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Chapter 1: Preface ..................................................................................................... 2

Chapter 2: Basic Theory ............................................................................................. 2
2.1 Fire Prevention ................................................................................................. 2
2.1.1 Fire Class ................................................................................................... 3
2.1.2 Firefighting Media ..................................................................................... 5
2.2 Fire Countermeasures ...................................................................................... 7
2.3 Fire Safety Objectives and Functional Requirements ...................................... 7
2.3.1 Fire Safety Objectives................................................................................ 7
2.3.2 Functional Requirements .......................................................................... 8
2.3.3 Definition of Room .................................................................................... 8
2.4 Protection Methods ......................................................................................... 9
2.5 Fire Fighting Equipment ................................................................................. 10
2.5.1 Fire Alarm ................................................................................................ 10
2.5.2 Smoke Detector and Flame Detector...................................................... 10
2.5.3 Hydrant ................................................................................................... 10
2.5.4 International Shore Connection .............................................................. 11
2.5.5 Fire Plan................................................................................................... 12
2.5.6 Door ........................................................................................................ 13
2.5.7 Manually Operated Call Point ................................................................. 13
2.5.8 Fireman’s Outfit ...................................................................................... 14
2.5.9 Fire Damper ............................................................................................ 14
2.5.10 Spare Change ........................................................................................ 14
2.5.11 Emergency Escape Breathing Devices................................................... 15
2.5.12 Push Button........................................................................................... 15
2.5.13 Primary Escape Route ........................................................................... 15
2.6 Penentuan Jenis Sekat ................................................................................... 16
Chapter 3: Design Requirement............................................................................... 17
DESIGN III Name Khalif Aji Puspito
SAFETY PLAN Ship Bulk Carrier
Fire Plan Doc. No 10 – 04211540000032 - FP

Reference ................................................................................................................. 17

List of Figure
Figure 1 Fire Triangle Diagram ................................................................................... 2
Figure 2 Class A: Ordinary Combustibles ................................................................... 3
Figure 3 Class B/C: Flammable Liquid and Gas .......................................................... 4
Figure 4 Class C/E: Electrical fire ................................................................................ 4
Figure 5 Class D: Metal............................................................................................... 4
Figure 6 Class K/F: Kitchen ......................................................................................... 5
Figure 7 Sodium Bikarbonat ....................................................................................... 7
Figure 8 Hydrant ...................................................................................................... 11
Figure 9 Fire Hoses and Nozzles ............................................................................... 11
Figure 10 International Shore Connection ............................................................... 11
Figure 11 Fire Plan.................................................................................................... 12
Figure 12 Portable Fire Extinguisher ........................................................................ 12
Figure 13 Door ......................................................................................................... 13
Figure 14 Manually Operated Call point .................................................................. 13
Figure 15 Fireman's Outift ....................................................................................... 14
Figure 16 Spare Change .............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 17 Breathing Devices .................................................................................... 15
Figure 18 Emergency Push Button ........................................................................... 15
Figure 19 Primary Escape Route .............................................................................. 15
Figure 20 Type of Bulkhead ..................................................................................... 16

DESIGN III Name Khalif Aji Puspito
SAFETY PLAN Ship Bulk Carrier
Fire Plan Doc. No 10 – 04211540000032 - FP

Chapter 1: Preface
In making the general design ships, in addition to considerations of operational
considerations required ship. This is a consideration in terms of safety and security.
Speaking of safety, the aspects discussed would include preventive measures and
actions in anticipation of an event such as a fire.

Fires are events that can happen on the ship and have a high risk and huge losses in
the form of material and lives. So as a precaution and anticipation fires on ships can
be controlled and have a standard, then created a regulation that is used as a
benchmark that SOLAS Chapter II-2.

Chapter 2: Basic Theory

2.1 Fire Prevention

Principles of fire prevention is to design of fire protection systems that will be used
to mitigate or prevent the occurrence of fires, it is commonly known as fire plan.

The main cause of a fire on the vessel is human error, which the worker does not
comply with work procedures or fire precautions when something happens. In
addition there are three main things that become a major component causes wag
commonly known as the fire triangle,

Figure 1 Fire Triangle Diagram

DESIGN III Name Khalif Aji Puspito
SAFETY PLAN Ship Bulk Carrier
Fire Plan Doc. No 10 – 04211540000032 - FP

1. Solid, liquid, flammable gases when exposed to high temperature (fuel).

2. High temperature causes it reaches the point of autoignition or they may burn its
sole discretion without burning source (heat).

3. There is sufficient O2 in the air or around the fire source. O2 binds gases are free,
then the bonds between these compounds followed by their symptoms of burning
and the temperature increase. After that there was a fire. If the bonding process
between the compound happen very quickly there will be an explosion. (O2)

Fire-fighting precautions when one of the components of the fire triangle is


1. Lowering the temperature below the temperature of the fire by cooling the heat

2. Closing the entry of O2 or reducing the levels of O2 available.

3. Distanced incendiary device before it is exposed to fire or high temperatures.

2.1.1 Fire Class

Fire Class is the classification of fire or fire based materials are burned. That is
because the fire produced from each material has its own character.

 Class A: Ordinary Combustibles

Figure 2 Class A: Ordinary Combustibles

Class A is the source of fire from easily found objects such as wood, paper, cloth and
most types of garbage.

DESIGN III Name Khalif Aji Puspito
SAFETY PLAN Ship Bulk Carrier
Fire Plan Doc. No 10 – 04211540000032 - FP

 Class B/C: Flammable Liquid and Gas

Figure 3 Class B/C: Flammable Liquid and Gas

Fire this category are flame that comes from liquid or flammable gases. Where the
flammable liquid including a "Class B" while a flammable gas, including "Class C".
Fire generated by this category very quickly spread that required special handling.

 Class or Class E: Electrical

Figure 4 Class C/E: Electrical fire

Electrical fire is a fire involving electronic equipment teraliri by electricity. In

America, this type of fire source diketegorikan "Class C" but the Australian standard
is categorized as "Class E". Fire in this category is common begins on current events
short or overload electrical wiring experience

 Class D: Metal

Figure 5 Class D: Metal

Category "Class D" is fire from combustible metals such as magnesium, potassium,
titanium and zirconium except sodium. Fire "Class D" category that rarely happens
because the metal has a character that can conducts heat so that the heat can be
spread out well, but did not rule on fire when metals are exposed to high heat.
 Class K or Class F: Kitchen

DESIGN III Name Khalif Aji Puspito
SAFETY PLAN Ship Bulk Carrier
Fire Plan Doc. No 10 – 04211540000032 - FP

Figure 6 Class K/F: Kitchen

"Class K" is a fire caused by saturated oil in well-insulated cookware.

2.1.2 Fire-fighting Media

Fire that occurs in the event of fire can be dealt with various media, among others:

1. Water extinguishers
2. Foam extinguishers
3. CO2 gas extinguishers
4. Dry extinguishers
5. Halogen gas extinguishers

 Water extinguishers
Fire extinguishing material of this type is very easy to obtain because it is cheap and
available in large quantities. Sir can also lower the temperature of the heat source
efficiently. This modern water as the source of fire is usually used in the form of fog
or mist that required special equipment to turn the water into mist.

The advantages of water mist is meeting room and the oxygen so that the source of
the fire will be starved of oxygen and ultimately extinguish the fire (watermist
volume 1700 times greater than the water in liquid form, on the state of 540 degrees
Celsius watermist will undergo expansion up to 4000 times). Water mist also absorb
heat and cool the hot smoke, air, thus preventing the spread of fire wall to another

 Foam extinguishers
Foam has the effectiveness to extinguish the fire class A, B, C, and F. The workings
of foam extinguishing agent is creating a layer that surrounds the source of the fire
/ heat so that oxygen can’t reach the source of the fire. There are various types of
foam fire extinguisher as AFFF, AR-AFFF, FFFP, CAFS, Arctic Fire and Cold Fire.

DESIGN III Name Khalif Aji Puspito
SAFETY PLAN Ship Bulk Carrier
Fire Plan Doc. No 10 – 04211540000032 - FP

AFFF or Aqueous film forming foam usually used on the class A and B fire
extinguisher foam type is most frequently encountered in general in the red tube in
public places. AR-AFFF or Alcohol Resistant Aqueous Filming-Forming Foams are
used to extinguish the fire that fueled alcohol. The workings of this type of foam is
to create a membrane between the foam with fuel so it is not exposed to oxygen.

CAFS or Compressed Air Foam System is a foam that contains certain compounds
combined pressure and compressed air. CAFS usually bigger is used in fire class A.

Arctic Fire is a kind of liquid used to extinguish the fire by cooling the heat source
material. Arctic Fire has the ability to cool a material much faster than water. Arctic
Fire is very efficient to extinguish the fire because the fire class D that comes from
hot metal will have a worse impact when quenched with water.

Cold Fire is an organic compound and environmentally friendly. The workings of Cold
Fire is destructive chain hydrocarbon fuel fires, besides these compounds can be
combined with the method of Cold Fire CAFS which is used as a compound that is

 CO2 gas extinguishers

Materials CO2 extinguisher or carbon dioxide can be used to extinguish fire different
types of classes because their end is decided mainly supply O2 class C. The use of
CO2 also has the effect of cleaner water because it does not cause scars, smell and
does not damage electronic equipment.

 Dry extinguishers
Dry extinguishing agent composed of various types of chemicals or can use ordinary
sand. Extinguisher types are also usually harmless to living things because it is not
toxic. There are various types of compounds that can digunakanadalah
Mooammonium sand Phosphate, Sodium Bicarbonate, Potassium Bicarbonate,
Potassium Chloride, and others.

DESIGN III Name Khalif Aji Puspito
SAFETY PLAN Ship Bulk Carrier
Fire Plan Doc. No 10 – 04211540000032 - FP

Figure 7 Sodium Bikarbonat

 Halogen Gas Estinguishers

Halogen or full name Halomethane is a derivative of methane (CH4) and is
commonly used in the maritime world, but has been banned and not produced. The
workings of Halon is when it is at high temperature, will release the halon halogen
atoms that interfere with the reaction between oxygen flame.

2.2 Fire Handling

In dealing with fires, the main principle is to break one of the factors in a fire triangle
that is heat, oxygen or fuel. So, the way to extinguish the fire is:

1. Lower the temperature below the auto ignition point of a material.

2. Close the O2 entrance to the fire source.
3. Eliminate or isolate flammable materials where possible.

2.3 Fire Safety Objectives and Functional Requirements

2.3.1 Fire Safety Objectives

The use of fire extinguishers on vessels has a vital function in the event of a fire
event. The function of fire equipment is:
1. Prevent the occurrence of fire or explosion.
2. Reduce the risk of death or accidents due to fire.
3. Prevents risk of damage by fire on ships, cargo, and environment.
4. Hold, control and shut down fires or explosions in the room.
5. Provide evacuation media for crew or passengers that are feasible if
evacuation process is needed in case of fire.

DESIGN III Name Khalif Aji Puspito
SAFETY PLAN Ship Bulk Carrier
Fire Plan Doc. No 10 – 04211540000032 - FP

2.3.2 Functional Requirements

To achieve the objective of the fire plan then created fire safety objectives that
determine the main purpose of the installation of the safety plan. There is a certain
requirement that the purpose of the fire plan can be achieved.

1. The division of vertical and horizontal ship zones is limited by the thermal
and structural conditions.
2. Separation of accommodation space by considering thermal and structural
3. Prohibition of using combustible materials.
4. Can detect fire from its source.
5. Isolate and extinguish the fire at its location.
6. Protection against evacuation access and access to fire fighting.
7. Availability of fire-fighting equipment.
8. Minimize the possibility of burning of flammable cargo vapors.

2.3.3 Room/Space Definision

In Solas Chapter II-2 on fire suppression, there is the term space in question:

“A” Class division, is a room division formed by bulkhead and meets the following

1. Composed of steel or similar materials.

2. The material is rigid.
3. Insulated with non-combustible material when exposed to a temperature of
140 degrees centigrade over a period of time.
4. Its construction is able to prevent smoke and fire transfer during fire test for
1 hour.

Accomodation Space, are public rooms, corridors, toilets, cabins, offices, hospitals,
cinema, games and hobby spaces. Accommodation spaces also include hobby
rooms, barber shops, pantries or similar rooms.

Atriums, is a public space with a main vertical zone that spans three or more open

DESIGN III Name Khalif Aji Puspito
SAFETY PLAN Ship Bulk Carrier
Fire Plan Doc. No 10 – 04211540000032 - FP

“B” Class Division, is a room formed of bulkheads, decks, ceilings that meet the
following criteria:

1. Material of the room is not flammable.

2. It does not burn when exposed to a temperature of 140 degrees Celsius and
does not reach the temperature of 225 degrees Celsius when heated for a
certain time.
3. Its construction can prevent smoke and fire from moving.

Bulkhead Deck, is the transverse topmost deck.

Cargo Area, is part of a ship carrying cargo holds, cargo tanks, slop tanks.

“C” Class Division, division is a room formed from bulkhead, deck, ceiling.

Central Control Station, central controller has a central function as fire detection
and fire alarm, automatic sprinkler, fire detection, fire door indicator panel,
waterproof door indicator panel, ventilation fans, gire alarm, communication
system, microphone.

Machinery Spaces, is a category A machinery spaces that may have had an engine
driving, boiler, fuel, steam and internal combustion generators and major electrical
system, cooling, ventilation and air-conditioning.

Service Spaces, Room service is a room that is used for the galley, pantry and
contain cookware, locker. In addition it includes storage space, workshop, and all
rooms except machinery space.

2.4 Protection Method

Based on SOLAS Chapter II there are 3 standardized protection methods.

1. Method IC - The construction of internal divisional bulkheads of non-combustible

"B" or "C" class divisions generally without the installation of an automatic sprinkler,
fire detection and fire alarm system in the acommodation and service spaces, except
as required by regulation; or

2. Method IIC - The fitting of an automatic sprinkler, fire detection and fire
alarm system as required by regulation for the detection and extinction of

DESIGN III Name Khalif Aji Puspito
SAFETY PLAN Ship Bulk Carrier
Fire Plan Doc. No 10 – 04211540000032 - FP

fire in all spaces in which fire might be expected to originate, generally with no
restriction on the type of internal divisional bulkheads; or

3 . Method IIIC - The fitting of a fixed fire detection and fire alarm system as
required by regulation, in spaces in which a fire might be expected to
originate, generally with no restriction on the type of internal divisional bulkheads,
except that in no case must the area of any accommodation space or spaces
bounded by an "A" or "B" class division exceed 50 m. Consideration may be given by
the Administration to increasing this area for public spaces.

2.5 Fire-fighting Equipment

2.5.1 Fire Alarm

Installation of fire alarms on ships has regulations governed by SOLAS II-2 Regulation
7. Fire alarm on ships shall meet the requirements as follows,

Figure 8 Fire Alarm

 Installed in the right room so as to detect the appearance of fire, smoke or

 Can be operated manually and placed effectively so it is ready for use.
 Can monitor effectively, map the fire location and give warnings to
navigation bridge and fire teams.

2.5.2 Smoke Detector and Flame Detector

Smoke detector in the area of accommodation should be installed at every staircase,
corridors, and every escape route. Installation of smoke detector should be included
with the ventilation duct.

Figure 9 Smoke and Flame Detector

DESIGN III Name Khalif Aji Puspito
SAFETY PLAN Ship Bulk Carrier
Fire Plan Doc. No 10 – 04211540000032 - FP

In accordance with regulation 7 points 5.1 and 5.5.1, the design of laying smoke
detector placed on all stairs, corridors, evacuation routes except smoking room
where only the use of flame detector.

2.5.3 Hydrant

Figure 10 Hydrant

Pursuant to regulations 4 point 5 to 5.1, the type of hydrant used duganakan

should not be the same for the second nozzle. Peletakanya also must be on an
easily accessible place.

 Fire Hoses and Nozzles

Figure 11 Fire Hoses and Nozzles

At the point for the length of fire hoses rules vary depending on the position
of each deck peletakanya. For machinery spaces no more than 15 m, to another
room and open deck no more than 25 m with a maximum width of 30 m vessel.
Standard nozzle that can be used is 12 mm, 16 mm and 19 mm. For accommodation
and service spaces nozzle greater than 12 mm should not be used.

2.5.4 International Shore Connection

Figure 8 International Shore Connection

Pursuant to regulations 10 points 2.1.7 which ships planned should have one
international shore connection

DESIGN III Name Khalif Aji Puspito
SAFETY PLAN Ship Bulk Carrier
Fire Plan Doc. No 10 – 04211540000032 - FP

2.5.5 Fire Plan

Figure 93 Fire Plan

Pursuant to regulations in SOLAS 15 points 2.4.1 mentioned that placement of fire

plan should be placed at easily visible places, fitted with the graphic content with
the state language of the ship sailing.

2.5.6 Portable Fire Extinguisher

Figure 14 Portable Fire Extinguisher Classificarion

DESIGN III Name Khalif Aji Puspito
SAFETY PLAN Ship Bulk Carrier
Fire Plan Doc. No 10 – 04211540000032 - FP

Rule or regulation concerning fire extinguisher is located in the regulation of 10

points 3.1 and 3.2. Portable fire extinguisher must be available on the ship. This tool
will be placed in the accommodation space, service space, and space control and
peletakanya should be in place that is easily found and accessed. While portable fire
extinguisher should not be used in accommodation spaces but is available on the
galley and pantry.

2.5.6 Door

Figure 10 Door

Regulations governing the construction and location of the doors in SOLAS

Regulation 9 is at 4.2 points. Types of doors required is self-cloosing and
impermeable to gases. The material used is also a material that is difficult to burn,
but the method IC, the door with materials that could catch fire is allowed as a
dividing door between the individual interior sanitary accommodation such as
showers and toilets.

2.5.7 Manually Operated Call Point

Figure 11 Manually Operated Call point

The regulation of manually operated call points is described in SOLAS 2004 Chapter
II.2 Regulation 7.7:

Manually Operated Call Point in accordance with the Fire Safety Systems Code that
must be installed throughout the accommodation space, service space and control
room. One Manually Operated Call Point must be located at each exit. Manually
Operated Call Points should be easily accessible in the corridors of each deck so that
no part of the corridor is more than 20 m from Manually Operated Call Point.

DESIGN III Name Khalif Aji Puspito
SAFETY PLAN Ship Bulk Carrier
Fire Plan Doc. No 10 – 04211540000032 - FP

2.5.8 Fireman’s Outfit

Figure 12 Fireman's Outift

The regulation on fireman's outfit is described in SOLAS 2004 Chapter II.2 Regulation and, as follows:
- Ships must carry at least 2 fire suits.
- The fire extinguisher or set of appliances shall be kept in a ready-to-use
condition in an easily accessible location where the premises are fixed and
clearly marked and, where more than one fire extinguisher or more than one
set of extinguishers is present, shall be placed on a separate position.

2.5.9 Fire Damper

SOLAS Chapter II-2: Construction – fire protection, detection, extinction - Regulation
9 7.2 Arrangement of ducts:

Ducting system isolated by standard A-60 class located in engine room, galley, car
park room, ro - ro, or special category of at least 5 meters must be installed fire

2.5.10 Spare Charge

a) The spare charge must be available for the first 100% ten extinguisher and
the remaining 50% for fire extinguisher which can be refilled on the vessel.
Total dismissed not more than 60. Instructions for recharging must be
listed and available on board. (SOLAS Chapter II - 2 Part C: Suppression of
fire - Regulation 10 - 3.3.1)
b) For replacement of fire extinguisher spare charge which can’t be refilled
on board, shall be added portable fire extinguisher with the same number,
type and capacity in accordance with paragraph 3.3.1 above.

DESIGN III Name Khalif Aji Puspito
SAFETY PLAN Ship Bulk Carrier
Fire Plan Doc. No 10 – 04211540000032 - FP

2.5.11 Emergency Escape Breathing Devices

Figure 13 Breathing Devices

Respirators are used when a state of emergency a fire or a gas leak. Placement of
these tools there are at least two in the accommodation space.

2.5.12 Push Button

Figure 14 Emergency Push Button

This button is used as a sign terjadinnya fire that must be done and done
pemadaman.Alarm evacuation is operated manually, so it must be put in place that
is easily accessible.

2.5.13 Primary Escape Route

Figure 20 Primary Escape Route

A symbol that shows the main line or the direction to go when there is a fire or
emergency. Directions will be heading to the lifeboat and liferaft.

DESIGN III Name Khalif Aji Puspito
SAFETY PLAN Ship Bulk Carrier
Fire Plan Doc. No 10 – 04211540000032 - FP

2.6 Determination of Bulkhead Type

Figure 15 Bulkhead Type

In accordance with regulation 9 points, determination bulkhead on each

deck for tankers have been set. The rule defined in SOLAS regulation 9 of the
bulkhead, the designer can determine what class the right to screen every deck.

DESIGN III Name Khalif Aji Puspito
SAFETY PLAN Ship Bulk Carrier
Fire Plan Doc. No 10 – 04211540000032 - FP

Chapter 3: Design Requirement

 SOLAS Chapter II-2: Construction-Structure,subdivision and stability, machinery
and electrical installation
 SOLAS Chapter II-2 Regulation 7: Detection and Alarm
 SOLAS Chapter II-2 Regulation 9: Containment of Fire, menggunakan metode
IC karena kapal yang didesain adalah kapal Tanker
 SOLAS Chapter II-2: Table 9.7-9.8 Regulation 9 untuk pemilihan bulkhead
 SOLAS Chapter II-2 Regulation 10: Fire Fighting. Poin 2(Hydrant), 3 (Portable
Fire Extinguisher), 4 (Fixed Fire Extinguisher), 5 (Fire-extinguishin
arrangements in machinery spaces)

 International Convention for The Safety of Life at Sea. 2004. (SOLAS)
 Schuring, Ulrike. 2009. Compendium Marine Engineering.Hamburg: Seehafen

DESIGN III Name Khalif Aji Puspito
SAFETY PLAN Ship Bulk Carrier
Fire Plan Doc. No 10 – 04211540000032 - FP

Attachment 1
Figure Fire Plan on Deck


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