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Review of Related Literature

Causes and Effects of Teenage Pregnancy

For a married woman or woman who is ready to have a baby, pregnancy can be the
most wonderful thing that will happen in their life, But having a baby in your teenage years
can be not that pretty and can be considered as a burden . Teenage pregnancy is a pregnancy
between the age of 12 to 19.
According to Acquah M. (2017,January 16). Causes,effects, and prevention and
control of teenage pregnancy. Retrieved from
prevention-control-teenage-pregnancy-acquah. The causes and effects of teenage pregnancy
are the following. Poverty, broken home, separation of parents, single parent, death, peer
pressure or influence, lust, religious beliefs, rape and sexual abuse, alcoholism and drug
abuse, lack of knowledge, environmental influence, and pornography. The effects and
consequences are the following school dropout, fatherless children, mental disorders,
dependency burden, death, increase of economic hardship, spread of diseases, abortion, and
family conflicts. Nowadays teenagers tend to be influenced by the media that’s why
sometimes they do drugs, they drink alcohol with their friends until midnight. About family,
teenagers are more likely to rebel with their family that’s why they don’t have a proper
guidance to make a decision they tend to ask their friends for guidance that can lead to
misguidance and misconception about sexual relationship. Dropping out of school is more
likely to happen when you get pregnant,their friends may laugh at them and feel shy of going
back even if their parents can take care of the newborn baby and for some it can cause mental
disorders like depression and anxiety.
Teenage pregnancy is a problem in today’s world because teenagers makes decision
that they didn’t think properly. Many girls are not yet ready to have a baby and to be a mother
they just got carried away by their emotions, not thinking about the big responsibility they
will face in the future.

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