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Dream about teeth falling out

Dream about teeth falling out meaning

The teeth are one of the most representative parts of our human body. We perform
different functions such as chewing and undoing the food for the sea, digesting it in the
stomach, dreaming that the teeth fall is not a good omen, the teeth are a symbol of security
and strength; they are the synonyms of our beauty and indirectly of our happiness.
The teeth are also a symbol of our self-esteem. One of the most frequent dreams is when
our teeth fall. This dream can have different meanings, origins of the person and details.
When it comes to teeth, the fear of failure, safety at work and self-esteem problems are
expressed to achieve personal goals. This is a subconscious expression of the mind
projecting that feeling of inferiority that is disturbing.

Dream about teeth are loose

If you dream of loose teeth, it means that you are afraid of failing in any situation or
personal project of your life. Sometimes this represents a sense of loneliness because
people close to you ignore you when you speak, or your arguments are not taken seriously.
The feeling of insecurity is the main reason you dream of loose teeth
If you dream that your upper teeth fall, it means the breaking of a very important close
personal relationship. This could be a break with the couple, or with very good friendships
or some loss of relevance. If you dream that your lower teeth fall, it means that a person or
relationship will be lost, but it is less important.
Dream about teeth breaking

Dreaming of broken teeth also represents a problem of self-esteem, depending on the

details of the dream it also means a disease that is affecting you or a close relative.

If you dream with broken teeth you must face the problems that attempt to subtract your
personal safety, if you have any disease, do not let yourself mentally break down.
Dreaming of broken or dirty teeth means some problem or situation that is deteriorating
your ability to be happy.
Dream about teeth rotting
Soñar con dientes podridos representa una inquietud constante mental producida por la
pérdida de motivación para hacer frente a problemas que te afectan emocionalmente y que
ha perdurado largo tiempo sin tu dedicar tiempo a resolverlo.
También soñar con dientes podridos significa algún malestar interior creado por alguna
mentira que has dicho y que afecta tu imagen como persona.

Dream about pulling teeth out

To dream of extracting a tooth means a deep feeling of failure, because of the breaking of a
personal, sentimental or work relationship.

Dream about teeth falling out means death

To dream with teeth, the upper teeth that fall means that a very important personal
relationship will be lost, it can mean the end of a friendship or loving relation, but
sometimes it means the death of a loved person.

Dream about teeth chipping

Dreaming of a broken tooth can be interpreted as a problem of low self-esteem, a situation
that has developed or intensified in you an inferiority complex and live with insecurity to
achieve a specific aim. Having little confidence in yourself and fear that others judge you
are the most common reasons to dream that you have a broken tooth.

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