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Your past and background

I finished my high school back last year and currently persuing

diploma in business management. In my school days I have always
been involved in my school cultural activities.I had been working as a
barriasta coffee maker back in India named”Chai mein dum” which in
English means Power of a cup of coffee. I am currently working as a
crew member in Macdonalds and enjoying the fast paece food

Your short and long term professional goals

Short Term
1. Successfully complete my diploma of business management
2. Self development that includes being knowledgeable in my
field,communication skills

Long Term
1. I would like to finish my becholers in business with distinction
and also to find a 9 to 5 full time job
2. Down the line I will look forward to have my own coffee/tea
place in happening suburbs like Collingwood,Bruswick

Opportunities that are available to you now and in


Based on my past work experience,I have opportunities to work in
Hungry jacks,Coffee clubs etc.
I would like to have my own coffee/tea club.

Financial and personal goals

Financial goals
1.Have enough saving to start my café by the end of 2022
2.Be able to earn 50k annual salary after my becholers in business
3.Be able to pay off my study loan
4.Have 10% deposite for a house in Melbourne

Personal goals
1.To take part twice in a weak in social badminton held at
Melbourne aquatic centre
2.My goal is to become 85kg from my current weight 95kg by the
end of 2017

Your desired work life balance

I would like to have a 9 to 5 job in my respected field to that I get
more time for my personal development, to enjoy outdoor activities
and also I will be able to give enough time to my family and friends.

Your health
To loose about 10kg by end of 2017.I have recently turned into
vegetarian so I want to ansure my meals are not compromised with
any nutritions.
Self-analysis on your performance and direction


1. How satisfied are you with my overall performance and the

time it took to resolve your issue?
o Very satisfied
o Satisfied
o Neutral
o Unsatisfied
o Very unsatisfied

2. Overall, I am very satisfied with the way you performed on

problem solving
o Extremely agree
o Somewhat agree
o Neutral
o Somewhat disagree
o Extremely disagree
3. Strongl Somewha Neither Somewha Strongl
y t disagree agree t agree y agree
disagre nor
e disagre
I am well o o o o o

I am well o o o o o

I o o o o o
s adhere of
standard of

I o o o o o
s act is my
best interest

Overall, I am o o o o o
satisfied with
4. Strongl Somewha Neither Somewha Strongl
y t disagree agree t agree y agree
disagre nor
e disagre
You are o o o o o
e and
You are o o o o o
making a
You responds o o o o o
to my
inquiries in a
timily manner
Overall I am o o o o o
very satisfied
with your

5. Based on your awareness of my performance ,it is better , the

same, or worse than the other staff of company
o Much bettet
o Better
o About the same
o Worse
o Much worse
6. Are you satisfied with my performance service
o Very satisfied
o Satisfied
o Neutral
o Dissatisfied
o Very dissatisfied

Measure of personal performance against

competency standards

Competency standards
Level 1 – Very unsatisfied
Level 2- Unsatisfied
Level 3 – Satisfied
Level 4 – Very satisfied

Performance Level
Overall performance to resolve problem 3
I am well trained 2
I am knowledgeable 3
I am positive 3
Overall my attitude is good 4
Personal development plan
Development Activities Resources Target Potential
objectives(Long needed to to achieve date Barriers
and short term achieve objectives
goals) objectives
Short term Studying at $15000/year End of Financial
Complete south A Laptop 2017 constraint
diploma of pacific
business institute
Short term By doing Round the End of Time
Improvement my clock 2017 arrangement
in assignment
communication Meeting
skills different
Long term>3 Taking $30000 2021 Financial
years business constraints
Finish my certificate
Long term >5 Completion $50000 2022 Business
years of studies annual knowledge
Have my own income
Action plan

Identified goals Future career Strategies Time

options and frame
to achieve
Complete A Laptop
diplome of
Improve Better jobs Take online 1 year
communication coaching
Have my own Sell $50000 7 years
cafe coffee/tea/cakes initial
etc payment
Finish my 9 to 5 job $30000 fee 4 years
becholers in

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