Sarifah (2016) - "Map Strategy Purpose Concept To Increase IPS'S Studying

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Sarifah (2016). “Map Strategy purpose Concept To Increase IPS'S Studying

Result Student On happening phenomena Material Atmospheric and Hidrosfer at
brazes VIIb SMP Country 2 Siompu West ” . Majors / studi's Program Geography
Education, FKIP, Halu Oleo's university. Led by Dra. Sitti Kasmiati, M. Si. my
interrupts I Counsellor and La Ode Nursalam, S.Pd.,M.Pd. my interrupts Counsellor
II.. Problem formula in observational it which is: 1 ) How activity picture studies
VIIb SMPN's class student 2 Siompu West by use of concept map strategies on IPS'S
subject happening phenomena material atmospheric and hidrosfer? 2 ) How activity
picture teach to learn IPS student brazes VIIb SMPN 2 Siompu West with by use
concept map strategy on happening phenomena material atmospheric and hidrosfer? 3
) How step-up usufruct to study IPS student brazes VIIb SMPN 2 Siompu West with
the use concept map strategy on happening phenomena material atmospheric and
hidrosfer?. To the effect this research is: 1 ) To describe student studying activities
brazes VIIb SMPN 2 Siompu West by use of concept map strategies on IPS'S subject
happening phenomena material atmospheric and hidrosfer. 2 ) To describe activity
teaches IPS'S teachers student brazes VIIb SMPN 2 Siompu West by use of concept
map strategies on happening phenomena material atmospheric and hidrosfer. 3 ) To
know result step-up studies IPS student brazes VIIb SMPN 2 Siompu West by use of
concept map strategies on happening phenomena material atmospheric and hidrosfer.
This research is executed on schools year even semester 2015 / 2016. Observational
observational Action brazes (PTK) with two learning cycles. Data collecting tech
utilizes to essay and observation, analisis's tech data utilizes percentage with KKM as
big as 80% student gets to assess ≥70.
Of research result points out that: (1 ) activity Picture study students by use of
concept maps experiencing step-up. It pointed out by score average on each cycle,
acquired percentage where cycle I to reach 2,3 and on cycle II. up to 3,4. (2 ) activity
Picture teach to learn by use of concept maps experiencing step-up. It pointed out by
score average on each cycle, where is cycle I to reach 2,7 and on cycle II. as big as
3,4. (3 ) Result study students on IPS'S subject increases. Where on I cycle which is
acquired point is contemned 45, supreme point 85, average value 65 and studying
thoroughness as big as 59% one reaches KKM or of 27 student just 16 student that
gets to assess ≥ 70. On cycle II. acquired appreciative bottommost 55, supreme point
95, average value 76,67 and studying thoroughness as big as 81% one reaches KKM.
On cycle II. experience step-up which is of 27 students available 22 students which
get points ≥ 70 by thoroughness percentage usufruct to study are 81%.

Key word : Srategi is Learning, Concept map, Learned result


Sarifah (2016). “Map Strategy purpose Concept To Increase IPS'S Studying

Result Student On happening phenomena Material Atmospheric and Hidrosfer at
brazes VIIb SMP Country 2 Siompu West ” . Majors / studi's Program Geography
Education, FKIP, Halu Oleo's university. Led by Dra. Sitti Kasmiati, M. Si. my
interrupts I Counsellor and La Ode Nursalam, S.Pd.,M.Pd. my interrupts Counsellor
II.. Problem formula in observational it which is: 1 ) How activity picture studies
VIIb SMPN's class student 2 Siompu West by use of concept map strategies on IPS'S
subject happening phenomena material atmospheric and hidrosfer? 2 ) How activity
picture teach to learn IPS student brazes VIIb SMPN 2 Siompu West with by use
concept map strategy on happening phenomena material atmospheric and hidrosfer? 3
) How step-up usufruct to study IPS student brazes VIIb SMPN 2 Siompu West with
the use concept map strategy on happening phenomena material atmospheric and
hidrosfer?. To the effect this research is: 1 ) To describe student studying activities
brazes VIIb SMPN 2 Siompu West by use of concept map strategies on IPS'S subject
happening phenomena material atmospheric and hidrosfer. 2 ) To describe activity
teaches IPS'S teachers student brazes VIIb SMPN 2 Siompu West by use of concept
map strategies on happening phenomena material atmospheric and hidrosfer. 3 ) To
know result step-up studies IPS student brazes VIIb SMPN 2 Siompu West by use of
concept map strategies on happening phenomena material atmospheric and hidrosfer.
This research is executed on schools year even semester 2015 / 2016. Observational
observational Action brazes (PTK) with two learning cycles. Data collecting tech
utilizes to essay and observation, analisis's tech data utilizes percentage with KKM as
big as 80% student gets to assess ≥70.
Of research result points out that: (1 ) activity Picture study students by use of
concept maps experiencing step-up. It pointed out by score average on each cycle,
acquired percentage where cycle I to reach 2,3 and on cycle II. up to 3,4. (2 ) activity
Picture teach to learn by use of concept maps experiencing step-up. It pointed out by
score average on each cycle, where is cycle I to reach 2,7 and on cycle II. as big as
3,4. (3 ) Result study students on IPS'S subject increases. Where on I cycle which is
acquired point is contemned 45, supreme point 85, average value 65 and studying
thoroughness as big as 59% one reaches KKM or of 27 student just 16 student that
gets to assess ≥ 70. On cycle II. acquired appreciative bottommost 55, supreme point
95, average value 76,67 and studying thoroughness as big as 81% one reaches KKM.
On cycle II. experience step-up which is of 27 students available 22 students which
get points ≥ 70 by thoroughness percentage usufruct to study are 81%.

Key word : Srategi is Learning, Concept map, Learned result

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