Syllabus 3

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University High School

Ms. Ibrahim

Teacher Background→
o 3 years of teaching experience.
o I completed my Single Subject Teaching Credential in Art at California State
University, Long Beach
o I completed my BA in Art at University of California, Irvine.
o I received a mural commission from University of California, Irvine for the
Pharmaceutical Science Department.

Contact Information→
➢ Email:
➢ Available for 1 hour after school Mondays

Course Description →
Art Studio is a yearlong course offering the opportunity to develop and expand abilities
of observation, imagination, and expression. The main areas of exploration are drawing
and painting techniques, art mediums and declines, color theory and art’s historical and
contemporary cultural relevance. Current and past trends of the discipline will be
studied as they relate to the various assignments.

Course Objectives →
Students will be able to…
(1) Perceive and respond to works of art, objects in nature, events, and the
(2) Incorporate the vocabulary of the visual arts to express their observation.
(3) Apply artistic processes and skills, using a variety of media to communicate
meaning and intent in original artworks.
(4) Analyze the role and development of the visual arts in past and present cultures
throughout the world, noting human diversity as it relates to visual arts and artists.
(5) Analyze, assess, and derive meaning from works of art, including their own,
according to the elements of art, principles of design, and aesthetic qualities.
(6) Apply what they learn in visual arts across subject areas.
(7) Develop competencies and creative skills in problem solving communication, and
management of time and resources, which contribute to lifelong learning and career
Grading →
Grading will be based on a point system and a standard scale. All rubrics will be
correlated to points.
93%-100% A 77%-79% C+
90%-92% A- 73%-76% C
87%-89% B+ 70%-72% C-
83%-86% B 60%-69% D
80%-82% B- < 60% F

Percent Distribution:

✓ Projects– 50%
o 40 pts each
✓ Demo worksheets– 15%
o 5 pts each
✓ Critiques-15%
o Thoughtful
o Reflective
✓ Participation – 10%
o Using the class time productively
o Participate in the class cleanliness
o Being respectful of others space and feelings
✓ Sketch Book – 10%
o Completed in class

Student Expectations→
Anticipate & Prepare
o Arrive to class on time in your assigned seat.
o Have your sketch book out in the beginning of the class for the daily
o Treat others how you would like to be treated
o Be positive
o Listen in class discussions
o Refrain from using profane language
o Share materials
o Use material correctly and responsibly
o No food allowed
o All drinks must have a top or closed led
o Ask questions and participate; be an active learner.
o Make mistakes; this is a safe place to explore new ideas and materials.

Tardy and classroom misconduct will result in:

o First-Second offense: verbal warning
o Third offense: call/email home
o Fourth offense: call home and point taking off Participation grade
o Fifth offence: call home and detention
o Sixth offense: sent to the office
o 3rd offenses or more will be documented and signed by student and
*All students get a fresh start at the beginning of the semester*

Teacher Expectation →
o I will arrive early and ready to be engaged with your learning
o The classroom will be ready for the lesson planned.
o All turned in work will be graded within a week from the due date assigned
o I will speak to you professionally and respectively
o I will listen respectively to your opinions, and input given during class discussions
o I will be available for extra guidance and help afterschool on MONDAY for up to 1
o I will answer emails within 1-2 business days.

Classwork and Homework →

o The classwork will be primarily project-based. These will be assessed during
individual critiques at the end of each unit
o Any written assignment or practice worksheet will be turn in into the “to grade bin,
no later than the following Thursday from the day the assignment is given
o No assigned homework will be assigned! Students will, however, be asked to
bring items from home for observational drawing and or/to use for in class art
works. Students may also work on projects and class assignment at home if they
need to catch up on classwork

Late work and Missed Classes →

o Late work is not accepted. If you know you will not be able to complete an
assignment due to extenuating circumstances, please let me know. Missed
assignments without a doctor’s note will result in a zero.
o Two extension passes will be given for each semester. Each pass
allows for UP TO 1 WEEK late work from the due date. In Sharpie, write
you name, and date on the pass and paper clip it to the assignment.
o If you miss class for whatever reason, you will have the same amount of time to
make up the work (e.g., if you’re out sick one day, you have one day to make up
the assignment.)
o If there is any confusion, it is YOUR responsibility to come see me for
clarification. I will gladly oblige.

Routines and procedures: →

Assigned seating is mandatory during the Lecture days and Demo Days. Students
are given preferred seating on Studio days. Students must ask for permission If
preferred seating is deterring from the studio work time, teacher will evoke the preferred
seating for the rest of the class.

1. Verbally let the teacher know that you are going to the bathroom
2. Sign out of the bathroom log sheet
3. Sign in of the bathroom log sheet
*If student is going multiple times a week, student will be privately approached about
the behavior. *

- All mobile phones and computers are NOT ALLOWED.
- Students may listen to music with (one headphone in the ear) to ensure student
hear announcements.
- Both headphones should be off when speaking /being spoken to by
- Student may look at reference photos during studio time.

Class time:
- Beginning of class (10 minutes): Student will complete a quick sketch assignment
while teacher takes attendance, reviews what happened the day before and what
is happening in this class period. All daily activities will be posted on the board.

- Lecture and discussion: classes focused on introducing new projects,

assignment, Art history contexts, and/or VTS discussion.

- Demo: focused on technical growth. The first 10 to 20 minutes will be used to

explain an assignment technical demonstration that students need to complete
the worksheet that goes along with the demonstration. Worksheets due date
will depend on complexity of the practice or technical skill.

- Studio Time: Class period designated for students to work on their large projects
or completing other classwork.

- End of class (10 Minutes): time allotted for cleaning. All material should be
returned to their labeled location, buckets and brushes should be cleaned.
Donation of Materials →
The Sketchbook assignment is a great way to have student feel ownership over their
drawing growth. Students will be creating their own sketchbook in order to customize
their covers. Below are materials needed to build their sketchbook. Donations of the
items will be greatly appreciated by August 30th.

1) Cereal boxes or boxes of simpler size and material

2) Decorative items
4) Magazines
5) Newspaper

Parents and Student,

Please sign and return this sheet verifying that you have read and understand the
syllabus (on Canvas). Feel free to contact me for any questions or clarification. The
following must be filled out and returned to the instructor no later than Friday, August

Student Signature: ________________________________________Date: _________

Parent Signature: _________________________________________Date: _________

Period: _______________________________________________________________

Anything you would like the teacher to know:

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