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Literacy Standards: Methods to Improve Them

One of the problems schools have to face nowadays is the fact that, despite of the
contents of the diverse subjects, the students seem to show a worrying disinterest in what lies
beyond those contents, and have the idea that they don’t need more appart of them, which
translates into a lack of general culture details that could make easier their future education
and learning. Therefore, the schools have included some methods in order to improve these
literacy standards. The most effective ones are the technology resources and the inclusion of
volunteers schemes.

The technology has become a mandatory resource in the current education, and can
give a chance to the students to enlarge their knowledge about the matter they are working
with. Schools can take great advantage of this by guiding the students with virtual books,
interactive activities and other resources that can awake their interest. Of course, it’s
necessary that the teachers control the access and avoid the distraction of the students.

But, in my opinion, the most effective method to catch the students attention is the
volunteers schemes. By introducing volunteers in the schools, it’s the human contact what
allows a better knowledge transfer to the students. In fact, some companies already
encourage employees to help out in schools with reading and writing programmes.

In conclussion, there are lots of resources the schools can use to motivate their
students to learn more, and while the technology is always an access to a great range of books,
I think the volunteers schemes are a more reliable way to atract the students interest to the

Rafael Gurrea Callejas

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