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The best Moral action that I will do as an accountant is first, not just yet, I
will not give the money he demanded until I have made sure that the
money he spend was really for business purposes. I will not judge his
actions based on conclusions of what I have heard but I will conduct my
investigation if he is guilty or not. So, in order to do that I have to validate
the client/person who he had met with to confirm in his receipt and I will
call the receptionist of the lounge they stayed overnight. Thus, to confirm
what my supervisor stated. Then, I will approach him to clarify what really
happened that night and I will ask for evidence for me to compare and
validate what my investigation in the situation. However, if the supervisor
lied, in order to compromise the action I will suggest a withdrawal to the
wage of the supervisor/employee to avoid conflict. Because anything that is
personally expensed should not be included in the expenses of the
operation of the business.

The level of understanding I used is the Meso level, because it involves the
company ground and as an accountant, you need to be professional in terms of
dealing with things like this.

The type of the moral dilemma I incurred is the Epistemic moral dilemma,
because in order for me to come up with my decision I need to have a 'fuller
knowledge of the situation' in order for me to act accordingly to the moral
dilemma of the situation.

2. As a bank teller, if we talk about business I will ask my friend to personally

write a written statement that she will really pay the money she borrowed
in that dormant account. It's because for the own safety and assurance that
she will pay for the money she borrowed to not make the situations
complicated. As to the dormant account, I will advise my friend to contact
her/him that she had used the money for her child's operation and that she
will legally settle the conflict as to paying the money she had borrowed.

The level of understanding I used in the situation is Meso-level because as a bank

teller I need to deal with situations in a legal matters especially if it is a job or
workplace. But then, using this I also consider the effects of the action that should
be taken in the situation.

The type of moral dilemma I come up with is the Ontological moral dilemma,
wherein the situation is very hard to deal with, because in this type of dilemma
you may make mistakes that neither of the two moral requirements overrides
each other. Where first you may complaint to the company about the situation
but then can make the daughter sicker and the company may pursue her mother.
Second, If she did not notify the bank she will abuse her moral integrity not just
hers but me as well. Furthermore, it will be unfair to the person of that dormant

3. The best moral action that I will do is to also give recognition to the
company because if without the equipment I used in the company. I will
not be able to make my program efficiently. I am also in the company
grounds when I have made my program that is why I really need to give
recognition the company I work.

In the said situation, I would probably give what is due to the company
because we need to give justice on whatever we used upon doing the
spreadsheet program. In fact, you cannot do the said program without the
use of the company’s equipment. Another is that according to the Law of
Hamurabi, it needs to establish the wage to be paid on the company.
Looking on its intention, it is ethical to apply the self interest because in
egoistic approach it uses utilitarian calculation to produce the greatest
amount of good for him or herself.

The level of understanding in the issue is Micro level well because for me it deals
with your personal judgement if you are going to do what is morally right.

The type of moral dilemma is self-imposed moral dilemma wherein, it is the moral
agents wrong when he works in the company in his free time. It must have better
if he just make and develop his program when he is out/not in the company.
Although the action is bad but the result is good for him although it is unethical
for him to use his working hours for his personal agendas.
4. Journalism/Advertising Your newspaper has published a report on a national study,
which concluded that bottled water has virtually no health advantages over the tap
water in more cities, including your The study included comments from local health
storeowners and water distributors challenging the study The AquaPure Bottled Water
Company, advertising account worth over $75.000 a year. has threatened to pull its
account with your newspaper unless you run another story of equal prominence,
focusing on the benefits of bottled water What do you do?

Basing the situation on Immanuel Kant approach which is the Duty Based
approach whereas it is a concept of proper intention in performing the action. If
that would be the greater good of the people why not do it? Well we live to help
each other, one way of helping each one is by informing them of the said situation
even if AquaPure Bottled Water Company threatened you to pull the news.

Write the story. That way you would be able to effectively advocate for both sides
(pro/con) and let the public decide for themselves. Also, it helps your company’s
standing and keeps you your job

The level of understanding I used in here is Meso Level

The self imposed moral dillemma

5. Law Enforcement: You are a rookie officer assigned to a training officer for the first six
months of your employment The training officer is a 20-year veteran and is a close
friend pf thee Assistant Chief of Police and the brother-in-law of the Watch Commander
The third day that you are working with him you respond to a burglary call at a local
convenience store. It is 2.30 am and the manager has been notified You are directed to
wait 30-35 minutes for his arrival A short time later you observe your partner take a
soda, candy and a bag of chips He consumes the soda and chips. When the manager
arrives, the two of you depart What, if anything should you do?
If, by instance, the manager knew the incident then the best thing to do is
by telling the truth. Act in such a way that you treat humanity, whether in
your own person or in the person of another, always at the same time as an
end and never simply as a means to an end. A person of good character
would be one who has attainted certain virtues, as said by aristotle and
plato which is true that in doing such,consuming chips and candy and
drinking soda, without the permission of the manager is unethical way.

The level of understanding is Meso level

The type is Epistemic

6. Personnel: Your company has a firm policy regarding cases of theft of company
property Used company equipment is on a table to be sold by bid each month. You
see a valued employee who is 2 months from retirement slip an electric drill from
the table and put it in his car before the day of the sale What so you do?

In the said situation, it is best to Bring that employee in and ask him about his actions and
discuss laying him off. There are strict rules for company theft and as a valued employee, he
should be aware of his actions and the consequences. Protect yourself and the company by
handling the situation fairly and upfront with the employee.

We do our part by telling the valued employee to put the company product back and if he or
she decieds to tell managment that is their desicon. Everyone ends up happy

The level is Macro

The action is Ontological moral dillemma

7. Real Estate: A lady from out of town calls you to list her deceased parent's home in Liberty
She is not sure what it is worth, but says she will be happy to get $50,000.00 for the home You
look at the home and feel it is worth at least $75,000, and relaise it would be perfect for your
brother What do you do?
I think the most ethical to do is list the price of the real state as what the daughter wants and
what she has given as price legally. Even the value of the house seems $75,000 I should
negotiate it to the possible buyer as it is, given that the buyer is a stranger or even my relative.
However, being said that daughter of the deseased owners is not sure with the real price of the
real state, its good to suggest to verify the right and legal price of it before selling it to any
person. In this way possible issue could be avoided.

Since my brother also needs a house and a lot, and the given offer of the seller is in good price
and in good state I think I should offer it first to him. I would tell him honestly its value and I
would not take advantage of him. I would already be contented on my comission as a dealer of
the real state. I think additional money that will be given to me as the commissioner is just a
bonus for choosing to have a character instead of being driven by iniquity.

Micro level


8. Retailing: You are the buyer for a retail-clothing store. Your store has a policy of not
accepting gifts However, over the years, salesmen have offered, and other employees have
accepted lunch, theater and baseball tickets You arrive home from the office and find a new TV
and DVD player on you doorstep with a note that says "A personal gift for out long standing
friendship Enjoy it with you family in good health The Jones Clothing Company" What do you

Ethically speaking, with the regards of my own policy I should stick to it as the owner of the
store. I should not accept the gift from The Jones Company. Even it was delivered to my house,
still I should exemplify a resposible and honorable decision. However, given the fact that the
policy of my store is that receiving gift is not allowed, still other of my employees accepts gift.
In this regard, I think I should reconsider revising the policy itself because not all the time gifts
are given as sort of bribe. As the situation speaks, Jones Company was giving me a gift because I
was one of their loyal customers and its purpose was to give me a recognition and value as
being constantly patronizing their company. But it doesn't mean that I would not be strict with
my policies anymore. I would still not tolerate any kind of gifts that is giving a way to deceive
and a form of corruption.Gifts that is in the purpose of incentive and encouragement is
accepred and justified. As given the purpose of policy to make a good managent and maintain
order among employees that is accord with accordingly principles.
Micro - level

Ontolological siya

9. Teacher: You have a student who is from a single parent family. The student must work to
attend college However, the job is interfering with the student's performance and several
assignments have not been turned in. You have determined that a "D" is all the student can
make when a counselor informs you that the student need a " to qualify for an academic
scholarship. What do you do?

As a teacher I think I should not be biased unto what is the status and what is the personal life
of the student as to giving grades. What I should only be considering is my job as a teacher
inside the school and our class because in school I am his teacher and he is my student, no
more no less and absolutely no strings attach. This is also one of the reasons why teachers
should set a boundary between them and their students because the matter of heart is
different from the matters that academics have. Problems of any students should be affliated
with a separate party that doesn't evolve teacher, and that is the place of guidance counsellors.
However, since I have already have a hint of what the student is going true and it is already
given that he needs the scholar I should try to consider his grade but not by changing it
instantly because I pitty him. He also needs to proved that he deserve getting an D in his card
by giving him a qualifying exam and special project. These chances is his last withdraw to
increase his grade. He needs to give his time and effort with these things because if he is again
will not do well with these, I have no choice but give him a D.


Single agent dilemma

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