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Approaching Women for Men Who Do Not Like Pick-Up

by Hans Comyn

The ‘Swerve By’ Method is a unique and game-changing approach to

bringing women into your life. It is a technique, a complete plan of
action, and a philosophy of seduction. It requires no pick-up lines, you
do not risk any awkwardness or running out of things to say, and you no
longer have to fear rejection or ridicule. You will notice your approach
anxiety diminish with every swerve by, your encounters will feel natural
and pleasant, and women will want more and more of you1.
You swerve, she swoons…

This text is based on my collaboration with Zan Perrion. We started working together on the
Ars Amorata in 2008, wrote ‘the Non-Approach Approach’ a couple of years later, and taught
‘the Way of Approaching’ in cities all over the world. ‘The Swerve By Method’ is my adaptation
of our initial text, and reflects the experiences and new insights I have had over the past decade.

“The Way of a Seducer beautifully blends a strong message

of integrity, honor, and courage with the gentle essence of
vulnerability, playfulness, and wonder. This book is unlike
any other book I’ve ever read. Days after reading it, I’m still
dwelling on its ideas as I interpret experiences through the
lens of seduction, and seduction is everywhere.” - Steve Pavlina,
author of Personal Development for Smart People

“Hans Comyn has written a timelessly beautiful book about

the most compelling of subjects. For men and women alike,
it is a clarion call to the truth of who you really are. Highly
recommended.” - Jamie Smart, author of the Sunday Times
Bestseller RESULTS: Think Less, Achieve More

“A poetic glimpse at the spiritual dimension of seduction.

Beautiful illustrations and words and oh so many thoughtful
insights.” - Betsy Prioleau, author of Swoon: Great Seducers
and Why Women Love Them

“Hans is a fellow troubadour and lover of beauty. His

enthusiasm, dedication, and love for people are his greatest
strengths, and he has written a book where these qualities
shine through on every page. I’ve seen first-hand the power of
his revelatory ideas and I am certain this book will change the
world for the better.” - Zan Perrion, author of The Alabaster Girl

“As one studies anything in depth it goes from a practice, to a

science, to an art, and ultimately to a spiritual practice. What kyudo
is to archery, Hans Comyn’s work is to seduction; his teachings
transcend the subject.” - Wesley Thurston, Los Angeles

“Hans, je te remercie d’incarner tant de gratitude et de bonheur et

de me rappeler en ce jour des choses que je pourrais parfois oublier.
J’admire ta force de vivre, cette joie d’être qui ne te quitte jamais et
te rends séduisant dans le sens originel du mot, que tu cherches à
faire renaître au travers ton travail. Merci pour ton message à la fois
universel et intime. Je t’embrasse,” - Deborah de Robertis, Paris

“In Batman Begins, Ra’s Al Ghul tells Bruce Wayne, “If you make
yourself more than just a man… if you devote yourself to an ideal…
and if they can’t stop you… then you become something else,
Which is…? Bruce Wayne asks.
“A legend, Mr Wayne”.
By devoting himself to the art of seduction Hans Comyn has become
a Legend. He is a man who has presented himself to the world as a
true seducer and an artisan of the romantic arts. Hans possesses
both an astonishing depth of understanding of love and romance,
as well as a unique artistic articulation of that understanding. He
lives and breathes seduction. He speaks to the soul, and his passion
becomes our passion. Constantly broadcasting and interacting
through the various media - his books, facebook, instagram,
youtube, newsletters, courses and private groups - we are
continuously enlightened and inspired by his dignified expression
of love, romance and seduction. His creations and teachings reflect
a wealth of experience combined with a never-ending curiosity,
always articulated in a beautifully succinct way. As Polonius of
Shakespeare says ironically, “Brevity is the Soul of Wit.”
From being mentored by Hans Comyn, I learned how his artistic
approach to seduction contains a profound grasp of the intricate
nuances and interconnections between femininity and masculinity,
charm and magnetism, the spirit of celebration and ruthlessness,
the language of women and the darker side of seduction. Despite
excellence to mere mortals, Hans continues to push the frontier of
his own understanding and abilities with the unabashed enthusiasm
and curiosity of a newborn; it commands anyone’s respect and
makes him the perfect guide through the land of love, relationships
and romance.
Women love Men – Real Men. Men who stand for something. Men of
honour and respect. Champions of their own lives and leaders of the
dance. Hans Comyn understands the decline of men and masculinity
in society today, and I experience priceless value in exploring man’s
role in the dance that is seduction during my ongoing mentorship
with him. What a joy!” - Michael Zimmer, New York

“Working with Hans has allowed me to go to the next level when it

comes to inviting beautiful women into my life. I used to present
a reserved and hindered version of myself to the world and
women around me out of fear they would not like me for who I
really am. Hans helped me realize that I am doing a disservice to
my fellow men and women by not showing up as the individual
I am on the inside. It’s been six months since I started working
with Hans and my life has turned around completely. I now walk
the earth as an unhindered free man who speaks his mind and
women love it.” - Dustin Hahn, The Seven Seas

“I rarely meet people who had such an impact in my life. Over

time, I realise that you have been and are my spiritual guide in
life. I’m so grateful for that and I thank life/God for having met
you and being in my life. Love.” - Tilila Id, Montreal
“Even now Hans has left, all of the women that we met together
continue asking how he is and if I have news of him. Hell, I’ve
even had girls reject my kisses because they like Hans too much!
I asked a few girls, “why is it that everyone just likes him when he
starts talking?” They told me it’s because he completely believes
in what he’s saying. That people always remember Hans in such a
good light is only possible if he makes genuine connections with
people, and women all over the south of Brazil have had their
hearts warmed by Hans’ presence. My life, and my awareness
of its possibilities, has changed dramatically over the last two
months since meeting Hans, and I am grateful for his friendship
and ongoing support.” Jordan Luke Collier, Sao Paolo

“Knowing you has been a significant adventure in my life,

already--as well as bringing love and grace. Thank you for
sharing yourself with the world. I know I am better for it. Love
and blessings to you.” - Debbie Andries, Austin

“I think it is remarkable what you are doing for humanity.

I know through my own experiences, with the people I’ve
touched, with my own authenticity, they have felt amazing
and feel like they have been blessed to know me, and I know
without your mentorship I would never have shown them or
me, my own authentic self. Surprisingly my authenticity is
attractive. I am forever grateful Sir, for helping me become
aware.” - Rudy Ruberto, Calgary

“Once again, you just showed up, out of nowhere and you were
so....well, so you!!! I’ll be clear, concise and sincere: Merci, Hans
Comyn.” - Siham Hammich, Granada

“Hans is a great teacher, mentor and philosopher in male-

female interactions. His approach is friendly and fun and
his teaching methods are practical, simple yet profound.” -
Ankush Jain, Birmingham
“Hans, learning from you has changed my entire life, a change
I could never have achieved on my own and in this short period
of time.” - Mario Hubert, Munich

“Hans is able to help guys break through this real fear and take
them to the next level.” - Fas Demirel, New York

“Thanks Hans. I’m grateful for your mentorship. I know that

my future girlfriend and/or wife will be very thankful for my
time with you.” - Sean Louter, Vancouver

“A great man, with a big heart. He is able to make you feel great,
and also able to make get you in touch with your own anger.
Hans’ mentorship is very practical; he shows you how to move
with women, approach, date, relate… getting the emotions at
the right place and doing what is needed from a man in the
dance of seduction. He is very experienced, very masculine also
in the way he moves and talks. He is able to make interacting
with women - in very different parts of the world - feel natural,
smooth, pleasant and fun, and will show you very practical ways
for you to do the same.” - Peter Vanderbilt, Sydney

“What an excellent message Sir Comyn brings to the world. I

am 67 years of age and am always invigorated by the the way
he presents the obvious in a calm but resilient format that
beckons to not resist the obvious. An objective, insightful and
beautiful articulation of those self-examining questions as to
what, who and why, and their application to the question “Does
it matter”? I am grateful for his work. A grate guide through
this thing called life.” - Bob Latham, Rehoboth
Who am I (to teach you how to approach)?

I am Hans Comyn, a modern Renaissance Man. I am an artist

and an athlete, a scholar and a seducer. The Renaissance ideal
holds that a man should become proficient in several areas in
life, and that - contrary to today’s focus on becoming good in a
singular thing - expertise in one area serves to develop mastery
in the other areas as well.2

In my life, mastering the art of seduction is an essential endeavour.

Why? Because the quality of our lives is determined by the

quality of our relationships, and seduction is the secret to every
thriving relationship (including the one you have with yourself).3

Recently, a 75-year Harvard study4 concluded that the #1

predictor of our happiness and health is quality relationships.
And so your relationships deserve your work ethic. They deserve
your focus, your time, your energy and money.

For over 15 years now, I have dedicated a big part my life to

articulating what determines the quality of a relationship, and
I have learned that at the heart of every failing relationship lies
a lack of seduction. Your self starts to decay when you lose the
aptitude to seduce or be seduced. Our partnerships, marriages,
families and communities start to crumble the moment we stop
seducing each other.

To some, seduction has the connotation of manipulation.

I prefer to think of a beautiful dance between a man and
woman, a tango for example... Would you say such a dance
is seductive? Would you say it is manipulative? THAT is the
seduction I am talking about throughout my work.
Seduction then, is the art of making the other feel alive, that is:
1) making the other feel seen, felt and heard, and
2) allowing the other to dream.

Seduction gives meaning, seduction breathes life. It is the most

difficult and artistic achievement of every encounter because,
more than making us happy or horny, it fills us with wonder. It
allows us to marvel at this magical world.

After all these years working with people, it is clear to me

that if we want to feel alive and passionate again, it is time to
acknowledge the beauty of seduction. If we want to save our
own soul, our friendships, our partnerships, our marriages,
families and communities, it is time to reclaim the pivotal part
seduction plays in the way we relate to each other.

Unfortunately seduction is, nearly always, articulated as a

mere means to an end. Its exploration, almost exclusively, tries
to answer the question ‘What works?’. We seem interested in
seduction only as far as it provides us with the tools to take
from the other what we covertly desire.

But what works in seduction has never been my main concern.

What works in seduction has never been the motif of my work.
To me, seduction is a form of art - the highest one - beautiful in
its own regard, and to be explored and articulated for its own
sake. And the compass with which I have undertaken the voyage
across the vast seas of this divine art is not efficiency, but
dignity. Surely, I am interested in figuring out what works, but
never without wondering ‘What’s right?’ and ‘What’s beautiful?’.
My biggest concern pertains to the noble way for a man to
seduce a woman. The gracious, artistic way. In seduction,
nothing matters more than my dignity.

Alas, there seems to be no literature on how to seduce with

integrity and grace, and when I could not find the book I wanted
to read, I decided to write it myself.

For a glimpse into my world, check my Instagram account.
For a 5 min introduction to my work, check this Youtube video.
‘The Way of a Seducer. A Code of Honor to a Lost Art’ (2016)
is my code of conduct on how to seduce. A credo to carve my
path in the land of women and a manifesto to guide my journey
through the art of seduction, discovering and articulating the
seductive laws of long-term relationships, as well as dating and
meeting new people.

The body of work I have assembled over the years (essays,

videos, interviews, courses and live events) is fully aligned
with this code. Even when we discuss which smiley you should
add to your next text message, I stand by that code.

‘The Swerve By Method’ is no exception, and honors the same

moral compass.

The book you are holding is an articulation of the seductive

laws at the heart of ‘the approach’. It is a practical answer to the
question: ‘What is seductive upon encountering the other?’ It is
a practical technique, a complete plan of action, and at the same
time it reflects and epitomizes my philosophy of seduction.
Because how you do anything is how you do everything.

I developed the ‘Swerve By’ Method doing and teaching

thousands of approaches, and it differs radically from the
‘cold approach’ proposed by pick up artists.5 Although I see
value in the cold approach (I have done many), approaching
a stranger and making conversation, ploughing through
awkwardness if necessary, in order to create attraction out
of thin air always felt contorted and unnatural to me, leaving
little or no space for dignity. Swerving by is a more artistic
way, a more noble, graceful, beautiful way to approach women,
making encounters pleasant and natural for both her and him.
This approach feels right to me and reflects the way I want to
move through the land of women.

I still use the ‘Swerve By’ Method daily, and it is our starting
point when I work with men who want to bring more women
into their lives. For anyone new to my work, it is a very
practical first step into the seductive realm, reflecting the
same principles that are the backbone of my work on dating
and long-term relationships.

And so ‘The Swerve By Method’ is a perfect point of departure for

your journey through the land of women. It is the perfect place
to start mastering the art of seduction, and a place to come back
to, because there is no greater stage to carve your seductive ways
than that of the encounter with a beautiful woman.6

If you are committed to making that journey a glorious one, if

you are committed to more magnificence in your relationships
with women, I am here for you.

I hope this is beginning of a beautiful friendship.

To cold approach means to walk over and make a conversation with a total stranger. The cold
approach plays a pivotal part in the pick up industry, a movement of men whose goal is sexual
success with and access to women.
I will not be able to deal with the endless list of specifics of the swerve by in this document.
She could be with friends, sitting in the coffee shop, working out at the gym, walking with
headphones in, sitting in the metro… all of these specific situations require specific applications
of the ‘Swerve By’ Method, and I address them all during the life mentoring programs (ask for
it), the Way of A Seducer ONLINE Course and on my Youtube Channel.
“Imagine a man strolling down a sidewalk in the sun, slow
and serene. He is not in a hurry. He is calm, solid, like a rock
in the middle of a stream, as the people, heads down, flow
around him. Watch him as he lifts his face to the warmth
of the sun, how he pauses to breathe deeply, absorbing
the smells and the sights and the sounds. It appears he
has nowhere to be and nothing in particular needs his
attention. He is not doing anything. He is just... being. Just
him and his thoughts. Just him and the smells of the shops
and restaurants that he passes. Just him and the sound of
traffic. Just him and the strangers around him, behind him,
beside him, toward him. See how happy he is?

And then... he sees her. She, too, is ambling on the sidewalk

on this fine, clear day, ambling toward him, stopping
occasionally to look in shop windows. She is a beauty. A
beauty in a yellow dress. Time slows down. He is instantly
transfixed... you can see it on his face, in the halt of his
steps. He stops and draws in a sharp breath. He looks to the
side, to the left, to the right, then looks at her again. There
is something so beautiful about her... oh, how he wants to
know! His mind flails, awash in the confluence of potentials.
She is getting closer, oblivious to him so far, absorbed in her
little reverie, window shopping. She, like him, is obviously
not in a hurry. She pauses at a store window. Is she going
in? No, she’s not. And now... now she is even closer. Here’s
the question: what will he do? We can imagine what he
wants to do. He wants to walk right up to her, confident,
sure, and say something charming. He wants to smile and
ask her name. He wants to ask her to join him for coffee
around the corner. And if she joins him for coffee, he wants
her to sit with him, on that perfect, sunny day, enthralled by
his easy manner and compelling conversation as he regales
her with his stories and fun and witty repartee. He wants
her to be so intrigued by him and their impromptu coffee
date that she offers him her phone number, without him
needing to ask. And then he wants to call her that very night.
And the next night. And the next. He wants to tell her she is
beautiful to him, and that he can’t wait to see her again.

We can imagine that he wants to do all those things. This is

his impulse. This is his fundamental desire. This is his age-
old longing. But - and here is where our perfect, sunny day
screeches and sparks - he can’t.

For alongside all those desires that he holds in one hand,

in the other he holds a wilting bouquet of fears. He can’t
just walk up to her, say something to her... because what if ?
What if he says hello and she just smiles a thin-lipped smile
and keeps on going past? What if she averts her eyes, shakes
her head - not interested - and ducks around him? What if
she just ignores him completely? Or what if she does stop to
say hello and he stalls out, drawing a blank, looking foolish
and feeble because he has nothing interesting to say?
What if he does manage to engage her in some semblance
of banter that doesn’t disappear into hems and haws, and
he does ask her to join him for coffee around the corner,
but then ah! sorry, she has a boyfriend? Or what if she
doesn’t have a boyfriend and she does agree to join him for
coffee around the corner and, well, maybe she really isn’t
interested; she’s just bored and has nothing better to do?

Besides, what was he thinking? What if he isn’t even her

type? What if he is too short for her or he is not in shape
enough for her or he isn’t good- looking enough for her?
What if he says something nice to her, compliments her
on her lovely dress and her lovely smile, and she views
it as supplication, sees him as needy and clingy and too
available? No, no, no, he can’t compliment her. Wouldn’t
that kill it dead? What if he just acts nonchalant and
only mildly interested? What if he is just natural and real
and doesn’t play any of those games? What if, wonder of
wonders, she seems to really like him and she does ask him to
call her and she does give him her number, well, then what is
he supposed to do with that? Call her right away? Wait three
days? A week? He has no idea. What if he does manage to get
up enough courage to call her, then what? How should he act?
How should he sound? Upbeat, fun, and carefree, or suave,
assured, and direct? Or should he just be himself ?

And for that matter, what does it mean to just be himself

anyway? Why on earth would she ever be interested in him
just being himself ? And there you have it. Our dreamed-up
gentleman’s heart is sincere; his desire is honest and real.
He wants to do, to move, to act. And yet... he doesn’t. He
doesn’t because he can’t.

She is almost upon him now, but it doesn’t matter because

in those brief, eternal moments, he allows all those desires
in one hand and all those fears in the other hand fall from
his fingers and seep away into the ground where they can’t
disturb him anymore. She passes by and all he manages to
put together is a weak smile and a nod in her direction and,
well... she may or may not have noticed; he can’t really tell.”

from ‘The Alabaster Girl’ by Zan Perrion

Table of Contents
Part I - The Problem - 3
Part II - The Why - 7
Part III - The Antidote - 13
Part IV - The Swerve By - 19
Part V - The Benefits - 29
Conclusion - 33
What’s Next - 35
I. The Problem

Every man has some degree of approach anxiety.

That familiar twinge when he sees a woman he likes and
considers walking over, making conversation and creating
attraction with her out of thin air.

To some, the twinge is as soft as butterflies. To others,

approach anxiety is a paralyzing force that stops a man from
taking the action he wants and knows he should.

Do you hesitate when you consider walking up and talking to

a beautiful woman? Do you dread the responsibility of having
to approach a woman and create attraction out of thin air?
Is something holding you back and keeping you from taking
action? Does that force sometimes impede you from talking
to that woman? How many times have you seen a girl or
woman you liked, but failed to start walking and start talking?
How many times have you thought, "I should have talked to
her," but something stopped you? You knew what to do, but
you could not bring yourself to do it. How many fascinating
women walked out of your life that way? How often has such
an instance ruined your evening? Your day? Your confidence?
Your sense of self-worth?

It sucks, doesn't it?

We all know that twinge when we see a beautiful woman

we know we want to talk to. We all know the hesitation, the
internal battle... we tell ourselves we should, then find excuses
not to.

And this inaction frustrates us. It lingers in our mind, because

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that woman was great… “I did not show up... I failed… I failed
again, and I suck,... and I can’t, I do not have what it takes. I
am not a man, free to do what I want in the world.” We feel
bad for at least a couple of moments. Sometimes it even ruins
the rest of our day. Even if we have become great at bringing
new women into our life, failing to show up with a woman that
fascinates us makes us feel less good about ourselves.

Approach anxiety is one of the greatest predicaments of men,

our biggest deflation of spirit, because not seldomly it keeps us
from feeling accomplished, from feeling free, from living the
life we want. It ultimately destroys our confidence and sense of
self-worth, even for men who have an abundance of women in
their lives.

I have met doctors, engineers, famous musicians and artists,

captains of industry, even tantra teachers and gigolos - all
leaders and some heroes in the land of men - who struggle to
communicate with ease and delight, or at all, with desirable
women. And it bugs them; at times it is even crippling to their
self-worth as a man.

You could even say that in these moments when we are held
back by approach anxiety, that we have an encounter with our
true sense of self-worth and self-love as a man. What are we
protecting ourselves from? What are we hiding? How can we
free ourselves?

A man can feel successful in many pursuits of life, even have

an abundance of beautiful women in his life, yet if approach
anxiety is keeping him back, he will always feel a nagging
sense of being incomplete somewhere.

Overcoming approach anxiety is a must for every man who

suffers from it. Women present our greatest medium, the final
frontier in many senses, through which we can fully become
free as men. The freedom to walk over and express yourself.
The freedom of honoring yourself in every encounter.
I. The problem

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II. The Why

To overcome approach anxiety and/or solve the problems that

come with it, it can be helpful to understand and articulate
where this anxiety comes from. Why does every man have
some level of approach anxiety? Why do we not approach the
women we feel drawn to?

It is in Economics that I found the best explanation for

approach anxiety, for our hesitation and inaction to approach
a woman that compels us. In a study from 2006, Uri Gneezy,
John List and George Wu introduce the ‘Uncertainty Effect,’
showing how the fear of uncertainty can have profound
irrational consequences on human decision-making.7

According to expected utility theory, people make risky

decisions by balancing the value of all possible outcomes. So
let’s say that you’re betting on the flip of a coin. If it’s heads,
you win $1.05. However, if it lands on tails, you lose $1. Overall,
the expected utility of this gamble comes out in your favor -
the potential payout is five cents bigger than the potential loss
- and so you should accept.

However, the vast majority of people don’t accept this gamble.

The possibility of a loss (and the feeling of uncertainty) more
than outweighs the temptation of the extra nickel.

Now WHY does this happen? The authors suggest this

biological explanation:

“With less information to go on, the players exhibited substantially

more activity in the amygdala, a brain area reliably associated
with fear conditioning. In other words, we fill in the gaps of our

7 | 7
knowledge with fear. And it’s this inexplicable fright – an irrational
by-product of not knowing – that keeps us from focusing on the
possibility of future rewards.”

The study goes on to show how the uncertainty effect

can lead to us making irrational, ridiculous decisions…

Not approaching a woman that compels us is clearly

one of those ridiculous decisions. We see a woman who
captivates us, and the possibility of future rewards must
look compelling to any rational man: you could have
a nice conversation, you could meet a great woman,
make a friend, have a romance, meet the woman of your
dreams, avoid feeling bad afterwards, you could feel
accomplished, alive and free… the list of possible future
rewards is long and seemingly irresistible.

But for most men, the feeling of uncertainty more than

outweighs the tempation of the future reward. We
are not sure we will be rewarded, and the uncertainty
has our brain feed us fear and fill in the blanks with
thoughts like “It will be awkward,” “I will run out
of things to say,” “She will reject me,” “I will feel
ridiculed…”. As our brain feeds us fear, the possibility of
a loss more than outweighs the possibility of ending up
with a woman that fascinates us.

Fear fills in the blanks and makes us act irrationally: not

talking to a woman that compels us. Fear prevents us
from doing the things we know we should be doing.

But the fear of what?

Working with thousands of men, I discovered the 3

biggest fears men experience when they consider walking
over and talking to a woman who enchants them:
II. The why

1. We are afraid we’ll run out of things to say.

We take it 100% upon ourselves to create attraction with our
approach. We take full responsibility for the seduction at play
and for possible dead silences when she is not as receptive
and responsive as we would like. Since it’s our responsibility,
we are deadly afraid of running out of things to say and those
nervous, painful silences. We all know that awkward moment
when nobody is talking, and you cannot come up fast enough
with the next line, question, story... and it scares us like hell.

2. We are afraid she will reject us.

Our biggest fear is that we are not good enough, and many
men give women the power to judge whether he is good
enough or not, at least for the time of the encounter. In our
mind, she has the power to decide whether our approach
is successful or not. She has the power to reject us, and she
decides whether we have what it takes or not. We have given
a woman who we have never met before, the ultimate power
to validate us, to be the sole judge of our worthiness. Deep
down many men fear they are not good enough, that they do
not have what it takes, and they are going to let this woman
make a final decision on it.

3. We are afraid of ridicule.

We are not only afraid that she will decide what we feared
all along, that we are not good enough, that we do not have
what it takes; we are at the same time terrified that it will be
obvious for all to see. We are afraid that people will see us
for what we, deep down, fear we are: a loser, a guy who once
again has proven to himself and everyone else that, despite
all his hopes and good intentions, he does not have what it
takes. Our anxiety not only includes feelings and internal
shame and judgments from others, but some may even fear
hostility or violence from others in the case of rejection.

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In other words, every approach, every encounter offers a
very compelling list of future rewards, but because we are
uncertain about the outcome, our brain feeds us fear, and fills
in the blanks with a worst-case-scenario (“It will be awkward,”
“She will reject me,” “I will be ridiculed”...). We end up doing the
irrational thing of NOT approaching the woman that fascinates
us, and we feel bad about it.

But what if there was no longer a risk of running out of things

to say, no risk of rejection or ridicule? What if you could get rid
of the fears associated with those risks right now? What if you
never had to feel that paralyzing anxiety again? What if you
could move away from the negative spiral of shame and self-
loathing for good?

It really is much simpler than we think, and you will instantly

understand why.
II. The why

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I I I . T h e A n ti d o t e

Since approach anxiety is the number one predicament of men,

many have designed ways to deal with the anxiety that comes
from the cold approach, to live with it, diminish it, appease it, to
overcome it, to bypass it, to recover from it… in order to make it
easier to cold approach anyway, despite our anxiety.

Confidence boosting self-affirmations to overcome the fear

and talk to her anyway, eye-catching ways to dress, challenges,
alcohol, opening lines, the right questions, routines, ways to
fake confidence, interesting stories, tips and tricks to make sure
that you don’t run out of things to say. Tips and tricks to avoid
rejection, plough through the awkwardness and keep talking
when she seems not receptive and bypass her bitch shield.

We go to these lengths to also make sure we are not shamed in

public, and do not look like the loser we fear we are.

Finally, we also contort ourselves to recover faster from failure

and ridicule, fooling ourselves so we do not feel like the loser
we were just proven to be. To get over failure quickly, and try
again with the next girl. We become approach machines, cold
approaching despite your anxiety, desensitizing ourselves by
doing more approaches,.. at worst, like salesmen, cold-calling
prospects, picking up the phone and dialing numbers at random.
Every woman is a potential target...

We seem to be in an endless relationship with our anxiety,

convinced we should be cold approaching in spite of our fears.

It bears repeating that I do believe there is value in practicing the cold approach. I question
however its pivotal role in bringing women into your life. I also find the cold approach a lot
less noble and beautiful than the swerve by.
Rarely does typical advice question that you even have
to cold approach. Rarely does that advice question that
you have to overcome your fear, walk over to her, make
conversation, plough through awkwardness in order to
create attraction out of thin air, overcome rejections and
ridicule... Rarely does anyone question that you, the man,
are 100% responsible for success in seduction, and that cold
approaching plays a pivotal part in that success.

But how many couples do you know that got together through
some kind of cold approach in a bar or on the street?

In most cases, something altogether different, more organic

was at play…

Maybe we have to re-consider the importance of cold

approaching for successfully bringing women into your life.

There is an alternative and more effective way to bring

women into your life. A completely new place to start in
order to master ‘the approach’ and the art of seduction.

I call it the ‘Swerve By’ Method and it taps into that more
organic and fluid kind of interaction that has brought
most couples together. It is a game-changing approach to
meeting women. It is a technique, a complete plan of action,
and a philosophy of seduction. It requires no pick-up lines,
you don’t risk any awkwardness or running out of things
to say, and it eliminates your fear of rejection and ridicule.
You will notice your approach anxiety diminish with every
swerve by, your encounters will feel natural and pleasant,
and women will want more and more of you.8

The starting point is: Stop Cold Approaching!

By that I mean: Stop walking over and making conversation

in order to create attraction out of thin air. Stop working so
hard. Stop talking so much. Stop making things so awkward
for both of you. Stop approaching this way, for now...

| 14
I I I . T h e A n ti d o t e

Why Should you Stop Cold Approaching?

Because cold approaching not only feels contorted, awkward
and often soul-sucking in the long run; you also do not need to
cold approach in order bring women into your life. Worse, cold
approaching is not nearly as successful in bringing women into
your life as its proponents would like you to believe.

Over the years, I have adopted a completely different perspective

on attraction and seduction than the vantage point from which the
typical advice on meeting, dating and long-term relationships is given.

I have learned that attraction is not yours to create, and that

there is no amount of talking that will change a woman from not
being attracted to you to being attracted to you. Your real job in
seduction is to not mess up the attraction that is already there.9

Let’s explore this perspective and see where it takes us.

1. Attraction is not yours to create.

Men falsely think that attraction is theirs to create out of thin air.

He sees a beautiful woman and he cannot imagine she is

attracted to him. He sees it as his responsibility to create
attraction, to get her to like him. He falsely thinks that
seduction is about saying and doing the right thing so he can
create attraction.

Attraction is not yours to create - nature has taken care of it.

Men are attracted to women, women are attracted to men.
You’re attracted to her and she’s already attracted to certain
men with certain characteristics, without any interaction
having happened at all. It has been like this forever and it
will continue to be like this forever.

One could argue the ‘truth’ of the previous paragraph, but I am not solely in the business
of discovering truth; I equally intend to create beauty wherever I go. The obsession with truth
and efficiency must be the most anti-seductive stance in these matters.
2. There is no amount of talking that will
change her from not being attracted to you
into being attracted to you.
A woman is attracted to you, or she is not, and no amount of
talking will take her from not being attracted to you to being
attracted to you. You cannot create attraction by talking more. You
can destroy the attraction that is there, but you cannot create it.

Attraction can only be uncovered, amplified, destroyed. It cannot

be created out of thin air, least of all by talking more. Men think
they have to walk over, make conversation and plough through
awkwardness in order to create attraction and seduce a woman.
When they are successful, they attribute it to what they said,
oblivious to the possibility that the attraction was uncovered the
moment he showed up or even before that. Perhaps the attraction
comes from the way he presents himself, his vibe, his presence,
his sense of relaxation, or even from her level of horniness. It is not
ours to know, and often we’ll never really find out.

Yet when a man fails, he also attributes it to what he said or how

he said it, or both, and thus he was unable to create attraction.

But what if the attraction was there from the first moment?
What if the attraction was there the moment she spotted you?
Or the moment you looked her in the eye? What if the attraction
was there there the moment you walked over and just showed
up? Imagine for a moment that it is possible that she is already
attracted to you. Imagine she already likes you… before you start
a conversation.

This happens all the time, and men are oblivious to it. We’re
stuck in our own anxieties, in what we stand to win or lose, that
we fail to put our attention on what could be happening for
her. Men think they have to talk more to create attraction, but
not only is this impossible, more often than not, more talking
destroys the attraction that’s already there.
I I I . T h e A n ti d o t e

When men think they said the wrong things and were unable to
create attraction, in fact, they may have destroyed the attraction that
was there with the same tool they thought would create attraction.

Have you ever spoken to a woman, in any social situation, and

seen her eyes immediately brighten, her hands run through her
hair and her voice goes up an octave? Then, after ten minutes of
what you thought was attraction-growing or rapport-building
material, she rejects you? I cannot count the times women
have told me how they were instantly attracted to a guy, but he
messed it up by the way he was talking, by talking too much.

3. Your job then is to not mess up the

attraction that is already there.
Seduction is the art of not messing up the attraction that is
already there. Your job as a man is to spot attraction and get out
of the way of it. To unveil attraction and allow what is already
there to blossom.


Certainly not by cold approaching in the traditional sense.

Certainly not by making conversation and ploughing through the

Think of a guy who is successful with women... does he cold

approach? Does he chase women by walking over, making
conversation and creating attraction out of thin air? Does he
make it awkward for both of them?

No... he does something different.

What is it?

He may do many things differently, but one of them is that he does

walk over, makes conversation and ploughs through awkwardness.

He swerves by…

| 17
I V. T h e S w e r v e B y

Before you cold approach again, I recommend you consider to

‘SWERVE BY’ instead. Swerving by is a different technique and
method to approach and meet women; it is at the same time a
different perspective on and philosophy of seduction.

Swerve By!

When you are out and about, during daytime or at night, and you
see a woman you feel compelled to meet, follow these 3 steps:

1. Check in with yourself.

2. Express your experience (as a gift to her).
3. Leave.

Stop walking down an imaginary long, lonely dead-end street

of the cold approach - with all the pressure and anxiety
that comes with it - and then back out again. Stop walking
up to her, making conversation, and ploughing through
awkwardness in order to create attraction out of thin air.

Instead, simply swerve by.

Notice a woman you like, check in with yourself, walk by,

make eye contact, smile, express your experience with ease
and delight, and leave.

Express your experience en passant10, and as a gift to her.

Give your experience to her and slide right on by…

En passant means in passing. It is also a chess move. | 19
1. Check in with yourself.
Pause and become aware of your own experience. What are
you noticing about her and/or this situation and how does that
impact you?

Does her appearance make you feel excited, nervous, confused?

Does it impact your behavior?

What is it about this situation that compels you to meet her?

Do you think she is beautiful, cute, well-dressed, gracious?
Is something telling you to approach her? To not do it?
Are there other things that you notice about her, about this
situation and the impact it has on you?

2. Express your experience as a gift to her.

Walk over (if necessary), make eye contact, smile, and express
your experience to her.

Women do not mind when you’re nervous, but they will punish you
if you hesitate. If you feel compelled to meet this woman, then act
swiftly. Just walk over and express your experience to her, as a gift,
without any expectation of getting something in return.

Share with her whatever you are experiencing, noticing, feeling

(or thinking).11 12 Remember to do it with ease and delight. Nothing
serious or heavy, but lighthearted and fun.

- “I was over there with my friends, I saw you and felt compelled
to come over and say ‘You look great.’ Have a good evening.”
- “Wow - aren’t you well-put together today… lovely!”
- “When you passed by I noticed I stood up straighter. That’s

It is best to share what you notice and and how it impacts you. To share how you are feel-
ing is most of the times better than to share what you are thinking, but expressing what you
are thinking is a great way to get out of your head and back into the present moment and the
encounter with her.
As you master the ‘Swerve By’ Method and become more proficient in the language of
women, there will be times you can express your experience to her without words. Expressing
your experience with words is a great tool to start understanding that language.
I V. T h e S w e r v e B y

crazy how you impact me. Au revoir!”

- “The way you are moving in that dress caught my attention
from afar. I had to come over and take a closer look. Ciao.”
- “I saw you and I know I would feel bad about myself all day if I did
not come over to say ‘hi’ to you. You’re a beauty. Enjoy your day.”
- “When your hair moved in the wind like that, it looked like a
movie scene… I forgot the movie, but damn that looked good! Bye.”
- “Hello, pretty girl... I love your red lipstick. You look absolutely
radiant. Very feminine. Thanks for that.”
- “I saw you walk by that group of guys and they all smiled…
Damn you girl!”
- “Something about you compelled me to come say ‘hi’ to you. I
don’t know what it is but ‘hi’. Enjoy your night.”
- “You walked by and the birds flew up. That would have been a
perfect shot.”
- “I am saying ‘hi’ to all the beautiful women. Have a great day!”
- “I feel nervous talking to women like you, but I am practicing
showing up in the world. You fascinate me! Have a good one.”
- “I was watching you walk towards me and for some reason I
smelled pizza and thought of Italy… Arrivederci.”

For more practical examples and a crash course to the ‘Swerve

By’ Method, check your email the coming days. I will be sending
you examples, exercises and a mission.

It is important you express your experience and nothing else. No

questions or requests.13 Just share with her whatever it is you are
experiencing, what you notice and the impact it has on you, what
you feel or think in that moment. Share it with ease and delight.
Bring your experience as a gift to her.

This is why, tor those new to the swerve by method, I recommend you make sure you proceed
to step 3 - the leaving - by wishing her a good day, or evening… at the end of your expression.
3. Leave.
This is the most important part of the ‘Swerve By’ Method and the
biggest difference from the cold approach.
Do not ask or request anything. Do not try to get something in
return for your approach.
Do not try to get her instagram. Do not try to get her number. Do
not try to get a smile.
Do not wait for her reaction. Do not stick around. Do not hang
Do not wait for it to become awkward. Do not wait for her
That transaction is complete.
This is the hardest thing for guys to do, certainly when they think
it goes well. We believe we have to create attraction by talking
more, but we only risk messing up the attraction that may
already be there.

To avoid that risk, leave before she reacts, before there is a

chance of running out of things to say, before she can reject you,
before you can look ridiculous, before it gets awkward and you
mess up the attraction that is already there. There is nothing
you can do to create attraction if it’s not already there. With
every word, with every second you stay, you run a higher risk of
messing up the attraction that may be there.


Surely, the list of specific situations in which you encounter a

woman you feel compelled to meet is endless, and each of those
I V. T h e S w e r v e B y

situations requires a specific expression of the swerve by. Ways of

walking, ways of talking, ways of looking, ways of leaving...

The take-away of this method is to stop cold approaching and

practice the swerve by first. Practice checking in with yourself,
expressing your experience (as a gift to her) and leaving. Practice
this 3-step method with ease and delight and the practice itself
will teach you the specific requirements of the ‘Swerve By’
Method for each specific encounter.

Here are a few more examples of swerve bys I did this week.
They show the expression of my experience as a gift to the other
(not just the women I fancy), and the joy at the heart of this

- A well-dressed woman stands close to me in a coffee shop. I

lean in and say “Wow that is a great outfit… well done.” Then
rock back out and look away.
- Once a week I go for a run by the beach, high-fiving runners
coming from the opposite direction saying things like “Vamos”
or “You got this!”
- As I am walking by a woman in the salsa club: “I saw you
dancing. Loved it. Very nice. Have a great night.” Continue walking.
- Woman in a shop: “You probably hear this a lot but (not from
me)... I find you absolutely stunning. See you around.” Leave.
Well-dressed gentleman passing me by “Very stylish outfit Sir!”
- In a library, make a note. “We are not allowed to talk here, but
you fascinate me.” Leave your number on the note.
- On a terrace, leave your business card with a woman: “You
fascinate me. Google me.”
- Super hot woman passing by in a tight dress and with a great
ass: “No, no, no… that is just unfair!” Look away ostentatiously.
“There are many hot women in this club but you, you I like.” Leave.

| 23
Why this works
When you swerve by, all you do is show up. To show up is all you
must do, and all you can do to uncover the attraction that is
possibly there and let it blossom. How does this happen?

1. You show up.

You convey that you are not afraid to come over. Woody Allen said
that 80% of success is showing up.

You are now on the radar if you weren’t before. When you swerve
by, you show up, and to show up is all you need to do to see if
there is attraction, and open the door to explore it.14
Take-away: when you see a woman who compels you, show up.

2. Talk less.
Always be communicating (the ABC of women), but talk a lot less...

Even before you swerve by, a masterful seducer picks up signals.

He picks up the signals of the women that already like him. He
picks up the attraction that is already there.

To swerve by functions to show you are not afraid to come over, or

to check if you were right about her liking you, or to allow existing
attraction to blossom a little more. Finally, it also functions to
see if there is attraction when you did not get a chance yet to
communicate from a distance.

Swerving by is a way to communicate with women in a language

that is their own.
Take-away: always be communicating, but talk a lot less.

I am convinced that the success many men attribute to routines and pick up lines can be
largely attributed to the mere fact of showing up. “I know he is saying a line… but at least he is
here!” women often think
I V. T h e S w e r v e B y

3. It is a gift to her.
You are not asking for anything. You are not requesting a
thing. You are not expecting something from her. You are
expressing your experience as a gift to her, as a gift to the
world. With ease and delight. You are brightening people’s lives
and blessing their existence in this world.
Take-away: give without expecting anything in return.

4. You give her a chance to love it or leave it.

Men think that attraction is theirs to create. They feel 100%
responsible for the seduction at play.

But seduction is not a one-man performance. Seduction is a

dance for two. And while it is a man’s role to show up to the
dance, invite her to dance and lead the dance, it will never be a
dance if she does not accept the invitation or contributes to it. He
may hold up his arm and create space for her to twirl, but she is
the one who decides if she’ll engage and twirl.

To swerve by gives her time and space. It gives her a chance

to love it or leave it. It puts our attention on what could be
happening for her in her world, and it gives her a chance to
contribute to the seduction at play. Her contribution is essential
for any successful seduction.
Take-away: allow her to become complicit in her own seduction.

5. It is always better to come back than to stay.

You know the feeling when you come back from a long trip and
meet again with your loved ones? You would never have had this
feeling if you had not left in the first place.

Seduction thrives on the juxtaposition of intimacy and distance,

and swerving by honors that juxtaposition from the first
moment you meet.
Take-away: instead of staying, leave and come back.

| 25
Which brings us to this important issue.

How can a girl get back to you?

When I propose the ‘Swerve By’ Method to guys, they often react
perplexed and ask me questions like: “How can a woman get back
to me?” or “How can we get together when I leave?”

How can seduction blossom when you leave?

My answer: if there is an attraction to uncover with her, seduction
will blossom because you leave, not despite of it.

1. You can always come back.

To come back is always better than to stay.
When I say leave, I am not saying to run away. I say make space. I
say look away. I say rock out. I say be more prepared than her to
leave that interaction. This is a way of leading the interaction. To
make space for her to love it or leave it. To make space for you to
come back. She will most likely welcome back a man who showed
no need to stay in her space, and was generous enough to give her
the time and space to choose.

2. If she likes you, she will respond and try

to make you stay.
A woman who is attracted to you will want you to stay, and
likely she will try to make you stay. How? She may smile, ask
a question (“Where are you from?”), or protest you leaving
(“Where are you going?”).

As you practice and start mastering the ‘Swerve By’ Method

you will notice these signs as you are leaving (and without
waiting for her reaction).
I V. T h e S w e r v e B y

3. If she likes you, she will find you.

Certainly in bars, or whenever you are in the same space for a
while, if a woman is attracted to you, she will come into your
vicinity and wait for you to approach her again. If attraction
is there, do not underestimate her creativity, conscious or
unconscious, to make it as easy as possible for something to
happen with you.

In clubs or bars, places where you both will be around each other
for a while, I highly recommend swerving by and leaving.

In other words, as you practice the ‘Swerve By’ Method, you will
learn to see the signs and build in the consideration of coming
back (for a second approach) in your leave-taking. Once you are
more prepared to leave an interaction than she is, you will know
how to come back smoothly and with great effect because you will
notice the signs en passant. You will not hang around to see her
reaction; you will notice her reaction in leaving and act accordingly.

However, if you have never practiced the ‘Swerve By’ Method,

I suggest you focus on making sure you leave. Then, as you get
into the habit of leaving and you become more prepared to leave
than she is, you will start feeling the rhythm of leaving space and
coming back in for a second approach.

| 27
V . T h e B e n e f its

If you understand how to swerve by and why it works, you also

understand how it diminishes greatly the anxiety you feel when
considering cold approaching.

1. No risk of running out of things to say.

You leave before it gets awkward. You can always come back
but it’s never awkward for staying too long and running out of
things to say. Nothing to memorize. No lines, no routines, no
stories, no jokes, ... nothing. Simply express your experience as
a gift and leave before saying anything else.

2. No risk of rejection.
She cannot reject you because you are not asking for anything.
You do not ask for her to like you, you do not fish for validation,
you do not ask for a phone number or her instagram account.
You ask for nothing, and so you cannot be rejected. You present
her your truth, you lay it on the table, and you leave before she
reacts. You leave before she accepts or declines your gift. You
can never get rejected.

3. No fear of ridicule.
Since there is no rejection, there is no ridicule. Our fear of
rejection is coupled with a fear of ridicule if others see our
failure. When you swerve by, you cannot fail, you cannot be
rejected, and you cannot be ridiculed for getting rejected.

| 29
As you practice this method, you will notice your approach anxiety
diminish with every swerve by, your encounters will feel natural
and pleasant, and women will want more and more of you.

Swerving by makes it so that you do not have to face the basic fear
that you may look like the loser we all, deep down fear we are.

Also, since there is no more risk of running out of things to say, of

rejection or of ridicule, there is no more risk that the ‘approach’
will ruin your evening, your day... the ‘Swerve By’ Method will not
eat away at your confidence or destroy your sense of self-worth.
And, by swerving by, by showing up with no need for any response
or success, and by giving her all the time and space she needs,
you avoid the negative spiral of shame and self-loathing.

It will, in fact do the opposite and create positive momentum, both

in the reactions you get and in the way you feel about yourself.

To swerve by is a great tool to practice expressing your

experience, speaking your truth as a man, and celebrating
women without being attached to the outcome. Essentially, you
stop measuring your success by her reaction, and rather by your
action. Have you shown up? By doing this, every swerve by grows
your confidence and your sense of self-worth.

You are giving your gift to the world, not trying to get anything. You
are in action, and a man who acts anyway, putting his will into the
world, is instantly more attractive. You will relate no more with
your own anxiety - you will be laying the foundations for months
and years of authentically and naturally interacting with women,
both in meeting them, dating and long-term relationships.

As an added benefit, practicing to swerve by will turn you into

a leader (in her eyes), the kind of man who does not chase
women. You are planting seeds, and you are becoming a
man living in abundance. In the long run, to be a man who is
prepared to leave will attract more women into your life.
V . T h e b e n e f its

So, the ‘Swerve By’ method does not only have short
term advantages over the cold approach in diminishing
awkwardness (and the anxiety associated with it) and bringing
more women into your life; its main advantage is long term
as the practice of the swerve by helps you become the man
beautiful women dream about.

| 31
C o n c l u si o n

Before you cold approach again, try the ‘Swerve By’ Method instead.

It will take away almost all the pressure and anxiety you feel
when you consider walking over to a woman that fascinates
you, because you no longer have to make conversation in order
to create attraction out of thin air. You do not have to plough
through the awkwardness of a new encounter. You can just show
up, express your experience as a gift with ease and delight, and
leave before things get painful. Your encounters will be much
smoother and feel more natural for both you and her.
Because it is such a low-pressure practice, the ‘Swerve By’
Method is great first step in your exploration of the approach and
mastering the art of seduction. You will practice:
Checking in with how you feel
Showing up
Expressing your experience
Speaking your truth
Celebrating women
Being more prepared to leave than her
Being unattached to the outcome
Measuring success by how you show up instead of how she reacts
Giving her a chance to contribute to the seduction at play
Understanding the language of women (her interest)
Speaking the language of women
Understanding your role in the dance that is seduction

| 33
The ‘Swerve By’ Method will create momentum and lay the
foundation for authentically and naturally interacting with
women for the rest of your life, both in meeting them, dating and
long-term relationships.

Because you ask for nothing, because you express your experience
as a gift, because you bring it with ease and delight, because you
give her space and a chance to contribute to the seduction at play,
because you are unattached to the outcome and because you speak
the language of women, you will leave the women that are good for
you wanting more of you. This way, the ‘Swerve By’ Method will give
you a higher success rate than the endless cold approaching, both
in the short run and in the long run.

Start swerving by, and you have started a lifetime of relating

authentically, naturally and seductively with women, both in
meeting, dating and long-term relationships.

The rest of your life starts now.


Check your email for a special message from me. Make sure it is in your
inbox (not in Spam or Promotions) and whitelist it if necessary.
Over the coming days I’m going to send you fun practice exercises and
challenges, as well as video examples of the ‘Swerve By’ Method.
Right now, go check your email box and see if you got my first email. I’ve
just sent it to you. Did you get it?
** If you received this ebook from a friend or did not download it from my
website, be sure to go enter your name and email right here so you can get my
email course for the ‘Swerve By’ Method with all the exercises, examples and
more (for free!).

Follow me on social media for more great content and updates.
My Facebook
My Instagram
My Youtube Channel

You cannot wait to become a great seducer?
Or you are simply ready to go to the next level and make swift upgrades
to your love life?
Check out my offerings on the next few pages.
My book ‘The Way of A Seducer. A Code of Honor to a Lost Art.’
The Way of a Seducer ONLINE Course
One-on-one Coaching

| 35

Seduction is of the essence.

It appears to me that at the heart of every failing relationship lies a

lack of seduction and that our most severe frustrations come from
a profound disenchantment, the feeling of not being able to seduce
nor be seduced.

Our partnerships, marriages, families and communities start to

crumble the moment we stop seducing each other, and your self
decays when you lose the aptitude to seduce or be seduced.

Seduction is the most natural cure for pain,

and a sublime manner in which to practice love.
It is the human way to adapt to new surroundings,
our last frontier,
and a gateway to liberation.
Seduction is the fastest track to spiritual enlightenment,
and your surest route to salvation.
Seduction gives meaning, seduction breathes life…

It is the most difficult and artistic achievement of every encounter

because, more than making us happy or horny, it fills us with
wonder. It allows us to marvel at this magical world.

And yet, nearly always, seduction is articulated as a mere means

to an end. Its exploration, almost exclusively, tries to answer the
question ‘What works?’. We seem interested in seduction only as
far as it provides us with the tools to take from the other what we
covertly desire.

But what works in seduction is not my main concern. What works

in seduction is not the motif of this book.

To me, seduction is a form of art – the highest one – beautiful in its

own regard, and to be explored and articulated for its own sake.
I have devoted my life to it.

And the compass with which I have undertaken the voyage

across the vast seas of this divine art is not efficiency, but
dignity. Surely I am interested in what works, but never without
wondering ;What is beautiful?’ and ‘What’s right?’. My main
concern pertains to the noble way for a man to seduce a woman.
The beautiful, artistic way. In seduction, nothing matters more
than my dignity.

Alas, there are no books on how to seduce with honor, and

when I could not find the book I wanted to read, I decided to
write it myself.

‘the Way of a Seducer’ is my code of honor on how to seduce.

It is a credo to carve my path in the land of women and a
manifesto to guide my journey through the art of seduction.
This book is a poetic meditation on my dignity as a seducer,
resulting in a collection of maxims and insights that serve as
reminders to myself.

from the foreword of “the Way of a Seducer. A Code of Honor to a Lost Art”

Get your copy here

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If you are committed to taking action and change your life (with women)
forever, then apply for one of the 10 spots in the next ‘The Way of a Seducer
ONLINE Course’. 13 weeks, 13 themes and missions, two weekly calls and
daily interactions. This course is where I share my best material and work
the closest with each of the 10 participants. Transformation into a man
who lives in abundance is what we set out to do.

You will get exclusive material like interviews with experts, glimpses into
my world, academic explanations, and 1-on-1 coaching. If you make stand
for becoming a man who is successful with women no matter what and
you honor your commitment, then you will get the changes you want. You
will feel - maybe for the first time and finally - that you have what it takes
to get the success you foresee in the land of women. This course happens
only 2 times per year (in Spring and Autumn), and is by invitation only.
To apply for one of the seats, send a message to
explaining to us why you should get one of the 10 seats. We are looking for
men who are committed to greatness.

If you prefer to do the missions at your own pace, we now also offer a
HOME STUDY version of ‘the Way of a Seducer Online Course.’ You will have
access to all the content, interviews and videos of the course, without the
interactive part of the calls and the daily interactions on a private group.

The Course is divided into 3 modules:

1. Seduction as a practice in self-expression (4 themes)
2. Seduction as a dance for two (4 themes)
3. The darker side of seduction (4 themes)

1 module costs 149$. You get all 3 modules, as well as the bonus themes
for 299$. Send a message to to receive this
special deal.

For more info on the Way of a Seducer ONLINE Course, click here.
If you are convinced your case is a very particular one and you need one-
on-one coaching, then I can offer you15 a ‘Next Step’ coaching call. 47$ for
45min. During this call, I will assess where you are at, and what your next
steps are. I will answer all of your questions. Usually this is enough for
anyone to solve their problems and be on their way. If we think you need
more coaching we can decide that on that call.

To schedule a call, send a message to

Pending availability.
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If you have any questions about the ‘Swerve By’ Method, about our live
events and programs, or about love, relationships and seduction, do not
hesitate to reach out.

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