Hse Sample Examination Questions: Disclaimer

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Disclaimer: This exam was answered by a student and there is a slim chance that it might

have one or two incorrect answers, as such any time you are in doubt about an answer please

refer to the HSE manual for clarifications.


1. _______is a standard of risk control above the legal minimum

a) Best Practice b) Compliance c) Approved code of practice

d) Common law e) Code of practice

2. ________is a transient reduced ability to work as a result of previous activities result-

ing in reduced efficiency

a) Ergonomics b) Fatigue c) designated person

d) cutaneous e) cryogenics

3. _________is any substance that is known or suspected of causing cancer

a) Biological agent b) Contaminant c) Carcinogenic

d) Catalyst e) Flammable gas

4. Occupational health and safety practices requires the collaboration of both employers
and workers in health and safety programme and involves the consideration of issues
relating to

a) Occupational medicine b) Toxicology Psychology c) Engineering Safety

d) All of the above e) None of the above

5. The overall aim of Occupational health and safety is to

a) Increase worker’s pay b) Increase the production rate

c) beautify the environment d) Facilitate workers training

e) prevent industrial accidents and illnesses and recognise the connection be-
tween workers’ health and safety.
6. Direct cost of occupational accidents to the workers include the following except

a) payment for work not performed b) loss of income

c) Possible loss of a job d) Health-care cost

d) Pain of illness

7. A major reason for uncertainty of accidents in developing countries includes

a) Effective reporting structures b) inadequate accident and disease recogni-


c) Frequent reporting mechanisms d) Health-care cost e) Pain of the illness

8. __________ a common disease in insulating automobile brake linings.

a) Silicosis b) Lead poisoning c) Asbestosis d) Anaemia

e) Noise-induced hearing loss

9. ____________is common in workplaces where noisy machines such as presses or

drills are used

a) Silicosis b) Lead poisoning c) Asbestosis d) Anaemia

e) Noise-induced hearing loss

10. The number of potentially crippling health problems that can be associated with poor
working conditions includes, except

a) Heart diseases b) Reproductive problems c) Stress related disorders

d) Allergies e) Sickle cell


11. The three major causes of occupational diseases are Nature of the Hazard, Route of

Exposure and The Dose.

12. Chemical, Physical, Biological and Psychological hazard fall under Insidious or non-

Obvious range of hazards

13. Bacteria, Viruses, Infectious waste and Infestations falls under Biological Hazards

14. The five major elements involved in accidents are Materials, Machines, Chemicals,

Environment and People.

15. The two major causes of accidents are Unsafe Acts and Unsafe Conditions.

16. Accident is an unplanned and unwanted occurrence caused by unsafe acts and unsafe


17. Occupational accident is a type of accident that occurs in the course of a person’s

employment and is caused by hazards that are inherent in or are related to it.

18. Near miss is an unplanned event that did not result in injury, illness or damage but had

the potential to do so.

19. Unsafe acts are actions taken or performed by someone without due regard for per-

sonal safety, that of colleagues or other persons in the vicinity.

20. Unsafe conditions are such work place conditions or equipment and material condi-

tion that can cause accidents.

21. Physical pain, mental agony, disability falls under Direct effects of accidents faced by

the employee

22. Economic loss, production loss, reputation damage falls under Direct effects of acci-

dents faced by the company.

23. The indirect effects of accident include Effects on The Family of the Injured Em-

ployee, Community and Nation

24. The major reason why accidents are undesirable can be summarized into the acronym

HELMR which stands for Humanitarian, Economic, Legal, Morale, Reputation.

25. The main three (3) reasons why people carry out unsafe acts and create unsafe condi-

tions are Ignorance, Wrong attitude, Mentally and Physically unable

26. The measure to control accidents seek to Identify and Correct the unsafe acts of peo-

ple and the unsafe conditions of the work environment.

27. The four major measures of accident prevention are Engineering Measures, Educa-

tion, Enforcement and Encouragement

28. Engineering measures removes the unsafe conditions

29. Education measure removes the unsafe act.

30. Training, induction and instruction falls under Education control measures

31. The Enforcement control measure can also be effective through Supervision, Inspec-

tion, Audits and Reports

32. Encouragement control measure can be effective through Promotion, Awards, In-

centives, Recognition.

33. Two benefits of safe operations are Increased morale of workers and Increase in


34. The major barrier to achieving the ultimate goal of accident prevention is Human atti-


35. HSE-MS is an acronym that stands for Health Safety and Environment Manage-

ment System

36. The two major benefits of HSE-MS are Control the risk associated with an opera-

tion and demonstrate that it is controlling the risks.

37. HSE-MS is a quality management system for managing the risks in a company to en-

sure the protection of its people, assets in which the company operates.
38. The eight (8) elements of HSE-MS are

i. Leadership and Commitment

ii. Policy and Strategic objectives

iii. Organization, Resources, Responsibility Standards and Documenta-


iv. Hazard and Effects Management Process (HEMP)

v. Procedure and planning

vi. Implementation

vii. Audit

viii. Management Review

39. HSE-MS is the foundation upon which all other safety efforts will be built

40. HEMP is an acronym that stands for Hazard and Effects Management Process.

41. HEMP is a process for identifying hazards in an HSE critical activity and effects, with

a view of eliminating them or controlling them to reduce the effects.

42. The ALARP principle is always used in HEMP processes, what does it stand for As

Low As Reasonably Practical.

43. HEMP is a unique element of HSE-MS because of its central role in the implemen-

tation of the system

44. The four basic principles or processes of HEMP are Identify, Assess, Control, Recov-


45. Those activities that are identified to be HSE critical are subjected to HEMP.

46. Control measure prevents accidents

47. Recovery measure mitigates or (reduces) the effects of the accident and enables early

return if control measure fails.

48. Emergency procedures are used if recovery measures fail and escalation occurs.

49. There are three (3) main cycles of an operation which includes planning cycle, opera-

tional/maintenance cycle and abandonment/decommissioning cycle

50. Risk is the consequence that results from the release of a hazard

51. Hazard is anything that has the potential to cause harm, ill health, injury, damage to

property, products or environment, production losses or increased liabilities.

52. There are ten (10) steps in managing health and safety risk which includes:

i. Identify Hazard

ii. Top event (incident)

iii. Consequence

iv. Hazard and effects register

v. Risk ranking

vi. Threats
vii. Barriers

viii. Recovery Measures

ix. Escalation controls

x. Complete hazard and effects register

53. There are four categories of hazards used in managing health and safety risk, they in-

clude; Biological, Chemical, Physical and Psychological

54. Top Event is an incident that occurs as a result og a hazard being released

55. Consequence is an event or chain of events that results from hazard being released.

56. The major consequence of hazard affects four (4) major components namely People,

Assets, Reputation and Environment.

57. Filling the register is step 4 of the steps in managing health and safety risk.

58. Using risk matrix and brain storming techniques. Risks are ranked based on the

probabilities of the top event occurring

59. Threat is a possible cause that will release a hazard to become a top event.

60. Barrier is a measure put into place to prevent the release of a hazard or prevent the oc-

currence of a top event (incident) once the hazard is released.

61. The two major types of barriers are Physical and Non-physical Barrier

62. The three (3) main types of recovery measures are Containment, Mitigation, Resto-

63. Escalation are conditions that lead to increased risk due to loss of barrier, or loss of

recovery measures especially lifesaving or mitigating capabilities.

64. The tenth step in managing health and safety risk is Complete hazard and effects


65. Two reasons why workers in the first year with their new employee account for more

than 50% of workplace accidents are Inadequate use of PPE and No prior job haz-

ard analysis (JHA)

66. Job hazard analysis (JHA) is a technique that focuses on job as a way to identify

hazards before they result in injury, illness, property damage or worse.

67. The full meaning if JSA is Job safety analysis

68. Two (2) benefits of JHA, amongst others are reduced injuries and increase morale

and production.

69. Job refers to any activity (mental, physical or both) that has been assigned to an em-

ployee as a responsibility and carries with it both positive and negative consequences

based on the performance.

70. Control are safe procedures or protective measures taken to reduce or eliminate the

exposure to hazards.

71. The four (4) major control measures used in JHA are Administrative control, Engi-

neering control, interim/ temporary control and PPE

72. The four basic steps in performing JHA are Watch (select) the job to be done, Break

the job into steps, Identify the hazard in each step, and Recommend safety proce-

dure and protection measures (control)

73. PPE stands for Personal Protective Equipment.

74. PPE is an equipment worn to reduce or minimize exposure to a variety of hazards

75. In relation to PPE in the work plays employers are responsible for providing PPE,

Training employees on how to use it and replacing worn out PPE

76. In relation to PPE in the work plays employees are responsible for taking care and

cleaning PPE, attending trainings and reporting to supervisors the need to replace

or repair PPE

77. Three (3) types of PPE are Helmet, Eye goggles, Overalls and Face shields.

78. W.H. Henrich’s Domino theory states that the occurrence of an injury results from

complex sequence of factors, the last one being the accident itself

79. Multiple Cause theory states that behind every accident there are many contributing

factors, causes and sub-causes.

80. Permit to Work is an authorizing document approved by management, describing the

work to be carried out.

81. The two main types of permit to work systems are Hot work permit and Cold work


82. Unsafe act audit Is a programme designed to enable a company through line staff

identify unsafe working practices of employees

83. The qualities of a good leader include Approachable, Accessible and smart

84. Fire is a chemical reaction between fuel heat and oxygen

85. The three major aims of fire prevention are Life safety, Property protection and Pro-

tection of Operations

86. The three main types of fuel are Solid fuel, Liquid fuel and Gas fuel

87. Three causes of fire are Combustible material, Hot work and Careless smoking

88. The five steps in fire risk assessment are

i. Identify the fire hazard

ii. Identify location and persons who are at significant risks

iii. Reduce risk

iv. Record findings

v. Monitor and Review on a regular basis

89. The three basic fire extinguishing principles that constitutes the fire extinguishing tri-

angle are Cooling, Starving and Smothering

90. PASS is an acronym which serves as a principle in using fire extinguisher, PASS

stands for; Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep

91. Housekeeping is the general cleanliness and tidiness around the worksite.

92. Increased production and Improved morale are the benefits of good house keeping

93. Entry is defined as breaking the plane of a confined space with any of the body
94. Five main hazards found in a confined space are

i. Engulfing material

ii. Hazardous atmosphere

iii. Entrapment

iv. Electricity

v. Mechanical (moving parts)

95. Three examples of confined spaces are Boilers, Silos and Sewers and manholes

96. A person responsible for planning, authorizing and terminating the entry into a con-

fined space is called Entry supervisor

97. First aid is an immediate and temporary treatment given to the person who suffers an

accident or any sudden illness before medical help (aid) is available.

98. Three main aims of first aid are called the 3P’s which means Preserve, Promote, Pre-


99. Three out of the numerous qualities of a first aider are Knowledgeable, Kind and


100. The four main procedures of first aid are Assess, Diagnose, Treatment and Disposal

101. CPR stands for Cardio pulmonary Resuscitation

102. The ABC of CPR are Airways, Breathing and Circulation

103. The components of a first aid kit are Bandages, Scissors and Plasters
104. A person who wants to talk about safety and train people must prepare to do two

things Prepared to communicated and Flow up after communictation

105. HSE Communication simply means passing/receiving safety information, values,

ideas and culture between people or from one person to another.

106. The four main types of HSE communication includes Job specific communication,

General Safety communication, Informal Communication, Emergency Communi-


107. Two conditions for communication to be effective includes The speaker must know

what to say and The speaker must know when to say what to say.

108. Two advantages of good communication include Enhanced Knowledge and En-

hanced understanding

109. The primary aim of industrial security is To protect human and material assets

110. Industrial Security is a proactive measure taken to protect and safeguard both hu-

man and material resources

111. Assets are important properties which industries own and uses to realize ir achieve

goals and objectives.

112. The types of access control are Physical and Mechanical

113. Theft means taking of somebody else’s or company’s property without consent from

such persons or authority of the company.

114. The four (4) major types of theft are Fraud, Pilferage, Organized crime, Burglary

115. The reason why employees steal are Greed and Dire need
116. Basically, the two types of bombs are Incendiary Devices and Explosive Devices.

117. Industrial Espionage is a practice where by the company losses valuable information

to competitors and other unauthorised persons who may likely use such information

against the company or against targeted companies.

118. Sabotage is the physical destruction of government or industrial properties or installa-


119. The three main types of sabotage are Psychological sabotage, Physical sabotage and

Mechanical sabotage

120. Two classes of sabotage are Professional and Amateur

121. Environment is the sum total of all living and non-living factors that compose of the

surroundings of man

122. Environmental resources include;

i. Human

ii. Animals

iii. Plants

iv. Soil

v. Natural resources

123. Environmental Aspect is an element of an organization’s activities, products or ser-

vices that can interact with the environment

124. Two types of environmental aspects are Direct and Indirect

125. Pollution is the release of any substance into the environment in such quantities or
level that will be detrimental or ause harm to the environment

126. Any substance that causes pollution is a pollutant

127. The three main types of pollution are Land, Water and Air

128. Three consequences of environmental abuse Global warming, Flooding/ero-

sion and Deforestation/Desertification

129. Waste is anything that is no longer of use to the disposer

130. Waste is managed so as to reduce the potential to cause harm to human

and environment

131. The three main forms of waste are Solid Waste, Liquid Waste and Gaseous

132. There are five main procedures for managing waste which includes

i. Inventorization

ii. Characterization

iii. Segregation

iv. Minimization 4R’s

v. Treatment

133. Inventorization is the acknowledgement of the degree of waste produced daily or

over time

134. Characterization involves checking the physiochemical and toxicological properties

of the waste

135. Segregation helps re-evaluate waste in categories

136. Waste minimization involves 4R’s which includes,

i. Reduce

ii. Reuse

iii. Recycle

iv. Recover

137. The three main types of landfills are Chemical Landfill, Sanitary Landfill and Inert

138. Ergonomics is the science concerned with the fit between people and their work.
139. Two of the many waste disposal options include Ocean dump and Landfill

140. A glass waste can be segregated in a Blue coloured container

141. A paper waste can be segregated in a White coloured container

142. Battery wastes can be segregated in a Grey coloured container

Section C

1. Accident investigation is an important part of any safety management system


2. The objectives of accident investigation include training of employees and compi-

lation of data True

3. The following are a few sources that five the investigator all he need to know; in-
terviews, observation and documentation. True

4. Unsafe acts and unsafe conditions are brought about by 'root and causes'. True

5. During accident investigation, you are equally advised to put yourself in the role
of a police man False

6. Part of the best practice during accident investigation is to start off with a pencil
and paper in your hand and ask open-ended questions during accident investiga-
tion. False

7. PTW identities the potential hazards or interacting activities that can take place in
a job. True

8. A permit applicant, asset holder site supervisor, asset holder and permit holder are
all responsibilities under the PTW. True

9. Safety has equal priority with production. True

10. All accidents can be prevented. True

11. Training is an essential element for safe workplace practice. True

12. Safety audits are essential tools in reactive safety approach to accident prevention.

13. Safely Training Observation Programme (STOP) helps you to put the principles of
unsafe act auditing into action. True.

14. If it is not safe, it is not right. True

15. Almost 98% of accidents are as a result of unsafe acts and practices. True

16. Three elements namely fuel, heat and oxygen must be present in the proper con-
centration before fire can occur. True

17. Naked flames, external sparks, internal sparks, hot surfaces and static electricity
all constitute possible sources of ignition in the workplace. True

18. Fire that involves solid materials are class C fire. False.

19. Class B1 fire are water insoluble fuels. False.

20. Methanol, ethanol are examples of class F fire. False.

21. The method to extinguish fire resulting from very hot oils is by smothering. True

22. Heat can be transferred by convection, indirect burning and conduction. False.

23. Fire plans should be produced and attached to the fire risk assessment. True

24. The basic strategy of fire prevention is to control or isolate sources of fuel or heat
in order to prevent combustion. True

25. Carbon dioxide and dry chemical extinguishers are the only types of fire extin-
guishers. False

26. Good housekeeping calls for team work. It is a responsibility of all. True

27. A confined space is built for continuous occupancy but has a limited space and en-
trance. False

28. Confined spaces can be deadly. True

29. 10% to 8% of oxygen causes coma within 40 seconds. False

30. Oxygen above 23.5% is a fire or explosion hazard. True

31. Propane-powered engines also emit carbon monoxide. True

32. A leaking oxygen cylinder of an oxyacetylene torch cannot serve as a sufficient

potential oxygen source. False

33. Noise in a confined space cannot be amplified solely due to the design and acous-
tic properties of the space. True

34. 1t is difficult despite the application of safety principles to eliminate hazardous at-
mospheres in most sewers lines. True
35. A reclassified non -permit is allowed only if all hazards are eliminated. True

36. LEL readings for gases other than the calibrated readings may be incorrect.True

37. A person who enters into a permit space is called an attendant. False.

38. Part of the functions of an entry supervisor is to terminate or cancel the permits as
needed. True

39. Confined space rescue is very dangerous. True

40. What is done and what is not done to a sick person or accident situation is im-
portant because it can mean the difference between life and death. True

41. A first aiders duty does not end as soon as the doctor takes charge, as he can as-
sume the role of a doctor. False.

42. Children have a much better chance of survival if CPR id performed immediately.

43. Human, intangible and tangible components form, the types of industrial assets.

44. Trinitron toluene (T.N.T) Dynamite nitroglycerin can form part of an incendiary
device. False.

45. Waste is anything that is no longer of use. True

46. Domestic wastes are wastes that have potential hazards to human health and envi-
ronment. False.

47. A green container is used for glass waste. False

48. A brown container is used for dangerous waste. True

49. A black container is used for IT consumables. False

50. Ergonomics aims to make sure that tasks equipment, information and the environ-
ment suit each worker. True

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