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A. Background of study
Pharmacy is a health profession related to the manufacture and distribution

of medicinal products, these are published by seniors and science from natural or

synthetic sources into materials or products suitable for use, and diagnosing

diseases (Anief, 2005: 1).

One of pharmacy study is basic pharmacetics. Pharmacetics is the study of

how drugs are available, including the collection, introduction, preservation, and

standardization of medicinal ingredients, the art of compounding medicines, and

the manufacture of pharmaceutical preparations into specific forms until they are

ready to be used as medicines, and the development of drugs which include the

science and technology of making drugs in dosage forms that can be used and

given to patients (Syamsuni, 2006: 1).

There are various types of pharmaceutical preparations that are used to be

given to patients. Some of these are powder, ointment, suppository, tablets,

capsules, emulsions, suspensions, potio and many more. In this practicum, an

Potio was made. Considering the importance of knowledge about how to make a

good and correct potio preparation, the things that must be considered when

making potio.
B. Purpose of Study

1. Students are able to know and understand potio preparations.

2. Students are able to know how to use potio preparations.

3. Students are able to know and understand how to make potio


C. Benefit of Study

The benefits of this practicum are students can know and understand how

to mix or make preparations corectly and underrstand about everythings that we

need to be considered during the process of making preparations and how to store


A. Theory

Drugs are objects or substances that can be used to treat illnesses , relieve /

eliminate symptoms , or change the chemical processes in the body. Medicine is

an ingredient or a combination of ingredients intended to be used in establishing a

diagnosis , preventing, reducing, eliminating, curing a disease or symptoms of

illness, injury or physical and psychological abnormalities in humans or animals

So many various types of drug forms, that are used to be given to patients.

Some of these are aerosol, capsules, Tablet (Compression), cream, extract, Gel

(amused), immunosera, Implants or Pellets, Infusion, inhalation, injectiones,

irrigation, lozenges, pasta, plaster, powder, solutiones, potio, suppositoria, pilulae

(PIL), galenic, unguenta (Ointment), guttae (Drops). In this practicum, an Potio

was made.

Liqiud or potio preparations are oral medicatins in the form of syrup,

suspension solutions or emulsions. In general formulations for liquid preparations

include : medicinal ingredients / active ingredients, solvent, buuffer, sweetener,

preservative, distilled water. Potiones are intended to be drunk, mixed and

formulated in such a way that it is possible to administer them in large volumes of

a single dose, generally 50 ml.

B. Research Tools and Materials

1. Research tools :

a. Mortir and stamper

b. Measuring cylinder

c. Sudip

d. Napkin

e. Medicine bottle

f. Spatel

g. Pipet tetes

h. Etiket

i. Label

2. Materials :

a. Ammoniae anisi spiritus

b. oleum menthae piperiteae

c. sirupus simplex

d. aqua destilasi
Dr. Lina
Jl. Arjuna utara no. 10 Jakarta Barat
SIK 2034895

Jakarta, 7 januari 2018

R/ Ammoniae anisi spiritus 1g
Oleum Menthae piperita gtt 1
Sirupus simplex 10 g
Aqua Destilata ad 100 ml
M f . Potio
Stdd 1 cth
Pro Budi 20 th

C. How To Make Potio

1. First, Tare scales

2. Prepare tools and materials

3. Timbanglah Weigh each ingredients

4. Bottle calibration 100 ml

5. Weight simplex syrup in the bottle, then shake it

until homogeneous

6. Weight ammoniae anisi spiritus into a bottle that has contained

simplex syrup carefully

7. add ol. Mp 1 tetes, shake it until homogeneous add remaining

aquadest until calibration mark 100 ml



A. Conclusion

Potio is aliquid reperation that is intended to be drunk, mixed and mixed in

such a way. This potio preperation is only for internal use (peroral). Besides in

the form of solution, potio can also be in the form of emultions and


B. Suggestion

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