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PROCLF-!.~~.TroN No.82 1995

PROCL.~.!,~-TroN 0? N~~Tro!~AL ~ sERersE ~;;~

(Published in the Eritrean Gazette No.11 of ?3rd October 1995)

p R E F -!;. C E

The People of Eritrea have after thirty years of bitter and armed struggle
characterized by heavy and high sacrifices succeeded in materializing their
dreams of redeeming our country Eritrea from the oppressive and all aspect
sufferings caused by the dark domination enabling it to become an independent
and sovreign nation.
The present and future generations have the historical responsability of pre-
serving a free and sovreign Eritrea as a legacy of thousands of martyres.For
the realization of trkis noble objective it has become necessary to proclaim
and issue this proclamation on l1ational Service.

c H 1'1. p T E R 3-

-l!..rt.l -Brief title

This Proclamation may be cited as "Proclamation on l-rational Service

!io. 82/1995".

Art.2 -Definition

In this Proclamation the following 1iords and sevtence will he,ve the
following meaning : i

(1) "Government" will mean the Government of ~ritrea.

$ -.1
(2) "National Service" wi'J.l mean the general service that a citizen"'
will give in active n~tioal service and in raserve milita~ ser-
vice,under the present proclamation.
(3) "-;.ctive National Service" 1~ill mean the training and service that
a citizen fit for national service under Art. 8 of this Proclama-
tion will undergo for 18 months.
(4) "Reserve Milita~ Service" will mean the service that a citizen
".,ho has terminated .:~cti ve National Service will called upon in
times of mobilization or other circumstances to perform until
he is released.
(5) "Reserve Army" will mean a reserve army held to serve along a
regular army composed of all those T:Tho have the oblig~.tion of
service under -~rt.23 of this Proclmation be it in times of mobi-
lization or in emergency situations.
( 6) "Forces of War" mea~ the land, ~iaval ani !!.ir forces under the~
Defence l-iinist~.
(7) "Trainee" means the citizen 'tlho under this Proclamation under-
goes a six months o~military training in the !rational Service~
training Center. ~ G
: /. ;=:

(3) "Board" means the Committee created under the directives of the
J:.linistry of Defence from different Government Organs to examine
and decide the peti tions submi tted by tf;.ose ~Tho for various reasons
are temporarily or permanently unable to undertake military training
a~d are therefore free from national service.

Art.4 - Institution of National Service

rl-) National Service h[.s be;~ insti tuted under this Proclamation.
( 2) rrhe !~iinistry of Defence as the highest responsabile and executi ve
organ will have a lJe.tional Service Office entrusted to implement
the tasks of n~tional service in 'Jursuance
" of the forms , and
structures established by the 11inistry.

The Objectives of National Servioe will include :

-The establishment of a strong Defence Force based on the people

to ensure a free and seovrei~ Eritrea.

-To preserve and entrust future generations the ~(j!1r~g~,?resolutness

heroic episodes sho,-Tn by our people in the past thirty years;

-Create a new generation characterized by love of work,discpline,

ready to participate and serve in the reconstruction of the na-

To develope pcnd enforce the economy of the nation by investing in

development work our people as a potential wealth.

To develope professional capacity and physical fitness by giving

regular military t~aining and contineous practice to participants
in Trainihg Centers. 1

To foste~ n~tional unity among our 'eople by elimin9-ting sub-national

feelings.:;: ~
Art. 6 - 9-bliR?:tion of 1:ra!ional 13ervice

Under this Proclamation any Eritrean citizen from 18 to 50 years

of age has the obligation of carrying out national service.

.Arl.1- Bud~et
The 3udget re~uired for the National Service Programmes will be autho-
rized by the KiniBt~ of Defence under the proposal submitted b~ the
l-rational Servtice Office, and will be administered subject to t~-~.
controls in pursuance of Government Financial Regulations to ensure
that the budget has been properly used.


Ba~c -~~ Provisions of active National Service

~~ ~ .

CQmpu1sory .lI.cti ve Na tional Service

Under all Eritrean citizens from th~age of 18

to have the compulsory duty of performing Ac~ve llational
I ~

Active If~tional Service consists.9f-)six months of training in the Na-

tional Service Training Center and 12 months of active military service
and development taSks in military forces for a total of lB months.
Those who are unabke to undertake military training are included in those
~Tho give lB months of national service.

Art. 9 -Compulsory 1I:ili ta1'Y TrainiDR

-~-ny 3ri trean ci tizen from the age of 18 to 40 years cal19d upon
to undertake active national service ha.s the com-pulsory duty of
undertaking military training for six months in the National ser-
vice l~:ili tary Training Center.

-J\.rt.1O -~~j;?-blisi:.ment of Administrative and Central Re~ist:r.atio!!s

In compliance wi th the forms and structures issued by the !.~ini-

stry of Regional P.dministration, -~dministrative and Central Regi-
strations will be established in all Regions,Sub-Regions and
villages to carry out regular registrations.

Art.ll -Registrations and issuinp; of Cards

(1) Re~istrations -Aqy Eritrean beti~een the age of lB and 40 ~ears

who has the duty of undertaking national service '(rhen called upon
by the l.rinistry of Defence to register, he is to appear personall:
in the registration Center of the area '~here he lives to
register according to the directives given by the l{inistry
of Regional Administration. Likeiiise aqy yoQth who has
completed the age 17 years is called u~on to appear before the
Registration Center of his area and register himself in advanoe
1 to snrure his readiness.
~ (2) ISSUING OF CARDS -The Head of the Registration Center after
~ recording the identity of the person, he issues him with the
~ l~ational Service Registration Card ~eminding him that he should
be ready for the training.
(3) In case the registered citizen applies for exemption from mili-
tary training for lack of health,measures will be taken under
this ProcBmation upon the results following the examination
of the matter by the Board.

Art.12 - Citizens exemDted from Active -~ National

~- Service ;

The citizens mentioned below are exempted from -~ctive National

service :

(1) The citizens ~iho have performed National Service before the
promulgation of this proclamation;

(2) All Fighters and Armed peasants liho have proved to have
~ ..
spent all their time in the liberation struggle;

Art.13 - Hompulsion of National Service for oitizens unable to undergo

}1i:I.i tar.v traininf? ?

~ (1) Those citizens who have been de~lared unfit for military
by the Board composed of the l.linistry of Regional Administra-
tion of other Government Organs under the directives given by
the I{inistry 0£ De£ence iiill undertake 18 months of N~tional
Service in any public and Government organ according to their
capacity and pro£ession.
(2) After completing 18 months 0£ service they will have the com-
pulsory duty 0£ serving according to their cap~city until the
expiry of 50 years of age under mobilization or emergenoy situa-
tion directives given by the Government.
( 3) Under Sub-Art.(l) of the Artiole mentioned the Flinistry of Re-
gional virtue of the delegation given to it
by the Minist~ 0£ Defence may assign the persons to various inde-
pendent organs or plans conneoted wi th the 1.1inistry of Defence.
All programmes of service may executed by the vIinist~ of Regional

P.rt .14 - 9-itizen e~empted from Active National Service fo;ra limited

I. The citizens who upon examination by the Board have been declared
unfit for active National Service due to lack of health may be
called for l~ational Service if before the exemption period expires
their health is improved.

2. A student in a regular daily course may be exempted from P.ctive

National Service for a limited period.

a) If he is continuing his studies from lqiddle up to $hcondary

b) If he is following his co.urse of studies in a Professional
or Technical School; ~
c) If after passing a Univefsity examination he has been-~9qePte.d
by the University and is following his studies;

d) If he has been authorLzed as a special case to continue higher

studies by the Technical Sohool or by the University;

e) If at any school level he has been required by the Government

to attend a special course or to be sent on scholgrship.

3. The exemption grahted under Sub-P.rt. ( 2) of this article may be

effective only if the student is not dismissed for failure or for
other reasons.

4. The student will be awarded ivith a Certificate,Diploma or Degree

only upon completion of Acti ve l/a tional Service .

5 - Citizens exempted from National~Ser\Tice and the issuing of Certi-

(I) -The Board gives decisions~on exemption from National Service

! I

to citizens ,vho suffer from disability such as invalidity,
blindness, ?sychological der&ngement.

(2) The citizens v1ho upon SubrArt.l of this Article are decl&red
exempted from National ~ervice by the Board will receive
from the l1inistry of Defence a certific&te of exemption.

Art. 16 - r4ili tary Traininl:t. and Classificat!o-~

I) -Under 4~rt. 9 of this Proclamation the citizen who has the

obligation of undertaking military training will be given
6 months of regular military training if he meets the re-
quisites required by the Ministry of Defence.
2) -The citizen 1iho meets the requirements in Sub+Article 1
of this Article 1iill serve 12 months in productive and secu-
rity work as assigned by the f,Iinistry of Defence.

Art.11- ~ravellin~ Abroad

-~ny Eri trean ci tizen ander the obligation of l~ational Service in

compliance of this Proclamation may be allo1~ed to travel abroad;
(1) -Upon giving evidence that he is exempted from National ser-
vice or that he has completed his service by producing a
Certificate of Service or

(2) -by producing a registration card and entering into a bond

of (x).OOO Birr as security that he will return to r~~~JIe'
his duty when called upon to do so.For the execution of , "/

these condi tions the 1.1inistry 0£ Defence will take the

necessary measures. -
Art.18 - Periods of Service
The trainee who c~ompletes the military training provided un~er~ ..

Art.16(1) of thiEJ:Proclamation, will serve in general for 18

months, without prejudice to the provisions of Art.21(1) of this
Proclamation. However the r,linistry of Defence will decide to solve
problems that would arise oydng tolength of time and the kind of
service. /./




19 - Snforcinf;t. military laws and ref;t.ulations

.rhe ci tizens who serve for 18 months in Active I'Tational

Service has the duty of obeying military la1~s,regulations
directive and orders given in writing or orally.

20- LeavinR Active ~rational Service

(I) ~.lithout prejudice to Art. 21( 1) of this Proclamation,

any citizen who co~pletes regularly his period or
Active National Service may leave from -~ctive National
(2) Under directives given by the I,;inistry of Defepce a ci-
tizen in .~cti ve National Service may leave his service
before the expiry of the period.
( 3) The ci tizen who leaves the P.ctive IfA,tional Service under
this article will be issued ~Tith a Certificate by the
11inistry of Defence showing his position and qualific~tion.

Art. 21 - SpecialobliRation

(I) During a mobilization or period anyone in l\ctive }ra-

tional Service is under the obligation of remaining even
beyond the prescribed period unless the concerned Autho-
ri ty allo~ls him to leave officially.
(2) The citizen registered to perform Active l~~tional Service
upon changing his address before entering into ser~ice has
the duty to inform the Regional ;"dministration in his area
about his address presenting his registration Card.
1\.rt.22 - Ri hts and Privile es of active National Servi e Trainees
(I) ~ights Riven durin.g; the trainin.g; period
~ny citizen in training or under Active Nat~onal Service
is entttled to food,lodging,uniform and medical service.
Besides, he is '.entitled to free travel by transportation
provided by the l.linistry of Defence and recreation and
Sports activities as required.
The ci tizen 'tiho upon termination of mili tary training
entei'S into a 12 ~onths of Active Ifational Service is
entitled to ~ocket money.
( 2 ) T~e-right to ~~sume 1J¥ey!ous ~o~!s
Any ci tizen upon completion of his l..ctive Ns.tional Service
period has the right to return to hie previous emplQyment
or post whether as governml3nt emplojTee or as em?loyge of
public or l)rivate concern. The m?loyer too has the duty
of giving him priority in wages increqse and im?rovement
~,p . t ' ~

~ poeJ- J-on. ,~

(3) A~ citizen vTho u?on performance of Active National Ser-

vice or during the period of military training encounters
physical or mental injuryand ~ese~e is giv~ free medicBl
~eatment by the Gover'~ment. If death ensue~ his heirs
~ entitled to all assistance. ~-

( 4) -.~ny ci tizen that h.?s parformed regura.rly Active 1.J"~tional

Service upon meeti~1 the necessary requisi tes ;;;ill be en-
titled to ~iork and education ?riority ?t home and abroad.
(5) -t~nyone in l.~ctive N5.tianal Service determined to continue his
service in the regular !~rmy may upon rGquest and on condition
tha t he m,"ets the necessC'.r-.f re~uisi tes gi ven by the [..=inistry
of Defence join the regular ;"crmy.
( 6) -J'iny ci tizen in "\ctiv6 Nation~l Service ~~ith a family that
entirely depends on him for its living 'i ill be assisted by
the Government ,(ho u?on the i3suing of a progr~mme will ~ro-
vide government and social assistancejto his fami~y.
(7)- Any citizen that is on activ~ national service without atten-
ding mili tary training ~"lill be enti tled to his rights acco-L'C-
ing to circumstances.

Q £!-t\. p Ti:; R, -III


Art. 23 - CO1:PULSORYS3RVICI~ III R~S3rtV3 -6.ill,cr

1) -The ci ti,~en mentioned belo\f are subject to cQmpulso~J service

in reserve l\rmy :

(a) -Anyone that has completed active Ifational Service;

(b) -!~nyone that 1'laS rehabili tated because he had joined
the -.'1.rmedStruggle; Fighters and militia in civil life.
(c)- Former fighters working in ~rivate, public ~nd govern-
ment work;
"1 (d) -Citizens ~lho have .'"c,e:eh c.1~Qhoarg~d from the arrr.y or Po-

~) The citizens mentioned in Sub-.:1rt. (1) ?f this article have
~ the compulsory duty of service until the age of 50.

-~rt. 24 - 9! ~izen exempted from Rserve -4.rjJ1.Yservice

(1) iIithout prejudice to the praYisions of -~rt. 31( 1) of this

, Proclamation, among ,the citizens who have the compulsory duty
of service underx Art. 23 (1) of the present Proclamation,those
~1ho reach the age of 50 are exempted from service.
(2) l\nyone declared unfi t for service in Reserve 1~~. by the Board
will be exempted from service.

-4.rt.25 - Functions of Reserve .tc;t'ffiY

'rhe Reserve ~\rmy 1~ill have the following functions :

(I) 3nforce the Regular Army in the defence against attacks, inva-
., sions launched from foreign countries i"
~2) Challenge all internal attacks 8.gainst "~he uni ty and sovreignty
of the Nation;
(3) Participate in defence activities against artificial or natural
~ disasters on Government or public prop~ty;

: ./. :

t4) accept calls of mobilizations, training exercises and simi-

lar programmes;
(5) Be ready physically and mentally in all circumstances
Art.26 - Positions in Reserve Arm.v
Ivlembers of Reserve -~rmy may be divided into three grades accord-
ing to their age and period of service :

(1) -First Grade Ready Reserve of the age beti'!een 20-35 years,
.iho upon mobilization call a~pear in their service place
within 24 hours;
(2) -Second Grade (Stand-by) Reserve -,\rmy bet1'leer! the age of
36-45, 1iho upon receiving t~e mobilization ca.ll a~pear
before the service place 1~i thin 12 hrs.
(3) -Third Grade Reserve l~rmy between 46-50 years who upon
receiving the mobilization call communicate their readiness
to the concerned body.

Art. 21 - I.:ili tary TraininR Pro;;:.ramme

(1) -In compliance with Art. 23 of this Proclamation anyone that

is under the conpulsory duty of service in the Reserve -~rmy
is called upon to undergo mili ta~J training follo1fing the
schedule issued by the Ministry of Defence in the prescribed
period and place (in one or two years).
(2) -The first Grade or Ready Reserve will receive a three-weeks
military,allaaspects and rehabilitation course;
(3) -The Second Grade Reserve -~rmy vTill receive a ten-days mili ta-
ry and all-aspects rehabilitation course.
(4) -These in the third grade~of Reserve Army will b9 given cours3
as required.
(5) -In the place where callsjfor training are periodically made
rehabilitation courses and the introduction to new instru-
ments or equipment are given.
( 6) -Every member of Reserve .~rmy when called has the compulsory
duty of reporting to the Training Place leaving his work aware
that he is to tal:e a regular training.

Art.2~ - Compulsory resDonse to calls

(1) .~~ member of the Rserve Army has the compulsory duty of re-
Porting to theplace 1iithin the ~rescribed period when called
for national mobilization, for military training or for defenc9
in artificial or natural disasters.
(2) The calling system may vary according to the
may be public or secret.

.lI.rt.29 - Chanv.e of domicile ~

"i (1) -A member of the Rserve Army, before changing his domicile,
must inform the j\-dministration Center~~
(2) -In the mobilization period the member 0£ the Reserve Army
is nov allowed to change~is domicile.

Art. 30 - Respecti Laws and Re ul~tions

(1) -?4 member of the Reserve Army during the mobilization

period "hen called upon for action against man-made
or natural disasters or for rehabilit~tion training has
the obligation of respecting r.lili tary Laws, Regulations
as i,ell as 'tTri tten or oral orders .
(2) -A member of the Raservd -~rmy must introduce the good con-
cepts of militarymoral code and disoipline he has learned
into the civil social life without contr["dictions giving
exemplary behaviour in all his activities.
Art.31 - ~eaviM the Reserve -jj,.rmy Service

(1) -Any third Grade member of the Reserve Army of 50 years

of age is entitled to leave. But the Government may in
the period of mobilization extend the period of service
in the Army of those who have special qualification of
leadership or necessary administrative talents.
( 2) -l\ny member of the Reserve Army may leave before completing
his period of service upon directives issued by the r.lini-
str"J of Defence .
( 3) --~ny member of the Reserve Army upon leaving service ivill
be issued with a certificate showing the motives of his

~"-rt.32 - Ri[r.hts and Priviled[ of Reserve -~

(1) -If a member of the Reserve A~ incures illness,physical

harm or wound during the mobilization period, or in action
against man-made or natural disasters or during the period
of training he is entitled to free medical treatment.

(2) -Any member of the Rserve Army that dies as a result ofJcauses
originating~~rom the service or from ?hysical harm connected
with the service, the members of his family will be looked
after and cared for by the Government and the,people.
( 3) --~ ~ember of the Reserve Army during the training period or
in the mobilization period will be tntitled to free food,
lodging, clothing and medical treatment.
(.'.)-' ~ ,A7"' ' .;; , ..: ,."y",,"..-0'.'-: r.
-;, .,i. Iur ' .f'i,- -r!i,-;1."!..(.,~ :.-

( 4)- A m~mber of the Reserve F.roy i~hen called upon for serv~ce is
e~tltled to.f~~ee transportation service in compliance with
dlrectives 1ssued by the 1.1inistry of Defence.
(5) Illien a member of the Reserve -~rmy during the mobilization
period stands by for more than one month and if he has a
family 1'1hich#epends '3ntirel~r on him, the Government an<1i'
Society will ~ooperate to meet their demands according to
their condition.

.1. 1a



( 6) ~.;.ci tizen who serves in the Reserve l!.rmy and expresses

~lill and tendency of serving in the Regular ~\rmy upon meet-
ing the requisi tes required by the l:iinistry of Defence he
may be transferred taking into account his service tn the
Active National Service.

c !I A ? T E R IV


.A..rt.33 - SPECI.A.L POi1TER

The Dlinist~ of Defence has power to transfer to Regular Army

as required from National Service those who dr~w speoial atten-
Art. 34 - Responsibility of the l~inistry of Defence

(I) -The r,iinist.ry of Defence is responsible for providing

training to those who have the duty of serving in the
Active lfational Service and of (3,ssigning bhem aft::r
training in productive and security work.
(2) -The 1,:inist17 of DefepCe assigns those leaving the ~~ctive
National Service the~r uni ty in the Reserve .t.rmy sending
a copy of the register to the Regional A:lministration as
members of the Reserve .~rmy .
(3) -The ~Iinistry of Defence is reponsible for controlling
man-power following the changes that occur from time to
time in the roll of the members of Reserve -~rmy.
(4) ? --The Defence IJinist~ is responsible for ~ssuing calls for
'" military training; mobilization ~nd othe~ c~lls and with
J the cooperation of other plinistries and .prgans provides
~ transportation service and gives stand-by orders.
(5)-- The 11inistry of Defence provides equipment and food supply
to Re se rve Army .
( 6) -Tl:e 1-1inistry of Defence appoints Reserve J~r~ Leaders froffi
the lowest to the highest Di'rision.
.(7) ~ The 1linistry of Defence is res?onsible for the transfer
to Regular .~rmy those 1;ho after completing their duty in
the .~ctive National Service express their desire to serve
or are required to serve.
( 8) -The Defence lqinistry in cooperation wi th the !.:inistry of
Regional l\.dministration and \'1i th other concerned 1.Iinistry
sets up a board to select those ",ho are not fit for mili-
tary training-
( 9) -The defence I.linistry in consul tf".tion wi th the l-:inistry of
~ Regional l\dministra.tion ensures that the~roclamation of
}/ational Service and the Regulations and directives issued
under it are enforced.
(10 t- The r.:inistry of Defe;1ceensures that the ~3mbers of -A.cti ve
~ liational Service or the members of ReserKe F-~jy are perfor-
~ ~
~ ~ I :::c

ming their duties and controls that their rights are also
(1:2) The lJinistry of' Def'ence in cooperation wi th the l;inis~ry of'
Foreign l~f'f'airs ensures the enf'orcement of' the duty of' National
Service relating to o~lti.zens in f'oreign countries.
-A..rt.35 - Responsibili ties of' the f.1inistr.v of' Re,';;ional Administration-
The l~inistry of' Regional ~~dministration :
(1) Provides f'or the registration of' those who have re~ched
the age for lIational Service in eve{~ region under the pro-
visions of' this Proclamation and distributes cards ?repared -:;,
the 1.1inist~- of' Def'ence.
(2) Selects and registers the required number to be sent to the
Training Center in compliance iiith the plan drawn by the
l;Iihistry of' Def'ence in batches.
(3) Takes steps to discover those who attempted to conceal them-
selves from the Training Center or to escape abro&d, those
;iho returned from the Training Center without perf'orming
their duty and brings them before a Military Court f'or pro-
per action.
(4) Records in the Reserve ~~rmy the Certif'icates and accompanyin5
doouments issued to those who have returned to their resyet-
ive Region after completing ;~ctive Nationa.l Service.
( 5) Keeps in ever3 region clear record of' the identi ty of' tho~.G
mentioned in Art.23(1)(a -e) of this Proclamation.
(6) Submits a report of' every Reserve l~rmy in each region as
demanded by the lo!inistry of' Def'ence; keeps record i~hen membEr~
of Reserye Army change their permanent address or when a
death occures . i

(7) Receives mobilization and traini~ calls etc. issued by the

Kinistry of' Def'ence and communic~tes them to every region
so as to ensure that all mambers= of' Reserve Army report
as soon as possible to the required 'Place and period of' time.
(8) Inf'orms ind controls that in emergency mobilization situa-
tion the~embers of Reserve lirmy do not leave their domicile.
(9) By virtue of' the delegation given by the 1:inistry of' Def'ence
when deemed necessary the l,finistry of' Regional -:idministration
sets up in everJ region a Board to issue certif'ication of'
exemption f'rom lfational Service to those ~Tho are f'ound unf'i t .
( 10) "\fter a detailed study executes the decisions adopted regard-
ing ~\ational Service to be perf'ormed by those citizens who
h~ve been declared unf'it f'or military tr~ining by the Board.
(11) Issues Instructions and formalities consiclerad u3elf for the
implementati~n of its ~iational ServiCB Res?onsibilities.

lirt.36 -~ Duty of General cooperation ~

(1) If Transpor~ation Service of Reserve A-rmy and :t:reil' Trainees
of' National Service becomes beyond the capacity of' the Re-
gional ~~dministration and the 1:~~stry of' Defence; the !.~ini-
stry of' Transport, A!)socis.tions ind individuals who own
- I ~,::,

means of tr~nsport are under obligation of m~eting the demands

1'ihen called upon to do so .
For the success of Ifational Service the 1,;inistry of Information
and Public Associations have the duty of cooperation in the pre-
paration and organization of youthso as to have them a:l,,8,y!?. ready.
3esides the duty mentioned in Sub-P.rt.l and 2 of this i~rticle, a~
person, Government organ, l)ublic or private concern has the duty
of cooperation in implementing the provisions of this Promlamation.

-;.rt.37 - Penalty

(I) Violation of the Drovisions of this Proclamation

Praserving the ~ritrean Penal Code of lq91 for more rigorous
punishment, anyone that violates the provisions of this Proclama-
tion is liable to years im?risonment or to a fine of 3000 Bir
or to both imprisonment and fine.
(2) ~-ttempting to avoid i~ctive l~ational Service by decei t or by
self-inflicted amputation or by other device.
Preserving as it is the more rigorous punishment in the Eritrean
Penal Law of 1991, anyone that attempts to avoid his duty in the
Active National Service by deceit, or by\~~f-inflicted amputation
or by any other device is liable to an imprisonment of two years
or to i""; of 3000 Birr and ,:,rill be subject to lTation8.1 service.
If the wound inflicted in the body makes him unfit for service he
will be subject to three years i~prisonment.
( 3) Escape from lJa.t!fjnal Service
i~ny ci tieen 1'rho kn01fing that he has the duty of serving in
the National Service, avoids the performance of his duty by escaping
abroa,d, will be recorded in the 11inistry 0£ Regional -~dministra tion
and in the I\:inistry 0£ Interior and if he does not return to perform
his service until the age ofj40 years he 'trill be liable to punish-
ment or to an imprisonment of 5 years until the age of 50 and his
rights to licence,Visa,land tenure and the rights to ~rork will be
(4) FliF:ht from Active National3ervice or i.e;:;istration
Preserving as it .is th~ rigorous peaalty :?rovided in the Penal
Code of Eritrea (1991) , anyone that attempted to avoid lfational
Service by various device or delayed his registration by unjustified
motives or created obstacles (by avoid the registration of his name
or by cancelling his n~me from the register or by self-inflicted
wonnds or by giving £alse inform~tion to the authority ap)ointed to
implement this proclamation or by any other means) is liable to
punishment under the provisions of Sub.-~rt.l of this provision.
.t\rt.38 - Po;{er to issue rel;ule.tions

The l~inist~7 of Defence has ~~Ter to issue directives and Orders

for the implementation of tr:.e present Proclamation.

l\rt. 39 - :::::ntry into force

This Proclamation enters int~ force from the date of i ts (.-::: :,t:3
~;a ..
./. ~

publication in the Eritrean Official Gazzette.

.~.smara, 23 October 1995

Government of Eritrea

For exact trans~ation



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