Amenorrhea Is A Condition When Women Don't Undergo A Menstruation

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Nama : Neville

Nama Legiun : Gynecology


Amenorrhea is a condition when women don't undergo a menstruation

cycle for a certain period of time. Amenorrhea can be classified into two types,
primary amenorrhea and secondary amenorrhea. The difference in these types
can be seen through its causes, but it can't become the main differences between
these two types.1

Women who suffer from primary amenorrhea are usually women at the
age of teenager or at the stage of puberty. Its caused is varied and hard to track.
Generally, the genetics between each parent can be passed down to their child.
Genetics can cause in different quantity of chromosomes in the body than they
should have. Lack of chromosomes lead to incomplete vital reproductive organs.
These conditions will inhibit the puberty condition of women. Not only that,
imperforate vagina blocks the way of vagina to menstruate.2

The other type of amenorrhea, secondary amenorrhea, is a condition when

women stop having their menstruation cycle. After menstruating, they stop
menses in the next period. The cause for this condition is hormones level in the
human body. When the body, mainly the head, builds up stress, hormones will be
agitated. Hormones like FSH and LH helps the menstruation cycle and the
ovulation. Not only that, estrogens and progesterone also play a part in that cycle.
Other causes like pregnancy and menopause can cause amenorrhea.4

Menstrual cycle hormones are produced in the brain, specifically the

hypothalamus and the anterior pituitary gland. Hypothalamus produces hormones
like Gn-RH to stimulate the secretion of FSH and LH in the pituitary gland
anterior side. Those hormones will travel through the bloodstream and causes the
menstruation cycle to form. When the brain builds up stress, hormones production
will agitate and the amount secreted will also be different than normal ones. These
can cause to amenorrhea. Other complications of amenorrhea can cause to the
depletion of calsium. The depletion of calsium will cause osteoporosis in the
women's body.3

The diagnosis for amenorrhea can be checked through blood, pregnancy

and USG. Each test has different purposes, but mainly it is to check whether there
are fluctuations in the amount of hormones. USG is used to check whether the
organs are complete or incomplete. Medication for amenorrhea is treated using
hormones pill or injections. By adding these hormones, it is hoped to help the
menstruation cycle to come back again.5

Daftar Pustaka

1. Alamin, Arif. 2016. Asuhan Keperawatan dengan Amenore. Disertai tidak

diterbitkan. Jakarta. Program studi ilmu keperawatan Universitas
2. Alparisa, Mitra. 2019. Amenorrhea, imperforate hymen, and dysmenorrhea.
en-and-dysmenorrhea. Diakses tanggal 2 Agustus Jam 23.57.
3. Martini, Frederic.H.2015.Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology (10th
edition). England. Pearson.
4. Sadli, Dani Yan. 2016. Referat Amenorea Sekunder. (Online)
sekunder, diakses pada tanggal 2 Agsutus 2019).
5. Willy, Tjin. 2017. Amenorhea.
Diakses tanggal 2 Agsutus 2019 Jam 23.42.

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