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Borneo Journal of Medical Sciences


Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Scale of Medical Personnel on Smoking Cessation

Guidelines: A Review on Associations and Questionnaires
Shaiful Ehsan Shalihin1*, Mohamad Haniki NM2

Department of Family Medicine, The number of active smokers in Malaysia
Kulliyyah of Medicine, is increasing despite the availability of stop
International Islamic University of Malaysia, smoking clinics and smoking cessation
IIUM, Kuantan, Malaysia medications. Other than smokers’ level of
Department of Pharmacy Practice, motivation to quit smoking, competency of the
Kulliyyah of Pharmacy, healthcare professionals involved in providing
International Islamic University of Malaysia, smoking cessation intervention using evidence-
IIUM, Kuantan, Malaysia based guidelines needs to be considered.
Hence, knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP)
of the healthcare providers in relation to
* Corresponding author’s email: existing clinical practice guidelines on smoking cessation should be assessed. In this review,
we look at the factors contributing to the KAP
Received: 4 November 2018 of medical personnel on the guidelines and
also the previously available assessment tool,
Accepted: 8 January 2019 mainly in the form of a validated questionnaire,
for the purpose of applying it to the context of
How to Cite: the Malaysian healthcare providers.
Shalihin, M. S. E., & Nik Mohamed, M. H.
(2019). Knowledge, attitude and practice scale
of medical personnel on smoking cessation
guidelines: A review on associations and
questionnaires.  Borneo Journal of Medical
Sciences (BJMS), 13 (2), 3–13. Retrieved from Globally, the prevalence of smoking is increasing in trend especially among adolescents, which
bjms/article/view/1531 led to the recent World Health Organization
(WHO) action on enforcing bans on tobacco
advertising, promotion and sponsorship,
including the ban on selling cigarettes to
Keywords: smoking cessation, minors1. Smoking is generally five times higher
questionnaire, knowledge, attitude, among men than women; however, the gender
practice gap declines with younger age2. The number
of smokers and number of cigarettes smoked
worldwide have increased tremendously2. This
trend is comparable in Malaysia whereby the
prevalence of current smokers has increased
in trend from 21.5% in 2006 to 24.7% in 2011,

Borneo Journal of Medical Sciences 13 (2) May, 2019: 3 – 13

Borneo Journal of Medical Sciences 13 (2) May, 2019: 3 – 1311 (3): 35 – 38

despite the trend reducing initially from 1996 While, the 5R’s components consist
to 20063. of ‘relevant’, ‘risks’, ‘rewards’, ‘roadblocks’ and
‘repetitions’ components. These are especially
Cigarette smoking is one of the beneficial in convincing the unmotivated
modifiable risk factors for chronic illnesses smoker to stop smoking4, 7.
and mortality among humans4. Smoking
reduces the quality of life and increases the Even though these 5A’s and 5R’s
risk of developing non-communicable diseases components are simple and useful in stop
including coronary artery disease and chronic smoking practices, the lack of its awareness
obstructive pulmonary disease4. Smoking also and implementation is the major culprit
increases the risk to develop cancer of the lung, in contributing to the increasing number
oropharynx, larynx and pancreas4. Furthermore, of unmotivated smokers1, 7. The factors
pregnant mothers who are active smokers will associated could be due to lack of training
have higher chance to deliver low birth weight or experience in working among the medical
infants compared to non-smoker mothers5. personnels9. So far, assessment regarding
Moreover, tobacco use increases economic and awareness and implementation of the
financial burden to the public and its country4. guidelines among medical professionals in
Worldwide, it causes more than half a trillion Malaysia is unknown. In addition, there is no
dollars of economic damage per year1. valid questionnaire or tool available in our
country to perform the assessment.
About 2.3 billion people worldwide are
now covered by at least one tobacco control
measure at the highest level of achievement. FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH LEVEL OF
This is due to the actions taken by many WHO KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDE AND PRACTICE OF
Member States to fight the tobacco epidemic. MEDICAL PERSONNEL ON STOP SMOKING
However, in Malaysia, even though smoking MEASURE
cessation programme already existed for the
past decade, the outcome of such programme Significant factors contributing to awareness
is still not encouraging6. The reason for such and practices of smoking cessation services
failure remains controversial either due to lack among medical personnel includes age,
of awareness among the public or suboptimal gender, profession, practice location, smoking
knowledge and less action taken by the status and history of attending formal stop
medical personnel. smoking training. Nevertheless, having
attended a smoking cessation training
Worldwide, smoking cessation programme is the only significant predictor
guidelines have been implemented in order to of a good practice score10. Indeed, formal
encourage and help people to stop smoking4, training is the best way of overcoming barrier
. It universally incorporated the 5A’s and in providing stop smoking advice11, 12.
5R’s components. These components are
important in initiating stop smoking among Increasing age is associated with more
smokers and maintaining their abstinence. It professional experience because of increasing
can be delivered not only by the physician or number of job training and abundant
medical officer, but by any medical personnel, continuous medical education sessions13.
who has been trained formally. It is found to be Therefore, years of practice contributes
useful in daily busy outpatient clinic setting4, to a higher level of expertise, knowledge
. The 5A’s components consist of ‘ask’, ‘advice’, and capabilities8, 14. Male doctors are more
‘assess’, ‘assist’ and ‘arrange’ components which confident in managing the case especially at
are useful on encountering any new patients6. their own primary care level. However, female

Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Scale of Medical Personnel on Smoking Cessation Guidelines:
A Review on Associations and Questionnaires

medical personnel believe that they have stop smoking advice at primary care levels23.
higher confidence level and be excellent time Nevertheless, in tertiary centres, internal
managers while giving advice to patients15. medicine specialists are more commonly
Malay medical personnel are associated with involved in stop smoking practice compared
higher prevalence of smokers in our country, to other departments14.
in which their awareness may be low in giving
stop smoking advice as well16.
Smoking will cause poor quality of life ON ASSESSING LEVEL OF KNOWLEDGE,
and health. Therefore, doctors who are active ATTITUDE AND PRACTICE OF MEDICAL
smokers will develop medical illness earlier. PERSONNEL ON STOP SMOKING MEASURE
This will affect their daily performance as a
medical doctor14, 17. Doctors who smoke also We reviewed all questionnaires that had
will spend shorter duration of time in giving already been published in previous journals
stop smoking counselling compared to non- since 1990 till 2018 using keywords search of
smoker doctors as they feel uncomfortable ‘5A’s’, ‘5R’s’, ‘knowledge’, ‘attitude’, ‘practice’ and
talking about stop smoking and therefore ‘questionnaire’ from Google Search, Google
results in poor practices score18. Area of Scholars, ScienceDirect, PubMed and other
practice also contributes to stop smoking major search websites. These related articles
advice14. Less number of smokers seen in the later only will be selected if covers smoking
practising area makes the health providers cessation guidelines or training programme.
more comfortable and confident in giving
advice compared to the place where smoking In Malaysia, for the past 40 years, the
is accepted to be normal19. studies conducted thus far are mainly limited
to smoking behaviour, attitude and opinions
Location of the government health clinic towards smoking habit and competency of
either near or far from the city could also affect giving stop smoking advice, rather than on
the awareness and implementation of stop the awareness and practices of both 5A’s
smoking services among practitioners. At first and 5R’s framework16, 20, 24. These studies also
glance, it may seem easier to deliver tobacco were mainly done among medical students.
preventive measure to the rural community Furthermore, studies on the practice of
since their population is less than that in the smoking cessation counselling are mainly
urban area, but the challenges are still huge as limited among dentists and nurses rather than
number of smokers is basically concentrated on medical doctors25, 26.
in the rural area. Rural people usually have
higher poverty level and poor insight to seek The common tool that was used
attention to stop smoking which may cause in previous studies worldwide to assess
difficulties for the primary care to practice the knowledge, attitude and practice on
stop smoking cessation advice20. stop smoking is mainly self-administered
questionnaire involving cross-sectional study
Islam prohibits cigarette smoking and design22, 23. Despite the lack of locally validated
its related products. This decree or ‘fatwa’ questionnaire, Ibrahim et al., in 2008 conducted
can be used among Muslim doctors as the a study on attitude and practice among
basis and fundamental input to increase dentists in Kelantan using a self-administered
the understandings and willingness of their questionnaire25. It gathered background data
Muslim patients to quit smoking21, 22. Among of the dentists, their attitude on smoking
all professions, family medicine specialists cessation, 5A’s practices in smoking cessation
and trainees are competent enough to give and their barriers in smoking cessation

Borneo Journal of Medical Sciences 13 (2) May, 2019: 3 – 1311 (3): 35 – 38

practices26. However, the questionnaire did not utilizing a self-administered questionnaire

include the knowledge and 5R’s components that had been developed and validated by
of universal smoking cessation guidelines. two Dental Public Health specialists and pre-
The socioeconomic components were also tested with a sample of 10 dental lecturers
inadequate in which the smoking status and from the University of Malaya26. However, the
background training of the respondents were questionnaire did not assess the knowledge
not included. Similar studies have been done of the dentists on 5A’s and 5R’s components in
in our country by Vaithilingam et al., in 2012 stop smoking measures (Table 1).

Table 1 Beliefs and practices components of questionnaire used in the study by Vaithilingam et al.26
Components Questions or statements Answers or responses
Beliefs on smoking cessation 1. Dentists should take a greater role Agree / disagree
intervention 2. Role of dental auxiliaries
3. Smoke-free zone is effective

Practices 1. Record smoking status on first visit Yes / no / sometimes

2. Advice about smoking cessation to all patients who
3. Advice patients on hazards of smoking and benefits
of quitting the habit
4. Provide self-help material
5. Recommend nicotine replacement aids
6. Refer to smoking cessation clinic
7. Follow up patient on subsequent visit

Worldwide, similar trend of the validated questionnaire which is targeted

questionnaires could be seen. Nagle et al. to the physicians. Similar to the other studies,
(1999) used a self-administered questionnaire 5R’s components were not included in the
which was piloted and validated to assess questionnaires.
knowledge, attitude and practice of nurses
on smoking cessation15. Although details In India, Singh et al. (2014) conducted
regarding background of the nurses were a similar study using a validated self-
not included, the questionnaire did include administered questionnaire among medical
the enquiry of smoking cessation training. It students and young doctors who were working
assessed the knowledge of the nurses, not only or trained at various medical colleges at Delhi
on smoking but also on the cessation strategies University11. It did cover the respondents’
and the appropriate pathway. However, it did smoking status, history of receiving formal
not cover the 5R’s components, which are vital training in smoking cessation and general
in universal smoking cessation program. knowledge on smoking. However, the specific
5A’s and 5R’s components of smoking cessation
About 10 years later, Yan et al. (2008) were not clearly included in the knowledge,
conducted a similar study using a self- attitude and practice domains. The questions
administered questionnaire to all healthcare were mainly on the preparedness of giving
providers in Changsha City14. The questionnaire smoking cessation advice and opinions on its
was developed and validated before the enforcement11.
actual study. However, 5R’s components
were not included in the survey tool. Other In the Middle East, Sabra (2007)
studies that were subsequently done in China conducted a study on smoking attitude,
include the study by Jiang et al. (2007) and behaviour and risk perception among
Klink et al. (2011)9, 23. The assessment tool is primary healthcare personnel in four urban

Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Scale of Medical Personnel on Smoking Cessation Guidelines:
A Review on Associations and Questionnaires

family medicine centres in Alexandria, health professionals’ smoking prevalence,

Egypt8. The study utilized a well-constructed smoking cessation practices and their beliefs
questionnaire which was modified from on smoking cessation29. This study used
available questionnaire (WHO Global Health pretested questionnaire of 2002 New Jersey
Professionals Survey (GHPS)) and Queen’s Health Care Provide Tobacco Study as their
University Family Medicine Development instrument tool. It consists of demographic
Program in the Balkans Region. The data of the health professionals, their beliefs
questionnaire covered the demographic on the smoking cessation and their practices
background of the healthcare personnel of 5A’s components of stop smoking.
(including smoking status and stop smoking Nevertheless, the knowledge on 5A’s and 5R’s
training) and the attitude of healthcare components was not assessed. The attitude
personnel on smoking cessation and their and practice of 5R’s components were also not
preparedness in giving service. However, the covered. Similar studies also had been done
knowledge and practices of 5R’s components subsequently by Dymek in 2013 and Prucha et
were not included in this questionnaire. al. among pharmacists in Poland24, 30. However,
Similar questionnaire also had been adapted the questionnaires still have similar limitations.
by Eldein et al. (2012) among family physicians
in Suez Canal University, Egypt13. The only questionnaire that includes
both 5A’s and 5R’s components in its
Similar studies had been done in North assessment is used by Alzoubi in 201022. It
American and African country. For example, had been developed and validated in a pilot
Desalu et al. (2009) conducted a cross-sectional study. However the questionnaire is rather
study on smoking cessation measures among superficial and unable to differentiate lies by
physicians in Nigeria27. Questions were mainly the respondents as it gives feedback based
revolving at the mode of treatment given and on ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answers. This questionnaire also
barriers in implementing smoking cessation does not consist of all the three components
measures. Another similar study was done by of knowledge, attitude and practice22. The
La Torre et al. (2014) but enquired more on the knowledge component only contains two
use of antidepressants (Bupropion or Zyban®) simple questions of “Did you know 5A’s” and
and acetylcholine receptor partial agonists “Did you know 5R’s” which are indeed in a
(Varenicline or Champix®) as part of smoking form of statement and thus was unable to
cessation intervention in the questionnaire28. assess overall knowledge. In addition, it is also
unable to provide questions specific to the
In the western countries, a larger knowledge components of 5A’s and 5R’s. The
sample size was covered using well-structured questionnaire only highlighted the practice
questionnaire. In 2010, Tong et al. conducted of the components without including the
a national survey in the United States on the attitude domain (Table 2). 

Borneo Journal of Medical Sciences 13 (2) May, 2019: 3 – 1311 (3): 35 – 38

Table 2 Knowledge, 5A’s and 5Rs components of the questionnaire used in the study by Alzoubi et al.22
Components Questions Answers
Knowledge 1. Are you concerned about the importance of cigarette cessation? Yes/ no/ somewhat

2. Do you know the 5A’s of smoking cessation guidelines?

3. Do you know the 5R’s of motivational interventions of smoking

cessation guidelines?
5As practices 1. Do you advise him/her to quit? Yes/ no/ somewhat

2. Do you assess his/her willingness to quit?

3. Do you assist him/her with a quitting plan?

4. Do you provide him/her with a supportive clinical environment

while encouraging his/her quitting attempt?

5. Do you help the patient to develop social support for his/ her quitting
attempt in his/her environment outside of treatment?

6. Do you recommend the use of effective pharmacotherapy that is


7. Do you arrange for follow-ups of his/her quitting?

5R’s practices 1. Do you promote motivation to quit? Yes/ no/ somewhat

2. Do you encourage him/her to indicate why quitting is personally


3. Do you ask him/her to identify any potential risks or negative

consequences of smoking?

4. Do you ask him/her to identify or reward any potential benefits of


5. Do you ask him/her to identify barriers to quitting?

6. Do you ask him/her to identify any possible complications of


7. Do you maintain ongoing motivation for your patient every visit?

As a whole, previous questionnaires lack et al. in 2013, the other questionnaires only
a proper scoring system in terms of assessing give results in terms of frequency rather than
the cumulative points for combination of definitive value of high or low KAP score13. The
knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) major differences of previous questionnaires
domains of the stop smoking guidelines22. are summarized in Table 3.
With the exception of the study done by Eldein

Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Scale of Medical Personnel on Smoking Cessation Guidelines:
A Review on Associations and Questionnaires

Table 3 Differences of questionnaires done in previous study on smoking cessation measures

Questionnaire Demographic Presence of 5A’s and 5Rs Methods Validated
(Research data Knowledge, components coverage Questionnaire
Authors) Attitude
and Practice
Nagle et al. Adequate Yes 1. Ask smoking status Study done in Yes
(1999)15 2. Take smoking history Australia among
3. Assess intentions to volunteered
quit nurses using
4. Discuss how to quit self-administered
Yan et al. Adequate Yes 1. Ask smoking status Using a self- Yes
(2008)14 2. Assess willingness to administered
quit questionnaire
3. Advice smokers to quit to healthcare
4. Arrange plan to quit providers in
Changsha City,
Sabra (2007)8 Yes No knowledge 1. Ask smoking status Study on Modified from
domain 2. Assess intentions to smoking attitude, validated
quit behaviour and risk questionnaire
3. Advice smokers to quit perception among
4. Discuss how to quit primary healthcare
5. Arrange plan to quit personnel in four
urban family
medicine centres
in Alexandria,
Ibrahim et al. No smoking No knowledge 1. Do you enquire about Study on attitude Yes
(2008)25 status domain your patient’s smoking and practice
status? among dentists in
2. Do you offer smoking Kelantan using a
cessation counselling to self-administered
your patients? questionnaire
3. Do you explain to
patients regarding
the health risks due to
4. Do you provide advice
or helpful hints to
motivate patients to
quit smoking?
5. Do you provide reading
materials on smoking
cessation in your
waiting area?
Desalu et al. Yes No knowledge No A cross-sectional No
(2009)27 domain study on smoking
measures among
physicians in
Alzoubi et al. Yes Superficial Items of ask, advice, A cross-sectional Yes
(2010)22 knowledge assess, assist, arrange, study using self-
domain, relevance, risks, rewards, administered
no attitude roadblocks and repetition questionnaire
domain among healthcare
providers in

Borneo Journal of Medical Sciences 13 (2) May, 2019: 3 – 1311 (3): 35 – 38

Tong et al. Yes No knowledge 1. Ever ask if patient National survey in Yes
(2010)29 domain smokes. the United States
2. Advises smokers to stop on the health
smoking. professionals’
3. Assesses smokers if smoking
interested in quitting. prevalence,
4. Assists smokers to quit. smoking cessation
5. Sets quit date. practices and their
6. Refer cessation beliefs on smoking
program. cessation.
7. Provides material with
quit-line information8.
Discuss medication
9. Arranges follow-up
Klink et al. Yes No knowledge Items of ask, advice, Cross-sectional Modified
(2011)23 domain assess, assist, arrange, study using from validate
validated questionnaire
targeted to the
providers in China.
Vaithilingham Adequate No knowledge 1. Able to ask about Cross-sectional Yes
et al. (2012)26 domain smoking in an study using self-
appropriate way. administered
2. Able to advice patient questionnaire
to quit smoking. among
3. Able to ask appropriate periodontists and
questions to assess dentists that had
readiness to make a been developed
quit attempt and validated by
4. Able to assist patient to two Dental Public
quit smoking Health specialists
5. Able to arrange proper and pre-tested
follow up with patient with a sample
of 10 dental
lecturers from
the University of
Dymek et al. Yes Yes No Cross-sectional No
(2013)24 study assessing
knowledge of
pharmacist in
Eldein et al. Yes Yes Self‑reported frequency A cross-sectional Yes
(2013)13 of use of the 5 As tobacco study among
cessation guidelines – ask, family physicians
advice, assess, assist and in Suez Canal
arrange. University, Egypt.
Singh (2014)11 Yes Yes No Study using a Yes
validated self-
among medical
students and
young doctors
who were working
or trained at
various medical
colleges at Delhi
University India.

Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Scale of Medical Personnel on Smoking Cessation Guidelines:
A Review on Associations and Questionnaires

La Torre et al. Yes Yes No Assessing use of Yes

(2014)28 antidepressants
(Bupropion or
Zyban®) and
partial agonists
(Varenicline or
Champix®) as
part of smoking
among public
health trainees in
Prucha et al. Yes Yes 1. Do you ask about Study using self- No
(2015)30 tobacco use? administered
2. Do you advise questionnaire
patients to quit using on knowledge,
tobacco? attitude and
3. Do you advise female practice among
patients to quit using healthcare workers
tobacco if they are in Republic
pregnant? Dominican.
4. Do you advise patients
if you think an illness is
related to tobacco use?
5. Do you advise patients
to have smoke-free
6. Do you advise patients
to have smoke-free
7. Do you advise patients
to quit using tobacco if
they are healthy?
8. Do you assist tobacco
users to quit?
9. Do you advise patients
if you do not think
an illness is related to
tobacco use?

CONCLUSION important in motivating the unmotivated

smokers to quit. Meanwhile, low KAP scores
The main obstacle and difficulty of measuring are mainly contributed by lack of available
knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of smoking cessation training or programme
medical personnel on smoking cessation in their centres. Therefore, we suggest new
guidelines are basically lack of an accurate and questionnaire development consisting of
comprehensive assessment tool in the form of knowledge, attitude and practice domains
questionnaire. Most available questionnaires of smoking cessation guidelines including all
do not include the 5R’s components 5A’s and 5R’s components. Furthermore, more
(relevance, risks, rewards, roadblocks and smoking cessation training programme and
repetition) in their items and lack of proper continuous education session on smoking
cumulative values in order to interpret the should be provided to medical personnel.
KAP score. The 5R’s components are indeed

Borneo Journal of Medical Sciences 13 (2) May, 2019: 3 – 1311 (3): 35 – 38

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their gratitude to family medicine specialists 10. Pipe A, Sorensen M, Reid R. (2009). Physician
in Kuantan for sharing their pearls of wisdom smoking status, attitudes toward smoking,
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international survey. Patient Education and
Counselling 74 (1): 18 – 23.
CONFLICT OF INTEREST 11. Singh S, Sinha SK, Saha R, Jha M, Kataria DK.
(2014). Knowledge, attitude and practice
related to tobacco use and its cessation
The authors declare that they have no among young medical professionals. Indian
competing interests in publishing this article. Journal of Social Psychiatry 30: 35 – 42.
12. Katz DA, Paez MW, Reisinger HS et al. (2014).
Implementation of smoking cessation
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A Review on Associations and Questionnaires

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