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220kV Phojal Line-IN Protection Relay Setting Calculations, HPPTCL





SALE ORDER NO. 3100048543

REF. SCH. NO. YN1M302203-CAA

220kV Phojal Line-IN Protection Relay Setting
Reviewed By RK
Calculations, HPPTCL
Order Ref Rev Sheet
Prepared by Nadeem
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Issued by Dept. Yr. Wk Doc. No. Yr. Wk

INPS-SAS 14 49 YN1M302203-ZAA 16 22
220kV Phojal Line-IN Protection Relay Setting Calculations, HPPTCL

PROTECTION FOR 220kV LINE Protection type IED Panel
1 Line Distance Protection, 21L
2 Fuse Failure Supervision, 60
3 Directional Earth Fault Protection, 67N REL670-Main-I
4 Scheme Communication, 85 2RLB
5 Over Voltage Protection,59
6 Directional overcurrent Protection, 67
7 Directional Earth Fault Protection, 67N
8 Line Distance Protection, 21L
9 Fuse Failure Supervision, 60
10 Directional Earth Fault Protection, 67N 7SA522-Main-II
11 Scheme Communication, 85 2RLA
12 Over Voltage Protection,59
13 Autorecloser, 79
14 Synchrocheck, 25

Note: Settings for Power swing blocking, Phase selection, SOTF, Week end infeed, and Fault
locator are added in Distance protection settings.

1. Line Distance Protection, 21L(REL670-Main-I)

Protected line length = 20.35km

Maximum Load MVA = 229MVA

CT ratio – 600/1A

PT ratio – 220kV/110V

Impedance values in Ÿ/km are

R1 = 0.0667Ÿ/km

X1 = 0.4114Ÿ/km

R0 = 0.2403Ÿ/km

X0 = 1.2279Ÿ/km

220kV Phojal Line-IN Protection Relay Setting
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220kV Phojal Line-IN Protection Relay Setting Calculations, HPPTCL

The fault resistive reach setting is minimum of below 2 values for zone-1.

1) Actual fault resistance

2) 2 * 3X1 for Ph-Ph fault & 4.5X1 for Ph-E fault

Zone setting calculations:

Z1 = R1 + X1 = 0.0667 + j0.4114Ÿ/KM = 0.42Ÿ/km at 80.79°

Z0 = R0 + X0 = 0.2403 + j1.2279 Ÿ/KM = 1.25Ÿ/km at 80.26°

Protected Line Impedance details are: (20.35km)

Total Line positive sequence Impedance (Protected Line)

= 0.42Ÿ/km at 80.79° x 20.35km

= 11.38Ÿ at 80.79°

Total Line zero sequence Impedance (Protected Line)

= 1.25Ÿ /km at 78.93°x 20.35km

= 34.16Ÿ at 78.93°

Adjoining Longest Line Impedance details are: (176.356km)

Longest Line positive sequence Impedance

= 0.42Ÿ/km at 80.79° x 176.356km

= 73.5Ÿ at 80.79°

Longest Line zero sequence Impedance

= 1.25Ÿ/km at 78.93° x 176.356km

= 220.66Ÿ at 78.93°

Shortest Reverse Line Impedance details are: (35.654km)

As per given connectivity diagram, Line-OUT is connected to local end bus where Line-IN is connected.

Hence Line-OUT is considered as Shortest Reverse line for reverse zone settings.

Shortest reverse line positive sequence Impedance

= 0.42Ÿ/km at 80.79° x 20.35km

220kV Phojal Line-IN Protection Relay Setting
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220kV Phojal Line-IN Protection Relay Setting Calculations, HPPTCL

= 14.86Ÿ at 80.79°

Shortest reverse line zero sequence Impedance

= 1.25Ÿ/km at 78.93° x 20.35km

= 44.61Ÿ at 78.93°

As per TASK FORCE guidelines, Zone-1 is set to 80% of unit line impedance i.e 80% of Protected Line

Impedance. The system particulars like line length, per KM impedance and % reach in each zone are

entered and setting values are computed.

The corresponding impedances are,

R1 + X1 = 9.10Ÿ at 80.79° = 1.46 + j8.98Ÿ

R0 + X0 = 27.33Ÿ at 78.93° = 5.25 + j26.82Ÿ

Operating time is instantaneous.

RFPP = 2 * 3X1 = 2 * 3 *8.98 = 53.91Ÿ/loop

RFPE = 4.5X1 = 4.5 * 8.98 = 40.43Ÿ/loop

Above values are high, hence by normal practice RFPP is set to 30Ÿ and RFPE is retained with


As per TASK FORCE guidelines, Zone-2 is set to 150% of protected line impedance for double

circuited lines. In present case, protected line is considered as double circuited line.

The corresponding impedances are,

R1 + X1 = 1.5 x 11.38Ÿ at 80.79°= 17.07Ÿ at 80.79° = 2.73 + j 16.85Ÿ

R0 + X0 =1.5 x 34.16Ÿ at 78.93° = 51.24Ÿ at 78.93° = 9.84 + j 50.28Ÿ

Trip Delay is 350ms. Zone-2 should not enter next voltage level with the consideration of infeed effect.

If it is entering, kindly adjust zone-2 tripping delay with respect to adjacent transformer LV backup


Zone-3 is set to 120% of (100% of protected line impedance + 100% of longest line impedance at

remote end) as per the TASK FORCE guidelines.

The corresponding impedances are,

220kV Phojal Line-IN Protection Relay Setting
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220kV Phojal Line-IN Protection Relay Setting Calculations, HPPTCL

R1 + X1 = 1.2 x (11.38Ÿ at 80.79°+ 73.5Ÿ at 80.79°) = 101.85Ÿ at 80.79° = 16.3 +j 100.54Ÿ

R0 + X0 = 1.2 x (34.16Ÿ at 78.93° + 220.66Ÿ at 78.93°) = 305.78Ÿ at 78.93° = 58.73 +j 300.08Ÿ

Trip Delay is 1s. Zone-3 should not enter next voltage level with the consideration of infeed effect. If it is

entering, kindly adjust zone-3 tripping delay with respect to adjacent transformer LV backup protection.

Zone-4 reverse setting is 50% of shortest line impedance (reverse line) connected to the local bus.

The corresponding impedances are,

R1 + X1 = 0.5 x 14.86Ÿ at 80.79°= 7.43Ÿ at 80.79° = 1.19 + j 7.33Ÿ

R0 + X0 =0.5 x 44.61Ÿ at 78.93°= 22.31Ÿ at 78.93° = 4.28 + j 21.89Ÿ

Trip Delay is 0.35s. Trip Delay should be coordinated with bus bar main protection fault clearance and

with zone-I fault clearance for line out of same substation.

Zone-5 setting is OFF.

SOTF settings:

IBase: Set the Base current for the SOTF function in primary Ampere. This parameter is set to 600A

(CT primary rated current) in present case.

UBase: Setting of the Base voltage level on which the Dead line voltage is based. This parameter is set

to 220kV (Line rated voltage) in present case.

Mode: The operation of ZCVPSOF has three modes for defining the criteria for trip. When Mode is set

to Impedance, the operation criteria is based on the start of overeaching zone from impedance zone

measurement (Normally zone-2). A non-directional output signal should be used from an overreaching

zone. The selection of Impedance mode gives increased security. Impedance mode is selected in

present case.

AutoInit: Automatic activating of the ZCVPSOF function is by default set to Off. If automatic activation

Deadline detection is required, set the parameter Autoinit to On. Otherwise the logic will be activated by

an external BC input. It is set to OFF in present case and the logic has to be activated by an external

BC input.

220kV Phojal Line-IN Protection Relay Setting
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220kV Phojal Line-IN Protection Relay Setting Calculations, HPPTCL

If Autoinit mode=OFF, only Breaker Close (BC) input is used to detect dead line condition.

If Autoinit mode=ON, either UI Level detection of internal function or Breaker Close (BC) input is used

to detect dead line condition.

It has been assumed that in the present case CB close command input is available to the relay

as external binary input.

tSOTF: Time of SOTF function active status after breaker closed in impedance mode. This is normally

set to 0.2 s. It means, till 0.2s, SOTF function will be active after breaker closed.

IPh<: Setting of under current. This setting is applicable only if mode=UILevel or UILv&Imp and Autoinit

mode=ON. In present case, this parameter is not applicable.

UPh<: Setting of the U< voltage. This setting is applicable only if mode=UILevel or UILv&Imp and

Autoinit mode=ON. In present case, this parameter is not applicable.

tDuration: Set the required duration of low UI check to achieve operation (to ensure dead line

condition). This setting is applicable only if mode=UILevel or UILv&Imp. In present case, this parameter

is not applicable.

tDLD: Set the required time for all currents and all voltages to be low to Auto Initiate the SOTF function.

This setting is applicable only if Autoinit mode=ON. In present case, this parameter is not applicable.

220kV Phojal Line-IN Protection Relay Setting
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220kV Phojal Line-IN Protection Relay Setting Calculations, HPPTCL

Phase Selection with Load Encroachment:

Following are the characteristics for Phase selector and load encroachment:

Figure: Relation between distance protection ZMQPDIS and FDPSPDIS for phase-to-earth fault

ijloop>60° (setting parameters in italic)

1-FDPSPDIS (red line), 2-ZMQPDIS, 3-RFRvPEPHS, 4-(X1PHS+XN)/tan(60°), 5-RFFwPEPHS, 6-

RFPEZm, 7-X1PHS+XN, 8-ijloop, 9-X1ZM+XN

220kV Phojal Line-IN Protection Relay Setting
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220kV Phojal Line-IN Protection Relay Setting Calculations, HPPTCL

Figure: Relation between distance protection (ZMQPDIS) and FDPSPDIS characteristic for

phase-to-phase fault for ijline>60° (setting parameters in italic)

1-FDPSPDIS (red line), 2-ZMQPDIS, 3-0.5 x RFRvPP PHS, 4- X1PHS/ tan (60°), 5-0.5 x RFFwPPPHS,

6-0.5 x RFPPZm, 7-X1PHS, 8-X1Zm

220kV Phojal Line-IN Protection Relay Setting
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220kV Phojal Line-IN Protection Relay Setting Calculations, HPPTCL

Figure: Load encroachment characteristic

With the extended Zone-3 reach settings, that may be required to address the many under reaching

factors already considered, load impedance encroachment is a significant risk to long lines of an

interconnected power system. Not only the minimum load impedance under expected modes of system

operation be considered in risk assessment, but also the minimum impedance that might be sustained

for seconds or minutes during abnormal or emergency system conditions. Failure to do so could

jeopardize power system security.

For high resistive earth fault where impedance locus lies in the Blinder zone, fault clearance shall be

provided by the back-up directional earth fault relay.

INBlockPP: Setting of phase-phase blocking current element for other phases at an earth fault. It is 3I0

limit for blocking phase-to-phase measuring loop. To be set 40% of IPh.

INReleasePE: Setting of Neutral release current (shall be set below minimum neutral current expected

at earth faults) here. It is the setting for the minimum residual current needed to enable operation in the

phase to earth fault loops (in %). To be set 20% of IPh.

3I0 residual current must fulfill the conditions according to the equations given below

3.I0 • 0.5× IMinOpPE

220kV Phojal Line-IN Protection Relay Setting
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220kV Phojal Line-IN Protection Relay Setting Calculations, HPPTCL


IMinOpPE is the minimum operation current for forward zones

Iphmax is the maximum phase current in any of three phases.

Conditions that have to be fulfilled in order to release the phase-to-phase loop are:

3I0 < IMinOpPE


IMinOpPE is the minimum operation current for earth measuring loops,

Iphmax is maximal magnitude of the phase currents.

Load encroachment:

The minimum load impedance can be calculated on the basis of maximum permitted power flow of

229MVA over the protected line and minimum permitted system voltage. Minimum permitted system

voltage assumed is 198kV (90% of base voltage)

For setting angle for load blinder, a value of 30° is set which is adequate.

Phase selection:

Reactive reach

The reactive reach in forward direction must as minimum be set to cover the measuring zone used in

the Teleprotection schemes, mostly zone 2.

X1PHS • 1.44 × X1Zm

X0PHS • 1.44 ×X0Zm


X1Zm is the reactive reach for the zone to be covered by FDPSPDIS, and the constant 1.44 is a safety


X0Zm is the zero-sequence reactive reach for the zone to be covered by FDPSPDIS

220kV Phojal Line-IN Protection Relay Setting
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220kV Phojal Line-IN Protection Relay Setting Calculations, HPPTCL

The reactive reach in reverse direction is automatically set to the same reach as for forward direction.

No additional setting is required.

Fault resistance reach

The resistive reach must cover RFPE for the overreaching zone to be covered, mostly zone 2.

RFFwPEmin • 1.1 × RFPEZm


RFPEZm is the setting RFPE for the longest overreaching zone to be covered by FDPSPDIS.

Phase-to-earth fault in reverse direction

Reactive reach

The reactive reach in reverse direction is the same as for forward so no additional setting is required.

Resistive reach

The resistive reach in reverse direction must be set longer than the longest reverse zones. In blocking

schemes it must be set longer than the overreaching zone at remote end that is used in the

communication scheme.

RFRvPE • 1.2 ×RFPE ZmRv

Phase-to-phase fault in forward direction

Reactive reach

The reach in reactive direction is determined by phase-to-earth reach setting X1.

No extra setting is required.

Resistive reach

In the same way as for phase-to-earth fault, the reach is automatically calculated based on setting X1.

The reach will be X1/tan(60°) =X1/⁄(3).

Fault resistance reach

The fault resistance reaches in forward direction RFFwPP, must cover RFPPZm with at least 25%

margin. RFPPZm is the setting of fault resistance for phase to phase fault for the longest overreaching

zone to be covered by FDPSPDIS

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220kV Phojal Line-IN Protection Relay Setting Calculations, HPPTCL

RFFwPP • 1.25 × RFPPZm


RFPPZm is the setting of the longest reach of the overreaching zones that must be covered by


RFRvPP • 1.25 × RFPPzmRv

The proposed margin of 25% will cater for the risk of cut off of the zone measuring characteristic that

might occur at three-phase fault when FDPSPDIS characteristic angle is changed from 60° to 90°.

IMinOpPP: Setting of minimum sensitivity for zone Phase-Phase elements. Measures IL-IL for each

loop. This is the minimum current required in phase to phase fault for zone measurement. To be set to

20% of IBase.

IMinOpPE: Setting of minimum operating current for Phase faults. Measures ILx. This is the minimum

current required in phase to earth fault for zone measurement. To be set to 20% of IBase.

Calculations for Load encroachment:

Ur = 220kV, Umin = 0.9x220 = 198kV,

CT ratio = 600/1A and PT ratio = 220kV/110V

Maximum load in MVA = 229MVA

ZLmin = 198x 198/ 229,

= 171.2Ÿ

RLmin = 171.2xcos30 = 148.26Ÿ. Since considered load angle = 30°

RLdFw = 118.61Ÿ

It is important to adjust the setting of load encroachment resistance RLdFw in Phase selection with load

encroachment (FDPSPDIS) to the value equal to or less than the calculated value of RLdInFw in power


RLdInFw = RLdFw = 0.8 x RLdOutFw = 0.8x 148.26 = 118.61Ÿ need to be set in relay for RLdFw.

It is at the same time necessary to adjust the load angle in FDPSPDIS to follow the condition presented

in equation below

220kV Phojal Line-IN Protection Relay Setting
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220kV Phojal Line-IN Protection Relay Setting Calculations, HPPTCL

‫݀ܮ݃ݎܣ‬௉ுௌ • arc tanቂ ቃ
ArgLdPHS = 30°

Hence by using above equation ArgLdPSD = 24.79° need to be set in relay, where kLdRFw is set to 0.8.

Power Swing Detection:

Power swing detection function (ZMRPSB) comprises an inner and outer quadrilateral measurement

characteristic as shown in figure below. Its principle is based on the measurement of time it takes for a

power swing transient impedance to pass through the impedance area between the inner and outer

characteristics. Power swings are identified by transition times longer than a transition set time on

corresponding timers. The impedance measuring principle is same as that used for distance protection

zones. The impedance and the characteristics passing times are measured in all three phases


The various settings for power swing detection are shown in below figure.

220kV Phojal Line-IN Protection Relay Setting
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220kV Phojal Line-IN Protection Relay Setting Calculations, HPPTCL

Figure: Operating characteristic for ZMRPSB function

As illustrated in above diagram, the settings parameters are shown in italic. The parameters are

explained below.

X1lnFw – Inner reactive boundary, forward

X1lnRv – Inner reactive boundary, reverse

R1Lln – Line resistance for inner characteristics angle

R1FlnFw – Fault resistance line to inner resistive boundary, forward

R1FlnRv – Fault resistance line to inner resistive boundary, reverse

ArgLd – Load angle

RLdOutFw - Outer resistive load boundary, forward

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220kV Phojal Line-IN Protection Relay Setting Calculations, HPPTCL

RLdOutRv - Outer resistive load boundary, reverse

RLdInFw - Inner resistive load boundary, forward

RLdInRv - Inner resistive load boundary, reverse

The theoretical calculation is given below.

X1lnFw = X1lnRv = 1.1 * maximum of all zone’s X1

R1Lln = maximum of all zone’s R 1

R1FlnFw = R1FlnRv = 1.1 * maximum of all zone’s RFPP

RLdInFw = RLdInRv = KL * RLdOutFw where KL is multiplication factor (0.8 for lines <80KM).

RLdOutFw = RLdOutRv = K L * RLMin where RLMin is minimum load resistance at minimum voltage

carrying maximum load.

tH: System studies should determine the settings for the hold timer tH. The purpose of this timer is, to

secure continuous output signal from Power swing detection function (ZMRPSB) during the power

swing, even after the transient impedance leaves ZMRPSB operating characteristic and is expected to

return within a certain time due to continuous swinging. Consider the minimum possible speed of power

swinging in a particular system.

In the absence of above information, timer tH is set to 0.5s.

tP1 and tP2: The tP1 timer serve as detection of initial power swings, which are usually not as fast as

the later swings are. The tP2 timer become activated for the detection of the consecutive swings, if the

measured impedance exit the operate area and returns within the time delay, set on the tW waiting


When initial swing comes, its speed should be more than tP1, once it leaves the characteristics timer

tW starts. If swing comes again within tW, its speed shall be more than tP2. Otherwise if it comes again

after tW, its speed shall be more than tP1.

tR1, tR2 and tEF timers are Inhibit timers. These timers are used to release PSB blocking under certain


220kV Phojal Line-IN Protection Relay Setting
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220kV Phojal Line-IN Protection Relay Setting Calculations, HPPTCL

tEF: The setting of the tEF timer must cover, with sufficient margin, the opening time of a circuit breaker

and the dead-time of a single-phase autoreclosing together with the breaker closing time.

tEF is used to release PSB blocking when the circuit breaker closes onto persistent single-phase fault

after single-phase auto reclosing dead time. This parameter is not applicable in present case.

tR1: The tR1 inhibit timer delays the influence of the detected residual current on the inhibit criteria for

ZMRPSB. It prevents operation of the function for short transients in the residual current measured by

the IED.

tR1 is used to release PSB blocking if an earth-fault appears during the power swing (input IOCHECK

is high) and the power swing has been detected before the earth-fault (activation of the signal

I0CHECK). If residual current persist for more than tR1 set delay, PSB allows Distance protection to

trip. Otherwise Directional Earth fault protection has to issue trip under this condition.

Above two timers tR1 and tEF requires a binary start input from a Directional Earth fault function. This

has to be configured during IED engineering. Normally timer tR1 is recommended to be set to 0.3s and

tEF can be set to 2s (since 1ph dead time is 1s).

tR2: The tR2 inhibit timer disables the output START signal from ZMRPSB function, if the measured

impedance remains within ZMRPSB operating area for a time longer than the set tR2 value. This time

delay was usually set to approximately two seconds in older power-swing devices.

tR2 is used to release PSB blocking if the power swing has been detected and measured impedance

remains within its PSB operate characteristic for the set time delay tR2.

Setting of the positive sequence reactance for PSB function to operate in Forward direction

X1lnFw = X1lnRv = 1.1 * maximum of all zone’s X1 (In present case, it is zone-3)

Setting of the line resistance for the characteristic angle of the characteristic

R1Lln = maximum of all zone’s R 1(In present case, it is zone-3)

Setting of the resistance for PSB function to operate in Forward direction

R1FlnFw = R1FlnRv = 1.1 * maximum of all zone’s RFPP (In present case, it is zone-3)

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Setting of the positive sequence reactance for PSB function to operate in reverse direction is same as

that of forward direction.

Setting of the resistance for PSB function to operate in reverse direction is same as that of forward


Setting of the Power Swing Detection, Load enchroachment factor ON-OFF

OperationLdCh = On

Setting of the Outer Load resistance in forward direction for the Load enchroachment function, when


RLdOutFw = KL × RLmin, where RLmin = 148.26Ÿ and K L = 0.8 for the lines less

than 80km length.

Since this factor is already consider in arriving at maximum load MVA same is not considered again

here through the factor KL.

RLdOutFw = 148.26Ÿ

Setting of the Outer Load resistance in Reverse direction for the Load enchroachment function, when


RLdOutRv = 148.26Ÿ

2. Fuse Failure Supervision, 60(REL670-Main-I)

Zero sequence

The fuse failure supervision (SDDRFUF) function can be set in five different modes by setting the

parameter OpMode. The zero sequence function continuously measures the internal currents and

voltages in all three phases and calculates:

• the zero-sequence voltage 3U0

• the zero-sequence current 3I0.

The measured signals are compared with their respective set values 3U0< and 3I0>. The function

enable the internal signal fuseFailDetected if the measured zero sequence voltage is higher than the

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220kV Phojal Line-IN Protection Relay Setting Calculations, HPPTCL

set value 3U0>, the measured zero sequence current is below the set value 3I0< and the operation

mode selector (OpMode is set to 2 (zero sequence mode). This will activate the output signal BLKU,

intended to block voltage related protection functions in the IED.

Negative sequence

The negative sequence operates in the same way as the zero sequence, but it calculates the negative

sequence component of current and voltage.

• the negative sequence current 3I2

• the negative sequence voltage 3U2

The function enable the internal signal fuseFailDetected if the measured negative sequence voltage is

higher than the set value 3U2>, the measured negative sequence current is below the value 3I2< and

the operation mode selector (OpMode) is set to 1 (negative sequence mode).

Setting for OpMode: Setting of the operating mode for the Fuse failure supervision. Zero sequence

based fuse fail detection is enabled and settings for the same are given based on below


3U0> and 3I0<: The setting of 3U0> should not be set lower than maximal zero sequence voltage

during normal operation condition. The setting of 3I0< must be higher than maximal zero sequence

current during normal operating condition. In present case, 3U0> is set to 30% of UBase and 3I0< is set

to 10% of IBase.

3U2> and 3I2<: These parameters are not applicable if OpMode is selected to UZsIZs.

DUDI: This is another philosophy for detecting fusefail like Zero sequence based and Negative

sequence based algorithm. If OpMode is set to UZsIZs and OpDUDI is kept ON, fusefail detection will

be OR operation of these two modes. This is recommended to set ON.

DU> and DI<: DUDI method will measure the difference in voltage (should be more than set in DU>)

and difference in current (should be less than set in DI<). DU> is recommended to set 60% of UBase

and DI< is recommended to set 15% of IBase.

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UPh> and IPh>: For DUDI mode, voltage in the corresponding phase shall be more than set value in

UPh> for 1.5cycles before actual fuse fail condition and current should be more than set value in IPh>

before fuse fail. UPh> is recommended to set 70% of UBase and IPh> is recommended to set 10% of


A criterion based on delta current and delta voltage measurements can be added to the fuse failure

supervision function in order to detect a three phase fuse failure, which in practice is more associated

with voltage transformer switching during station operations. In present case, this parameter is set ON.

SealIn: Setting of the seal-in function On-Off giving seal-in of alarm until voltages are symmetrical and

high. If sealin is ON and fusefail persists for more than 5s, outputs blockz and blocku will get sealin

(means latched) until any one phase voltage is less than USealIn< setting. It will release when all three

voltages goes above USealIn< setting. In present case, this parameter is made ON and recommended

setting for USealIn< is 70% of UBase.

Dead line detection: If any phase voltage is less than UDLD< set value and corresponding current is

less than IDLD< set value, this will consider as dead line and it will block Z only, it will not block U.

There is no ON or OFF for this philosophy.

During real fuse fail condition, FF function will block both Z and U. UDLD< is recommended to set to

60% of UBase and IDLD< is recommended to set 5% of IBase.

UBase: Setting of the Base voltage level on which the voltage setting is based. In present case this

parameter is set to 220kV (Line rated voltage).

IBase: Set the Base current for the function on which the current levels are based. In present case this

parameter is set to 600A (CT primary rated current).

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3. Directional Earth Fault Protection, 67N(REL670-Main-I)

EF4PTOC function is used for “IDMT Directional E/F protection-67N”. Protection shall be looking

towards the protected line.

Guidelines for Settings:

IBase: Set the Base current for the function on which the current levels are based. This parameter is

set to 600A (CT ratio) in present case.

UBase: Setting of the Base voltage level on which the directional polarizing voltage is based. This

parameter is set to 220kV in present case (Line rated voltage).

DirMode1: Setting of the operating direction for the stage or switch it off. This parameter is set to

“Forward” in present case.

Characteristic1: Setting of the operating characteristic. This parameter is set to “IEC Norm. Inv.” in

present case.

IN1>: Setting of the operating current level in primary values. This parameter is set to 10% of base

current in present case.

t1: When definite time characteristic has been selected, set the definite time delay. This parameter

should be set to 0s if we are not using definite time.

k1: Set the back-up trip time delay multiplier for inverse characteristic. Kindly refer below setting

calculations for this parameter.

t1Min: Set the Minimum operating time for inverse characteristic. Hence this parameter is set to 0.1s in

present case.

HarmRestrain1: Set the release of Harmonic restraint blocking for the stage. This parameter is kept

ON by considering Trafo charging directly through line.

polMethod: Set the method of directional polarizing to be used. If it is set as “Voltage”, it will measure

3U0 from 3 phase voltages and -3U0 is reference. If it is set “Current”, it will measure 3I0 from I3PPOL

input and calculate 3U0 using RNPol and XNPol values. If it is set “Dual”, it will consider sum of above

two voltages for reference. In present case, it is set to “Voltage”.

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UPolMin: Setting of the minimum neutral point polarizing voltage level for the directional function.

Generally this parameter is recommended to set 1% of base voltage.

IPolMin, RNPol, XNPol: These parameters are not applicable if polMethod is set to “Voltage”.

AngleRCA: Set the relay characteristic angle, i.e. the angle between the neutral point voltage and

current. This parameter is recommended to be set to 65°.

I>Dir: Minimum current required for directionality. This should be lower than pickup of earth fault

protection. This parameter is normally recommended to be set to 10% of the base current.

2ndHarmStab: Setting of the harmonic content in IN current blocking level. This is to block earth fault

protection during inrush conditions. Setting is in percentage of I2/I1. This parameter is normally

recommended to be set to 20%.

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Figure: Operating characteristic for earth-fault directional element

Setting Calculations:

IDMT Directional E/F protection settings (67N):

Full Load Current =600A (CT primary rating)

Maximum local end fault current (3-ph) = 14.109kA (As per given inputs)

220kV Maximum Bus fault current at local end (1-ph) = 14.109kA (Considered same as that of 3-ph)

Operating time at this fault current = 0.6s (Assumed more than zone-2 time delay)

Operating time is assumed, this shall be coordinated with the downstream settings to avoid mal-


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The relationship between current and time on the standard curves complies with the standard IEC

60255-3 and can generally be expressed as:

t = operating time in seconds

k = settable inverse time factor

I = measured current value

I> = set current value.

Į = index characterizing the algebraic function

ȕ = constant characterizing the relay

IEC normal inverse characteristic is set for 67N (Directional E/F protection). For IEC normal inverse Į =

0.02 and ȕ = 0.14

t = 0.6s

Į = 0.02

ȕ = 0.14

IN1> = 0.1 times the full load current (Assumed 10% of the full load current)

= 0.1 x 600 = 60A

I = 14.109kA

Calculated TMS (k) by using above formula, k= 0.49.

Earth Fault protection (67N) is set to 10% of base current with a TMS of 0.49(IEC Normal inverse);

TMS has to be coordinated with the downstream settings.

Note: IEC Normal inverse curve characteristics is set, TMS (k1) should be coordinated with

downstream settings to avoid mal-operations.

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4. Scheme Communication, 85(REL670-Main-I)

Guidelines for Setting:

SchemeType: Scheme type, Mode of Operation. This parameter can be set to Off, Intertrip, Permissive

UR, Permissive OR or Blocking. In present case, this parameter is set to Permissive OR since

protected line is short in length.

If Permissive Overreach is set, tCoord and tSendMin settings are applicable.

tCoord: Received communication signal is combined with the output from an overreaching zone till the

set duration in tCoord. There is less concern about false signal causing an incorrect trip.

Therefore set the timer tCoord to zero.

tSendMin: To assure a sufficient duration of the received signal (CR) at the remote end, the send

signal (CS) at local end can be prolonged by a tSendMin reset timer. The recommended setting of

tSendMin is 0ms for parallel lines.

5. Over Voltage Protection, 59(REL670-Main-I)

Guidelines for Settings:

UBase: Setting of the Base voltage level on which the voltage settings are based. This parameter is set

to 220kV in present case (Line rated voltage).

U1>: Setting of the U> voltage. This parameter is recommended set 110% of the base voltage in

present case, which is 242kV.

OpMode1: Setting of the Overvoltage function measuring mode for involved voltages. Normally this

parameter is recommended to be set to 1 out of 3.

Characterist1: Setting of the characteristic for the time delay, inverse or definite time. Normally this

parameter is recommended to be set to Definite time.

t1: Setting of the definite time delay, when selected. This parameter is recommended to be set to 5s in

present case.

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k1: Set the time delay multiplier for inverse characteristic, when selected. This parameter is not

applicable if Characterist1 is set to Definite time.

t1Min: Setting of the definite minimum operating time for the inverse characteristic. This parameter is

not applicable if Characterist1 is set to Definite time.

ResetTypeCrv1: Set the reset time curve for inverse characteristic. This parameter is normally

recommended to be set to Instantaneous.

t1Reset: Setting of the definite time reset time. This parameter is not applicable if ResetTypeCrv1 is set

to Instantaneous.

HystAbsn1: Absolute hysteresis is set in % of UBase. The setting of this parameter is highly

dependent of the application. In OV2PTOV, this can be set as low as 0.5%. Which means drop-off to

pickup ratio can be set upto 99.5%.

U2>: Setting of the U>> voltage. This parameter is recommended to be set to 140% of the base voltage

in present case, which is 308kV.

OpMode2: Setting of the Overvoltage function measuring mode for involved voltages. Normally this

parameter is recommended to be set to 1 out of 3.

Characterist2: Setting of the characteristic for the time delay, inverse or definite time. Normally this

parameter is recommended to be set to Definite time.

t2: Setting of the definite time delay, when selected. This parameter is recommended to be set to 0.1s

in present case.

k2: Set the time delay multiplier for inverse characteristic, when selected. This parameter is not

applicable if Characterist2 is set to Definite time.

t2Min: Setting of the definite minimum operating time for the inverse characteristic. This parameter is

not applicable if Characterist2 is set to Definite time.

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6. Directional Over Current Protection, 67(REF615)

Directional O/C protection (67):

DPHLPDOC1 function is used for “Directional O/C protection-67-IDMT”. Protection shall be looking

towards the protected line.

IDMT Directional O/C protection settings (67):

Full Load Current =600A (CT primary rating)

Maximum local end fault current (3-ph) = 14.109kA (As per given inputs)

Operating time at this fault current = 0.6s (Assumed operating time more than zone-2 time delay)

Operating time is assumed, this shall be coordinated with the downstream settings to avoid mal-


The relationship between current and time on the standard curves complies with the standard IEC

60255-3 and can generally be expressed as:

t = operating time in seconds

k = settable inverse time factor

I = measured current value

I> = set current value.

Į = index characterizing the algebraic function

ȕ = constant characterizing the relay

IEC normal inverse is set for 67 (Directional O/C protection). For IEC normal inverse Į = 0.02 and ȕ =


t = 0.6s (Assumed)

Į = 0.02

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ȕ = 0.14

I1> = 1.1 times the rated current (Considered 110% of full load current)

= 1.1 x 600 = 660A, 660/600 = 1.1xIn need to be set in relay, where 600A is CT ratio.

I = 14.109kA

Calculated TMS (k) by using above formula, k=0.27

Over current protection (67) is set to 1.1xIn with TMS of 0.27(IEC Normal inverse); TMS has to be

coordinated with the downstream settings.

Note: IEC Normal inverse curve characteristics is set, TMS (k1) should be coordinated with

downstream settings to avoid mal-operations.

7. Directional Earth Fault Protection, 67N(REF615)

DEFLPDEF1 function is used for “IDMT Directional E/F protection-67N”. Protection shall be looking

towards the protected line.

IDMT Directional E/F protection settings (67N):

Full Load Current =600A (CT primary rating)

Maximum local end fault current (3-ph) = 14.109kA (As per given inputs)

220kV Maximum Bus fault current at local end (1-ph) = 14.109kA (Considered same as that of 3-ph)

Operating time at this fault current = 0.6s (Assumed more than zone-2 time delay)

Operating time is assumed, this shall be coordinated with the downstream settings to avoid mal-


The relationship between current and time on the standard curves complies with the standard IEC

60255-3 and can generally be expressed as:

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t = operating time in seconds

k = settable inverse time factor

I = measured current value

I> = set current value.

Į = index characterizing the algebraic function

ȕ = constant characterizing the relay

IEC normal inverse characteristic is set for 67N (Directional E/F protection). For IEC normal inverse Į =

0.02 and ȕ = 0.14

t = 0.6s

Į = 0.02

ȕ = 0.14

IN1> = 0.1 times the full load current (Assumed 10% of the full load current)

= 0.1 x 600 = 60A, 60/600 = 0.1xIn need to be set in relay, where 600A is CT ratio.

I = 14.109kA

Calculated TMS (k) by using above formula, k= 0.49

Earth Fault protection (67N) is set to 0.1xIn with a TMS of 0.49(IEC Normal inverse); TMS has to be

coordinated with the downstream settings.

Note: IEC Normal inverse curve characteristics is set, TMS (k1) should be coordinated with

downstream settings to avoid mal-operations.

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8. Line Distance Protection, 21L(7SA522-Main-II)

Power System Data 1

8.1. Group Power System Data 1; Group Transformers

CT Starpoint (0201): In address 201 CT Starpoint, the polarity of the wye-connected current

transformers is specified (the following figure also goes for only two current transformers). The setting

determines the measuring direction of the device (forward = line direction). A change in this setting also

results in a polarity reversal of the earth current inputs IE or IEE. In present case, this parameter is set

to “towards Line”.

Figure: Polarity of current transformers

Unom PRIMARY (0203) and Unom SECONDARY (0204): In addresses 203 Unom PRIMARY and 204

Unom SECONDARY the device obtains information on the primary and secondary rated voltage

(phase-to-phase voltage) of the voltage transformers. In present case, Unom PRIMARY is set to 220kV

and Unom SECONDARY is set to 110V.

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CT PRIMARY (0205) and CT SECONDARY (0206): In address 205 CT PRIMARY and 206 CT

SECONDARY the primary and secondary rated current transformers need to be set. In present case,

CT PRIMARY is set to 600A and CT SECONDARY is set to 1A.

U4 transformer (0210): The device features four voltage measuring inputs, three of which are

connected to the set of voltage transformers, Address 2010 is to indicate fourth input. If the input U4 is

not required, set: Address 210 U4 transformer = Not connected. In present case, this parameter is set

to Not connected.

Uph / Udelta (0211): Matching ratio Phase-VT to Open-Delta-VT. Since U4 input is not used and set to

Not connected, Uph / Udelta is not applicable in present case.

Usy1/Usy2 ratio (0215): Matching ratio Usy1 / Usy2. Since U4 input is not used and set to Not

connected, Uph / Udelta is not applicable in present case.

I4 transformer (0220): If the input I4 is not required, set: Address 220 I4 transformer = Not connected.

As per available scheme, Neutral Current of the parallel line is not connected to I4 in present case.

Hence I4 transformer is set to Not connected. Kindly change this setting if Neutral Current of the

parallel line is connected to I4.

I4/Iph CT (0221): Matching ratio I4/Iph for CT's. Since I4 input is not used and set to Not connected,

I4/Iph CT is not applicable in present case.

8.2. Group Power System Data 1; Group Power System

SystemStarpoint (0207): The manner in which the system starpoint is earthed must be considered for

the correct processing of earth faults and double earth faults. Accordingly, set for address 207

SystemStarpoint = Solid Earthed, Peterson-Coil or Isolated. For low-resistant earthed systems set Solid

Earthed. In present case, this parameter is set to Solid Earthed.

Rated Frequency (0230): The rated frequency of the power system is set under address 230 Rated

Frequency. The factory presetting according to the ordering code (MLFB) only needs to be changed if

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the device is applied in a region different from the one indicated when ordering. In present case, this

parameter is set to 50Hz.

PHASE SEQ. (0235): Use address 235 PHASE SEQ. to change the default setting (L1 L2 L3 for

clockwise rotation) if your power system has a permanent anti-clockwise phase sequence (L1 L3 L2). In

present case, this parameter is set to L1 L2 L3.

Distance Unit (0236): Address 236 Distance Unit determines the distance unit (km or Miles) for the

fault location indications. If the compounding function of the voltage protection is used, the overall line

capacitance is calculated from the line length and the capacitance per unit length. In present case, this

parameter is set to km.

Format Z0/Z1 (0237): Matching of the earth to line impedance is an essential prerequisite for the

accurate measurement of the fault distance (distance protection, fault locator) during earth faults. In

address 237 Format Z0/Z1 the format for entering the residual compensation is determined. It is

possible to use either the ratio RE/RL, XE/XL or to enter the complex earth (residual) impedance factor

K0. In present case, this parameter is set to Zero seq. comp. factor K0 and angle(K0).

EarthFltO/C 1p (0238A): Earth Fault O/C: setting for 1pole AR. Address 238EarthFltO/C 1p specifies

whether the earth-fault settings for single-pole tripping and blocking in the single-pole dead time are

accomplished together for all stages (setting stages together) or separately (setting stages separate.).

In present case, this parameter is set to all stages together.

8.3. Group Power System Data 1; Group Breaker

TMin TRIP CMD (0240A): Minimum TRIP Command Duration. In address 240 the minimum trip

command duration TMin TRIP CMD is set. It applies to all protection and control functions which may

issue a trip command. It also determines the duration of the trip pulse when a circuit breaker test is

initiated via the device. In present case, this parameter is set to 0.2s.

TMax CLOSE CMD (0241A): Maximum Close Command Duration. In address 241 the maximum close

command duration TMax CLOSE CMD is set. It applies to all close commands issued by the device. It

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also determines the length of the close command pulse when a circuit breaker test cycle is issued via

the device. It must be long enough to ensure that the circuit breaker has securely closed. In present

case, this parameter is set to 0.3s.

T-CBtest-dead (0242): Dead Time for CB test-autoreclosure. The 7SA522 allows a circuit breaker test

during operation by means of a tripping and a closing command entered on the front panel or using

DIGSI. The duration of the trip command is set as explained above. Address 242 T-CBtest-dead

determines the duration from the end of the trip command until the start of the close command for this

test. It should not be less than 0.1s. In present case, this parameter is set to 1s.

8.4. Settings groups

8.4.1 Group Power System Data 2; Group Power System

FullScaleVolt. (1103) and FullScaleCurr. (1104): Measurement Full Scale Voltage (100%) and

Measurement Full Scale Current (100%). The rated primary voltage (phase-to-phase) and rated primary

current (phases) of the protected equipment are entered in the address 1103 FullScaleVolt. and 1104

FullScaleCurr. These settings are required for indication of operationalmeasured values in percent. In

present case, FullScaleVolt. is set to 220kV and FullScaleCurr. is set to 600A.

Line Angle (1105): The line angle (address 1105 Line Angle) may be derived from the line parameters.

Kindly refer setting calculations for this parameter.

Distance Angle (1211): Angle of inclination, distance charact. Address 1211 Distance Angle specifies

the angle of inclination of the R sections of the distance protection polygons. The shape of the tripping

characteristic is among other factors influenced by the inclination angle Distance Angle (address 1211).

Usually, the line angle is set here, i.e. the same value as in address 1105 Line Angle. Hence this

parameter is also set same as that of Line Angle.

Below figure shows the Polygonal characteristic (setting values are marked by dots).

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Figure: Polygonal characteristic (setting values are marked by dots)

P,Q sign (1107): P,Q operational measured values sign. It is occasionally desired to define the power

drawn from the line (e.g. as seen from the consumer) positively. Using parameter 1107 P,Q sign the

signs for these components can be inverted. If the setting is not reversed (default), the positive direction

for the power etc. corresponds to the “forward” direction for the protection functions. In present case,

this parameter is set to not reversed.

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x' (1110): x' - Line Reactance per length unit. The reactance value X' of the protected line is entered as

reference value x' at address 1110 in Ÿ/km if the distance unit was set as kilometers. Kindly refer

setting calculations for this parameter.

Line Length (1111): Line length in km shall be set here. Hence in present case, this parameter is set to


K0 (Z1) (1120) and Angle K0(Z1) (1121): Zero seq. comp. factor K0 for zone Z1. and Zero seq. comp.

angle for zone Z1. Kindly refer setting calculations for this parameter.

K0 (> Z1) (1122) and Angle K0(> Z1) (1123): Zero seq.comp.factor K0,higher zones >Z1 and Zero

seq. comp. angle, higher zones >Z1. Kindly refer setting calculations for this parameter.

RM/RL ParalLine (1126) and XM/XL ParalLine (1127): Mutual Parallel Line comp. ratio RM/RL. and

Mutual Parallel Line comp. ratio XM/XL. If the device is applied to a double circuit line (parallel lines)

and parallel line compensation for the distance and/or fault location function is used, the mutual

coupling of the two lines must be considered. A prerequisite for this is that the earth (residual) current of

the parallel line has been connected to the measuring input I4 of the device and that this was

configured with the power system data by setting the appropriate parameters. Kindly refer setting

calculations for this parameter.

RATIO Par. Comp (1128): Neutral current RATIO Parallel Line Comp. For earth faults on the protected

feeder there is in theory no additional distance protection or fault locator measuring error when the

parallel line compensation is used. The setting in address 1128 RATIO Par. Comp is therefore only

relevant for earth faults outside the protected feeder. It provides the current ratio IE/IEP for the earth

current balance of the distance protection, above which compensation should take place. In general, a

presetting of 85% is sufficient. In present case, this parameter is set to 85%.

Below figure shows Distance with parallel line compensation.

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Figure: Distance with parallel line compensation at II.

8.4.2 Group Power System Data 2; Group Line Status

PoleOpenCurrent (1130A): Pole Open Current Threshold. In address 1130A the residual current

PoleOpenCurrent is set, which will definitely not be exceeded when the circuit breaker pole is open. If

parasitic currents (e.g. through induction) can be excluded when the circuit breaker is open, this setting

may be very sensitive. Otherwise this setting must be increased. Usually the presetting is sufficient.

Hence in present case, this parameter is left with the default value of 0.1A.

PoleOpenVoltage (1131A): Pole Open Voltage Threshold. The residual voltage PoleOpenVoltage,

which will definitely not be exceeded when the circuit breaker pole is open, is set in address 1131.

Voltage transformers must be on the line side. The setting should not be too sensitive because of

possible parasitic voltages (e.g. due to capacitive coupling). It must in any event be set below the

smallest phase-earth voltage which may be expected during normal operation. In present case, this

parameter is left with the default value of 30V.

SI Time all Cl. (1132A): Seal-in Time after ALL closures. The switch-on-to-fault activation (seal-in) time

SI Time all Cl. (address 1132) determines the activation period of the protection functions enabled

during each energization of the line (e.g. fast tripping high-current stage). This time is started by the

internal circuit breaker switching detection when it recognizes energization of the line or by the circuit

breaker auxiliary contacts, if these are connected to the device via binary input to provide information

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that the circuit breaker has closed. The time should therefore be set longer than the circuit breaker

operating time during closing plus the operating time of this protection function plus the circuit breaker

operating time during opening. In present case, this parameter is set to 0.5s.

T DELAY SOTF (1133A): minimal time for line open before SOTF. Before each line energization

detection, the breaker must be recognized as open for the settable time1133 T DELAY SOTF. In

present case, this parameter is set to 30s.

Line Closure (1134): Recognition of Line Closures with. In address 1134 Line Closure the criteria for

the internal recognition of line energization are determined. Only with ManCl means that only the

manual close signal via binary input or the integrated control is evaluated as closure. I OR U or ManCl

means that additionally the measured currents or voltages are used to determine closure of the circuit

breaker, whereas CB OR I or M/C implies that either the currents or the states of the circuit breaker

auxiliary contacts are used to determine closure of the circuit breaker. If the voltage transformers are

not situated on the line side, the setting CB OR I or M/C must be used. In the case of I or Man.Close

only the currents or the manual close signal are used to recognize closing of the circuit breaker. In

present case, this parameter is set to Current flow or Manual close BI.

Reset Trip CMD (1135): RESET of Trip Command. Address 1135 Reset Trip CMD determines under

which conditions a trip command is reset. If CurrentOpenPole is set, the trip command is reset as soon

as the current disappears. In present case, this parameter is set to with Pole Open Current Threshold


OpenPoleDetect. (1136): open pole detector. Address 1136 OpenPoleDetect. defines the criteria for

operating the internal open-pole detector. When using the default setting w/ measurement, all available

data are evaluated that indicate single-pole dead time. The internal trip command and pickup

indications, the current and voltage measured values and the CB auxiliary contacts are used. In present

case, this parameter is set to with measurement (U/I,trip,pickup,CBaux).

I-CTsat. Thres. (1140A): CT Saturation Threshold. 7SA522 contains a saturation detector which

largely detects the measuring errors resulting from the saturation of the current transformers and

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initiates a change of the measurement method of the distance protection. The threshold above which

the saturation detector picks up can be set in address 1140 I-CTsat. Thres.. This is the current level

above which saturation may be present. The setting ’ disables the saturation detector. In present case,

this parameter is left with the default value of 20A.

SI Time Man.Cl (1150A): Seal-in Time after MANUAL closures. SI Time Man.Cl (address 1150) is the

time following manual closure during which special influence of the protection functions is activated

(e.g. increased reach of the distance protection). In present case, this parameter is left with the default

value of 0.3s.

MAN. CLOSE (1151): Manual CLOSE COMMAND generation. For manual closure of the circuit

breaker via binary inputs, it can be specified in address 1151 MAN. CLOSE whether the integrated

manual CLOSE detection checks the synchronism between the busbar voltage and the voltage of the

switched feeder. This setting does not apply for a close command via the integrated control functions.

If the synchronism check is desired, the device must either feature the integrated synchronism check

function or an external device for synchronism check must be connected. In present case, this

parameter is set to NO.

Man.Clos. Imp. (1152): MANUAL Closure Impulse after CONTROL. For commands via the integrated

control (on site, DIGSI, serial interface) address 1152 Man.Clos. Imp. determines whether a close

command via the integrated control regarding the MANUAL CLOSE handling for the protection

functions (like instantaneous re-opening when switching onto a fault) is to act like a MANUAL CLOSE

command via binary input. If none is set here, a CLOSE command via the control will not generate a

MANUAL CLOSE impulse for the protection function. In present case, this parameter is left with the

default setting of None.

8.4.3 Group Power System Data 2; Group Trip 1-/3-pole

3pole coupling (1155): 3 pole coupling. Address 1155 3pole coupling determines whether any multi-

phase pickup leads to a three-pole tripping command, or whether only multi-pole tripping decisions

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result in a three-pole tripping command. This setting is only relevant for versions with single-pole and

three-pole tripping and is only available there. This is possible with setting 1155 3pole coupling = with

TRIP. Each of the four devices detects a single-pole internal fault and can thus trip single-pole.

With the setting 1155 3pole coupling = with PICKUP, the two lines are switched off three-pole, since

each device picks up as with L1-L2-E, i.e. as with a multi-phase fault. In present case, this parameter is

left with the default setting of with TRIP.

Trip2phFlt (1156A): Trip type with 2phase faults. Address 1156 Trip2phFlt determines that the short-

circuit protection functions perform only a single-pole trip in case of isolated two-phase faults (clear of

ground), provided that single-pole tripping is possible and permitted.

This allows a single-pole reclose cycle for this kind of fault. You can specify whether the leading phase

(1pole leading Ø), or the lagging phase (1pole lagging Ø) is tripped. The presetting 3pole is usually


8.4.4 Group Distance protection, general settings; Group General

FCT Distance (1201): Distance protection. At address 1201 FCT Distance the distance protection

function can be switched ON or OFF. In present case, this parameter is set to ON.

Minimum Iph> (1202): Phase Current threshold for dist. meas. The minimum current for fault detection

Minimum Iph> (address 1202) is set somewhat (approx. 10 %) below the minimum short-circuit current

that may occur. In present case, this parameter is set to 0.1A (Default value).

Distance Angle (1211): Angle of inclination, distance charact. The shape of the tripping characteristic

is among other factors influenced by the inclination angle Distance Angle (address 1211). Usually, the

line angle is set here, i.e. the same value as in address 1105 Line Angle. Hence this parameter is also

set same as that of Line Angle.

SER-COMP. (1208): Series compensated line. In applications for, or in the proximity of, series-

compensated lines (lines with series capacitors) address 1208 SER-COMP. is set to YES, to ensure

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that the direction determination operates correctly in all cases. In present case, this parameter is set to


Paral.Line Comp (1215): Mutual coupling parall.line compensation. The mutual coupling between the

two lines of a double-circuit configuration is only relevant to the 7SA522 when it is applied on a double-

circuit line and when it is intended to implement parallel line compensation. A prerequisite is that the

earth current of the parallel line is connected to the I4 measuring input of the device and this is entered

in the configuration settings. In this case, address 1215 Paral.Line Comp has to be set to YES (default


SOTF zone (1232): Instantaneous trip after SwitchOnToFault. To determine the reaction of the

distance protection during closure of the circuit breaker onto a fault, the parameter in address 1232

SOTF zone is used. When setting to Inactive there is no special reaction, i.e. all distance stages

operate according to their preset zone parameters. In present case, this parameter is set to Inactive.

R load (Ø-E) (1241) and R load (Ø-Ø) (1243): R load, minimum Load Impedance (ph-e) and R load,

minimum Load Impedance (ph-ph). The R value R load (Ø-E) (address 1241) refers to the phase-to-

earth loops, R load (Ø-Ø) (address 1243) to the phase-to-phase loops. The values are set somewhat

(approx. 10 %) below the minimum expected load impedance. The minimum load impedance appears

when the maximum load current and minimum operating voltage exist. Kindly refer setting calculations

for these parameters.

ĭ load (Ø-E) (1242) and ࢥ load (Ø-Ø) (1244): PHI load, maximum Load Angle (ph-e) and PHI load,

maximum Load Angle (ph-ph). The spread angle of the load trapezoid characteristic ࢥ load (Ø-E)

(address 1242) and ࢥ load (Ø-Ø) (address 1244) must be greater (approx. 5°) than the maximum

arising load angle (corresponding to the minimum power factor cosࢥ). In present case, these

parameters are set to 30°.

Trip 1pole Z2 (1317A): Single pole trip for faults in Z2. This may also be selected for the second zone

with address 1317 Trip 1pole Z2. Single pole tripping in zone 2 is only possible if this address is set to

YES. The default setting is NO. In present case, this parameter is set to NO.

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1st AR -> Z1B (1357): Z1B enabled before 1st AR (int. or ext.). If the distance protection is used in

conjunction with an external automatic recloser, it can be determined in address 1357 1st AR -> Z1B

which distance zone is released prior to starting the AR. Usually, the overreaching zone Z1B is used for

the first cycle (1st AR -> Z1B = YES). This may be suppressed by changing the setting of 1st AR ->

Z1B to NO. In present case, this parameter is set to NO.

8.4.5 Group Distance protection, general settings; Group Earth faults

3I0> Threshold (1203): 3I0 threshold for neutral current pickup. In systems with earthed starpoint, the

setting 3I0> Threshold (address 1203) is set somewhat below the minimum expected earth fault

current. In present case, this parameter is set to 0.1A.

3U0> Threshold (1204): 3U0 threshold zero seq. voltage pickup. When setting 3U0> Threshold

(address 1204), care must be taken that operational asymmetries do not cause a pickup. If the U0

criterion is not required, the address 1204 is set to ’. In present case, this parameter is set to 15V.

3I0>/ Iphmax (1207A): 3I0>-pickup-stabilisation (3I0> /Iphmax). The preset value 3I0>/ Iphmax = 0.10

(address 1207) is usually recommended for the slope of the 3I0 characteristic.

E/F recognition (1209A): criterion of earth fault recognition. In earthed power systems the earth fault

detection can be complemented by a zero sequence voltage detection function. You can determine

whether an earth fault is detected when a zero sequence current or a zero sequence voltage threshold

is exceeded or when both criteria are met. 3I0> OR 3U0> (default setting) applies at address 1209 E/F

recognition if only one of the two criteria is valid. In present case, this parameter is set to 3I0> OR


2Ph-E faults (1221A): Loop selection with 2Ph-E faults. The loop selection for double earth faults is set

at address 1221 2Ph-E faults (Phase-to-Phase Earth fault detection). In most cases, Block leading Ø

(blocking of the leading phase, default setting) is favorable because the leading phase-to-earth loop

tends to overreach, especially in conjunction with large earth fault resistance. Hence in present case

also block leading ph-e loop is set for this parameter.

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8.4.6 Group Distance protection, general settings; Group Time Delays

Start Timers (1210): The delay times for the distance zones can be started either all together on

general fault detection by the distance protection function, or individually at the moment the fault enters

the respective distance zone. Parameter Start Timers (address 1210) is set by default to on Dis.

Pickup. This setting ensures that all delay times continue to run together even if the type of fault or the

selected measuring loop changes, e.g. because an intermediate infeed is switched off. Hence in

present case with distance pickup is set for this parameter.

T1-1phase (1305): T1-1phase, delay for single phase faults. The first zone is normally set to operate

without additional time delay. This parameter is set to 0s in present case.

T1-multi-phase (1306): T1multi-ph, delay for multi-phase faults. Different delay times can be set for

single- and multiple-phase faults in the first zone. But in present case, this parameter is also set to 0s.

T2-1phase (1315): T2-1phase, delay for single phase faults. For the second zone, it is also possible to

set separate delay times for single-phase and multi-phase faults. In general, the delay times are set the

same. If stability problems are expected during multi-phase faults, a shorter delay time could be

considered for T2-multi-phase (address 1316) while tolerating a longer delay time for single-phase

faults with T2-1phase (address 1315). This parameter is set to 0.35s in present case to match this

settings with Main-I relay setting.

T2-multi-phase (1316): T2multi-ph, delay for multi-phase faults. This parameter is also set to 0.35s in

present case to match this setting with Main-I relay setting.

T3 DELAY (1325): The zone timers for zone-3 are set with the parameter T3 DELAY (address 1325).

This parameter is set to 1s in present case to match this setting with Main-I relay setting.

T4 DELAY (1335): The zone timers for zone-4 are set with the parameter T4 DELAY (address 1335).

This parameter is set to 0.35s in present case to match this setting with Main-I relay setting.

T5 DELAY (1345): The zone timers for zone-5 are set with the parameter T5 DELAY (address 1345).

This parameter is set to oos(infinite) in present case to disable this zone.

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T1B-1phase (1355): T1B-1phase, delay for single ph. Faults. This parameter is set to oo(infinite) in

present case to disable this zone.

T1B-multi-phase (1356): T1B-multi-ph, delay for multi ph. Faults. This parameter is set to oo(infinite) in

present case to disable this zone.

8.4.7 Group Distance zones (quadrilateral); Group Zone Z1

Op. mode Z1 (1301): Operating mode Z1. By means of the parameter MODE = Forward or Reverse or

Non-Directional can be set for zone-1. This parameter is set to Forward in present case.

R(Z1) Ø-Ø (1302): R(Z1), Resistance for ph-ph-faults. For the first zone these are the parameters

R(Z1) Ø-Ø (address 1302) for the R intersection of the polygon applicable to phase-to-phase faults.

Kindly refer setting calculations for this parameter.

X(Z1) (1303): X(Z1), Reactance. Kindly refer setting calculations for this parameter.

RE(Z1) Ø-E (1304): RE(Z1), Resistance for ph-e faults. Kindly refer setting calculations for this

parameter. For the first zone these are the parameters R(Z1) Ø-Ø (address 1302) for the R intersection

of the polygon applicable to phase-to-phase faults, X(Z1) (address 1303) for the X intersection (reach),

RE(Z1) Ø-E (address 1304) for the R intersection applicable to phase-to-earth faults and delay time


T1-1phase (1305): T1-1phase, delay for single phase faults. The first zone is normally set to operate

without additional time delay. This parameter is set to 0s in present case.

T1-multi-phase (1306): T1multi-ph, delay for multi-phase faults. Different delay times can be set for

single- and multiple-phase faults in the first zone. But in present case, this parameter is also set to 0s.

Zone Reduction (1307): Zone Reduction Angle (load compensation). If a fault resistance at the fault

location (arc, tower footing etc.) causes a voltage drop in the measured impedance loop, the phase

angle difference between this voltage and the measured loop current may shift the determined fault

location in X direction. Parameter 1307 Zone Reduction allows an inclination of the upper limit of zone

Z1 in the 1st quadrant. This prevents spurious pickup of zone Z1 in the presence of faults outside the

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protected area. To disable this feature, this parameter shall be set to 0°. In present case, this parameter

is set to 0°.

8.4.8 Group Distance zones (quadrilateral); Group Zone Z1Bexten.

Op. mode Z1B (1351): Operating mode Z1B (overrreach zone). Since this zone is not used, this

parameter is set to Inactive. Since Inactive is set at address 1351, settings parameters from 1352 to

1357 are not applicable in present case.

8.4.9 Group Distance zones (quadrilateral); Group Zone Z2

Op. mode Z2 (1311): Operating mode Z2. By means of the parameter MODE = Forward or Reverse or

Non-Directional can be set for zone-2. This parameter is set to Forward in present case. By means of

the parameter MODE = Forward or Reverse or Non-Directional, each zone can be set (address 1301

Op. mode Z1, 1311 Op. mode Z2, 1321 Op. mode Z3, 1331 Op. mode Z4, 1341 Op. mode Z5 and 1361

Op. mode Z6).

R(Z2) Ø-Ø (1312): R(Z2), Resistance for ph-ph-faults. For the second zone these are the parameters

R(Z2) Ø-Ø (address 1312) for the R intersection of the polygon applicable to phase-to-phase faults.

Kindly refer setting calculations for this parameter.

X(Z2) (1313): X(Z2), Reactance. Kindly refer setting calculations for this parameter.

RE(Z2) Ø-E (1314): RE(Z2), Resistance for ph-e faults. Kindly refer setting calculations for this


T2-1phase (1315): T2-1phase, delay for single phase faults. For the second zone, it is also possible to

set separate delay times for single-phase and multi-phase faults. In general, the delay times are set the

same. If stability problems are expected during multi-phase faults, a shorter delay time could be

considered for T2-multi-phase (address 1316) while tolerating a longer delay time for single-phase

faults with T2-1phase (address 1315). This parameter is set to 0.35s in present case to match this

setting with Main-I relay setting.

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T2-multi-phase (1316): T2multi-ph, delay for multi-phase faults. This parameter is also set to 0.35s in

present case to match this setting with Main-I relay setting.

Trip 1pole Z2 (1317A): Single pole trip for faults in Z2. single-pole tripping usually applies to single-

phase faults in Z1 (if the remaining conditions for single-pole tripping are satisfied), this may also be

selected for the second zone with address 1317 Trip 1pole Z2. Single pole tripping in zone 2 is only

possible if this address is set to YES. The default setting is NO. In present case also, this parameter is

set to NO.

8.4.10 Group Distance zones (quadrilateral); Group Zone Z3

Op. mode Z3 (1321): Operating mode Z3. By means of the parameter MODE = Forward or Reverse or

Non-Directional can be set for zone-3. This parameter is set to Forward in present case.

R(Z3) Ø-Ø (1322): R(Z3), Resistance for ph-ph-faults. For the third zone these are the parameters

R(Z3) Ø-Ø (address 1322) for the R intersection of the polygon applicable to phase-to-phase faults.

Kindly refer setting calculations for this parameter.

X(Z3) (1323): X(Z3), Reactance. Kindly refer setting calculations for this parameter.

RE(Z3) Ø-E (1324): RE(Z3), Resistance for ph-e faults. Kindly refer setting calculations for this


T3 DELAY (1325): The zone timers for zone-3 are set with the parameter T3 DELAY (address 1325).

This parameter is set to 1s in present case to match this setting with Main-I relay setting.

8.4.11 Group Distance zones (quadrilateral); Group Zone Z4

Op. mode Z4 (1331): Operating mode Z4. By means of the parameter MODE = Forward or Reverse or

Non-Directional can be set for zone-4. This parameter is set to Reverse in present case.

R(Z4) Ø-Ø (1332): R(Z4), Resistance for ph-ph-faults. For the fourth zone these are the parameters

R(Z4) Ø-Ø (address 1332) for the R intersection of the polygon applicable to phase-to-phase faults.

Kindly refer setting calculations for this parameter.

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X(Z4) (1333): X(Z4), Reactance. Kindly refer setting calculations for this parameter.

RE(Z4) Ø-E (1334): RE(Z4), Resistance for ph-e faults. Kindly refer setting calculations for this


T4 DELAY (1335): The zone timers for zone-4 are set with the parameter T4 DELAY (address 1335).

This parameter is set to 0.35s in present case to match this setting with Main-I relay setting.

8.4.12 Group Distance zones (quadrilateral); Group Zone Z5

Op. mode Z5 (1341): Operating mode Z5. By means of the parameter MODE = Forward or Reverse or

Non-Directional can be set for zone-5. This parameter is set to Inactive in present case. Since Inactive

is set at address 1341, settings parameters from 1342 to 1346 are not applicable in present case.

8.4.13 Group Power Swing

P/S Op. mode (2002): Power Swing Operating mode. The power swing blocking function blocks the

tripping of the distance protection for specific zones (which are set under address 2002 P/S Op. mode)


• Blocking of the trip command for all zones (All zones block): The trip command of the distance

protection is blocked for all zones during a power swing.

• Blocking of the trip command for the first zone only (Z1/Z1B block): Only the trip command of the

first zone and of the overreaching zone (Z1 and Z1B) are blocked during a power swing. A pickup in

a different zone (Z2 and higher) can lead to a trip command in the case of a power swing after the

associated grading time has expired.

• Blocking of the trip command for the higher zones only (>= Z2 block): Z2 and the higher zones are

blocked for the tripping during a power swing. Only a pickup in the first zone or the overreach zone

(Z1 and Z1B) can lead to a trip command.

• Blocking of the first two zones (Z1, Z1B, Z2 block): The trip commands of the first and second zone

(Z1 and Z2) and the overreaching zone (Z1B) are blocked during a power swing. A pickup in a

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different zone (Z3 and higher) can lead to a trip command in the case of a power swing after the

associated grading time has expired.

In present case, this parameter is set to All zones block.

PowerSwing trip (2006): Additionally the tripping function for unstable power swings (asynchronism)

can be set with parameter PowerSwing trip (address 2006), which should be set to YES if required

(presetting is NO). In the event of power swing tripping it is sensible to set P/S Op. mode = All zones

block for the power swing blocking to avoid premature tripping by the distance protection.

In present case, this parameter is left with the default setting of NO.

8.4.14 Group Instantaneous HighSpeed SOTF Overcurrent

FCT SOTF-O/C (2401): Inst. High Speed SOTF-O/C is ON/OFF. A prerequisite for the operation of the

switch-onto-fault protection is that in address 124 SOTF Overcurr. = Enabled was set during the

configuration of the device scope of functions. At address 2401 FCT SOTF-O/C it can also be switched

ON or OFF. In present case, this parameter is set to ON.

I>>> (2404): I>>> Pickup. The magnitude of the current which causes pick-up of the switch-onto-fault

function is set as I>>> in address 2404. The setting value should be selected large enough to ensure

that the protection does not under any circumstances pick up due to a line overload or due to a current

increase e.g. resulting from an automatic reclosure dead time on a parallel feeder. It is recommended to

set at least 2.5 times the rated current of the feeder. In present case, this parameter is set to 3A.

8.4.15 Group Fault Locator; Group Fault Locator

START (3802): Start fault locator with. If the fault location calculation is to be started by the trip

command of the protection, set address 3802 START = TRIP. In this case a fault location is only output

if the device has also issued a trip. The fault location calculation can however also be started with each

fault detection of the device (address 3802 START = Pickup). In this case the fault location is also

calculated if for example a different protection device cleared the fault.

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In present case, this parameter is set to Pickup.

Paral.Line Comp (3805): Mutual coupling parall.line compensation. If the parallel line compensation is

used, set address 3805 Paral.Line Comp to YES (presetting for devices with parallel line

compensation). Kindly check this at site whether parallel line neutral current is connected to this relay

(input I4) or not. In present case, this parameter is set to YES.

Load Compensat. (3806): Load Compensation. If load compensation is applied to single-phase faults

in double-fed lines of an earthed system, set YES in address 3806 Load Compensat.. If high fault

resistances are expected for single-phase faults, e.g. at overhead lines without overhead earth wire or

unfavourable earthing conditions of the towers, this will improve the accuracy of the distance

calculation. In present case, this parameter is set to NO.

Setting Calculations:

Protected line length = 20.35km

Maximum Load MVA = 229MVA

CT ratio – 600/1A

PT ratio – 220kV/110V

୒ి౐ େ୘୰ୟ୲୧୭ ଺଴଴ Τଵ

= = = 0.3
୒ ౒౐ ୚୘୰ୟ୲୧୭ ଶଶ଴ Τଵଵ଴

Impedance values in Ÿ/km are

R1 = 0.0667 Ÿ/km

X1 = 0.4114 Ÿ/km

R0 = 0.2403 Ÿ/km

X0 = 1.2279 Ÿ/km

Line angle ĭ = arctanቀ ቁ.

Where XL=0.4114Ÿ/km and RL=0.0667Ÿ/km

By using above formula, ĭ=80.79° need to be set in address 1105 and 1211.

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୒ ి౐
X’sec = x X’prim = 0.3 x 0.4114 = 0.1234Ÿ/km, need to be set in address 1110.

K0 (Z1) (1120) and Angle K0(Z1) (1121): earth impedance compensation factors are defined with their

magnitude and angle which may be calculated with the line data using the following equation:

୞ు ଵ ୞
K0 =

x ቀ୞బ െ 1ቁ


Z0 = (complex) zero sequence impedance of the line

Z1 = (complex) positive sequence impedance of the line

By using above equation and line impedance parameters, K0 (Z1) and Angle K0(Z1) are calculated.

K0 (Z1) = 0.67 and Angle K0(Z1) = -2.79.

Since impedance values/km are same for all zones, K0 and Angle K0 are same for all the zones. Hence

K0 (> Z1) and Angle K0(> Z1) are set to 0.67 and -2.79 respectively at addresses 1120 and 1121.

RM/RL ParalLine (1126) and XM/XL ParalLine (1127): The coupling factors may be determined using

the following equations:

ୖ౉ ଵ ୖబ౉
=ଷx ୖభ


R0M = Mutual zero sequence resistance (coupling resistance) of the line = 0.049Ÿ

R1 = Positive sequence resistance of the line = 0.0667Ÿ

By using above formula = 0.793.

ଡ଼౉ ଵ ଡ଼బ౉
= x
ଡ଼ై ଷ ଡ଼భ


X0M = Mutual zero sequence reactance (coupling reactance) of the line= 0.30Ÿ

X1 = Positive sequence reactance of the line = 0.4114Ÿ

By using above formula = 0.727.

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R load (Ø-E) (1241) and R load (Ø-Ø) (1243):

Ur = 220kV, Umin = 0.9x220 = 198kV,

CT ratio = 600/1A and PT ratio = 220kV/110V

Maximum load in MVA = 229MVA

ZLoad prim = 198x 198/ 229,

= 171.2Ÿ

RLoad prim = 171.2xcos30 = 148.26Ÿ. Since considered load angle = 30°

RLoad prim = 118.61Ÿ (considered 0.8 factor, which is already considered in REL670 setting calculations)

୒ ి౐
RLoad sec = x RLoad prim
୒ ౒౐

Where = 0.3

Hence RLoad sec = 118.61 x 0.3 = 35.58Ÿ needs to be set in the address of 1241 and 1243.

R(Z1) Ø-Ø (1302): This parameter is set to 30Ÿ (primary value) to match with the Main-I relay settings.

୒ ి౐
R(Z1) Ø-Ø (secondary) = R(Z1) Ø-Ø (primary) x = 30 x 0.3/2 = 4.5Ÿ needs to be set in the address
୒ ౒౐

of 1302. Since 30Ÿ in REL670 is per loop value.

X(Z1) (1303): This parameter is set to 8.98Ÿ (primary value) to match with the Main-I relay settings.

X(Z1) Ø-Ø (secondary) = X(Z1) Ø-Ø (primary) x = 8.98 x 0.3 = 2.695Ÿ needs to be set in the

address of 1303.

RE(Z1) Ø-E (1304): This parameter is set to 40.43Ÿ (primary value) to match with the Main-I relay


୒ ి౐
R(Z1) Ø-E (secondary) = R(Z1) Ø-E (primary) x = 40.43 x 0.3 = 12.13Ÿ needs to be set in the
୒ ౒౐

address of 1304.

R(Z2) Ø-Ø (1312): This parameter is set to 60Ÿ (primary value) to match with the Main-I relay settings.

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୒ ి౐
R(Z2) Ø-Ø (secondary) = R(Z2) Ø-Ø (primary) x = 60 x 0.3/2 = 9Ÿ needs to be set in the address
୒ ౒౐

of 1312. Since 60Ÿ in REL670 is per loop value.

X(Z2) (1313): This parameter is set to 16.85Ÿ (primary value) to match with the Main-I relay settings.

୒ ి౐
X(Z2) Ø-Ø (secondary) = X(Z2) Ø-Ø (primary) x = 16.85 x 0.3 = 5.054Ÿ needs to be set in the
୒ ౒౐

address of 1313.

RE(Z2) Ø-E (1314): This parameter is set to 75Ÿ (primary value) to match with the Main-I relay


୒ ి౐
R(Z2) Ø-E (secondary) = R(Z2) Ø-E (primary) x = 75 x 0.3 = 22.5Ÿ needs to be set in the address
୒ ౒౐

of 1314.

R(Z3) Ø-Ø (1322): This parameter is set to 75Ÿ (primary value) to match with the Main-I relay settings.

୒ ి౐
R(Z3) Ø-Ø (secondary) = R(Z3) Ø-Ø (primary) x = 75 x 0.3/2 = 11.25Ÿ needs to be set in the

address of 1322. Since 75Ÿ in REL670 is per loop value.

X(Z3) (1323): This parameter is set to 100.54Ÿ (primary value) to match with the Main-I relay settings.

୒ ి౐
X(Z3) Ø-Ø (secondary) = X(Z3) Ø-Ø (primary) x = 100.54 x 0.3 = 30.162Ÿ needs to be set in the
୒ ౒౐

address of 1323.

RE(Z3) Ø-E (1324): This parameter is set to 125Ÿ (primary value) to match with the Main-I relay


R(Z3) Ø-E (secondary) = R(Z3) Ø-E (primary) x = 125 x 0.3 = 37.5Ÿ needs to be set in the address

of 1324.

R(Z4) Ø-Ø (1332): This parameter is set to 75Ÿ (primary value) to match with the Main-I relay settings.

୒ ి౐
R(Z4) Ø-Ø (secondary) = R(Z4) Ø-Ø (primary) x = 75 x 0.3/2 = 11.25Ÿ needs to be set in the

address of 1332. Since 75Ÿ in REL670 is per loop value.

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X(Z4) (1333): This parameter is set to 7.33Ÿ (primary value) to match with the Main-I relay settings.

୒ ి౐
X(Z4) Ø-Ø (secondary) = X(Z4) Ø-Ø (primary) x = 7.33 x 0.3 = 2.2Ÿ needs to be set in the address
୒ ౒౐

of 1333.

RE(Z4) Ø-E (1334): This parameter is set to 125Ÿ (primary value) to match with the Main-I relay


R(Z4) Ø-E (secondary) = R(Z4) Ø-E (primary) x = 125 x 0.3 = 37.5Ÿ needs to be set in the address

of 1334.

9. Fuse Failure Supervision, 60(7SA522-Main-II)

Group Measurement Supervision; Group Fuse Fail. Mon.

FUSE FAIL MON. (2910): Fuse Failure Monitor. In present case, this parameter is set ON. In address

2910 FUSE FAIL MON., the “Fuse Failure Monitor”, e.g. during asymmetrical testing, can be switched


FFM U>(min) (2911A): Minimum Voltage Threshold U>. The asymmetry of the voltage is detected by

the fact that either the zero sequence voltage or the negative sequence voltage exceed a settable value

FFM U>(min) (address 2911). If the zero-sequence voltage or the negative-sequence voltage exceed

the presettable value FFM U>(min) (address 2911) for more than 10s, the signal “VT FuseFail>10s”

(No. 169) will be generated.

The settings for the “fuse failure monitor” for non-symmetrical measuring voltage failure must be

selected such that on the one hand it is reliably activated if a phase voltage fails (address 2911 FFM

U>(min)), but does not pick up on earth faults in an earthed network on the other hand.

In present case, this parameter is set 30V.

FFM I< (max) (2912A): Maximum Current Threshold I<. Address 2912 FFM I< (max) must be set

sufficiently sensitive (below the smallest fault current during earth faults).

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The current is assumed to be sufficiently symmetrical if both the zero sequence as well as the negative

sequence current are below the settable threshold FFM I< (max) (address 2912).

In present case, this parameter is set 0.1A.

FFM U<max (3ph) (2913A): Maximum Voltage Threshold U< (3phase). In address 2913 FFM U<max

(3ph) the minimum voltage threshold is set. In present case, this parameter is set 15V.

FFM Idelta (3p) (2914A): Delta Current Threshold (3phase). If the measured voltage drops below this

threshold and a simultaneous current jump which exceeds the limits according to address 2914 FFM

Idelta (3p) is not detected while all three phase currents are greater than the minimum current required

for the impedance measurement by the distance protection according to address 1202 Minimum Iph>, a

threephase measured voltage failure is recognized.

A three-pole measuring voltage failure is detected if:

• All 3 phase-to-earth voltages are smaller than the threshold FFM U<max (3ph) (address 2913),

• The current differential in all 3 phases is smaller than the threshold FFM Idelta (3p) (address 2914).

• All 3 phase current amplitudes are larger than the minimum current Iph> (address 1202) for

impedance measurement of the distance protection.

In present case, parameter in address 2914A is set 0.1A.

V-Supervision (2915): Voltage Failure Supervision. In address 2915 V-Supervision, the measured

voltage supervision can be switched to w/ CURR.SUP, w/ I> & CBaux or OFF. In present case, this

parameter is set to w/ CURR.SUP (with current supervision).

T V-Supervision (2916A): Delay Voltage Failure Supervision. Address 2916 T V-Supervision is used to

set the waiting time of the voltage failure supervision.

In present case, this parameter is set to 3s.

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10. Directional Earth Fault Protection, 67N(7SA522-Main-II)

10.1. Group Earth fault overcurrent; Group General

FCT EarthFltO/C (3101): Earth Fault overcurrent function. Parameter 3101 FCT EarthFltO/C can be

used to switch the earth fault protection ON or OFF. This refers to all stages of the earth fault

protection. If not required, each of the four stages can be deactivated by setting its MODE... to Inactive.

In present case, this parameter is set to ON.

BLOCK for Dist. (3102): Block E/F for Distance protection. The earth fault protection can be blocked

by the distance protection to give preference to the selective fault clearance by the distance protection

over tripping by the earth fault protection. In address 3102 BLOCK for Dist. it is determined whether

blocking is performed during each fault detection of the distance protection (every PICKUP) or only

during single-phase fault detection by the distance protection (1phase PICKUP) or only during multiple-

phase fault detection by the distance protection (multiph. PICKUP). If blocking is not desired, set NO.

In present case, this parameter is set to NO.

BLK for DisZone (3174): Block E/F for Distance Protection Pickup. It is also possible to block the

earth fault protection trip only for pickup of the distance protection on the protected line section. To

block the earth fault protection for faults occurring within zone Z1, set address 3174 BLK for DisZone to

in zone Z1. To block the earth fault protection for faults occurring within zone Z1 or Z1B, set address

3174 BLK for DisZone to in zone Z1/Z1B. If, however, blocking of the earth fault protection by the

distance protection is to take effect regardless of the fault location, set address 3174 BLK for DisZone

to in each zone.

Address 3102 thus refers to the fault type and address 3174 to the fault location. The two blocking

options create an AND condition. To block the earth fault protection only for single-phase faults

occurring in zone Z1, set address 3102 BLOCK for Dist. = 1phase PICKUP and 3174 BLK for DisZone

= in zone Z1. To block the earth fault protection for any fault type (any distance protection pickup)

occurring within zone Z1, the setting 3102 BLOCK for Dist. = every PICKUP and 3174 BLK for DisZone

= in zone Z1 applies.

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BLOCK 1pDeadTim (3103): Block E/F for 1pole Dead time. Setting parameter 3103 BLOCK

1pDeadTim to YES completely blocks the earth fault protection if the Open Pole Detector has

recognized a single-pole dead time. If no single-pole tripping is carried out in the protected network, this

parameter should be set to NO.

Regardless of how parameter address 3103 BLOCK 1pDeadTim is set, the earth fault protection will

always be blocked during the single-pole dead time, if it has issued a trip command itself. This is

necessary because otherwise the picked up earth fault protection cannot drop out if the fault current

was caused by load current.

In present case, this parameter is set to YES.

Iph-STAB. Slope (3104A): Stabilisation Slope with Iphase. Asymmetrical load conditions in multiple-

earthed systems or different current transformer errors can result in a zero-sequence current. This zero-

sequence current could cause faulty pickup of the earth current stages if low pickup thresholds are set.

To avoid this, the earth current stages are stabilized by the phase current: as the phase currents

increase, the pickup thresholds are increased. The stabilization factor (= slope) can be changed with

parameter Iph-STAB. Slope (address 3104). It applies to all stages.

In present case, this parameter is set to 10%.

Trip 1pole E/F (3109): Single pole trip with earth flt.prot. Address 3109 Trip 1pole E/F specifies that the

earth fault protection trips single-pole, provided that the faulted phase can be determined with certainty.

This address is only valid for devices that have the option to trip single-pole. If you are using single-pole

automatic reclosure, the setting YES (default setting) remains valid. Otherwise set NO.

In present case, this parameter is set to NO.

2nd InrushRest (3170): 2nd harmonic ratio for inrush restraint. For the recognition of the inrush

current, the portion of second harmonic current content referred to the fundamental current component

can be set in address 3170 2nd InrushRest. Above this threshold the inrush blocking is effective. The

preset value (15 %) should be sufficient in most cases.

Hence in present case, this parameter is left with the default value of 15%.

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Imax InrushRest (3171): Max.Current, overriding inrush restraint. In applications on transformer

feeders or lines that are terminated on transformers it may be assumed that, if very large currents

occur, a short-circuit has occurred before the transformer. In the event of such large currents, the inrush

restraint is inhibited. This threshold value which is set in the address 3171 Imax InrushRest, should be

larger than the maximum expected inrush current (RMS value).

In present case, this parameter is also left with the default value of 7.5A.

SOTF Op. Mode (3172): Instantaneous mode after SwitchOnToFault. With the parameter SOTF Op.

Mode (address 3172) it is finally possible to determine whether the fault direction must be checked

(PICKUP+DIRECT.) or not (PICKUP), before a switch-onto-fault tripping is generated. It is the direction

setting for each stage that applies for this direction check.

In present case, this parameter is set to PICKUP (non-directional).

SOTF Time DELAY (3173): Trip time delay after SOTF. To avoid a spurious pickup due to transient

overcurrents, the delay SOTF Time DELAY (address 3173) can be set. Usually, the default setting 0

can be retained. In the case of long cables, where large peak inrush currents can occur, a short delay

may be useful.

Hence in present case, this parameter is left with the default value of 0s.

10.2. Group Earth fault overcurrent; Group 3I0>

Op. mode 3I0> (3130): 3130 Operating mode. First of all, the mode for each stage is set: address 3110

Op. mode 3I0>>>, address 3120 Op. mode 3I0>> and address 3130 Op. mode 3I0>. Each stage can

be set to operate Forward (usually towards line), Reverse (usually towards busbar) or Non-Directional

(in both directions). If a single stage is not required, set its mode to Inactive.

In present case, this parameter is set to Forward.

3I0> (3131): 3I0> Pickup. Pickup value for earth fault protection. In present case, this parameter is set

to 0.1A to match with the Main-I relay settings.

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3I0p Time Dial (3143): Calculations for this parameter are given in Main-I relay setting calculations. By

using Main-I relay settings, this parameter is set to 0.49.

3I0> Telep/BI (3133): Instantaneous trip via Teleprot./BI. For the 3I0> stage this means that address

3133 3I0> Telep/BI is set to YES. The time delay T 3I0> set for this stage (address 3132) then functions

as a back-up stage, e.g. during failure of the signal transmission.

Hence In present case, this parameter is set to NO.

3I0> SOTF-Trip (3134): Instantaneous trip after SwitchOnToFault. It is possible to determine with a

setting which stage trips without delay following closure onto a dead fault. 3I0> SOTF-Trip (address

3134) stage can be set to YES or NO for this purpose. In present case, this parameter is set to YES.

3I0> InrushBlk (3135): Inrush Blocking. To enable this feature, in present case, this parameter is set to


IEC Curve (3151): To match with the Main-I relay settings, this parameter is set to Normal Inverse in

present case.

11. Scheme Communication, 85 (7SA522-Main-II)

11.1. Group Teleprotection for Distance prot.

FCT Telep. Dis. (2101): Teleprotection for Distance protection. At address 2101 FCT Telep. Dis. the

use of a teleprotection scheme can be turned ON or OFF. Possible selection options for this parameter

are ON, PUTT (Z1B), POTT, OFF. In present case, this parameter is set to POTT, since protected line

is short in length.

Type of Line (2102): If the teleprotection has to be applied to a three terminal line the setting in

address 2102 must be Type of Line = Three terminals, if not, the setting remains Two Terminals. In

present case, this parameter is set to Two Terminals.

Send Prolong. (2103A): Time for send signal prolongation. The send signal prolongation Send

Prolong. (address 2103) must ensure that the send signal reliably reaches the opposite line end, even if

there is very fast tripping at the sending line end and/or the signal transmission time is relatively long. In

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the case of the permissive overreaching schemes POTT and UNBLOCKING this signal prolongation

time is only effective if the device has already issued a trip command. In present case, this parameter is

set to 0.05s.

DIS TRANSBLK EF (2112A): DIS transient block by EF. Where the teleprotection schemes of the

distance protection and earth fault protection share the same channel, DIS TRANSBLK EF (address

2112) should be set to YES. In present case, this parameter is set to NO.

11.2. Group DTT Direct Transfer Trip

FCT Direct Trip (2201): Direct Transfer Trip (DTT). A prerequisite for the application of the direct and

remote tripping functions is that during the configuration of the scope of functions in address 122 DTT

Direct Trip = Enabled was applied. At address 2201 FCT Direct Trip it can also be switched ON or OFF.

In present case, this parameter is set to ON.

Trip Time DELAY (2202): Trip Time Delay. It is possible to set a trip delay for both the local external

trip and the receive side of the remote trip in address 2202 Trip Time DELAY. This can be used as a

security time margin, especially in the case of local trip. In present case, this parameter is set to 0.01s.

12. Over Voltage Protection, 59(7SA522-Main-II)

Group Voltage Protection; Group U> Phase-Earth

Uph-e>(>) (3701): Operating mode Uph-e overvoltage prot. The phase voltage stages can be switched

ON or OFF in address 3701 Uph-e>(>). In addition to this, you can set Alarm Only, i.e. these stages

operate and send alarms but do not generate any trip command. The setting U>Alarm U>>Trip creates

in addition also a trip command only for the U>> stage. In present case, this parameter is set to ON.

Uph-e> (3702): Uph-e> Pickup. To match with the Main-I relay settings, this parameter is set to

1.1x63.5 = 69.85V in present case.

T Uph-e> (3703): T Uph-e> Time Delay. To match with the Main-I relay settings, this parameter is set

to 5s in present case.

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Uph-e>> (3704): Uph-e>> Pickup. To match with the Main-I relay settings, this parameter is set to

1.4x63.5 = 88.9V in present case.

T Uph-e>> (3705): T Uph-e>> Time Delay. To match with the Main-I relay settings, this parameter is

set to 0.1s in present case.

Uph-e>(>) RESET (3709A): Uph-e>(>) Reset ratio. Reset ratio is set to 0.98 in present case.

13. Autorecloser Settings, 79(REC670)

Guidelines for Setting:

Fast simultaneous tripping of the breakers at both ends of a faulty line is essential for successful auto-

reclosing. Therefore, availability of protection signaling equipment is a pre-requisite.

Starting and Blocking of Auto-reclose Relays:

Some protections start auto-reclosing and others block. Protections which start A/R are Main-I and

Main-II line protections.

Protections which block A/R are:

— Breaker Fail Relay

— Line Reactor Protections

— O/V Protection

— Received Direct Transfer trip signals

— Busbar Protection

— Zone 2/3 of Distance Protection

— Carrier Fail Conditions

— Circuit Breaker Problems.

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When a reclosing relay receives start and block A/R impulse simultaneously, block signal dominates.

Similarly, if it receives 'start' for 1-phase fault immediately followed by multi-phase fault the later one

dominates over the previous one.

Operation: If it is set ON, Autorecloser will be ON always but initiation is required to START input from

trip relay to start the timers in Autorecloser. If External ctrl is selected, on or off of Autorecloser function

will be using an external switch via IO or communication ports. In present case, this parameter is set to


ARMode: This parameter is set to 1/2ph in present case. If 2 phase fault occurs, it is converted to 3-ph

trip through trip logic (configured in relay).

All the available ARmodes are explained below.

3 phase: If 3 phase is selected, Autorecloser all shots will be 3-ph for all faults.

1/2/3ph: If 1/2/3ph is selected, Autorecloser first shot will be 1ph for 1ph fault, 2-ph for 2-ph fault and 3-

ph for 3-ph fault. If first shot fails, next shots will be 3-ph for all faults.

1/2ph: If 1/2ph is selected, Autorecloser will be 1ph for 1ph fault and 2-ph for 2-ph fault. For 3-ph faults,

Autorecloser will not work and it will not close the breaker after dead time. If first shot fails, next shots

will be 3-ph for 1ph and 2ph faults.

TR2P and TR3P inputs required if 2ph and 3ph Autorecloser is needed.

1ph+1*2ph: If 1ph+1*2ph is selected, Autorecloser first shot will be 1ph for 1ph fault and 2-ph for 2-ph.

If first shot fails, next shots will be 3-ph for 1ph faults. For 2ph faults, first shot will be 2ph and no next

shots, only 3ph trip, if it fails. For 3ph fault, Autorecloser will not work and it will not close the breaker

after dead time.

If 1ph fault occurred, Autorecloser will go for 1ph reclose after a 1ph trip. If Autorecloser fails to close, it

will go for 3ph trip and next Autorecloser will 3ph and it will continue based on no of shots setting.

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If 2ph fault occurred, Autorecloser will go for 2ph reclose after a 2ph trip. If Autorecloser fails to close, it

will go for 3ph trip and there will not be next Autorecloser cycle even if set more number of shots in


1/2ph+1*3ph: If 1ph+1*3ph is selected, Autorecloser first shot will be 1ph for 1ph fault, 2-ph for 2-ph

fault and 3-ph for 3-ph fault. If first shot fails, next shots will be 3-ph for 1ph and 2ph faults. For 3ph

faults, first shot will be 3ph and no next shots, only 3ph trip.

1ph+1*2/3ph: If 1ph+1*2/3ph is selected, Autorecloser first shot will be 1ph for 1ph fault, 2-ph for 2-ph

fault and 3-ph for 3-ph fault. If first shot fails, next shots will be 3-ph only for 1ph. For 2ph or 3ph faults,

first shot will be 2ph or 3ph respectively and no next shots, only 3ph trip.

t1 1ph, t1 2ph and t1 3ph are the first shot dead times for 1ph, 2ph and 3ph faults. t1 2ph and t1 3ph

are not applicable for 1ph Auto recloser.

t2 3Ph, t3 3Ph, t4 3Ph and t5 3Ph are not applicable if NoOfShots is set to 1.

Single phase dead time of 1.0 s. is recommended for both 400 kV and 220 kV systems.

t1 3PhHS: This timer is applicable if STARTHS input is used. This can be used where tripping by

different protection stages is needed. For this case, dead timer shall be normally in the range of 400ms.

This is a high speed auto recloser without synchrocheck. Hence this should be set to a low value. It

may be used when one wants to use two different dead times in different protection trip operations. This

input starts the dead time t1 3PhHS. This parameter is not applicable in present case.

tReclaim: After closing command to breaker, this timer will start, if fault occurred during this timer, auto

recloser will go for second shot or will issue 3ph trip based on setting.

According to IEC Publication 56.2, a breaker must be capable of withstanding the following operating

cycle with full rated breaking current:

0 + 0.3 s + CO + 3 min + CO

The recommended operating cycle at 400 kV and 220 kV is as per the IEC standard. Therefore, reclaim

time of 25s is recommended.

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tSync: Maximum time for Synchro check condition to be fulfilled (Not applicable for 1-ph A/R). This is

applicable when 3ph Autorecloser is used.

tTrip: If trip command and start auto-reclosing signal persist for more than tTrip time, Autorecloser will

be either blocked or extend the auto-reclosing dead time based on Extended t1 setting. It will block if

Extended t1=OFF and it will extend auto-reclosing dead time if Extended t1=ON. A trip pulse longer

than the set time tTrip will inhibit the reclosing.

At a setting somewhat longer than the auto-reclosing open time, this facility will not influence the

reclosing. Normally this parameter is set to 0.2s.

tPulse: It is just closing pulse width of CB closing command from Autorecloser. This parameter in

normally recommended to set 0.2s.

tCBClosedMin: If either main or tie CB is kept open prior to the occurrence of fault, the Autoreclose

closing pulse should not be given to that breaker.

Setting tCBClosedMin is the minimum time the CB shall be kept closed prior to occurrence of a fault to

get an AR attempt. If the CB has not been closed for at least this minimum time, a reclosing start will

not be accepted. Normally this parameter is set to 5s.

tUnsucCl: CB check time before unsuccessful alarm. Normally the signal UNSUCCL appears when a

new trip and start is received after the last reclosing shot has been made and the auto-reclosing

function is blocked.

The signal resets once the reclaim time has elapsed. The “unsuccessful” signal can also be made to

depend on CB position input. The parameter UnsucClByCBChk should then be set to CBCheck, and a

timer tUnsucCl should also be set. If the CB does not respond to the closing command and does not

close, but remains open, the output UNSUCCL becomes high after time tUnsucCl.

The Unsuccessful output can for example, be used in Multi-Breaker arrangement to cancel the auto-

reclosing function for the second breaker, if the first breaker closed onto a persistent fault. It can also be

used to generate a Lock-out of manual closing until the operator has reset the Lock-out. Normally this

parameter is set to 3s.

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220kV Phojal Line-IN Protection Relay Setting Calculations, HPPTCL

Priority: In a multi-C.B. arrangement one C.B. can be taken out of operation and the line still be kept in

service. After a line fault, only those C.Bs which were closed before the fault shall be reclosed.

In multi-C.B. arrangement it is desirable to have a priority arrangement so as to avoid closing of both

the breakers in case of a permanent fault. This will help in avoiding unnecessary wear and tear. In this

case, the breaker selected as priority High is reclosed first and only if it is successful, the other breaker

gets reclosing impulse.

A natural priority is that the C.B. near the busbar is reclosed first. In case of faults on two lines on both

sides of a tie C.B. the tie C.B. is reclosed after the outer C.Bs. The outer C.Bs. do not need a prioriting

with respect to each other.

In a single breaker arrangement the setting is Priority = None. In a multi-breaker arrangement the

setting for the first CB, the Master, is Priority = High and for the other CB Priority = Low.

While the reclosing of the master is in progress, it issues the signal WFMASTER.

A reset delay of one second ensures that the WAIT signal is kept high for the duration of the breaker

closing time. In the slave unit, the signal WAIT holds back a reclosing operation. When the WAIT signal

is reset at the time of a successful reclosing of the first CB, the slave unit is released to continue the

reclosing sequence.

tWaitForMaster: Setting of the maximum wait time for Master to be ready. In single CB applications,

one sets Priority = None. At sequential reclosing the function of the first CB, e.g. near the busbar, is set

Priority = High and for the second CB Priority = Low. The maximum waiting time, tWaitForMaster of the

second CB is set longer than the “auto-reclosing open time” and a margin for synchrocheck at the first

CB. Typical setting is tWaitForMaster=60s.

Whenever Zone1 Trips TIE CB as well as BUS CB Opens and First Dead time of Main CB starts and in

the mean time tWaitForMaster (TIE CB) starts elapsing. If WFMASTER does not deactivate with in

tWaitForMaster then TIE CB AR get deactivated. If WFMASTER deactivate before tWaitForMaster then

TIE CB Dead Time starts and at the end of Dead time TIE CB Reclose will happen.

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220kV Phojal Line-IN Protection Relay Setting Calculations, HPPTCL

NoOfShots: The maximum number of reclosing shots in an auto-reclosing cycle is selected by the

setting parameter NoOfShots. This parameter is set to 1.

StartByCBOpen: To be set ON if AR is to be started by CB open position. To start auto-reclosing by

CB position Open instead of from protection trip signals, one has to configure the CB Open position

signal to inputs CBPOS and START and set a parameter StartByCBOpen = On and CBAuxContType =

NormClosed (normally closed). One also has to configure and connect signals from manual trip

commands to input INHIBIT. Normally this is kept OFF.

CBAuxContType: Select the type of contact used for the CB Position input.

CBAuxContType=NormClosed is also set and a CB auxiliary contact of type NC (normally closed) is

connected to inputs CBPOS and START. When the signal changes from “CB closed” to “CB open”, an

auto-reclosing start pulse is generated and latched in the function, subject to the usual checks. Here it

needs to be set whether NC or NO auxiliary contact of the CB is connected to the relay. Normally NO

contact is used.

CBReadyType: The selection depends on the type of performance available from the CB operating

gear. At setting OCO (CB ready for an Open – Close – Open cycle), the condition is checked only at the

start of the reclosing cycle. The signal will disappear after tripping, but the CB will still be able to

perform the C-O sequence. For the selection CO (CB ready for a Close – Open cycle) the condition is

also checked after the set auto-reclosing dead time. This selection has a value first of all at multishot

reclosing to ensure that the CB is ready for a C-O sequence at shot 2 and further shots. During single-

shot reclosing, the OCO selection can be used. A breaker shall according to its duty cycle always have

storing energy for a CO operation after the first trip. (IEC 56 duty cycle is O-0.3s CO-3minCO).

Extended t1: Extended t1 for PLC failure activated or not. An auto-reclosing open time extension

delay, tExtended t1, can be added to the normal shot 1 delay. It is intended to come into use if the

communication channel for permissive line protection is lost. In such a case there can be a significant

time difference in fault clearance at the two ends of the line. A longer “auto-reclosing open time” can

then be useful. This extension time is controlled by setting parameter Extended t1=On and the input

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220kV Phojal Line-IN Protection Relay Setting Calculations, HPPTCL

PLCLOST. Typical setting in such a case: Extended t1 = On and tExtended t1 = 0.8 s. In present case

Extended t1 is set to OFF.

tInhibit: A typical setting is tInhibit = 5.0s to ensure reliable interruption and temporary blocking of the

function. Function will be blocked during this time after the tinhibit has been activated.

CutPulse: The CB closing command, CLOSECB is given as a pulse with a duration set by parameter

tPulse. For circuit-breakers without an anti-pumping function, close pulse cutting can be used. It is

selected by parameter CutPulse=On. In case of a new trip pulse (start), the closing command pulse is

then cut (interrupted). The minimum closing pulse length is always 50 ms.

If CB is with anti-pumping relay, this CutPulse can be set OFF. In present case, this parameter is set to


Follow CB: Select if the multi-shot cycle to advance to next shot at a new fault if CB has been closed

during dead time. The usual setting is Follow CB = Off. The setting On can be used for delayed

reclosing with long delay, to cover the case when a CB is being manually closed during the “auto-

reclosing open time” before the auto-reclosing function has issued its CB closing command.

AutoCont: Setting of the operating mode for next AR attempt (continue if CB does not close). This is

applicable only if multi-shots are selected. The normal setting is AutoCont = Off.

UnsucClByCBChk: Setting of the signal mode at Unsuccessful reclosing. The “unsuccessful” signal

can also be made to depend on CB position input using UnsucClByCBChk setting. 3ph trip is issued if

breaker has not been closed even if there is no trip output from distance relay.

Normally this parameter is set to NoCBCheck.

BlockByUnsucCl: Blocking of the Auto reclose program at unsuccessful auto reclosing. If this is made

ON, Autorecloser will be blocked for unsuccessful Autorecloser and it must be unblocked by using the

input BLKOFF. Normal this setting is Off.

ZoneSeqCoord: In present case this parameter is set to OFF.

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220kV Phojal Line-IN Protection Relay Setting Calculations, HPPTCL

14. Synchrocheck, 25(REC670)

SelPhaseBus1: Setting of the input phase for Bus 1 voltage reference. This parameter has to be set

based on the corresponding phase PT/CVT input connected to this function. Present case, this

parameter is set to L1 (R-phase).

SelPhaseLine1: Setting of the phase or line 1 voltage measurement. This parameter has to be set

based on the corresponding phase PT/CVT input connected to this function. Present case, this

parameter is set to L1 (R-phase).

SelPhaseBus2: Setting of the input phase for Bus 2 voltage reference (used in multi breaker schemes

only). This parameter has to be set based on the corresponding phase PT/CVT input connected to this

function. Present case, this parameter is set to L1 (R-phase)

SelPhaseLine2: Setting of the phase or line 2 voltage reference (used in multi breaker schemes only).

This parameter has to be set based on the corresponding phase PT/CVT input connected to this

function. Present case, this parameter is set to L1 (R-phase)

UBase: Setting of the Base voltage level on which the voltage settings are based. This parameter is set

to 220kV in present case.

PhaseShift: This setting is used to compensate for a phase shift caused by a transformer between the

two measurement points for bus voltage and line voltage, or by a use of different voltages as a

reference for the bus and line voltages. The set value is added to the measured line phase angle. The

bus voltage is the reference voltage. This parameter is set to 0° in present case.

URatio: The URatio is defined as URatio = bus voltage/line voltage. This setting scales up the line

voltage to an equal level with the bus voltage. This parameter is set to 1 in present case.

CBConfig: Set available bus configuration here if external PT selection for sync is not available. If No

voltage sel. is set, the default voltages used will be U-Line1 and U-Bus1. This is also the case when

external voltage selection is provided. Fuse failure supervision for the used inputs must also be

connected. In present case this parameter is set to No voltage. Kindly adjust this parameter if voltage

selection is to be done in REC670 relay based on bus configuration.

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220kV Phojal Line-IN Protection Relay Setting Calculations, HPPTCL

To allow closing of breakers between asynchronous networks a synchronizing function is provided. The

systems are defined to be asynchronous when the frequency difference between bus and line is larger

than an adjustable parameter.

OperationSC: This decides whether Synchrocheck function is OFF or ON. In present case this

parameter is set ON.

UHighBusSC and UHighLineSC: Set the operating level for the Bus high voltage and Line high

voltage at Line synchronism check. The voltage level settings must be chosen in relation to the bus or

line network voltage. The threshold voltages UHighBusSC and UHighLineSC have to be set lower than

the value at which the breaker is expected to close with the synchronism check. A typical value can be

80% of the base voltages.

UDiffSC: Setting of the allowed voltage difference for Manual and Auto synchronism check. The setting

for voltage difference between line and bus in p.u, defined as (U-Bus/ UBaseBus) - (U-

Line/UBaseLine). Normally this parameter is recommended to set 0.15pu.

FreqDiffM and FreqDiffA: The frequency difference level settings for Manual and Auto sync. A typical

value for FreqDiffM can be100mHz for a connected system, and a typical value for FreqDiffA can be

100-200mHz. FreqDiffA is also set to 100mHz in present case.

PhaseDiffM and PhaseDiffA: The phase angle difference level settings for Manual and Auto sync.

PhaseDiffM is normally recommended to set 30°. PhaseDiffA is also set to 30° in present case.

tSCM and tSCA: Setting of the time delay for Manual and Auto synchronism check. Circuit breaker

closing is thus not permitted until the synchrocheck situation has remained constant throughout the set

delay setting time. Typical values for tSCM and tSCA can be 0.1s.

Auto related settings are applicable since this function block is used for 3-ph Autorecloser operation

AutoEnerg and ManEnerg: Setting of the energizing check directions to be activated for AutoEnerg.

Setting of the manual Dead line/bus and Dead/Dead switching conditions to be allowed for ManEnerg.

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220kV Phojal Line-IN Protection Relay Setting Calculations, HPPTCL

DLLB, Dead Line Live Bus, the line voltage is below set value of ULowLineEnerg and the bus voltage is

above set value of UHighBusEnerg. DBLL, Dead Bus Live Line, the bus voltage is below set value of

ULowBusEnerg and the line voltage is above set value of UHighLineEnerg.

AutoEnerg and ManEnerg are set to Both of the above DLLB, DBLL.

ManEnergDBDL: This need to be made OFF to avoid manual closing of the breaker if both Bus and

Line are dead. In present case this parameter is set OFF.

UHighBusEnerg and UHighLineEnerg: Set the operating level for the Bus high voltage at Line

energizing for UHighBusEnerg. Set the operating level for the Line high voltage at Bus energizing for


The threshold voltages UHighBusEnerg and UHighLineEnerg have to be set lower than the value at

which the network is considered to be energized. A typical value can be 80% of the base voltages. If

system voltages are above the set values here, relay will consider it as Live condition.

ULowBusEnerg and ULowLineEnerg: Setting of the operating voltage level for the low Bus voltage

level at Bus energizing for ULowBusEnerg. Setting of the operating voltage level for the low line voltage

level at line energizing for ULowLineEnerg.

The threshold voltages ULowBusEnerg and ULowLineEnerg, have to be set to a value greater than the

value where the network is considered not to be energized. A typical value can be 40% of the base

voltages. If system voltages are below the set values here, relay will consider it as Dead condition.

UMaxEnerg: Setting of the maximum live voltage level at which energizing is allowed. This setting is

used to block the closing when the voltage on the live side is above the set value of UMaxEnerg. In

present case this parameter is set to 105% of UBase.

tAutoEnerg and tManEnerg: Set the time delay for the Auto Energizing and Manual Energizing. The

purpose of the timer delay settings, tAutoEnerg and tManEnerg, is to ensure that the dead side remains

de-energized and that the condition is not due to a temporary interference. If the conditions do not

persist for the specified time, the delay timer is reset and the procedure is restarted when the conditions

are fulfilled again. Circuit breaker closing is thus not permitted until the energizing condition has

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220kV Phojal Line-IN Protection Relay Setting Calculations, HPPTCL

remained constant throughout the set delay setting time. Normally tManEnerg and tAutoEnerg are

recommended to set 0.1s.

OperationSynch: Operation for synchronizing function Off/ On. This parameter is recommended to set


FreqDiffMin, FreqDiffMax, UHighBusSynch, UHighLineSynch, UDiffSynch, tClosePulse,

tBreaker, tMinSynch and tMaxSynch: These parameters are not applicable if OperationSynch is set

to OFF.

Note: Recommended settings for all above listed

protections are extracted from PCM and DIGSI softwares

and given below.

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REL670 Settings-Main-I
REL670 Analog Input Settings-Main-I
Line Distance Protection, 21L-Main-I
Phase Selection and Load encroachment Settings-Main-I
Directional Impedance Settings-Main-I

Switch Onto Fault Settings-Main-I

Power Swing Blocking Settings-Main-I

Fault Locator Settings-Main-I
Scheme Communication Settings-Main-I
Directional Earth fault Protection, 67N-Main-I
Over Voltage Protection, 59-Main-I
Fuse failure supervision, 60-Main-I
REF615 Settings
REF615 Analog Input Settings
Directional Over Current Protection, 67
Directional Earth fault Protection, 67N
7SA522 Settings

HPPTCL_Phozal / C1 / Q01 /
SIMATIC AA1D1Q01FP2/7SA522 26.05.16 15:30:51

HPPTCL_Phozal / C1 / Q01 / AA1D1Q01FP2

MLFB: 7SA52216DB904QR4
Parameter set version: V04.70.07
Device path: C:\Data\Relay settings\HPPTCL-PHOZAL\from SAS\7SA522
Creation date: 12.02.14 16:24:03
Last modified: 26.05.16 15:17:15
Operating mode: Offline
Setting values in: Secondary value description

1 Device Configuration ...................................................................................................................................................… 3
2 Power System Data 1 ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Group Power System Data 1; Group Transformers ....................................................................................................… 4
2.2 Group Power System Data 1; Group Power System ..................................................................................................… 4
2.3 Group Power System Data 1; Group Breaker .............................................................................................................… 4
3 Settings groups ...........................................................................................................................................................… 5
3.1 Group Power System Data 2; Group Power System ..................................................................................................… 5
3.2 Group Power System Data 2; Group Line Status ........................................................................................................... 5
3.3 Group Power System Data 2; Group Trip 1-/3-pole ....................................................................................................… 6
3.4 Group Distance protection, general settings; Group General .....................................................................................… 6
3.5 Group Distance protection, general settings; Group Earth faults ...............................................................................… 6
3.6 Group Distance protection, general settings; Group Time Delays ..............................................................................… 7
3.7 Group Distance zones (quadrilateral); Group Zone Z1 ...............................................................................................… 7
3.8 Group Distance zones (quadrilateral); Group Zone Z1B-exten. .................................................................................… 7
3.9 Group Distance zones (quadrilateral); Group Zone Z2 ...............................................................................................… 8
3.10 Group Distance zones (quadrilateral); Group Zone Z3 ...............................................................................................… 8
3.11 Group Distance zones (quadrilateral); Group Zone Z4 ...............................................................................................… 8
3.12 Group Distance zones (quadrilateral); Group Zone Z5 ...............................................................................................… 9
3.13 Group Distance zones (quadrilateral); Group Zone Z6 ...............................................................................................… 9
3.14 Group Power Swing ....................................................................................................................................................… 9
3.15 Group Teleprotection for Distance prot. ....................................................................................................................… 10
3.16 Group DTT Direct Transfer Trip ................................................................................................................................… 10
3.17 Group Instantaneous HighSpeed SOTF Overcurrent ...............................................................................................… 10
3.18 Group Weak Infeed (Trip and/or Echo) .....................................................................................................................… 10
3.19 Group Measurement Supervision; Group Balance / Summ. .....................................................................................… 11
3.20 Group Measurement Supervision; Group Fuse Fail. Mon. .......................................................................................… 11
3.21 Group Measurement Supervision; Group VT mcb ....................................................................................................… 12
3.22 Group Measurement Supervision; Group Load Angle ..............................................................................................… 12
3.23 Group Earth fault overcurrent; Group General ..........................................................................................................… 12
3.24 Group Earth fault overcurrent; Group 3I0>>> ............................................................................................................... 13
3.25 Group Earth fault overcurrent; Group 3I0>> ................................................................................................................. 13
3.26 Group Earth fault overcurrent; Group 3I0> ...............................................................................................................… 13

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SIMATIC AA1D1Q01FP2/7SA522 26.05.16 15:30:51

3.27 Group Earth fault overcurrent; Group 3I0 InverseTime .............................................................................................… 14

3.28 Group Earth fault overcurrent; Group Direction ............................................................................................................ 14
3.29 Group Voltage Protection; Group U> Phase-Earth ...................................................................................................… 14
3.30 Group Voltage Protection; Group U> Phase-Phase .................................................................................................… 15
3.31 Group Voltage Protection; Group 3U0> or Ux> ............................................................................................................ 15
3.32 Group Voltage Protection; Group U> Postive Seq. ...................................................................................................… 15
3.33 Group Voltage Protection; Group U> Negative Seq .................................................................................................… 16
3.34 Group Voltage Protection; Group U< Phase-Earth ...................................................................................................… 16
3.35 Group Voltage Protection; Group U< Phase-Phase .................................................................................................… 16
3.36 Group Voltage Protection; Group U< Postive Seq. ...................................................................................................… 17
3.37 Group Fault Locator; Group Fault Locator ................................................................................................................… 17

Page 2 of 17
Device Configuration Settings
Device Configuration
HPPTCL_Phozal / C1 / Q01 /
SIMATIC AA1D1Q01FP2/7SA522 26.05.16 15:30:51

1 Device Configuration

No. Function Scope

0103 Setting Group Change Option Disabled

0110 Trip mode 1-/3pole
0112 Phase Distance Quadrilateral
0113 Earth Distance Quadrilateral
0119 Additional Threshold Iph>(Z1) Disabled
0120 Power Swing detection Enabled
0121 Teleprotection for Distance prot. POTT
0122 DTT Direct Transfer Trip Enabled
0124 Instantaneous HighSpeed SOTF Overcurrent Enabled
0125 Weak Infeed (Trip and/or Echo) Enabled
0126 Backup overcurrent Disabled
0131 Earth fault overcurrent Time Overcurrent Curve IEC
0132 Teleprotection for Earth fault overcurr. Disabled
0133 Auto-Reclose Function Disabled
0134 Auto-Reclose control mode with Trip and Action time
0135 Synchronism and Voltage Check Disabled
0136 Over / Underfrequency Protection Disabled
0137 Under / Overvoltage Protection Enabled
0138 Fault Locator Enabled
0139 Breaker Failure Protection Disabled
0140 Trip Circuit Supervision Disabled

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Power System Data
Power System Data 1
HPPTCL_Phozal / C1 / Q01 /
SIMATIC AA1D1Q01FP2/7SA522 26.05.16 15:30:51

2 Power System Data 1

2.1 Group Power System Data 1; Group Transformers

Group Power System Data 1; Group Transformers
No. Settings Value Group

0201 CT Starpoint towards Line All

0203 Rated Primary Voltage 220.0 kV All
0204 Rated Secondary Voltage (Ph-Ph) 110 V All
0205 CT Rated Primary Current 600 A All
0206 CT Rated Secondary Current 1A All
0210 U4 voltage transformer is not connected All
0211 Matching ratio Phase-VT To Open-Delta-VT 1.73 All
0215 Matching ratio Usy1 / Usy2 1.00 All
0220 I4 current transformer is not connected All
0221 Matching ratio I4/Iph for CT's 1.000 All

2.2 Group Power System Data 1; Group Power System

Group Power System Data 1; Group Power System
No. Settings Value Group

0207 System Starpoint is Solid Earthed All

0230 Rated Frequency 50 Hz All
0235 Phase Sequence L1 L2 L3 All
0236 Distance measurement unit km All
0237 Setting format for zero seq.comp. format Zero seq. comp. factor K0 and angle(K0) All
0238A Earth Fault O/C: setting for 1pole AR all stages together All

2.3 Group Power System Data 1; Group Breaker

Group Power System Data 1; Group Breaker
No. Settings Value Group

0240A Minimum TRIP Command Duration 0.20 sec All

0241A Maximum Close Command Duration 0.30 sec All
0242 Dead Time for CB test-autoreclosure 1.00 sec All

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Settings groups
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3 Settings groups

3.1 Group Power System Data 2; Group Power System

Group Power System Data 2; Group Power System
No. Settings Value Group

1103 Measurement: Full Scale Voltage (100%) 220.0 kV A

1104 Measurement: Full Scale Current (100%) 600 A A
1105 Line Angle 81 ° A
1211 Angle of inclination, distance charact. 81 ° A
1107 P,Q operational measured values sign not reversed A
1110 x' - Line Reactance per length unit 0.1234 Ohm / km A
1111 Line Length 20.4 km A
1120 Zero seq. comp. factor K0 for zone Z1 0.670 A
1121 Zero seq. comp. angle for zone Z1 -2.79 ° A
1122 Zero seq.comp.factor K0,higher zones >Z1 0.760 A
1123 Zero seq. comp. angle, higher zones >Z1 0.77 ° A

3.2 Group Power System Data 2; Group Line Status

Group Power System Data 2; Group Line Status
No. Settings Value Group

1130A Pole Open Current Threshold 0.10 A A

1131A Pole Open Voltage Threshold 30 V A
1132A Seal-in Time after ALL closures 0.50 sec A
1133A minimal time for line open before SOTF 30.00 sec A
1134 Recognition of Line Closures with Current flow or Manual close BI A
1135 RESET of Trip Command with Pole Open Current Threshold only A
1136 open pole detector with measurement (U/I,trip,pickup,CBaux) A
1140A CT Saturation Threshold 20.0 A A
1150A Seal-in Time after MANUAL closures 0.30 sec A
1151 Manual CLOSE COMMAND generation NO A
1152 MANUAL Closure Impulse after CONTROL <none> All

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Group Power System Data 2; Group Trip 1-/3-pole
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3.3 Group Power System Data 2; Group Trip 1-/3-pole

Group Power System Data 2; Group Trip 1-/3-pole
No. Settings Value Group

1155 3 pole coupling with Trip A

1156A Trip type with 2phase faults 3pole A

Line Distance Protection, 21L-Main-II

3.4 Group Distance protection, general settings; Group General
Group Distance protection, general settings; Group General
No. Settings Value Group

1201 Distance protection ON A

1202 Phase Current threshold for dist. meas. 0.10 A A
1211 Angle of inclination, distance charact. 81 ° A
1208 Series compensated line NO A
1232 Instantaneous trip after SwitchOnToFault Inactive A
1241 R load, minimum Load Impedance (ph-e) 35.580 Ohm A
1242 PHI load, maximum Load Angle (ph-e) 30 ° A
1243 R load, minimum Load Impedance (ph-ph) 36.220 Ohm A
1244 PHI load, maximum Load Angle (ph-ph) 30 ° A
1317A Single pole trip for faults in Z2 NO A
1357 Z1B enabled before 1st AR (int. or ext.) NO A

3.5 Group Distance protection, general settings; Group Earth faults

Group Distance protection, general settings; Group Earth faults
No. Settings Value Group

1203 3I0 threshold for neutral current pickup 0.10 A A

1204 3U0 threshold zero seq. voltage pickup 15 V A
1207A 3I0>-pickup-stabilisation (3I0> /Iphmax) 0.10 A
1209A criterion of earth fault recognition 3I0> OR 3U0> A
1221A Loop selection with 2Ph-E faults block leading ph-e loop A

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Group Distance protection, general settings; Group Time Delays
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3.6 Group Distance protection, general settings; Group Time Delays

Group Distance protection, general settings; Group Time Delays
No. Settings Value Group

1210 Condition for zone timer start with distance pickup A

1305 T1-1phase, delay for single phase faults 0.00 sec A
1306 T1multi-ph, delay for multi phase faults 0.00 sec A
1315 T2-1phase, delay for single phase faults 0.35 sec A
1316 T2multi-ph, delay for multi phase faults 0.35 sec A
1325 T3 delay 1.00 sec A
1335 T4 delay 0.35 sec A
1345 T5 delay oo sec A
1365 T6 delay oo sec A
1355 T1B-1phase, delay for single ph. faults oo sec A
1356 T1B-multi-ph, delay for multi ph. faults oo sec A

3.7 Group Distance zones (quadrilateral); Group Zone Z1

Group Distance zones (quadrilateral); Group Zone Z1
No. Settings Value Group

1301 Operating mode Z1 Forward A

1302 R(Z1), Resistance for ph-ph-faults 4.500 Ohm A
1303 X(Z1), Reactance 2.695 Ohm A
1304 RE(Z1), Resistance for ph-e faults 12.130 Ohm A
1305 T1-1phase, delay for single phase faults 0.00 sec A
1306 T1multi-ph, delay for multi phase faults 0.00 sec A
1307 Zone Reduction Angle (load compensation) 0 ° A

3.8 Group Distance zones (quadrilateral); Group Zone Z1B-exten.

Group Distance zones (quadrilateral); Group Zone Z1B-exten.
No. Settings Value Group

1351 Operating mode Z1B (overrreach zone) Inactive A

1352 R(Z1B), Resistance for ph-ph-faults 2.500 Ohm A
1353 X(Z1B), Reactance 5.000 Ohm A
1354 RE(Z1B), Resistance for ph-e faults 5.000 Ohm A
1355 T1B-1phase, delay for single ph. faults oo sec A
1356 T1B-multi-ph, delay for multi ph. faults oo sec A

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Group Distance zones (quadrilateral); Group Zone Z1B-exten.(2)

No. Settings Value Group

1357 Z1B enabled before 1st AR (int. or ext.) NO A

3.9 Group Distance zones (quadrilateral); Group Zone Z2

Group Distance zones (quadrilateral); Group Zone Z2
No. Settings Value Group

1311 Operating mode Z2 Forward A

1312 R(Z2), Resistance for ph-ph-faults 9.000 Ohm A
1313 X(Z2), Reactance 5.054 Ohm A
1314 RE(Z2), Resistance for ph-e faults 22.500 Ohm A
1315 T2-1phase, delay for single phase faults 0.35 sec A
1316 T2multi-ph, delay for multi phase faults 0.35 sec A
1317A Single pole trip for faults in Z2 NO A

3.10 Group Distance zones (quadrilateral); Group Zone Z3

Group Distance zones (quadrilateral); Group Zone Z3
No. Settings Value Group

1321 Operating mode Z3 Forward A

1322 R(Z3), Resistance for ph-ph-faults 11.250 Ohm A
1323 X(Z3), Reactance 30.162 Ohm A
1324 RE(Z3), Resistance for ph-e faults 37.500 Ohm A
1325 T3 delay 1.00 sec A

3.11 Group Distance zones (quadrilateral); Group Zone Z4

Group Distance zones (quadrilateral); Group Zone Z4
No. Settings Value Group

1331 Operating mode Z4 Reverse A

1332 R(Z4), Resistance for ph-ph-faults 11.250 Ohm A
1333 X(Z4), Reactance 2.200 Ohm A
1334 RE(Z4), Resistance for ph-e faults 37.500 Ohm A

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Group Distance zones (quadrilateral); Group Zone Z4(2)

No. Settings Value Group

1335 T4 delay 0.35 sec A

3.12 Group Distance zones (quadrilateral); Group Zone Z5

Group Distance zones (quadrilateral); Group Zone Z5
No. Settings Value Group

1341 Operating mode Z5 Inactive A

1342 R(Z5), Resistance for ph-ph-faults 15.000 Ohm A
1343 X(Z5)+, Reactance for Forward direction 15.000 Ohm A
1344 RE(Z5), Resistance for ph-e faults 15.000 Ohm A
1345 T5 delay oo sec A
1346 X(Z5)-, Reactance for Reverse direction 4.000 Ohm A

3.13 Group Distance zones (quadrilateral); Group Zone Z6

Group Distance zones (quadrilateral); Group Zone Z6
No. Settings Value Group

1361 Operating mode Z6 Inactive A

1362 R(Z6), Resistance for ph-ph-faults 15.000 Ohm A
1363 X(Z6)+, Reactance for Forward direction 15.000 Ohm A
1364 RE(Z6), Resistance for ph-e faults 15.000 Ohm A
1365 T6 delay oo sec A
1366 X(Z6)-, Reactance for Reverse direction 4.000 Ohm A

Power Swing Blocking Settings-Main-II

3.14 Group Power Swing
Group Power Swing
No. Settings Value Group

2002 Power Swing Operating mode all zones blocked A

2006 Power swing trip NO A

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Scheme Communication Settings-Main-II

3.15 Group Teleprotection for Distance prot.

Group Teleprotection for Distance prot.
No. Settings Value Group

2101 Teleprotection for Distance protection ON A

2102 Type of Line Two Terminals A
2103A Time for send signal prolongation 0.05 sec A
2109A Transient Block.: Duration external flt. 0.04 sec A
2110A Transient Block.: Blk.T. after ext. flt. 0.05 sec A
2112A DIS transient block by EF NO A
2113 Memorize receive signal NO A

3.16 Group DTT Direct Transfer Trip

Group DTT Direct Transfer Trip
No. Settings Value Group

2201 Direct Transfer Trip (DTT) ON A

2202 Trip Time Delay 0.01 sec A

Switch Onto Fault Settings-Main-II

3.17 Group Instantaneous HighSpeed SOTF Overcurrent

Group Instantaneous HighSpeed SOTF Overcurrent
No. Settings Value Group

2401 Inst. High Speed SOTF-O/C is ON A

2404 I>>> Pickup 3.00 A A

3.18 Group Weak Infeed (Trip and/or Echo)

Group Weak Infeed (Trip and/or Echo)
No. Settings Value Group

2501 Weak Infeed function Echo and Trip (I=0) A

2502A Trip / Echo Delay after carrier receipt 0.04 sec A

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Group Weak Infeed (Trip and/or Echo)(2)

No. Settings Value Group

2503A Trip Extension / Echo Impulse time 0.05 sec A

2504A Echo Block Time 0.05 sec A
2505 Undervoltage (ph-e) 25 V A
2509 Echo logic: Dis and EF on common channel NO All

3.19 Group Measurement Supervision; Group Balance / Summ.

Group Measurement Supervision; Group Balance / Summ.
No. Settings Value Group

2901 Measurement Supervision ON A

2902A Voltage Threshold for Balance Monitoring 50 V A
2903A Balance Factor for Voltage Monitor 0.75 A
2904A Current Balance Monitor 0.30 A A
2905A Balance Factor for Current Monitor 0.50 A
2906A Summated Current Monitoring Threshold 0.10 A A
2907A Summated Current Monitoring Factor 0.10 A
2908A T Balance Factor for Voltage Monitor 5 sec A
2909A T Current Balance Monitor 5 sec A

Fuse failure supervision, 60-Main-II

3.20 Group Measurement Supervision; Group Fuse Fail. Mon.
Group Measurement Supervision; Group Fuse Fail. Mon.
No. Settings Value Group

2910 Fuse Failure Monitor ON A

2911A Minimum Voltage Threshold U> 30 V A
2912A Maximum Current Threshold I< 0.10 A A
2913A Maximum Voltage Threshold U< (3phase) 15 V A
2914A Delta Current Threshold (3phase) 0.10 A A
2915 Voltage Failure Supervision with current supervision A
2916A Delay Voltage Failure Supervision 3.00 sec A

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Group Measurement Supervision; Group VT mcb
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3.21 Group Measurement Supervision; Group VT mcb

Group Measurement Supervision; Group VT mcb
No. Settings Value Group

2921 VT mcb operating time 0 ms A

3.22 Group Measurement Supervision; Group Load Angle

Group Measurement Supervision; Group Load Angle
No. Settings Value Group

2941 Limit setting PhiA 200 ° A

2942 Limit setting PhiB 340 ° A
2943 Minimum value I1> 0.05 A A
2944 Minimum value U1> 20 V A

Directional Earth fault Protection, 67N-Main-II

3.23 Group Earth fault overcurrent; Group General
Group Earth fault overcurrent; Group General
No. Settings Value Group

3101 Earth Fault overcurrent function ON A

3102 Block E/F for Distance protection NO A
3174 Block E/F for Distance Protection Pickup in each zone A
3103 Block E/F for 1pole Dead time YES A
3104A Stabilisation Slope with Iphase 10 % A
3109 Single pole trip with earth flt.prot. NO A
3170 2nd harmonic ratio for inrush restraint 15 % A
3171 Max.Current, overriding inrush restraint 7.50 A A
3172 Instantaneous mode after SwitchOnToFault with Pickup (non-directional) A
3173 Trip time delay after SOTF 0.00 sec A

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Group Earth fault overcurrent; Group 3I0>>>
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3.24 Group Earth fault overcurrent; Group 3I0>>>

Group Earth fault overcurrent; Group 3I0>>>
No. Settings Value Group

3110 Operating mode Inactive A

3111 3I0>>> Pickup 4.00 A A
3112 T 3I0>>> Time delay 0.30 sec A
3113 Instantaneous trip via Teleprot./BI NO A
3114 Instantaneous trip after SwitchOnToFault NO A
3115 Inrush Blocking NO A

3.25 Group Earth fault overcurrent; Group 3I0>>

Group Earth fault overcurrent; Group 3I0>>
No. Settings Value Group

3120 Operating mode Inactive A

3121 3I0>> Pickup 2.00 A A
3122 T 3I0>> Time Delay 0.60 sec A
3123 Instantaneous trip via Teleprot./BI NO A
3124 Instantaneous trip after SwitchOnToFault NO A
3125 Inrush Blocking NO A

3.26 Group Earth fault overcurrent; Group 3I0>

Group Earth fault overcurrent; Group 3I0>
No. Settings Value Group

3130 Operating mode Inactive A

3131 3I0> Pickup 0.20 A A
3132 T 3I0> Time Delay 0.90 sec A
3133 Instantaneous trip via Teleprot./BI NO A
3134 Instantaneous trip after SwitchOnToFault NO A
3135 Inrush Blocking NO A

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Group Earth fault overcurrent; Group 3I0 InverseTime
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3.27 Group Earth fault overcurrent; Group 3I0 InverseTime

Group Earth fault overcurrent; Group 3I0 InverseTime
No. Settings Value Group

3140 Operating mode Forward A

3141 3I0p Pickup 0.10 A A
3143 3I0p Time Dial 0.49 sec A
3147 Additional Time Delay 0.00 sec A
3148 Instantaneous trip via Teleprot./BI NO A
3149 Instantaneous trip after SwitchOnToFault NO A
3150 Inrush Blocking YES A
3151 IEC Curve Normal Inverse A

3.28 Group Earth fault overcurrent; Group Direction

Group Earth fault overcurrent; Group Direction
No. Settings Value Group

3160 Polarization with U0 + IY or U2 A

3162A ALPHA, lower angle for forward direction 338 ° A
3163A BETA, upper angle for forward direction 122 ° A
3164 Min. zero seq.voltage 3U0 for polarizing 0.5 V A
3166 Min. neg. seq. polarizing voltage 3U2 0.5 V A
3167 Min. neg. seq. polarizing current 3I2 0.05 A A
3168 Compensation angle PHI comp. for Sr 255 ° A
3169 Forward direction power threshold 0.3 VA A
3186A 3U0 min for forward direction 0.0 V A
3187A Reactance X of series capacitor 0.000 Ohm A

Over Voltage Protection, 59-Main-II

3.29 Group Voltage Protection; Group U> Phase-Earth
Group Voltage Protection; Group U> Phase-Earth
No. Settings Value Group

3701 Operating mode Uph-e overvoltage prot. ON A

3702 Uph-e> Pickup 69.9 V A
3703 T Uph-e> Time Delay 5.00 sec A
3704 Uph-e>> Pickup 88.9 V A
3705 T Uph-e>> Time Delay 0.10 sec A
3709A Uph-e>(>) Reset ratio 0.98 A

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3.30 Group Voltage Protection; Group U> Phase-Phase

Group Voltage Protection; Group U> Phase-Phase
No. Settings Value Group

3711 Operating mode Uph-ph overvoltage prot. OFF A

3712 Uph-ph> Pickup 125.0 V A
3713 T Uph-ph> Time Delay 2.00 sec A
3714 Uph-ph>> Pickup 175.0 V A
3715 T Uph-ph>> Time Delay 1.00 sec A
3719A Uph-ph>(>) Reset ratio 0.98 A

3.31 Group Voltage Protection; Group 3U0> or Ux>

Group Voltage Protection; Group 3U0> or Ux>
No. Settings Value Group

3721 Operating mode 3U0 (or Ux) overvoltage OFF A

3722 3U0> Pickup (or Ux>) 30.0 V A
3723 T 3U0> Time Delay (or T Ux>) 2.00 sec A
3724 3U0>> Pickup (or Ux>>) 50.0 V A
3725 T 3U0>> Time Delay (or T Ux>>) 1.00 sec A
3728A 3U0>(>): Stabilization 3U0-Measurement ON A
3729A 3U0>(>) Reset ratio (or Ux) 0.95 A

3.32 Group Voltage Protection; Group U> Postive Seq.

Group Voltage Protection; Group U> Postive Seq.
No. Settings Value Group

3731 Operating mode U1 overvoltage prot. OFF A

3732 U1> Pickup 150.0 V A
3733 T U1> Time Delay 2.00 sec A
3734 U1>> Pickup 175.0 V A
3735 T U1>> Time Delay 1.00 sec A
3739A U1>(>) Reset ratio 0.98 A

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3.33 Group Voltage Protection; Group U> Negative Seq

Group Voltage Protection; Group U> Negative Seq
No. Settings Value Group

3741 Operating mode U2 overvoltage prot. OFF A

3742 U2> Pickup 30.0 V A
3743 T U2> Time Delay 2.00 sec A
3744 U2>> Pickup 50.0 V A
3745 T U2>> Time Delay 1.00 sec A
3749A U2>(>) Reset ratio 0.98 A

3.34 Group Voltage Protection; Group U< Phase-Earth

Group Voltage Protection; Group U< Phase-Earth
No. Settings Value Group

3751 Operating mode Uph-e undervoltage prot. OFF A

3752 Uph-e< Pickup 30.0 V A
3753 T Uph-e< Time Delay 2.00 sec A
3754 Uph-e<< Pickup 10.0 V A
3755 T Uph-e<< Time Delay 1.00 sec A
3758 Current supervision (Uph-e) ON A
3759A Uph-e<(<) Reset ratio 1.05 A

3.35 Group Voltage Protection; Group U< Phase-Phase

Group Voltage Protection; Group U< Phase-Phase
No. Settings Value Group

3761 Operating mode Uph-ph undervoltage prot. OFF A

3762 Uph-ph< Pickup 50.0 V A
3763 T Uph-ph< Time Delay 2.00 sec A
3764 Uph-ph<< Pickup 17.0 V A
3765 T Uph-ph<< Time Delay 1.00 sec A
3768 Current supervision (Uph-ph) ON A
3769A Uph-ph<(<) Reset ratio 1.05 A

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3.36 Group Voltage Protection; Group U< Postive Seq.

Group Voltage Protection; Group U< Postive Seq.
No. Settings Value Group

3771 Operating mode U1 undervoltage prot. OFF A

3772 U1< Pickup 30.0 V A
3773 T U1< Time Delay 2.00 sec A
3774 U1<< Pickup 10.0 V A
3775 T U1<< Time Delay 1.00 sec A
3778 Current supervision (U1) ON A
3779A U1<(<) Reset ratio 1.05 A

Fault Locator Settings-Main-II

3.37 Group Fault Locator; Group Fault Locator

Group Fault Locator; Group Fault Locator
No. Settings Value Group

3802 Start fault locator with Pickup A

3806 Load Compensation NO A

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REC670 Settings
REC670 Analog Input Settings
Autorecloser Settings, 79
Synchrocheck Settings, 25

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