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1. Which of the following methods will be used to separate chalk powder from water:
1. Evaporation
2. Filtration
3. Decantation
4. Sedimentation
2. Which senses of our body are closely related?
1. touch andsmell
2. smell andtaste
3. taste and hearing
4. seeing and touch
3. Which sense organ also functions as a sense organ for temperature?
1. nose
2. tongue
3. ear
4. eye
4. how many taste buds are there on human tongue: 1. 10,000
2. 1000
3. 100,000
4. 100
5. Taste buds are salty, bitter, sweet and:
1. Spicy
2. Sour
3. Juicy
4. Nasty
6. The total length of human small intestine is about:
1. 8 m
2. 7 m
3. 6 m
4. 4 m
7. How much time does food take to digest:
1. From 24 to 30 hrs
2. From 25 to 35
3. From 26 to 32
4. From 27 to 36
8. Which of the following organs excrete bile:
1. Liver
2. Pancreas
3. Gall bladder
4. All of these
9. The chewed food which passes from uvula to stomach is known as:
1. Bile
2. Bolus
3. Glycerol
4. Amino acids
10."Haemoglobin "is a combination of
1. carbohydrates and fats
2. carbohydrates and proteins
3. fats and proteins
4. Proteins and iron



11. Top two chambers of heart are known as

1. atria
2. ventricles
3. upper chambers
4. lower chambers
12. A white blood cell is two times of a
1. red blood cell
2. platelet
3. tissue cell
4. none of above
13.'Plasma' contains water along with important
1. food chemicals
2. cells
3. tissues
4. bacteria
14. When atria contracts, ventricles
1. relax
2. also contract
3. squeeze
4. block
15. The separation method that involves heating to change liquid into a gas, is known as:
1. Evaporation
2. Filtration
3. Decantation
4. Sedimentation
16. When the heavier particles of sand or dust settle down at the bottom of container,
this process is known as:
1. Evaporation
2. Filtration
3. Decantation
4. Sedimentation
18. The liquid from mixture is poured off into another container by tilting the container,
very gently, this process is known as:
1. Evaporation
2. Filtration
3. Decantation
4. Sedimentation
19.A substance which can be dissolved into another substance is known as:
1. Solute
2. Solvent
3. Soluble
4. Solution
20. The Earth spins, just like a top, on its axis in the antilock direction:
1. Revolution
2. Rotation
3. Orbit
4. Year



21. The rotation of Earth causes:

1. Day and night
2. Day only
3. Night only
4. Year

22. As the Earth spins on its axis, it also moves around the sun. This movement is called:
1. Revolution
2. Rotation
3. Orbit
4. Year

23. The revolution of the Earth causes:

1. Day and night
2. Day only
3. Night only
4. Year
24. The total kinetic energy of particles of a substance:
1. Temperature
2. Thermal energy
3. Absolute zero
4. heat
25. The normal human body temperature on the Celsius scale is:
1. 38¤
2. 98.6¤
3. 40¤
4. 98¤
26. The flow of thermal energy from a warmer object to a cooler object is known as:
1. Heat
2. Temperature
3. Potential energy
4. Light
27. All matter is made of tiny particles called:
1. Molecule
2. Atoms
3. Both a & b
4. Particles
28. A material which doesn’t allow electricity to pass through it:
1. Conductor
2. Circuit
3. Insulator
4. Both a & b
29. The process of pushing and pulling anything is known as:
1. Energy
2. Heat
3. Power
4. Force



30. Which of the following things help to raise or lower heavy load easily:
1. Inclined plane
2. Lever
3. Screw
4. Wheel
31. A lever consists of a rigid bar that rests and moves on a support, called:
1. Effort
2. Screw
3. Pulley
4. Fulcrum or pivot

32. That controls centre of the cell:

1. Cytoplasm
2. Nucleus
3. Cell membrane
4. Vacuole
33. Which of the following parts of cell in common to plants and animals:
1. Cytoplasm
2. Nucleus
3. Cell membrane
4. Vacuole
34. Which of the following things is outer covering of the cell:
1. Cytoplasm
2. Nucleus
3. Cell membrane
4. Vacuole
35. Which of the following things look like bubble in structure:
1. Cytoplasm
2. Nucleus
3. Cell membrane
4. Vacuole
36. The main function of vacuole is to:
1. Protect cell
2. Control cell
3. Store food, water and waste substances
4. Suspend all organelles
37. Which of the following parts of cell work like a goal keeper:
1. Cytoplasm
2. Nucleus
3. Cell membrane
4. Vacuole
38. Which of the following parts of cell look like jelly in structure:
1. Cytoplasm
2. Nucleus
3. Cell membrane
4. Vacuole
39. The outermost covering of a plant cell;
1. Cytoplasm
2. Nucleus
3. Cell wall
4. Vacuole



40. The cell wall is made up of a tough material called:

1. Chloroplast
2. Cellulose
3. Chlorophyll
4. Both a & b
41. The vacuole of the plant cell pushes which of following things aside:
1. Chloroplast
2. Cellulose
3. Nucleus
4. Green pigment

42. A clear, transparent and homogenous mixture of two, or more than two things:
1. Solute
2. Solvent
3. Soluble
4. Solution
43. The substance which is dissolved to make a solution:
1. Solute
2. Solvent
3. Soluble
4. Solution
44. A substance in which the solute is dissolved to make a solution:
1. Solute
2. Solvent
3. Soluble
4. Solution

45. Which of the following gases is dissolved in fizzy drinks:

1. Oxygen
2. Carbon dioxide
3. Helium
4. Nitrogen
46. The non-flowering plants are known as:
1. Gymnosperms
2. Angiosperms
3. Rhizoids
4. Both a & b
47. The flowering plants are known as:
5. Gymnosperms
6. Angiosperms
7. Rhizoids
8. Both a & b
48. Process of digestion starts in
1. mouth
2. oesophagus
3. stomach
4. pancreas



50. Antiperistalsis may lead to

1. vomiting
2. flu
3. headache
4. backache
51. Enzymes which help in digestion if food are called
1. digestive enzymes
2. assimilation enzymes
3. co-ordinate enzymes
4. complex enzymes
52. Gastric juice is made of
1. water
2. hydrochloric acid
3. proteases
4. all of them
53. Dry scaly skin and night blindness is caused by deficiency of
1. vitamin A
2. vitamin B1
3. vitamin C
4. vitamin D
54. Forces cancel each other's effect if their size is
1. equal
2. unequal
3. same
4. all of them
55. SI' unit of force is
1. watt
2. joule
3. Newton
4. kilogram
56. A force which opposes motion is known as
1. Friction
2. gravity
3. pull
4. push
57. Force can be measured by help of
1. foci meter
2. spring balance
3. pane balance
4. Both a and b
58. Force can make a stationary object to
1. Move
2. rotate
3. spin
4. still
59. Forces can easily change the
1. Direction of an object
2. gravity of an object
3. density of an object
4. volume of an object



60. Gravitational force which acts on a body, is called

1. mass
2. Weight
3. size
4. load
61. Density has 'SI' unit which is
1. kilogram per cubic meter
2. gram per cubic meter
3. meter per kilogram
4. meter per cubic meter
62. In systemic diagram, force can be represented by an
1. arrow
2. plus
3. dot
4. star

63. Shapes and sizes of objects can be changed by help of

1. force
2. energy
3. heat
4. light
64. If an object is at rest, forces acting on it, are
1. balanced
2. unequal
3. higher
4. lower
65. A frictional force acting on an object when it moves through air is called
1. air resistance
2. water resistance
3. air pressure
4. air condensation

66. Upward push acting on object which is immersed in liquid or gas partially or totally,
is called
1. gravity
2. mass
3. weight
4. up thrust
67. We write on a board with chalk without slipping on floor is due to presence of
1. gravity
2. Friction
3. pull
4. push
68. Force of attraction between two masses is called
1. Gravitational force
2. friction
3. pull
4. push



69. Earth pulls object towards center, causing it to fall

1. in the center
2. on the ground
3. on the polls
4. on the floor
70. Dead sea is full of
1. sand
2. salt
3. minerals
4. shells
71. Mass of a substance per unit of volume is called its
1. weight
2. density
3. volume
4. gravity

72. There will be a great distance in stopping a vehicle which is moving

1. slowly
2. steady
3. fast
4. continuously
73. Relationship between force, mass and acceleration is
1. F=ma
2. F=m-a
3. F=m/a
4. F=a/m
74. In order to reduce air and water resistance, objects are shaped in
1. streamline
2. oblongata
3. rectangular
4. conical
75.A substance will float on surface of water if its density is less than
1. liquid
2. gas
3. both a and b
4. aqueous

76. Which of these is not a plant:

1. Grass
2. Fungi
3. Fern
4. Moss
77. Percentage of Nitrogen in atmosphere:
1. 76%
2. 77%
3. 78%
4. 71%



78. Percentage of Oxygen in atmosphere: 1. 21%

2. 23%
3. 22%
4. 24%
79. The total number of elements are discovered:
1. 110
2. 90
3. 78
4. 99
80. The total number of element found free in atmosphere:
1. 110
2. 90
3. 78
4. 99
81. The Latin name of Gold:
1. Argentum
2. Natrium
3. Aurum
4. Ferrum

82. The Latin name of silver:

1. Argentum
2. Natrium
3. Aurum
4. Ferrum
83. Decomposers help in
1. breaking dead waste
2. recycle nutrients
3. both a and b
4. spreading decay
84. Detritus is eaten by
1. earthworm
2. millipede
3. both a and b
4. birds
85.A debris from rotting matter is called
1. detritus
2. dirt
3. waste material
4. fertilizer
86.A food chain starts with a
1. producer
2. consumers
3. decomposer
4. scavengers
87. Most important group of decomposers include
1. bacteria
2. fungi
3. both a and b
4. virus



88.A network of interconnected food chains is called

1. food web
2. web cycle
3. chain web
4. ecosystem
89. Organisms which feed on secondary consumers are called
1. primary consumer
2. tertiary consumers
3. producers
4. decomposers
90.A series of organism through which energy is transferred in form of food is called
1. food web
2. food chain
3. food cycle
4. ecosystem
91. There occurs diminishing along food chain in amount of
1. energy
2. heat
3. food
4. temperature
92. Organisms which directly feed on producers are
1. primary consumer
2. secondary consumer
3. decomposer
4. carnivores
93. Plants-----> Caterpillar-------> birds is example of
1. food web
2. food chain
3. food cycle
4. ecosystem
94. Organisms which breakdown dead or waste matter in to simpler substances are
termed as
1. producers
2. consumers
3. decomposer
4. scavengers
95.A change in food web to any population have effect on
1. other population
2. abiotic factors
3. water
4. trees
96. Decay is breaking down or decomposition of
1. waste matter
2. birds
3. animals
4. fish
97. According to pyramid of numbers number of producer is greater than number of
1. herbivores
2. carnivores
3. omnivores
4. scavengers

98. Carnivores and omnivores are considered as

1. producers
2. consumers
3. primary consumers
4. secondary consumers
99. Rest of dead body left after consumers feed is
1. disappeared
2. decomposed
3. reacted
4. spread
100. Soft portion of carcass of a dead lion is feed for
1. vultures
2. hyenas
3. both a and b
4. crocodile
101. Producers, consumers and decomposers are dependent on each other for their
1. growth
2. reproduction
3. breathing
4. survival

102. The Latin name of sodium:

1. Argentum
2. Natrium
3. Aurum
4. Ferrum
103. The Latin name of Iron:
1. Argentum
2. Natrium
3. Aurum
4. Ferrum
104. The Latin name of Tin:
1. Argentum
2. Stannum
3. Aurum
4. Ferrum
105. The Latin name of Lead:
1. Plumbum
2. Stannum
3. Aurum
4. Ferrum
106. Percentage of Carbon dioxide in atmosphere is:
1. .003%
2. 0.03%
3. 00.03%
4. 0.3%
107. Rocks are made up of
1. soil
2. core
3. mantle
4. crust



108. Vitamin E is important for

1. protecting cells
2. vital tissues protection
3. both a and b
4. development of bones
109. A disease Kwashiorkor is caused by deficiency of
1. vitamins
2. proteins
3. carbohydrates
4. fats
110. Digestive enzymes includes
1. lipase
2. proteases
3. carbohydrates
4. all of them
111. Compounds which are needed in very small amount but their deficiency lead to
scurvy and rickets are
1. vitamins
2. proteins
3. carbohydrates
4. fats
112. Energy which is stored in food that we eat is only released in cells of body by process
1. respiration
2. digestion
3. excretion
4. elimination
113. Chloride ion has number of protons
1. 17
2. 18
3. 24
4. 34
114. Smaller particles in an atom are called
1. atomic particles
2. subatomic particles
3. smaller particles
4. neutral particles
115. Chemical symbol represents
1. chemical formula
2. molecular formula
3. structural formula
4. atomic formula

116. Number of protons in a 'carbon' atom is

1. 6
2. 11
3. 12
4. 10



117. A modern model of an atom shows that electrons are present outside nucleus in
region of high
1. probability
2. velocity
3. speed
4. energy level
118.“O3" is a chemical formula of
1. oxygen
2. oxides
3. ozone
4. acid rain
119. Ammonia molecule contains one nitrogen atom and three atoms of
1. hydrogen
2. helium
3. nitrogen
4. carbon
120. As compare to hydrogen atom, helium atom is
1. very small
2. very massive
3. medium in mass fraction
4. same in volume
121. Major part of an atom is
1. empty
2. filled
3. charged
4. covered
122. Rutherford's Model explains that atom has a nucleus which is surrounded by
1. protons
2. electrons
3. neutrons
4. nuclear energy
123. Dalton's model of atom states that an atom is
1. very small
2. hard sphere
3. indivisible
4. all of above
124. Number of protons and electrons in an atom is
1. different
2. same
3. average
4. constant
125. Electrons orbiting around nucleus bear
1. positive charge
2. negative charge
3. no charge
4. neutral charge



126. An atom's model that atom is composed of electrons surrounded by a group of

positive charge to balance electrons' negative charges is called
1. Thomson's Model
2. Rutherford's Model
3. Dalton's Model
4. Bohr's Model
127. Positively charged particles of an atom are called
1. protons
2. neutrons
3. electrons
4. charges
128. Many helium atoms join together to form
1. ammonia gas
2. helium gas
3. oxygen gas
4. neon gas
129. Neutrons carry
1. positive charge
2. negative charge
3. neutral charge
4. no charge
130. Each 'ozone' molecule is made up of three
1. oxygen atoms
2. phosphors atoms
3. carbon dioxide atoms
4. nitrogen atoms
131. An atom is itself an entity and by charge it is
1. neutral
2. positive
3. negative
4. retrograde
132. A silver pendant is made up of atoms of
1. silver
2. gold
3. platinum
4. metals
133. Size of a single atom is
1. 1nm
2. 0.1nm
3. 0.11nm
4. 1.0nm
134. Number of atoms which a molecule of sulphur contains, is
1. 3
2. 8
3. 4
4. 5
135. Under STM, atoms can be
1. observed
2. manipulate
3. transferred
4. both a and b



136. Number of oxygen atoms in glucose molecule is 6 and in hydrogen

molecules is
1. 6
2. 12
3. 18
4. 8
137. One carbon atom and one oxygen atom are combined together to form a molecule of
1. oxygen
2. water
3. carbon dioxide
4. carbon monoxide
138. Diameter of a 'nucleus' is
1. 0.00001nm
2. 1nm
4. 0.01nm
139. Total number of protons in atom of each element is called its
1. atomic number
2. atomic mass
3. molecular mass
4. atomic scale
140. Smallest particle of an atom which exists, is called
1. matter
2. atom
3. proton
4. electron
141. Nucleus in an atom consists of
1. protons
2. neutrons
3. electrons
4. both a and b
142. Molecules which contain fixed number of same type of atoms are molecules or
1. elements
2. compounds
3. mixtures
4. all of them
143. Two or more atoms chemically combined together form a
1. atom
2. molecule
3. nucleus
4. atomic number
144. An electrically charged particle which is formed when an atom gains or loses
electron is called
1. ion
2. charge
3. formula
4. neutron



145. Number and types of atoms a molecule contain, are shown by its
1. chemical formula
2. molecular formula
3. structural formula
4. atomic formula

146. Fossil fuels are rich in carbon and

1. nitrogen
2. hydrogen
3. nitrogen
4. oxygen
147. Thousands of mirrors or curved metals are used to focus solar energy to make it
very hot, in
1. solar cells
2. solar heater
3. solar furnace
4. solar battery
148. Wind is beneficial resource of energy as it doesn't cause
1. pollution
2. echo
3. noise
4. sound
149. Fossils fuel is an important source of energy for
1. transport
2. homes
3. industries
4. all of them
150. To date, most common type of galaxies found in universe, are
1. spiral galaxy
2. elliptical galaxy
3. peculiar galaxy
4. none of above
151. In space besides stars, there is also a huge capacity of dust and
1. asteroids
2. meteoroids
3. gases
4. vacuum
152. Comets and other objects circling around sun is known as
1. galaxy
2. solar system
3. milky way
4. cluster
153. Spinning movement of earth is called
1. revolution
2. rotation
3. spinning
4. orbiting



154. A greenhouse gas that absorbs energy and maintains earth's temperature is
5. carbon dioxide
6. oxygen
7. nitrogen
8. argon
155. Main constituent in air is
1. nitrogen
2. oxygen
3. argon
4. water vapor

156. In desert areas, water vapor content is

1. different
2. higher
3. low
4. constant
157. In humid areas, water vapor content is
1. higher
4. none of them
158. Water vapor is less dense than
1. temperature
2. air
3. dust
4. space
159. Percentage composition of oxygen in exhaled air is
1. 16%
2. 20%
3. 22%
4. 32%
160. Percentage composition of carbon dioxide in exhaled air is
1. 8%
2. 4%
3. 6%
4. 10%
161. How many types of teeth:
1. 2
2. 5
3. 4
4. 3
162. Canine teeth help food:
1. Tear
2. Grind
3. Chew
4. Chop



163. Molars help food:

1. Tear
2. Grind
3. Chew
4. Chop
164. Premolars help food:
1. Tear
2. Grind
3. Chew
4. Chop
165. Incisors help food:
1. Tear
2. Grind
3. Chew
4. Cut & chop

166. Cold is caused by

1. bacteria
2. viruses
3. insects
4. dust
167. Number of viruses which an average sneeze can spread in 10 meters area, is
1. 1000
2. 10000
3. 100000
4. 1000000
168. A technique which is used to desalinate water, is
1. reverse osmosis
2. distillation
3. filtration
4. heating
169. Processes that do not require energy for movement of particles are
1. diffusion and free transport
2. osmosis and active transport
3. diffusion and osmosis
4. diffusion and active transport
170. Percentage of transpiration by stomata is
1. 0.2
2. 0.5
3. 0.75
4. 0.9
171. Contents that a plant uses to make food, are
1. water and mineral salts
2. mineral salts and oxygen
3. water, mineral salts and carbon dioxide
4. water and oxygen
172. Rate of transpiration slows down when plant
1. withers
2. wilts
3. dies
4. grows



173. To keep fish floating in water, it requires

1. fins
2. tail
3. swim bladder
4. feathers
174. To swim through water easily, fish have
1) feathers
2) wings
3) propellers
4) fins
175. A collection of multiple food chains is known as
1. food connection
2. food web
3. food tie
4. food cover

176. How many neuron makes a human brain:

1. 10 millions
2. 100 millions
3. 1000 millions
4. 10,000 millions
177. How many layers does the Earth have:
1. 2
2. 3
3. 4
4. 5
178. The moving air is called:
1. Mixed air
2. Compound air
3. Wind
4. Breeze
179. Which of the following gases is used in fire extinguisher:
1. Nitrogen
2. Oxygen
3. Helium
4. Carbon dioxide
180. Fish have mucus on their overlapping scales to
1. prevent predators
2. slide through water
3. absorb oxygen
4. release carbon dioxide
181. Due to scarce supply of food, in winter animals
1. sleep
2. die
3. hibernate
4. migrate



182. To keep fish floating in water, it requires

1. fins
2. tail
3. swim bladder
4. feathers
183. To swim through water easily, fish have
1. feathers
2. wings
3. propellers
4. fins
184. A collection of multiple food chains is known as
1. food connection
2. food web
3. food tie
4. food cover
185. Fish have mucus on their overlapping scales to
1. prevent predators
2. slide through water
3. absorb oxygen
4. release carbon dioxide

186. Due to scarce supply of food, in winter animals

1. sleep
2. die
3. hibernate
4. migrate
187.'Moles' feed on
1. roundworms
2. earthworms
3. mice
4. birds
188. Leaves of cactus are like small spines to
1. prevent excess water loss by evaporation
2. prevent predators from eating
3. prevent excess sunlight to be absorbed
4. None of these
189. When plants and animals die, they are decomposed by
1. scavengers
2. detritivores
3. primary consumers
4. primary producers
190. Fur of 'moles' is
1. Hard
2. spiky
3. smooth but sticky
4. short and velvet



191. Bears have strong legs so that they can

1. walk long distances in search of food
2. climb mountains
3. take down preys
4. swim easily
192.'Moles' feed on
1. roundworms
2. earthworms
3. mice
4. birds
193. Leaves of cactus are like small spines to
1. prevent excess water loss by evaporation
2. prevent predators from eating
3. prevent excess sunlight to be absorbed
194. When plants and animals die, they are decomposed by
1. scavengers
2. detritivores
3. primary consumers
4. primary producers
195. Tail of fish is important to control its
1. movement
2. direction
3. speed
4. sight

196. Underneath hair of polar bear, color of his skin is

1. pink
2. black
3. brown
4. white
197. Bears have sharp teeth to kill
1. birds
2. penguins
3. walrus
4. seals
198. Deciduous trees are trees that shed
1. excess water
2. stems
3. roots
4. leaves
199. Process in which food substances are moved to rest of plant by 'phloem' is known
1. transpiration
2. translocation
3. respiration
4. photosynthesis



201. Phloem' is a vessel in plants which carries

1. food and minerals to leaves from roots
2. food and minerals to roots from leaves
3. prepared food to other parts from roots
4. prepared food to other parts from leaves
202. Water evaporates from tiny pores on lower part of leaf. These pores are known
1. cuticles
2. lenticels
3. epidermis
4. stomata
203. In roots, vascular bundles are
1. at left
2. at right
3. in center
4. at the top
204. Carbon dioxide and oxygen move in plants by
1. xylem
2. phloem
3. diffusion
4. active transport
205. Most of mineral salts in soil enter roots by process of
1. diffusion
2. osmosis
3. active transport
4. respiration
206. If an ink drop is dropped in water and it spreads equally in water. It is called
1. diffusion
2. osmosis
3. active transport
4. respiration

207. In plants roots take up water by process of

1. diffusion
2. osmosis
3. active transport
4. respiration
208. Food is carried away from leaves to other parts of plant by
1. dead cells of xylem
2. sieve tubes of phloem
3. companion cells of phloem
4. root pressure in xylem
209. Process in which water and mineral salts are moved from roots to leaves by xylem is
generally known as
1. transpiration
2. translocation
3. respiration
4. photosynthesis



210. Process that requires energy to move particles from one region to other is
1. osmosis
2. active transport
3. transpiration
4. translocation
211. Some amount of mineral salts enter roots by process of
1. diffusion
2. osmosis
3. active transport
4. respiration
212. More force is required to pull water and minerals up to leaves of
1. small stems of growing plants
2. tree trunks
3. herbs
4. ferns
212. As wind blows, it takes water vapors away from plant and decreases
humidity. This process
1. increases the rate of transpiration
2. decreases the rate of transpiration
3. keeps the rate of transpiration same
4. may increase or decrease the rate of transpiration
213. Root cells contain a large amount of
1. food only
2. food and minerals
3. minerals and sugar
4. food and sugar
214. Most of oxygen from soil is dissolved in
1. minerals
2. water
3. mineral salts
4. roots hair
215. Flow of water and mineral salts from roots to leaves by xylem is known as
1. translocation stream
2. transpiration stream
3. respiration stream
4. photo stream

216. Xylem is a vessel in plants which takes

1. food and minerals to leaves from roots
2. food and minerals to roots from leaves
3. prepared food to other parts from roots
4. prepared food to other parts from leaves
217. When temperature of surroundings increases, speed of transpiration is
1. increased
2. decreased
3. remained same
4. remained unchanged



218. Movement of food in phloem depends on

1. living processes in phloem
2. sieve plates of phloem
3. companion cells of phloem
4. dead cells of phloem
219. When photosynthesis is faster than rate of respiration
1. is also increased
2. is decreased
3. is reversed
4. is remain unchanged
220. Oxygen in water is absorbed by roots through
1. stomata
2. lenticels
3. root hairs
4. cuticles
221. A membrane that lets some particles to pass through is known as
1. total permeable membrane
2. semi permeable membrane
3. cell wall
4. tonoplast
222. For transportation of food and minerals, plants have
1. one transport systems
2. two transport system
3. three transport systems
4. four transport systems
223. Xylem' and 'phloem' vessels are found in
1. leaves only
2. stem only
3. roots only
4. whole plant
224. Transportation of food and mineral salts from leaves to all other parts of plant by
phloem is known as
1. translocation
2. transpiration
3. respiration
4. photosynthesis
225. Humus can also be used by plants as a source of
1. oxygen gas
2. carbon dioxide gas
3. fertilizers
4. nitrogen gas

226. Birds and animals that feed on dead decaying organisms are called
1. scavengers
2. primary producers
3. primary consumers
4. secondary consumers



227. A place where organisms can take shelter and reproduce is known as
1. ecosystem
2. habitat
3. community
4. both b and c
228. Animals which depend on primary consumers are known as
1. producers
2. primary consumers
3. secondary consumers
4. tertiary consumer
229. Polar bears have thick fur so that they can
1. camouflage
2. keep themselves warm
3. dry faster
4. stay alive and healthy
230. Dissolved minerals and water is taken from roots to leaves by vascular bundle
1. xylem
2. phloem
3. vein
4. stem
231.'Phloem' vessels contain
1. living cells
2. dead cells
3. arranged but dead cells
4. disorganized but living cells
232. Xylem' vessels contain
1. living cells
2. dead cells
3. arranged cells but dead
4. disorganized cells but living
233. Main force that pulls water and dissolved mineral salts from roots to leaves is due to
process of
1. translocation
2. transpiration
3. respiration
4. photosynthesis
234. Stem is strong due to
1. dead cells in the xylem
2. living cells in the phloem
3. fibres in the vessels
4. hardness of the vascular bundles
235. During respiration, oxygen is
1. given out
2. taken in
3. exchanged
4. transferred to roots



236. Stem is kept on ground due to the

1. strength of roots
2. strength of leaves
3. strength of soil
4. strength of flowers
337. Phenomenon of movement of particles from higher concentration to lower
concentration without use of energy is known as
1. diffusion
2. osmosis
3. active transport
4. respiration
237. Several layers of cells at tip of root form
1. small roots
2. root caps
3. root hairs
4. all of them
238. During respiration, carbon dioxide is
1. exchanged
2. taken in
3. given out
4. transferred to roots
239. Small openings in pits of bark is known as
1. cuticles
2. lenticels
3. hard stomata
4. hard pores
241. Tremendous force which pulls water and mineral salts up to leaves can pull
these contents to height of
1. 20 meters
2. 30 meters
3. 40 meters
4. 50 meters
242. Other link in a food chain besides producer is known as
1. consumer
2. scavenger
3. decomposer
4. all of them
243. Small creatures that breakdown decayed matter into further smaller pieces
are called
1. scavengers
2. detritivores
3. primary consumers
4. primary producers
244. Two correct examples of a habitat are
1. streams and caves
2. Ponds and deserts
3. Water and air
4. Grass and den



245. White coat of polar bears helps them to

1. camouflage
2. look big
3. dry faster
4. stay healthy

246. To make sure that animals could get enough of what they need to survive, they have
1. compete
2. survive
3. reproduce
4. grow bigger
247. All food chains begin with
1. primary consumers
2. producers
3. secondary consumers
4. all of them
248. Basic need for survival is
1. food
2. water
3. shelter
4. reproduction
249. Polar bears have sharp claws and hairy soles for
1. awesome grip
2. quick sprinting
3. climbing mountains
4. none of the above
250. Energy which is absorbed by green plants, is about
1. 20 percent of sunlight
2. 30 percent of sunlight
3. 40 percent of sunlight
4. 50 percent of sunlight
251. Animals that depend on each other for living are called
1. dependent producers
2. dependent consumers
3. producers
4. consumers
252.Carnivores are always
1. producers
2. primary consumers
3. secondary consumers
4. tertiary consumers
253. Transfer of energy in a food chain is shown by
1. double arrow
2. inverse arrow
3. straight arrow
4. curved arrow



254. Flow of energy from producers to consumers forms a

1. food ring
2. food chain
3. food tie
4. food transfer
255. Skin keeps itself warm through
1. piece of blanket
2. insulated wool layer
3. insulated fat layer
4. insulated protein layer

256. During winter, dormant condition of insects is termed as

1. pause
2. diapause
3. interrupt
4. respite
257. Animals that depend on producers are known as
1. producers
2. primary consumers
3. secondary consumers
4. tertiary consumers
258. Some predators prey at night like
1. bears
2. antelopes
3. owls
4. eagles
259. To make food, plants need
1. oxygen and water
2. oxygen and glucose
3. carbon dioxide and glucose
4. carbon dioxide, water and sunlight
260. Main source of energy for a food chain is
1. Producers
2. Soil
3. Fertilizers
4. Sun
261. Right sequence of a food chain is
1. grass, cheetah and rabbit
2. rabbit, grass and cheetah
3. cheetah, rabbit and grass
4. grass, rabbit and cheetah
262. Herbivores are always
1. producers
2. primary consumers
3. secondary consumers
4. tertiary consumers



263. Swollen stem of cactus is important to

1. absorb more oxygen
2. absorb more carbon dioxide
3. absorb more water
4. absorb more sunlight
264. Plants growing in drier conditions tend to have small numbers of stomata on their
lower leaf surface to save
1. water loss
2. stored sunlight
3. to prevent itself from consumers
4. energy loss
265. Fish have gills to absorb
1. water
2. carbon dioxide
3. aquatic plant waste
4. oxygen

266. Plants can make their own food so they are called
1. primary consumers
2. secondary consumers
3. producers
4. heterotrophs
267. To find water, cactus plants have
1. thick roots
2. hairy roots
3. long roots
4. thick shoots
268. Body of a fish is
1. flat
2. streamlined
3. curved
4. bi-muscular
269. Balloons are filled with
1. carbon dioxide
2. oxygen
3. helium
4. nitrogen
270. Nitrogen helps in preparation of nitrogen based
1. plants
2. fertilizers
3. seeds
4. trees
271. For purification water is passed through
1. sand
2. colander
3. watch glass
4. strainer



272. A process in which liquid changes into vapor or gas by boiling, is called
1. distillation
2. filtration
3. evaporation
4. fractional distillation
273. Convex lens is also known as
1. converging lens
2. diverging lens
3. dispersing lens
4. conducting lens
274. Crystals of dry ice that keep things cold are a solid state of
1. carbon dioxide
2. oxygen
3. helium
4. nitrogen
275. Breakdown or formation of compound involves
1. chemical reaction
2. heating
3. passing electricity through
4. all of above

276. A separation technique which is used to obtain liquid from a solution by

heating, is called
1. fractional distillation
2. filtration
3. evaporation
4. distillation
277. Alloys are impure and they make elements more
1. strong
2. hard
3. soft
4. both a and b
278. When different gases are mixed together to form air, there is
1. chemical reaction
2. no chemical reaction
3. no physical reaction
4. both chemical and physical reaction
279. Mixtures are not
1. pure
2. single element
3. chemical combination
4. both a and b
280. Oxygen rich air is used for
1. scuba diving
2. patients with breathing problems
3. cancer treatment
4. both a and b



281. A substance which is made by mixing two elements without being chemically
combined is called a
1. solute
2. compound
3. mixture
4. solution
282. Water can be separated from mud by help of
1. distillation
2. filtration
3. evaporation
4. fractional distillation
283. White light is a mixture of
1. seven colors
2. nine colors
3. fourteen colors
4. fifteen colors
284. Lens in a human eye is
1. convex
2. concave
3. biconcave
4. biconvex
285. If red, green and blue are mixed together, formed color of light will be
1. blue
2. violet
3. indigo
4. white

286. Like sound, light travels as a

1. wave
2. heat
3. radiation
4. volume
287. If an object is extremely dense, light
1. passes through it
2. never passes through it
3. leaves it at once
4. never leaves it
288. An example of a device in which convex lens is used, is
1. mirror
2. telescope
3. spectacles
4. contact lenses
289. Disk spun on rainbow to join its seven colors in order to make effect of white
light is known as
1. Rainbow disk
2. Newton disk
3. Newton's color disk
4. Rainbow color disk



290. Heart is also called

1. Muscular pump
2. pumping device
3. pumping machine
4. pumping muscle
292. Walls of left ventricle are thicker than walls of right ventricle because
1. it has to pump blood to the whole body
2. it has to pump the blood to lungs
3. blood reaches this ventricle in huge amount
4. blood reaches this ventricle with extra pressure
293. Vessel which takes blood from heart to lungs, is known as
1. renal artery
2. Pulmonary artery
3. renal vein
4. pulmonary vein
294. Tiny vessels link up and form a
1. artery
2. vein
3. capillary
4. nerve
295. Clot of blood formed in blood vessel is known as
1. haemophilia
2. anaemia
3. thrombosis
4. varicose vein
296.'Oxygen' is 296.taken from
1. cells to lungs
2. heart to lungs
3. lungs to cells
4. cells to heart

297. Cells generally known "the army of human body" are

1. white blood cells
2. platelets
3. red blood cells
4. antigens
298. Artery that carries deoxygenated blood is
1. renal artery
2. hepatic artery
3. mesenteric artery
4. pulmonary artery
299. Elasticity of red blood cells helps them to
1. pass through capillaries easily
2. absorb oxygen easily
3. release carbon dioxide easily
4. move in the veins easily
300. Beating of pulse is due to
1. energy
2. flow of blood
3. flow of water
4. oxygen

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