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Biology 10th grade

Topic: Human Evolution

Camilo Alejo

Explanation of Phenomena

Main Goal: Present a laboratory oral report regarding your findings of

the evolution of a human trait using as your population tenth grade

General Instruction: Based on the groups assigned by your teacher

choose a human trait that could be subject to natural selection or
another evolutionary process. For choosing a trait is necessary to
read the articles from Scientific American Magazine found in your
emails. Create a presentation in google drive and share it with e-

Task 1.1 Read and summarize your background information in your

powerpoint presentantion (Use google scholar and science daily).
Your background information should include the allele frequencies of
the selected trait in one or many human populations. Do not forget to
include SHORT texts, graphics and CITATIONS! (APA format). Use
google explore to manage citations.

Task 1.2 Based on the background information propose a research

question and a short/specific hypothesis in you presentation. Your
hypothesis should mention a process and pattern of evolution in
relation to a expected allele frequencies. Include SHORT texts,
graphics and CITATIONS! (APA format). Use google explore to
manage citations.

Task 2.1. Propose methods explaining your population and the way
you gather data. It is recomended to use methods executed in other
research (found in scientific articles).

Task 2.2. Organize your methods in a flow chart. Check the pictures
Biology 10th grade
Topic: Human Evolution
Camilo Alejo

Task 3.1. Gather your data among tenth grade students. Include
pictures, videos or photographs to support the way you gathered

Task 3.2. Organize your data in the presentation through pictures or

graphics or tables or charts. Remember not to show the same
information or data in two different ways. Use the most clear, evident
and compelling way to show your results. Always use titles, names and
units for axis when required.

Task 4. Include in your presentation a discussion of your results citing

scientific background explaining or supporting your results and relating
them with a process and pattern of evolution. Do not forget to compare
your results with allele frequencies found in other studies. Include
SHORT texts and CITATIONS! (APA format). Use google explore to
manage citations.

Task 5. Include some conclusions rejecting or not rejecting your

hypothesis. Also mention possible limitations and biases of your study.

Task 6. Include the list of bibliography from the citations of your

presentation. Use google explore .

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