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The living things below which show the

characteristics of living things require food
are ...

a. Butterflies sucks honey

b. Buffalos wallow in the mud

c. The deer ran fast in the meadow

d. Bali starlings chirping with melodious


2. How to adapt an eagle to meet its food

needs in the form of meat from prey animals
is ...

a. Has broad and strong wings

b. Able to fly to a certain height

c. Has strong and sharp claws

d. Have eyes that can see far

3. Characteristics of living things breathe are

shown in the statement ...

a. Plant shoots grow toward the light

b. Dolphins periodically emerge to the

surface of the water

c. Humans sweat

d. Mimosa pudica (putri malu) mjshut after

being touched

4. What follows is the adaptation of desert

plants to their living environment is ...

a. The leaves are wide and green

b. Thin and dry plant stems

c. Leaves in the form of thorns

d. Have honey glands

5. which is not the purpose of breeding in

living things below is

a. To preserve its type

b. For regeneration

c. For healing and development

d. To produce energy

6. The following that are not characteristic of

living things are ...

a. Grow and develop

b. Response to excitement

c. Breed

d. Move position

7. To multiply themselves, every living thing

has the ability ...

a. Adapt the environment

b. To grow and develop

c. To breed

d. Active move

8. The process of adjusting to unfavorable

environmental conditions is called ...

a. Adaptation c. Excretion

b. Evolution d. Reproduction

9. Characteristics of living things breathe are

shown in the statement ...

a. Plant shoots grow toward the light

b. Dolphins periodically emerge to the

surface of the water

c. Humans sweat

d. Mimosa pudica (putri malu) shut after

being touched.

10. Consider the following characteristics of

living things.

1. Planarians carry out fragmentation

2. Polar bears hibernate

3. Teak trees molt in the dry season

4. Insects do parthenogenesis

The characteristic that living creatures

reproduce is shown by data numbers ...

a. 1 and 2 c. 3 and 4

b. 2 and 3 d. 4 and 1

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