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6.1.1 Definition (Ring Homomorphism; Analogue
of Definition 3.1.1)
A map ∅ of a ring R into a ring R' is a homomorphism
if ∅(a+b)= ∅(a)+ ∅(b) and ∅(ab)= ∅(a) ∅(b) for all
elements a and b in R.
The map ∅:Ƶ → Ƶn where ∅(a) is the remainder of a
modulo n is a ring homomorphism for each positive
integer n. We know ∅(a+b)= ∅(a)+ ∅(b) by group
Additive property
∅(a+b)= ∅(a)+ ∅(b)
a= q1n+r1 b= q2n+r2
∅ (a+b)= q1n+ q2n+ r1+r2
∅ (a+b)= n(q1+ q2)+ r1+r2
∅(a+b)= r1+r2
∅(a)= r1 ; ∅(b)= r2
Multiplicative property
a= q1n+r1 b= q2n+r2
∅(ab)=( q1n+r1)( q2n+r2 )
∅(ab )= q1q2n2 +r1q2n+r2q1n+r1r2
∅(ab )=n(q1q2n1 +r1q2+r2q1) +r1r2
∅(ab )is the remainder of r1r2 when divided by n since
∅(a)= r1 and ∅(b)= r2
∅(ab)= ∅(a) ∅(b)
Additive property
n=8 , a=20, b=14
a= q1n+r1 b= q2n+r2
20=2(8)+4; 14=1(8)+6
φ (a+b)= n(q1+ q2)+ r1+r2
φ (34)=8(2+1)+4+6
φ (34)=8(3)+10
φ(a+b)= r1+r2
∅(34)= ∅(20)+ ∅(14) = 4+6
Multiplicative property
n=8 , a=20, b=14
a= q1n+r1 b= q2n+r2
20=2(8)+4; 14=1(8)+6
φ(ab)= q1q2n2 +r1q2n+r2q1n+r1r2
φ (ab)=n(q1q2n+r1q2+r2q1) +r1r2
φ(20 •14)=8[(2)(1)(8)+(4)(1)+(6)(2)]+(4)(6)
φ(ab )= r1r2
∅(ab)= ∅(a) ∅(b)
∅(280)= ∅(20) ∅ (14)
= (4)(6)
Properties of homomorphisms
6.1.3 Theorem (Analogue of Theorem 3.1.12 )
Let ∅ be a homomorphisms of a ring R into a ring
R'. If 0 is the additive identity in R, then ∅(0)=0' is the
additive identity in R', and f a ∈ R, then ∅(-a)=- ∅(a).If
S is a subring of R,then ∅[S] is a subring of R'. Going
the other way, if S' is a subring of R', then ∅-1[S' ] is a
subring of R. Finally, if R has unity 1, then ∅(1) is unity
for ∅[R]. Loosely speaking, subrings correspond to
subrings, and rings with unity correspond to rings with
unity under a ring homomorphism.
6.1.4 DEFINITION (Kernel; Analogue of Definition
Let ∅ :R→R be a homomorphism of rings. The
subring ∅-1[0']= {r ϵ R ǀ ∅(r) = 0'} is the kernel of ∅,
denoted by Ker(∅).
6.1.5 THEOREM (Analogue of Theorem 3.1.15)
Let ∅ :R→R' be a ring homomorphism, and let
H= Ker(∅). Let a ∈ R. Then ∅-1[∅(a)]=a + H = H +a,
where a + H = H +a is the coset containing a of the
commutative additive group (H, +).

Factor (Quotient) Rings


• Let I be a subset of the ring R,and consider the

following three properties:

(1) I is an additive subgroup of R

(2) If a ∈ I and r ∈ R then ra ∈ I,in other words, rI ⊆ I for every r ∈ R

(3) If a ∈ I and r ∈ R then ar ∈ I,in other words, Ir ⊆ I for every r ∈ R

If (1) and (2) hold, I is said to be a left ideal of R. If (1) and (3) hold, I
is said to be a right ideal of R. If all three properties are satisfied, I is
said to be an ideal (or two-sided ideal) of R, a proper ideal if I _= R, a
nontrivial ideal if I is neither R nor {0}.


Prime and Maximal Ideals

6.2.5 Theorem
If R is a ring with unity, and N is an ideal of R
containing a unit, then N = R.

6.2.6 Corollary
A field contains no proper nontrivial ideals.



6.2.7 DEFINITION (Maximal Ideal; analogue
of Definition 3.3.17)
A maximal ideal of a ring R is an ideal M different
from R such that there is no proper ideal N of R
properly containing M.
Let p be a prime positive integer. We know that
Z/pZ is isomorphic to Zp. Forgetting about
multiplication for the moment and regarding Z/pZ
and Zp as additive groups, we know that Zp is a
simple group, and consequently must be a
maximal normal subgroup of Z. Since pZ is an
ideal of the ring Z, it follows that pZ is a maximal
proper subgroup of Z. We know that Z/pZ is
isomorphic to the ring Zp, and that Zp is actually a
field. Thus Z/pZ is a field. This illustrates the next
6.2.9 THEOREM (Analogue of Theorem
Let R be a commutative ring with unity. Then M is
a maximal ideal of R if and only if R/M is a field.
6.2.10 EXAMPLE
Since Z/nZ is isomorphic to Zn and Zn is a field if
and only if n is a prime, we see that the maximal
ideals of Z are precisely that ideals pZ for prime
positive integers p.
Liezel L. Into IV-BSED-Math
A commutative ring with unity is a field if and
only if it has no proper nontrivial ideals.
6.2.12 EXAMPLE

Note that for a product rs of integers to be in

pZ, the prime p must divide either r or s.
6.2.13Definition(PRIME IDEAL)
An ideal N≠R in a commutative ring R
is a prime ideal if ab 𝟄 N implies that either
a 𝟄 N or b 𝟄 N for a, b 𝟄 R.
Find the prime ideals of Z12.
12 = (22)(3)
2Z = {0,2,4,6,8,10}
3Z = {0,3,6,9}

6.2.14 EXAMPLE
Z x (0) is a prime ideal of Z x Z, for if (a, b)(c,
d) ϵ Z x (0) then we must have bd = 0 in Z.
This implies that either b = 0 so (a, b) ϵ Z x
(0) or d= 0 so (c, d) ϵ Z x (0). Note that (Z x
Z) / (Z x (0) ) is isomorphic to Z, which is an
integral domain.
Alyssa G. Mijares IV-BSED MATH
6.2.15 THEOREM
Let R be a commutative ring with unity, and
let N ≠ R be an ideal in R. Then R/N is an integral
domain and only if N is a prime ideal in R.

6.2.16 Corollary
Every maximal ideal in a commutative ring R
with unity is a prime ideal.

6.2.25 THEOREM
An ideal ‹p(x)› ≠ {0} of F[x] is maximal if and
only if p(x) is irreducible over F.
A nonconstant polynomial f(x) ϵ F(x) is irreducible
over F or is an irreducible polynomial in F(x) if f(x)
cannot be expressed as a product g(x)h(x) of two
polynomials g(x) and h(x) in F(x) both of lower
degree than the degree of F(x).
6.2.26 Example
Example 5.6.9 shows that x³+ 3x + 2 is irreducible
in [x]. Thus
[x]/ ‹ x³+ 3x + 2 › is a field. Similarly ,
theorem 5.5.11 shows that x² - 2 is irreducible in
Q [x], so Q [x]/ ‹ x² - 2 › is a

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