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Technical proficient = thành thạo công nghệ thông tin

Vd: If you want to be a good boss, you should be technical proficient

2. Delegate (v) giao việc

Delegation (n) quá trình trao quyền
Vd: Some managers find it difficult to delegate.
delegate (something) (to somebody) The job had to be delegated to an assistant.
3. Set the right example = làm gương
Vd: If the management team is smartly dressed and punctual in the mornings, then this will
encourage your staff to replicate this behavior. Being a good role model /setting the right
example for your business is vital if you want your staff members to be as professional as you
4. Workforce (n) lực lượng lao động
Vd: Pressure will grow to upgrade industries and workforces
5. Appreciate (v) nhận ra giá trị của ai/cái ji
Appreciation (n) sự công nhận/nhận ra giá trị
Vd: she feels that he does not appreciate her
6. Reliant (a) phụ thuộc vào + ON
Vd: The hostel is heavily reliant upon charity.
7. Out of the blue = unexpectedly
Vd: the decision came out of the blue
8. Status (n) địa vị xã hội
Vd: Women are only asking to be given equal status with men.
The job brings with it status and a high income.
9. Income (n) thu nhập
Salary (n) lương tháng
Wage (n) lương tuần
Vd: They receive a proportion of their income from the sale of goods and services.
10. Budget (n) ngân sách
Vd: We decorated the house on a tight budget
11. Affect ~ Influence ~ Impact
12. Stimulate (v) kích thích ~ boost
Vd: The article can be used to stimulate discussion among students.
13. Approach (v) tiếp cận Approachable (a) dễ tiếp cận
Vd: We heard the sound of an approaching car
We have been approached by a number of companies that are interested in our product.
Despite being a big star, she's very approachable.

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