I.M Internal 2014

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Bhaskar Waman Thakur College Of Science,

Yashwant Keshav Patil college Of Commerce,
Vidhya Dayanand Patil College Of Arts.

Internal Exam
TYBMS (SEM. VI) – International Marketing (20 Mks /30 Min.)

Q.1 Fill In the Blanks (5 Marks)

A. International Marketing is the _____________________ Mechanism by which goods

produced in one country are marketed in other countries.
B. International Marketing is needed because the __________________ Cost in all countries
is not same.
C. Moser Bear Launch of DVD’s at the same rate at which pirates sold them is the perfect
example of ___________________ challenge of International Marketing
D. A Multinational corporation is a company that _________, _________ and controls
production facilities in several countries.
E. FDI refer to investment in a foreign country where the ______________ keeps control
over the investment.

Q.2 Answer in One Line (5 Marks)

1. What is Uni-lateral Quota?

2. What is Uni-lateral Tariff?
3. What is Ad-valorem Duties?
4. What is Countervailing Duties?
5. What is Consular Formalities?

Q.3. Answer In Short (any 2 out of 3) (10 Marks)

1. Explain EU as a trading bloc in Detail?

2. Explain functions of IIP in Detail?

3. What are the Different Export Marking essential on outer Packing? (Only points)
Fill ups

a. Business
b. Production
c. Property rights and piracy
d. Manages , owns
e. Investor.
Match the Following

a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 2 e. 1

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