Extent of Study Habits To Improve Academic Performance: Jay Faisan-Nepucpan Teacher III

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An Action Research Presented to the

Schools Division Office of
Taguig City and Pateros

Teacher III

Pres. Diosdado Macapagal High School

Schools Division Office of Taguig City and Pateros

March 2019
This study aimed to assess the extent of Study Habits to Improve Academic Performance
of Grade 8 Section Justice Students of Pres. Diosdado Macapagal High School SY 2018-2019
who participated in the 4-week study. The data collection method employed was descriptive
using survey questionnaire instrument to gather the needed data. Results showed/indicated
that that the strongest study habit for the male students of Grade 8 of Section Justice is taking
notes and the weakest study habit is reading textbooks. “Taking Notes” study habit is the
strongest with a weighted mean of 14.48, and verbal interpretation of “Somewhat Strong”.
“Reading Textbooks” study habit is the weakest with a weighted mean of 13.33, and verbal
interpretation of “Somewhat Strong”. While the strongest study habit for the female
students of Grade 8 of Section Justice is reading textbooks and the weakest study habit is
studying. “Reading Textbooks” study habit is the strongest with a weighted mean of 14.83,
and verbal interpretation of Somewhat Strong. “Studying” study habit is the weakest with a
weighted mean of 13.76, and verbal interpretation of “Somewhat Strong”.

It was concluded that that the strongest study habit of both male and female students of
Grade 8 of Section Justice is reading textbooks and the weakest study habit is studying based
on their weighted mean. “Reading Textbooks” study habit is the strongest with a weighted
mean of 14.20, and verbal interpretation of “Somewhat Strong”. “Studying” study habit is
the weakest with a weighted mean of 13.74, and verbal interpretation of “Somewhat Strong”.

Other study habits of both male and female students of Grade 8 of Section Justice which
weighted mean were above its composite mean were considered as strong study habits while
those which weighted mean were below the composite mean were considered as weak study


Study habits, Survey Questionnaire, Reading Textbooks, Studying, Memorization.


A substantial amount of research has been conducted on various factors that affect

student achievement. According to Singh (2015), academic achievement includes life goals,

aspirations, emotional factors, personnel and social adjustments, study skills etc. Thus,

learning is not limited to mere acquisition of knowledge; it includes various other aspects such

as attitude, interests, values, etc.

While students themselves are the most responsible for their own learning, good

teachers accept the responsibility for the learning of their students. It is good to know learner

characteristics since beliefs or preconceived notions about them influence how we teach.

Teacher responses to students influence how learners learn.

The literature has identified several aspects that affect student achievement and the

most important of these is learners’ characteristics. For the purposes of this research, study

habits has been the subject of inquiry, these includes the following components: reading

textbooks, note taking, studying, and memorizing.

According to Hussain (2000) as cited in Saco (2017) study habit refers to predispositions

which students have developed to attain success in studies. Everyone has different study

habits. Often, students perform poorly in school simply because they lack good study habits.

Study habits are fundamental to academic competence and associated with positive

outcomes across multiple academic content areas (Gettinger and Seibert, 2002). In a study

conducted by Crede and Kuncel (2014), study habits were found good predictors of academic

performance. Sawar et al. (2009) in their analysis on “Study Orientation of High and Low

Academic Achievers at Secondary School Level” revealed that the high achievers had better

study orientation and study attitude than the low achievers. A study conducted by Shetty &

Srinivasan (2014), provided a view of the various skills of studying adopted by students and its
association with their performance in biology. It was found out that students with high exam

scores have good study habits compared to those with lower exam scores.

A study conducted by Olutola and Dosunmu (2016) revealed that there is a significant

relative effect of study habits and gender on science achievement. On the contrary, Saco

(2017) elucidated that gender does not significantly impact the factors that affect the study

habits of the respondents.

With the present study, it is believed that the results will help the teachers understand

the learners and help them achieve better. Parallel to this, the findings obtained in the present

study are thought to fill the gap in related literature.


1. What is the strongest and weakest study habits of male students?

2. What is the strongest and weakest study habits of female students?

3. What is the overall strongest and weakest study habits of students?


Research Design

The research design employed in this study was descriptive design. In this type of

research design, a single case is observed at one point, which is during the administration of

the Study Habits Questionnaire (SHQ). Result of the questionnaire was the basis for describing

the strongest and weakest study habits of the sample students. In this study, the research

design was used to determine the study habits of the Grade 8 students section Justice of Pres.

Diosdado Macapagal High School in Taguig City for the S.Y. 2018-2019.
Figure 1 presents the research design of study.

Input Process Output

A. Academic profile of A. Use of research tool A. Determination of the

the students in (SHQ) study habits in terms of
terms of: the:
B. Action plan steps
 Gender  Strong
C. Computation of
 Grade mean of each SH  Somewhat strong

 Section D. Data interpretation  Needs improvement

B. Action planning  Weak

The Sample B. Recommendation

Purposive sampling was used in this study. Crossman (2018) described purposive

sampling as a non-probability sampling that selects sample based on the characteristics of a

population and the objective of the study. The participants of this study were fifty grade 8

students section Justice of Pres. Diosdado Macapagal High School who took the study habit


Research Instrument

An adapted Study Habits Questionnaire (SHQ) was employed as instrument in this study.

Study Habit Questionnaire (SHQ)

The study habit questionnaire is an instrument intended to determine the level of study

habits on the following categories: reading textbooks, taking notes, studying, and memorizing.

Each category has five statements which the students are tasked to respond by checking one

of the options ranging from Always (4), Sometimes (3), Rarely (2), Never (1). The total score

obtained in each category was converted into equivalent code and qualitative description

which in return determine the level of study habits of the students.

Data Gathering Methods

In this study, data gathering followed six phases namely: development of action plan,

identifying the sample, development of teacher-made questionnaire, seeking permission to

conduct survey, performing the survey, and collection of the accomplished questionnaire.

Phase 1: Development of action plan

Action plan in this study was composed of target goals or activities to be done in a week.

Target goals were discussed during the LAC session to orient the other researchers regarding

the plan.

Phase 2: Identifying the sample

Sample were selected based on the subject and grade level which the teacher-researcher


Phase 3: Development of teacher-made questionnaire

Teacher-made questionnaire was developed based on the pre-determined study habit of

the students. The questionnaire has four sections with five statements each that correspond

to a specific study habit namely, reading textbooks, taking down of notes, studying,


Phase 4: Seeking permission to conduct survey

As part of the procedure, the researcher formally wrote a letter of request to conduct

survey in the participating public school to the Office of the Schools Division Superintendent

of Taguig and Pateros on February 1, 2019. Endorsement letter were released on February 4,


Phase 5: Administration of the survey

Administration of the survey were done on February 4, 2019 during the PM shift with the

supervision of the researcher. The survey took almost 30 minutes.

Phase 6: Collection of the accomplished questionnaire

Collection of the accomplished questionnaires was done the same day as the survey was


Ethical Considerations

Participation in this study is entirely voluntary with express consent from the respondents

with the return of the consent form. The instrument was personally administered and

distributed to the respondents. Anonymity of each respondent was ensured by maintaining

the privacy of their information. There were no risks involved for being a part of this study.

Data Analysis

To determine the study habits of the students as measured by the SHQ, their responses

were individually scored and totaled. The total score in each category of the SHQ represents

the student’s study habit. The total scores were converted to its equivalent code and

qualitative description. The criteria for classifying students’ study habits is shown in Table 1.

Table 1.

Criteria for Classifying Students’ Level of Study Habits

Total Score Code Level of Study Habit

0–5 1 Weak
6 – 10 2 Needs Improvement
11 – 15 3 Somewhat Strong
16 – 20 4 Strong

The following tables illustrate the level of the study habits of Grade 8 students of Section

Justice to determine their strongest and the weakest study habits.

Table 1

Weighted Mean Distribution, Rank, and Interpretation in Determining the Strongest and
the Weakest Study Habits of Male Students of Grade 8, Section Justice


1. Reading Textbooks 13.33 4 Somewhat Strong

2. Taking Notes 14.48 1 Somewhat Strong

3. Studying 13.71 3 Somewhat Strong

4. Memorization 13.90 2 Somewhat Strong

COMPOSITE MEAN 13.86 Somewhat Strong

Table 1 presents the weighted mean distribution, rank, and interpretation in determining
the strongest and the weakest study habits of male students of Grade 8 section Justice. The
table shows the indicators that will provide meaning to the result.

The table confirms that the strongest study habit for the male students of Grade 8 of
Section Justice is Taking Notes and the weakest study habit is Reading Textbooks based on
their weighted mean.

The following indicators presented the strongest and the weakest study habits of male
students of Grade 8 of Section Justice.

“Taking Notes” study habit is the strongest with a weighted mean of 14.48, and
verbal interpretation of “Somewhat Strong”.

“Reading Textbooks” study habit is the weakest with a weighted mean of 13.33, and
verbal interpretation of “Somewhat Strong”.

Other study habits of male students of Grade 8 of Section Justice which weighted
mean were above its composite mean were considered as strong study habits while those
which weighted mean were below the composite mean were considered as weak study habits.
Table 2

Weighted Mean Distribution, Rank, and Interpretation in Determining the Strongest and
the Weakest Study Habits of Female Students of Grade 8, Section Justice


1. Reading Textbooks 14.83 1 Somewhat Strong

2. Taking Notes 13.83 3 Somewhat Strong

3. Studying 13.76 4 Somewhat Strong

4. Memorization 13.90 2 Somewhat Strong

COMPOSITE MEAN 14.08 Somewhat Strong

Table 2 shows the weighted mean distribution, rank, and interpretation in determining
the strongest and the weakest study habits of female students of Grade 8 section Justice. The
table shows the indicators that will provide meaning to the result.

The table confirms that the strongest study habit for the female students of Grade 8 of
Section Justice is Reading Textbooks and the weakest study habit is Studying based on their
weighted mean.

The following indicators presented the strongest and the weakest study habits of male
students of Grade 8 of Section Justice.

“Reading Textbooks” study habit is the strongest with a weighted mean of 14.83, and
verbal interpretation of Somewhat Strong.

“Studying” study habit is the weakest with a weighted mean of 13.76, and verbal
interpretation of Somewhat Strong.

Other study habits of female students of Grade 8 of Section Justice which weighted
mean were above its composite mean were considered as strong study habits while those
which weighted mean were below the composite mean were considered as weak study habits.
Table 3

Weighted Mean Distribution, Rank, and Interpretation in Determining the Strongest and
the Weakest Study Habits of both male and female students of Grade 8 Section Justice.


5. Reading Textbooks 14.20 1 Somewhat Strong

6. Taking Notes 14.10 2 Somewhat Strong

7. Studying 13.74 4 Somewhat Strong

8. Memorization 13.90 3 Somewhat Strong

COMPOSITE MEAN 13.99 Somewhat Strong

Table 3 reveals the weighted mean distribution, rank, and interpretation in determining

the strongest and the weakest study habits of both male and female students of Grade 8

section Justice. The table shows the indicators that will provide meaning to the result.

The table confirms that the strongest study habit of both male and female students of

Grade 8 of Section Justice is reading textbooks and the weakest study habit is studying based

on their weighted mean.


The following indicators presented the strongest and the weakest study habits of both

male and female students of Grade 8, Section Justice.

“Reading Textbooks” study habit is the strongest with a weighted mean of 14.20, and

verbal interpretation of “Somewhat Strong”.

“Studying” study habit is the weakest with a weighted mean of 13.74, and verbal

interpretation of “Somewhat Strong”.

Other study habits of both male and female students of Grade 8 of Section Justice

which weighted mean were above its composite mean were considered as strong study habits

while those which weighted mean were below the composite mean were considered as weak

study habits.

The findings of this study are beneficial to both the students, parents and the

teachers. The teacher may help the students by extending their effort in motivating the

students to overcome the weak study habits. They may further develop their strategies,

activities and exercises for the students to become interested with their lessons and will serve

as motivating factors in improving their study habits. On the part of the parents, they must

prolong their patience in giving insights about their children’s performance in school. In such

case, they can help develop them the proper attitudes toward their children’s study habits.

The parents being very influential in the child’s development have much to contribute in

developing the study habits of their children.


In the light of the results obtained, the following recommendations are made:

1. A comparative study be undertaken in private secondary schools in Taguig and Pateros to

determine the study habits of students.

2. Study habits should be compared with other variables such as achievement, self-esteem,

brain dominance, learning styles, etc.

3. Conduct similar research investigating other components of study habits.

4. Suggest ways to inform students of the more effective methods of studying.


Crede, M., Kuncel, N.R. (2014). Study Habits, Skills, and Attitudes. Perspectives on

Psychological Science. DOI: 10.1111/j.1745-6924.2008.00089.x

Gettinger, M., Seibert, J.K.(2002). Contribution of Study Skills to Academic Competence.

School Psychology Review, Volume 31, No. 3, pp. 350-365.

Olutola, A., Dosunmu. S. (2016). Assessing the Impact of Study Habit and Gender on Science

Achievement of Secondary School Student in Katsina State, Nigeria. Journal of Science,

Technology, Mathematics and Education (JOSTMED), 11(3).

Saco, C. (2017). Factors Affecting Study Habits on Academic Performance of Senior High

School Students of Davao Doctors College. Retrieved February 19, 2019:



Shetty, S., Srinivasan, S. (2014). Effectiveness of Study Skills on Academic Performance of

Dental Students. DOI: 10.4103/0974-7761.143175.

Singh P. interaction effect of brain hemispheric dominance and self-concept on academic

achievement in mathematics. International journal of engineering and science

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