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Designated survivor bill filed in

Posted at Aug 29 2019 12:12 PM | Updated as of Aug 29 2019 01:20 PM

MANILA - A measure granting President Rodrigo Duterte the power to designate a successor in the
event that all his Constitutional successors are killed in a gathering has been filed at both chambers of

Senate Bill No. 982 and House Bill No. 4062, filed on Aug. 20, provides that the President delegate a
successor from his Cabinet officials ahead of a gathering of high-ranking officials such as the State
of the Nation Address (SONA).

The successor will be kept in a secure and undisclosed place during the occasion and will take over
the presidency should all Constitutional successors die or become incapacitated.

In the explanatory note of Quezon City Rep. Precious Castelo, she cited the practice of the United
States to assign a designated successor "in order to guarantee that there will always be someone to
assume the reins of the government in case an unimaginable disaster happens."

A US television series based on the practice was aired from 2016 to 2019.

“While the strongest and strictest security measures have always been implemented and enforced
during SONA, there is always a chance, whoever slim, that a tragedy can happen," Castelo said.

“In the unlikely chance that all of these officials become unavailable to fill in the role of the
President, our supreme law does not provide a rule. During SONA, or during any other assembly
where officials are gathered, the probability of this happening becomes greater."

She added: "The absence of a leader can lead to lawlessness and disorder, and worst, to anarchy."

The House measure was referred to the chamber's committee on Constitutional Amendments on

Aside from delegating a successor, the Senate bill, penned by Sen. Panfilo Lacson, seeks to provide
"an exhaustive line" of presidential succession.

The Constitution provides that the President, in the case of death, permanent disability, removal from
office, or resignation will be succeeded by the Vice President.

Should the second-in-command be incapable to assume the position, the Senate President will be the
next in line and then the House Speaker.

Under the measure, the following officials will succeed the Acting President:

 the most senior Senator, based on the length of service in the Senate
 the most senior Representative based on the length of service in the House of Representatives
 the member of the Cabinet designated by the President

‘The toilet is sacred’: Sotto

says no to trans women in
women's restrooms
MANILA—Senate President Vicente Sotto III on Thursday said he is opposed to the idea of allowing
transgender women in restrooms assigned to women.

Sotto has become more vocal rejecting the idea after concerns were raised about the possible abuse
that could take place in case this setup is allowed.

“I now feel very strongly about it because it has turned from a transgender rights to a women’s rights
[issue],” Sotto told reporters.

“This is now an issue on women’s rights because I feel that a woman’s body is a temple and to her,
the toilet is sacred. It’s where she has a weakest point. Kaya kung ikaw meron kang sandata, hindi ka
dapat du’n nagsi-CR (If you have a penis, you should not use the women’s restroom). You go to the
men’s room.”

Sotto added some transgender women’s claim that they are vulnerable to assault in men’s restrooms
is unfounded.

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) groups have been pushing for an inclusive restroom
policy in the country where transgender people are allowed to use the restroom of their choice.

Discussion on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) equality bill, which
seeks to protect members of the LGBT community from all forms discrimination, gained public
attention after transgender woman Gretchen Diez was detained following an argument with a
janitress who admonished her for using the women's toilet at a Quezon City mall last week.

Several senators, including administration allies Bong Go, Imee Marcos, and Juan Miguel Zubiri
have since expressed support for tthe SOGIE equality bill.

But senators Aquilino Pimentel III, Panfilo Lacson, and Ronald Dela Rosa expressed apprehension
over allowing transgender women in women’s restrooms, as this might be abused by straight men
wishing to sexually assault women.
Online outrage: 'Let rapist-
murderer Sanchez spend his
lifetime in jail'
MANILA — Some of them were not even born when then Calauan Mayor Antonio Sanchez
committed the gruesome crime, but millennials are joining the protest against his likely freedom in a
platform they are most comfortable with - online.

Close to 63,000 netizens on Thursday have already "signed" an online petition demanding that the
government stop the impending release of the convicted rapist and murderer.

Sanchez, a former mayor of Calauan, Laguna, was sentenced in 1995 to 7 counts of reclusion
perpetua (or 40 years imprisonment) over the 1993 rape-slay of Eileen Sarmenta and the murder of
Allan Gomez.

The petition, created by user B Vergara, said Sanchez "must remain incarcerated for the
duration of his lifetime." Vergara claims he and Gomez were friends.

"We petition the Department of Justice to stop Sanchez's release and affirm his seven life sentences.
He used his power and position to kidnap, rape and murder. His actions terrorized a university and an
entire town. For full justice to be served, he must remain incarcerated for the duration of his
lifetime," the online petition read.

As of 7:30 p.m. Thursday, 62,000 online users joined the petition.


Questions were raised over how Sanchez could qualify for good conduct when he was caught with
P1.5 million worth of shabu hidden in a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary in his cell at the New
Bilibid Prison in Muntinlupa City in 2010. An airconditioning unit and a flat-screen TV were also
seized from him during a raid in 2015.

 Impending release of convicted rapist-murderer Sanchez sparks outrage

Several senators have already questioned the eligibility of Sanchez for release, with one legislator
eyeing an inquiry over the controversial application of the law.

 'Shabu' in Virgin Mary statue refutes Sanchez 'good behavior': Drilon

"He is charged with engaging in drug trading inside Bilibid penitentiary and on that basis alone he
cannot qualify to avail of the benefits under the law," said Sen. Franklin Drilon, who was also the
justice secretary at the time of Sanchez’s conviction.

 'Sentences ignored?' Senators reject release of Antonio Sanchez

Bureau of Corrections Director General Nicanor Faeldon on Thursday said Sanchez may in fact be
disqualified from the GCTA rule based on several grounds.

 Sanchez may not qualify for release under new GCTA rule: BuCor

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