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Name: ___________________________________________________________ Section: _____________ Date: ___________

Managing Self Exercises

Eisenhower Matrix

DO FIRST (Important/Urgent) SCHEDULE (Important/ Not Urgent)

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
DELAGATE (Unimportant/ Urgent) DON’T DO (Unimportant/ Not Urgent)
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.

Basic Budgeting (Part 1)

Cost Comparison - Comparing the cost of two or more goods or When have you used cost comparison? Provide an example:
services in an effort to find the best value _________________________________________________
Cost-Benefit Analysis Analyzing whether the cost of an item is When have you used cost-benefit analysis? Identify something you
more than, equal to, or less than the benefit that comes from want to do or purchase: What is its cost? What is its benefit?
purchasing that item: _________________________________________________
 Cost – The price paid for a good or service. _________________________________________________
 Benefit – An outcome that promotes well-being.
Calculating Future Expenses - Identifying the cost of meeting future Identify 3 personal goals. Think about what is needed to accomplish
needs and goals. each goal:
 Short-term, medium-term and long-term goals – Goals to Short-term:
achieve over specific periods of time.

Budget A plan for future spending and saving, weighing estimated Choose one of your goals from above and estimate its expense.
income against estimated expenses. How much income do you estimate will be needed to support your
 Income – Payment received for goods or services, including goal?
employment. Goal:
 Expense – Cost paid to secure a good or service. _________________________________________________
Estimated Expense: ____________________________
Estimated Income (needed):____________________

Basic Budgeting (Part 2)

Net income: _____________/ month

Fixed Expenses
1. ₱
2. ₱
3. ₱

Name: ___________________________________________________________ Section: _____________ Date: ___________

4. ₱
5. ₱
6. ₱
Fixed Expenses total ₱
Variable Expenses
1. ₱
2. ₱
3. ₱
4. ₱
5. ₱
6. ₱
Variable Expenses total ₱
Extra Expenses
1. ₱
2. ₱
3. ₱
4. ₱
5. ₱
6. ₱
Extra Expenses total ₱
1. Irregular ₱
2. Goal-oriented ₱
Savings total ₱

Leadership Potential
Recall a scenario wherein you were a member of a group and you weren’t happy with the end result.
What was the

What went

What would you

have done?

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