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NOTES AND CASES ON THE REVISED PENAL CODE Act No. 3815, as amended LEONOR D. BOADO (Books 1 and 2) and Special Penal Laws ‘Author: Comprehensive Reviewer in Criminal Law; ‘Compact Reviewer in Criminal Law and ‘Notes and Cases on Speclal Penal Laws 2012 EDITION FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES: what criminal iw? Te ie that branch of public law which datins cviminal clones and presrbesspcie punishment for them. Its ‘rate of pubic law because it treats of ects or omissions of the itens which ae deemed primarily au wrongs agains: the ‘tac more chan apna heeled party enallawa are thos ets of the lgilature which prohibit cmtan act and eetabish penalties fr their Volatons, ot ‘hos that deine cris, trot of Ue ature and provide for ‘hie punishment, (Lacon wae. Seoretary, GR Ne 128096, ‘Jensary 1988) ‘What re the constitutional limitations on peal ows? ‘Article TH Bil of Rights) of the 1987 Constitution provides the flowing imitations on the inherent ight of the Eins through the Lagilature tent penal ewe: "No person abl be depeved of io, hors, oF property thes ue proce lw, or sall any pron be denied {ho equal protectin of the laws" (Becton 1) Thus, the law mt be general n application oa nt vito the ual protection clause. 1, Mo tartar, free, viene, creat, intimidation, or any ‘herman whishiianthafvewilehallbe aed against ‘lm Secret detention plas, sltary, communicado, or ther stm forme ef detention ae prohibited” Section 1a) Na lw, therfore, must be pasod imposing ual ‘ad unusual punishment or ecesie fine "Neer pnt fat nw oil of taindr shall be enacted” (Gecton 2) |. Deteribe due process a applied o pana ws, ‘Due proses, whether substantive or povedual, ean be Assrbed th aoting more and nothing less than compliance ‘ith the requirements of fale play or the right of any person {2 be given autce end be Near before be ie condemned fér'an ‘actor aminsion dened and psnished by law torn ‘uguiements of notice and hooring) Vt, 148 SCRA 659, ‘teuck down the exmcutive order (G0) which prbiited the tranaport of carabao or carabeo meat sears provincial ‘boundaries without government clearance forthe purpone of preventing indiscriminate dlaher of erebooe. The retinas twas that the EO defined the preibiten, convicted pstonet Sa ety npr phen hh wan cod fut fright The measure strck a enor and pounesd upon the petitioner without giving hina chance tobe hard he Asnying him the cnturneolduaraty ef elementary fait peg 4. Whoare entitled tothe mantle of due process few? ‘The Stat, as wollas the accused, enid to due proones flaw orjustice ta preva the scales ut be alaed jee {not tobe dispensed for th souaed aloe. The interes of stcity andthe afonded partie which have been wronged must [eaqualyeonsdered A verde of conviction nie ntreariy ‘Genial of justice; and an acquittal snot necssrly a imp jut, for, to the sey offended and the party wronged, It could alo mean injustice, Junin thn must be renderad ‘venshdely to both the acased. cn on band nd he Stats fod offended party on the aber. (Dimatulae. Vion, GR. No, TETI07, Osaber 12,1995) In receiving expare the Department of Foreign Aire sadvioe and in mot proprio dismissing the cases withou otice tothe prosecution, theater’ right to due process was viola Dao proces lea vight ofthe atcaned an much a te ofthe prosecution. The mended inquiry in what capacity petitioner ‘wat acting atthe time of tho aloged ulterances egrets ‘Reoltion evidentiary basis that ha et abe prevent at the er ie: iow Pepe Go. 125068, sony 38 Whats the effect of vation ofthe du proces clause? In Gucsarra ». Sandigunbayan, O.R. Ni 198799-804, March 31, 2008 the Sendigunbayan Srered the ismisoal of 12 cane against ptitoners ovr he bjcion of the Spoil Proceutr’ By tach order the sunt doprved te People of Itergn t Ge pracen Te acted in ene of i jursiction fd committed grave abuse oft dicretion in dsmising the friminal cases. Hence, the order was ll and voi: it may {har be etied despite ho laae of 6 days rom notice to he Spatial Promeator “A vider or odgment has no legal an binding effet, fore a efieney for any purpose. In contemplation of lm itis ‘oncaitent Such judgment or oder may be Teiated i any ction or preceding whenever itis involved. Tt isnot even Scena to take any step to vale or vad eld judgment (inal ced; ma cimply be ignored. What makes penalty rel and unusia? ‘Punishments are cruel when they involve torture or tingring death It nln smnthing nba and barbarous (laren v. Dir of Prisons, 81 Phil 742), or shocking to th oneonce (People Dons, 22 SCRA 1289) such ax cutting ‘hofingrsfthinvs,buraing at the stakeincstuou rai ot putting oto the atc and bare Meg poses of rear [Bat mere severity of te panty docs not mako the same rae fd unueul posiahieest It takes more than meray being Itza, excess, out of proportion or sovero fr penalty to ‘i abosinoe to the Conattion” To come under the ban, the Punishment must be agranty end psinly oppressive whlly ‘isproprtonae tothe nature ofthe offre as to shock he ‘poral sense ofthe communi.” ‘When tho penalty is wholly disproportionate tothe offense commited, fe impraonment a jeywalking imo only in ‘uel snd unusual bat ie ewan vsatve of the du press Clause as Gat would amount to deprivation of ierty for an ‘unrsonable length of tine What san er post oct lw? ‘An ex past facto lw is @ pena law which is given etcoetve appli tthe prejuie of the accued. Hence, von if the pana law is mado to apply retroactively, i tbe favors tothe accused he same ot post fat abd ha, ‘Slowed under Aree 22 A law ie cx pot fcto when it kos ana o siaion ximinal whieh when commited wasnt ye go In the Revie ‘Penal Coe (RPO, there are proviins which complement the ‘raubiion against ex oat oct law. Acti 2 tater that "0 {blony shal be punishable by any penalty not presribed by lew ‘ort te commission” Thus elusionperpetua cannot be {imposed for homicide intend of eksionfomport ater how many generis aggravating circumstances a. pecent ‘because that penalty sot proscribed aw for ome Also, ‘Atco 22 provides that poral is shal have rtoatie elect {Stofarar they favor the prsoa who is ota habia exit ‘Toerefre, «law which inereanes the penalty for an ac of tiaison cannot bo gvensereactveeiact. Conmeqoentiy, the ourt cannot impose x penalty higher than that prescribed by law fora patclar rte, a tatler how pervere te afer say be Give examples of expos fect low Makes an act punishable as «srs when such st wae ‘ota ofsse when commited. ‘While met contig mow clones, agqevainn the seriousness of crime, © Presribos greater punishment for a ime already commited. Alters tho rules of evidence oat to make it eubetantally ier to convict a defendant Alters, n elation to the offen or its consequenoe, che ‘tation ae peron this dadvantage Assumes to regulate civil right and raed ony but in ff imposes» penalty or deprivation of «ight which ‘when doe was iw. &_Deprive the accused of some lal proaction to which hehas become entitled sacha the protection of former soovietion or acquit, or « proclamation of amnesty (Casson Bee Secreta) Civ examples ofaws nt covered by the expos fect cause. ‘Bx post facto law generally prohibits retrospetivty of penal ls, RA 249 la not m pal law. a substantive. {ew on jrdicton which le not penal in character. Penal Inne are thee ato the Lapielatre which prohibit eta face and cetabish Pennies for their Vations, or those {hat define crimes, tet of their ature and provide fer their [punishment RA. 7576 which amended PD. 1006 as regnrds {he Sundiganteyasjuriadtion ita mode of spel nod otbor procedural mater, net «paella, bu leary a proedural tt, oe with pers rl of rere which fourte apiving laws of all Kinds can property administer [anie, Ree being’ penal iw the retroactive apliaion of BLA. Bi cannot be challenged ae unconstitutional a) “The prbibition apple only to crimina! ellation which sitet the subntantal rights ofthe accueed. This being 6, {hoe ebesintely no mit inthe contention tet sustaining the eteadicon erntys retroactive application wih respect te cflonses commit prio ata coming into force and fle ‘elte the conetttonal probit. Tho Treaty i nether a Dic ofeininallgiaton nora eriminal procedural statate [erely provides for the extradition of pervs wanted fer povecton of offense or a crim Which was already Committed or consummated atthe tme te Treaty Was rated. (right CA, No 19213, Auguat 15, 1980) ‘ayot v. Sandiganbayan, GR. No. L54645-76, December 18,1886 upd the ichsion fp ers end erploye nie carged fr euspension pendent ite unde the law ‘Shending Teh, S019 The amendment was ot‘ex pst foto ‘rom if eplid etrontivey Benue the suspension wa not ‘Tor of penalty but moray preventive. Its not t penalty Teomelt ent imposed afer and asa consequence ot bearing fone mer, Wat ea bil of atainder? Why sit consttionally proscribed? ‘A il of attuinder ia ¢ legnlative act which infite ‘punishment without Judicial ral (People v. Ferrer, 48 SCRA ‘Ie offends apninat the due proces clause and has the Teature expos facto law Moreover tis an encroachment of oda funtion by the legiativ. a ‘errr au that the Ant Sobverson Act isnot abil of steainder toon although the law named the Communist Pasty af the Palippines (CPP, tei so oly for doinitional purpiees and apples not only to that organization but also {ovany other organisations having the same purpose and coatsrs Were the Act bilo stander, i would be tally ‘Snneccnary to charge communit ncoUr he law alo, trithout mare would ufc terre ther pesshmsent Bet ts Fact that, "The Government has yet to prove atthe al that ‘the atcoed jined the Party Anowgly, wilfully ad by overt ‘nt, and that they ened the Party hnowing ite aubyerive ‘Shracer and with opcientent tourer its base objective, {arts overthwo tho oiating Goverment by fee, doo, and ‘tier Mlgal meane and pace the county under the contol domination ofa foregn power" (The Ank-Subversion Ac [bed boon expressly repealed ‘What ara the characterises of penallau? ‘Thay are generality, tervtrntty, and prnpestvy CGenraity rears to tho persons covered by” penal Inv terorialy, the place where the lw is appeal; and rossi, th ime when the law should be applied ‘What the generality characterise of penal lw? Penal laws are binding on all persone who reside of sejournin the Phiipiner whether ctiensor ot This based ‘on Anil 14 ofthe New Civil Code (NCO) end on the equal ‘protection elae in Arise II) of the 1087 Consttin, (which provides respectively, “hat 14 Penal Ine and thot of public security and ‘snfty eal be oigatory ep ll hoe who ive o asus ia Philippine trtory” Section 1. No perton shall be dpeved of i, berty ar property with dun proces of nw, or shall any person be ‘nied the equal protection othe lama” en aliens are covered by the generality principle ‘eons they se ala protected By the laws af the Piippinee Alaving all he time that they sojourn within ite tanita and ‘the word “pert” inthe Constitution does ot rela only to chinens. Hecpted with qualification are thue covered Dy teeaties and laws of preferential applction such at ‘tabanadore and heads of State under the principio por ‘paren non habe imperium, ‘As datngushed from tho testvaity principle, gener ality roar tothe persona cnerd, whereas the former deals ‘with the stu ofthe actor the place where th penal law it ‘pplcabl Descibe the tertoriaty characterise of penal aw. ‘The lew in applicable tal cimes committed within the limit f Philippine terstory. The bass ofthis characte is Artie 2 of the RPC. Tho exceptions aro preferential la find trstce providing fr exenption from the coverage af penal awa for cerca cases of orwns oa he one and, and {he expansion of the coverage of the Col outside it tertory {or cortain tts oF ominions listed in Atte 2, onthe other ‘Brame the irt isthe awe ad treaties governing heads of ‘States and thee ropresentatives. What does prospectivity rule mean? Proepostvty of penal Inws means that laws have prospective applcton anlar thay are fvorahe to the ‘fender who noe «habitual delinquent. Conversely ant {he same eft is retrospective which preserves that law Shall have no retoacive application unless tho contrary is provided" The bases of tis characterati are Arles 21 and 22 ofthe RPC, Arte 12 of the Coneiaton om cr oat {ato ews and Arle 4a the NCC. ‘To mete the death ponatyreimpowed by R.A. 1658 on December 81 1005 fr erie commited 087 would vilate ‘oes the prospect ule cover only laws? No, Te proapetvty rule apple alto to penal scelars suchas DOJ Girolar No. 12 arsed on August 1984 wich ‘card tha all checks including guarantes checks are covered by BP. 22, This Circular cannot be applied retoutivuly tecnune petsonrs cannot be fled for relying on the ethet ‘al pronouncement ofthe DOJ Secretary thet unre: ‘heckslanued prior terto ate at covered by wad Cer The Principle of prorpotty af statutes, original or amendatory Eire sopted fo edmastrative rope end ceedlar end to julia decisions which although in thetnelven a0 ot lin arevdenee o what the laws mean thie bing he rasa thy under Arise 8 af the NCC, judicial decisions eplying ot Interpreting the ls o the Constietion shall om par Inga opto (Co CA, Ce No. 100776, October 38 1993) What effect does the court's interpretation upon a writtn aw hove? ‘The interpretation placed spon a writen law by competent oure bas the fre of law. When «doctrine ‘oucined by the Suprme Court is overrlo and diferent “iow adopted, the new doctrine shosld be applied prospectively {ind should ot apply to partes who had relied on the al ‘egudlos of ter breadth and dimension, form par othe {Srnal waters of the Palppines(Archipelagle Dorn Arile 173087 Conetin). What s 2 Pilppine ship or aitship? How i jreicton over ‘mes committed trerein determined? ‘APAalipine ship or aisship sone thats duly repstered ‘nthe Philipines and under Phiipine las. When a merchant ship of Philippine nationality i in ‘he Philipines and vime is commited therein hare i 0 question ab to the juiston over the crime it being within ‘Re'Palipnine terry. Hit nin the high seas whore no ‘Suny ba uration, the Philippines stil has ursdicton. But i ie within the troy of other country, the jurado a penoraly with that foreign State because penal laws are primer eet ia application, But that foreign ‘chantry wll not tale opnisancethe Philipines can assume Sunset ‘But Philippine warship and the oficial vessel of the Presiden ofthe Plippies wherever they are, are extensions ofthe Philippines an ts sovereignty. ‘What ac the two recognized rules json over merchant ese ‘These are tho Fronch Rae (FR) and the English Rule (i, Thee rales rele to the jriatision of one county (Bag) ‘vert merchant vm stated in another cnntry Quo?) Ane not apply to wer vnele over which country alwaye hae suit Compre the English Rule andthe French Rue on justin. Under the ER, tho host onuniry as juriition over crimes commited inthe wees unlen they inva Ue ‘eral management of the veel The FR onthe ober hand, ‘eoguins the juraicton of the flag country over erines Committed within the voce! exept if the crime disturb the poate and order a the host country. ‘ho ER iestricly terrtrial nlke ch FR But theft ‘on jurnietion over the crime is about Ue same beeaus the (fener rule af nei the exception onthe ober For inatance, ‘Paug tafckngs commited in Use ono unde the FM, the me doc ot relat tothe nioral management othe eee ‘who are publeofcers and employees within the purview of ‘ile 2, Revised Penal Code? ‘Theyarethe poblicaffoarsaedemplayeesf the Philippine Government when the erm i elated tothe exeria f thle ‘fice. Without ths intimate tation between the ose and the crime committed, the ofcers are ating in their private sapacity snd hence, Bound bythe aw ofthe ostomy. What are ined in the crimes aginst national security and ‘thelow ofnatons? ‘hoy include Tioaton, Rpionag, Provoking War and Diya i eo Wart Prac and Mati. Rabalion iene suse ie 4 crime aguait Publis Onder Hence ifrebalio is lannod abrond and acs of rebelion were ormiitod thor, there ino cminl abit ever which the Philippine courts can aceume jriaticionbecane rebellion it ‘ote of tone ite af sk I TITLE ONE FELONIES AND CIRCUMSTANCES WHICH AFFECT CRIMINAL LIABILITY Chapter One FELONIES ‘Art. Defitone. — Acts a law ave felonies (dele). Felonies are committed not only by means of deceit (dole) bat ano by means of fault (culpa). ‘Theretsdecelt when he acts performed with deliberate Ingentvand there i fault when the wrongful act results from Impradence, negligence, lack of foresight, of lack of skill + whatare felonies? eloies elite are ste o omissions punishable under ‘the RPC. Felons ar laid onthe bus of how they are ‘Stmntieditheredaloor culpa hishaetheclasientons af ‘Hine thereunder Ceimes involving special laws ae properly ‘fled oense, vias of rdinanos are infractions ‘omissions punishable by + How are felonies commitoa? elie are commited iter by means of deceit oft ‘There dont when tne acts performed wi libratointant ‘There i fult when the wrofl act onl fram nprodenc, eigen, lack of freight lack of sil In both aoe is econny that therein tolsntariese which i presumed from the coments of freedom af stion and inellgence. What are the elements of ntensona felonies and of culpable felonies? owe cules 1, Freedom faction; 1. Prado of ction, 2 letaligences nd 2. Tntligence; and 3. Invent, 3. Nexligence, impradnce, Joa ie ako elnice in general have all the foregoing elements whereas pei flenies in Boo I wich as bom have tlt ‘en cloments, which shuld be alleged nthe Information Tae ‘lemeats under Arle $appertain tthe acto, The semana sees fone date oe atone contain te ‘Towhich kind of felony is the pence that “the act cannot be ‘timinal unless theming i emia” leant? Stitly to intentional flnis bucause in culpable flonan snd in eres mala prohbta, god faith and lck a nent are ‘ot material hist why bn culpa and mate prohibits are fn the consummated sage only beeae Intent in inherent ‘tempted snd frustrated fant ‘Under the maxim actus mon fc eum, ms mens ite,” ‘crimes not somted ifthe mind of the person performing ‘he ect complained fis noacet, Thun to congue cme cept for culpa and erimer mala prokbia, the at tt be ‘Scoompaniod by a criminal intent. Though cna intents presumed diopuably, the et from wish rach presumption [5 rounded must be'n criminal or unlawful att Abdus Paap G2. No. 150129, Ari 62005) What ntent? Tntent refers to the use of particular means to being shout the desrod rout The we of lethal weapon shows the timinal intent oil although douth may not reel hereto. Intent isa mental stat, thoesistance af which i damenstested bythe overt acts af person. The only way to how what tn the mind of «perm isto lok st the external manifestation ‘reo demonstrated by the vert acs or means employe. What le therale onthe existence of intent? ‘Ava general rule criminal ite a presumed (general intent) ut where intent in an elment of the rime (pectic ‘iminal intent), the intent cannot be presumed but must be (tablished: In tempted or frustrated homicide, intent fo Kl 12a specie ermina atone tecause I po established only Pigseal injure will be charged. Inferonen of itent Yo ll ‘Roald not be dren nthe abeenee of reumseances mfiont {lrprove the fact beyond reasonable dou. Wea uch inten is Ieking bt wounds were nficted, the cries physi injures ‘onl. Peoples Pagano, .E Nos. 14000610, April 30,2001) Between acts of lascivioutneas and attempted rape, intent fo rape must be shown echrwise the fony Loa cso lecriunnere. When the ats equvecl or capeble af ‘ving to iret flo, pei rina intent must bo prod Abdalla tated that Section 5) a Rule 181 oth Rove ‘ues ‘on Criminal Prosfures (RRCP) presumes disputably {hat an unlawful act was done with an wala intent “Indeed, clear eo is wry language that the disputable Dreeumion ofthe exitense a unlnwfl or eiminaliuent DPrecuppines the commission ef an wnlawfl get” Thoreora, ‘heintent tolls prevumed when the vitim das becuse the tetefiling ceei conatitates an unnwsl ace Cemoye, OF. [ia 152638, Oster 42000, held: “Th intent toils ikewise resumed fv te facta deat, unlxs the acused proves by enviocng evidence that any of the justin crcumatances in ‘Arle 12, so present” Delim, Gt. No. 142779, January ‘2, 9003 wae more empbate when it eaiogrcally stated tha ‘Ate vietim ie been of «delberat at ofthe nlf, {alent ols eoocusvey presumed.” How is intent maniesed? Intent is & mental stata which cannot be seon and ‘therfore it existance can oly bo demonstrated by th overt lstsofspervon- The choice os particule moans wilshow the ‘intent ofthe ator Animus frandi is procumed trom the commision of an ‘nlewfal ct a ringing out rm Ue bloga ofthe potion ‘the tres which wore loeded on his pcp. Dole e not required Imrie punished by a spoil statatebmeaue ei the act ‘lane, ierpoctive ofthe medive which sonatas the fee ‘When t wag proved tha petionr committed the wnlawl sts ‘Mleged in the taformaton, was properly pressed that hey tere committod with fll knowlodgo and with rial intent, {bd it wae incumbent ujom him Yo rbut sucha presumption, ‘Moreover, Section 5, PD. 1612 prvss forthe previo {hom te mere yosesion of anything of value which has ben the subject of robbery ot thievory as prima facie evidence ‘ffndng. Tis precumtion must be upheld in he Hah of Deutioner shallow demurrer promis on anil and al, ‘oe a lptable pevusipton i nutsint unt overcome by ‘onary eden. (Lam CA. GA No 1009, May 18, 1993) ‘May a rime be committed without criminal intent? “os, in to inwiacex in crimes mala probibide and in ‘ulpable felons. For inatanes intent to gin need not be ‘Breve in erimer punishable y a speciale such asthe Ant ‘Bening Law. The law has lng divide rimes into acts wrong in themlves clad ats mala in se, and sla which woud ‘ot be wrong bt or the fact tat postive law forbids ter, ‘id eta mala prohibit. Tle distinction i portant wid {ference t the intent with which «wrong ete done. The ‘ili hati eta mal in eth tent poverna, ba i aka mala prohibit, the only ngury is has the law been vielated? ‘When an act regal th intent ofthe lender immaterial a) ‘What motive? Ist determinative of rina abit? Motive i the moving power ot free which impels a person to commit acts towards dein remlt. Generally, ‘tive a immaterial niocuring criminal Baby isnt ‘which is material Motive may be ilustated in thi manner Ii homie, th intent to Kl ie demonstrated by the awe of 1 ledhal weapon by the lender. Mativ, on tho ober bend, tay be vengeance or the desire to indicate wrong commited ‘tain’ te nosed which moved him to kl th tn = When motive materi in determining the criminal agency? fa Thoact ring about variant crimes (Poole. Pun, February 1980) ‘There ls doubt whether the accused commited the ‘ime, or the entity of tha accused i doubt (People, Solamat, gue 1993, 44 SCAD): ‘eThe eidenos on the commission of the crime ix putes cumstanial or 4 Theevideneof pil the accused i incndusive Motive ale wil nt give rise to ermal ibility ‘because unr the RPC, there mst be a over Ato ‘Snion, No mater Bow evi the intornal thought yo feng es there ae no overt al, no vine co ‘The rl that poof of motive a unnoesary to impute vine on the acueed ifthe evidence concerning his tfcation lo cnvining. A onsen, ie evidence of ‘entiation unclear then the jureprodentialdcrine Jethat protol move ie paramount necesity. (Pople ‘Bouts GR. Now 12089898, May 14,1995) ‘Where the identity of the assilan i in dispute, motivo becomes felevan, snd when ti supported with hficent evidence fr aconlain of gull a omvction a stainable. (People v. Macey, GR. Now. 26649:50,July 11997 Mode becomes important when the evidense on the commlason ofthe exe i purely cieumatantial ot {inconclusive People. Cristom) hat factor affect inten ndconsequent the criminal laity ‘tthe actor or fender? | Minako of fact — negatives criminal ibility akin to Jhtiingcumstance ender Artie 1: 1, Aberatio ictus (mistake in the vet ‘enor inceabes criminal aii &_Brrorin person intake inthe dent) — may or may tu ower nial Habity depending upon whether the th Blom) — ‘actual crimo commited end dhe intended crime are of ‘ual or diferent gravity (Artic 48) 4 Procter intentionem (ao grave a wrong caused than that {nended)~ lower critnal labity ander Arle 1 © Proximate causo (he causeat the cout the eae othe vil eased) ~ ies oe to emi! abit By analy to Arte 4 parugreph 1 Wha mistake of fact? "That mistake which had the fact ban tr to the bli ‘fhe fendr, eam jue heat Ie euch mate that wl ‘negative criminal liability Ggrarontia fact exeuat Bae of ‘hs aheenoe ofthe element of tent. Hower ifthe odlender is Degliget in acetaining the tr state aca he ny be oe fom dolo but not rom culpa “This the touching in Ah Chong, G.R No 6272, Morch 18, 1810, Defendant was a cook and the doconed wuss bo toy, and both were employed inthe sume place and usually slepein theese oom. One nigh, aferthe defendant ad gone to bod he was awaknod by sone trying to ope the doo, dale out twice, "whois Usre™ He receive no anewer, ‘tnd faring thatthe intruder wes a roor leaped fromthe ‘bd and again called out “If you enter the rom I wil Hl you" At that momeot he was rack by chair wich had ben ‘laced againt th dor Believing that he was being attacked, be eid Kitchen knead stuck ad fatlly wounded the {ntrade, who tumod out tobe his rommate, AC wat charged sth mander “Wile there can bene doubt of defendants exemption rom Tibi ifthe intruder had really been robber the question recanted is whether ene came held eiminaliyrsponable then, by reason of mista of fics, he dows ana fr which Fe would be exompt the acts were ae appar them be, ‘Dut would be murder I'he bad known che er tats of face at the ine. ‘Therehad been cover robberies in the aes not ong pri to tho date ofthe Incident ne of which tok plac in hi In which the defendant was employed as cok aod beceuee of tase repeated robberies he kept knife under his low for his persaal protection. There was ole of atonal ‘planation of the remarkable conduct ofthe decease, unless Ibe tat che boy ina opin of machi wae playing xck on is Chinese roommat, and sought to ightn hm by forcing 1s way into tho room, refusing ogo his ame ota who he wasn order to malo AC believe that he vas bing wtacked Uy rbber. Under such creumstance, thro is no cima abit, provided thatthe ignorance or mst fact was not eto negiginesorbnd faith Inother word such ignorance mistake of facts eufficint to negative a particular intent ‘which under tho le ea noceeary ingredient of the offense ‘harged it dstoys the precumpton of intent and works am Aequltal; xcope in the casos where the circumstances mand cavition under the penal provisions governing ‘efigence, and in cases where, Sader the provsiane of the thon Penal Code, « perso voluntarily committing, an oct Incurs criminal bit wron though te et be ilferent ffom that which he intended to commit. No one, wader such ‘Greumtanee, would doubt tho ight ef the defendant a rsist ‘od repel uch a intrusion, and the the having forced open {he dor notwithstanding dekindant tc repented wearing to desist, and his throat that be would kill th intruder if ho persisted in his attempt, t wil not be question that in the darknes of Use might ina small rom, ith no moane of ‘cape, with the thie advancing upen him despite his warning, iendant would have bean wholly usted in asing any ‘allable weapon to defend himself ram uch an soul, and in aikng promptly, without wating for the the to dscover a whereabouts end daliver the re lw ‘What berate? How does affect criminal ability? in aberatio its error ithe vei of the Blow, the ‘fender intends the injury on one person but th harm fll fn another, There are thes persona present the fender, the intended vatin nad the’ acual Win, Consequently, the act may seule in «complex crime (Article 48) o int ‘or more nparat fonieg but there ie only one intent that ‘Gharacteried the cimes, Thus, oberrati tue may result toa (eater penalty to the offen ‘May treachery be appreciated in oberroti tus? ‘Yor When the ofnder ied ut his averary but mised the vets were ellos to defn themaaves, This deste sreremurders nt simply homidsince the ata were qslied Bptesachery. People. Flor, . Ma 126909, June 28, 2000) Define ero personae. What sfc on the abit ofthe fender? Inerrrie posonae or mistakein the entity, the fonder ‘umnilted« misake in acertaining the enya hove ‘The lane example "A" shot "B" wh turned ot fo be ‘father whom be thought was.” (The intended crime it ‘omaside bat the actual erie commited parson) Unlike {aberrati icus, thare ae only to persons prose here the ‘etl bat unintended tin and the offender ‘The fac that cho vitims were different fom the one the ‘ppelantsintended to injurecannot sae the rm concn. ‘Mibake inthe ienty of the Victim eure the same gra ‘when the accused sroanon his ntende vei. Them ‘ean ia hat tho assed had acd with uch lege fot {he hfe ofthe vedms withot checking easily the laters [dott a place himself n the same legal pai a te who le another willl unswlly and fonioualy- Nether may the fc thatthe acised made t mistake in Kling one Intend of another be considered a mitigating ecumstance, (epee Pint, CE No. 10619, Nosomber 21,1001) ame {pean toll ie procent wether offender iid ons othe ater ‘Thi ie tru if the Sntonded and the actal eras comlted are ofthe sae severity or danifction eg, both Sto lomicde I the crimes are diferent, ag when the intended ‘rime ie omicde butte etal eine commie x paris, tr viewer the rule in difrent — Atle 49 shall govern. ‘Everts pornos beroesextenatingo mitigating Distinguish mistake of fact from mistaken identity. Mistake of fact refors 10 the situation itu, not the fdentty of the perions involved. If the afenders had the Intention to commit «fons act, but commited a mistake fe ascertaining the deity of the iti, the rial Lablty ‘isnot negative, because intent is prsent. Ite tho mistake of not merely of entity, hat will epative criminal abit, (People. ani 74 Phi 357) ‘Compare aberratioietus and erorn personae. Inerrorin personae two persna ae present, the olflonder ‘and ho actual victim in errti fetus three pera are Inelve, the efender, the acta! vit snd the intended tim. ror in personae may or may ot be mitigating but ‘terratio cus generally aggrevete tebe for complex {rma orto separate loner nay be commited heeaes hare ul be two win, what spreeterintentonem? How does sfc the offenders sbi In procter inetonem, the injury is om the intended victim bit the reeling consuance iso grave a wrong than ‘whut was intended. There sboald be a peat daparitytetweeh ‘he intended felony and the actual flo commied. Procter intntonem sa mitigating ercunstance. (Arle 22{9) Bat ifthe means used ta comet the desired srime ‘would ase ogialy and naturely bring abut th etal ony ‘Simmittd, prot” intentionem wil ac be appreciated. I the Intended wrong i to injare but the moans aed iking the ‘tim violet resulting tothe death af the vit it snot racer intetonem because the means sed would ntstally ‘th ogialy rent othe aca ling ened Thi in boss {teat ina senal tate which i how by overt art Procter intentonem i not available in volatons ofthe Ihering law as exprosly provided therels What is proximate cause? How does it affect the Intent and ‘consequently, the criminal ably ofthe offender? Proximate cause is that cause which, in ta natural and continuous sequence, unbroken by an eit intervening fuse, produces the injury, and without which the rorlt ‘would tot have osurred. That acing fet and prod the {njury, ithe immodataly or soing other events in motion, sllomtiutingsnstural and continaous chin af event, each Ivingacloecatsalconnetonwithitimmedita predocnsr, {Ho nal event inthe chain meditating he ajry ‘natural und probable real ofthe cnase whieh et acted Ser such decumstancs thatthe person reponable for tho Set cront shold as an arinary prdant and inelgont bers, have reasonable ground to expec at the momento his ‘itor defnult that sn injury to sme pera might robaly ‘sul these (her AC 217 SCRA S17). Simply tated, {he case ofthe one i the one ofthe oil cna Summarize the elec ofthe ve factors on intent and criminal Tabi ofthe offenders FACTOR fectonTntent__Efact on Ciinal “abi Make tsk nue criminal gute cin abiity Aber kus inde al floras rind Sache eon ny ena erly Seca eas Intended im ror in intended rel faleextenuting the ‘Povnce Shaner duet ang ries ‘creinheienty gesar than nen ‘ie imtandedis homicide Ge tye ‘Sina hae nen, Prater actual rine init unde rise Prosimate —renlisincrine —_rauain criminal cr Sought aii cer [en arth sogence ‘Compare Articles 3 and 365 on criminal negligence. Based on Article 8, culpa is a mode of committing ime beac, fr instance in homicid, king ie denomineed “omic through recklasimpradenea”"In Article 365 quae effenoa) culpa aati the rte nied: bene, the cleo Atenomintod “rockees impredonce ring those” Relat reckless Imprudence to malice. ecklouimpradence consists of voluntarily doing ot failing to do, witout malo ah at from whih saterial damage reel by reason ofan inexcusable lak of precation ‘on Ui parto the person perlrmnge ing Yo perform such ft, Malice is the anithsi af rekles impradene Once Iie is proved recleesess disappear Appellant’ external at prove malice oer ntent ‘Resenting his sons medng in ie srgunent wth hie wil appellant prpoclyvonkhigun and shot his sam A dlibrate {ntnt to dovan slaw at is iconisent with recKeee lmprudence. ope Agtiday, GR No 140794, October 16, 2001) When the information charges intentional felony but what Is ‘roved is culpable felony, can accused be convicted? ‘Yeu “While criminal negigant act is not a simple ‘modality of a wilfal eimo, as we held In Quizon . Justice Of the Poo of Bool, July 1985, bu s distinct eine in ut Penal Code, designated ae « quostinae it may however ‘se aid Chat a cotvition for tht former cen be hed undor a Information exclusively charging the commission of «wilful offene upon tho thoary thatthe greater includes the leer bifenee (Cabello. Sondigondayon, 197 SCRA 94/2001) Can negligence and conspiracy co-exist? No, boceuse crimes commitied through negligence presupposes lack af intent. On the athor hand, conepiracy Anos meeting of minds of the co-conepraor, preci for the purpse or intntion of commiting crime. (Criasome ‘Sandiganbayan) Define intlgence within the purview of lone. Ineligence athe capacity to undertand what ie right od what wrong Discernment is Teevant to intalligens NOPto nent door ot mean that when a person acted With lacarment be intended the eine or the wrong dane (Pople {i ordowt sy 1990) Dincermens team seman ofboth delo ‘Sod ealpr thus whether the rsuting flog Te intntional or Cilpable, diseroment ie an element Without dacerament, hore nether dle no udp, Wnatisthe tect whentheintetigenceislackingor diminished? Intelligence may be diminished suchas for minors over 1 hat under 18 year ld omy be completly lacking for ‘minors Ib and telow, ox aaene or imbecile, ee the a ital ‘Thich prunes ths Tack of or the diminished intelligence of Ininors For diministediatligence, the elle sto mitigate al Hb, where nig lacking thew ‘sumption fom eimin Art 4 Criminal laity. — Criminal ability shall be seurred: 1. By any person committing «felony (elite) although the wrongful act one be different from that which he ‘tended. 12 By any person performing \m offense against persons or property, were it not for the ‘Sherent impossbiiey offs accomplishment ar on account ‘Ft employment of Inadequate or ineffectual means. ‘Compare Artils 3 and ‘Arte 3 dein ow felonies ae committed; Article ie shout who commie fly Who ae ible for felonies? "Thee are two classes of oflendors under thi rie. lat sr thoes who commit flo (dei) lsbough the wrngtal AS done i dierent fom ha intended. Secon, toss who do Sot actually commit fel but perform an act which wuld ‘be an olflense aginst persons or property were it mat for the Inherent impossibility oft acompliahment ar on acount af the employment of inadequate o inalfstal means. Liability ‘undo the cond wil rst only if the at commited done not ‘evul ina felony under the at parsgraph of Arie How many clauses ae therein paragraph 3? ‘There aretwo clause in this perageaph: 1)°By any penton ‘committing a ony (delt).” and 2) “Although the wroneal {6 dane be diferent rom that wish he intended™ Does the ist dause refer only to intentional felony? No because the provision epecied “deto” and under Article 3, delos are comuntid ether by dela o by culpa ‘Tharfor, by the process af subatation, the provision weal ‘bo, "BY any person commiting dolor culpa Ts, the frst sf the culpabioar negligent ack. elon esl emit, Por instance, Facunde trie a commit use by jumping to his conclusion trom the fifth oor of the school balding He survived the sucdeattampt but led Chiqui who wast siting on the bene in the campus where jumped, Was anus abo for the death of Chuo? Yes, Facundo was not commiting « flony when he ‘ttomptad to commit siide enue ec la ot crime, But by jumping without ascertaining that there i mca om ha slcide path considering that ecool is © populated ‘lace, Fooundo was not earful in commiting sade or his Iogigece he io ble fr the death of C Whats the ral of proximate couse? Under Atle 4, paragraph 1, « person commiting 1 felony is liable for its consoquenin. Fer instance, Korn szoounced «hold-up ata jeepney while brandishing «nie Beene of fear, Cosme june ot ofthe aepney and was run ‘ver tyra tu kling bmn nstanty. Kevin wl be Babe or ‘he death of Cue oven though he had ot touched the ar ‘When a person causes a bel in the mind of enother making ‘he later to actin miner fl fo him, the former wil be Tabla forth ac of engendering such ebelet Even if thre is folate to ilon the prt ofthe olfender be may beable for ome betas othe ral of proximate ease ‘Thus, anyone who ints injury voluntrly and with intent inbl for al the consequences ofhiscriminal ac, uch death, that eupervenee en's conmqucnce of the ints Tere aceued ible forthe Gomis the ti fr su as ‘used by the violent Kicke which be inctd on the vital parte ‘tthe victints body (People Flore, 252 SCRA $1) ‘The peresived delay in giving medical treatment to the ‘ict dots not bres all the canal connection betwen ‘he wrogful act ofthe appellant and the injuries sustained by the vietim. Ie door no conaitte an efetent Interven fhuse The ponimete cause of the dauth ofthe donaced le Rehooting bythe appellant Anyone iting injures le ‘esponsble fall the consequences of his criminal at such fe death that wupervenes in eonsequenc ofthe injuries. The {fot hn he njured did nt recive proper media attendance trou not alc: appellants ceimioal rxponiblity. The rule $E"ounded on tho paca poly of losing fo the wrong fonveniest avenus of eccape rm tho jut consequences of hit ‘rronfal act Ifthe vle were otherwise, many criminals coal {rod unt acountng for thelr ate by merely establishing © Aloubt ant the immediate caus of deal. (People Acura, (Ga No. 117966 Api 37, 3000) ‘There should, however, be no eflctive intervening cause twa heft exusn and the revaling injury. For satan, Gnarfight Hervion injured Ford a the pln of his hands ‘Thereafter, Prd returned hia wort alsin pi feds One ‘won Iter, he died of gangrene The gangrene brought about [iy his unsanitary work conditon isan ellscve intervening (hose and the death f Ford should not be atbated to the Injury onued by Haroon Wat san impossible crime? ‘An imposible cine is one where the acts performed ‘wouldve bon rime ngtns pesons or property which ice Seed cn fh ner ie ‘Theres intont (bet) to commit acim ut acalls no imei commited (jee ‘The ect performed by the olfender cannot produce an clone apnnet persone property beeuse (1) the cammion ‘thecfense is inherentl impose accomplishment @) ‘the manna employed ithe () nfs (Untod CA, GA. No. 103118, Otber 21, 1083) ‘What are the two kind of inherent impossbiy? Legal impossiity, where the intended act, even if ‘ompleted would not umount to 4 crime. I apples €o ‘howe ircumstances wher! (2) the motive, die and ‘peti to perform an atin vslton ofthe Iw, (2) therois intention to perform the piel at (3) here [Ba performance ofthe itended physical act: and (3) the ‘emnequencererlting fom the intended act doe Dot ‘Mount tow crime. (i), Beomple ling @ dead perton Sco repr which rd wt Ya he Pactual or physical imposbiity of accomplishing the {ntended ace This conure when extranoouseremtances ‘unknown te the actor or beyond his contol prevent the ‘enrummation of te tended crime: Gd), Example ie ‘Sealing rom vault which warned out tbe pt Isimposibl crime rime? ‘Na. The aw states thatthe nt woud be crime” hen, ‘thas not pened to en aetual rime brea of he inelsteal tonne employed or due t ita ierent inpeeiiity. Thus, jective no ere has bees ‘Secon, ths arti is unr Book Ion specif felnios ‘tin in Chapter One of Back | tang (nisin general + Af there sno crime commited, why Is Impossible crime punishes? Imyoasibl crime resorted tony ifthe ast commit not fall under paragraph Taf Ais 4. The purpose eto appre lawlessnees Subjetvly, the offender i a eriminal ‘though objcivty no crime a boon commited. Thor 0 sttampted or ustrated sage beease thre i no aetual crime commited. ‘The RPC inspite by the Poiivist Schoo, ecognizes in he offender his fordabtyand penalizes an et which were ‘enot aimed at something quite imposible or carried ot with ‘enna which proved inadoquta, would conattate a felony Sgsinat pemson or property. ‘The ential int panish such Criminal endensioe ) ‘+ tether an imposible crime of ape? ‘Yes, bouse rae is nwa crime aginst person since the ‘AntsSnge Law reclesiiod Gre Ortos agains Chast. Hence, ifm person woul rape one who unkown to him has tod, he commits the imps crime of rape. “+ should the otfender know ofthe impossibly of the crime? No, beste subjctively be intends to commit an unlawfal ct. For instance, in homie, the eileadr has the inten to EL Ihe knew tt the visi i already dead, Be would not intend toil the daad. Or, fhe knew that the va pt, erro not gett ivle of breaking into bulding wh ‘ithe atondant rks to hielo steal nothing ‘Art. 5 Duty ofthe court in connection with ate which should es rorrowe bn a een cme hy te Da, ed cme of ‘torte penalties ~ Whenever court has knowiedge of any ct which Tt may deem proper to repress and whichis not Dunlshable by law, it shall render the proper decision and Shall report Uhe Chief Executive, though the Department St Justce, the reasons which induce the court to baleve that $ald act should be mado the subject of penal legislation. In the same way the court shall submit to the Chief xecutive,chrough the Department of Justice, such stato- What isthe “proper decson” thatthe cout should render iit {eda case foram ae which snot yet punishable by aw? ‘The court should render a decison of acquit or order the cnminal ofthe cane bene of Article 21 whi pakiit {he imposition af «penalty not presrbod by law prior to the ‘ommiasion af fslany Atle 22 which patie retroactivity Sl peal Inve and the sontiutonal prokibtion on cr oat ftotaw. ‘The preset lew prohibits and punishos only drunk Akiving. Mere io mo law banning a drunk pao from Hiding ‘public vais orth laters diver fom allowing person ‘rho appears to be nk to board a public conveyance. A {Trunk peosengeror one under te Indnce of aor or og piss veritable pei tothe other pesenger. He is probe to ect ireationally and vslently, du to lark or diminution of felfconro.Sensclat line af vee and physical hur can be Aroided, andthe riding pe duly protected ifthe potential Alanger posed by drunk passengers ca be eddrossed propery 1 the duty ofthe court, whenever thas knowledge of any act which it may deem proper te repress and which not Dunianalaby law, toreprt tothe Chit Esco, through the Department of Justice, th reasons which induce tbe curt to bullve chat eid ct sould be made the sujet of lgisaton (People Cling, OR Na. 173798 December 42007) Whats the duty ofthe court when the penaty prescribed fora {elon is excessive? ‘The court shuld cal the attention ofthe President on the mater. For instance, abduction with rape was commitod bythe son with the complicity of his mother. Te penalty of ‘eclsion perpetua Sosponed on the mother i the same a Ue fens which the Court ft tobe exnsive, She sequiaced to ‘toperate with th ecsused on sesount af matrnal concera

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