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Polymeric Wax Inhibitors and Pour Point Depressants for Waxy Crude Oils: A
Critical Review

Article  in  Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology · March 2014

DOI: 10.1080/01932691.2014.901917

63 1,629

5 authors, including:

Fei Yang Yansong Zhao

China University of Petroleum - Beijing Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Bergen, Norway


Johan Sjöblom
Norwegian University of Science and Technology


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Polymeric Wax Inhibitors and Pour Point Depressants

for Waxy Crude Oils: A Critical Review
a b b b b
Fei Yang , Yansong Zhao , Johan Sjöblom , Chuanxian Li & Kristofer G. Paso
College of Pipeline and Civil Engineering, China University of Petroleum , Qingdao ,
Shandong , People's Republic of China
Ugelstad Laboratory, Department of Chemical Engineering , Norwegian University of
Science and Technology , Trondheim , NO , Norway
Accepted author version posted online: 07 Apr 2014.Published online: 07 Apr 2014.

To cite this article: Fei Yang , Yansong Zhao , Johan Sjöblom , Chuanxian Li & Kristofer G. Paso (2014): Polymeric Wax
Inhibitors and Pour Point Depressants for Waxy Crude Oils: A Critical Review, Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology,
DOI: 10.1080/01932691.2014.901917

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Polymeric Wax Inhibitors and Pour Point Depressants for Waxy Crude Oils: A
Critical Review

Fei Yang1, Yansong Zhao2, Johan Sjöblom2, Chuanxian Li2, Kristofer G. Paso2
College of Pipeline and Civil Engineering, China University of Petroleum, Qingdao,
Shandong, People’s Republic of China, 2Ugelstad Laboratory, Department of Chemical
Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, NO,

Address correspondence to Fei Yang, College of Pipeline and Civil Engineering, China
University of Petroleum, Qingdao, Shandong 266580, P. R. China Email:
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Received 17 February 2014; Accepted 4 March 2014.


Paraffin precipitation during pipeline transport of waxy crude oils gives rise to several

challenges, including wax deposition, flow reduction, and gel formation, adversely

impacting pipeline performance. Small dosages of polymeric wax inhibitors or pour point

depressants comprise an effective preventative measure. In this paper, the structural

character, functionality, and mechanisms of the polymeric additives targeting paraffin

wax are reviewed, and factors influencing product efficacy are summarized. Most

polymeric additives contain a nonpolar moiety as well as a polar moiety, with the

exception of crystalline-amorphous copolymers. Via nucleation, adsorption, co-

crystallization and solubilization interactions, polymeric additives alter the morphology

and interface of precipitated wax crystals, inhibiting wax deposition, improving flow, and

impeding gel formation. The presence of asphaltenes significantly impact wax crystal

morphology and interfaces, thus influencing the mechanism of polymeric additives. Most

polymeric additives fall into the categories of crystalline-amorphous copolymers,

enthylene-vinyl acetate copolymers, comb polymers and nano-hybrids. Factors

influencing polymeric efficacy include molecular structure, fluid composition, and

pipeline transport conditions.

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KEYWORDS: Wax inhibitor; pour point depressant; interaction mechanism;

microscopic morphology; influencing factors.


Waxy crude oils are encountered throughout the world and have been produced for

several decades in areas such as China, India, Egypt and the North Sea.[1–4] These fluids

contain substantial amounts of petroleum wax (normally ≥ 5 wt%), which complicates

crude oil recovery, processing and transportation[5]. Petroleum wax may be categorized

into two distinct types: macro-crystalline paraffin wax and microcrystalline paraffin

wax.[6,7] Macro-crystalline wax is composed of primarily low molecular weight n-

alkanes (C16-C40), and generally crystallizes as needles or platelets. Micro-crystalline

wax, on the other hand, contains a large proportion of high molecular weight iso-alkanes

and cyclo-alkanes. Due to the large number of isomer permutations as well as an absence

of large-scale crystals, micro-crystalline paraffin waxes normally precipitate as small

amorphous particles and do not exhibit distinct crystallization regime.

When waxy crude oil is cooled below the wax appearance temperature (WAT), paraffin

waxes precipitate from the oil, leading to technical challenges in the transport pipeline.
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Continuous wax deposition may occur when the inner wall temperature is below the

WAT and a negative radial temperature gradient is present.[8–10] Deposition phenomena

serve to reduce the effective pipeline diameter and may cause complete blockage under

severe or synergetic conditions, adversely impacting pipeline operation. Periodic pigging

or chemical/thermal dissolution is required to remediate wax deposition, renewing free

fluid flow conditions in the pipeline. However, pigging and dissolution operations are

costly and should be minimized.[11] In addition, large plate-like or needle-like wax

crystals form house-of-cards structures and impart complex non-Newtonian

characteristics to crude oil rheology, including yielding, thixotropy, rupture and fixation.

Observed pour point values are often higher than ambient conditions.[12–15] Impaired

flow reduces transportation safety and efficiency. Maintaining thermal transport

conditions above pour point is energy consuming, resulting in excess environmental


The challenges outlined above may be alleviated by small dosages of polymeric additives.

Polymeric wax inhibitors[5] (WIs) are widely applied in pipeline transportation of waxy

crude oils to alleviate wax deposition. Most of inhibitors may also be used as pour point

depressants (PPDs) or flow improvers (FIs) for waxy crude oils,[5] vastly improving

safety and economics. In the current article, structural character, type, and mechanisms

relevant to polymeric wax inhibitors and pour point depressants are reviewed. Factors

influencing polymer efficiency are also discussed.


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Most polymeric wax inhibitors and pour point depressants contain two basic

moieties:[16,17] a polar moiety and a nonpolar moiety. Nonpolar moieties are normally

long alkyl chains which interact with paraffin waxes via nucleation, adsorption or co-

crystallization.[3,18–20] Polar moieties, such as esters, vinyl acetates, maleic anhydrides or

acrylonitriles, may interrupt wax crystal growth, modulate morphology and inhibit

formation of large wax crystals.[21–23] In addition, steric and entropic repulsion

mechanisms are highly relevant but not well documented.

An exception to the standard structural character are crystalline-amorphous

copolymers[24], which self-assemble in the oil phase. These polymeric wax inhibitors and

pour point depressants, such as ethylene/butene copolymers (PEB)[25,26], are composed of

a crystalline nonpolar group (polyethylene) and an amorphous nonpolar group

(polybutene). The crystalline groups form crystalline cores surrounded by amorphous

groups, which effectively disperse the crystalline cores within the oil phase.


3.1 Crystallization Process Of Waxy Crude Oils

Crystallization is a physical process in which such a solid ordinate structure is produced

from a disordered phase. Crystallization of paraffin waxes from crude oil may be divided

into three stages:[16,27] nucleation, growth and agglomeration. In the first stage, nuclei

appear due to super-saturation of paraffin waxes in the oil phase. During growth process,

wax molecules from the solution bulk are transported towards the nuclei, driving an
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increase in crystallite size. During agglomeration process, formed wax crystals interlock,

causing network formation.

3.2 Mechanism Of Polymeric Wax Inhibitors And Pour Point Depressants

Although precise mechanisms of polymeric wax inhibitors and pour point depressants are

not evident, the additives are known to modify morphology (size and shape) of wax

crystals through the interaction with paraffin waxes. Thereby, the tendency of wax

crystals to form three-dimensional networks is impeded. The final result is the improved

macroscopic rheology of waxy crude oils.

3.2.1 Interactions Between Polymeric Additives And Paraffin Waxes

According to Gilby[19] and Atta[20], a combination of interactions between polymeric wax

inhibitors and pour point depressants and paraffin waxes involving nucleation, adsorption,

co-crystallization, and solubilization are relevant.

Nucleation. At temperatures well above the WAT, certain polymeric wax inhibitors

and pour point depressants self-assemble into micelle-like aggregates exhibiting a

crystalline core and soluble hairy brushes surrounding the core[28-33], creating a larger

number of sub-critical size wax nuclei (so-called polynucleation). Partially shielded

nuclei reduce super-saturation, reduce crystal growth rates, and facilitate the formation of

more abundant smaller wax crystals. Wax crystal size reduction facilitates inhibition and

rheological beneficiation.
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Adsorption[34–37] and co-crystallization[38–43]. At temperatures near or below the

WAT, many polymeric wax inhibitors and pour point depressants co-crystallize with wax

molecules or adsorb on growing surfaces of precipitated wax crystals. Incorporation of

polymeric wax inhibitors and pour point depressants into wax crystals disrupts growth,

inhibiting wax deposition and improving flowability. Molecular dynamic (MD)

simulation has been used to investigate the effect of polymeric wax inhibitors and pour

point depressants on the growth of wax crystals.[34,35,37,44,45] Figure 1[45] shows the side

view of the morphology of an idealized paraffin wax crystal with the aid of MD. Chain

addition processes proceed faster on (001) facet than on other facets, yielding plate-like

crystals. When polymeric wax inhibitors and pour point depressants are present, the

nonpolar groups may incorporate into the lattice of wax crystal cells, while polar groups

extend outside the (001) facet. The results strongly suggest that the function of wax

inhibitors and pour point depressants is to hinder growth rate on the (001) facet while

facilitating the spiral growth mechanism in the perpendicular direction to (001)

facet[37,39,44,45]. Therefore, the morphology may shift from plate-like to a structure with

more integrity (such as spherulitic-like).

Solubilization. At temperatures slightly above WAT, polymeric wax inhibitors and

pour point depressants may interact favorably with soluble wax in the oil due to favorable

van der Waals interactions between paraffin chains and long alkyl moieties. The

solubility of paraffin waxes in oil is somewhat improved in the presence of wax inhibitors

and pour point depressants, causing reduction in WAT (see figure 2).[43,46–50] However,

the solubilization effect cannot reduce the amount of precipitated wax, and the reduction
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in WAT is quite limited (see figure 2).

3.2.2 Mechanism Of Polymeric Wax Inhibitors And Pour Point Depressants On

Model Waxy Oils

Model waxy oil systems are often selected in research investigations due to

compositional simplicity and definition.[51] The mechanism of polymeric wax inhibitors

and pour point depressants on model waxy oils has been studied by DSC[16,30,43,48,50], X-

ray diffraction (XRD)[16,17,41,52], light scattering[53,54], zeta potential[55,56],

thermodynamics[40,48], and microscopy[32,41-43,57,58]. Based on nucleation, adsorption and

co-crystallization interactions, wax inhibitors and pour point depressants can (a) inhibit

the growth of wax crystals and form smaller crystals with a higher volume to surface

ratio (see figure 3 and 4); (b) disperse wax crystals in the oil phase through steric/entropic

hindrance and electrostatic repulsion[55,56]; (c) change the shape of wax crystals from the

plate-like or needle-like to ordered shapes such as dentric-like or spherulitic-like (see

figure 3 and 4). Therefore, wax deposition is inhibited and rheology is improved due to

morphological modification of wax crystals by polymeric wax inhibitors and pour point



3.2.3 Mechanism Of Polymeric Wax Inhibitors And Pour Point Depressants On

Waxy Crude Oils

Polymeric wax inhibitors and pour point depressants also interact with petroleum waxes

through nucleation, adsorption and co-crystallization mechanisms. Modification of

crystal morphology and modification of crystal-crystals interactions reduces the tendency

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of wax crystals to interlock and form three-dimensional networks.[59] Uncertainty in

morphological modulation mechanisms derives from complex fluid compositions as well

as the broad range of molecular structures employed in polymeric wax inhibitors and

pour point depressant products.

Various observations are reported regarding the impact of polymeric additives on the

morphology of crystal aggregates. Many researchers[46,47,60–65] find that addition of wax

inhibitors and pour point depressants in waxy crude oils results in formation of larger

spherulitic-like wax crystal aggregates. In 1964, Birdwell[60] found that most cases of

pour point reduction for waxy crude oils was accompanied by formation of relatively

larger wax crystal aggregates. Yang et al[46,47] studied the effects of poly(ethylene-

vinyl acetate) (EVA) and polyacrylates (PA) PPDs on the morphology of two waxy crude

oils. As shown in Figure 5, waxy crystals become larger compact crystal aggregates after

PPD addition. Pedersen et al.[62] also observed larger wax aggregates in the presence of

inhibitor. Yi and Zhang[63,64] calculated fractal dimensions of wax crystal aggregates

based on polarized microscopic images. Large wax crystal aggregates formed and the

fractal dimension increased after PPDs addition (Figure 6). Wu et al.[65] studied the effect

of modified maleic anhydride co-polymers on the morphology of Changqing waxy crude

oil. As shown in Figure 7, morphology shifted from small needle-like to large spherulitic-

like after PPDs addition.

Some other researchers[52,66–70] find that polymeric wax inhibitors and pour point

depressants reduce the size of wax crystals in real crude oils, as also documented for
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model waxy oils. Borthakur et al[66] investigated the effect of alkyl fumarate-vinyl acetate

copolymers on flow properties of high waxy Borholla crude oil. The presence of

copolymers changes the morphology from large plate-like or needle-like crystals to

smaller crystals. Zhang and Shen[67] synthesized MOA copolymers and evaluated their

efficiency as PPDs for three waxy crude oils. The microscopic observation (see Figure 8)

shows initial large wax crystals aggregates become smaller after MOA addition. Zhang et

al.[68] synthesize octadecyl methacrylate-maleic anhydride-vinyl acetate-styrene (OMVS)

copolymers and test their efficiency as PPDs. OMVS changes the morphology of wax

crystals from the initial large needle-like to smaller spherulitic-like. Soni et al[69,70]

studied the effect of maleic anhydride (MA)-type copolymers on the rheology of waxy

crude oils. MA-type copolymers interact with paraffin waxes by nucleation and change

the morphology of wax crystals from large plate-like to smaller spherulitic-like (see

Figure 9).

The morphological controversy of wax crystals may be induced by dispersed asphaltene

aggregates. Asphaltene aggregates function as natural PPDs, generating more abundant

albeit smaller wax crystals via nucleation.[71–75] Three situations are perhaps existed about

the morphological alteration of wax crystals. (a) When the crude oils contain very little

asphatenes, the paraffin waxes dissolved in oil phase is liable to grow into large plate-like

or needle like structure. Polymeric wax inhibitors and pour point depressants will

disperse the large crystals into smaller ones, the same as their effect on model waxy oils

system. (b) When the crude oils contain certain amounts of asphatenes, the precipitated

waxy crystals become much smaller due to the nucleation effect of asphatenes aggregates.
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If the polymeric wax inhibitors and pour point depressants cannot interact with

asphaltene aggregates, they will take effect by themselves, thus making the waxy crystals

further smaller. (c) If the polymeric wax inhibitors and pour point depressants could

interact with asphaltene aggregates through their polar groups or aromatic groups, the

paraffin waxes will precipitate with both WIs/PPDs and asphaltene aggregates. This will

perhaps lead to the formation of larger wax crystal aggregates.

Addition of wax inhibitors and pour point depressants causes the formation of large wax

crystal aggregates in most cases.[62]



4.1 Ethylene Polymers And Copolymers

4.1.1 Crystalline-Amorphous Polymers

Crystalline-amorphous wax inhibitors and pour point depressants normally have

polyethylene (PE) groups as crystalline groups and amorphous moieties, such as

polybutene (PB) and polyethylenepropylene (PEP). PEB and polyethylene-

polyethylenepropylene (PE-PEP) have been successfully applied as wax deposition

inhibition and rheological modifiers of diesel oils or crude oils.[24,76–78] PEB and PE-

PEP self-assemble into micelle-like structures with a crystalline core and amorphous

brushes surrounding the core (Figure 10). The formed micelles may interact with paraffin

waxes through nucleation effect and co-crystallization, resulting in more abundant albeit

smaller wax crystals.

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4.1.2 EVA Copolymers

EVA copolymers are the most commonly used polymeric wax inhibitors and pour point

depressants.[16,32,79–83] As shown in Figure 11, EVA copolymers are comprised of chains

with PE groups of varying length, copolymerized with vinyl acetate (VA). The vinyl

acetate content has a large impact on the effectiveness and activity mechanism.[24] At low

VA contents, the copolymers have higher crystallinity potential and may crystallize from

solution above the WAT, acting as nucleating agents. At high VA contents, the

copolymers interact with paraffin waxes through co-crystallization and/or adsorption. At

very high VA contents, however, the crystallization ability of EVA copolymers becomes

too weak to interact with paraffin wax. Several reports[16,24,35,46] indicate that EVA

copolymers demonstrate optimal performance and efficacy at an optimum VA content of

28wt%. In order to further increase the effectiveness of EVA copolymers, some

researchers[80,84,85] incorporate surface active groups into the copolymer structure,

dispersing and inhibiting the growth of wax crystals.

4.2 Comb Polymers

As shown in Figure 11, crystalline groups (PE) of EVA copolymers are contained within

the copolymer backbone, while crystalline groups of comb polymers are contained

pendant alkyl chains. Compared to EVA copolymers, comb polymers may show stronger

effectiveness as wax inhibitors and pour point depressants.[45,65] Wu et al[65] synthesized

four modified maleic anhydride comb polymers and compared the efficacy with EVA

copolymers. The comb polymers show larger pour point depression than EVA at dosage
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≥ 200 ppm (Table 1).

Comb polymers are generally synthesized from one of two classes of monomers, (meth)

acrylate ester, or maleic anhydride or both. (Meth) acrylate ester polymers, which are

often abbreviated as P(M)A, are widely reported as additives for waxy

crudes.[47,50,52,55,62,86–89] The molecular structure of P(M)A is shown in Figure 11 b. Alkyl

side chains interact with paraffin waxes while ester groups interrupt wax crystal growth.

P(M)A polymers with paraffin side chain lengths ≥ 18 perform well as wax inhibitors and

pour point depressants for waxy crude oils.[5,47,87-89] In many cases, (meth) acrylate ester

is copolymerized with other monomers such as vinyl acetate[19], acrylonitrile[22] and

vinylpyridine[62], to facilitate interaction with paraffin waxes and asphaltenes. Maleic

anhydride (MA) is an additional monomer used to prepare comb copolymers (Figure 11

c). Alkyl side chains are introduced in MA structure by esterification or amidation with

long chain alcohols or alkylamine. MA is often copolymerized with (meth) acrylate

ester,[36,44,65,69,90] α-olefin[41,42,70] and styrene[43,58,91] because MA does not easily self-

polymerize. In addition, n-cinnamates-co-n-hexadecylmaleimidecopolymers[92] and

octadecyl acrylate-cinnamoyloxy ethyl methacrylate copolymer[93] are also reported as

additives for waxy crude oils.

4.3 Nano-Hybrid Pour Point Depressants

Although traditional polymeric pour point depressants are widely used in pipeline

transport of waxy crudes, several limitations apply: (a) limited pour point depression
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effectiveness on high waxy crude oils; (b) effectiveness may depend on crude

composition, thermal and shear history; (c) competitive adsorption in conjunction with

heavy polar colloidal components may reduce the effectiveness; (d) limited applicability

for micro-crystalline waxes containing branched and cyclic components; (e) static long

term stability of treated crudes may not satisfy transport requirements due to

sequestration or depletion processes.

Nanoparticles exhibit potential applications in polymer modification due to unique size,

high surface and quantum tunneling effects. Research has been performed[94,95] on

preparation of polymeric nano-composites via dispersion of nanoparticles into polymer

phase. Compared with pure polymers, nanocomposite properties such as mechanical and

thermal stability, abrasion resistance and tenacity are greatly improved due to

introduction of dispersed nanoparticles. Recently, Zhang et al.[96,97] prepared nanohybrid

pour point depressants based on the traditional polymeric pour point depressants and

nanoparticles. It was found that viscosity/pour point reduction, shear resistance, and

crude flowability with nano-hybrid pour point depressants are much better than with

traditional EVA (Table 2).[96,97] A further work is required to elucidate the mechanism of

nano-hybrid pour point depressants as well as to prepare new nano-hybrid pour point

depressants with optimal effectiveness.



5.1 Effect Of Molecular Structure Of Polymeric Additives On Effectiveness

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5.1.1 Crystalline-Amorphous Copolymers

Ashbaugh et al.[25] studied the effect of PE-PEP additives of varying PEP brush length (5

and 11 K) on yield stresses of straight chain paraffin gels (ranging in length from 24 to 36

carbons) in decane. The location of the yield stress minimum with respect to polymer

addition depended on the molecular weight of the paraffin and the PEP brush length. For

PEB polymers, several workers[38,53] demonstrate that these copolymers are selective in

paraffin-modification capacity, as governed by the crystalline degree which may be tuned

by the number ‘n’ of ethyl side branches per 100 backbone carbon atoms. Ashbaugh et

al.[38] report the effect of PEB-n (n is in the range of 7.5~15) on model oil rheology. It is

found that copolymers with the highest crystalline tendency are more efficient for heavier

wax molecules while the less crystalline copolymers are more efficient for lighter waxes.

Radulescu et al.[53] identify two mechanisms of PEB polymer-paraffin interaction: on the

one hand, co-crystallization of paraffin and copolymer in thin platelets occurs as a

consequence of a good match between self-assembling properties of the investigated

polymer/paraffin pairs (PEB-7.5/C36 and PEB-11/C24); on the other hand, primordial

polymer aggregates act as a template for subsequent paraffin crystallization when the

polymer exhibits a higher self-assembling point (PEB-7.5/C24) than the paraffin. Both

mechanisms are found for the PEB-7.5/C30 mixture.

5.1.2 EVA Copolymers

Machado and lucas[16] investigate the performance of EVA as pour point reducer and

organic deposition inhibitor. The authors find that the highest VA content (within the
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range analyzed, 28–41 wt%) exhibited the best inhibition performance against organic

deposition. In another investigation[79], the authors evaluate the influence of VA content

of EVA on viscosity and pour point of a Brazilian crude oil. Pour point results reveal that

EVA with 30wt% VA content is most effective. In addition, the molecular weight and

polydispersity of EVA also played an important role in pour point depression. Ashbaugh

et al.[32] studied interactions between paraffin and EVA of various ethylene content in

decane. At high concentrations, ethylene-poor EVA altered the wax crystal habit more

effectively than ethylene-rich EVA. The ethylene-rich EVA grade seemed to form more

wax crystals at low concentrations. Based on molecular dynamic simulation, Wu et al.[45]

deduced that side chains introduced by propylene facilitate the affinity between the EVA-

type molecules and alkanes within the wax plane. Yang et al.[46] ascertained that

rheological improvement of waxy crude oils is obtained for EVA with a VA content of

approximately 28 wt.%. The influence of molecular weight on EVA effectiveness was

relatively small.

5.1.3 Comb Polymers

Alkyl side chain length is a crucial factor influencing the effectiveness of comb

polymeric wax inhibitors and pour point depressants. Yang et al.[46] evaluate the pour

point depression effectiveness of polyacrylates with various alkyl side chain lengths (PA-

14, PA-16, PA-18, PA-22) on waxy crude oils. PA-18 and PA-22 show good efficacy as

PPDs for waxy crude oils. Wang et al.[49] investigate the effect of polymethacrylate on the

WAT and WDT (wax dissolution temperature) of model paraffin compounds (n-
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C24H50(C24) and n-C36H74 (C36)) in n-decane (C10) solutions. Polymethacrylate with the

longest alkyl side-chains (C18) exhibits the most effect on suppressing WAT and

increasing WDT of the binary mixtures. Soldi et al.[88] also observe that polymethacrylate

with C18 alkyl side-chains exhibit the best pour point depression effectiveness on diesel

oils. Al-Sabagh[3] synthesized POMA and found that POMA with alkyl side chain length

C22 shows optimum pour point depression effectiveness. In general, the alkyl side chain

length of comb-type wax inhibitors and pour point depressants should be compatible with

the average length of paraffin waxes in oils to ensure the effectiveness of wax inhibitors

and pour point depressants.

Molecular weight also influences the effectiveness of comb polymeric wax inhibitors and

pour point depressants. Borthakur et al.[98] prepared a number of alkyl fumarate-vinyl

acetate copolymers having a wide range of molecular weights. Additive performance

depends on the polymer Molecular weight. The highest molecular weight copolymers are

most suited for crude oils with a broad range of normal paraffins and a lower mean

carbon number. Addition of the lowest molecular weight copolymer resulted in the best

efficacy for crude oils containing a narrow range of normal paraffins, with a higher mean

carbon number. Intermediate molecular weight copolymers are best suited for crude oils

containing a broad range of normal paraffins and a higher average carbon number.

Introduction of polar groups within the comb polymer structure may enhance

effectiveness as wax inhibitors and pour point depressants.[86] However, excess content of

polar groups in comb polymers may cause deterioration of effectiveness. Zhang et al.[99]
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improved the pour point depression effectiveness of polyacrylate polymer by introducing

large aminate groups within the polymer structure. Farag[93] prepared

poly(cinnamoyloxyethyl methacrylate-co-octadecyl acrylate) (CEMA-ODA) comb

polymers and evaluated effectiveness as PPDs. CEMA-ODA copolymer with a molar

ratio of 1:3 shows excellent ability in dispersing wax crystals and improve flow rheology

of tested crude oils. Xu et al.[17] studied the effect of polar/nonpolar moieties in comb-

type copolymers on cold flowability and paraffin crystallization of waxy oils. The

efficiency of comb-type poly(maleic alkylamide-co-a-octadecene) copolymers (MACs)

was found to correlate to the ratio of polar/nonpolargroup (r). MAC with r = 0.4, is more

effective than other ratios in improving flowability of waxy oil.

5.2 Effect Of Crude Oil Composition On The Effectiveness Of Polymeric Additives

5.2.1 Paraffin Waxes

The composition of paraffin waxes great influence of efficiency of wax inhibitors and

pour point depressants. García et al.[100,101] discovered that heavy n-paraffins (n-

C24+paraffins) were deleterious for the efficiency of a paraffin inhibitor. The authors[102]

also studied the effect of cyclic and branched alkanes on the activity of commercial

crystal modifier and found that high concentrations of cyclo+branched alkanes enhanced

the activity of the crystal modifier. Wang et al.[87] investigated the effect of selected wax

inhibitors on paraffin deposition. Most commercial wax inhibitors tested reduce

deposition of low molecular weight paraffins (C34 and below), while exhibiting little

effect on deposition of high molecular weight paraffins (C35-C44).

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5.2.2 Asphaltenes

Asphaltenes are regarded as natural wax inhibitors and pour point depressants in crude

oils.[71–75] The presence of asphaltenes has potential influence on polymeric wax

inhibitors and pour point depressants, interfering with inhibitor crystal modification

mechanism. Oliveira et al.[80] studied the effect of asphaltenes on an EVA-derived wax

inhibitor named ODI. The ODI presented some efficiency in pour point reduction but, in

the presence of asphaltenes, this efficiency was significantly enhanced. Soni et al.[69]

investigated relations between four comb-type PPDs and asphaltenes. The additive (18-

ABA) attracts asphaltenes on the surface of wax crystals and performs better than other

additives, demonstrating the impact of a complex and synergistic inhibition mechanism.

Ni et al.[65] synthesized four modified maleic anhydride copolymers and found that the

copolymer with benzene groups showed better efficiency as a pour point depressant. The

benzene groups facilitate interactions between PPDs and asphaltenes, thus improving the

efficiency of pour point depressants. Li et al.[17,41] also suggested that polar groups of

comb polymers may interact with asphaltenes, benefitting rheological improvement of

waxy crude oils.

5.3 Effect Of Pipeline Transportation Conditions On The Effectiveness Of

Polymeric Additives

During long-distance pipeline transportation processes, waxy crude oils are invariably

exposed to continuous shearing (in pumps and near the inner pipeline wall) as well as

thermal changes. In addition, waxy crude oils are maintained quiescently in pipelines

during long-term shutdowns. It is necessary to predict the effects of thermal conditioning,

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shear conditioning and aging on the efficiency of polymeric wax inhibitors and pour

point depressants.

Jenings et al.[103] studied the effect of shear on the performance of wax inhibitors through

coldfinger method. The inhibition effectiveness of wax inhibitors increases consistently

with increasing shear. Tinsley et al.[78] also deduced the same conclusion when they

investigated the effect of wax inhibitors on wax deposition from model crude oils using a

novel laboratory cell. The effect of shear on pour point depressants is a complicated

phenomenon. At temperatures above the WAT, shear has little impact on PPDs

effectiveness. However, when PPDs-beneficiated crude oils are sheared below the wax

appearance temperature (especially in the temperature range of the wax-crystallization

peak), shear results in a decline in the effectiveness of the PPDs.[63,104,105] This result may

be understood in the context of crystal-crystal bonds, which when ruptured by forced

shearing do not reform. Hence, shear-stabilized low temperature waxy crude oils do not

show a benefit from chemically modulated interfacial repulsion.

Repetitive heating at relatively low temperature (below the first heating temperature)

often causes degradation of the effectiveness of PPDs, likely due to complex

sequestration and depletion processes, and the degradation becomes worse with the

lowering of reheating temperature.[104,105] The cooling rate also significantly influence the

effectiveness of PPDs: increasing cooling rate may weaken the interactions between

PPDs and paraffin waxes, thus reducing the effectiveness of PPDs. The cooling rate
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dependence of PPDs efficacy likely points to a diffusion limited time dependent

adsorption process for PPD molecules at wax interfaces.

Chanda et al.[2] investigate storage stability of PPDs treated crude oils over a period of 7

days. Crude oil viscosity increased considerably with time after room temperature storage,

demonstrating unsatisfactory long-term stability of treated crude oils. Ostwald ripening

processes are likely attributable to the aging effects. When polymeric pour point

depressants are used with the aid of stable nanoparticles, long-term stability and shear

stability could be well improved.[97]


In this review article, the structural character, the type, the basic mechanisms of

polymeric wax inhibitors and pour point depressants, and factors influencing the

effectiveness of polymeric wax inhibitors and pour point depressants are presented.

Most polymeric wax inhibitors and pour point depressants contain nonpolar groups,

which interact with paraffin waxes, and polar groups, which interrupt the growth of wax

crystals. An exception is crystalline-amorphous copolymers, which are composed of two

nonpolar parts: a crystalline part (PE) and an amorphous part (PB or PEP).

There are four basic interactions between polymeric wax inhibitors and pour point

depressants and paraffin waxes, which can be described as nucleation, adsorption, co-

crystallization, and solubilization. Based on the interactions, polymeric wax inhibitors

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and pour point depressants greatly impact the microscopic morphology of wax crystals

and aggregates, thus effectively inhibiting wax deposition and improving crude oil

rheology. The presence of asphaltenes has significant impact on the morphology of wax

crystals modified by polymeric wax inhibitors and pour point depressants.

Polymeric wax inhibitors and pour point depressants may be categorized into crystalline-

amorphous copolymers, EVA copolymers, comb polymers and nano-hybrids. Crystalline-

amorphous copolymers self-assemble into micelle-like structure with crystalline cores

and amorphous brushes surrounding the cores. The VA content governs the

crystallization ability and interaction mechanism of EVA copolymers. Alkyl side chain

length is a crucial factor influencing the effectiveness of comb polymers. Nano-hybrid

pour point depressants may exhibit improved efficacy, thermal stability and shear

stability due to introduction of nanoparticles in polymer phase.

Molecular structure parameters, such as functionality ratios, length of alkyl side chains

and molecular weight, impact the effectiveness of polymeric wax inhibitors and pour

point depressants. The oil composition, wax structure and distribution, and presence of

asphaltenes also affect the performance of polymeric wax inhibitors and pour point

depressants. Increasing shear improves the effectiveness of wax inhibitors but reduces the

effectiveness of pour point depressants. Reheating at low temperatures and long-term

aging also deteriorate the effectiveness of pour point depressants.

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This work was financially supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China

(51204202) and Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province of China



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TABLE 1 Pour Points of CQ Crude Oil Treated withPolymeric Additives and

Commercial EVA[65]

Pour-point depression (°C)


concentration POM POMO POMN POMB EVA

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50 3 5 5 9 8

100 5 8 9 12 12

200 6 8 10 16 9

300 9 12 13 19 8

500 9 12 13 19 8

TABLE 2 Comparison of the viscosity depressing effects of EVA and nanohybrid


apparent viscocity at 25°C (mPa s)

Samples Loading Time Pour point

10 s-1 20 s-1 30 s-1 40 s-1 50 s-1
(g/t) (d) (°C)

Crude oil 0 0 4333 2420 1978 1366 771.1 30.5

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Crude oil + EVA 50 0 133.3 127.4 124.2 120.6 117.7 23.0


Crude oil + EVA 50 10 193.8 184.3 177.8 172.4 168.6 24.5


Crude oil+ 50 0 103.1 101.4 99.8 98.4 97.2 16.5

nanohybrid EVA


Crude oil+ 50 10 113.5 109.2 109.6 108.8 108.8 17.0

nanohybrid EVA


FIGURE 1 Side view of the morphology of paraffin crystal.[45]
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FIGURE 2 Effect of Poly(Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate)[46] (a) and Polyacrylate[47] (b) on

crystallization ability of different waxy crude oils.

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FIGURE 3 Optical micrographs of 4% C36 with various amount of EVA-ss: (a) 4% C36,

(b) 0.007% EVA-ss, (c) 0.097% EVA-ss, (d) 0.185% EVA-ss, (e) 0.324% EVA-ss, and (f)

0.827% EVA-ss.[32]
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FIGURE 4 Crystallization morphology of model waxy oil containing0.1 wt % FIs with

various degrees of imidization derived fromSMA2000P with 37.9% MAH fraction.[43]

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FIGURE 5 Effect of EVA addition on morphology of wax crystals in waxy crude oils. (a)

Changqing waxy crude oil, undoped, (b) Changqing waxy crude oil, Doped, (c) Qinghai

waxy crude oil, undoped, (b) Qinghai waxy crude oil, Doped.[46]
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FIGURE 6 Microscopic images of wax crystals of oil 1 at 16 . The fractal dimension of

wax crystals is as follows: (a) 1.3848 and (b) 1.5150.[63]

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FIGURE 7 Photomicrographs of (a) virgin crude oil and (b) crude oil with 500 ppm

concentration of POMB at 25 °C.[65]

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FIGURE 8 Diameter distribution curves of wax crystals from Africa oil and Domestic oil

with and without OMA added: (1) Africa oil+ 300 µg/ g OMA, (2) Domestic oil+ 400 µg/

g OMA,(3) Africa oil, (4) Domestic oil.[67]

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FIGURE 9 Photomicrographs of wax separated from KT crude oil (A) without any

additive and (B) with 1000 ppm of 22-OMR.[70]

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FIGURE 10 Generic structure of the PE-PEP aggregates. The crystallization of the PE

forms extended (R) platelets, the PEP hairs form brushes on both sides.[29]
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FIGURE 11 Molecular structure of EVA copolymers (a), poly(meth) acrylate ester (b),

and (c) monoester of maleic anhydride-(meth) acrylate ester copolymer. R = long alkyl

chain, R′ = H or CH3.
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