Cont'd) i 1.0 i VV nay esate al 2a Desived 1 —— Synthesized (2209) i +058 \ | | SPACE FACTOR \sFL0)| Go" 0° To? Observation Angle O(deqrees) Fg. PILI? F13, Since the number of elements N=4l witha spacing of d= V2 Is identical to the number of samples in Prob. 7.12, the excitation coefficients and other parameters are identical to those listed in ‘the solution of Prob 7.12. Using these parameters along with Equation (7-21), the pattern computed is shown plotted in Fig. PZ '3 ARRAY FACTOR IAF(O)) so 3 “Tae Observation Angle 8 (degrees) Fig. pris 143 ‘F14 forthe desired pottern of eben 15 £9 S20" See = { 0342 CSC(8) 20°< 8 <60° ° Elsewhere the required patameters for l= 202 are idential te those listed in the solution of Prob. '% 12 except that for m=19 they should be equal to msl @m = 18.19° Am= SFCé= Gm)=4 ‘The computed pattern using Equation (7-18) is shown in Fig. P7-14. ooe--- Desired Syntthesived (02209) SPACE FACTOR ISF(6)) ° sor = Bo (Fig. P94) Observation Angle O(degrees) me & 15°S6 <20° 715, For the desired pattern ef — AF(6) = {o3a2 escte) 20°S 8 < Go" o Elsewhere ‘the required parameters for N= 4] and d= 2 are. these listed inthe Solution of Prob,7.14. The. pattern Computed using Equation (7-21) is shown plotted in Figure P75. ------ Desived Synthesized (N=44) ARRAY FACTOR IAF(8)| Fig. P0015 144 716. a. For & -25dB sidelobe level Re Cwoltage ratio) = 10°"? = Jo = 17.76.28 Using (7-26 ) A= oosh CR.) = 47 Cosh 117-1628) 2 2{ dn [19.7626 + ¢ see tee bee and (7-28) with ASS = 5 = 1.07728 62 (uses yt (5-0.5)= 4.6413 The nulls are given by 7-29) or 6 VA*+ (n-0.5)* asn, and it is equal to ay BAe 4 Va @. = 2 sin’ [ AC49A) | ceosh'te)™ cosh ios } rele. aoe oF * asin { 10474 [> 99322)°—¢2,6aaiay] "| = 262-68) =586 The corresponding normalized Current distribution and pattern are shown plotted in Fig P7.16 cb). b z w e e = Q ea wy a zm sy =a 2 PHY =a MO Sle BapnS PD SAP sy Veal s(L/9) cos 8 —— (Continued ) 147 TAT. From Page 379 of Reference 12 (Formula 1) Te [elzesoeest 5. Casing siny) Ch Ccose) sin’*#c0) de = = Zz “sin y “Co CCosp) Soon (E) Por va 1/2. (; N g12@80 0s (zsine sin) Cn'Ceass) Sine dé = 2 PCat cos) Jaan) From page 50 of reference 2, 1 Cae) cha) = Bia = 1. Thus for n=o0, the above integral reduces to \ (“eltcose cos Jo Czsine simp) C.4¢cosp) sine do = = j° Co tees) Je @) o or cE jB098 COSY T (= singsimp) sineda = 2 Jy) Sher as Vz Jug) 9 FE R@)= 24 ‘then {' j20058 CoS J, (zing sina) Sins de = 2 doce) = 2 sing) Va ° Cn Ge) = Py) = ZarG) , ahere | 4 Moking a change of variable of the form 6’=6-T/2. “the sbove integral Can be written as WS oe fee gjEsmetes? 7, (#ease’ sintp) Cose/de’= 2 SME? Going through nether change of variable of the form 5 =-sino’> ds =~Coso’de’, Cose’= Y1—Sin*Ce’) the integral reduces to (“eitvose J, (esinp (RIA Ex apa? By letting Y= Zu’ ddf=Zde’, the integral Gan be written as Ms 2p ‘ (Bz/)a : 2 ; a eh2 Fe) *OP T czsinp: Ji-Ge92) 3 d2’= 2 sinfe) (Continued) FAT (cont'd) Lastly by letting zsinip =j1B +3 22¢sinty + sty) = 22=( Theos) (18)™ 2 (zZcosy) =kose } or eee ie Z= {(™ ese)*(me)* = lu crey* Therefore UPS e rer = a ( eikeCose J 18 1-2) derek os foe) Where A= TE CSB TAB. For a -30dB side Lobe fevel Ro = 10° =o! = 31.62 and 31.62 = 4.603 sinker) > 1B = 4.009 > B= 1-2761 The excitation coefficients are obtained using (7-32). For a spacing of d=/2 between the elements 204 = Inl2’) gree = Je (54.009) = 11-40 > O4= 5.70 a. =Inl2) | grea y, = Jol ja.882 ) = 10.2 93 = Thea =Jo (53-472) 27.2 04 = Th gn asa =J, (2-652) =3.7 os =U Maca. = TG) = The array factor is given by C6-SIb ) and (6-6IC ), or AFC) = G1 + Gz CoS (2) + 3 SAL) + Og COS (6M) + A5 OSCBM) where M= ¥4 cose = Ecose ‘The patterns Computed “for the continuous distriloution and the discretized array of N=9 elements with d= %V2, are shown plotted in Fig. P78. The agreement between the two is not 4S good as thet in Fig. 7 10. (Continued ) 149 718. Com'd) Sa-8 Fig. Pre” T-19_ For a -40dB Side lobe level Ro=100 and B= !T415 The excitation coefficients are equal to 2a, = JoCj 5-471) = 41-55 7 Or = 20.775 = 20.775L0° Q2 = Jo(j4.738) = 21.58 > 21.58 20° 3 = Jo (jo) =1=120° The array factor is gwen by AFC6,%) = Q,+ Az CoS (2U)+A3 @S(4U) there = F Sine cos 150 7-20. Using (7-1) for Pnle/)=0 Ris . SF(6) = { * Ty (21) OIE COBY, le Uniform Ty2n=1. SFO ( Me ar x. { Ma edhe cose J_R/, jk cosé Acjkcos@ 24) ad = [ Snteso)] = TL [SHAD] here us (cose = Jha similar manner, it can be shown that for Triangular; Ine) =Iy C1- 2[z1) ince SFO)= 18) FEI here a= n(4) cose a : ] Gsine; In(z/) = Ts os (w 27%) SF(o)= Tah (Z)-—COSM where U= (4) cose Cy a Cosine Squared; In(Z)= Is @s*(wE) SF(6) = Iz &® [e+] [ Te] 7-21. For L=42 and Table 74 Q. Uniform distribution : C. Cosine’ distribution; HPBW = 50.6/4 =12.65° HPBW = 68.8/4. =17:20° eS eS ° FNBW =114.6/4 = 28.65° NEN a oaeoe FSLMM = -13.2¢1 FSLMM = -23,248 = 713.248 De = 0.810 8) = 6.48 =8.12d8 D. = 2(4)=8=9.03dB b. Triongular distribution : A. Cosine - Squared distribution ; HPBW= 73.4 /4 =18.35° HPBW = 83.2/4 = 20.80" FNBW = 229.2 /4 =57.30° FNBW = 229,2/4 = 517. 30° PSLMM = -26.4¢B FSLMM = -3).5 dB De =0.95(8)=6.80=6.33d8 Do =0.667(8)=534=7.27dB 151 722. Using (7-45), the space factor for each distribution can be derived as follows ; Uniform: An (p’) = Te SF(O) = 20s {“p’5,(he’sins) dp’ Using Equation ( v-22 ) from Appendix V, or (cas Jp(axrdx|= (p= J, (xx) dx = 4 x Jax) lo 20 to ‘the space factor reduces ‘Tichasine) Se) = ant. { Fox, [Tickasine) 561} ert ang = anatt TW | where us kasing = 7K Sine we Radial i Ang) = Ti C1~ Ray" I SFC) = 20Ty (*L1-(e%a)*] Je C he'sino) ode” Using the integral gp A= Rasina)= 2t1a* (ea- ry? J curyrdr = anf *T-cer]? Jocke/sing ede’ = za* fel nw) a cu) the space factor reduces to SF@) = ara®T, [SH] , Ohere 145 (259) sins = kasing Radial Squared ; An(e’)= In C1~@’%)*]* Using the Same procedure 8 for the radial, it Ganbe shown that SF@) = ra*Z, [BO] , Abs CES) sing = kasine 152 7-23 Using the equations from Table 7.2 with a=2r, the desired parameters for each distribution are as follows; . Uniform ; HPBW = 29.2/2 =14.60° FNBW = 699/2 = 34.95° FSLMM =-17.6 dB D, = (4m)? = 157.9) = 21.96 dB b. Radial taper ; HPBW = 36.4/2 = 18.20° FNBW = 93.4/2 = 46.70° FSLMM = -24.6 dB D, = 0.15 (4m)? = 118.44 =20.73 dB C. Radial taper ~ Squared ; HPBW = 42.1/2 = 21-05° FNBW = 1l6.3/2 = 58-15° FSLMM = -30.6 dB De = 0.56 Cam)*= 68.43 =19.47d 13 153 pie (44 Bs eke i 8-1. { Te) [(dn 164) SF" ]des wees psa), RE ee at $= capo Eve" o ( cee wer) SPR_[.pcz-2)* aha (Spe) = 18RD SE [p22 cjnycst jae) S227" ] eek oz =-a4je0 [jecR apr ~ (3+j48R-@R*)(RE aA] a =o ‘ ~jeR ajGR (+ jee ee ~ (Rea)L (gx) +3¢14;6R)] = er i sk [-R*c4+4}@R)-CRLaDGRIA+ 3CR20*)(1436R) ] at _7 sifRy_ jek se($)- SE { (04) 8) CRY 304) ~ (RE 0NGRI? F Therefore sere oe Gece) >j6R ar { Te) [(Se eR les af te) SS {rrjerd@R®3a9- RCR)* AM Sy nf gnetaies in 2 AR arlene ga der = ae( Te af [cesjorraxtace) + (éan)*]de7 aM to (8-20) we have thot 8-2 According psy (U> BRE wed ay a cig whied (ere) { Tele) Gee te/= Jocks EN = phe wo seh The above equation is an inhomogeneous ordinary harmonic differential equation whose Solution is obtained as the sum of Complementary and Particular Solutions. Thus we con write the solution aS Me ay) ait ae i le) aR ae- f [Beos@a) +c singz)] —} 2 ef sintace-evy der (2) ae cam penentagy °—Fartiealak Gola ton Therefore (2) then reduces to At z=0, the particular solution vanishes Me . “rey SiR . ; {be Dae t2/=j [OSG +C sin cgay] = 3 9 [pBaasied +c sin ga)] =j ie [Ba coscaa) + Cy sim c92)] 4 “Tate 4) 8-3. B= Aare , Mp=-2nxE,=- 2d xdve, = Mg = -_Vi e Ancb/a) The solution presented here is that reported in the following Journal Paper: L.L. Teai,” A numerical Solution for the near and far fields of an annular ring of magnetic Current’ IEEE Transaction Antennas and Propagation» Vol. AP-20., No.5, Sept. 1972, PP. 569-596. The radiated electric and magnetic fields canbe feund using E=-jioA ~j gae VOV-A) -EVKE ©2a) H=8E lage VE) A TxA Cab) ud there F= aff My $F as’ cre) A= ar{{ I EIR ag cad) Since I=0, then A=0 and (2a) and (2b) reduce. to E=-20xE «3a Hs -jwF ~jae VE) cab) To evaluste (2c) the differential area ds’ on the frill is ds’= Pdp’der c4# Dividing the frill into de’ wide Inagnetic ri current, the Contribution of each ring will be evaluated first. "This is accomplished by integrating — With respect to @” before Summing. over all the rings. rong PARALLEL TO my PLANE 4 (onservanion POINT IK pr PANE) Ten roc anzarion MAGNETIC CURRENT Lge Geometry for Ring. Berean ie source and Observation Fig. P&S (Continued ) 165 8-3 Cont’) The problem possesses symmetry Since there are no g variations, Therefore the observation can be. lecated at any plane. without loss of generality We choose the y& plane for the observations. For this plane ey. and the E potential is g-polarized (Fp). Using (4) and Cac) we Gan then write that e alent bem ay RR’ : a Tow |, | oe Ss uihere R= [(e-2) 40> (Q)* = 2¢0/C0861 Because the ring iS on the xy-plane, each pairef incremental current element da’ Csymmetrically located at te) has only q net dy contribution, This Leads to the 2casg’ factor lwith an integration in e” from 6 ko. Now using. @a) and (2b) in oflindricad coordinates, We @n write. that Ex= -2b5plehe) ces) ogs“de’ (s) (ba) B= 2&(h) (6b) Hy = ~joo Fer or (6d) Eg = Hp =He =o Closed form expressions for the electric and maynetic field (an be derived when @>b without moking far field approximations. From (5a) Ro= [(e-#)*+ p21 After Suitable approximations on (5) we can write that cf ee Er heceeenc ae a Fee Oe rata Mae a) eet sai 13} @ Using (D, Wwe canwrite (6a) as Re eS =. Taner as a ceseu tied 2 Lies i Gl relao 2 )o%g) _ bee—etbeene): +g jj GS) ] } ©) and (6b) as ay, Gotaye (a-27) EikRe 4 + pachteat: FM Tay oR oe ARAL] 5 [SEE 21} 8-4. On the oxis of the ring (e=0), the Symmetry of the problem along the 8-5. @ direction requires that E, (eso, z)=0, However equations (8 dand(g ) of the Solution of Problem 8.3 are fo fonger accurate When +d. Therefore we will derive asimpler form for the field which ail be accurate, only for p=o. when P=o, we have that Ris [(z-27)*40@02 1% a Therefore biesges ax eas nea : tg Feces a hen |, BE [ ( cserder]et'=o @) Then Hg (0,2) = Jofe=0 From (60) of the solution ef Preblem 3.3 Fe oF Eeloa)=-2 et 23-2 |. o Tnderiving (4), L'Hospital’s rile was Use| to take care of the % term, Using (2) amd CA) and interchanging, the. order of integation and differentiation, it can be shown that CA) Can be writien as 41 poet Bike Hh Ex@,8= + ircbay |, (ose [2a ae de ® Lect 344 eykUte-29% 007 = oie lee-e97% by) Ez 00,2) = aaa Ze =) j 6s) The above Solution is that found in: 2 LL. Tai, “A runerial solution forthe near and far fields of on annular ring of magnetic Current “, IEEE Transactions Antennas and Propagation , Vol. AP-20, No.5, Sept. (972. pp 567-576 S=0.47A, G=Q005A, N=21 impedance matrix CZmn] for using the delta gap or maynetic frill generator is Same, but right hand sides LV] are different, (Continued ) 157 at 2 aC -9604352E+03 4184994E+03 4475594z+02 1323194E+02 57993028401 31310115+01 1919739E+01 :1278995E+01 9010428=+00 65908298400 -49402295+00 37563402+00 28727725+00 21923445+00 +16554275+00 1223871E+00 2723569E-01 58352352-01 :3451012E-01 :14816688-01 -1395117E-02 +4184994E+03 9604352E+03 14184994E+03 4475594402 .1323194E+02, -5799302E+01 31310112+01 11919739E+01 11278995E+01 + 9010428E+00 65908295400 49402292400 +3756340E+00 :2872772E+00 2192344=+00 -1655427E+00 -12238718+00 -8723569E-01 5835235E-01 :3451012E-01 -1481658E-01. 4475594E+02 4184994R+02 9604352E+03 -4184994E+03 24475594E+02 :1323194E+02 +5799302E+01 :3131011E+01 11919739E+01 1278995E+01 -9010428E+00 6590829E+00 4940229E+00 3756340E+00 :2872772E+00 2192344E+00 1655427E+00 1223871E+00 0.8723569B-01 0.583523SE-01 0.3451012E-01 0.1323194B+02 -o -9 -9 -0 =o -9 -0 -0 =o =o =o <9 -0 -0 -0 -9 -0 -9 -0 -0 -0 -0 ~0 -0 -0 0 -9 -0 = -9 -9 0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 0 -0 -0 -0 -0 0 -0 -0 0 -0 0 -0 -0 -2944177E+ 005 =. +2920930E+003 2938329E+00) 2892089E+004 :2852054E+003 + 2801163E+003 :2739840E+003 « + 2668600E+00) + 2588035E+00j -0. 2498812E+00} 2401658E+004 :2297367E+004 :2186776E+005 :2070767E+003 +1950254E+003 1826168E+003 :1699458E+005 :1571072E+005 -0. =o. 1441954E+003 1313030E+003 1185201E+003 +2938329E+003 2944177E+004 2938329E+004 2920930E+004 + 2892089E*005 +2852054E+003 :2801163E+003 +2739840E+005 2668600E+00} +2588035E+003 2498812F+004 :2401658E+003 +2297367E+003 2185776E+004 2070767E+004 1950254E+004 1825168E+005 1699458E+005 1571072E+003 1441954E+005 1313030E+003 29209308+005 .2938329R+004 -0. 2944177R+005 + 2938329E+005 + 2820930E+005 2892089E+003 1 2852054E+005 2801163E+005 2739840E+004 2668600E+003 2588035E+003 -2498812E+005 50% :2297367E+005 -0, -0. -1950254B+003 2401658E+003 2186776E+005 207076784003 1826168B+003 + 1699458E+005 -1571072E+005 1 1441954E+005 :2892089R+005 2( 4, 2)= 0,4475594E+02 2( 4, 3)= 0.4184994E+03 2( 4, 4)= -0.9604352E+03 2( 4, S)= 0.4184994B+03 Z( 4, 6)= 0.4075594E+02 2( 4, 7)= 0,1323194E+02 2( 4) &= 0.5799302E+01 2( 4, 9)= 0.3131011B+01 2( 4,10)= 0.1919739E+01 2( 4,11)= 0.1278995E+01 2( 4,12)= 0.9010428E+00 2( 4,13)= 0.6590829E+00 2({ 4,14)= 0,4940229E+00 2( 4,15)= 0.3756340E+00 2( 4,16)= 0.2872772E+00 2( 4,17)= 0.2192344B+00 2( 4,18)= 0.1655427E+00 0.1223871E+00 0.8723569B-01 0.5835235E-01 0.5799302E+01 0.1323194E+02 0.4475594B+02 0.4184994E+03 -0.9604352E+03 0.4184994E+03 0.4075594E+02 0.1323194E+02 0.5799302E+01 0.31310118+01 0.1919739B+01 0.1278995B+01 0.9010428E+00 2( 5,14)= 0,6590829E+00 2 0.49402298+00 2( 0.3756340E+00 zt 0.2872772E+00 2( 5,18)= 0.2192344E+00 0.1655427E+00 0.1223871E+00 0.8723569B-01 0.3131011B+01 0.5799302B+01 0.1323194B+02 0.4475594E+02 0.4184994E+03 6)= -0.9604352B+03 2( 6, 7)= 0.4184994E+03 Z( 6, 8)= 0.4475594E+02 2( 6, 9)= 0,1323194B+02 Z( 6,10)= 0.5799302E+01 2( 6,11)= 0.3131011E+01 2( 6,12)= 0,1919739E+01 2( 6,13)= 0.1278995E+01 2( 6,14)= 0.9010428E+00 24 2( 6,15)= 0.6590829E+00 2{ 6,16)= 0.4940229E+00 Z( 6,17)= 0.3756340E+00 2( 6,18)= 0.2872772E+00 2( 6,19)= 0.2192344E+00 Z( 6,20)= 0,1655427E+00 2{ 6,21)= 0.1223871E+00 2( 7, 1)= 0.1919739E+02 -0 -0 -0 -0 .2920930B+004 129383298+00j 12944177E+00j :29383298+003 28209308+005 2892089E+005 28520548+005 12601163E+003 12739840E+003 265a600E+005 2588035E+00} 12498812E+00j 12401658E+004 2297367E+004 12186776E+004 + 2070767E+009 11950254E+004 1826168E+005 1699458+005 :15710728+003 2852054E+005 '2892089E+00j :2920930B+00j 12938329E+003 129441778+ 003 2938329E+00} 29209308+005 12892089E+004 '2852054E+004 12801163E+004 27398408+004 + 2658600E+00j '2588035E+00j 249881284003 :2401658E+003 122973678+00j 12186776B+003 20707678+005 1950254E+005 11826168E+004 :1699458E+003 2801163E+003 12852054E+00j . 2892089E+005 2920930E+005 2938329+005 1294417784004 293832SE+005 :2920930E+00j "2692085E+004 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0.2872772E+00 -0.2186776B+003 2(20,15)= 2(19, 8)= 0.3756340B+00 -0.2297367E+00j 2(20,16 2(19, 9)= 0.49402298400 -0.2401658E+00j 2(20.17 2(19,10)= 0. 6590829E+00 -0.2498812R+00j 2 (20,18 Z(19,11)= 0.901042@E+00 -0.2588035E+005 2(20,19 2(19,12)= 0.127899SE01 -0.2668600E+003 2(20,20 Z(19,13)= 0.1919739E+01 -0.2739840m+00j 2(20,21 Z(19,14)= 0.3132011E+01 -0.2801163E+005 2(21, 2(19,15)= 0.5799302E+01 -0.2852054m+003 2(21, 2(19,16)= 0.1323194E+02 -0.2882089R+003 2(21, 2(19,17)= 0.4475594E402 -0.2920930R+00j Z(21, 2(19,18)= 0.4184994E+03 -0.2938329E+00j 2(21, 31310118401 -0.28011638+005 '5739302H¢01 -0.2652054E+00} 11323194B+02 -0.2692009E+003 14475594E+02 -0.2920930E+004 ‘41e4994E+03 -0.2938329E+003 '9604352E+03 -0.2944177E+00} 4184994R+03 -0.29383295+00j 11395117B-02 -0.1185201B+003 1481668-01 -0.1313030R+003 +3451012E-01 -0,1441954E+00j 5835235E-01 -0.1571072E+004 18723569B-01 -0.1699458E+00} ° ° 0 0 o 0 o 0 ° 0 0 0 0 o 0.2192344R+00 -0.2070767E+00) 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2(19/19)= 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00}. 2(21, 19) 44755948+02 -0.2920930R+005 2(20/12)= 0.9010428E+00 -0.2588035E+00j Z(21,20)= 0,4184994R+03 -0.2936329B+003 Z(20,/13)= 0.1278995E+01 -0.2668600K+005 Z(21,21)= -0.9504352B+03 -C.2944177B+003 2(20,14)= 0.1919739E+01 -0.2739840E+004 8-6. = %%0, G=0.005A, N= 21. Delta Gap Magnetic. Frill Zin= 8 ITx156~] 2.75%10-ohms Zin= 0.2199 -j421.4 ohms 8-7, Tet Antenna Length Aitenna Length fd L="74_= 0.250 L= 3/4 = 0.795 Radius | Impedance di RaditS | Inpedance Hq = 50 |lazasoas 0,123 €2-] 0.34533, |n=0.0075A| 0.532563 +} 0.1844 CS Yd =25 |la-o0osAoua7e2-\02477e5 ica 0.4053 €3 =} 6.1269 63 "d =107 Jo |Sl€2-jo.131 €4 [esasu 10.3406 CS +) O77 24 Using 20 subsections and Halien computer Pregram 161 (Continued ) 8-7 (Cont'd) 0.004 0.0035, 0.003 0.0025 0.002 Magnitude 0.0015 0.001 0.0005 F-" 0.0 0.004 0.003 Magnitude © g ° s T 0025 A Vd = 50) | 0025 A) e-10 2) 0 Atenna Length (1 = 4/4) T T T T T — Radius=0.0075 \( /d = 50) som Raditis= 0,015 ——-Radius= 3.75-10 02 -0.1 0.0 0.1 02 Atenna Length (1=3x 4) Continued 162 3 OA: BB He VKA 2d AB (4) Since the field is nota function of g, becouse of the azimuthal symmetry, the observations can be made at any angle #. Choosing B= "V2 reduces © andy to X= POSS “7 ee ee J Re [Cred Gyo e-27~ o ey "5 [RRC = [eee and (4), = e& og {fis sin[k( oe ay +" sin(k(4-2] Base} a Using Euler’s rein phat?) _ sikiere) Snk( E229] = = @ reduces (3) to 2 — te { tila) Skere-297 , sjtkbe) elkCRrE”) He =— an l€ iG: il Se Je’ -€ ih wal R je ee) “2 ema s eth) @keR-22 a etm 3) SIMRO Jaye att na | IME? Lae} The third term within the brackets Gan be written as co) Ra. jRCR+E’). echt) (** 3 pal f ale z | mein? {aR peikere7] + eiherre? (4) jaee (6) The two terms sf (6) can be expanded to . jheRt a”) Tae vs +B ais ajrBeiker? Ga) Rletrl= x d SW = Sy {Lat yee ce ay Cys -# (6b) Thus) can be expressed as i (ee esa 3 [ ap eikcRte) Jee Be, =e “lik pone CRE’) — re) Jae = gz ce m Consider now the differential of jRER+ BY) mt ii i, dl Sarena |=ALR' Cree ay iter? ] ike dcRte-2)' 2) dente . a) = [ (Rtz—2) t R - ge, | (Continued ) 164 8-8 (Cont'd) Each term of (8) Gan be written as “de _p_e-2 : (REE) [ RiCR+2/-2) | (9) cRt+2e’-2: (r+z/-2) ACR+2’-2))__ 1 soges’aei'. «| ere’-a) dceve'2)), lets] Clo) R R “apf decree’) iL peepee * RHR) cu Adding €9)-Clo) reduce(6) te sjRCR+E*) =} 7) GIMCR HE) 7) skREED(_ tp Tyee reall e [ rome ml i aa) which is an exact differential. With the aid of re (6) can be Integrated and eqrseiel iets) (4 kere) _y ses) (Hep el il (a > [ Javeqgern'f, al ROR +22). . BRR AD) itt a3) a BR +ie-2), 008 where according to Figure 8.1 Cb) for B=™/2 Ray @- H* = fet @- (ay yafeepree afyrree ; as. oe RA (f-2)t2 ya yi ets ye J a) [ (13) can be placed into he form of sche) (42 9 nes? “ Ha-2 y sikcRi tte) ce eee SO ee serail (6) In a similar manner, the other terms of (5) canbe uritten as seit? > ap ee ae wn = eithtin) Slate) jROR+Y) 74 By sila oo [U-#4) 6 - 1-8) elk] (16a) (Continued ) 165 8-8 Contd) A _ eitkla) af giktere) ae & bs iy ial = oil) [os siehs) eiB CRs ts a2) eitr] SL, sikCR-2°) -) Mla arene ‘2 é is = BMT Co MEE gin ert) -a- per] whee ee fees Oh [ence ak Using (6)-¢léc) reduces (5) +0 (be) He = a $ [eit cit ~2.c0s (AL) ier] mh E= phe VKH Sor {de [att 3 2th] ae afl at [Brers)-24)} which tees in the y2 plane (+6) to (ie) Bis EGS ye jue Be" a) (20) Ee = jhe FSeleH)= joe aH) Since. i ¢: Thus Ep= jor &\-3 se z4[é ae sik j= # * [(e-4) Se ai M4 (ett) SE 22 s( K) at] (21 Ha RLE ee * 2 as (HE on j S 166 8-9. Rim =Rr 360 { C Macht) ~C:ckt) + Lsincke) [S:(zh8)- 28:4eQ)] +d coscha)[C + fn (RE/2) + Ci ahd) — ACD] F Xim = 30 { 2S:(kt) + @sche) [2S:(kt) - S.(2kt)] = sin cht) [2 Cx (kA) -Ci Cah.) ~ Ci (24) ] F Where C= 0.5772 ko? i CC 2h) = 0,577 + Ln(AE) —Cin(2K9*) according. to L4-6F> Rin = Rim /CsiPcktza)) Xin = Xim/ Csin*ehy2y) a. bea; khet/2, 2kO=m, rkot/0 = We = 012566, kn = "A Ci) = 0.47 On (kb/a) = — 0.24156 Ciak= 007% — dn (Hl) = 0.45158 37 Ci (24a L) = 0.5774 dn (0.12566 )=0.577-2.074/ Sickw Si (2k) = 1851 jee SEs Substituti these numbers into the previous equations feads to Rim 56.844 , Rin = 2C6.844)=13.688 Xim = 10.710, = Xin = 2 C10.710) = 21-420 b. d= Ma: hem, 2kls2m, 2ka¥l= "Vib = 0.06283, kl/2 = % CCAD = 0.09367 dn Gt/2) = 0.45)58 CiC2kl) = ~0.02256 dnc kb) = l14a729 Si Cet) = 1-85) Ci(2RaYL) ~ 0.579 44M (0.06283) ~ 0.597-2.7672 These yield Rim = 73.123, Rin = 73.123 BSS 128) Xim 242.546, Xin 542.546 Le 3%%q : £l=3t/2, abl =am, 2ka*/A= 0.04188, kl/2= 30/4 Ln(eL/2) = 0.857 Ce Ci ck) Ci C2kb) = 2.01071 Qn (eb) = 1.5502 Sy (Ue) = 11-6000 Cz (aka2/a) = 0.577 +4N (0.04168) <0.577-3.1729 4 FL 572596 Si @RL)= 16746 These yields Rim = 185.274, R Xim (61.689 > Xin = 323.378 d. faa: Asan, 2kl=2m, 2kat/r = 0.031415, kl/2=T = 4144729 Qn (Rb) = |-837877 Ci Cakot/a) = 0.577 + Ln 0.031415) 7 0.897-3.4605 = -2. 8837 These gield Rim 199.068, Rin = 197-068 = 0 Xim = 125.409, Xin = 125, 409 /o = co 4E7 8-10. The resonant length Will be found using a “trial and error” method A length wil be assumed and the G@rresponding reactance will be found using the equation Xim = 30 {2 Sich) + @schl) [2 Seb) Sil2eh) ] csc al -eh)-ef The length for which Xim%O will be the resonant Jength of the dipole a. Bitially a 2=0.95(0.5A)=0.475A was assumed. Far this Abs 2.985, 2kl= 5.969, 2ka/r| = 6.61z8x1g4 SiC kl) = 1848 eschf) = Sikt) = 1-425 Sinckt) = 0.1564 CrCkt) = 0.12 Ci (2ka'/a) = Cin 240°/r) + 0.59772 +n (2kae/r) Ci(abt) = 0.07 TL_X 0 +0.5772 -9.325 ~ 6.743 These Lead to Xim=9.657#0. For the next attempt tet f= 0.93 (0.5) =0.465A , For this — kh= 2.9217, 2kL= 58434, 2ha2/r = 6-756 x160* Si Chl) = 1.844 Cosckh) = ~0.9759 Si (akl) = 1-434 Sin(kl) = 0.218] Cackl) = 0.135 Ci (2ha*/A) = Gn Rap) 0.5792 + bn (2ka’/r) Ci bl) = -6.072 X0 + 0.57972 -7.30 = — 6.7228 These fead to Xin =30 {21844) -0.9759 [26 1.844)~ 1434] 0.201 2G 125)+ 009 2~(-6.7228)]} Xim 3 = 1-106 ~O We will take 0.4652 tobe the approximate resonant fength, b. For S=0.465a Rr 60 {0.8972 + £1 (2.9217) ~0.135+ 200.2181) [1.4342 (.844)] +20. 9759) [0.5972 +40 (1.46085) - 0.092 -2¢ 0135) J } Rr = 60 (0. 9785) = 58.7/ =Rim Riw 2 eg C. Rin = giacaty ~ ogre te d. [= RunZq 2 5742-50 = 0.086 Rin+Ze 57.42450 vswe = Jt!Cl . 1+ 0086 =) 198 I-IPt 1 = 0.086 168 8-1 Using Fig. 8/7 and Fig 6.18 a. aslota 3 2~0 478A, Rr =Rim= 70 b. a=totan 245 0.476A, Re = Rim 267.5 Caxton SLs 0.4702A, Rr = Rim, = 64 da. asin 9L% OAMIA, Rr = Rin = 57 More accurate expressions can be obtained Using equations (8-60) by trial and error, and (4-70). 8-12. a=torr, b= G. From Figure 4.8 , equations (4~ Zin= 1343425 for L= Me Therefore for L= 74 above ground plane. Zin = £734} 425) 236.5 +j41-25 93) & C8-60) b. From Table 72 ta. MAA _ 0.25Xt07 25 Te SE mn = EOS LtYo 44 M/crrA 1+ 025xI0> 26 F 2 = O.24AF/ = 0.24 AF’ = 0.24-0:(0.96 15) = 0. 2308 a~ G.. Zin = 34 (pucgre So este ein ee Baebes Ai eages Fn Z+e ZintzZ 34450 4 yowR = Leliol 2 Ut olfeS =). aoe 1=|[Finl | 0.1705 169 8-13 a. ira side-by-side arrangement, the. mutual impedance. is obtained using €8-7Ja) - (B-7le ?, Where Cfor d= A/4) Computer Resut Cickd)= Ci) = 0.492 Sitkd) = SiC%a) = 137076 Rake 46,785713 (ray 28.34905 CC) =G @.lgt)=0.0334 Sp (a) =S; QB) = 1-43 Ci Cla) = CiC0.18T)=~0.4534 S$; (Ua) = SiC 0B) = 0.366%, RZIm = 40.7851 THUS Rim = 30 [2 00.472) 0.03334 + 0.4534) = 40.92 ae a Xaim = -30[2 €1-37076 -1.43 0.36676] = 28.34% 9 28.34 FO" b. Pra collinear crra ement, the mutual impedance is obtainecl using €8-72q)-Cé"g2¢ ) Where fer S=%4) > h= 34 Ci Cave) =O (81) = 0.0106 sinCkh) = Sin (8/2) =-1, Cosckh) <0 Ci CVa) =Ci Cr) = 007367 Si Clb) = Si (3m) =1-67476 Computer Resuut GW) = GCSr) = 0.00395 Si Ga) = Si(n) =1-85193 Fal ‘2.08868 An (Ws) = &nl 9/5) = 0.5878 Si i) = SiG) =1-63316 Thus Ram =15C1) [201-6 7496 —|-85/73 - 1.63396] = 2.0455 “nanop Xaim = 150-1) [2 Co.0106 ) — 0.07367 — 0.00395 + 0.5878] = - 7. ve 8-14. Using (8-640) Bas Y= a+ 22 (Se hich for identical dipoles (Ia=14) recluces to Zid = Zu + Zo For S=0.35A we cbtain from Figure 8.2| Zia = -25 -j6.0 Since for #=/2, 2u = 73 +j425 Zid = (93 -2-5) +}(AZ5-6) = 70.6 +}36.5 that 6-15. Examining, the data of Figure. 8.21 and ‘nodding. that the Self Impedance of a "2 dipole is Zu 593.4+j425, the driving impedance with the smallest reackance will occur When S~ 0.375% Where X21 = ~38.75. Thus for S= 0.3750 Zid (73-23) +} (42.5 ~ 38.75) = Sot j 375 and the reactive part never gets Smaller than thot . 170 DAL Gigs Using (2-120) =9 Ze = 120 Qn [corl)] =300 3 x= 18.76" b. Using Fig 9.4 (b) and extrapolatin: First: > Wwhi/a Hh 2 SUX GRAS 0.382% Second: 3 TL2/r 2-8 > fa = ABAZ 0.BAA C. Using Fig 9-4 (a) qwha/azl.2: > Rnx25 9 /I1= 35=300)- 0.846 3 VSWR= O86 apy Wha/a =28: 9 Ry 4i0 SIT | $0208 ons aa 3 92. a. Fron Figure 9.8¢b) Fram Figure D8 (a) i=0.1428 fa (i/a, = 25) 0.4503 d= dE = 48% gsr Rin (444.225, 120.450) 254. ba (ha =50)¥0.4509de 8 = QAR =TXEIA — Rin (la =56, kia04BAI= 1 Laila, =[04) 50.4902 d= he =e ‘Shas gxidta Rin (Melt 0.450274 $a(bAa=25) £0.15 > da= gi Ja (/da=50) <0.80ASd,- 93 (b/da=10*)* 0303 da= b. From Table 9.1. JuCli/dy=25)= 0A8AF, 9 R= AMEE = 28 = oge15 9 hl. =25) = 0.4615 A = Se 0.4615 dees ase =3x@A. Rin(4=25, Le 0.4%) = 425 S =SB= 162A Rin bds=59.L= 060A) = 725 a= HOR A= U03K104 Rin Marie L='03A)= 25436 = 1-846 X107A DRin =67 {i (Ca.=50= 048A, 9 R= arg = Bos0Re04 > hi lls =56) =047O6A d= is OATS y= P4lxid2A = Rin = 67 4, ata =104)= sana ifde = 108 soe p> hthld ot) =0.47995 Li — 0.47995 =5 Ring dys pee CATSBE A = 4995x109 A Rin = OT fa eyg~25) = oo6nRa R= uae = 2 = 280.9615 > dal taldg225) =0923% das $= 23D 3.67 x16*a, R= lage =) =15olegiol25)= 209-63 Ria = RA/6T = (209.69)7/67 = 656.27 fda = = a/da= A(2A La Chili =80) 20960 9F.s Hes = Bre 0.9604 fal ba/da=50) = 0% d= $ = o.f4l2 X= 1.ggKio2r R= Woehega (GE) =150 $o910(50)= 254.8455 Rin = Rnr/6rT = (254.0485) 467 = 67-35 (Continued ) 171 9-2 (Cont'd) phe) ba (Liddy 104) =O.T6AFLIFL= ging, ee TONATE 9 fal laa =108 da= fa = O2STEA — 9.599108 A SMM to4 Rn= 150 $49 9(42) ) =H fa (lot) = 600 Rin = Rn*/6q = (600)°/67 = 5,373.13 9-3. From Te S29F is aye MA) aah, eo A00Ss 6 ae m Table = =50 4+ 20d) Ba 5p | F100 Rn 5 95 bese (Ma)] = Seance = A5tguleo) =150 Ud=50 G. 1 St Resonance: 10.24 F's 0.23527A, di=4.7xl0°A, Rin = 34 b. 2 vd Resonance: a= 0.48F'= 0.47 , da=PAllIXIO 3A » Rin= 50) 784 = COLTS ©. 3rd Resonance: 3=0.72F!=0.T06A, da = (4.76 HOA, Rn = 48 d. Ath Resonance: 24=0.26F'= sana 18.823x168A, Rin =(150)"48 alba 468.75 9-4. a. b= Ae Cfrom Cf-15)) * 5-50 Aid =25-> Zn =884+}275 IC=| Seq ns tsal OT VSWR = ee 3347 ss R= Say 7 2-006 S/d = else Same ge yt ea aut |gsexiser—e| S0.A4TA J vswe = 140-4474 — 2.619 (0.4474 ques -be is Bees | 87? Ald = lot > Zin= 13+}42-5 DIMA 173 43425 450 slo /S718 22 &.tal =0.3 713 vswr= 1° b. 2=A T From Figures 9.8) and 9.8 cb) § tgo-ja55 ~50 | = Ud = 25 3 Zin= 1805255 > Il=| Be 7255 =| ee VSWR= [4 09-8335 = 1.012 ttd= 503 Zin =290 410 5 11 eens ease vswe= 1408732, = 07927 Sd =10* => Zin = (5.0487 +} 81804) x1o* [Using Eys. 4-70,4-79, B-6ob, s-4b) Iris1 = vswr = [tL = (Continued ) 172 9-4, Cont'd) c. £= 3/2 Cfrom equation (7-15) Md =25 > Zin 2106.84) 4.9 9 IPL= sega tess = +3634, VSWR= [+ 03634 1-0-3634 “! Ud =50 > 29> (03.34}9.2 5 IPI = |19334)9-2-80 | = 0.3522 (03.3 +}9.2+50 VSWR= 1+ 0-3522 _ > o9q | — 0.3522 Sd =104 3 Zin = (05.49 +j4554 9 [CI] -|eeaegeerse|=° 443 105.49+}45.54 +50 = 2.1407 VSWR= 140-443 = 2.571 1- 0.443 35 Using Table 9.3 Qe = 0.254 =0.25(M%o0) = 0.0250 Qe = 0-57 A =0.57( Mio) = 0.057 A b/a = 001A fo.1A) = Yio =0-| des 0.28750 = 0.275001) = 0.02875 de = 0.5a+b) = 0.5 Vin + ¥20) = 0.075 A Use Table 9.3 or 9-224) Ge = 10S = Vi-466 x1G* (0-8) = 01083 om ‘ 9-6 From (9-19) =} Zo=120 cosh( $/2) = 120 on[ Sat ¥5A)=08] Q. $26.13K10A, d= (938A, A= 05X10 7A; = 3.065 + (3.065)= 00-5)*) = 2.065 +3,0239) = 299.95 Zo l20n (3065 +VG BB)*) = [20 Ln( 4065 +3.0239) = 299.9 on2og 8 b, $= 213x107A, d= 103A, A=05x103A : Bos [ice Voge] =120 fn (1045+ 10-63825 ) = 450.156 C, S=FA2XIG2A, d=IGA, AS O-BXIOIA 1+ V¥QeD= O5)*) = 37.1 + 37-0966) = 590 Z,~(2otn (3214 VGADS WBN) = (20 bn (SATEEN) = 587-7084 S°7. From Table 9.3 ig oe OS 2 ln Qa. +28, Inde > S55 [Si tna, + Stn Oa 25.82 dns ] Tf beth conductors are circular 3 $,=2T7G., Sa= 2702 - Thus eer [at fnart 02 tnG2 +20,02 ns] + Oa) Expanding the denominator and dividing numenator 2 denominator by a reduces to Jnoe x CGntinued) 173 9-7 (Contd) Inde = sSarsraep [ind + (Bi) tn cat 2 C8) bn] Defining Ma as/au, ne S/ay, we aan write that Inde = + u2bncua,) +2U inva) ] ah Ling, ttt tandng, taudny + 2utnay T adn u +24 nd] ieansas LAna R 4 cele +424 dna, +4nd,) +A Lees + uaknat query] le ma dn Ge = Ln (ar) + fone [utna +2u-nv) 98 S.1x0"S/m f= 4GHe > A= SxIC sxe, = 0.3m G= A200 , S= V50 a. de= Vas = {a = X= 3x3m S000) cd too Q= A/2o0 = 1-5x103 m Ge Ja = (100) //200) = 2 eset at ip & 1. b. Bhp = BBE = We Uwe RAT) 7 2maV 2.¢5.9%107) loo auto) iB | ye av Rng = a XUG2= 6.6227 XIO7 = 0.06627 Rig (Single) = 0.06627 chms Rhg (double) = $ Rng (Single) = 0.03313 ohms Rng scene nes = 0.03313 ohms C. = —Rr Cea = Bite, Res ¥C73)=365 ca Csinge) = —365 __xjo0 = 99. 82% 36.5 +:0.06627 ca Cdouble) = __36:5 X10 = 49.90% % 365 + 0.03313 Gcg (effective) = 365% 100 = 99,207 7» 36.5 + 0,03313 AN 9-9. Using (9-18) with = %72 = 774), We haye that Ze =) zotan (3B) =) Ztan(Z) = Thus (9-24) reduces to ie «. Att = 424 = NS 22a+Zelz io 2+ omrh SHO. daca, s=6.13Kx102A Q. From the Solution of Prob. 9,6(a) > Z = 299.95 = 300 Using Figure 9.15 > L20.325A + Zin = Rint] Xin =1,700 a “T= 5.667 = | 700 -300 =o! Vv = b. Imt= learacs | $0.7 > VSWR = Q-1L, 474 =500, S=613x08A =} SQ=3065xIC8A a Using Table 9.4 = = SF _ = 0.4gn 500 =0.48r =0.479 A §=0.48FA= O48 Net 048A Te = 4B MO.16) = 0.479 b. dias BO > d= foe BATER® 302958 xI02A,, a= 0.479x108 A C. Using (849) = 2 =I20 tn TS Veapeoe VGA)*o* ]= ~taotn| sass fais =a} % = 120k ran 927) = 306.19 d. Using C9-18) with L= 0.4779 A Ze = j Zotan(eh)| = j (205m tun(3 0.23752) = }4,61898 L=04TTA e. Using (9-24) > Zin = 4224 Q2at Ze Za=Ra+jXdq where According to (4-70, 8-60, 8-61) Rr= 60 {C rknckt) Ci Cet) +dSinckt) [Si@kl) -2 Si Cet) ] +h cosckt)[C +knCeh) crcl) - 201 CHL) TJ Xm = 30 {2 Sickl) + Goscel) [2 S:Cks)- Sake) ] ks) -c; C282) J J Sees -ci(2 i arenes = Xin__ Ca obi2, Rd=S ar giyay - %4 = SintC RIA) 4. A= 0479x103, L=0.477r RL= 3.01, rel =6.01727=6.02, kA=1.5048 ROVE = 6.017 x10 CinGx) = Ln (5x) ~CiGa) = Onl Anoc)- GG) = 0.57724 Unx- Cz) Cin (609X109) 0 = 0.5°772 + Ln (6.019x15%) - C56 .019 x15%) (Continued ) 115 9-11 Cont'd) Cy ROAR) =Ci (6.019 X10) = 0.5772 +12, 0205 = = 1.443 CiCel) = Cz (3-01) = 0.5 Anat) = in¢a.or SickL) = Si€3.01) = 1.847 From tn (Hel) = bn C150 Ciekt o.066 | Appendix I sinc kt) = sin(3.o1) = 0.132 Si(2kl) = SiC6-017) = 1.424 GSC AEre 8g: 00 = 20-211 Rr =60 (057724 (.102-0.15 + 2132 [.424-2¢1.849)) ~ LU [0.5912 +0-408 — 0.068 -2(0. u5)]} =60 (1.073) = 64-380 X= 30 201-649)-0.771 [2 (1.849) ~-424] ~ 0.13212 (0.115) -Go. 068) -¢-t1-a4af Xm = 30(-0.1 058 )= -3.176 Ru 4}Xq = $4:380-J 3.176 _ . : : Zq=Ru +}Xd SinATiesabie = 1.004 (64.38-]8 196) =64.6375-} 3.1887 Using (9-24) Zin AB 2a = A n616.93)(64.6975-}3:1687) 2Zat ze —-2. (64.6395 -}3.1887) + 4,618.13 2. Ge= VOS = JEISKIGSAC.ATEXOFA) =1-TAXISFA,, L=O4TIA Using the equivalent radius Ge as the vadius Es 2RAZ/t = 2 (3E) (UT x162A)*/ (CO.4TPA) = WIT XO 4s Can (x) 0 = 0.5772 + An (7.70 KIT) — Cx (FTOTAIST), = eramteNe Ci (ARGS /2) = C.CT207 15%) F0-BTT2 =~ 8.8936 Xm 7.0155, Rr =64.380 Za 1.004 (64.380 +} 70155) = 64.6375 +] 7-04356 Zine 422d = ACA 618-73) (64 637543704358) _ 351.594 )26665 Zatz —2(64.6375+} 704356) + 4618-73 3. Using O= S/2 = 3.065xX10>A, L=O.479A 2Gk Mt = 2 (3.065x155 A J(3E) A(z) = 2.4645x\04 Cin (2.4645x10*) XO =8n (2-4645 x14) -Ci (2.464bx16%) +0.5772 CC 2ka*4) = Ci 2.4645 x 104) = 0-512 + Ln (2.4645 x104)=- T73U XmeUl-6 » Rr = 64.360 Za = 1.004 (64-3804) 1-6) = 64. 6875 4] 11-6464, = 257.08-j5-.472 Ss aos Se = 281. 556 +3 43-6 i 6464) + 45618-93 eh 196 12. Zin = BIB. 142 18-027" = 306.005 +} 75: 326 22a ee te aon Tin Heaziseaye = IBA 825 Yin = 3.08] x168-} 0,758 x10°= (3 081 -j0.758) x1o8 Yin = Gin tJBin , Gin = 3.081 x103 Wares Bin = -0.758 xio3 f O. Bu=-Bth = 0.5 3 Lk n = 0,'758 xl0 B. | Capacitor Y b. Bre o.7saxtoS= aC, = 2Tf CL = 0.168 x168 = 2.188 183 12, o64xi0"* (2. capt 2 Cloxtoe) CL Yq = 3.081410 3 = Yim Te ee sTxlo8= 324,5° Zm= Zoarxies = S447 7 Zn =32457 (Zin? Rin? d. 2 BK — Zo = 324.57 -300 Tn Zin + Zo 324.57 +300 y= 24ST = 0.03934 Te> Gast VSWR= 4+1fal = 1+ 0.03734 A-Uwl 4 - 0.03934 = 4.03934 = 4.082 NSN 0.96066 943, £242, #7300 i nk, 8. Zin 2AtTa-rj42.6) =2924) 7. Yon* By = REaj ns SEN ee Yin=2- 557Tx153-j -4BPAIO Ss (2.557T-j | 489) x15 =Gin-j Bin Bin 2 WCje27f Cin = Bin >Cin= Sin = ABTA = 2.30ni0"*# Cin = 2370x10"F = 2.37 pf (Continued) aay 9-13 (Gnt’d) b. Gin = 2.5577x103 Rin = Qin = zpeqg wid = OBPOMMERIS 30.776 Tin = Rin-Ze = 30.976 -300 _ Rint zc 3f0.9764g00 */SISE VSWR= I+ ITnl = 1+ 0.13166 ~ 1.393 [=[Fin| (= 0.13166 914. a= 163A, S=4xI02A, Zc = 300 A(M3 +)42.5) $292 +)(20 = Rint} Xin Qa. Zin Xe= Xin = Blagg =Xin 9 Cim= GR = FAP KT = ARCATA) Can = 9.362 X04 x16 8 = 9362 x15'7F = 1.862 Pf Cm =C/a > C22Cin C= 2(9.362) pf = 18.724 pf b, fips Ride. = “2i2ina00 "= BL -o.0186 Rin+Ze 2f2 +300 592 VSWR = 1+IGnl _ 140.0185 5 10274 [-1Pinl 1-0-0135 315 L=0.4T7A, A= 0.0050, $=0025A ae Feetan hE) san Zo = 120 cosh ($2) = 20 Gshi'( 2025 = ne) ! Oh (FT aaas.) = 120 Cosh (2.5) =120 (1.5667) =188, 016 Zo ~ 188 Ze = jiee tan [ ZF OSTA) = 5188 tan(o.a7m) =j188 10.579) = } 4,788.83 Zaz TP4513 Q. Determine the: Aze2d . a8 i), teput i we = AG b780.83)074j13) Gi). tmput impedance: Zin= 254 ez_ ~ Zeageh18)t jl TOBOS Zin=j4(y9ep.83) ee i3 $0.06 £7.345° TSB +jreqjnteees =]4% 8S) es = 34 C4,98. 88) S062 7345° 2,021. 0155 285.516 Zin= 315-14 213.8297° = 306.005 +) 75.326 (Gatinued ) 178 9-15 (Cont'd) GD) Zin = 306. 008+) 75.326 Zd = 17 +jl3 Ri 306.01 k SOCOOS = 3.8735 , Xin - 75.826 = 54 Rain 19 Xan 13 Mee (ii) Ry = Zinc Ze _ 306.005 ZintZ 306.005 +} = 25.366 285. 44° Glo. 668 L7.086° 826-300 _ 6.005 +5 75.326 826 +300 606.005 +} 75.326 = 0:1234278,.35° = 0-02AF +) 0.1208 [Piel = 0.1234. . 140.1234 0 é = a = 1.282 (iv) Tnput VSWR > VSWR ghee b. (i) Zin= 306. 005 +) 75-326 Zim = Zin tZ-= 306.005 ste causa Zr= Ret jXv= ~jWS326 a DS a Ixu] = 75-326 = BC > Src [Fs eis ap Handy} a payubsy ~ amg lx — amcioxte®)(F5.326) C= 211, 288 X16 = 21.288 pF ooh. = Ge 38 AE TGs 3c Cys 2(211-288x10%) , C= 422.576 pF Ui) Zin = 306.005 306.005 ~300 - 6005 = 9.009707 = 0.01 306.005 +300 606.005 = = Zin—Zo Tn Zin + Be Tin ¥ 0.02 a ~ f4(Mel _ t+o01 _ tol WR = = = Stee ree Wg MOUS Garay eh pseer ort vSwR = 1.02 179 SAG. $2 M29 Zins 2s =Zm= 734} 425 i SURAT Same Bs 8S ae se oS Gs*Chab) ~ ogacae.ny tHe xs i - Whe ae eee a b. Using (41a > Zin (2/=%) = (teal as = ase Zin(@/s G) = 2m Bm _ 146 +}85 ce Sine(kQ) SAE) FT N=2, Rise, %=50 mate & Using (9-395 $ =2(|- 20m) $0375 Om= |-2763 radians (73.126°) SEC Om = SCC (73./26°) = 3. 44S Using (9-45) Ta (sec@m) = 2 (Sec Om)* 4 = 203 4452.4 =.22.736 From €9~ 30, =| Zur Ze Teel" loo-S0) _t se lee Ta (Sec 6m) > TS 32.736 | 2001466 The maximum VSWR is — I+@m _ 140.01466 _ |, VSWR = =m Teme The coefficient of (9-37) Gan be written as Tinh) = for QePey rel? = SPC (ReMagel™) re] whose magnitude , for Qo=fa, reduces ty [ hen equated to (9-43) 2. 9-44)] af) = 2 (Po 826 +0 /2) = Qu TaCSecbn G56) = PmLSEC"En 536+ Csec*dn-1) 1 by using (9-45). Equating similar terms > Ng = Beectém = 201468 (3.445)*= 0.087 a Q, = On (SectBn ~t) =0.01466 [ (3-445)*- 1] =0-159 Bie (TEBE) do = (POET) 50 = 59.93 Za= (86 )z = (eelse )5R.73 382.04 180 $18. N=3, Ri=100, %=50 a. 3N Ri~ Zo NI fn a RitZe (N-np! nt eat eee. Aa ata eee Staae 2 Z.= ag br For a fractional bandwidth of 0.375, the maximum allowable reflection coefficient is equal to of = 4 Om wee s 5 ZF s0-.37 =2 tos RES wy) =? = 2-408 (1 Pm = 0.00815 and the VSWR is equal to VowRe Hem = IF 0081S — giGq 1=0m = 1 -0.00 815. b. a 0.375 = 2(|— 30m) 2 Om 12763 Cadians (73 (26°) ° ‘Sec Om = SCC C73.126°) = 3.445 Pra 3-Section transformer (N=3), using (9-45) TaGec 6m) =4 (Sec om )*- 3 Secm = 4¢3.445)> 3(3.445) =153.2 Using (9~44) = m= |Z 4 |= [ses Eien %.+& Twisecém)! V00+50 Tstsecém) vsw = 8" = 1+ 0.002176 i CRE ooea7e ee The cefficient of (9-37) can be uritten as : Tin) =00-+ Qe? 4p. c+ i= cI (Dele eles Leh spse9) \= 0002176 ubich for fo=Ps and gx @. redues to Rat) = 26? (% Co5.38+p, Cos6) Whose magnitude is equal to Pin) = [TinC#) |= 2 © Go Cosse+0i cos 6) When equated to CS-43), using (9-44), we ain write that (Continued ) 181 9-18. CCont'd) 2s CoS30 +P, CoS6) = 0m T3(SecOm: 58) Ae OS36 +P. C056) = Pm [Sec3 bm CS3S + 3(SCcIOm —SecOm) @S8 ] Equating like terms 2f> (oS30 = Pm Sec*Bm C338 = Po = bn 28" = o.c0.2175 © 4453 tie 261 ©5 6 = 3pm (Sec*Om—Secom)@sO > 9,= em SeeteiEOEOm = Fassel Thus &=0s =0.04448 Qi =p = 0-222 = 0.04448= ATR _ Fn Z+e A+ @ = Ol222= 22-2 = ie > Z= 69.872 Sat 22454 658 rk =54.685 (2 = 01222 = B-Za — 73-6872 5 7. = go are 2g tZa Ze + 61.872 949. z.=300, a= IS $A,N=3 a. From Table 9.1 tia, _ 0-5aAfaxtd30) _ .25xtoF _ 259 0.9960 Te Han [4 O5A/axt68A) 1 40.25x103 Q/= 0.48 NF =0.9960A(0.48) = 0-ATBIA Rin =67 ohms = RL n= 2" RRBs N= 73 67-300 Yai: MD tag q een Caah ct =} (-e6aaee) Ct 936C8 Ne i c Sania > n= -0.07936 Cr n=o = eae eS Zi-Fo ee Zte $28 = yp (1200 és es é Bis Bo {Epo = 300 (SESE ) =80000.85215)=255.88 Weft: = a AE Ngan Bi Eee 0.07936 Pay 0.238] = Peet B22 2, [AE =2in( OABEL ) ae.ex(o.454) = 157-46 eae (3) = -0.2381= es ee . 3 = ~0.238! ss Za= Za = 157.46 (22532 ) = 157.46 (0.6154) = 96.90 ~23 2 Pa= ~ 0.07936 +4 = -0.07936 = 4 _Eths = 96.90 ( 1007986 ) = 96.90 (0.85295) = 82.65 = 140.07936 182 320. ® L=0.4665A Rin = 59.98 @ b) Zz = 70.842 Z, = 63.512 c) See Fy P9-20 0.9- 0.8F 0.7+ = _ideal ° o 0 Tschebyschett a: a input ref coeff mag ° bh ° L 1 L 1 L L 0 0.2 0.4 06 0.8 1 te 1.4 1.6 1.8 - normalized frequency (10) Fig P9-20 183 5 = BOOKS pn f=lbMz 3A Ege = 20m = 2000 om $2). d= 19XIP2A = 3.8 om > A= 095 K108A = 1-9em A's 6.35 K\O*AS 1 270m 7 O'R BTS XIG4A = 0.635 com S= 762x(638A= 16.240m Ly = 0.2B5A=57, Za=25-j25 G. M= Blo’ = 1.9/0,635 = 2.79721 = Slo! =15-24/0.635 = 24 i a I ee nv -dny ~ 2nd) ~Ln(2-¥721) (14) 7S C141-5264)7= 6-38.27 E bya geay ae, ea 5.2K Zo =60 cosh’ (SEA6O%) = 276 tog ( Se )= 270 bogil raguagey | 7815258 5} 57.06385 Za j% tank £) =}318.283[ 32 (0.2857) =F z Zigz 2Be(tter*Za = 2) 706385)(6. 3B27N25-J25) 145, a2 96 Leo.89° 2Zx+(Ho)*Za 20} 5706385) + 6.3827 (25-j25) Zin = Rin +} Xin = 75.505 + j 135-629 4 A b. Xm= aE BCn= ee aos slot Xin= BaF Cy, PCI = an BKC NBS EA) C=2Cjq = 2 (78. 231x157) 156.462 XIOMF = (56-462 pf ce 9222 According to the design preclive, of Section 9.4.4 Z.= Ciro He oy z= Be ays z fpr iba By~ B ag= By sgytiby seni Ga sida) + yt j by) =(gasgy) +} (barby) got gy) =jCbarbg) _ (guy) -j Cathy) ee das Zin= Fin = Gatgy) (ba tbq) = gn Gagy ye ©? Gurgy—Jdarhy) Gags Scab) = Vint) Xin 9 Zin = Zin Zo SCPin +} Lin) Ze = Rin +} Xin z : Bins Vinde = D895) 2 (ga+gy)+C batby)> Xin = xin Zo = _Cb2 +04) Zo (4a+99)* +Cba toy) ~ (Continued) 4184 9°22, Tefind the Length % which ail perform the gamma match, We solve Rin for by. Thus (Ga+95) Zo = Rim U(gae gy) Cbatby)*4 Rin (baths) “= (gar 93)Z0 ~ Rin (gay) Cbatbg)*= [4g+9s) Zo- Rin(gaegy)I/Rin batbs = # (Eepee Rin(ga+gg)* bg = -bat EupE Rin (gat gq) RW eae For Probiem9.22 , Za xt4+}3), Rins50 and = 0.9525 /2 = 0.46256. U=O/a/ = 0-47625/(0-(026) ~ 4.6418 G'0.2052/2 = 0.1026 om foe = S/a/ = |. §316/(0-1026) = 14-9287 ete 4, SNCS) 2.316186 £n0-2AU Oncid $2782) -Ln(4 648) y= Jeo banck £)9%= Be =\tamckl!) aby= Jo =jokCeE) $570 Ciro *=C1+ 2.81415)" = (0.7856 ne I: Zo 276 bos Tee ) = 296 lego (oes coed) = 232.02 & cite ral = 109896 (144}3)/2 Ae Pe 232.02 = Ve aes gz 0.3369Zi2.0q¢ = 2 884~}0.616 =Jb2 9 J2>2-864, bg = -cot(h £)=~b, + fs *99) 2 = Rin (G+ 95) by = ~CokCh £1) = ~ 60.618) 4 [a.ge4 (232.02) “5012 684)" 9 Gig4. 2.25 50 = 15316 om ote 20. 338FL/2.0f" = 0. 331 +) 0.07/ 22-0618 Using the minus (-) sign Cba+by = -2.25) Cot Ck ¥) = 1.632 > tom(k#’) = 1/1632 =0. 6127 > kM = bane 6127) Lf = an tan'(0.6127)= 2% (0.5497) = 0.0875 ® ine ~ kbathy) Zo 5 5G38) 28202 apo) tee Garg Chatbs? — @-884)%+-2.25) 4 [Canf Xin) = 1/ TX [45-4 x10%% 37-01 ) = 28-06 xigi2£ Therefore Using the procedure of Section 9.4.4, the Smith Chart Solution verifies the answers of the analytial method . 185 9-23 Using the procedure of the solution of Problem 9.22 Za = 0,33) -}0.07] Sya= Bs 295L12.09°= 2.324 sjosls = Jot) ba Therefore 9. = 2884, bs = 0.618 also gg=0 , by = Cot CHE) Tn addition , bg = ~ot(k&) = -ba £2.25 =-0.618 4225 Choosing the minus sign Cbg tba)= -2.25 kth £') = 2.868 pee Mt) = 4/ 2.969 = 0.3487 9 kL = tan'C0.3487) £= ZF ton! (0.2497) = B (0.3355) = 6.0534 % Unerefore sionubihe) 2 iste ns ag) 232.02) ign jie Xin Se s =~ F101 = oe, : (2.884)*+( 2.25) Gatgg*+ Coat bg )> eee a ee oO C= are Xin 2nCi45.A le) (GF01) 7°08 *19 t Using the procedure of Section 9.4.4, the smith Chart solution verifies the answers of the above analytical method . 9-24 Za= BAsjI7, Rin=50 Q/=d =0,9525 Om O'=A=0.7525/2 = O.47é25em S= 3.1496 Om DS S72 = 3.1496/25 [5748 Om 2] =l20dn[ L518 alcusree)*— 0 47635)*) = 223.85 as Zo=120-4n pazcuisatza2 = O/gl = AVE S/al = 1B148/0.47625= 3.3067 aa boy 2 An3067) > (yt canrad Anv-£nnw — tn(s.3067)=knc1) Zam Citar Ze = 4(S44)'7) < 76.026 £26565" 9 Bs Ze s PEGREAAL ALES BH = Z = 0. 26.565° at enh a tier Pee Pak OSS LAEEE* Therefore Ja = 2.6335, ba=-1317 2 = pe tanchl!) 9 Zy= 28. = jtamtk 8) gq = Be soot Ch £) =gyrsbg = 2.6385 ]13/7 = Jajbe Thus gy=0, by= cece ¥) Using the equations derived in the first park ef the Solution of Problem 9.22, We have that (ontinued ) 186 9-24 Cont'd) bs =—bat /G2*9q)% -Rin(gargg)* Rin =-C La (265350023 .86)- 5oCa63—B) BO bg =~ ote) = 1.3074 2.2034 Choosing the yninus sign [cba +bg)= 2.20347] conch &) = 0.8864 > tank ¥) = 1/0-8864 = L128 9 RE =dov1'C1.128) E= % tan’ (1.128) = 2 .9q55)= 08464 Therefore Z : Mop a ~ atbattpd Ze 2 - (2. 2080)02389 = yy 934.> onze (qa+9q)7+Cbatbg)* (2, 6335)*+ 622034) 4 SUES tee ed Hee She cexio C= ange = Incase met) 41834 = 7616 f Using the procedure of Section 9.4.4 , the smith Chart solution verifies the answers of the above analytical method 9-25. a. H=73+j425 a4 Zalz =36-5 +225 Zd = Clto> Za/2 = 4 (B25 2(73+}425) mised 2g =) % tan( kL) =) Petan (3A ) =] Ztan(E)=00 Zin = Za = 2(734}42.5) = 1464} 85 b Xe=85=an0 C2 st- - =e = Liz = BNE Xe = 20 (425x10(B5) = 4-406x10 C = 4.406 x10! = 4.406 pF Se Cie Zm —Ze - 146-78 Oe eae Zin + Ze 146478 vewe = IRICl = 1403036 ~ 7p KATE 10.3036 187 926. Zas CitarZe = 3° = 2015 a. Bg j % tan( kL) =) 2 tan( FE 9. 1A) =) 2 tan (36°) = j250¢ 0.7265) 2q = }81.6356 Zin=_2q Za = j(l8l. 63563015) _ 2g ta 301.5 +) 181.6356 qe aera Ziv = 155. - 258.934" = 80.265 +} 133.268 b. Xe= site = = (33.265 x <4, ak Cs BW C133. 268) Sxt08 = 3.78X10' x1o8= 3.989 x10 forads C= 3.980x16!*farads = 3.78 pf Cit)? 1 2 +0) : 9-27 a. From the Solution of a 9.22 Zo = 232.02, Za=lA+]3, (l+4)*= 10-9836, &-o00875A, tan (kf) =06127 Using (9-18) Ze = jZoton(hl’) =}232.02(0.6127) =) 142-158 Using (9-49)=> Zin= 224 Cltw)*za 5 2 Cj142.158)(10-9886)L144}8) QZ +(e) Za 2G142.158) + 10.7836(/44}3) Zin = 100+) 7.9865" Cwiatexis > ques Gmeriaes se 4. 086x102F SC=2Cin 228. 072 xi0*F b. From the solution of Problem 9.23 Zo= 232.02, Za=l4-j3» Cita) *= (0.7836, L=go5sda, tan (kh) = 0.3487 Using (9-18) 3 Be =J Zotan (k¥) = =) 282.02.(0. 3487) =j 80.905 ¥ Using (9-49) 9 Zin = BF C4)? Ze = 26} 80.9054) (10-7836) (14-j3) 2Z +H Za 25 go.9054.) + (0.9836 (14-F 5) Zin = 100.02 +} 78.002 1 1 Gn = ITF Min = IT CAB A K10"XVE,002) C= 2Cin= 28.06 xlo"f = 28-06 pF = 14.03 x1BOF 188 928. By Comparing (9-49) with (9-54), itis qparent that the second term of (9-54) I equal to One-half ef (9-49) Therefore the lenglheof the T-match reds that will match to @ given input resistance can be obtained by following the procedure of the gamma match of Problem 9, 22 but with an input resistance of ohe-half that deswed for the T- match. d’=0.1026 > O’= 4/2 = 0.05130 d= 0.95255 a =d/2 =0.476 25 Gm S= 0.7658 3 S/2 = 9.3829 Cm Us O/a! = 0.47625 /00513 = 42836 Vs S/o’ = 0.1658 /0.0513 = 14.9278 of = aU = hn (14,9278) =5.6T12> Cie)7*= 44n7 i Uen Usidy 1 Sosa an RecN eS fn (14.2278) Ln (7.2836) x Saye 0.7658 __) = 190.476 Z, = 216 Vegyy (FE) = 276 Loguy( LESLEY To find the Lengthof the T-match rods so-that the input impedance 's 300 ohms, Use the gamma match procedure outlined in the Solution of Problem 9.22 but for a [bo chm input resistance O. For Prob. 9.22 3 Za=l4+j)3, f= 145.4 MHe Bz (tay 2a = 44.nq (4413) = 320, 51212. 0F° a5 $e ae 1.6827 212-09" = 1.64934) 0-3524 Ye a = reea7Z Tog? =0-57428.L12.09° = 0.58 ~jo1244T = qa} ba Therefore => 9. =0-58ll , bs = -0-12447 Bq = jtan (AL) 9 Yg= FOE CHE) = Jq tj bg 29 by = nba = fega+ag) Zo —~Rin (42+ 9g)” Ri 65 15000581) > =— oe by =—Corzdan & y/ OBB L170 47) 150(0-58))* =— cot (k¥ ) cok Ck) »Gg7° by = 012447 £0.63264 = ~cok (kL) Choosing the minus sigh Coa + by = - 0.63264) Cot Ce&!) =0.50817 > ton kL) =1.76784 PRL = tile 26784) = 1006 = 2 (1006) = 0.1752 (Continued ) 189 9-28. CCont’A) Using (9-18) =} Zt =} tanckf) = 5190.47 6196184) = j 374.83 Using (9-49), the input impedance of the T-Walch is equal te Zn= 222 Urtw*Zq — 2C} 374.83) 44.17 (l44} 3) 22 +Citay*Za — 26)374.83) + 44.7114} 3) Zm = 300.003 +} 326.5778 = 443,4579 LATA286° = 3.352x10"$ Ge mF Xin = BOSTON C =2Cin = 2 3.352% 104) = 6" TOA KIO F b. For Problem 9.23 > Za=/4j8, f=145-4MHE Zaz (ir Zs 2320512207, B= = = 1.68272 42.0%" he we 6.59428 212.079 = 0, 58ll+)0.(2447= garjba Therefore = Ja = 0.5811, ba=o (2447 i = jtancht!) > Hg = JOEL) gg +}bg 9 Gyo, b= —cotckE) =-bt Ge) Ze Rin $a+9g) "as cilaay 2 PSek et) = BSED” 150. ea =-0. Tene 63264 Choosing the minus Sgn Cha tog = -0-63264) Cot (h2f) =0.759/! = dan(k#!) =1.3208| 9X =tan'C 132081) AEs 2 havil (1 gn091) = 2 (0.922757) = 014686 A Using (9-18) = Zs} Ze tan(k ¥) =} 1P0AT8 Cl 3208|) =j251.585 Using C?-4%) , the input Impedance of the T-match is equal te Zin = 2 CHOP Za = 2C)251.585) 44 T1433) = 443, 49732474332" 2Be+Cite)*Za — 2C}251.585) + 44.77(14-}3) Zn = 300.005 +} 326. 6324 = 3351xlere (aes ek ee es in = Daf Xin ~ 2M C145.4 x10) 326.6324 C= Cin = 6.102 X10PF 10-1, =deT. ei?” Q. Using €4-57) — C4-51C) Er = Eg Hr = He =O ke ZR Es Si HERS -{t poe aTR Since for far-field cbservations Rer-z’cess for phase terms R=r Sor amplitude terms Bo — ‘stp (*e skeast kee) 2, wr sinede* wxjp bbe ay eletshe u jp ARE sina i Sa ol Lj ckcosé -ke)2“] = sein [ ee tes, E JR@S8~ ke) eltck-ase) -g sint ese - KJ &t (ose—k) b. Wave == ReCEXH*)= Rel dos x Guts ] = ERe(daEs x dy SE) = S| rel* which for K=he/K= 1 redues ne LTel* sin?6_ Kec 86 — 1) Wave = = 6 nl amr* Cosp-1) =U ste i Using the trigonometric identify (from Appendix VI) Sinx ee) = Eas it reduces to Wave = ar ae pS cot*(8) sin*[ HE ess -19] (Continued ) 191 10-1 Cont'd) 3 C. Prd = FF Wae'ds =(. ( deWe de rasineds dg Ss at . Frad = Tare: cot (2) sin*[ (cose -1)] sine dé which vedues to Pad = Hel Li ais + an (AL) - CCaRt) + ser 102. For a Song wire antenna, the siné variations in Clo-~2b) are much slower than these ef the Sint Hhccose-10)] function . aE Ces (c6s® ~Kk) Thereforce near ie. oxis Eo=J1 al fh Bac 30) sing sinT #ccos9 =] Besp-K) = Hhek eillorcesey sinless] EL (rose — Kk) The first maximum occurs when Vp _ kz #h (Gs on-k) = ll Cosbn~ KE) LO SK= GET He ~ OSEm ig. VES Os Om], _. = CSCo®) = 0-848 > Up= 0.7848 Ue Ve ém=to Vp = 0.9848 (axto8), Up= 2-7H44.x108 m/sec, b. oe = =asenl, = CoS (20°) = 0.939% Up = OFS ETM Vp = 0.93967 ere ‘Up = 2B17X(08 mkec 10:3. ¢ tee {ie ake aM, ¥ z y for field : ie =Y-xcos phase S Ret Amplitude (Continued) 192 10-3. (contd) sjkr ph. Le =kel~ , Agee Se (i ein OSD tie = are 7 ee p 4r “jk ci-cosy) Hcesip t “Shirase + jkemaswy | = aahgiit e)% ._sinx Rh ,where X= Z(I-cosyp ) Convert to spherical Coordinates Ar Ax Sine cosy eS Ee = jos Ag = Ax @0 cosy J Far-field > { Ee = jeAs Ap = -Ac Sing EPeo Ep Rr Awa Se Eg = jake o sik asocsgx , cosp=|de- ar . 1 OSH =sing-cosp str og = + JWATLeIFY 5x SMX cin, Ep Sa & x Sing SE; eS OP ine a 104 In the far- zone ; ; he | a. Ate) bee e Te27) ed PPO yay iG ss ip ch spar shat = Oz Ae af ea RE! g j#E CSS 457 ° +R! iE e208 497 t YM, o 4 is Me I~Ce! < (! S)RE( RB CSE yar oe ek ([~@S8) Jas 5 ai Sef eikfcine Us i oe els X= the cosp) , X=EA-Sine cess) fet f= = (eA, sind = le . sinh Me 4h 1-c0s0) (Continued ) 193 10-4. Ccont’d) 1 iy +bot ay oe ee ihetast a1 ("gihe CIOS) 97 : los fa2e Ms, see Crcose) (Mp = cy* Jafcl+ cose) sis = ds =1e5 si te » Sine) »6= a+ase) = tas dot SoS aRer Nea i i Ate fe: 2 Aelita g; 385i ‘ Ag=—Az- cose = ARLE { SAsinay/atRe’ sincsye }sing Ag = TER Z=0,Ey Cascio®) =143 (0.742) fa Bed = 24.42 =hevace APPPOXS Om = GoS'[i4 3 (in) =10° > cosco®) = +3a) de SPS 232.7115. = Lappe b. Using (0-7), > Om = CoS'[1-2(am+sy] with the minus Sign and With Levace = 24.42 A and Com+ 1) = 0.742, 2-73, 4.76, 6.99, 8.97, Wand 13, Bmo =10.00°, Om4 = 17-75%, Om2=26.05", Omz = 30.77% Omg =35.32° 6ms = 37.225 Ome = A2.77° With Rapprx = 32-TN5 A and 2m+4=1,3,5,7, 7,11, 13 Gino ~10.00%, 6m = 17.36%, Oma = 22-48°, Oma = 26.66", Omg * 30.31” Oms = 33.60°, Ome ~ 36.63° with C. Using Clo~lo) = On= CoS'Ci-n ) neiaya a <. Meyact = 24,42 Lapproy 32.25% bn os 16.45° 14.16" bn. = 23.35° 20.08° Onn = 28.70" 24.65° ons = 33.26° 28.54° Ong = 37.32° 32.00° bus = 41.04" 35.15° dL. Using (10-12) Re =6oL L4is+tn(He) -C,caht) + SASEY ] ds L 4 = 24.422; kun = 48.84 3 &nCeb/r) = dn(48.84) = 3.88855 abl = 306, 87077 3 C,C2KL) = Ci (B06.67077) =O from Fig ME-, Sin (bly ak = sin(306.87077) / 306.87077 = — 0.00275 Rr = 601-415 + 3.88855 - 0.00275] =318.05 (Continued ) 195 10-5. (Cont'd) 1=Sapprex RL = 65.823 = Ln(ki/r) = In(6 5.023) = 4.186967 2RL= 413.5781 Ci kl) =C; (4135781) 0 From Fig I. SinakL)/ael. = Sin (413. 57812/413.876] = ~ 0.002168 Rr=60( 1.415 + 4.186969 — 0.002168) = 335.788 © Using (10-18) => Do= 2 wt* LE cos' C1~ SUA) J AIS + 0n(38) —CiC2kel) + SAKO =S32Z.9USA ; f= heract = 24.42% Gt [dos $37)] = 42a Re 2cvaata)* 5.300 7786 f= Lapprox = 3.2. TSA cor [eC a )] = 13.282837. = 49.2922 = 16.928 di 2 D, = 2613.282337)" = 63 99959 217.99448 55998 10-6. a. Exact; ss! [1s 45 Go = cos" [12 Soma], cose= it 2-canqay ,of063=142 (0142) 3 = e74an a =H), b= Sher. 0.093T= £35 00-142), f= SARs BI6 A Approx 5 Om = GSC Zeamet)] ,m=O1,2.°° Go © CoS'[ 14 A(y] 9 CoS e 14 FZ Cos (25) = 14+ 2 = 0.0063, $3 = 0.%063-] = 0.0937 de Zladig7) = 53366 b. f= 203.96 ny = 2003.96) = 24.88, 241 = 49.76 Sin(akb)/2el = ~0.009%, Ln Ckl/m)=Ln(7.4.2) = 20693 dn (ab/a) = dn (28-70 Ma) 2.2. 0673 Ci (2kt) = CG: (47.76) = 0 = Gof La1g-+dn(ke) -C, (2ket) +S GRY) J = Gol!-415 +2.0673 ~0.008 8 1=208.46 Ren sellawrtnl cae are | (Gntinwed ) 196 10-6 (Cont'd) = 2ot TaCos'(1- 6.300] _ aco 208'C1-2321)] = AO6TS 2 11,7192 = 10.6860B 3.47431 107, pe zeeteosto- SET 1.415 + bn (2t/n)— Cr(2kt) + SINR ke a Le2rn; Cot ( Zcos'(1— 2371) ] = 3.127566 Qn (2t/a) =hnl4) = 1 386274 Cilakl) = GC8m) 0 from Fig ILL COppendix TL) Sin (2kt)/(akt) = Sm(8T) ABT) +O = _2C3129566)? — =84 Dos Steere eras = 6.984 =8 4448 b. L=aas cot [408' (1-237! )] = 3.89519 In(2ta) = fn) = LTTINST Gk) =CCat)s0. from. Fig In sinekt)/@kt) =sinllat/fzt) =O Dp = -203.87519)* = 9.4628 = 9.16 4B L415 + LT PITS? 10-8. a. The characteristic impedance of a lossless ‘transmission line is gwen by z, =e where L is the inductance per unit Lengtin Chim) and C is the Capacitance per unit Length G/m) of the fine. For a two-wire transmission Line , as shown in Fig. <4), the characteristic impedance is gwen by CY-I17 ) or Zp = 120 Cosh! ( $42) =120-kn Appendix IL) [Set Gare ] a (Continued ) 197 10-8 CGont'd) which for S>70 reduces to Bq = [20 dn(Z) = log, (&) Zo ¥ 276.31 feguo(&) For a one wire above a ground plane transmission fine, its characteristic impedance is equal to (see Fig- Cb) ] z=4z ~40%. 31) eg yo (G.) =1 38.155 besio(-S) For Se=h and a= lz, it an be written as ZX 138.155 logigl4H) , where h & the height of the wire, of diameter d, above. the ground plane. b. The expression above Compares Very well eS) n 10-S.a. pps etihesy_ sikhasy = 25 (eikhasy _ gjkhosy aj(2 7 3 ) AF = 2}-Sin(khcesip) cosip = Sine-osp ¢ AF = 2) Singihcosg-sina) = 2)sin (20.2 sing cosp) = 2jsin(psin csp) b. Ee = Eg (single Wire)-AF _ a C. R= 138 fog. (42) =(138 fog 9 (4 wie pals 138. fog yp(4°8) =138-Legio(20) Ri = 138 C1-3010) = 177.542 198 1010. From (10-20) => D,= 2.94 (4) +115 Q. L=2a3 b. fe 3a; Raz M@t.IS=297=9-78TdB Tn Problem (0-7 Doc le2ay = 6984 =8.44dB Do (h=3) = 7.4628 =7-'76dB (0-11. D.= 8de = (0-fagia Da Cdim) > DoCdim) =(0"°= 6 3076 From (i020) $ D cdl) = 2.94 (4) + 1.15 = 6.3096 > & 155 D= 1.155 A Using (10-19 b) > 260= 18.37 (K)~ 78.21(f) +6797 260 = 13.34 C1-155)*— 78. 27C|.155) + 167.17 bo ~13.65° 10-12. D.= 508 = the Gan Do (dim) = 10°. lee From (0-20) > De (dim) = 2-74(4)+115= 3.1623 9 & = 0.6844 , (= 6.6844 Using Clo- eles 3(K)3+ 6034 (4)* Bop. 5(L) +443.6 = 149-3 (0.6844), 603.4.(0.6844)*-807.5 0.6844) + 443.6 Bre 124,34° 1013. a. 26, = -149.3 (4) 3 Do =2.74(2)+ 1.15 =6.43= 8.08208 )3 + 608.4($)*- 807.5 (4) +443.6 =~ 1493 (0.5)3+ 603.4.(0.5)*- 809.5(0.5) + 443.6 285 = 171.0375 b Razr is = 2.94 (0.5)+ 115, Do= 147+ LIS = 2.62 = 4.183 dB C. Ge=& = 035 (2.62) =0.71T Ge =0.9'T = - 0.376 dB 199 10-14. p= 98 = lo°t= 79433 a. 9433 = = 274 (K) +115 =. 794.33 — 1s 2.54 = 2.3106 3 f=23106% B. Bo = 18.39 (£)* 78, a7() +169.77 $13.37 (2.3106) 78.21( 2.3106) +169.77 2= AF (80.8507 + 167.7] = 60.41° 260 = 60.4)" C. Pe =DsD, Pas2n(d)=2.0-¢2) = 5= 6.787d8 = 7.8 De = 7.9433 (5) = 37.7165 <1 P67 TdB ~ 6d De(d6) =DsCd8)+ DatdB) = 947 =16dB 10-15, hth2 = 0.250, a=0.25x163A Q, Using Fig. \0-I1cb) = b= 0.14% Therefore the bent is made at hi 0.14 X above the ground . b Using Fig.t0-11¢b) > R=24 ohms c. Ps | R28] = | 24298) 0.3513 Tel peels | oqasel ooo VSWR = ills 14035185 = 2083 1—0.35135 10-16. s= 750, A=3xl0*/qxio® = 3 =0.75 m @ Using (10-280) > CHMD= VaA (AO) = A/S =0.2A0 C=0.2A=0.15m, D=0.2A/T = 0.06367 A =0.0AT75 m 20h = [By+ (BP = n/|sets = 0.2007?7T5 A= 0.150748 C. La= Nbe = 5 (0.2009975 A) =1-00APBNSA =0.15374 m de stan ( S.) =fas'($)=tai"( BE) = tai) = 5m" 200 1047. $= 300mHe = A= 300xt0%/300x108 = 1m a. Near optimum 3 C >A =1Lm b. Pitch angle near optimum is a=14° Using C10~24) = x =tan'(S) = S = han = tan C14") = 0.24933 G = 0.249330 = 0.24933 A=0- 24933 m Cc, Using ClO- 30) > Rin % [40( &) =!40 ohms oun baa) ° A. Using Cio-31) Che =o =4657 Using (10-32) 7 FNBWGdegreed < 523 sca) : z INS ” ive coaapasy (02881 Using (10-38) > Ds IBN CS = 16-c5).4 o.24t23)_ = (8.697975 =12.718dB + Wieyd AR (for increased directivity) = (N+ D/@N)= sey =11 ee B= ae = |'40=50| = 0.47368 [ele *|i40 +50) VSWR = “1 4iel = 1+0.47368 228 ITT 1- 0.47368 i Rin=Zo = 140-75 = 6.302326 Rint Zo 140475 VSWR= AFIT] = £40-302326 ~ |, R67 L-IFT 4 -0.302326 1018. the normalized far-field pattern ts E= sin ().wse- SnlGveig) ; where y= k(S@S6~) , (eL=ns = 5-00.24933)=12466) L=124665 _ Pa ue aa = 0s9765. * an (eS) o ea 0.9237 et Gontinued ) 201 10-18 Cont'd) 40-18 Ccont'a) Helical Antenna { p = 1) Fig. Plo.B8ccd 1019. Using Computer Program Directivity ot the end of Chapter 2. O. Ordinary end-five; De= 7.2501d5 b. Hansen ~ Woed yard end-five; Do= 11.77413dB Cc. pea 5 = 214576 dB 203 10-20, f=500MHe > A= 00xI0/500x106 = 3/5 = 4.6m G. Near Optimum 3C=A=0-6m b. Pitch ange near optimum is x=14° Using Clo-24) 3 a=tan'(S) 9 S=tanx= tan (4°= 6.24933 Ss 0.24933C = 0.24733 2 =0-147578 m C. Using (lo -30) Rin = [40 C&) = [40 ohms Ban oSpa aN ° =46.57 Using (lo-31) > HPBW (degrees) = 32 A ‘ CYS AVS (0.24933 A) an (10 32) > FNBW (de oem us a “us Ising C10-33) > Do i5n $$ 02.999" AR Cfor increased directivi ty nee = 16¢5) DRE Ae 5 = 2Ned = 20544 2 ayy e i 26) @, Z%=50 > ini |= =| 0.41368 Rint Zo! | 140+ 50 yswe= LIC! = 1+ 6.47368 +28 T=IPl [0.49368 Z=T15; Irt= | Re=z 140-78 | = 0.362 326 TT Rate (40475 SWR= Le = 140.302326 ~ |.86' NSW =IPt 1—0-302826 a 10-21. f= Hilts 6.0¢m Q. d= tan"(S) 3S =C- tan = Co: tan C13") = 60-(0.23) =13.852 Cm HPBW (degrees) = 45° = pat = 52602 _ 52(464.758) CINS 601N-G3852) 60-(N-C1S 852 52: 464.758) 2. N-C13-852) “52: (asa.7e8)4 = 80. ues = 51839 6 4 N= 3.962 |S casy b Rain SS = 15-6): (orc 982) = 20-U3-852) = 20.778 =13.1764B 60 = 2N+4 = 266)44 ice ce ARS = a =f d. C= 3 =60em > = $04) = =80 cm 3S AL= = $23. x08 /e0 = = 875 MHE Cae Bra = 600m 9 Asm B60) = 45cm , f= 666.67 MHe © R= 140(4) = 140 ohms, Ri = 140 (#) = 105 ohms Re = [40 $) =186.67 ohms 204 1022. bp. sisw SS Q. 15 =10 fag, OCuR) > DeCvR) =(0"F= 31-62, CXA, S= Mio 31.62% ISN: (5) N= 21.08 X21 = ans4 1 b AR= 204 = 4244. 43 = 10238 = 0.248 742, 3 c. HPBW= ‘bn RES S210 = (i S ° zie) 52 =52-€0.69) = 35.88 = 0.626 rad Do Ckraus)= Al 253 = val ate = 3204 = 15.06 48 @u@a (35.88)* D. CTaig Pereira’s) = 72.815 = 72,615 @a+@: +@i-2(35.88)* od. B= AChS tH) =4(H(3)+F) aa ( Sez e BS = tS eh) 60" @=24457= £0.78 radians: = 28.28 =14.51d8 10-23. N=10 $=l0GHe C= 075A = 14° a, Sine 3A < CH=095AKZ zn ane of Operation is Axial CEnd- Fire) b. S=Cokanot = 0.95-A-tan (14*) = 0.95: (0.2493) = 0, 2367 % be ae oan 5 pe HPBW= Crea mame = ST = are cB = tN SS = 15-(10): @ASAL 2369") = 32.07 215,068 Dex AN,253 = 41,253 = 32,61 = 15.13dB @u@2a = (35.87)* 10-24 N=l0 £=500mHe C=A Pim = 5 Watts Zo= 18 @ R= 140(£) =140 ohms = R=Z. _ O- 78 = 0.2 [Rte "tapes ceee Pead = CI=IPI)-Pry = C1 ~10.2844P)-5 = OF1F116: (5)= 4.595 Prod = 4.575 wotts x ba Bee a Wisotrpic = a = reps = 0.8656 x18 Wisetrpic = 3.656 x16? = 8.656 watts/m> C. Dax IGN: SS = 15-C10)- oe = 15 =1-T6dB Whettx 2h 2: Uy cer clea 1 Se? hax Weis ya = D484 mWatés /m* 2 ee Aem = Zi De > aS z" ay = 0.6 meters = 08e A 2 Aem = Har (13) = 0-42.77 Ww Pree = Wet“ Aem = 54.84 X16? 0.4291) = 23.56% 107 Prec = 23.56 x10! Watts = 23.56 n Watts 1025 eine aoa O+4 =Lo02524 Moston: = apr eee =]dc- (x43 MRS : PLE = | dx - (&2}4)|*= | |= $2 -so1de Ve =L1C1-' “1.0 VSWR= HID = A HIPISL 1 C1-ID, |= tt = 1 2h 047g Q, [rl = [xm ze) | = Ben 800 ZctB00) = # (2.800) aorse ees. 14 » ) Z. (IP #4) =300(F1-101), 2.= 300 (134) = 300 (22.8406 $1) 0.047 6-4 Wea Fi 00 ( 2047 6= 4) — 350, es Ze ee Sar i)= 300( 1.0758) = 328.74 ¥°300 (~20a76 +4 ) = 300 (0.909) = 272.74 S0gT Oo +t b, 2284 62.6 212-4 _ gp ies A/2 Resonant folded dipole will transform 206 10-27 Ul6.9) ~ IEo|* = Sints [1-6)8 eHSo Snesing IF jh Sinosing |* Unox = | 1- 38 ik _ eidejhSs |* Siz SMOSING eleeikSas sine sing |* P, (0,0) = sin’e 44> lti-€ eikSu _ eiFeikSa/* E-plane: g= 3; 0<6<20 H~plave: 6=E ; ofe<2m E-plane H-plane Sas FBRle-plane O.15A 2.32 G.20A 15.0 6.25 a7.4 207 10-28 a See Figure in below b. 16.8385 dB & 17.6497 degrees d. 17. 9358 degrees es 15.2290 dB fi 15.1764 dB E and H Plane Field Pattern of Yagi-Uda Antenna (Prob. 10-28) ° 208 1029 a. see Figure im belocs 9.295717 dB Ge SA -0ol7 deqees - 65.7668 deqrees 7.65044dB . 764547 dB a St © 2 E and H Plane Field Pattern of Yagi~Uda Antenna (Prob. 10-29) ° 0-30, Ag = 3xw8/fo = axto’/216xto® = 3887 m =138.8Pom =54.68"= 4,567 Since the goin of a 72 dipole is Go = 10 flog ie (1.643) = 2.156 = 2.1548 ‘then the gain of the Yagi-Uda array (above a We dipole) is G= 14.4 -2.15 =(2.25d8 Crelative to a 2 dipole) Te accomplish this, according to Table 10-6, it would require Q. [2 elements C4 reflector, 1 feeder, 10 directors) b. Sia Creflector-feed) =0.2A0=0.298m = 0 T2ft C. Sik (director Spacing) =0.22Ae = 0.278m 0.912 ft d. L=2.2%0=2.2 (1.3887) = 3.0556 m= 10.025 $t @, Por S/Ap = 0.0085 , £("'= 0.48220, ls = 0.4320, Ly = 0.415 Ao Ms =0.407 A= Lis, Le = 0.37B0= 0 1 Mit = 0.390 Ae= 8a = 4 = Lio . Fora desired d/ae = S15, = 0.00686 d= 0.00686 Ae = P53XIm=3 130 Fe Plet the lengths from parte in Fig.l0-25 and draw a vertical line through d/ro=0.00686. You will find that the uncmpensatel lengths are = 0.482 Ae, $3 = 0-482A0, La = 0-420 Ao, M5’= 0.4120 = hie $6 =0.d03A0 = Li, LF 50.378 Ao = hg =f = 0S n 3: Fora Or.= a = 0.0137 > D=0.0137 Ao= 7X (OM =6.25 XSF. Jou find fram Fig. 10-26. that each element length must be increased by AL =0.00P5 Ao. Thus for the array design {1 = (0.482 + 0.0095) Ae = O.AI5 No = 0.683m = 2.24 Ft Ja = (0.432 + 0.0095) Ae= 0.4415 Ao= 0.613 m =2.01$t La = (0.420 + 0.0095) Ao = 0.4275 Ao = 0.5 96m = 1.76 Ft Qs = Siz = (0.4124 6.0095) Ao= 0.4215 lo = 0.585m = 1. P2ft Je = Su = (0.403 +0.0095) Ao= 0.4125 A 0 = 0.573m = BB FE Sa= Ne = Do = fro = (0.398 +0.0075) Ao = 0.4075 No = 0.566 m = 1-86 Ft The driven element should be a AV/2 folded dipole. 210 10-31 a. WAE-TV Chamnels_2-6 C54-86 MH) No = 3x08/fo = 300x106/88xIoe = 3.40Tm = 134.2167 = IS Ft The gain & numberof elements are the same os for Preb 10-30. Thus Goin =G = 14-4-2.15 =12.25dB (velative to a Wz dipole) According to Table 10-6 and Solution of Prob. (0-30, the design requires a. 12 elements (4 reflector, 1 feeder, Lo directors) b. Sia ( reflector— feeder Spacing) =0-2Ae= 0.6816 m = 2 236 ft C. Sik Cdirector Spacing) = 0.2 Ae = 0.6616m = 2.236 ft d. L=22Ac= 2.2 (3.409)m = T.AIEM = 24.6056 ft €. For d/ay = 0.0085 2 120, 4822», IF = 0.43220, Ly’=0.415 Ao, L6"= 0.4010. = faa ” " a e $6 = 0.378 r= MK, Me = 0.370 Ao= be = by’ = fee €. For adesived d/no= 2S = 0.02794 2d= 0.002714 0 50.00952m 134.216 “= 0.0312 ft drawing vertical through F/ho=0.002774 in Fig. 10-25, Jeads to the uncompensated lengtisof se Ly =0487A0, [$= 0.45220, 4 = 0.438Ac, Ds’ = 0.432 Ae= Liz Ye = 0.d27 A= 2h , £h=0420A0% be = he =e $ Fora D/ro= orait = 0.005588 =} D= 0.005588 Ao you find from Fig-0-26 that each element must be increased in dength by 9 =0.003%0. Thus for the array design Ri = (0.487 +0.003) Ao = 0-490» = 1.6704.m = 5-478 2 ft Bg = (0.452 + 0.003)Ao = 0-455A0= |: 55llm = 5.0869 Ft $4 =(0.438 + 0.003) Av = 0.44] Ao= |. 5034m =4.9304 Ft Gia =0s = (0.432 + 0.003) Ao= 0.435 Ao = 1-48.27 m = 4.8633 Ft Dy = Le = (0.4.27 + 0.003) Av= 0.4300 =1-465%m = 4.8074 5 by =e = £4 = ho =(0-4.20+ 0.003)As = 0-423 Ac = 1.4420 m = 4.7271 ft The driven element should be a 2 folded dipole . b, VHE-TY channels 713 (ITH 2I6MHE) Since the design is performed at the upper Frequency of the desired frequency band Cin this case fo =216 MHz), and it is assumed it accomodates alll the frequencies below foCf N= WBelements N= I TnCo93) 3. N as Anan 278 4. S’= 0.115, Smo = 2B, GO = oa = 45.8268 a Fa 327. BF ohms ER = A372 > Be 2115, B= 15-075) = 06.25 ohms S= Bash ( 8628) = 0.95 @sh (0.9/9) = 0.95 (7 26961) 0.7 522" 220m Se 91)=0-7 C Again from Q [= 0.93, 6 = 0.175, X59, Bor = 1-477, Bs = 2 c-ua7) = 18335 Dwax = 32108 = 1.724 m, L= LE (| — Tyagg) tok (570°) = 1-759 ™ IGE ‘i 0.8612 _ N= 1+ £n01-8335) 9 26y N= Por Io element, jaws 2.8002 = 143.53 IncYo.93) Zaz (2o[Ln (143.53)-2.25] =3.25. 788 ohms , 22, =4 34659 R2 = 2 Zo %b2C75)=F0 ohms S= 0.6 Cosh (70//20) = 0.6 (1.297) =0.7766Cm (Continued) 215 11-3 Cont'd) d. f= (512-806) MHz, Di=0.2¢m, Ds = 0.1286m Aysin from 6. ale 5 _iilIS, TH 0-98, X= 5.71%, Bar = 497 Bez 6 «.am)= Soe L= (aca) (1 Zaag) Gta = 0.885% N= 1+ In(2.326)/in(Yy93) = 12-63 * N= 13eements moe = "P= 0.213 m, qe gots. =1465, fain = 145.3, T4597 = (200 bn (145.9) ~2.25] = 328.0, Za = 28 _ 4.3973 Rin 7S FR oles , From Fig tid Ze ais. Z= 15 (75)=96.25-0 S= (020m) ash (#826) 2 5g mm, S= 2.54 xl03m ©. Again from = 108 aa = 3xtc8 a “gE (477) = 1.8127, Nee Berit = 3-40R™ = Amux a = = 1+ £8127) _ 9 5 L= Pwr (\_ 95) coke = 3.82073 m, N ngs) oe N= Gor 10 elements , dmay = AM B= 87 ohm. = (1-167 Gm) Cosh (By = 167 CL 2745) = 48792 Com 41-4. Since for atl ports of Problem U3, Z7= 0.93 , then according to (1-27) a, A= Antfa)-fn6g.) = Ana) = tn Cz )=ln Gg) = 0.07287 or fa/¢, = Ve = 1.07527 ¥ f2= 1.07527: fi B. fimax = (1.07527) Fin N= Beg oC $me+/$nin /Ja, (10182) , Thus @ N= tag (?5)/4ogC107527) R19) N=6727, ce) NS 29995 @) Nx 6.2526 (ENS 28 22. 216 115, Using the chsign program. LPOAFOR, set yp 2he main screen as Sheen. whether or not the dipole diameters are quantized make fitle difference as fongas they are quantized #0 reasonable Value . Please see the file LPDA.DOC for information about these parameters 1 Design Title : Homework Problem 11.5 2 Upper Design Frequency 216.00000 MHz 3 Lower Design Frequency 54.00000 MHz 4 Tau, Sigma, and Directivity Choices... Directivity 7.00000 dBi 5 Length to Diameter Ratio 4000000 6 Source Resistance 00000 Ohms 7 Length of Source Transmission Line 00000 m 8 Impedance of Source Transmission Line 75.00000 + 40.0 9 Boom Spacing Choices... Boom Diameter : 10.00000 cm Desired Input Impedance : 65.00000 Ohms 10 Length of Termination Transmission Line 00000 m 11 Termination Impedance 100000.00000 + joo 12 Tube Quantization Choices... 13 Design Summary and Analysis Choices... Design Summary : : B- and H-plane Patterns Custom Plane Pattern : Swept Frequency Analysis : 14 Begin Design and Analysis Please enter a line number or enter 15 to save and exit. (a) Gain vs. Frequency KZA W | | | 100000 Ohm Load -10 ai Gain (4B) pe) | ° 100 200 z . Frequency (MHz) 400 (Continued) 217 115 Cont'd) Input Impedance vs. Frequency bam area “100000 Chm Load Input Impedance (Ohms) 200 Frequency (MHz) IVSWR vs. Frequency 5 eat 6 coke t ene cater us 100000 Ohm Load 200 300 400 ‘ Frequency (MHz) (continued ) 218 11-5 Cont'd) (b) The directivity peaks when te frequency is Shown delow. he ratio of each frequency 40 the newt Righest is also shown FCMHE) % (Ratio) 73.87 0.6447 U4. $8 0.7579 181-49 0.7937 190.49 0, 7937 240.00 0. 83/3 288.72 0.8507 339.4) 0. 7330 363,97 —_— The average of the ratios 1S 0.80. he compuler program calculated 0.76 Ce). At frequencies below the tower design freguency. no element is fang encugh to support a half- wavelength resonance, So the antenna ceases to act as a radiating structures At frequencies above the upper design frequency, Several elements might be capable of supporting resonances which are multiples of a half wavelength. Therefore, the antenna does not Lose dts radiating characteristics, but (t dees tend xo Lose rts directive Properties. 219 116 Please see the file LPDA.DOC for information about these 1 Design Title : Homework Problem 11.6 2 Upper Design Frequency Lower Design Frequency Tau, Sigma, and Directivity Choices... Directivity Length to Diameter Ratio Source Resistance Length of Source Transmission Line Impedance of Source Transmission Line Boom Spacing Choices... Boom Diameter Desired Input Impedance : Length of Termination Transmission Line Termination Impedance Tube Quantization Choices... Design Summary and Analysis Choices... Design Summary : E- and H-plane Patterns Custom Plane Pattern Swept Frequency Analysis : .. 14 Begin Design and Analysis aw waran 11 12 13 Please enter a line number or enter 15 to save ca) Gain vs. Frequency 10, Pista coma an | | | 2 aed | 5 i 10 | —+ + | 25 {asics £2 ee a 200 Frequency (MHz) 100 220 parameters 216 .00000 54.00000 MHz MHZ 7.00000 40.00000 -00000 -00000 75.00000 Bi ohms ™ + j0.0 10.00000 65.00000 -00000 75.00000 om Ohms m + joo We and exit. 7S Ohm Load 11-6. Cont'd) Input Impedance vs. Frequency | A i — 75 Ohm Load Input Impedance (Ohms) 3 T ° 100 200 300 400, Frequency (MHz) VSWR vs. Frequency | — 75 Ohm Load I oo : ~ = (Continued) 200 Frequency (MHz) 221 11-6 (Cont'd) (b) Yhe 752 termination resistor acts as a matched toad which prevents reflections from occuring at the endof the antenna. The /00k2 termination does not prevent these reflections. Any reflected energy has a second chance to radiate, often in a destructive fashion relative #0 the primary radiation. The result js a rapidly Maree input Impedance, gain, and VSWR, especially at tow frequencies. 17 Please see the file LPDA.DOC for information about Rune waran Design Title : Homework Problem 11.7 Upper Design Frequency Lower Design Frequency Tau, Sigma, and Directivity Choices... Directivity Length to Diameter Ratio Source Resistance Length of Source Transmission Line Impedance of Source Transmission Line Boom Spacing Choices... Boom Diameter : Desired Input Impedance : Length of Termination Transmission Line Termination Impedance Tube Quantization Choices... Design Summary and Analysis Choices... 216. 54. Bs 40. 10. -00000 m +00000 + j00 75 10 65 7s these parameters 00000 MHz 00000 MHz 00000 aBi 00000 00000 Ohms -00000 em -00000 Ohms -00000 m 00000 + 50,0 Design Summary : Y B- and H-plane Patterns N Custom Plane Pattern N Swept Frequency Analysis ¥ 14 Begin Design and Analysis Please enter a line number or enter 15 to save and exit (Continued ) 222 MT eee Gain vs. Frequency | a | 1t--—} gael oii ° 100 200 300 400 Frequency (MHz) (b). A fraction of the source current is absorbed by the source resistance, Gnd a fraction is absorbed by the antenna. The fraction absorbed by the Source resistance is Rs/(Rst Zin). » The fraction absorbed by the antenna is ~R=em,— oe 3 Zin_)2 Therefore, the efficiency 8 @ = Peg) = 77-7% (2). Since the antenna of Problem 100 % efficient (Rs +022), the antenna of this problem should exhibit a gain pattern which Is to-tog (0.979) dB = -1.09 dB different than that of problem /l-6. The calculated gains of the tuo antennas are Shown 223 1r8 Please see the file LPDA.DOC for information woaynu BONE 14 about these parameters Design Title : Homework Problem 11.8 Upper Design Frequency 806.00000 MHz Lower Design Frequency MHz Tau, Sigma, and Directivity Choices... Directivity : aBi Length to Diameter Ratio Source Resistance 3 Ohms Length of Source Transmission Line 2.00000 m Impedance of Source Transmission Line 50.00000 + 50.0 Boom Spacing Choices... Boom Diameter : 4.00000 cm Desired Input Impedance 45.00000 Ohms Length of Termination Transmission Line 00000 m Termination Impedance 100000.00000 + j0.0 Tube Quantization Choices... Design Summary and Analysis Choices... Design Summary : Y E- and H-plane Patterns x Custom Plane Pattern : N Swept Frequency Analysis : N Begin Design and Analysis Please enter a line number or enter 15 to save and exit. (0), E- and H- Plane Gain 10 5 2 Wiwete. E-plane gain 3 if — Hplane gain a 180 Frequency (MHz) 224 (Continued) 118 (Cont'd) cb). 15 4575 (105-135-165 10522555 285315 MS Theta (degrees) 3-dB beamwiaths are E-plane ~ 67° tH ~plane ~ 103° (C). from the E ard H-plane analysis at 600 MHz, the frent—Lo back ratio is 12.87dB (d), The E-plone has deep nulls because this plane corresponds 20 the plane of the dipoles. The dipole pattern has @ hull aleng the axis of the dipole; therefore, the log-periedic dipole array has a nail there also. 225 119 ars a } br= (2)(A)=1 rsa/n a = tes cery? SD sldeeeras : 14+1) Ckr)3Li+ kr)? ] b Afpeaed sit fe Quseee - Seales cea ge THG=:-@ 2 + 3¢kr, = ep chr)? (1+ Cer)*] Q.> ste xs ere = 1430)? gs 14: 007% = 270.43 (S)°0 1+ (%o)*] 0.003875 14+ 0.02467] Q= 270.43 a 4 1 = 258.01 ao [2E(A)JS © (Mo)8 © 0.003875 b. Larger to better utilize the available volume. 226 121. Q. Foro uniform plane wave Eq = diy Ho oM| = dx 11 He Equivalent Ms = ‘Dials =-2d) 7 Ho =-dy 22H. over aperture . elsewhere b. Far field. le= 2 [fisesing My qibe/sinocse + jkey‘sn sins egy ly= Sess eib’sing ose tj ky’Snésint dey a (& Using the formula (8 onde e efsnt] Le= -27 He a-b ase sing [Sinx sur] | xe Rasing cose Lp= 27 Ho-a-b cose [sie et] Y= SPsinesing Eg ~ ~ kei lex [Beak gait cosy SUX Six . sin Ey =j tet Ly = -p beh eal asesing oe ie 12-2. gis Gel, hada te Me aictt: =-2d- THe over aperture sie else wh b. Far field = Ly = -27 He ab. cose cos SUX Six “ser ake ‘Bsins cosy lpe= 27 Ho-a-b sing SinX. sin Sint Y= cine sing Horab p Syke onze Ex -) GE Theo pe sing, LO sur ej Moabpal™ SwxX_ Simy be Mosh 4a! ose cos Sink SAE 227 23. a. Bs dyeeit Ms= 6-28 = G26, , over operture Bs elsewhere b. Far field Le= 2. ab cosy cose Six, Sey a £0 sing osg, Y= KP sing Sint lp=-25,- absing SinX. s Few GASP, | eye hel ate '2-4_ This is the same problem as pro.(l2-1) except E,= dx gem Equivalent Magnetic Current a. Mg= {-2PxE. = —dy2Eo, over aperdure 2 1 Slsewhere b. For field ~ Boab k ojke Eg +) Qar kei Y Fp = -j eb hor cose cing Sin, si cose Sux sin X= £9 sng cose = Kb sing Sing 12-5, Write an expression for the incident field E = dB eikCy sing, ~x cose) At x =0, Ex zB, ebky/sing. Using equivalent M =-2AxE = dy 2E,e)kd ‘Sng, Thus Ne = Ny =0 Le = Sfmy cose sing @) = +2E, GS8 Sing (retbeest gy [ 2 shy'(Singotsinosings) ‘i = =o (Continued) /SmoSing +2/COS8) dy ‘de’ 228 12-5 CCont’d) 3 : a sink Using % eit? gz = <(SBES) Lg = 2E, cose sing [b SBE ][q sn] Ubere 27 SPews = "2 (sinesing +sing,) lps RE estar“ chennai. op, Lp = 2Fab cose. Sin¥ at ae “Sj aberosykelhr | siny, sinz Thus = ik itt E,= ake © lp os Si. sin Ee sn = + jabEe cosdsing kEIKT siny arr iy He = “Ex » We= Ee/y 12-6. E=(é F.osg, + dy B sing, ) e845 * 540) Ha & = elky Sing, ~xcosp, ) At x=0, E = (dy Coop, +dx Sing.) Eehy see A Equiudent M =28te = 2p cosy, EeitySing. ot ~§[Masine ear ere = ~2EsSing: Cospe: rs ae shy Singh + SB Sin) ; ate kb = -2E, Sing Cos Bo: pate ‘a SY, ahere Soares ; fae * ] . Y=*E (ing sing + sings ) fo, Thus No;Ne=0 lp=o Eetj esi y=] a Egab sins cosg: eikte. ae sine rie He > ~ 5 ic 229 Gi an) eit BE jtoacoss sy'sing) sing dy! =d SEs er “ cihy'singsing, “A jhex’Cospsing - =) “aye Ps Me = SELW gu sin » sin 8) ar where: A= BL Cosgsing- E), B= RW singing Fo =o F = SEIN sik asgasg Si), Sin®) Fe =dsF= “ell SIRT sings Singh) . B=0 Azo > sing= 2 + g=F = 45° 12-8. Eq=dsEo, Ms=-2i1xEa=-2dxxdzE, = dy2E, Thus My=2E, Mx=Me =Jx=J,=Je =0 Ne tany / 10030 Le o=ff [yes tose wap + My Cce sing fine] ok anced =i layer bla jkz/cos® om 26, Cost-sing ( Mey SNS gy, Ze e de doa, Le =26ab[osssing sat ene Y= es sing, z= # @s6 (Grtinued ) 230 12-8 CCont’d) - (e =f [-MeSing +Mycosp] eR USneSin# 2750) 4 42 = 2B, ab (ose. Sat. Sz J Using (12-100) ~ CI2- tof) ee kek bkEé! sin sz 5 sj ! Eg =- a Clty = SbkEE [asp Sit S02 ] Ep> see Uy -1Ne 1 2-jabk Bet [-cs0 sing sat, sing J anr ee He¥O, He= - Se, ipa te gikr 12-9. Ea=deBy, Ms=-24X Eqs ~2dy Xda, = 42 26. This Mz=2E,, Me =My =Jx=Jy=Jz=0 Ne =Ng =o ly = (6 Teese cosy +My areas Meso] {{ ale jRx/SinB Cosh), = - 26» nef eee! me as a as SME], x= Bsnoasy, z= oso = is Eye sing + we Cos] eiRX SBCs BOSS) daidaro eiktasmnacesp+2 ose) dxde’ Using Sie We geo Enzo, Eo = ke ry y+ ps@1=0 Ege imei [Le - nb] Hreo, Hes a : Hg = Seo, abe Eee [sine Site. Sinz ] = 12-10. The only rife eee ans problem and 12-8 is thot for the y ‘ariations the inteyral reduces to ¢, 5 ka stngsing) (3 cos ety gibySiesieAay, =-@) (hasinsing)*—(E)* ke sikr cost , “spelt, — jabkEe Os, sin = kA. anesin Ve be ae oo Ulesoes % SREIRT . = 4) abkE. eit COSY. .sinz Epx jee Le = +) Sate Lose sing a GAY = SE] z= oso Hrxo, Hes—Se/y , He = Fe/q 12-11. The only difference between this prodem and 12.9 is thet for the 2 variations the integral reduces to Ole skeose aos Bcas6) cos(h2) EM 'de"= = C2) (Se (7), cost Le) ee Thus Ero Eoxo rei in ce agit, jobkese! "Tong Sipk S29 x=fPsinasg, z= bess Hr 0, He * -Ee/7 , Hp = Ee/y =0 1242. 0. Ey GaB., Ms =-AxE, = = 4) B, > My=Mz=0 , My® Eo Ha =~6) Fe, Jos Ax He = xed, Fe) =-d2 Ge 9 Jx=Ty=0, Ja =~ Fo/y From Prob. I2.8- ly = Evab[esesiyg St. Sz 7, Y= Rasino sing , 2= ese Lp = Evablosp SUN. Sink 7 Ne = {SAR ose age + Hse sing Te sino le =+ Exabsing Sey. sine | Ne S xf sing +X bsg] eikcysinesing +2’s6) dy'de’=0 jkGySinosing Sey ide’ Bao sinY sinz Fa = ~TESr Ly ot] =-ite "[aaspesine) S41 Z| Ep = jet Mee UNS ]= 5 bea Fose sing Sat be Hr Yo He x ~Es/q He = Eo/7 b. Ba = debs, Ms=-ixEg=AaEs > Ma=My=0, Mes Ee Hee ~@2 Es , Iss fixta= 4yxC-de Fe) =-& Fe J, = Jeo, a 5 From Preblen 129 = ~E,ab[ sing. Sinz. Sinz Ly = ~Ecablsing Sins. Sinz 7 (Grtinued ) 232 12-12 Contd) =o x= esineacg, z= ase ° Ne =(TC Jcnsecesp + Jy dice sing Jing] elk Sinscosy +28) 44, § $ySsesing -3¢5in0] le =- a ab [ese cosp. Sink Mz ] Ng =i00 (-Txsing+ Jy sg Lei ROSOSE +250) dro So = Fablsing S3% sae J Eso : Fox —j ASS Up + No] = HtabEac™ SIF cospcasg Sint Suz) art ier a 3, + Be = jest lle-qNe]= idabEse pines siysy M4. Ste J Hr=0, He =-Ex/p, Hy = Ee /; C. Using @ comparison between the Fields of Prob 12.8 and (2.124), We can write by referring to the fields of Problem 12,40 thot ing) CoS Sinz [ecosp+ sine) ae = Ee = JabgELED (ao cine 2S] : oy E)* Y= Bsingsigs, = ose Heo, Ho=-Es/p, Hp ® Eo/y Ey +0 < Ep = j GbhE. cI z al. Using a Comparison between the fields of Prob 129 and 12-12¢b) we can write by referring to the fields of Roblem |2.1| that Eo ei a ikabe ei Sing , _CoS2__ ee eee Eg & jkabEo@i kr [- sino + sing), Simx , _CoSé } gr x (LCR) x= SP sing cosg , z= #9 csp Hreo, He =~ Ex/7 Hg = Ee/z 233 1243. By = dy E OSCE) $Ms=-AKE = ds & cos(Ex) Thus Mx = Fo G@s(Ex’), My=Mz=0 2 cabled Mac Cos coop @iRG'Sinacosp + y/sine SNP )Ar iy Sb/2 -%Y2 a ‘ ; ik 5 ase oog [ Cos (Exr) IRL SOE fer *eihy’Sme Sine 47 OV, be Since (“coset eibeesingcose ea = (8) PS _COSCK) dere oO @)> bia skysinosing sin se (e esky'snesi dy’= b aoe . X= 8 snoasg, y= 8 sinosing ‘then Le= -Tab g [eose-0 CosX sin ie Sone yd Similarh ” bia 7 5 skex’si ings By =( 2 ( es M,sing qSRaSin ose + Y/SiNOSiNE) 4, 447 ba Paya, Sen & cos (Ex!) eJb/SM0098, (Melk MOBdy’ AY, b/s OSkii Sime. E.[S"A Gam T J E, Ho % - & Fe Be diet eamkehl 4,58 = = 4 ® cos(fx’) Ic=i,-0, Ja =~ Fp cos(dz’) ls fs ellos le caches *SingCos + Y pera eee as elk siwesey , oe 7 z 6 () oy = + Tobe, 7 Osx , sin “a2 [ote ] be Wa skate sine vacant Ne=( ie Jy O88 elhor cose sing +y/Sm8 NP) dad’ Lvl. |-ap Ly =+ rab se Tab Es [ csp. Cosx Sint SO] ay Ogee > (Continued ) 234 12-13 COont’d) Using (12-100)-(12-10F), we can write that Bao 4, “ : Eo > ket (Lg +72Nel=—J abe snpciiasy SX, sar Eye jee Ly -aha]=5 abhEssTeospcirase) s Xe sm Hr0, He=-Es/z, He = Eo/y : 12-14. a=4a, b= Ba Q. From Appendix I HE sings = 77 = 6g = Sin" [247] = sin'[ 20220] =54.785° @s = 26s = 2: (54.085) = 109.57° b. From Appendix I, at &b sings = 7'7 > Ep = 0,(2833 or Eg = -(%.83d8 (E - = in'( 0-443) = 1698" C. @nE-plane) = 114.6 Su S ) = 16.98 Dex Ah283 Sige 22818 @n (H-plove)™ (14.6 Si! (2-443 ) = [272° \6-78Cl2.72) From Table (2.2, De = 10.2 (98) =10.2 (3)(4) =122.4 = 208848 12-15. asb=3r ’ : Using (12-37) , Do= 4¥ ab = 4m (3) = 113.1 = 20.5348 Using the Computer program at the end of Chapter 2 Do= 119.46 = 20.7748 22-16. a=b=3a Using (12-37), De= feab= 4(3)*=I18.1 = 20.5348 Using the Gmpuler program at the end of Chapter 2 . De = 119.88 = 20.77dB 12-IT. Using the computer program at the end of Chapter 2. Q. ax3A,b220 ; De=62.437=17-954B b. O=b= 3A; Do =93.174 5 19.69 dB Using Table 12.4 @. QE3A,b=2A ; Do= 0-81 (4713/2) = 61.07 = (7.8548 b. a=b=3r% 3: Do $0.81 (4m)GX(8) = 91-61 =19-62dB 235 1218 Using the computer program at the end ef Chapter 2 QO. G=3A,b= 2A; Dp. = 63.961 =18.06 dB b. a=b=8a > Do = 94.306 =19.75dB 1219 a=3a,b=2r ®h (E-plane) = 50.6/2 = 25.30° @b CH- plane) = 68.8/3 = 22.93° Go CE-plane) = (14.6/2= 57.39" @®n (H-plane) = 191.9/3 =57.30° Eo (E-plane) = -!3.26dB Ey (H- plane) = -23d8 sing the data from Figure (2.13 and [2.14 @) CE -plane) = 25.6° @h (H-plane) = 21° @n CE-plane) = 60.0° @n (H-plane) =60° Es (E - plane) = -13.26 dB Eg (H-plane) = -26 dB 12-20 From Fiqe 12:18, for a 70% efficiency M= ZSinds = 3.18 = Ssing For 61 =37/2 =18.5° a=b= 2318) = 319A RSMCesy 1221 E.=8 &, coscEx), Hae & F cos(Ex =, ARIES carey Wave = 3Re(EXH*) = dz F cos* ex’) a pala nie a z E.Pb (O27 +cos (ac Pas afe(c tostbesey= SP [eee Me { (epb poate 3 Fred = BEET xe He sin(x)] = alel* cAP2Og»S Anaoee aT From Table 12.1, at Oe. ike bn a ser. . e) > Si Eola =) # REESE Sings, Eyggy =) RAREE easy =j28he ese UE mae = (Belin Eel, = (EN ALCGR) Un 37 Eline = OEE = AT Unox _ AT (2 Cab) 1E)*/ Cort] 9 T Le Prod SSC IEA = a lob(43)] 2 Aem = 2p, = & (ab) = & Ap = Gap Ap 236 x = At = i22Z2. Do= 3E Nem = 45 EapAp = Cap $8 (ab) = Ep AU(ab)_ ¢ Ar Pe fag OD ay $E (Bt) ig E %. Triangular : ap = 78% = 3/4 De= 3(E) =1.1781 = 0.7118 dB lo = 1:INB| = 0.7118 dB, b. G@sine Square ; Eap=66.67 % De = fap F = 2(2)= $= 1.0472 = 0.248 De = 1.0472 = 0.2dB 1223, = 2348 = b*3 = 199,526 Ox = Ccg Or = 0.9 (1) 50.9 Go= & Do = 0.9 C199 526) = 179. 5936 = 22.54 dB = 4/3 : Nem = A> Ot Do= Ge Aem =2* (199.5736) = 27-179.5736 = 128.61 cm* Az BAO = 903 m=3om 10x 10" Eup = Aem = ae = 0.6431 264.31 % Ae iS 1224 HN Passi? f2t0Gne A= Bxi0!om/s = 10 x1oTHe Soe ——»> #2. Lood = 2.286 Om = O.T62A Cole Cer parson fe lokm at Power density for isotropic Source ; Wo = Prod = I Watt = 7.96 x15!° W/m* ATR* AT Claxt03)? Directivity from Table 12-1, |2.2. Do = $5 [Shab] = $2 0.162)(0339) = 2.63 Incident Power densit: 5? Wi = WeDe = (7.961 16'° W/m) (2.63) 9 Wi=2.09X18" W/m b. The moximum Power that can be delivered to a matched foad. Aem = ap Ap = 0.81 ab =|.88 X(04m> Prox = W: Aem = (2.09x10 W/m) (1-88 x10%m*)=3.74.x10° Ww Pmar = 3.94x10'3 W 237 BR ase aur 1225. B= dy j subtocite Sos jae Leite -ti Sindh se) 5 jkr Ones Es j mrecile he(é) = - &b Sin( Kose) We ose b. helo), =-dyb Scio) Elec @S6 wmox when bess =0 3 @= 70° Cp = Ihe(6)-EMs|* Uhe(@)/* elas mel Ets de jy-ktebe™ rake” ‘Sing see | heco) Eine]? = lec. ray tele ana[= I; spots = pebsee|* Tr |he(@) |? = IbI? ‘ Igel*= [peeing |=] gee | Pat Eele 242 Ba 1226. Aem= x R= x - Loe: a-b-(42)] = o8iab oak Aem = 0.8]-( 0.02286 0.0106) = 0.81 (2.32257 x10 4) = 1.88 xtot m> The moximum power that can be delivered to matched foal Par = Wi Aem = C10 4 watts/m*)-C1.88x (6% m*) = 18x 10° waits, = 00188 nWatts 238 12:27 dy 2E. (22/r1), ~ $¢2’¢0 a &={ ‘<¢ dy 2B -Ax1), 0% Ms = -2fx Eo= -26 xdy Ey = dx 2Ey My =Me=j=he7 Jere Mx = pceeiane -Boxe0 2B. art), 0622 (BR -124) -({2-124) Ne =Ng =o oa le =f [Mx @socoss + Mg @S6 Sing EB = Pod = Hab, ie Da oh Umox . Aagge Ot bab 4 . Prad EEap sea’ Eng = Sem BED. ayes a Po Rp” Aip = arab De= AS S46 ab ft $4 atab 4 4 ab re Cup = $4 = 0.657 = 68.7% d. Eys dy &, Cos*(Ex) cosh y)=QyEy , By=F OS (Ex) CSE) Using the coordinate system of Fig.12-I50b) and the same proedure Gs in porkib) . we have thet, Ne=Ng 6 Ly= ZB cosecasy [ Nos Ex) elke’sinsasy, (yes (84 ce Leys (Gotinued ) 242 12-27C@nvd) = Lp = #6 TT? sink sin, ee Tae Tr (y)* XX ae oF sta sex, sey oe A sine cose Thus er sr febeien es abEe® we ot sin siny T= KE sino-singg Eo=j gar SF RO TEC oyu tele =; abe ei" Tr _simx Sint Ex = |S ost oe Saar Ge ane x = Cob)plEe | ae ws 17> * x Swy Ue, 8) gay pe en testes] Tao ara Tre one v Una ours at 620° Ummax(B=0°)= (ab)*IE.|7/ (azz 2>) Pros aoe es © sig cost By dy’, fe “os(Zx)dx'= #8) ma bE the ne Lt fg = ab B Sing aye Gaps hem _ 22 Do _ 2 on fem = Bebe = Sb, =e ignab - 2 $a 44.4% 1228, 05 0.9" = 2.286 om = 0.963% b=0.4"= 1.02 cm = 0.3400 Using the Computer program at the end of Chapter 2 = 4.264 = 6.276dB b. Fron Table 42.4 De = 6.81 Cam .763>(0, 340) ] = 264 = 4. 21708 a. 12-29. a= 0.42"= 1.067 0m = 0.7 A b= O.17"= 0.4320m = 0.2880 Using the Computer program at the end of chapter 2. = 3.981 = 5.977 a8 b. From Table (2.4 Do = 0-8| [4m (0.7) Co.288)] = 2.084 = 3.18748 243 12-30. a=09% = 2.286 cm = 0.7620 A b=04"= 1.016 om =0.3387A d= 085A 2 = —30dB = 31.6228 $ = lO GHe > A= ZoxtOT/Cloxto¥) = Sem De = De Da De = 0.81 [4m $8]= 0.81 C4) @6200) 0.5387) = 2.6270 = 4.t4tdB Da=—2Re* 1+ (Rea) FRE f= 140.036 (2 cshL Garay If" = 1+0636{z% >, Cosh[a.i466)— 1 J e = 11440 Cosh'Re = cogh'(31,6228)= Ln 31.6228 + V(gi.6228)7=1 J S $n 3.2227) = 4.1468 L =3(0.85A) = 2.550 2 pee S16 228) ea ena C15 0009.5 Da= x + 10-144) —*~—— 14((31.6228)+1]0- 1 )(zBE +O ESA | + 336.1346 =5.9323 =7-7322dB De = DeDa= 2.62°70-( 5.9323) = 15.5843 = 11.7267d8 231 De = Dw (Waveguide ] Da tarray] From Table 12.1 Dw = Slam aby 0.61 [ar 2 = B0K10 = 3em = 1.181194 C9 -A=aT6A, b= SE A= Oa3eTA lox? Dw=0.8! [ai oneac ESI] =0.8(3.2427) =26268= 4174248 (© From eg (6-100) ) Da = Tosdo DaDy|g,age= TDx Dy (4 From Toble 6-7) Dx = Dy = an (4) = 2¢8)( 2884) =13.6 Da = 7Dx Dy = T (13.6) (13-6) = 581.069 =581.07 =27. 64248 De = Dw Da= 2 6268 (581.067 ) = 1,526.35 = 31.84 dB = 4.174208) + 27.642 dB) = 31-836 dB 244 1232. The results ainbe obtoined by using a Comparative analogy between the fieldsof a rectangular aperture when net mounted and mounted on on infinite ground plane. These are listed in Table 12.4. Therefore we can rite that thefields of the Circular aperature of Section 12.6.4, When it is not mounted on an infinite ground plane, are Cy using (l2-630) -(2-53¢)] Er=o } org, % Ta Ceasine ) Ey = anes me Cit C058) Sing - Teer i Eg> j sors TT ctceseycosp. Jakasind ) Ra sind Hr £0 He = -Ex/n Hs = Ee/7 1233. &= ee TOK &) sing’ Ex= EB Od) ose’, T= So Eee &. Using (VII-7b) Ex = Ep Cosp’~ Eysing’=-{ ge Jami &)sinag’—J/C04i & )sinag’f By taeamiaanelts SS" fasma Hp = E6/y Ep = xj mean em Ti’chasing) @S8 CSB Ci De= 11-24 =lo.SldB. b. G=15A 5 De = 92.704 =19-670B Cc. 0=30A3 Do =357.276 =25.53dB Using Tobe 12.2, O. G= O5A > Do= Ata/r)*= [2M (0.5)] = 7.8676 = 9-74348 b. G=1-5A > Do= Cema/p)"= [am(1.5)1*= 88.826 = IF. 4g5d8 CC. O=8.0A 9 Do= (2ta/n)*= [20 3) ]*> 355.306 = 25.506 dB They Compare quite well exept for a= 0.5% 12-36 Using the Computer program at the end of Chapter 2. G G=0.5AS Do=ll.264 = 10517 dB b Qh 5A Do=F3.197 = 19-674 dB C G230A > Do = 356.815 = 25524dB, 4237. with ground plane Using the computer program at the end of Chapter 2. G. 450.5 > De= 7-222 = 2166 0B b. QSL BA > Do = 5.16] =18.759 dB C. A=30A D Do = 275.076 =24. 679d B Using Table 12.2 Q. G50.5A > Do= 0836 (210/r) =0-836(9.8696) 8.251 = F165dB b. Os L5A> Do= 0.836C2Ma/A) =0.836 (88.826) = 74.957 = 18-TO7AB C, 230A > De= 0-€36(2a/A) = 0.836 (355,306) = 277.0% = 2%.728dB Without gromd plane Using the Computer pregram at the end of Chapter 2 Q. G=0.BA > Do= 88244 =9. 45748 b. G2LBA > Do= 75.9458 = (6.805 dB C A=30A > Do =276.957 = 2472748 248 12:38. From Table !2.2 From Figs, 12:19 & 12.20 a. HPBWCE-plane) = 27.2/1.5='1-47° HPBW ~ 20° HPBW % 23.8° b. HPBW(H-plane) = 370/15 = 24.69° Cc. FNBW(E-plane)= 67-7/1-5 =46.6° FNBW 49° d. FNBW CH-plane) = 78.0/1.5 =65.33° FNBW ~68° @. FSLMM(E-plane)= -('7.6 d& FSLMM * -I''dB f. FSLMMCH-plane) = -26.2 dB FSLMM ~ -28.5dB 1239. a. Eq= dy E[I-@ay*] My = -29 XB = 6x26 [IH C4] lox Some C099 Cosp + UG ase sing — ME sink) @IRMCSH YG, = 2E, Cos cosp (eli (evap) « (, Meike’sine ese Jg/ Jor Using Cv-35) it reduces, after Separating into two integrals to Le = AU cose cose (“p"Tache’sine).de’— ain gJa he’siney de] Makiny a change of variable of the form X=kp/sing 3 dx =k» sing dp’ Ue can write it as csi lo = ATE, ss oss (“ e Toche“sina)de/—ds RS |, BY,erdx | Using CV-22) and (V-24) it Yeduces to Le =rare, Cosp asp Jatkasn6) 7 (ka.Sin6) * Tha similar manner, it canbe shen that = 3 jRe“Cos ayy Jat kasine) ly “(0 EMasing +My so RS tas -gngre,[Sing See i Sine No=Ng=0, we can urite the radiated fields , using C/2-10a)-Ci2-lof), os Exe ' -oko2E sikr pr. Jad sasing ) Eg + j2ka*E,: alt [sng Chasing) ™ eee) By = j280*E, A Tose cus Tahasiné) (Rasing)> Hrxo He & -Ex/y Hp LS et (Continued ) 249 12-39, CCont?d) b. Fellewing o similar procedure, it @n be shown that when E, = 64 Ee Li-Ce'Za)*1* the radiated field are gwen by Er Yo eile Eg =jl6 kate, SH [sing JsChasing) 7 Chasing) Eg Xj (6 ROME SH Teese case Ss easing) ] Cha sin) Heeo, Ho -Ex/y , Hp © Eo / W240 Ena EC1-8%a) > Me = de 2B CI-pa), F207 No, Np=o Le =f Mx csecesg e) Wreos Pd’ = Ze, asbess Spi) aibesm one g) Using eg (12-48) (PieSke'sine sip 02d anJeCke’sing) Le = 4rEs Gspcsp Lf “py ke’sineyde’—a (7 0°*S, Che’sind 407] Lg= ark, aso asp 2 pucker -af" 2” ToClee’sine) Ae] der X= = ke’sing > 0’= ar > de’= wae dx bg = ATE asvasy { po J,(kasine) — spSsiasy | esi Se No les sug Lp = ATE, osb Oss (5 Stes) 8 Ls ato, xsi004x | Sing = AIE> G58 cosps 7 {rior isu Cees. paste fae} *[nenad Lo= ang, we cosp { gate J,(kasne) + (MS *Secndx } x ooax f ‘hosing i S.todx 9 This camot be evaluated in closed form. Ly olso has same except for front term. asin B Ly = ~AMEs Sint { Flas eChasind) + ( Sood } 250 J seek Ss TZU Ea=-4 etrmay oC Gs where C= eth) Ms =-28'xE, = -2de«c& &) = ds 2% oy = 25 Thus using Ci2-42¢) Le = (f Love coso cos(g-p') + Ma G8 Sin B-p") ~ Oe sing}eikr 5457 =2C Cosd f [ ("since-a) elke'SN9 ASB yy] de” 0 Because of azimuthal symmetry , the field is not a function of Choosing Bo Lo = 2c ese EF ( ‘sings @Ih’SMOCOSH4/Ja49/ = 26. @38(," [ol de/=0 oe Se YE? sinig-g/) + Mpcosip-p-)] e)RMCS Yer =20 Gl (" cos’ SMSO dy] do’ =20(* rf cosa’ el SIMO y+ ( Teasp/ e)M'SM6C05 84g] de’ Khet 2%= 9-0 Sde*=dg"> lp= =20(" Tf esareibrshooseagy_ =f Coss yrecike Sing cospy a |de’ = 2c ff Lay cee’sing) ~,-ke’sine)] de v2ac( 5 che’sine) de’ by using Cv-36) and CV-to). With the aid of CV-23) Ly =-4C0 amg ( JeUebsine)-ToCeasina)) ] Tf hawever the slot is very thin, Le can be approximated by b b by = AC (°F Ceesinaydp’= 4c Jiche’sins)(de’= 4c cb-a) Th Cha’sing ) where a’= (842) Using ((2-l0a) ~Cl2-lof), We Can uirite the radiated fields as Er £0 Es =~ jhe Tht j=+ coe coe aL Tot kosing) - ToC hasing )] sine =4j aycheit J.cka’sing) Eps + jkeske Cle-tNe] =° amr Hr=0, Ho=-Ee/7 , Hp= Eo/z 251 1242 Using Figure 12.21 us Rasinds = Bosing, = 3.3 9 O = Sara Bee 1243 u=kasines = ear) 9" Go) = 4.218 = 4.3 Using Figure 2.2| > Beam efficiency = 97~98 7, 1244 a. Foro oie ea bce = Och. Therefore the optimum dimension a Pe axb= > uae = OSTA b. The maximum areal agora to (2-57), is ee De = Saec" Gate 7 GOs 4187= 6.22148 c, The directivity at 0=60° is —3.722.dB from the maximum at 6-0" 1245 ¥ oe a eS Are tesad BAIS SinGe SAIS: Sino") ~ Piast b. Do = HO86™ 1086T_ _ Ss Bintan (eo) |) oe 65046 S PCO=0)| gy = C2MA)™ {i2ouGkoson) BY av s 23.c183e9} Peale ena)? { ar ee, P(6=68)= @nay (gaan P(B=60°) = Cana)” { 200, Sel) o(zrayhco-4004) T8387 PCO=6)| ae “Pre=0) | 0.4004 = -3.°76 4B be =Go" nr nee 0 Baa 0.422680 1246. a. a= THe. SMe. b go 126SH 71.268 - 0 = De= Sim Tyne See T0M = 7.238 dB C. Peg)= 0.95 (aay (Bg.chasine) ti a Sin : P(@=a)= a75-(2uar*{ g-Tac<)/a* JIL_= 0.75Gnor 4 PCo=60%)= a75:(20a)*. {2 4s 042268r- Gaye U 2%. 0.42268 a. Singe]* = oms(anay” {8- J,.(2.3)/(23)* }* = 0.75 Cna)*. (0.39/82) = 0.39/82 = ~ 4.069134 dB P(b=60") aaa Bere? 252 1PSGT > te get Bee a % ZU] a. a= Spexq-Sinbe = Zags Co. Beas) 037A b. To Find the maximndivectivity, We weed to drive the far-field for Acircular aperture. with a parabolic taper on - 10 13 pedestral fen =e = Gy CI~ Gara) 2) =) Ms =-2fx Ea= x 2€e( \- (A. 20970))) | eeete ose (s ie Oe) ) dees Loe ArEs@se cose [ ( e’Jocke’sinendp’ — Tame a Jucke'sina) de] Mofeing, & change of Variable of the frm. X=ke/sind 2 dy= ksinéde’ We can write it aS lo = = ane.os0 cep { Gmay* wf eteondx- a amet 32 5.0048] | a2 JW) at TH), 20+ LQ santsunenp [ “aac Xt Gaon X* & (xT.O0aX= x TOOK, [X2IOOAK= X8T1 00 n2x7Ja00+C ) As similiar procedure - = 2] Lg = -4r (- come a * (eome X = 0) Bee je Mya REE sug[o, 316647 LO + 13667 B00] Eg = j Boas eit essosg [o s10647 3024 1.2607 EEO BAC Radiated Power reduces to LES|* Ke (aed ‘a iserra)” o/ de’dg rod = FF, Wov'dS = aH u Be 2 Lipa +l geaale Lea: 0.236150 = 2m [ £-4 aac race 2377) Umax = mee at (22 [o.stss47 HQ? + 1.3867 BOO eelele Geena. e dea) cs “at. (0. 32916 leo 7 OR le y = Zoo) ot 2 bees * WBl* (az Dez AtUmax. 4 (HEP (01083469). 0% | on $Ln (045s) Prada EP 0.23615. a2 = =a: 3e (na) (Continued .) 253 12-47. Contd) . For a circular aperture with parabolic taper with —10 dI3 pedestral, the normalized power pattern multiplied by the maximum directivity can be ariten as Pee) = 0.91761 C2ma)® f (3.036026) [0.316647 2” +3669: yO { < X= Rasing For any other angle =6c, the maximum of the pattern ocuars when Rasinge = 2.0512 > (a66e9 Tie +1367 B&O has maximum] 4 Opt Rodi see Aine fr anim, SEG: BhSinde 3.063177 Sine Directivity is A 1.228247. 1 = AL, ee ELS SY Ds 09196 AE“ (See3i9-simbc) = (singe)? The vnaxi mam dire ctivity with aperture radius aG = |229247-7 (sin 60°) = ~ ) ~ 5.0657. Sin6or / .\S = 5144869 = 7.113708 C. the value of the directivity at the edge of the desired coueroge (6=6c= 60°), relative #o its maximum value =o, is Pp=6e) __ Ptg=o)=0-91761-(2ra)* PCé=0) - PC6=6c) =P(Oc=60") (© Pasinge = 2.0512.) z Tic2.05a}* PCGe=6st)=0.91761- Carat) f(¢-038026)* | 0316647 TES + 3667. Ese { = 0.91761. (2ma2) [(8.038026)* [0.316609.(0.27980) +1.3667.(0.086548)]*} . am (A ).g a-sinods . (scesry Sine ) Se = 0.91761-(ana*).[ (3.038026) -0.20672522) ]* = 0.9176 (2wa*). [0.39443] Parte) = 0.39443 = ~4.0402977 4B, 254 1248. For circular aperzurewith parabolic-taper iluminastion the Power pattern ¢ Relative Power pattern times the antenna directivity), is given by Ple)= 0.75 C20) [2ecesrs) I ni Where @ is the radius of the aperture in toayelengths, and Ta is the Send -order bessel function, The maximum value of PQ), for agivem 6, occurs when Fhe function [J20)/x] is a maximum. de. pos =e, 45 # 3E-a-singc=23 4 O= Zr ging. = Dysiesinec Do Cdirectivity) = 0.75 SE (a+) 3 apes zs (AT) Al 0.75. 4 pene Po (2.7318)* (SinBe))* Dp = 0-75-C1.68388) Sar = 126277/ Sin*he E0.C. CRelative power. ot Ge ke amonimum pour) 3 Ptb=Ge) _ _0.7-cn.20)2 [8-262 P(e=0) 0.98: (T2G)% “ * = [8 Bes)] = (e(oo7eza4)] @3) = (0 625952) = 0.371815 4 =- 4.069 dB 255 12-49. a. One method that ex be used combines the results of a vertical dipole inthe presence of a thin, plane, infinite, perfectly conducting electric screen with G horizontal opening and those of 0 vertical dipole th the presence of a flat, thin, perfectly Conducting electrical vertic-l ship GS Shown tn part b of the figure The strip has been rotated to represent the magnetic equivalent of the Screen’s opening. b. Another method Combines the vesults of a vertical dipole in the presence of an electric Conducting Screen witha horizontal dipole in the presence of a horizontal electric conductin strip, a5 shown in part c of the Figure. . The dipole has been rotated to interchange the Eand H-fields and obtain the magnetic equivalent of the actual Source . Vertical Electric Dipole Pp =] (a) ergs oe, H. Vertical Verkicad Electric Gnductor Electric Dipole ett a ipste ae P ele He = Hit Ha (C) Be = S3+Ey , Ho= Hs thy fe he Vertical Herigoniel Electric Conductor Electrical Electric ea P a Dipole i &, bo » . = JEs, Ha 7 aH Vertical electric dipole in an unbounded! free-space and Babinet’s principle. equivalents. 256 ee a bey eb eos oe. Gs caste Mayer £7, O=01a ( beo5A B=-aE, = M= -1 x2E =-fx C2dxEo)=dy 2Eo Eo= -C cosp Sit Stet X= Ka sing cos Ex = C cse-sing SIX. sat Nz kb sme-sing jer = abkE.e) Co aoa (2 plane . e a. (ESC gegen [ és ate S ee Sin CoAT SMG) 9, 4 X=01Hsind OF 001756 giny CoS Y=o., + SY Ly b. At g=%o° Cy-z plane) [E6(| pe ogor B20 ist eEre XK =0 -» SiNx/x = ak ‘y= Esa > SMY/Y C. at O=fo° xy plane) : [Eo ¢z)| e | CoSP- Sune oy | aeOre y= 91-1: coSs Y= Esing M geo? (= plane) [Eg (| lO] > 20 At B= 0° a e, At gB=To°, Cy-z plane) Z smy lEgt6)| et | C088. sex | Y=Esing At 05° ( x-&plane) . [Ep Ineonpoe | © | 7%r2 Continued) At gato? 257 12-50 Cont'd) z [eel R reduces to G8 +0 9B 4 [choral =0 where X= Kok C199) Equation Ci?) is Yecoghized as a Special form (n=1) of Bessel’s differential equation Leguation V-1 of Appendix VI with a Solution of Rey = AHI Chee) + By Hi dee) (20) where A and Bare constaits, The Hankel functions of the first and second ind of order ene Cn=4) Were chosen as Solutions because ‘they represent traveling waves in the inward and culward, respectively, Yadiol directions. The Solution of (47) is of the form Xods C Cs(KX) + D Sint x) where C and D are constants. Using 20) and C24) we can write (13) as Eye. ¥) = LAH dye) +B HIG) ] [Ces ckod +D-sin (key ] @) (Gntinued ) alg) @y 261 134, CCont’d) Applying the boundary Conditions Ey (@, X22) = Ey(Q, X=~G/2) =0 2) Jecds +0 C @s( 8) + Dsine &8)=0 C Gs (4a) —D sin( tat) <0 i Equation (22) Gn be yeatitten as Ey @xd= AmCosCkex) [Hic 0) + afm Hi%chge) 1 @s) where Am ondom are custunts for the medes m=1,3,5,-~ The eG magnetic field components Gin be obtained from (i) and (2) . S E , HpCe.x) = Fan Sx =Jogr bn Sinckex) [H?PRe ) + om Hie 0] G2) Hx@.O= “jer? Fey) =i Hig @8C29 [HE cy €) ton Hoe] 8) by using Cv-18). Tf we consider ony the fowest order mode. Con=4, k=) and iio reflected component Dotm Hoe 0) =o%mHs?Cee)=o1, the fie s Githin the hon (anbe written as = D=0, kes (Z) (4) ray 2,3, «0 (25) Ee = Ex = Hy =0 @Ja) Ey (0.x) = Ar CoSCEx) HO Chee) (296) He (ex) = jaa Ay Sin(Ex) HP Cee) ewe) Hx(e) =} KE Ay os (Ex) HCH as era) fos [i Criye) 2 el Gay] =k = Fre) =P ote yn) tet = AA IL of) the cylindrical components Eyp(e.x) and He(e.x) Ginbe reselued to any point within the horn t ‘their rectangular Coumber parts using, Cvll-74) or CVIL-7b). Thus Ez=-Ey Sing, Hz =He @sy (30) Ey= Eyasy, Hy= He Sin @) (Continued ) 262 (il 13-1 Ccon?d ) which for horns with small flares Cy small) reduce to Ez =Hy =o (32) Ey Ey, He EH, (33) Tf the Length of the hom is large, the Hankel functions can be approximated by their asymptotic expansions of Cv-(7), or HP) * ee eithe- A), Sd = ae eide-%) ea) where p= (y2+22)"™ (4a) Choosing a new coordinate system Gy 2/), as shown tn Fig. (8.20) Such that KEK, YS Y, B= F-61, A= ROEM (35) we can aoe @ of G4a) as p= Cage ”% Lee+e1) ayyaTt *Leteg) elated )= a(h) s oe Fr narrow horns cy’<< @) e ex { ey C+ 2H y] fpr phase terms Qa for amplivde. terms @1) Using (30)~(37), We can write (2fa)-~Gfe) as Eg = B= Hy =° Fe =jMfae OM, ae 4b Eyxsy) = Ey os (E gy) OAH) Hi ora) =) CRY snl ele) Heo ype + oi ast Ex bE) 263 13-2 Using the geometry of Figure 13.2¢b) G. Gy = BEEK Snax = FE(Ce~Ps) = HElCe —e COS He ) =H fe Cl ~ cos Yo) a= AEGAN = Cos the) = AT LIOA) C1—Cos fe) = 20) Lasin*( B) ] sin* e =jay =e > Ye =sia'(gt) = 748° Yo = 2 (7.418")=14.836°, 2e = 27.672° b brag sine = loASINC 4.8369 = 2.562 > bi = 5.120 C. Ppa Re COSYe = WA GSC 14.836%) =F. 667A 64001 Pa 6 oe [ec Ge) tS (rae. bi BRA = El Yaa 2A@ETA) a C*G Bar) = [eCity] Conzey* = 05446 s*Gh): [seit] @b91)*= 03473 Des 64.60.50) G6 7A) (omad6+ 03473) = (r172 =12.350B i“ T (5.2) AX de Ge ar De = & Gea De = &(9 De = (i-Ir 9 De = [1-22] (Ti22) = 0.96 (17.192) = [6.50 =12.(8dB 264 13-3, = 6A, b= S-47A, a= OBA > e= [04 Clys)* Ts 62458a be (3-47)* Ga. en ie S BACs ~ BA 6A gee b=0° : bi sine =o Using Fig. 18.6 We canwrite, that for S="4, at @=0% B= 0. +20feg [1+ sco) = 6+ 0=0d8 O=lo?: BE simp = 3.47 sin (o")=0.6 , Thus at 6-0" E=-35 + 20Log, [ is segcey y= -3.5 0.066 = -3. S66dB =20°: Bi cing = 3.47 Sm Qo") = 1.187 Es ~?.25 +20 loge [! + cos (20°) | = - 9,25 - 0.266 = -9516d8 Be es S88 [Casey ste = b BATA Te: eed = 100 C2000) = €0.77989)> = 0.6082 S* = @-43626)* = 01921 De= Acerncesay [0-682 0.921] =14.095 = Il. 4FdB T (3.470) (A) by = = 78 Be RYRE = 347 TI? From Fig. 13-9 7 any = 832 Using (18-20¢) a Ge 81.32 = 10.5; Tae (aa 214.375 USTd8 265 13-A. Pra, br = 6A, as0.5A aee= [O24 chusy*] Ms COME) AA Ce = 6.008 O. S=bi/ern = 6*/e¢6) = 3/4 Os0r: bi sing =o. From Fig. 13.04 Ea3.staoley, (228) a2 te ily or) = O=10?: big, x 650° = 042.56 =-025 Lecos8 lo os Se tel Se 2 = 025-0066 = ~0,316d6 = O=20°: Hsinac = 2052.98 =a5t aol, (1868) =~226-0.665 -3516d8 gaze b, be. 6 oins2 be TE Using Tablesin Appendix LV} C*CL732)= (0.327)*= 0.10673 $*C 1-732) = (0,51776)*= 0-268] Using. (13-19) 7D, = 6408: bi bi Thi [crGha) + SC) | = 4E. * De wee [otesga +0.2681] =3.8i¢7 = 5.2248 (6) = by [50° -¢ [So = Bs Bem =6y So = 16-38 Trom Fig: (3.9 9? Gg = 30.316 Fe = 280816) Using S209) > Da Xe Casreaag 5.552 =7444d8 13-5. baa Using (3-190) Using Figure. 13.8 % =6A > H=34EA beaba @ =10AD b= 447A by MABA @) = ISA br = 548A by ~5.5A @ =20A9 b= 6.32A bi x65A 0) =30A Db = 775A by =B.0A Q = SAS b= 10.0 by = loa 01 = 15.9 bi = 12.25 b) S12.5A 01 =(00AD b= 4dr bi SI4.50 266 13-6. Q=20A, a=0.5r a. From Figure 13-8 > b= O5A = ib ; Gpente= a S8R/2 = Sou 7 4e= tan'( $2 $2) =tan'(o.6a5) =7.23° 2% = 269,23") = 18.46° c. De= 642 pe a (c ys SS] (13-19) be SSA Shore Yar. ~ {2A Goa) Using the table in Appendix IV C7C1.028) = (0.17)*= 0.5f24 S$*C1.028)= €0.44)*= 0.1936 De = 4020051 5927 40.1936) = 24.65 = 1392dB TRG SS 7 1836) 9. which compares very well with the’ value from Fig. (5.8 d. From Figure 13-7 > HPBW={o* ©. Pe = Lei Cbi/a) 710 (acy te (6.5/2) MA = 20 26A p= 4, S a eae 21 9Ge= 816 Com Figure 13.1) Usi (13-200) >Dg= SS OSCE) — 25.9 = 14.1403 o TS are 43-7. Q= 09 in = 2286 Gm oO = ee A O.B3B2~ bee Ww SI:016'om Con es b= ea = 0.3725 A Aa Sonier «2, 1213 Gm ee De=30=14.77dB5 DEA. BOA _ oon aaa Basen = SET = 36 ADe x Using Figure 13.8 > Pistoa, bx 454, for AGE 236 Ye = ant(E) = tai'Co 225) =/2.68° 2We = 25.36° 267 13-8. a. &= V2ae =V¥2a-cor)=Ror= 4.47210 Ce = Vei%e(b/a}*= [ 10)" (a.47ai/2)>-A=l0. 2470 We = ete ney Haas ekeag 0.2200 Crads) b. B= Been = 4.492129, = aaral dates = aapai (220%) B=9.8767 = From Figure 13:9 > Ge 85 De= =0.7620 £4: S15 Ae . = 0.9620 =— = 28.114 =14.49d8 BePR So 22 Us Ww. (0.2470 1 = 6 = Soxio? es . = F Tors = Sem = HSI = oa OA 4 = 0.33870 B= STR =0.:76202, b= Aaa A= 03387 C. Gp= Aen = 2237 2 0.6565 = 65.65% PAR 0.7620XG.47210) Aem= 2G, = Bp, = FE (ag. 11a) = 2.2372 die Apes = keCee- 01) = FE (10.247 l0)A=1.5519 rads = 68.93° [3-3 Te Find the Fields within an H-plane Sectoral horn We can usea Procedure similar to that of an E-phne Sectoral horn of Preblew 13.1. For the H~plane horn, Moxwell’s equations reduce to JoeB = pone — Ste cA) Joe Ey = She ate @) Joey = £Sety) -A 3th ®@) JAH =p ae Ee (4) Tey = 3 -8Es ©) yeh tee FF 6) Using the geometry of Figure (3.10, The honvanishing Components ushich best match the TE,.-mede of the wayequide are Ey,He,Hy, or = Ey =Hy=0 and 2 =o om See % (Gotinued) 268 13-9 Cont'd) Using (7) reduces (3) and C4) aJopHe = 2 SE ca) joe Hy = 2Ee 9) e Substituting €B) and (9) inte (3) Leads to ~ wine Ey = tee ae) th a or te) 29Ey | 2B: ay CS te apt t a Spe t CORE, =o a where k*= ne (140) Assuming C44) is separable , we can write ExCe, w) = Rendle) Cia) and fn a to c ne +ege + [CHP] R=6 a) + pyro ca) sf where rt is a@ positive constant. For the horn, the desired Solution of C13) and (14) are of the form [Equation (13) is Bessel’s equation ,see Cv~4)] RE) = AH} CRD + BHp Ce) YH) = Cescey)+ Dsincpy) where A,8.C,D are anstants, Thus (12) can be written as Fy (¢.4)= TAH@che)+t BHp Cho) | [e@sepy) + Dsincry> ul Referring to Figure. (18:10¢b)) and applying the boundary Conditions of Ele, W= eh) = Eyle, Y= vn) =0 ct) We find that cg) Dao; Pam(a) > MEL and write Cl6) as Ey(@w= Bu @scpy) CHP che) +@m Hy Ce) ] cle) C5) (Ba) ce) CG@ntinued ) 269 13-9 (Cont'd) where Bm and 6m are constants forthe modes m=1,3,5---- The baer) nie fied components He and Hy of 8) and (9) reduce. to : a Hele.) =—som San iP = = Bm oye SNP) [H"%ke) +m Hp seo] (20) Hyle r= =f 3Es = 36m seescren [Hp Hehe), 's Sm @N The cylindrical components Hp and Hy an be reselved to their rectangular qunter parts using CVII-7a) er Cvi\- 7b). Thus Hz = Hp Cosy —Hy Sin # (224) Hx =He Sim? +Hy cosy (2b) which for Small flare horns C4 small) reduce. to @3) He@W=He@w) , Hxlewo=Hy ley) Assuming the lowest order mode’ (m=4) and only redially outware traveling waves, the fields within the horn Can be written as E, = Ey =Hy =0 G4) 5, Bylo) = Ba @sCrH> He oo a Hx (ep) = Ba coscpy) HE”’che ) i (2p) =F ES Pi *) ey Hate) = 5 Bad, ae bsincp Hecke) Using the Saepet form of the Hankel function as given by- Cv-tq), We can write (25) os Eye) (28a) Using a new coordinate system (x5442), as shown in Figure. 13.10 ca) Such that X/S-K, Y/=-Y SHE Pa, Ca = PhCosWh @Q9) We can write Ca8a) as e= Latexal= [ (2% pa) x4] ww (29a) Fauation (2pa) Gan be written, Using the binomial expansion, at ‘the aperture of the horn (2’=0) as Continued ) 270 13-3. CGnt’d) p= [ats x2]o pal t+ GE)*) Meal sc) BGs. (30) Fora small flare. angle horns Cx“ px), (30) dan be apprexivnated. by ex {f [i+ 2Q)7] “for phase terms @ 31. for amplitude. terms ep Using (31) we can write (28) as Ey’ Cx,y) =F cos(S, Ree (32) where E. =? Ba Vat es eke» (33) The fields at the operture of horn can be approximated by Bjorn) = E, @s (Ex) eth) ey Hho = ~B esx) SCE). =) 13+ . BabA, = 6A, b=0.25A 90n=VOPHaiA)* = » Dy Arete {ecw = -Ca)]*4 [scw-stv)] “ ees ce + ee E ef fey sr 202 veal - Ba)- #CE-&)=-1-44 Using the tablesof eee IV 3649 Az C708» (13-41) Me Cd) = C02.02) =0.5069 , SHU = $2.02) = 0.3496 Cav) = CCL44) = 0.50396 Qw)= Gl-44) =~ SC. 44) = -0. 2707/2 G Boe 5069 +0.50396) + (0-3496 + 0.70712)" | = 6-98 = 8.2748 5o e082 = 6 4301) = (6 38 Gru = 6413 Crom Fig |37) 1082 (48 Using (13-42€) > y= Me = ani = 770d = 8.86748 b. sins (13-33) >4— a In ie ter a f= 54 6=30°: > Bsinoi= 6 singe 5 i x Using gee (8.14 9 E 2-14.28 +20 egy (FESPE) = -4 28 0.6022 =-14.8522 gras: Sb sing, =6 Sin (45%) =4.24 9 B= -24-+2¢flogio (! 6= fo": TOS 48) = 25,3754 St sing = ESN Cfo") = 6 PE=-235+20b4, (He) = - 29.52. 211 43-11 a=Vane Using (18-41) Using Figure (3.16 Qa 6A 54.2426 a 4.25% C2= BA DaASABIPA a 25.0 C2 lA > Gi =5477A QzB5A C2 SIA > OS 6.1 A Gy 2 6IN 0x 2A D OV=TTIAEA Q) = FIA 2 =30A > A= 489A OV TPBA 0x= 5A D Qy= 12247r Qxl24n Pr =7SA >) a= 15.00 15-250 Or SoA A= ITSLA Or RUAN A3-12. G=0.9%= 22860m ,b=0-4"= [.016 Cm fallaha 9 a= Sextet = 272730 xo Ax 228 cogsez, X= LE = 0.87253 Du =lé.3=122dB> QBA_ [63A = 4a.q5s 6 a39235 A Using Fywe 1316 Seeioa, Tene 43-13. a. = Van Pe V3 AG) = (30x = S-4TIZA Qr=V G2 (ar/a)* = lier" (5.4772/2)> A = 10-3682% tesa tere easy Celta = (5. 8156° =0. 2737 Crads) b A= Me = 5.4772 nt 5.4972 (2.1760) = 12.0280 A= |2.0280 > From Figure 1341 3 Gy 78.8 bcGae 38-8 98-8) Da = Rp = 0.3387 FES =0.3387 B. Vieom 2.1% 60 TR = 15.2384 = 11.8294 dB C. fps Aem = 12126 A> cos = 65.279 “PS “Rp Gaseraceqriany O37 7% 4 e es fem = 2G, > 2p, = 2 c1s.2264) = 12126 A+ d. Aggy = RCP ~Pa) = 3 (10.3682-10)A= 21 (0-368) = 2.385 rods = 132.56° 272 1314. Referring to Figure 13:18 Get apts (aye mee meets (Ry serele® chy] “bi Ls) a7 Also < Be & = Rte Cty) = tere PR tele) > Pe =e li-#) Ths Pe=eii—E)=bil (te) 2/4) JB) = bw VSug Ina similar manner, We can show that ‘Ph = (aa) (See 4 13-15 @ = 13-6’ = 34.49 om a Cen Les cbyay*]® 13.7724 = 35.0327 om C= Let+(ayr)*] = 4, To6|" = 37-3536 cm by = 5.657 =14.35 Gm B= 0.9" 2.286 Om b= 0.4" = 1016 Com : a. Pe=Ch-b)y de, Lt 5 (5.65-0 4) aes Ad =12.5447= 3]. 862 cm Ph = Ca.-a), (2) 2 = (165-09) [(wsesiy-2 = [2.529 ‘= 31.8246 com Therefore Pe=Ph, and the pyramidal horn is physically. reali 2able b fe6.rq@he 9 A= 228!) Lg eses3q. cm =144? aC 8.2 x0? C= BE A= T3750, a= Zé qss.siabr, a= Shar o.6asa Reh S194 a = 9578" h be = 142. = $-861A,, bi = PEATE TZIEA + bs eh = LaTobL R= 10.2130 = (Pe ye ( PBL 4 S3PE 21.6142 Ms pel TE + Be) eC Sas * Freer a ( Ke FFB] _ 5.3128 ) vn a(S ~a)= (Ss ore = 0.9783 byes 8256s = Tae “gaa ~ 05835 Cay) = CCL.6142) = 085795 s Stu) = G C1642) = 06362 row Tablet Conre3)= -< Co.773) =0.7091 | Appendix TV Sv) = SC-0.1783) = -SC0.7783) =~0.23.26 A= 0.278 (Continued ) 273 13-15 Gut) C (RE) = CCo.9838)= 07597 1 From Table in S (Bn) ~ $6635) = 0.3249 steele Using (13-52) or CI3- 520) = BMPPa Pro Sor {leuu-cen][se0-sey}} [C°GEe) + s*CBin)t = 8T(135)(i4.2) es 766 (5.68) [coass-tonen) “+(0-6262 +0.2326)*] [(.9579)% (0324 ] Dp = 142. 456 5 21-5448 Using. (13-53) > Dp = (0 Cece + Legg $8) ]- (Le+Lh) Be = tae) 3 Le=0.5d8 Rn = Gala. 020 Using, Figure (3.28 is pe GL 5 5.3125)* Ly=0.84B Bree a cq.gen 0278 Thus Dp =lo { 1.008 + Loy [5-3125C 3.9236) ~ (0.5 +0.8) = 23.2678 ~ 13 = 21-1648 A= % Vaan = 5325 22 =IM546 > Gut 76.254 From Figure 13.17 Bolger 73.7236] 3 = 0.765 Grex 95-325 from Fue 5-4 Using (l8-S4e) py, -_GeGu ___ = (essXfezss) toast VES Jan (0: 1859 )(2.285)(q jag) 6274 Dp = 162.794 = 22.1148 fH l0.3GHE: SAH BS - 2Fl26em = h1467" Using the same procedure aS for f= 8.2GHe, we have that C= ILTTZA, 02 =123B3A, fe= 1202772 , Ph= 12.8247A Q= 6.671A, b= 4-727A, A= 0.7847 A, b= 0.3488 b, A= [T1135 , V= ~0-7675 , Fag EO Clu = 0.32515, Cov = -6.7750 » CCW) = 0.780 Stu) = 053579, SCv)= -0.4063 , SCw) = 0-440 ing (13-52) 3 Dp= 8TU8.5)14.2 "3 er - Using P* Tres yes. 6By {cesasis 40.7750) *+(0 53! proaosspf {(*s(04ayt} = 18756 22.7308 (Continued ) 274 13-15 CGont’d) b = PS 0.2779 lee 09: bs Ber 20.4492 Lhe 15 Using (13-53) > Dpto {icog + leg 5601 (4.927)1 y-e Pets) = 22. 8a7dB A= 6671 €1.97452) = 13.92 3 Gy = 98.673 B= 4927 (2.03887) = 10-0455 >Ge=8).550 54e) + Dp = 28.673 (8).550 196.2327 = 22.72 dB Using. a3- 10-1859 CL-77452) 2.03887 $Hl24GHE ? A = 30x11 - 24935 0m = 0.Rba5" (24 Xo? Using the same procedure as fer f=8.2GHe , we have that Qi SIAUBA, Pa = (4: 208X, POs 14-48 A, Phe ISABPEA Or = 8.03I5A, b= 5P3IBA, A= 0-F44PA, b= GAIPA MELBlL, V=-LI3], w= er a lll4 L Raxee ClU)= 0.340 , CCv) = 0.745, CCw)= a760 SCu) = 0-443, SCV)= -0.560, SCw= 0.545 Using (13-52) => Dp = SUC sKi48) ¢ 2 Hanya Mt Pe BRC BEB) Ler Ta ST Lee) } 16.176)*+ (0.545)*] = 212.84 = 23-28dB ie Baer Se an =0.3l9le=l4; = 53) > Dp = lof (008 + beste (8.0315 (5.9318) I} — 61-4421) = 23.36dB Using. C1B= Az 8.0318 CLN9256) = 14.453 > Gu = 75-1 (1.0227 3 Ge = 80-6 B= 59318 ¢I-858) = = $54 (80.6) Using (13-54) > Dp = 225.063 = 285248 ae (10.1859 )(U77P56)CIB5B) STR he a os In Summary, all three equations yield nearky identical results The Gmpuled directivitles agree clsoly. with these of a commercial unit, = Computer Result At 8.2GHZ > Dp=2l-7017dB lo3GHz >» D = 22.77/4dB 12.4 GHe > O) = 23.3311 dB 275 13-16. i= 5.3" =13.460m Ca = 6.2" = (5-748 = 3.09" = TBS com bi =2.34"= 5.744 Om G = 02" = 2286 om b 04! = 1016 Cm 0. Pe = Cbi-b), (fe) put = @34-0.4) (3428) it = 4.374" 16 Om ® P= (ara) (ad = a = (3.097- 0.9) (ee 3 a = 4.394 = U6 com erefore Pe=Ph, and the pyramidal Ns 1) Physically realizable. b. F=8.2GH2 >A= Zonet = 3658537 Gm = 1-44" Ge = Catt cbi/a)*)* = 5.428" =13-786 cm Ch = Lars Cai/a)*)*. 63876" 16. 2276 Gm a= Bea = 3.680, a= $84-y = 21458%, O= 2 A= 0.625, Res S8 amcax =~ O42 n~ gas $2 ne aaosr, b= 798 A cleabrs b= Tae oar Qh= § 3888 = a. +(e a Y4305 | 2.1458 \ _ use (AB + = ete ae) es weg (WRG) L(V _ atase)- a (= te) a(S ~ AABe ) =-o04ne b BOs 10.3 Gabe 7 Rear 0-5987 CCA)= C 61.415) = 0-584 Frm Tales in SM) =SCL415) = O71 Appendix IV Cv) = C0046) =- -C (0.0476) =-0.0476 So) = SC-0.0076) = $C 0-6476) = ~0-00025 Conger) = 0.581 , SCO-5TEP) = O-lloo4 Using (13-52) or (13-524) Dp = Sttute{ [ecw~ Cony] seo-seoo } [os Be) +S(BS )} = 81(5.3)(62) ae 5 [o 5284 +00 u76)*+o.qUll+ 0.00025) ] [(0-58°1)*+ (o.ttoo4)*] = 33.36 = (5. ‘ oes (Continued ) 276 13-16 (Cont'd) Using 18-53) => Dp sto 1-008 tfogio (UB) ] - (Le+Ln) gz eh 2 C624) ee Sue Using Figure (3.23 tes eae t=O ~ (2.1467) aa = (2.1467)*_ > lh=0-2dB BAP gCa-30q) = O18 ree Thus Dp= (of 1-008 + fog 2.1458 1.625) ] } - 0.1 +0-2) = [5-5-03= [52d 20) (ea) " Am SBS = 245 poe 31.2037 9Gy= 7.27 from Figure [3.7 B= BIBs ~ 1.625, Syay = TSB > Ge=5B66 from Figure 13-9 Using (13-54e) C Computer Result > (5.250748) Dp = Ge-Gn = 5866 (71.27) is Oa SS 2 33.87 1526 dB (0.1859 Ee ie (ole5? (3.64275)(3.3573) f=lo.3qHe : Ax S0x0T 2 2.9126 om = L1460” 10.3 x10? an Using the Same procedure 4S for f=8.2GHz , we have that Qi = 4.6222 a= 5-4068A ,fe= 49336X, Ch = 55722 Oy = 2-62SA, b= 2041, G=0.784FA, b= 0.3488A A= (4296, Vs -0-2075, W = 06713 CYA)= 0.510, Clr) = -0:207 + Cw) = 0-637 SU) = 0.709, S(v)= ~0:005 , Scw)= 0.1545 cf a = 61 (5-3)6. al Using. (13-b2) > Dp aes, { Co-si+0.209) “(076+ coos)" f X { (o6379%+4 (0.1545)*} = 50.45 [7-028 Dp= (7.0248 ae Be SG =0.2: £= OS = 04677 SLy= 0.25 S= = 01126 > le =0.2 Baga Using (13-53) 3 Dp = 4 1.008 + beg iy [2.695 (2.041)] } = (0.24 0.25) = 17.034 4B A= 2.695 (2.9755) = 3 = 78. Tipe) Pea TeuGu a 12.6 Computer Pegram B= 2.04] (3.25) = 6633 > Ge= 66.1 17. 083848 ") Using (13-54e) PDp= _66:1678.6) = a Ny (6854 (2 FSSTS AS 52.39= 17.19dB (Continued ) 277 13-16. CGont’d) sae : f= 12.-4Ghe 2 A= = 2-47 350m = 0.7525 Using the Same procedure as fer f=@.2GHe, we have that Qr= B.56ABA, a= 6-SOP2A, Cos 5:67B7A, Ch= 6.70820 Gi = 3.2441A, bp =2.4567A, O= Sates b= 0-4ittaA A= L455, V=~0.343, W= ee ental = 0.7364 CCu= 0-490, Ccv)= -0.337 , CCW)= 0.685 Sw = 0.705, SCv)= -0.0225, SCw) = 6.200 Usi 52) 3 Dp= 81 (6:3) 6.2 ej Sores ng. (13-52) > Dp= Fad cagay [Oi t0339) Cores coz25)"f [t.¢85)% 0.4] Wie 70.75 = 18.-497dB L Computer Resut = 16. 515098) == on = 0.136 ple=0.25 j t= ae = 0202 > 1,5 0-3 Using (13-53) > Dp = lof LooB+ fegio [3-24al (2 4567)] }-(0.2540.3) =18. 544dB A= 3.2441 (2.301) =6.8568 2 Gn = 84.55 B= 2.4567 (2.7621) = 7.2169 Ge = 6765 Using. Ci3-54e) 9 Dp= —S1:65 684.53) _ = ay gpa «16.5408 (0.18 BT (2.7301) 2.7621) Tn summary, at three equations Lie, (13-52), (13-53), and C1i3-54e)] yield nearlt identical results. The computed directivitles agree closely ustth these Measured of the commercially, available unit of Fig [3-24. ASAT. Go= I705dB =10Lege Ce Cdimensionless) = Gygre 10S = 40.7 §211 GHe. > A= porte? =2.7273 Com 2-286 2.7293 The initial value of %, is a) > using. (13-57), a ASOT ee Ms Sy 732027 Uhich does not satisfy (13-56). After few iteration, itis found thet X= 2.96775 is a more accurate Value. Thus Re = XA = 2.96795 (2.7273) = 8.07 A5Gm = 3.1868" =2.967ISA h = Go* = (50.7)* l aa er are. v Sha ags (e)® Ce" ( aeqgg) Ax 8 41156 = 9152250 14? (Continued ) sig aS = 0.83820 , b= NH 0.37250 218 43-17 (Cont'd) in, St = 50% Ts oe aes A= 3.246460 = 8.8268 0m = 2.405" bi =\BX A= UaGaqengs) a = 2.436a7A = 6.6uu7 0m =2.6(6” R= Cbi-b) [ge ] cee = 2.461697 tepid 2 % 6.25.26 Om Po=Car-a)[(ge)> 27 6-25 267 Gm =2 46169” } = 2.4617" Using (13-540) 9 A= Se $12-247 Gy= 78-721 from Figure 13.17 Using. (13-54b) > Bs bt R= IINTDGe= 81.518 from Figure 13.7 Using (13-54e) Ge G 81.518 (78.721) Dp= —SE Gy __ 81.518 (78.721) = 50.%695 Le VLA4 Giz) From Figure 13.25 using du =V3ZA L=T5X Sdn =/4.5A > (= 7335 dm = [3.030 L=50A Sdm=[2A = 4= 50.36 dm = (229A =30A DS dm=aP4r 9 L=30.37A dm =? ba L =20A 9dm = 76A 9 h= 20.360 dm = 7.81 A LEISA 3 dy = BNA 9 £5 (537A dm = 672A L=lWA 9 dma 5.6A 9 G=0.38A dw= 558A, L=8A 3 dm= 5A > t= 838A dow = 5.0lA L=6A Sdw= 4.20 945 636A dn = 4.37% 5A > 0= 439% dm = 3.62, DA 3 9=2.36 dm = 266A IA zAS/3Rr d= 203A L=0bAS dmal5A DL=ORr™ dm = 1-64 >. 43-21 L=19.5% dm=I5%, d=2.875" G. From Figure 13.26 fey L*+ m/2)* = 20.89" The optimum gain will occur When , according to (3-60) dms (BIAS dm = 31A2 A=dw /Bl= (15)*/[3(20.87)] = 3.58985 7-18 Om fe Su SH gap xtothe = 327 GHE de’ = Sees b=, 125% 5S. s Bae OBA, diy = See 41185 For ‘these two Land diy, trom (Fig 13.27). Dex (2-548 According. #0 (13-57) and (13-5? ¢), sede = z LOS)$ Co.g -LaS+ 26.25% 17799) = 2.908 Using these, we can compute the directivity from (13-59). Thus p.= tofog oR) ee tofeyl™ @1788)1*-2 9 = 22.363-2-% = 19.46dB oshich agrees closely with the volue obtuined fom Fig. 13 27 Continued) 280 = 30418 12 Gm = 4.7244" 13-21, C@ntd) f=25GHe > A= = or Fams Fig 8-27 A From as 13-27 4 d s dB A=41275A, dm = Geach SIE, DEFT ES a Using equations dim at . : (13-570) > Ss = = 0.28 4975" CWloveders th 5 BAL ~ BC4.7244)(20.69) my 3-596) > Lesys Tog -i7ics) +26. 58% 17.7783] = 2.033 (13-59) > = ee De = lo fog, [1 (8.175)]*- 2033 = 12.978 —2.033 De = 17. 94dB = BGHz 9 A= 30xI0? a ” f iH ay bem = 23622 Using. Fig 13.29 19.5 = F3¢az 6 78-2854, din = 5 ne Using equations a sey (I3- 59) 3S= fer e foam = 0.56775 (Wavelengths) (13-57 b) SLO [0.8 = 171 S $26.25 S4— 29983 ]= 5.0588 (3-59) > De = loteg io [meé- +35) )% 5.0588 = 25-778 5.0588 =20,94dB A =6.35A, De ~20d8 (FromFigi327) C. The cutoff frequency of the dominant TEy-mode ofa circular waveyuicle. is given by cu ~62) or (fen = ae Where 2é is the first ere of the. derivative of the Bessel function © f the first-find of order one Lie. TCM )=01, and tis epek ke Mis 1-84) teal _ 184tc i eae A S ee) eb) PRES | \“ aude ~ tae For d-2.875°=7.3025¢m 1841 (30X07) = 2 gore xi0?= 24074 GH Ge)u = WC F%30 25) 281 3 ( From Cigbab) > LeeePer=a.ttd ) 13-22. dw= V3IA 3 S=_dm _ Mec vet TERT OE: From 3-51) > De= 22.6 slo fogy( £)~ 291 Flofoa wl S)*= 25.5] foaw(€)*= 2.551% CE)*= io% 4! aos.oRe So We = VET 16.8625 3 dm = LE EEA dm = (88625A _ ¢00n ao Tects A= _goxlo? = 2.9273 Gm ary is dy = 6A = 6 (2.7273) = 16.3636 Gm = 644" (16.8636) _ 35 129m =(2.8847" i R ade Since dw = 3A l= > Faq = YL™ Gefa)™ = (a2.qan)® (6.36362) ~ = 31-6878 Om $1245" Whe stan! ( M02) = faye (16-3636) _ ; e e i) = tar (ec) I-45 Dp 2Y, = 28.95 3-23. aes 10 Logie [€qp $8 cas) ] =lolegin C£)-Les) Les) ¥ Co.8 LITIS +26. 25 8? ~171.77 83) = om Boxto? _ Sagyp so AM oxar =3o For optimum directivity, dm Vaux. Thus = Slr 3 BL» & t eS For S= é Les) = Loe 213) +26.28(3)*- 17.79 2)*] = [0.8 - 0.64.12 + 26.25 (0.1406) ~17-79 (0.0527) ] Lis) = 29l2dB Decd8) =20 lobe (Z)=2912 22.9125 llae(YA* (SApelerNes.bas (75a) (4a )* dm = VIN5.5A = 4.4508 A= 4.4508 (3)= 18.3526 com dm = [3.3526 Cm = 5.2567 inches , 2He =37.3f° dim = YBRA Pde =3LA 9 L = F73r 5 (13-35.26)7/3¢3) = 17-81 Com Ye= sivil( 4.876 ) = Sin'(0.337) = 17.675° 282 ki aOR bok an : 1324. a. Aem = G-ITP)-#-D.= 099. cores) see incaxictin ($= 10GH2 4 A= 0.08m) Aem = 0.005317764 m> b. Pea = Aem' Wi = Ox 15% watts/m2):(0.005317764)= 5.31°7x10 bay Pmax = 5:317764 x15? wots 1325 $= 10.S@Hz > Av= BoxW0?/Clo.gxio!) = 2.97/26 Om Ao, Ao, A e Aca < Mle % 2BBGE A < BIR G50. 7218561 <1. 456 3.2q b, WK Aofo = 0.27/26 cm c. t £ Who = 0.29/26 io = 0.029/26 Cm 13-26 a. Using the Fig PIS.26 E-plane 4.54% , H- plane : 5.2% b. Using the Fig. PlS-26 E-plane: 5.06, H-plane > 4.50 rae crs eaon at 8 ncn! rage, Ee Hane fecroranems aeunce ¥¥f,"kivenes ot Dteming Pre Canes fe Sechict Betremaret oreo oa ray 2 SF asNanaary 195") ns 283 Vel. By using (14-4), the effective dielectric constant is equal to = os Erett = torte 104 [4+ 12- Gx) | “= 6.8568 Using Cla-1) We 2 120-7 as Véreg [12+ 1373 +0.667-On(1.241-444) ] _ REGIS = Gogg geNe = Dapes (ulcer oe ae Usd. erst = 6854 + 68804. ac chy]*= 48667 At Sow frequencies » ae Characteristic impedance can be found by Using eg HD, f wor, £20) = JQow me VA G667 * (US + 373-4 0.667 In(U5 teddy = 170,869 /(S.6132) 47276 ohms 1S a Using (14-6), the widthof the patch is = 30. |_2. 23.962 ¢ w 2 C16) 110.244 62,08 “Ve a ol27 = Crepe = toarh ons [4+ 12 — =9.5l is08) 2 2 4 0.264) _ 9 osass co AL= (0127) (0.412) 25. 0.05455 cm ; ape oS) (Se se8) = ee AL ~2 (0.05455) = 2731 cm ae ae setae) b. Using (4-12) and (l4-l2o) 1 7 Sim(x) ei Gas arn -2 + CoSCX)* XGix) + SHOO | X= helN x= Bowe Bie (5.762) 10.4226) T= 1.3277 ke 0.3277, = -2 + 0S (1.3277) + (13277) 1.204348) + anc.32) = 0.57075 Ga = 0.57075 /(120-72) = 4-816 10" Sicner 2 a Resonant input impedance, Rin= Zin = ane 1.0375 x108= 1037.5 ohms Continued) 284 143 (rtd) Direct numerical calculation from (14-12) results into - +s Gi= 4.819021 xt0* , Rin= ZE_ = 1037-56 ohms C. Numerical calculation from (l4~-I8a) Giz = 3.92904 x10" 7 fees 1 Se eae ts d. Rin= Seetrass* aCaBIS9aT Mes ~ HTHEE ohms © Rin Cy=Yo) = Rin(4=0) CoS *C-E Yo) 571-56 CoS* (x93; te) "5 = Yo = 1197 Gm (0.4408 inch) 44 0. we 3 ieee NO gGevebes =74I20m V2. a o1S7S = Ereq = eae tg 22° is lt 2(o) | = 2.1356 THD AL= (olB75)(0.412) 21386%0-3 _ a7e75 * 2-264 = o.0832cm 2.1366-0.258 “74i2 oe *O8 B-2a,=__ 30 lomo e2Al oe = 2000 = 6.2487 Om 2 wee 2( 0.0832) ©. The Patch is @ Yealistic dimension for the reof ofa personal. car, b. From (14-12), ith numerical calculation G = 157253x105, Rin= Zq_ = 31796 chms C. Using Cl4~i8a) , Gia = A58053x16% be WN ier Sy 2a) oY la Anh Sui haeti oe A d. Rin = BCG. +Gia) = 20157259 Kio? + 4.58053 X10) = 248-23 chins @. RinCy=yo)= RinCy=0). Cos*(Ego) 75 = 246. 23° OS" Page de) Yo = +9615 Gm (0.7722 inch) 16r5, forl0Ghe, Er=10.2, h=0.05in = gene We 3% Z ee lo2+4i cose 4[ 1412 (4.992)"] Q Ra es =4.992 reff = 8093. Al =(o127)(0.412)- (£.09340-3)_ (4.992 + 0.264) _ Al =.127)€0.412) (6.093- 0.258) (4.392 + 0.8) = 0.0509 Gn W= 0.634.m = 0.2496 in L= 0.4255 Gm =0.16'75 in = 0.634 Gm prs eet 2 e Ls Boy Te Gey 720.0509) = 0.4255 0m, 285 146. Ys 5 >= GajB, ae ae Ge Gatj& Resonance, Im(Yzu) =0 > Yan = Gen Yon = Yt Ya, where Ya= Ye oe] Wine Je = Ye: GitiCGitYe tan BL) : ‘ cit} (ot Ye tangt) Ce Banh +] Gtanal Hi, Gin=Vit Ye SEO le tan CYe-Bitangt)+j Gitan Bk @ Gou[(Ye-Bitonst)jG.tenst] = Car; 6)[Cre-Bitange) sje tang] Ye [Git] (Be Ye tange) ] oS Seporating. inte real and imaginary parts. Gin ( Yo~ Bang )=G\CTe-Bazangt) — BG Lan Bh + eG, (A) 5 Grn 'Gkangh =} [BC Ne~Bkangt) +Gi tan gl + Ye CB Ye tongt)] cs) Rearrangin 4 the equation (4) Gun ( Ye~Btangl) = 2G,(Ye-Bytan6 t) 9 Gwy= G2 ) Substituting this results inte (5) 2G? tangl = BCYe~Btan gl) +GikanBl+ Ye(Bt Ye tang ) ( onph) [G+ BP Yer] =2YB, tongh= —2E ay MGR 7 From Yan=Yir Ya, and Gm=2G, we cansee G.=G, , Since RiK}=G Also, since imaginary part of Yrn =0 at resonance Yan =Gry+}Bay , _Im(¥u)=0, Brn=0 Bn=8i+B.=0. §,=-Bi » Ye= @i-}B, Total inp admittance is, Yin=Yat+Va= 241 U7. = apt wre [] ‘eu [] vm hot ea times SA IRIE This circuit has been “derived” by considering. the equivalent Circuit admitiance for a symmetric 2~port junction. Bo For asymmetric voltage, Node Yi of the Fig -Pi4-71 Sees an open Circuit. Hence, the new circuit beeomes Yin Yin Yi Ym Ap Eh aes For an antisymmetric voltage, node XC sees a zero voltage , a grounded Circuit, Thus, the new circuit becomes + Yau YirYm Bis Tf we assume Bm tobe neglible, since its etfect should be to change the resonant Frequency Slightly, then R a _OS(E Ye) in = Y=Yo 2(G + Gm) Where + = odd mode — = even mode 287 148 a x ¥e,8 elm Ye, 8 Yi Lost re “a Gh We wish to find the impedance at resonance Sahitda, syd 3 For transmission fine theory Yan = “i+ ¥2 (Ye sB-B Sm Bhi) +7 @Sin BL Vee Keos$la+jCBcsGla + Ye singlz) CYe cos ela —Bsingle) +} Gsing da eae) At resonance, the input impedance at,an arbitray food pares Paras one end of the micrestrip element, (S Pure reol. By ‘Eromsforming the Slot adwittances GiryB, t» the common point and adding. them together, the input impedance. ak resonance is feund as RinC$=¥°) = SR Giay LOE Eye) + ABH Sin2(Bys) - Bt cin (Ep) ] From Example 14.2. W=1186em, h=0.(S88Gm, } Zo = 26.0146 2, A=ZEm. Using (la-l2)and (i4-I24) Gi= 0.00157 Siemens, Using (l4-8b). B= 56xi6, (GR+BAD Ae = [Cr57<107)*+ (5.6004) *) [Lynas] = 0.02287 < £ Bi/ye = 5-6x153/( 003844) = 0.14568 <1. ay Rin=4o* Ste tGn) as(Zy,) U9. We 6.634 cm, L=0.4097em, N= 0-127C%m F=loGHe , G&=102 @. Using, Cl4=12) and (4-124), Gi= 4.82 x10 Siemens , f which Compares with Gu = 0.00175592, Rin= 2G, * (037. 30004. b. 50 = 1037 20084: Cos*( Bye) cs (Ty) Ce nae = 0. 21955 Edo= @SorpEs) = 13494 Yom ovsy 288 TAO. 22.2, We 0.27840m, h= OIB7E Om, LE 0.7068 com We. 0.2984 Ds 6 527 We Srepe = LETS og 6. 5278. - Eveq = 22*4 , 22-4714 12(0.5278)] 16+ 06L03673] Son a = 18216 Ze = _ 1207 N Even _ (207 Afi. Bae Ss en, INS Wes tdaa] — |.946-41.373 40.667 On [8.3386] Ze = 1a0m/ (1.3497) _ 68.264 A.O7I7 68.264 = 152.44 cos*(E¥,) 2 = 68.264 _ os (Eg) 152.44 Yo= E-cos'(yeaare)= 2268 (0.8377) = 0.2418 Om (0.0982 in) lll Z = 50 ohms = 0.4498 &r=2.2, aoe 22th, 22 22-4714 iay; Ts 5 [20-7 = ee Ee 0 eg [ We aga + 0.667 dn (We + 1444) b= 01588 Cun = 0.4733 Cm. 3508.0. 228.350! 50 Gr=2.2 W= 1.186 com Wo= 0.493 Bott! Yo= 9.3126 Com 0.906 com. SS om 289 1412, a, 75 ohms e 2/1 Tr 15 = 228. 3508 Cos Gre de), 8 Sipe He) = aye Hos COS" 057307) = 0.9605, Y= 0.277 cm Using ¢'4-19), We can find the Width of miaostrip feed Rine by iterative methed . 120-1 75 = Verett : -_ +1378 + 0.667 ne + 1444) | Dimension of Line: Width + 02546 Cm qs 228.3508 b. 100 ohms Bs 100 loo = 220.3508 08° te), Cos (oe 8) 9/ See sees | fo 2906 cog"(o.051757) = 206 . (0.647636) = 0.244 cm We can find the dimension of width W of microstrip feed line by iterative procedure aS port Ca) in this problem . B teene OMebY an amie, 00 100= Pere [Weg +1383 +0.667en( Mey th444)] » Tw > or Seo 4 z 3 oe faq nla] , fst - Dimension of £ Erg = StS ([ii2B) Moogle] y, ath / 014285 1413 sn) (4-31), Er = 2.2, L=0906 Gm, W=LI86 Con = w ° n fr 8.52698 GHz +Ost 17.0540 Ge a@th 25.5809 GHe 11. 1622 Gia +@nd 14.0465 GH2*@at 20.3822 GHE Oth 22.8245GHe cN- OS WWKKo 2:0 Oo Sok N= =e 00 Cas » There , TM, TMoer, “°° S.5269GH2, IHI6GHE, I4047GH2 IZ OSMoGHE ~ 1 92, Ey= Tes Sor Hy aS Ez= jake Bue (Bx +e)Az, He= 0 Aa = [Cs (p.10+ Drsin(Bex)]: [Cros @y) +0, sin(Qyy) 1< [ ¢s:cos(Be-#) + Ds Sin(r-e)] Boundary Condition At x=0 and X=L, Hy=o fone Sie At yso and y=w, Hx=0 At 2=0 and @=h, By=Ey=0 } PEC walls Applying the boundary conditions #0 the walls fleads to Az = ee Se ee el gS Bae, Cee Pa eee S Es sell (2) 508 m3) ost) (4) 5 = ge (28) ) (BE) cos( MEx) sm ( By) sia (fz) Ee= soal- (t)* +e ]es CE Tx) Cos(2E y) os (Ee) Has pe ( cos (Ex) sin( 2 wy) cos( fre) Hy = bees) Sin( Ex) Cos(Mhy) Cos(FZ2) Hz =O Page : E 3f Lowoh, doumt weds wilabe ermaemaa ola = aie ™ le d. (4e)ic0 = QL Wye. 291 1415. a MS 1 SAy Ex ve Say Han ne? nee eh Hy=0 Fen ideS? ued Ay = [ei Cos(fax) +O, Sin( ax) ]LCe cost Py) + Da Sin(gyy) ] [Catostfae) + Dasin Geay] Boundary Condition At x20 and x=w, He=O 7% PMC walls At ys0 and y=h, Ex=B=0 9 PEC walls A+ @=0 and @=L, Hx=0 > PMC wulls Apalying the boundary Conditions to the walls feds to AY = Amnp CoS (Gex) CosCGyy) CSC G22) ioe Bie re ,cSO aaa MY xs ape (RE omc 902) Gre ioe (fe BA] SCD SCRE H) SCE 2) oa “iene (48) WE) (RE) cos (ME x) sin (HEg) Sin (4 2) cae iE) OS (MF 2) cos(My) sin(#E2) fe -2(% “it z= ae en os(4%4) cos (ffz) b. folanp = arte C+ 3S Cc. tf L>wyh, lowest model will be TMs te? i a C$rdoor = 3L yr 292 1416 The array factor of 2 elements of zero phase difference . Placed along the y-direction and Separated by Le, is (AR), = edkbeasr 4 oi Mt asy = eitessingsing 4 ci tele sinesing (AF).= 2 aos( he sing sing’) DENT. “ht the tuo radiating edges Cx=0 and x=L) Ez QL) =Eo , Hy(xsl) =0 Fz(x=0)=-Eo, Hy (x=0) = 0 We have constant distribution of Ee and zero distribution of Hy sles Thus , on Sloticx=L ) My = Ai xTEs(x=L @)= —& x Edy = dy, MB dy Li = WxC by (xsl) d] =0 mas Similary, On Slot 2, we have Mz =-MaxEEsdi] = Fo dy b=0 fe Since Mi and Mz are paralle| te the PEC ground plane, their images below the plane are identical to those above the plane. . Th addition. Mi and Ma are constant over the apertures. Thus, Yemoving the grounel Plane is egual te double the. height of the Slots. To find the radiated field by the two Slots, First integrate over Slot 1, and then use Grray factor to Combine the contribution from both Slots. G@. On Slot 4, keeping. in mind that the height is doubled Me = 8.4 , Ji=o0 Be * (Continued) 293 14-I7. (cont'd) then | = {f My cosbsing cir’ Yas rl =E, ose sing { li elhCa’sinesing +88) paige, Jy Jin Lox hwe. [ase sing IBY sing ] Y= *singsing » 2 = khease Le = {my csp eM Piy = Basy Ce fe este y/sino sing +2/c58) datdy/ Ly = AWE. Deosg. Sat sme] thus yx Me CLyrpyl”) Fe pal ET er fosmsel Se Een) Me 1s —1Ny) Bg * +] SW Eobe jhe [ @sesing Set sin? ] b. The array factor of 2 cements of zero phase ditterence, Placed along the. x-direction ame Seperated by Le, is CaF )a= ei tttasy 4 oi Btcosy = esbilesingcose + cise ese APL = 20s (ble sinvess) , Finally , the field radiated by beth Sots is E*= 8° (AF). that is By> j RCE IMT [cop Sint. gin? 95x] Eyej web) ater [ase sing Sony. Sinz cos X_] x= tobe sing esp Y= AM eno sng Z = beh sd 294 14-18. At the two Tadiating edges C2=0 Fy(2=L)=E. , Hx(z=L)=0 Ey (2=0)=-E., Hx (2=0)=0 @.. Thus, on slot 1 (z=L) Ma = - fix [ Eyceeu) dy] = RXEG SE dh =o Similarly, on Slot 2, we haye Ma = E, dy gate sker/OS¥ Js’ Zh ok (rics y) Le = Sf Me cose cose & = E, @s¢ cosa" {e ¥ dydx Ecos ose one + a'sinasing) gy dx =! “h 3 ; Ww - hWEs [cose Coss stax say | , Xs being CSB, Y=khsindsings Le Ly = [f-mcsing el bY" ¥ds/ = hw EsBing. SMX, Sint J Thes ES = 4 Swe eter [sing St set ] , ’ \ Eg w+] AwEske sjher(asocosp SimX . sin Y b. Ap) = eile oor 4 gsabeest = 208 ( fake ii 2v 3 = ery eNO IX OSU yy = e*(F Thess -2n® T(x) lo = -2n 8 C1)? Lox) = -27 OF Ox) ® [eee aie -O) | gf! = ("6 28-81) Qi XCSE-O) J 5, o — oa Mpi2U gi XCSUyy, ‘p-0 = -@ an. Ti) ® (aeRO PIdp = © For. J.) ° le ait ee eX Say = el? poe i ee 58 [ oi An Ju) +20 el Fe x) ~2n Jw) ~27 SH Jor) ] " 2T Ve Oe CoS8 [ Joy (el* 3%) +Talxyel*- ei®’)] 2] Lg= 20 re) ajsings [T.0) +T.00] = 216 dese sing [260+ E00] 2 Epix ke * vaewsesing CJ, choe sins) + Jz(kdesing) ] (Continued ) 298 14-22 CGnt’d) lo= (7 de Gp’ csip-gr) CFF Ae S06 OSB) yr aT s 2Vede (7 Case CoSt_gr) et OSE! hag - Note“. een SEP) 2 iXOS8-B) 1g . fetal pastel ® Vode] OF SH KOE B) sy ( iO} IX Oy 2 lo @ o f (Mabe alts tw da! [Paiteixoscre de’ ] ae : r ® if MeOH 6 = zrel* Tx) @ CT git giKOSH OY = al” LO) S (A sia 320% )X CSCO 57 Jr oF Phe dg’= -27e" J20X) @ ( 2H 16 SPO EX OSS ys 2 awa Lx) le lg = Vode [2rTo00 el# 42m Jo(x) 20 poe# 2rwe*] z Ly = 2mVede cosp [ Too) ~J2%) ] zp eykt “Bp ke am Vo de @spT Joo) Jax] Ea = qjk ths V, de cos [Jol basine) - Te CRasine) | The Ee and Ey components of the far-fied are given as Ep =~] RAE ose 4} ar Eg=j kaewelte fcosesing Jor} Jes = Jol kdesing) - J, CRdesiné ) Tor = Jo(Raesinb) + Ta (Raesine ) 299 14-23, Az = Bmp Jn (ky e) [Aa Gscmg) +6, Sincmg) ] cos Che z) Boundary Condition, Hg (e=4, Of PE TW, o<2@gh)=o He (oSeca, g=orgen, o¢echieo oA; : Hpl#=0) = ato 55 = oft Gap Tu Che) -AaSiniing)-m + mB, cestng’|] Cos hee *~ Beso, Helo) = 1 Being JnChye)[-Az Sin (ma)-m] Cos ke 2 =0. mu= sito) =7T m=p=1,2,3,4. °° A He (=a)= AS = —h-Bany Tacha [As oshe)] Cosffe2) = 0 Tmt = 0, tp= r/o, Fem the Boundary Gndition Ep (ogee a, OS PET, B20) = EplOSpsa,,0$pei,24) =o. Eg (0660, 06 £0, 220) = Egos Sa, o§ BET, 2=h) =o Rea 212,38), =) MEL 8, 45,pae la, 3. Fees Therefore the resonant frequencies for the Thine modes can be. aes amfr Yue = Wve =Br= V GeM4 Bat ke=6r, Re=fe) \ 7 fr = are (CE By mel,2,3--° Fon), 2,35: - Pb 2,389 1424. The solution to this problem is identical te that of Problem /4~23 Gith exceptions of m, TM? Mls siw'(o)=9r, Prl2sa----, meade a 2 fie am Ve (“Sy (48) m= 2,4,6,8,--- Wada set PEO b S53: 300 14-25 without Considering the feed point, We can use Casity swede) The sdution te this problem is identical to that et Problem [4-25 With exceptions of m , TM faa Helped) = at + Baap Tce) [-Aat-Sincngs.)] Gos he? = 0, "m= Sin'Co) = gir. Foye Pr2 BAS a fr = ee VARY BE, gota, - NE 1,23, -°° P=0 1,2, 3, 1426. If we use the Cavity model, Az Gn be written as Az (QBs) = [ArTm (hep) + Br You(y?)] [Ge Gsm + O,sinme][C Cehe ] Applying the. boundary Conaition Leads te Hgl pa, o = jor ptt > k= Sa PEO Bs [sae Yo (hy 4) ] [ b] 2 | © Talchyad Yo dpb) Taleb Yo hyt)=0 TmiCkeb) Yn Chrbd JLB, ° Te find the resonant frequency. por TMinap Meda, we Tusk Solve He. folowing equation . Fo (ee 0) Yor eed) — SrnCkeb) Yon (ke 2) =O eon musk satisfy the characteristic eyuction . 804 1L-27_ The Solution to this problem is identical to that of Problemi4-26 with folloding. exceptions ; Eg= joe (See tee) Az = LE Th Talde) +81 Yn e209) Door] E és [Gs coset]. 2 (B=) = jo [a TnChy + B Yoh IL Cacd +3001] Gosh? =0, 7 “G20 Ee(g=Gs)=-j la Taly+B YuCky €)][Ds Sn ngs) 1G Osta = 0 3 SNMP) =0 Mg, = Swi'(o) = FU = pr e ae, g Te yee En, Berse Tin“¢hep) Yn’ b) = To pb) Yon (kya) = 0 14-28. The designed center frequency 7 L6GHE the dielectric Constant of the substrate > 10.2 Cie, RT/duroid) R= 0.127 Cm Using (14-69) IIL = = Le 1.6 Yio. AAS55S Therefore using (14-69) ewe ch ae le 17203555 hy = (1+ 2% [an(EE)+ b1726] }* (+ 9.0222555 [> 110/525 cm 302 14-29. fral6GHe, G=22, hs 0.1875 om Using C14 ~69a) yen” 16 12.2 . Therefore using. (14-69) ae ae = 3.587 Gn {1 + o125 [dnla6%) +.9726] | * 1430. Desired, Frequency : f= YooMHe + A= $m20333 Gr= 10.2, h= 0127 em » TM2te a. Resonant frepueny 5 5 From equation (14-630) , Cp)*4 Cee)? = wrue & ba, ke 4) | TM o 7 mez, n=l, p=o), (Xmn /a)= are (erfnvsl the fimo = oe Fee) faw™ EE Te (284 ) pager ee (€¢=3x108 m) b. Negect fringing. as ate = pas =0.057™ 25-7 Cr ce a Shea Na) Es = + jae Lg 1 Ne), Using the equivalent principle the cavity canbe modeled as a circular Loop antema ef rdius a wuh mas neki ¢ current fe gered Tm = 2Vo Cos eng’) Similar prcedure, ike, problem 422, [=(f, iw Lo ((, Mp: Cose-sings-gr) eels ang 1 .F / = AVacoSo le cosng’ Sin(g-_py el SE Fd p7 % (Continued) digg Ng? 303 14-30. L, =2 Te jmp! jmp) IB-B") iB-B’)) eglXcovap’) CG das vicosa (” Ble te en Hee ee i ag! Spuopafe pene ey, eine ie-w), sine site w), shimmy 2% |x 2) 1S eiXOSPB) dy! — s0a7e18 lem vega], ay ‘ ; Fat = )Ctm sleet carats cele eas oe @ @ @ . } -24 tat ius) pbonve! @iXCose 2 de? om en #) giNcoscerer) , ae ® e* \ jms (24 jcrem@e-p) xe 7 jmg 207 =e fre y BP) IX 8 CEB) coy. ems Sa die Oe) J @ en(e @damnrg/ elXOS-O dar_ g ome" elomne-a) 4 5 XCOSCH 8) oy = ms. aMs, 01 hea Tne (X) am ¥ ® at plemoa KOOL et (ginente ry Qin og ° =jmg am OF eT OX) [im rei ems { glomvo-e) ane’ @-¢ eit gh Kees dy ° = emg, o_ eM ear) Tm), Siuset, Jute Se Bfne Loca GE8[ elmo (i)"" Jy) eS awd + UY Tne OX) = 6585)" Jn) ] = Jame, $8 sinmg-j™ Tmalk) + Sinmg Ci)” Trees) ] eqs hoe [-p1 Vease Sinmng ( TaGr) + Fmd] CQ” SQ) asi [Noo cose sing ( Ting OX) + Jnr «))] Lp=2%a [pose CoS (p-p7) ei ASIN8 eS B-B-) dg? CGntinued ) 304 14-30 Cont'd) lg =2¥eo (i; Cosme’ Scar) @ TRASINE OSB 2d y7 X = kasing lp= oo Lee] Lei), sie) ] QKOSHO dy Al ar Se! eo, ome ow io ellmne’s Cm eee J ple! le = Yea - x erXCosta-B7) dg’ ar 3 } A, a (Te IPB iKOSEF-O) dg /— ome{ eM ) QI XOSB Hyg e ° = eit. Fates Tins X) Q ( 98 gicmtye Pe ed ehMOCB-B) 5 IKOS B-Birdqy/ > Sheltie. 228, yor” Tires (X) fee ohne as ime 28 5 : . ’ ® (Pe elmneiX SIH ayn ame elm HDG) QIXOSBO) 4 0 aoe ta =o jroo Toes CX) SeWrarG eee: . @ (eit gion ne XO OP dg/= gine VB B QIK O38 8°) dy ; - W Yeo [anf ei 4. eI") C"Jya 4 (ei, emycy™" Tmo] i Voa-1t [2cosmp AD" Cj) Jina (X) $2008 mg + j)™ G5) TnniGx) | * Lys amvea cose [i05)"] [Tuna 0) In] Continued ) 305 1A-30 Cont’), Assimilar procedure ke Le, Le = amVeo-CDG™ cosme [ Jus) Tun], » Fo= ik oe (At Ya 65)q)™ cosme L Tins) Tine 4) ] = Gy" 4M Yoo omg CTX) — Jinn) 1 For m=2, the far fied is («x=kasind ) Fae 4M Ta copay (1400-1200) | Eg =- el hacose sinag (U0) + T30) | E and H Plane Field Pattern of Circular Patch (TM210 mode) 306 p30 Gontd) normalized azimithal Cx-y plane) amplitude pattern Colts) ©. UalEwl*+1Eol® Ine gage, Ue (CoS AB) * At B= 40° y %, fe Directivity TM210 mode Do= De + Dg Dp= _4tUomox = 4 3739 Pru )o+ CPraa)gs = Am Ugmax ARIS ANT see Pra) +(Praa )p < «Dp =D6 + Dg = 4-3737+ (4866 = 5.8605 Do= 76dB S 42012 ; j VG3I a. fre = raver CCE O= 3x10) aye b. qa 4:2012°C_ = 4.2012 1 — 2 4.0698 = 6.98cm 2H Ge) Ver ams Vio2 ©. far- zone field . from part cc) in problem 14-30 Bo = 6) LEM [vy a cose (TCX) 400), X= Rasing >} REI [ veo Gosap (Ja Chasind) — Ja asine)) ] Eg = -j HEMT [veca-singp-cosd . [Ty Ckasino) + y,chesine DD d. See the Fig. Pl4-3). e. See dRight F. Do=De +Dg De= 598/48 Dg = tet Do= 7072 = BSdB =D Fig Pia-sle Continued) 307 4431 (cont'd) E and H Plane Field Pattern of Circular Patch (TM310 mode) Fig. Pl4-31 122. 6. ee GATS ps Gelue = Bale C (€ c= 3xto8m) b a= ae. m , Q= 883m ong Te 0.0883 m , sil é C. Ee = Gy HE Lyaces 4g: (Tgtasino) - Ts easing) )] @g)#=4) rs : Eg =()* He Ten coS8-Sin4- CTyChasine)+T5¢Rasind >) ] (= Gf=4) (Continued ) 308 14732, Cont'd) db e. See Fig. Pi4-32e. $. Do=DerDe = 70929 + 0.853 = 7945 oe = 9aB 1433. f=l0GHe, 9 A=3em , dzo.1 cm G= 2. h= 0.1575 cm Se =] 22 tan ehh Ter 400 Wer “Fe h) “SESE t(iaz e075) S = J 254.167(0.53245) = ji35.33 From KR Conver 2 SW ink, “Mictestrip Antenna technolog y.” IEEE Trans. AP Vol 29. pp2-2u . 181 309 E and H Plane Field Pattern of Circular Patch (TM410 mode) Fig | Pl4-32e, 1434 Ri & impedance transformer , Zo=50 ohms , = 2.2 RL= 100 ohms , Zy tyZeR 2 AR 50.109 = 70.7106 Wo ws =) ee ze B50 z=707]] }> Risto. + Wo = 0.487 Gm Wa = 0.28cm two Section binomial Transformer. Using. (9-38) su Rin Zo NI n= 2° ere. (Non) Pni 1435, R= Zo _ 100-50 _ for N=2, Ri=l00, ea Ritz o+50 N=03 = 2° $-Qror = 12. a Si 2t Ats n=4; G@=2° Sima 6 Zi-Zo = 53. Na0> Pee hE a9 ; ZH lG2 Zo = 5V0F = 22-21 rae = 82.73 a9 Z, 213% Zi fea Wa, | Fe 50A B= 570) | a | serge Li | Wo = 0. 48 9lGm Wa = 0.2091 cm 1436. Wa = 0.3790¢— Using @-A3) and C7445), We cbtain T= eNO A-Zo TN (Sechm Sb) Zitz — TyCsecom) Ta (Sec Bm: 58) = 2 (Secbm C56) 1= 2SEC~Om(1 t 528) ~1 ned> &S We Nae ( Gutinuedl ) 310 ale 16-36Contd) — Let the maximum tolerable, value of 0 be Cm=0.05, pot te poeet we Eee 7 (secOm)|= . = 6.6 (2+ Bo) Ty SecOm) F ae 77a De SO a =a Ta(SecOm) = 28ecfy, —1 = 6.67 and hence Secém =41.26 and Om=1.04 rd. 2fo @S26 +p, = Pm Ta (Sec m 58) = Pin Sec*B py’ COS2B + Pm (sec*&m—1) g = hm Seem = 0.076 01 = Cm (Sec*8my —1) = 0.14.2 Thus, the impedance Zand Za are given by ei Ue — troop rl Tape 22 1=0.096 Zo=!2] Zo = 60.5 = 1+ 1 Zao EE fos TID 20 1.62 t= 84 By applying the iterative procedure jn eg Cl4-19) Wwe can find the appropriate valve ef width . Zis6o-5 = Ws= 0.3671 om Z2=@l0 3 We = 2181 Gm 311 Aart Array Factor = cLemhic axis rks costa s (infor-zone: ¥ = Ke Y, ) TUT TNT TT AF= 2jsin CRS CoSp) << cos p= axis + ae 15-2. a. for all three corner reflectors (43605, 45° 30°), the geometria Gordinate 5 system shown in the adjacent Figure «itl be used, “The sources will be numbered se that the feel saree Gill be 441. The images will be, designated! as #2, #3,--- Cin a Gunter clock wise rotntion) as Shown in Figure. 15.4¢b) for the Jo° corner reflector, a= 60° Using ‘the Source arrangement of Figure. 15.3¢b) a7 oki site | sik | gikte , gikts , alte Elr,e9)a( Soo +o 4 ee 4 ee + St =) f@.4) ‘for the main source (44) and #he five Tages - For far-field observations Por phase. terms Nxv-sasy, =¥- Sd) =T- Ssine csp Ta SP-S GSP, = T- SU O.55 +0866 dy)-dr ]=1- Slossineasy +0.b66 Sinbsing) Ts Y= S Ost = TSI C05 by 40.966 ay )-d-]s r-SCobsing ase + 0.866 Sing sina ) Tae Ps Gsqy =t-sCdy de) asressinecsy Pox TAS Coss SY-S [EBAY ~0.866c%)) dr] “T+S(0.5 Sins Cosa + o.B66.Sin6Sine) Ve SVS Gs = TSL005 GB 086 ay dh J=rasGassing cosy 0. 86ssinesint) cohere dy = dxSin ase + dysnesing + de aso ( Gutinued ) 312 15-2 (Cont'd) For amplitude terms Kono ~r4ot ere ar Making these substitutions and ambming terms Cfirst with fourth, Second with fifth, and third with suth), we an write that E= fee. #) 22 § sinchssinsosg) ~sin [ks(o.Ssine Gory + 0.866 Sine sing’) 1 +sin [ksC-0.5siné @y + 0.866 sing Sing) 1 J Using the identities of Sincxty) =Sinx cosy t@sxSiny — Teduces the field to = = 2 { sincks singosg) ~2.Sin (4S sinscosy) cos CE kesing sing) } where E,= 0,9) ent: Utilieng the identity of Sinax= 2sinx asx We can write in the final-form that & = 4sin (Hsing ese) [eos (AE sine cose )~ ose Bhs singsing)] = 45° Using the Source arrangement of Figure (6.3¢c) _y eikn Sika gjkts — gikta sikts sikle aikt, ajkte Ba ( See Cary cra Ta me Lames ate MeO For far-field observations For phase terms Ty sr-Se@sp,=1-S (dxdt) =1-ssineasp Bsrsesp= t-s[E G+dj)-d]=1-§ (sinoesss + sngsing) T3 = 1-SGS Ys = rs (By-d+) = 1-5 sing sing tq = TS cos = r-s FECA +d) dp] =r + & (sing cosp—sine ging ) -$ Ges Ps = ¥- (-de-dr) = P45 sind esp Ts =P-SCese=r-s[ GCG ~4y)-6F] =1 +S (sinecosg +sine sing) f= Y-S GS = YS (-Ay dh) = 148 sind sing $5 Ye = 1-8 [ He Coed) ody] =r- & (sine cosss —sing sing) For amplitwle terms NRE y BYOB Am Ameer Making these substitutions anel combining, terms Cfirst with fifth, Seond with sixth, third with seventh, fourth with eighth), We cn write (Continued ) Ye= 343 15-2 CGnt’d) £ =2{os Chg sing cos) + Coscks Sine Sing’ ) ~2cos (48 Sine cose )@s(AEsingsing)} where E.=fee,e) $*" k= 30° The procedure for this Feflector follows. those of the others . Using the geometry of Figure (5.3) = (ei | ihe, GikG | sig aikls, SIR, wilt? | sjkle Es (a + Ph oe ees ee ae Vr re gikt? | sjktic 5knD hte + Rie +a )4@.0) Fer far field observations For phase terms NSY-S@s =r-S Cay dy)=1-SSins ase Ta=T-S@sffa = 1-SFL08 birt Gy Gr] = T- 3 (GSin6 Coss + sing Sma) fs i Ts=1-Scosp, st s[aCe Hed})-d]=r- $¢sinoass +B sinesing) "a= f-s@s4=T-s[ @)-dr] = rs singsing SCs = r-slECax+ Bah) -d}] =1- SC-snoosp-+iF sinesing) ~ Seas = T-SL AEA: +05). d-]= r- 3 CAE Sing cose +siné sing) -8 Cdx-dr) =7+s singcosg Tes = S[k (VEG ~ oy )-d] = 1+ Sersingwsy +sindsing) Wyss os pps rs[bCok -WFd}) dy 1= T+E( sing cose 415 sind sing’) To =I-8 @sh, = r-s(-dy: dt)=r +sing sing ~ Sosy = T-S[LC (Fay) dh] = r+ $Csinocose 1 sine sing) fa=P-ssHa= r-s[L08& Gj): OF ]= r+ SAE sinb cose +sinbsings) For amplitude terms Making ‘these Substitutions and combining. terms Cfirst with seventh, Second With eighth, third with ninth , fourth with tenth, fifth with eleventh Sixth with twelfth ), ve an write - = 2 [@schs sing cose) ~ 2080S ks sins sg) cos(-tkssing sing) ~asckssingsing) +2@s(t ASSiné Cg) @s( Zkssingsing) J where B= 0,6) EA hws (Continued ) 314 152.Ccont'd), 1 b 60° 6.0 8.0 10.9 ay ° 2.0 pact 0 20) 4.0 6.0 60 10.0 Feed-to-Vartex Spacing (3/4) a=30° 2 Pry 63 rr 79.0 Fead-to-Yertex Spacton (5/0) Fig.Pi5-2.nelative figld strengths along the axis (8=90°, 0°) for a=60°, 45°, 30° corner reflectors as a function of feed-to-vertex spacing. 31s 1. Q. For acomer reflector with an induded angle X=36 degrees, it is possible to replace the antenna with a system of images. The system of images Comprises ten Sources spaced equally about: a Circle of radius s , with alternating polarities. The field determined from this system of images is valid for —(6°< 9 <18° Gyr) = (S,0) a, Ya) = (S 836°, SSin36°) (X3, Ys) = CS OS 72°, S Sm 72°) iq, Ya) = CS @S (08', Ssinie8") = CS S725, S sin72°) 6, Ys) = CS cos [44 SSin 144") = (~S 005.36", S Sin36*) (Xe, ye) = CS Ge [eo%, Ssin [8ot) = CS,.0) (Xp, Yr) = (SS 2163 SSinaié*) = CS CoS36", —S Sin36") Cie, Ye) = (S C8225, SSIN252") = (S@S725, -S Sin 72°) Ola, Yq) = CS CoS 288%, SSin 288") =(S @S72°, -SSin 72°) (Xe, Yo) = (Scos 824", Ssin324*) = (S C0S36%, -SSiNZ6*) E, ejksu -E,, ESRSU 0836" g jkSvSiNIE® =e) SU COS72° 6} kEVSIN72° Es E,=-E. @ikSU Cosp® gj RSUSINZ2° Esa Ee e)ksucos36* @ jkovSing6° Certinued ) 316 15-3 (Cont'd) E,= -E, eJksu Be E& eiksu C03 36" J RSV Sin36* E, = -E. eARSU@S 72° S]REV Sin 72° Ey, = & ejksu OS 72° gr} RSV Sin72° Ejo = — Ee Gd RSU Co836* =) KSV Sin 22° o E= 2 E, = &[eitSit _jtsu cosas’, jkevsinas® FesRSUCS 72°, j RSVSIN 72° __—)RSUCES II", 5 RSUSINZA® + EIRSUC0S36%, jRSVSINIE” _G]RSU, C/RSUOSIE “gj RSVSINIE” HE IRSUCOS 72) ASVSIN 72° 4 @jRSU CoS 72% jRSVSIN 72° — @ 5 KSU S36 “g-jkSVSing6* J] = Eq Ljasincx) -j 2Sin CX Cos36*) eS YSI36"s | 2 sinc Koos 72") eS TSN” ) Ysin72° ] j2sin(X cosas) SITSMIE + j asin Qlcos 72 = Ex [j2.sin (x) -}4 Sin(¥@836") Cos (Y Sin36*) +}4SiN(X Cos 72°) COSC Ysin 2) ] = j Ee 20 Sin(x)-25in (KeoS36*) @SCYSingG') +2Sin (XS 72") @sCysin724) | where ; X= kSU=kS Sind Cosp Y = ksv= ks Sine sme negletting the “j", we can write the array factor as AF(6, a) = 2 [Sinex) ~2SCXcos36*) COSC YSin36%) + 2Sin (xeos72") OSC 15ND) ] bh. See the plot on the next paye for Computation ef the relative field strength (Continued ) 317 153 Cort’) 6 5 8 3 3 2 3 3 C. AF(G=90°, B=0%) = 2[Sin Chs)-2Sin CRS COS36") +25 (HS CoS 72°) | oar = ZL coschs) = 20836" CoS CRS cos6t) +2008 72% CoSCks 00872") 1 The first zero of ane Corresponding #0. maximum in the yelative Field Strength occurs for ks = 6.415 or S= LORA The relative field strength is guen by JAF (0= 3, geoy| = 7-482 (Continued) 318 153 CCont?a) 154. AF= 4 sin (48 sing cos¢) Bie aD IZ z AF=Asin(tS)[cosCks)- costs H$-0)] =4sin(#s)| cosche) - 1] Luo? AF= 4sin (KS) [ cosc#s)-1] AF = 4sin (4S) [@sc48) -1] =o sin()=0 3 #8 =sii'(o)= mm, m=o, 4,2, -- ge 2m = 20 awn, m= 0,1,2, °° os( KE) -1 =0 > ws(K)=49 ks OS'Cl) = 2m, m=0,1,- ++ Se ate oR 2m W=0,1,2, . S=mA, M=O, 4, 2,--° 15:5. From (15-14) We can write for r’="e, = 60 2f = Yeli+ CoS6e) Using Figure 15.10 and the definition of the Sine function Sn = 42 aru de 2d Sins -2Sind. When Substituting it above, we can write =Te =| oh 1tOS60 25 = Ye Cit Cos 60) xoag (it 88) 95-8 a Sin ben Using the trigonometric identity CSee Appendix VI-1) tesa Cok ce) = “sno yeduces the above equation to $= 4 cot cS) aiet i> (2) Mh 320 156. From (15-25) 9£= 20g (8+) a. 6 =90°: £ F=Lot( 2) < G.=160" : s Force" F< Bo< 180°: 0.25 > fd 20 Cot (45°)= = 0.25 =a Cok (90°) =O b. G.=0°: £ =F cot (0) = 20 Go= 90°: Gad cot 2) =F cot US") = 0.25 0°66 690°: > Fg 0.25 157, the far-field resion is commonly taken to exist a distances grester than 2D°/A_ from she antenna , rn being the wavefength D: dimension of diameter. RY 2P*/n , D=l0 meter, f= 2GH2 0, Ib meters At 2GHz > RY 2000/y 15) = 1333.3 meters {= 4GH2 0075 meters, At 4GHE > R > 21002 /cy,075) = 2666.66 meters , 158. From ( 2~t0) =x =u Aem= AD 2» D= Fa Aem Using (2-40) D= &E Aem = FE bap Ap = SE(ay(rae) = SE (Y= (R)* 321 159, On the surface of the reflector, the Current density is gwen by (15-.29), which can be written using CI5-32) and Ci5-32a), as Jo =21f [AxcSx]=2 18 Ce Ve ctip) Tix i x60] The polarization of the Source can be written as dy = dr sine’sing’+ ay cse’sing’ + By cose” Referring to Figure 15.15, the unit vector & can be written as & = WX yx 8) | Gx (yx dy) | which by using “the vector identity AX(Bx¢) =(A-C)B-(A-B)C Con be expressed as 6 = Cr -Gr)dy — Ge G) BY _ By -cd¥ ty ar [Cdr -84) 4) = (6 cy) dv || by ~ CAF 7B | Using the transformation ef CVIT-I2) er CVIT-120), We aan corite the tumerator aS g by ~(6¢-6y) dr’ = Og Case’ sing’ +04 esp’ and the denominator as 18, - (dy -d5) de | = I~ sin'e'sinty A Thus ¢ __ &-C&y.dy) dr’ _ da’ Osb/sing’ + Os“ cese” = —— = ara * OU GNE) Gel, Gave Se SN ze sk + Syke’ ond 2 (HCa Gqtespy Saxe] = AE CrlGgteip) S— whore Un Axed x Gi) = (Axe Ar = RAE, Eventually LL Yeeuces #0 (15-34) by using C15~I8) and (VIL-12) ond ¢ VIT-12) 322 1510. B= (e+ 4; sing cos ) f (r,0,p) G. Cross Pol = Sing ase B=(60 3 zero b. Cross Pel = Sing asp = ¥Sin@g) Moximum; B= 45° 20.5 B= 135°3 0.5 SB = (de +8; sme cose)fcro,p)= Gxtdysneess) fen 6,2) {I+ Sine costa ES awa Gy = Set dy Suscosy LIF sip aste age Fe) Ode) ee dred PL be du | pera Fe m= -3dB a. ples|dy- Gtl*= Sweets | . 928-02 =-248 V+ siwie cos7e | ee : ce. ba = (di + dy Simp cosy) y+ sine ose a 2 Bur 2 |( eaaewoss eee.) (a | T t+ arivese/ \ [1+ sinsosy a ee matt = 0dB | + Sin’ cos’y {S11 [o[P eit ass aff GT Bae (si (3 {50:9 cot lcae sre cost’-96) ~ cos6/coS 6] £ jo Jo o x Che(-da x6,)] 17? Sino *see( &) de'da” By using (15-370) dy = do- [de (RB) 4, co5C2)] = (#-&, sine ~ do-& 508+) ded = by-(-Aeti-d) -€ Os (G)]= te OSE) (0 sued) 323 15-11 Cont'd) Toward 6=T equation (15-49) reduces to Cl5-51). This is acemplished by making the following. Substitutions, The exponential of (15-49) Can be written as Y’Tl-sine ‘sind - csge’—g) -— ose eee pre Eihose] s2f by using CIS-I4). Also Go H | gay = 0 Ch-€ SING ~ dg cos (@')] =~ dy & ws(¥) ie oH yen = ~de-& cost ©) | gay Assuming c2imuthal symmetry, We am corite I as q = nan VG pe) OR D Gy E+ dy. Pp rsec(¥) cos($') sin(6’) do” a rie (do-& + dp -& | 160 eri vesina’ a6 Since r= fsec*(24 , os Guen by (I5-i40), We can write I as Te, = ~arf- eb (6 Sib’ yg o=r { [Go &+ G- oh NGs0) Secon) 4 Since sing’= sm(¥+ 4) = 2sin(&)c08 (8) Toor = ~ang PAE (TCH 8 + fy 4] Get} tam) oo” be eT Assuming the Cross polarized field is Small (&: & + dy) 9 Smt TH a sans cmH (also and at) oj BHO" Ye a EG 0-0) = ET EB | a a sere (%) 40’ Eettene -faaat TE SAD Or thay hich ts used #0 form CI5~ 520) , (15-53), and (15-54), 324 1512 f=3quz, Aso1m d= 1 meter, D.= (SL)° ep Uniform illumination, €ap = 4 » Eap. aperture efficiency a. erin = Do= (E4)*= 996.96 = 22.7448 b. Exp= Ex-Es = (0.8)(0.85)= 0.68 De = (E4)* (06g) = 67/-/3 De = 69/-13 = 28.27 dB tokal perature efficiency 2 Eap= 0.68 = ~ 1.67408 1513 Fla = 0.4284 @. Usin Cis-4) gee = toa! [= = tam’ [25 ©4284) > ~ tayi'¢1.7696) =60.53° & = tan tat ] = tan Le SD] = dail (7696) = 60.53 @, = 260 = 21.06" b, Using (15-55) 5, = ce 2 fap = @t*(2)| {"1eo9-tonle) | = cot*(B[ [V2 os(Z) tan(£) de'| = 2008S) | (°%sin (Bpas'|? = acot*(%)| [-2cos(&) ]** | * Gp = 264%) [2-209(6)]*= 8et*(&)[1- @s(8)]* Eop ($= 60.83") =8 @t*( 253°) cos(6o.83" )] *=8(2937K0018576) Eap ( &=60.53") =0.43644 = Cap = 43 64% = 3x08 _ 2 x15%= 0.03 meters C. Do= Sap Hi floGhe > A= Sx d= 42.672 meters, D, = 0.43644 C Tea2é72 2))* = 8.7/5 x|0 =69.4dB d. Using (15-65) Py (B= [1 -SGE)]7= 0-18 2 DS 0.9618 D, Dead: R< 0.9618 C 8.7/5 X lO") = 8.3822 xlo8= 67,234d8 325 1514 f/q = 0.38 ; “17 05038) ]— fi Using 15-24) 3 66= t0"'L Su yg = SES From Figure 15-20 Gp = ase’ = @3°6’ b. For Gp =C0s*6/ + Eap(0.= 66.68") 0.83 $14 = 038 = 10A/q 3d = (OA (0.39) =26-315BA De (38) "Gap = [T2SSBATog3 = 5672.98 = 37.538d8 Cc, From Figure (5.22, the field strength of the $6’) Pattern along 6’=60= 66.68" iS BAB down from the maxi rum . 15415 When o reflector is illuminated by a point Source located at itsfocus, the amplitude distribution on its aperture is nok uniform . This is evident by Yeealling that the energy fodliates by d Spherical Source decreases by 442 CA/ot foro cylindrical Source). After reflection -from the paraboleid the rays are parallel te each other and maintain the some energy density distribution. To derive the amplitude #aper on the aperture ofa parobeloid, Jet us refer to Figure 15.10. Assuming initially that the feel source is isotropic, the power radiated within a cone of includes! angle. cle’ Cohen Yotated about the Z-oxis through 360°) Can be written as dp = c ("(sing’do’) do = 2c sine’do’ where C is a constant. This power must also appear in the. aperture ving JA = ame de tohere (= r*sin€% Thus We can write. dP _ zrcsind‘dé’ _ amc-sinb'de’ _ 1 di ame’ de’ arr? sing’ de” 7 ie Since de” = r’de’ aca wie = Sa, Using CI5-lda) , it reduces to POR es Co ee Ele Ce aA f* sect(2) [fsect(eay]? f+ Aan?(6%) ]* by utillzing the trigomedric identity of Sectx =Ittan*x (See Appeedix VI) Tt can also be written as (a ok ~ BE sin'A)/ @s*(672) Ff the source is not omnidirectional, and Ut has o symmetric power pattern Gel6), then a =G,(0) cos(@)_ For ¥g doremain @nstart, Ge(6’)= Sec (9), = = ast(B) 326 1516. a. Liseoaiee f (ee ost(&!) sine‘d6‘dg/= SONee smedd’s 41 Ta This G (3 ast’) sino’dg’ = ao[ 2 oos'( ¥) sin (B) @s(R') do’= Ge (eae cos) d (ostt)) = 4 ° ef" osb(B) sinQyaa’= ar 7,7 Gol” “roost Pdleos(#)] = Ge Lee: =-2 3 Cro [os (FE) -e5@)]=-39&= = ata) “foes oS b bag ont] (" “Lele tan do'|*= cot“) | (Se -os't8) tan (2) ap’]* ~GoOS)| (“aah in Qh dt'| "> Gort) | (“sinw’ae’|* =a. ot(¥)4 at [-cos0’]$ ]*= Gs cot*(Be) [ = ees82) 2G cot) sin4(22) y Sint( fe) = cos*(Re) sin( §:) = Ge [ 5) sin (82) ] * Cap = Gol $Sin(Go)] = sin) = 24785 sintpy= 0.8575 Sin’ Cap = 0.8575 Sin*be ©. 6=90° for ‘oximum aperture efficiency. The total subtended angle is equal to @-=26,=160° The maximum aperture Efficiency is equal to Caplnay = 85.715 % 151723. - 6s tay [25 60252] - ae 0.25) %~ Wig Sy From (15-57 b) ap = 20 Sin4(45*)+ Ln (GS(45°)) } Cot (45°) = 03730 b. D= 0.373 [strategy] = 654N6.£434 we es Ge (6")-Sinede’ Ca SP eglarsinecde’ Because the. dish has such @Jarge (2" Geo) sine’ 48" included angle, surrounds the. feed pattern’ Cmpletely. d. sex = Cap F Ce = Sip = 0873 _ 6 ays : Z F 327 171d: the integral 10 find Eap or € divectly is difficuit. Best way i to find €ap from directivity and then divide by Eeineue Do = (#4) €ap = 5-42 x 108 TClo) Ree 2 “£ Bran oe leanwyeaat YI op = 5:42.10 =) Cap = 0.7909 és = cos®(6") Sin@ ‘do’ s ee 9 fost efsing’de’= LOS’ &(- costco") sine ’de” ml és = = os" )/ . 2 = costo? _ G2055-1 © 9.795 = & = Cost (g') [20° -1 : saieg | Si ra Since. all other efficiencies are loa% €e = 29909 - 0.9954 = Ee 0.7945 1519 f= 94ne & A= SAI = Ex16'= 0.0333 = zh meter O. §.= tan (28 =) |- | deomse) bg - . wait 4820)] sos 8268 toss Gre car | Goel @. = 50° Eop Cn=2) = 24 {sin*(S) + tn[cos (22) Vy at? (2) = 24 { sin? (25) + In [Os (25°)] ele cot *(25) = ah { ¢o.4226)°+ An [09063] }*(2.1445) = 0.7099 ean Poms Lap = (2YVen= [soor]*(o.7/) = (942.478) 0-7/ Do = 8.882644 xto® (0.71) = 6.306677X10°= 57.998 =5edB b. Aem = 2D, = de(35)* 306677 x10") = 55.763 m* = ap Apyysical = 0.71 CRA) = 0.71 (TH?) = 55,763 m2 Kem fr 3 PB, = AemW = 55.763 Cloxie$) P, =557. 633 X10% = 0.557633 x (5? watts P, = 557.633 u Watts = 0.557633 mwatts Aphys = re=n(2)*= Ed's mca 76.5398 > 0 328 15-20 pie a Dex wd = 2x08 D* fo) ah wa eoan C=2ma = 2n(4)= 1d = 3am meters Dw Gp (SA)*= Eap(-$)° = 075 (ZL) * 0.75(25, = 075 c500)* D & 075(2500T4) = 16, 505.51 = 42 673 dB bem = Pr = Aem Wi = 5.3Cloxto’) = 53xto% =0.06m . a APD, = G2)" Ce, 506.51) = 5.3 mt watts cc. Py = 53xi0% Cl—Irl2) = 53.x10* C1 [o.2)4) = 50.88 x10% Watts Pr = 50.88x16° watts 1521 : =60°, A= SOxl0? Tox 10? =A Cok (Be) = J Cot (60° 60°) =4 cok (80) = F (782) = 0-433 - £/0.433 = 5/0.433 = 1.547 meters A= 1.547/0.03 = 364.9 3 A= 192450 = 30m = 0.03m QO. HPBW = 29:2 ~ 29.2 _6 i50 : a/r i92.45 Sidelobe Level] = - 17.6 dB Divectivity = (¥4)*= [r0aea9)]=C1.200.199)=1,462,162. 253 De = 1,462, 162.253 = 61.65 dB d. = A253 = 1,833,466.67 = 62.63dB DeC kraus) neta De (Tai & Pereira) = 72,815, 92,815 - 72,815 @utOz +02, 2(G) 20 15) = 62.0948 SCAT o/a)> ene = loss Factor T= 064 xt0 Fm /o.03 m = 2.88xI02A LFee > (4M (21.33) x10 aoe ee 268 )7_ 207187 1,618, UL. LF dB) = 20409 8°°""” = 20¢-0.07187) Jog w® = 20 (0.07/87) C0.43427) = € 0.0718 7)C8.686 ) LF(d8) = 0.624 dB 15-22 — £/4= 0.357, ds (a meters, Ge (6) = cs*C672) a. eg = S$." Goto!) sne’da’ _ Scestcara) sine’ de” §" Gece!) since” g = tant 2a) ] (hia) Ge) [* cos*ce'/2) sine ’dd’ ak +f. 0.357) ] = toi! [2.7483 | = 70° (0.35) 6 ee ae Ne cs Co) inad'= (2ges')sinede'= 2} (™csinexase'sne) a6"] =£{ [om See |} = -£[ost.+bes0.-1-4 N= -% [0.24204 -2(0.1170)-15] = ae -Z(-10995) = 0.5498 om b= (" “tos*(8/2) Sine’d6’ = —3[ O58, +2 CoS, 1-5] = = 07s =Ne f= 5 o5aae = 0.7330 = 73.30% b ee= acctt(ae) | CVGOI + stan) de] 2eort( JS ce we N= a tan(&)do" tI er@ tam (24a |* a" s(t) tay (8) a6"|* =((™ eh a I do’ [= It" sin(@)dy | =|2f% sin(#)4d(£) 8f)|*= l2f- as(€)] rs et = (0.3617)* N= 0.1308 : D= ce (6) sinesyde"= (“cos'(2) sine/d6/ = 0.5498 Ex = 204 (S)% = 20¢2@59) 21808 4.0792 (eee) =0.9006= I206%, C. Eap = Es'€z = 0.7330 (0.9906) =0.7NS = 715% d. Do= CFE) %bap , x Sx08 x10" = 008m, Dee (E22)-@.9u5) = 780.23 xI0° Da = 780.23 XI08 = 58.92dB 2 €. D= ped SME 0,23 x108 ©) I90,23x\02 OE”? = 780.23 x108 (0.9843) = 767.98 x10? = 58.85dB 330 1523. From Fipure 15-27. a, F/4 =0.503 U=134A,b, = 094A with and e of any value, b. Fla = 0.75 FO=LI77A (Ua2A), LB3A (e=3BA, 4A, 00) > by =h22A (Pr = 2A), |. 26r @i=SA, 4a, 00) C. Fld = 10 PA =214A (P=2A), 2-27 (=3A), 237A (P2= 4A), 2AA (f= 00) > by = 149A @=2A), 157A (P= 3A), L642 (A= 4,20) 331

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