Automation Process of Hotel Booking System Using Heflo: Flowchart

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Automation process of Hotel Booking System using Heflo 

Submitted by- Shivam Singh (2016196) 

Link to my work 

A hotel reservation system is a software application that is implemented by hotels to 
allow guests to create secure online reservations. It is required to sell rooms to capacity 
and to appeal to a global audience, The data is then passed onto a back end system 
which can be accessed by hotels to manage bookings. Other features like the 
automation of reservation confirmation emails may come with it. 
I’​ve used three lanes namely ​customer, hotel system and administration. ​Lanes are used 
for documentation and also defines which teams and people form certain actions. A 
customer​ is a person who requests for rooms.​Hotel reservation​ system​ enables guests 
to schedule dates and length of stay, room selection, extras, and payment all in one 
place. ​Administrator ​holds information for the workers and administration about the 
rooms and the hotel overall.  
I’ve selected customer lane and created a performer of type everyone then I set up hotel 
system and in this case I registered and invited a person and put his name and email id 
as a performer of this lane so that he could confirm the invitation link sent on his email 
id. Similarly I’ve selected administration lane and created a performer of type people 
and groups. In this way responsibility has been given to different persons to handle 
each lane. 

Then I introduced form for customers where the customers demand will be registered in 
the form of field and created a new property and provided essential attributes like 
text,type,description. Then I went for additional options and checked the box Enabled 
and Required so that all the fields created can be reused in other forms also. C
​ ustomers 
can provide preferred location of hotel along with check-in and check-out dates at the 
time of enquiry. 

Also I’ve created a form for hotel booking system so that they can mention the room 
type,its price and facilities available at that hotel at the time of booking. 

Also I’ve created a form for the administrator so that he can keep a count on number of 
rooms booked and updates that in the database. 

In the end I’ve automated the process. 

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