If There Is A Scientific Explanation For Our Existence, Where Can God Enter? (Where Is God in All This?)

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Donn Eduard P.

Garado August 27, 2019

Section 1-E Seminar 1

If there is a scientific explanation for our existence, where can God enter?
(Where is God in all this?)

Throughout history there have always been discussions and theories as to how
the universe came to be. Humans have remained baffled by the existence of the whole
and often raised questions like who created the universe. Or how was the universe
originated. However, humans have virtually considered the creation of the universe by a
creator god. The highly heated debate and discussion about how our universe and earth
began has been going on for many centuries. In the old days many people believed that
God created the universe. With today’s technology scientists have been able to explore
our outer world. In their research some scientists have begun to believe that the
Universe was created not by a God or a divine force but by a big explosion called the
Big Bang Theory.

The discovery of the Higgs Boson described by scientists as “the long-sought

particle that may complete the standard model of physics by explaining why objects in
our universe have mass and in so doing, why galaxies, planets, and even humans
have any right to exist” further contrasts the theory of creation from a religious point of
view. I believe that the Universe was created by a supreme being, whether it/he is
deemed of different names depending on different religious beliefs. My argument is
based on a question of how something can exist from nothing, scientists say that
everything was created from nothing, then how can that be so? Someone or
something must have induced particles to be agitated causing the formation of
everything we know and don’t know to exist; I believe that is where the presence of
the Supreme Being/ God stands.

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