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NPM : 15120217



MEDAN 2019
1. Write the summary of the KKNI, and why do you think it is important?


The Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI) is a framework for

qualifying Indonesian human resources that juxtaposes, equalizes and integrates the

education sector with the training and work experience sectors in a scheme that

recognizes work capabilities adapted to structures in various sectors of work. KKNI is

an embodiment of the quality and identity of the Indonesian nation in relation to the

national education system, the national job training system, and a system of national

equality learning outcomes, which is owned by Indonesia to produce quality and

productive national human resources.

The KKNI development program in 2015 is a continuation of the same programs

in the previous year or new programs. The program in the previous year prioritized the

drafting of the concept and also realized it became an operational framework and has

been strengthened by Presidential Regulation Number 8 of 2012 concerning the IQF.

With the Presidential Regulation, the IQF has become a reference in equalizing the

learning achievements of various sectors in Indonesia. While to strengthen the legal

basis for the implementation of the IQF in higher education, the Ministry of Education

and Culture has issued Minister of Education and Culture Regulation No. 73 of 2013

which regulates the implementation of the IQF in universities specifically and higher

education in Indonesia as a whole. The application of the IQF in higher education

subsequently resulted in programs that increasingly empowered the IQF.

2. Write and explain at least three techniques in teaching speaking , for kids and

identify the differences of those three techniques!


There are many other techniques and activities that teachers can use for their

speaking classroom. We live in, what Professor Kumaravadivelu describes as, post

method era, where there is no such a thing as the best method. It is the teachers’

decision to determine which kind of method that suits their students most. The

teachers can take a little bit of ALM and combine it with a little bit of CLT and create

a new method, such as describe below.

 Games

Play is a purposeful activity and games are a part of playing. Games are a very

appropriate teaching technique in the young learner classroom. There are many

kinds of games the teachers can create. The examples are Memory games, This

and That, Role play, Guess games, etc.

 Talking and Writing Box

Teachers can experiment with this kind of method. They can put the pictures or

topics in the box and the students can choose one that is interesting to them, or

teachers can do it like the example below:

The teachers can show a funny picture, the funnier the better, and give students

some multiple choices relating to the language focus and also give them choice to give

their own opinion.

 Tongue Twisters

This method can be used to teach pronunciation in a fun way. Children may

have trouble pronouncing certain English language sounds. For example, children

who speak some Asian language may have difficulty pronouncing the English –

language /r/ and /l/ because of the way that they occur or their absences in their

native languages. Sometimes, the difficulty also occurs because children often do

not know how to form their lips and mouth in such a way as to correctly articulate

the sounds.

Children adore tongue twisters because they perceive saying the sounds as a

game or challenge. Tongue twisters generally have the same phoneme repeated

over and over again, which is quite hard. The examples of tongue twisters are:

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.

A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.

If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,

Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

3. Choose one technique and write the lesson plan (SAP) for teaching speaking!


School : Junior High School

Class/Semester : VIII/1

Subject : English

Language Skill : Speaking

Genre : Descriptive

Time : 20 minutes

I. Standard Competence
3. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek
sederhana yang berbentuk descriptive dan recount untuk berinteraksi dengan
lingkungan sekitar.

II. Basic Competence

3.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam monolog pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan

ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan
lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk descriptive dan recount.

III. Indicators


a. Product
1. Mentioning many kinds of occupation orally.
2. Describing the occupation orally.
b. Process
1. Identifying the characteristics of certain occupation orally.

1. Show enthusiasm to the teacher’s explanation

2. Show responsibility while doing the exercises
3. Show dicipline during the class


1. Playing the “Guessing Game” given by the teacher.



a. Product
1. Students are able to mention many kinds of occupation orally.
2. Students are able to describe the occupation orally.
b. Process
1. Students are able to identify the characteristics of certain occupation orally.


1. Students are able to show enthusiasm to the teacher’s explanation.

2. Students are able to show responsibility while doing the exercises.
3. Students are able to show dicipline during the class.


Approach : Cooperative Language Learning

Method : Round Table


No. Teacher Students Technique Media Time

Activitie Activities
I. Set 3’
inductio 1. Greeting and Q and A
n praying
1. Greeting,
praying and Q and A
students’ 2. Answering the
attendance, leading
classroom, and questions

2. Giving some
question to the

II. Main 15’

activitie Making group Group
s consist of 4 work
1. Dividing students Practice
students into
groups consist Paying
of 4 students. attention Practice

2. Explaining the Playing the Practice

instructions game
about Practice
“Guessing Paying
Game”. attention Practice
3. Leading
students to Accepting the
play the game. picture
4. Explaining the
rule of the Describing the
following picture
activity. given

5. Distributing
pictures to
each group.

6. Asking
students to
describe the
picture given
by the teacher
cIII. Closure 2’
1. Asking the Making Q and A
conclusion conclusion
about the Practice
materials to the Praying and
students greeting
2. Praying and
1. Sources :
- Richards, J.C and Theodhore S. Rodgers. 2002. Approaches and Methods in
Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

2. Media : Pictures, LCD, and netbook/laptop


Leading Questions

1. I have a picture here. Can you guess what does he do?

2. Where does he work in?
3. Can you describe the characteristics a postman?

Descriptive Text

Definition :
Descriptive text is a text which say what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to
describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.
Social Function :
The social function or the general purposes of the descriptive text is describing a
particular person, place or thing in detail.
Generic Structure :
 Identification : Identifying the phenomenon to be described
 Description : describing phenomenon in parts, qualities, or/and characteristics.
Language Features :

 In the descriptive test is always using Simple Present Tense. Do you still
remember the formula?
It is Subject + Verb 1 or Subject + To be present + Complement
For example : He likes football

 Descriptive text also commonly uses an action verb and also adverb.
And because the purpose of the descriptive text is giving the description of
someone or something, so we commonly put the adjective to the sentences.

 So, the language features that always appear in the descriptive text are simple
present tense, action verb, adverb, and adjective.

Example :

I have a brother. His name is Kevin. He is a postman.

My brother works at the Central Post Office. Everyday he delivers letters to many
people. He usually starts his job at 8 a.m. First, he goes to the addresses near his
office. Then he continues to the addresses far from his office. He stop working at
2 p.m. He never bored with his job. He is happy to be a postman.
Product Evaluation
Speaking Test

Choose one of the pictures below and make a short monologue about the
occupation in form of descriptive text! (Pilih salah satu gambar di bawah ini
dan buatlah monolog pendek tentang pekerjaan dalam bentuk teks

1 2

3 4
Description Score

Correct answer, structure, diction, and pronunciation. 90-100

Correct answer, wrong structure, correct diction, and correct pronunciation. 70-89

Correct answer, wrong structure, wrong diction, and correct pronunciation. 50-69

Correct answer, wrong structure, correct diction, and wrong pronunciation. 30-49

Wrong answer, structure, diction, and pronunciation. 10-29

No answer 0

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