Narendra Modis Directive To The Press

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Civil Liberties

Narendra Modi’s added. ‘This is what we expect in return

for the payment we make to them.’ ”
It is such illiteracy about the basics of

Directive to the Press a democracy governed by rule of law which

moulds the outlook. If you take ‘our’
money, you do as you are told. Ergo, there
is no room for editorial discretion in the
The print media, bar sections of the Gujarati press in Ahmedabad, news agencies or the press.
have done the nation proud by its objective coverage of the Gujarat The US Supreme Court’s ruling in Miami
carnage. So have the electronic media. Rattled by the bad press it Herald vs Tornillo 418 US 241 (1975) is
very relevant. Invoking a 1913 Florida
has been getting, the Narendra Modi government has asked three statute, Pat L Tornillo Jr, a candidate for
news agencies in Ahmedabad to put out positive stories to refurbish the state legislature, demanded that the
the government’s image and thereafter to act as informers on Miami Herald print his reply to an edi-
which newspapers print the planted features and which do not. torial criticising his record as leader of a
teachers’ union. Chief justice Burger wrote:
A G NOORANI There can be no doubting the facts and Compelling editors or publishers to publish
the impropriety of this venture. The infor- that which ‘reason’ tells them should not
be published is what is at issue in this case

t is a natural human reaction, one sup- mation department sent a written directive
poses, to want to cover up one’s in a letter which the UNI official received ... Even if a newspaper would face no
additional costs to comply with a compul-
wrongs. Only, in a democratic society on May 14. The government officials called sory access law and would not be forced
this escape is not always available to public it ‘routine’, which testifies to their lack to forgo publication of news or opinion by
figures. The principle of accountability of respect for the truth; for the UNI official the inclusion of a reply, the Florida statute
comes into play. The people have a right to said it was ‘unprecedented’. Note the fails to clear the barriers of the first amend-
know. Officials are under a duty to account. precision – the news agencies are asked ment because of its intrusion into the func-
The print media, bar sections of the to file “at least five articles/features every tion of editors. A newspaper is more than
Gujarati press in Ahmedabad, have done month”; that is at least once a week. They a passive receptacle or conduit of news,
the nation proud by its objective coverage are required thereafter to act as informers comment, and advertising. The choice of
of the Gujarat carnage. So have the elec- on which papers printed the planted fea- material to go into a newspaper, and the
tures and which consigned them to the decisions made as to limitation on the size
tronic media. Both aroused the wrath of
of the paper, and content, and treatment of
Narendra Modi, the state’s chief minister, waste-paper basket. The implication, is public officials – whether fair or unfair –
who presided over the carnage. plain: those who comply will be rewarded constitute the exercise of editorial control
In the fine tradition of the press, Basant with government ads and other favours, and judgment. It has yet to be demonstrated
Rawat did a service by filling from others will be punished. how governmental regulation of this cru-
Ahmedabad a report in The Telegraph of What an official of the state govern- cial process can be exercised consistent
May 16 which revealed: ment’s information department claimed is with first amendment guarantees of a free
Rattled by the bad press it has been getting, shocking. The Press Council should take press as they have evolved to this time.
the Narendra Modi government has asked notice of it. “It was just a routine letter Thus even the fundamental rule of fairplay
three news agencies in Ahmedabad to re- and the agencies had agreed to comply – the right to reply – cannot be secured
furbish its image by putting out positive with the conditions laid down by us.” The through legislation. Still less can a law force
stories. agencies denied this. The agencies, how- news agencies to circulate government-
The agencies – PTI, UNI and the now- ever, said this was the first time they had sponsored stories. But, of course, there is
defunct Hindustan Samachar which still received such a directive. “[The govern- no law which ordains that. It was done
has a representative here – have been ment] has no business dictating to us what simply by an executive fiat. The sole sanc-
directed to file at least five articles/fea-
tures every month to highlight the stories are to be carried”, said a journalist tion behind the order is the power over the
government’s development activities. working with PTI. public purse that vests in the government
The information department’s directive The information official explained that of the day. The Supreme Court has ruled
has shocked the agencies. “This is unpre- the government pays the agencies for their that public money can be spent only for
cedented. I do not think any state govern- services. “If the government wants certain ‘public purposes’. Government ads which
ment has ever issued directives like this. stories to be released and the details about boast of its achievements, illustrated with
I have worked in several state capitals but the articles they have released, I do not think photographs of the high and mighty, are
never got such a letter from the informa- there is anything wrong. It is just a mutual themselves open to challenge as colourable
tion department”, said a UNI official. agreement that suits us”, the official use of public money for partisan ends.
The letter he received yesterday said the
agency will have to release all press state-
explained. “He said the government has In Narendra Modi’s case there is not
ments ‘without fail’ issued by the state no intention of curbing the freedom of the even a pretence of ‘public purpose’. The
government. They will also be required to press. As it is, the agencies have been putting government’s letter is open to challenge
submit a list of press releases carried in out on the wires almost all press releases in the high court and to censure by the
different newspapers. issued by the information department, he Press Council. EPW

Economic and Political Weekly June 1, 2002 2111

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