Optimum Design On Structural Parameters of Reciprocating Refrigeration Compressor Crankshaft

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2016 International Congress on Computation Algorithms in Engineering (ICCAE 2016)

ISBN: 978-1-60595-386-1

Optimum Design on Structural Parameters of Reciprocating

Refrigeration Compressor Crankshaft
Guangyu Mu1,2*, Feng Wang3 & Xiaozhen Mi3
Mechanical and Power Engineering College, Dalian Ocean University, Dalian, Liaoning, China
Mechanical Engineering College, Dalian Jiaotong University, Dalian, Liaoning, China
Institute of Modern Rail Transportation, Dalian Jiaotong University, Dalian, Liaoning, China

ABSTRACT: Crankshaft is one of the main components of a piston refrigeration compressor. Its structure pa-
rameters influence the reliability and service life. [Research objective] Improve the reliability of the crankshaft
and further understand the impact of structural parameters on the strength of the crankshaft. [Research method]
The forces acting on crankshaft are analyzed on the basis of dynamic calculation of reciprocating compressor
working process. Finite Element Method (FEM) is applied for three-dimensional modeling and static strength
analysis. [Research result] The stress at the transition fillet of crankshaft journal under the maximum comprehen-
sive piston force is obtained accordingly. The reliability and accuracy of this model is verified by the experi-
mental results. The influence of the crankshaft with crankpin diameter, center distance of adjacent crankpins and
fillet radius on stress concentration has been investigated in detail. The optimal undercut fillet is designed for
reducing the maximum stress obviously. The results provide a reference for similar design and production
of compressor crankshaft.

Keywords: crankshaft; crankpin; Finite Element Method (FEM); stress analysis; optimal design

1 INTRODUCTION means in improving the level of crankshaft design.

Lots of studies have been made to analyze the stress
The crankshaft as the most important moving part of a and deformation of the crankshaft in compressors and
piston compressor plays a very important role in the engines. Li, H. Z. et al. (1991) presented the optimum
compressor. There are many reasons affect the overall design of crankshaft fillets by means of finite element
performance of the crankshaft because its complex and mathematical programming methods for 6120Q
geometry and serious stress concentration phenome- gasoline engine. The maximum stress at the recom-
non. Failure examples show that the main failure form mended crankshaft fillet reduced considerably. Cor-
is fatigue failure which caused by the alternate load don (1997) analyzed the stress of crankshaft fillets
though connecting rod plays on the crankpin. The by three-dimensional finite element method, and op-
alternating load includes gas power, friction, recipro- timization values of the fillet radius were obtained. Hu,
cally rotating inertia force and input torque. According Y.P. (2006) developed an improved crankshaft simu-
to the literature, crankshaft breakages mainly appear at lation model of 6160 diesel engine to predict crack
the transition arc of main shaft and crankpin (Silva F position and fatigue life.
S.2003). Therefore, how to reduce the maximum Research on the static strength and fatigue
stress concentration becomes an indispensable content strength analysis is the main content of crankshaft
in design of the crankshaft. With the development of design. The static strength analysis is conducted to
finite element method (FEM) and computer technolo- obtain the stress distribution under the maximum
gy, stress and deformation changes with structural load permitted and identify the dangerous section.
parameters of crankshaft can be more clearly de- Su, T. X. et al. (1995) have done a numerical simula-
scribed by FEM software, which becomes a popular tion focusing on the bending stress of crankshaft asso-
ciated with the oil holes location and transition radius.
*Corresponding author: mugy1982@126.com The research found that stress at the crankpin jour-

nal fillet could be lightened by increasing oil holes Table 2.
diameter or lowered oil holes position appropriately.
Wang, D.H. (1997) comparatively analyzed the static Table 1. Main dimensions of the crankshaft.
strength with four kinds of FEM model and boundary Symbol Comment Dimension
condition of crankshaft. He proposed that the bending
D1 main shaft diameter 44.4mm
moment and torsion moment in crankshaft journal
have great influence on the calculation results. D crankpin diameter 44.4mm
Y.KANG et al. (1998) established the finite element L crankpin length 71.2mm
model of crankshaft both in entity and beam elements. S intermediate crank thickness 26.2mm
By comparison with the experimental data, entity S0 thickness on both sides of the crank 24mm
elements model is the better one. Feng, G.S. et al.
B crank width 65mm
(2003) investigated the distortion and stress of 4190
diesel engine’s crankshaft. Compared with the whole L0 total length of crankshaft 545.6mm
crankshaft model, the reliability of single crank stress
analysis method was undesirable due to its simplified Table 2. The physical characteristics constants of 40Cr steel.
boundary conditions. Choi K.S. (2009) analyzed static Elastic modulus Poisson's ratio Density
strength, fatigue strength and vibration characteristics Material
E/Gpa µ ρ/g·cm-3
of the crankshaft combined with the finite element 40Cr steel 198 0.29 7.82
method and modal. The result verified the accuracy of
numerical analysis calculations precisely.
Many scholars have studied the fatigue strength and 2.1 Three-dimensional modeling and meshing
fatigue life of crankshaft as accurately as possible. D. Three-dimensional modeling is precisely constructed
Taylor, W (1999) presented an approach based on for calculating the strength of whole crankshaft based
equivalent stress intensity for analyzing the stat- on Pro/Engineer software. Taking into account the
ic stress and fatigue strength. Lee Y.L (2001) calcu- meshing grid at the junction of oil channels and, shaft
lated the fatigue strength and safety coefficient of the necks are prone to adverse elements, the oil passages
crankshaft. Both the simulation results and experi- are ignored in the model (Okamura H, 1995).
mental results are consistent. Zhang, G. Q et al. (2006) Since hexahedral meshing has more advantages in
have done parametric studies on fatigue life of crank- calculation precision, deformation characteristics and
shaft using nominal stress method and local stress anti-distortion degree than tetrahedral meshing, the
method respectively. The results indicated that the finite element model of crankshaft is hexahedral
traditional design is too conservative and not accurate meshed in HyperMesh software with a total of
enough. Yang Z (2014) analyzed the dynamic charac- 219,095 nodes and 612,220 elements.
teristics and load spectrums of the crankshaft com-
bined with the finite element method and multi-body
dynamics technique. The fatigue life and failure dan- 2.2 Force boundary conditions and constraints
ger section of the crankshaft were obtained. All of The force boundary conditions of finite ele-
these works lay a foundation for the research of the ment model include loads, bearing radial constraints
crankshaft strength deeply. and input torque, etc (Tadashi N, 2002). The force
In this paper, the influence of crankpin diameter, acting on piston pin mainly contains air force
center distance of adjacent crankpins and crankshaft Fg, reciprocating inertia force Fj and friction force Ff .
journal fillet radius on stress concentration has been Since the forces’ directions are all along the central
studied based on Finite Element Method (FEM). The line of the cylinder, the equations of comprehen-
undercut fillet is designed for optimizing the life and sive piston force Fp can be written as follows:
reliability of crankshaft. It provides a theoretical basis
for the optimum design of compressor crankshaft. Fp = Fg + F j +Ff (1)



A crankshaft used in a medium-sized semi-hermetic

piston compressor is adopted for the research. The
reciprocating mass of the compressor is 0.4756kg; the
compressor rated speed is 1,450r/min and the rated
Figure 1. Schematic of crank linkage force.
power is 2.2kW. The main dimensions of the crank-
shaft are shown in Table1.
The crankshaft material is 40Cr steel. The The maximum stress appears when comprehensive
main physical constants of 40Cr steel are shown in piston force is the largest. This paper focuses on static

Figure 2. Simplified forces model of crankshaft.

Table 3. Loads on crankshaft.

The first crankpin The second crankpin
Input torque Input Force
Crankshaft position feature Normal force Tangential force Normal force Tangential force T (Nm) F (N)
F'r (N) F't (N) Fr (N) Ft (N)
The largest comprehensive
-595.05 9949 -7325 244.2 356.78 8831
piston force

stress analysis under the condition of the largest com- Displacement constraints are arranged to the short
prehensive force, which provides reasonable values to end of main shaft for limiting the axial movement.
assure the simulated results are physically meaningful. The power input end of crankshaft needs to make
Figure 1 presents that the total force Fa imposed on steel processing for reducing stress concentration on
piston are decomposed into connecting rod force Fl the center node.
and lateral force perpendicular to the cylinder wall Fh. According to the formula T=F × D1, input torque T
The Fl as well as Fh can be expressed by the ratio of can be described as the tangential force F exerting on
crank radius and connecting rod length and crankλ the circumference face of power input, the moment
angle a as follows: arm is D1/2. The loads on crankshaft are shown in
Table 3.
Fl = F α ⋅ (2)
1 - λ 2sin 2 α 2.3 Result analysis

λsinα After arranged the load boundary conditions and con-

Fh = F α ⋅ (3) straints, the static stress distribution of crankshaft is
2 2
1 - λ sin α
calculated in ANSYS under the condition of maxi-
The force Fl acting on crankpin center through the mum piston comprehensive force. It was found that
connecting rod are decomposed into the circumferen- the maximum stress was 83Mpa at the journal fillet of
tial tangential force Ft and radial normal force Fr. second crankpin, which is located in the vicinity of
These two forces can be calculated as: 300 degrees counter-clockwise viewing from motor.
According to the experimental results, the destruction
 λsin2α  of crankshaft commonly occurs at transition fillet of
Ft = Fα  sinα +  (4) crankshaft journal, which is consistent with the calcu-
 2 2 
 2 1 - λ sin α 
lated results. Therefore, the finite element model of
static stress analysis is valid correspondingly. Stress
 λsinα 2 
Fr = Fα  cosα -  (5) distribution of the crankshaft is shown in Figure 3:
 2 2
 1 - λ sin α 

The simplified forces model of crankshaft is shown

in Figure 2. The tangential force Ft and normal force
Fr were applied on the center node of crankpin.
The constraints of crankshaft are specified as fol-
Radial constraints are applied in the position of
crankshaft neck for sustaining two bearings respec- Figure 3. Stress distribution of crankshaft.
tively and circumferential rotation.


The structural parameters of crankshaft impact on the

strength are studied by modifying the geometric di-
mensions of the finite element model. Optimization of
the crankshaft structural parameters needs to integrate
the consideration of crankshaft strength, stiffness,
weight and reliability. Since the maximum stress
emerged when comprehensive piston force is the larg-
est, the static strength analysis is carried out under this
condition. In this section, we emphasize our analysis
in structure parameters as crankpin diameter, center Figure 5. Maximum stress changed with the center distance
distance of adjacent crankpins and common fillet ra- of adjacent crankpins increase.
dius inflecting on the maximum stress of crankshaft.
Figure 6 shows that the maximum stress is 53MPa
3.1 Crankpin diameter or 58MPa when center distance of adjacent crankpins
is 68mm or 70mm.
The changes of maximum stress with the crankpin
diameter increased have been studied based on the
main shaft length and thickness of crank arm invari-
antly. Figure 4 presents the maximum stress at the
journal fillet, which is reduced with the increase of
crankpin diameter. Crankpin diameter is also affected
by bearing diameter and quality, the overall stiffness
and weight of the crankshaft subsequently. The crank-
pin diameter could be improved only in permit condi-
(a) Center distance = 68mm

(b) Center distance = 70mm

Figure 6(a-b). Stress distributions when center distance of
Figure 4. Maximum stress changed with crankpin diameter adjacent crankpins is 68mm or 70mm.
3.3 Common fillet radius
3.2 Center distance of adjacent crankpins
The changes of maximum stress with the increasing
center distance of adjacent crankpins have been also
studied based on main shaft length, crank thickness
and crankpin diameter invariantly. Figure 6 presents
the maximum stress at the journal fillet, which is gen-
erally increased with the center distance growth.
However, reducing the center distance of adjacent
crankpins will shorten the stroke of connecting rod
and resulted in lower volumetric efficiency of the
compressor. Therefore, the structural parameters of
stroke / bore size ratio should be reasonable chosen for
the relative clearance volume from 1.5% to 6% in Figure 7. Maximum stress changed with the increase of
design of the small–and-medium-sized compressor. common fillet radius.

The size, shape and surface quality of the crankpin large variation range of the maximum stress. The red
journal fillet have significantly affected on stress con- line represents the maximum stress changed with the
centration and fatigue strength. The maximum stress increase of crank pin diameter when undercut fillet r is
can be gradually reduced with the appropriate increase 0.8mm. However, the maximum stress at the journal
of common radius R, as shown in Figure 7. When R of undercut fillet decreased generally and continued its
increased over 3mm, the effect of stress reduction is downward trend when the diameter is less than
not obvious, and length of effective pressure will be 45.5mm. The maximum stress of undercut fillet ex-
shortened correspondingly and unfavorable for the ceeds that of common fillet when diameter is larger
crankpin working. Therefore, the crankshaft fillet than 45.5mm. Therefore, undercut fillet could be se-
radius should not be too large. lected for reducing the stress concentration according
to the diameter of crank-pin under the premise of en-
3.4 Undercut fillet suring the overall strength of crankshaft.

In order to solve the above problem, the undercut fillet

was designed for reducing the maximum stress. And
the structure of undercut fillet is shown in Figure 8:

(a) D = 44.4mm

Figure 8. Undercut fillet of crankshaft.

The undercut fillet is arranged within the fillet of

crank pin and crank, which is recommended when the
axial length of the compressor is strictly limited such (b) D = 44.5mm
as angle-type compressors. Meanwhile, the undercut
fillet should be avoided cutting too deep otherwise it
will weaken the strength of the crank.

(c) D = 45mm

Figure 9. Comparison of the maximum stress between un-

dercut fillet and common fillet.

Figure 9 shows the comparison of maximum stress (d) D = 46mm

between common fillet and undercut fillet. The black Figure 10(a-d). Stress distribution on crankshaft with the
line represents the maximum stress varying with the increasing of crankpin diameter (D) when undercut fillet
increase of crankpin diameter when common fillet R r=0.8mm.
is 2mm. It was found that the maximum stress is very
strong when crank pin diameter is small and then de-
Figure 10(a-d) shows the stress distribution on
clined rapidly with the diameter increase. There is a
crankshaft with the increase of crankpin diameter (D)

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