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Review Series


Central nervous system complications and management in sickle

cell disease
Michael R. DeBaun1 and Fenella J. Kirkham2
Department of Pediatrics and Medicine, Division of Hematology/Oncology, and Vanderbilt-Meharry Sickle Cell Center for Excellence, Vanderbilt University
School of Medicine, Nashville, TN; and 2Developmental Neurosciences Unit, UCL Institute of Child Health, London, United Kingdom

With advances in brain imaging and ∼11% in children with SCA without [TWiTCH]). Also in high-income coun-
completion of randomized clinical trials screening), and hemorrhagic stroke in tries, RCTs have demonstrated that regu-
(RCTs) for primary and secondary stroke children and adults with SCA (3% and lar blood transfusion is the optimal
prevention, the natural history of central 10%, respectively). In high-income coun- current therapy for secondary prevention
nervous system (CNS) complications in tries, RCTs (Stroke Prevention in Sickle of infarcts for children with SCA and
sickle cell disease (SCD) is evolving. In Cell Anemia [STOP], STOP II) have dem- strokes (Stroke With Transfusions Chang-
order of current prevalence, the primary onstrated that regular blood transfusion ing to Hydroxyurea [SWiTCH]) or silent
CNS complications include silent cerebral therapy (typically monthly) achieves pri- cerebral infarcts (Silent Infarct Transfu-
infarcts (39% by 18 years), headache (both mary stroke prevention in children with sion [SIT] Trial). For adults with SCD, CNS
acute and chronic: 36% in children with SCA and high transcranial Doppler (TCD) complications continue to be a major
sickle cell anemia [SCA]), ischemic stroke velocities; after at least a year, hydroxy- cause of morbidity and mortality, with no
(as low as 1% in children with SCA with carbamide may be substituted (TCD With evidence-based strategy for prevention.
effective screening and prophylaxis, but Transfusions Changing to Hydroxyurea (Blood. 2016;127(7):829-838)

With recent advances in medical treatment, the natural history of 2. Presence of cerebral vasculopathy compromising cerebral
sickle cell disease (SCD) continues to evolve as morbidity and blood flow (CBF), acting synergistically with the compensatory
mortality fall. In the last 40 years, significant clinical research increase in CBF secondary to
efforts have been focused on preventing initial and subsequent a. anemia and
central nervous system (CNS) injuries. In children and adults with b. increased percentage of hemoglobin S (HbS) to decrease ce-
SCD, from the 1970s until 2010, ;75% of the infarcts were rebrovascular reserve.
ischemic and the remainder hemorrhagic. 1,2 In the 1990s, the The substantial impact on HbS levels on CBF is a unique attribute of
prevalence of the first transient ischemic attack, infarctive or SCD and must be considered in acute management of strokes when
hemorrhagic stroke in children with sickle cell anemia (SCA) the goal is to rapidly lower HbS levels (Figure 3).15
younger than 19 years was 11% and 24% by 45 years for adults with 3. Acute infection with fever14 increasing cerebral metabolic
SCA.3 Since the 1990s, 4 major randomized trials to prevent CNS demands.
injuries have been completed, providing evidence-based guidelines 4. Cardiovascular risk factors as in the general population:
for primary and secondary stroke prevention in children with hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, atrial fibrillation,
SCA.4-8 and renal disease.2
Unfortunately, in sub-Saharan African countries and India, where 5. Presence of a prior cerebral infarct with the greatest risk being
.90% of the children with SCA are born,9 there are no evidence-based within 2 to 3 years of infarct occurrence, regardless of treatment.1,13
primary and secondary stroke-prevention strategies. Thus, before their 6. Rapid increases in hemoglobin levels, typically .12 g/dL,
18th birthday, ;50% of the children with SCA will have either an overt with either autotransfusion from splenic or liver sequestration16 or
or silent cerebral infarct (SCI) (Figure 1). blood transfusion therapy.17
The pathophysiology of ischemic stroke and cerebral hemorrhage in
Adults with SCD have different risk factors for strokes and different
SCD is not well defined10 but over the last 3 decades, we have begun to
prevalence of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke than children with
understand more about clinical risk factors and potential mechanisms of
SCD. In a large population study, the biggest risk factor for strokes
brain injury (Figure 2). At least 6 risk factors are associated with
in children with SCD was hypertension3; whereas, in adults with
cerebral ischemic events in SCD:
SCD, the biggest risk factors included not only hypertension, but
1. Low oxygen content associated with also diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, atrial fibrillation, and renal
a. lower oxygen saturation11,12 or disease.18 The determinants of cognition in adults with SCD are not
b. acute drop in hemoglobin.13,14 well documented. In asymptomatic adults with SCA undergoing

Submitted September 1, 2015; accepted December 25, 2015. Prepublished The online version of this article contains a data supplement.
online as Blood First Edition paper, January 12, 2016; DOI 10.1182/blood-
2015-09-618579. © 2016 by The American Society of Hematology

BLOOD, 18 FEBRUARY 2016 x VOLUME 127, NUMBER 7 829

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SCIs are common in SCA

SCI is the most common permanent neurological injury in children
with SCA, and probably in adults as well. The only current strategy to
detect an SCI is a 30- to 60-minute magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
of the brain. The most complete definition of an SCI has both a
neuroimaging component and an assessment by a neurologist.7 The
imaging component requires a signal abnormality that is at least 3 mm
in 1 dimension and that is visible in 2 planes on fluid-attenuated
inversion recovery T2-weighted images. The neurology component
includes a normal neurologic examination or an abnormality on
examination that could not be explained by the location of the brain
lesion or lesions.7 The neurologic evaluation by a neurologist is critical
because individuals who are previously labeled as having an SCI may
in fact have an undetected stroke, a higher risk category for future
neurologic morbidity.20
SCIs are common in infants and preschool children. Approximately
25% of children with SCA will have an infarct prior to their sixth
birthday21 and 39% by their 18th birthday,22 with no evidence that the
number of children with new SCI plateaus through 20 years of age
Figure 1. Pie chart depicting the prevalence of overt strokes and SCIs in 1000 (Figure 421-25). Well-established risk factors for SCI include low
children born with SCA followed for 18 years in sub-Saharan African countries baseline hemoglobin,27 particularly before age 3 years,22 relative
and India, where primary prevention is not routinely practiced. This is based on
an assumption that 11%3 will have a stroke and 39% will have SCIs prior to the 18th
hypertension,27 acute anemia events,13,14,22 and evidence of cerebro-
birthday22; see text for details. vascular disease on intracranial28,29 and extracranial22 magnetic
resonance angiography (MRA). Unfortunately, the presence of
cognitive testing, performance IQ was not associated with sex, white multiple SCI risk factors together or independently has not led to
blood cell count, platelet count, or levels of hemoglobin F, lactate accurate prediction of SCI. In children with SCD and SCI who do
dehydrogenase, or hemoglobin.19 This review will initially focus not have either SCA or hemoglobin S-b0 thalassemia (entry
on the epidemiology of the most common CNS complications, criteria for the Silent Infarct Transfusion [SIT] Trial), management
primarily in SCA, and then will review the evidence for primary and should be based on an individual basis until large multicenter studies
secondary stroke prevention in high- and low-income countries. are completed to identify optimal management strategies for this

Figure 2. Risk factors for ischemic stroke in SCA. Established risk factors for ischemic injury of the brain in children and adults with SCA.
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Figure 3. The critical relationship between cerebral

blood flow and HbS levels in individuals with SCA.
The study conducted by Hurlet-Jensen et al15 de-
scribes the unique relationship between hemoglobin
(Hb) and HbS levels and CBF in individuals with SCA.
As Hb levels increase, CBF decreases (r 5 20.68,
P 5 .006). As HbS levels increase, CBF increases
(r 5 .080, P 5 .0003). In a stepwise multiple regres-
sion equation with Hb and HbS, only HbS was
accepted and predictive of CBF (r 5 0.70, P 5 .01).
The figure depicts regression lines with 95% CI
describing the relationship between Hb, HbS, and
CBF. (A-B) Effect of total Hb and HbS on regional
CBF measured by Xe inhalation: transfusion therapy.

population. A more detailed review on the natural history, detection, separate those who did or did not require immediate medical
and mimics of SCI in SCD has been recently published.30 management. Neuroimaging was performed in 42.2% of visits, and
acute CNS events were identified in 16.3% of studies. Distinguishing
whether the headache is chronic or a new symptom requiring emergent
imaging is critical. The decision to obtain an MRI of the brain involves
Ischemic lesions of the brain may be eliciting a thorough personal and family history of chronic migrainous
symptoms and careful examination of level of consciousness, vision,
temporary or evolve to infarcts
and any focal signs. For nocturnal or early morning headaches, space-
Children with SCA are at increased risk for cerebral lesions likely to occupying lesion or idiopathic intracranial hypertension37 must be
be ischemic, but not necessarily progressing to infarction. Diffusion excluded. For these reasons, we believe a neurologist should be
weighted imaging (DWI) allows detection of acute ischemic events consulted for severe new-onset acute headaches.
that occurred within the previous 10 days. As part of the screening MRI is not essential for children with SCA and chronic headache,
protocol to detect SCI in the SIT Trial,7 children (n 5 652) received including migraines. In the largest retrospective cross-sectional study in
MRI of the brain with DWI.31 In this asymptomatic group of children, children with SCA (n 5 872), recurrent headaches (36.1%) and
the incidence of acute silent cerebral ischemic events was 47.3 per migraines (15.1%) were both common, but neither was associated with
100 patient-years (95% confidence interval [CI], 22.7-87.2),31 nearly SCI.38 Referral to a neurologist is advised for assessment of chronic
7 times higher than the anticipated incidence of infarct recurrence in headache and management with diet,39 psychological support, and
children with preexisting SCI,32 but only 1 of 2 children with follow-up prophylactic medication (pizotifen, propranolol, topiramate, or valproic
MRI of the brain had an infarct. These results strongly suggest that brain acid). We do not recommend using triptans for acute migrainous
ischemia in children with SCA is common and potentially reversible. headaches because of the risk of cerebral ischemia. Although headache
Undoubtedly, as MRI scanners continue to improve in magnet strength, is common, unfortunately, no specific evidence-based guidelines for
resulting in improvement in detecting cerebral infarcts, the prevalence management have been developed for SCD.
of ischemic brain injury and SCI will also increase33 and the
epidemiology of both injuries will change. However, MRI of the
brain in children and adults with SCD cannot replace a thorough
neurologic examination because in the general population, as many Hemorrhagic stroke and aneurysms are more
as 33% of the individuals with confirmed nondisabling strokes have
common in adults
negative DWI MRI of the brain.34
Intracerebral, intraventricular, subarachnoid, subdural, and extradural
hemorrhages have all been described in patients with SCD (see

Acute and chronic headaches are challenging

to manage in SCD
Headache is one of the most common neurologic symptoms in SCD,
both acutely35 and chronically.36 In acute headache, hemorrhagic
stroke (see supplemental Figure 1A-B, available on the Blood
Web site) must be considered. In the Hines study of acute care
visits by children with SCA, headache was the chief complaint in
3.8% (102 of 2685).35 In this group of children presenting with
acute headaches, 6.9% (7 of 102) had clinically significant CNS
pathology requiring immediate medical management (3 venous
thrombosis, 3 intracranial hemorrhage, 1 ischemic stroke).35
Acute CNS events associated with headaches were more likely
Figure 4. Prevalence of SCIs in children with SCA. The figure displays the cumulative
with older age, history of stroke, transient ischemic attack or
prevalence of SCIs in children with SCA based on 4 cross-sectional studies21,23-25 and
seizure, neurologic symptoms, and focal neurologic findings.35 1 longitudinal study.22 The cumulative prevalence of SCIs strongly suggests that the
Unfortunately, no clinical features were identified to clearly incidence rates of SCIs dose not plateau up to 18 years of age.
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supplemental Figure 1 A-B).40 Hemorrhage, typically subarachnoid,

has the highest incidence in young adults (20-30 years),3,41 but is not CNS vasculopathy is associated with stroke
uncommon in children.3 Eleven of 325 children with SCD (3.4%) and SCI
followed at the University of Illinois between 1975 and 1989 had
subarachnoid hemorrhage.42 In a French cohort, 2.8% of children with Stenosis and occlusion of the large arteries of the circle of Willis
SCD (7 of 251) had either an intracranial hemorrhage or an unruptured have been recognized in SCD for .40 years on pathology64 and
aneurysm.43,44 Risk factors for cerebral hemorrhage are poorly defined, contrast arteriography.65 More recently, less invasive techniques,
but include hypertension associated with the use of corticosteroids40 including transcranial Doppler (TCD) ultrasound and MRA, have
or phenylephrine,45 recent transfusion,40 splenic sequestration,46 and been used to detect and follow any improvement or progression, but
hyperviscosity associated with higher hemoglobin levels.16 they do not directly visualize the vessel diameter or wall and inter-
Cerebral hemorrhage in adults is commonly related to aneurysm pretation requires considerable skill. Higher hemoglobin levels
formation (see supplemental Figure 1C-D).47 In a large study (n 5 709), provide better MRA images.
the prevalence of aneurysm was 1.2% and 10.8% in children and adults In the largest study to date (n 5 516), MRA-defined vasculopathy
with SCD, respectively.48 The aneurysms which ruptured were occurred in 10.3% of asymptomatic children with SCA without prior
typically relatively small (2-9 mm)48 and located at the bifurcations stroke.28 The presence of MRA-defined cerebral vasculopathy was
of major vessels.47,48 associated with SCI, although the vast majority (84%) of children with
Individuals with SCD and intracranial hemorrhage require imme- SCA and SCI did not have MRA-defined vasculopathy.28 Among
diate transfer to a tertiary hospital where a multidisciplinary team in- children with SCA and strokes, MRA is abnormal in 50% to 60% of
cludes a neurosurgeon with a vascular interventional neuroradiologist, children.66,67 Among children with SCA and progressive vasculopathy,
neurologist, and hematologist. We are unaware of any contraindication 100% had evidence of new cerebral infarct within 5.5 years.66
to management of hemorrhage as for the general population.48 Despite the routine use of TCD to identify children with SCA at
risk for overt strokes, several nuances of its use exist. First, there
are 2 different methods for imaging the intracranial vessels: the
imaging and nonimaging techniques.68 Both are routinely used,
Extradural and subdural intracranial with most pediatric radiology departments preferring the imaging
hemorrhage may occur without trauma technique and most research studies using the nonimaging technique.
The relative benefits and challenges with each technique are discussed in
One of the most underrecognized complications of SCD is extradural or depth elsewhere.68 The most important point is that the threshold for
subdural hematoma in the absence of significant head trauma,49,50 transfusion used in the nonimaging technique is a time-averaged
probably related to hypervascular areas of bone,51 bone infarction,52-54 maximum velocity of 200 cm per second, which is well defined and
or venous thrombosis10 (see supplemental Figure 1B). Bony may also be appropriate for the imaging technique,69 whereas other
infarction in the orbit may be associated with periosteal hemorrhage investigators in a clinical trial setting have lowered the threshold of
and compressive optic neuropathy with risk of visual loss, whereas time-averaged maximum velocity (TAMX in imaging machine)
subgaleal hemorrhage, which may be substantial as there is a large $185 cm per second.7 For imaging TCD, until a rigorous head-to-head
potential space, may also occur.55 These lesions are typically study is done comparing these 2 techniques, we prefer the more
managed with appropriate supportive care and transfusion, but may conservative strategy, namely to lower the threshold for treatment to
require surgery.56 180 to 185 cm per second.
Another subtlety in the use of TCD is that in ;10% of the children,
velocities are low or absent70,71 perhaps related to vasculopathies such
as moyamoya or extracranial vasculopathy.72 However, MRA-defined
Seizures and epilepsy must be distinguished vasculopathy without strokes has not been demonstrated in a multi-
and managed appropriately center study to predict future strokes or SCI and cannot be reliably
applied as a substitute for the lack of a TCD measurement to stratify
In the era prior to implementing a primary stroke-prevention children with SCA into high- or low-risk future stroke groups.
strategy, between 7% and 10% of individuals with SCD experienced
at least 1 seizure.57,58 In the Jamaican cohort Study of Sickle Cell
Disease, the 5-year cumulative incidence of febrile convulsions was
2.2%.58 Even in the context of a febrile or systemic illness, in
patients with SCD, we recommend brain MRI for first seizure to Treatment
exclude the possibility of a potentially treatable underlying cause, In children with SCA and SCIs, regular blood transfusion
such as arterial ischemic stroke, sinovenous thrombosis, reversible decreases infarct recurrence
posterior encephalopathy syndrome, fat embolism, or cerebral
abscess (see supplemental Figure 2A-H). A history of seizures has No strategy has been established for primary SCI prevention. The only
been associated with SCI.59 current strategy is to prevent infarct recurrence in children with SCI.
Epilepsy (recurrent seizures) is 2 to 3 times more common in Despite the importance of detecting SCI because of the high rate of
individuals with SCD than in the general population, and is as- future strokes73 and SCIs,32 as well as a drop of a full-scale IQ loss of
sociated with earlier death.58,60 The majority of patients have focal 5 points74 (Figure 5), all of the studies to date have been from high-
abnormality on neuroimaging or electroencephalography61 and income countries because of the expense of performing MRI of the brain.
cerebrovascular disease (see supplemental Figure 3A-D).62 Given The SIT Trial (NCT00072761) was the only trial designed to
the high rate of moyamoya in individuals with SCD, we do not determine whether blood transfusion therapy can prevent progression
recommend hyperventilation during electroencephalography be- of infarct recurrence (stroke or SCI) in children with SCA and
cause of the risk of ischemia.63 preexisting SCI. Participants included children with SCA (5-15 years of
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Figure 5. Meta-analyses for all studies in children with SCA that included full-scale IQ for those with and without SCIs. The meta-analyses include a total of
10 publications7,86-94 comparing the mean difference in full-scale IQ between those children with SCA with and without SCIs. The x-axis reflects the mean full-scale IQ difference
between those with and without an SCI. The horizontal lines represent the upper and lower boundaries of the 95% CI. If the 95% CI overlaps zero or crosses the zero threshold then
no statistical differences were observed in that study. The black and gray diamonds represent the results of the fixed and random-effect models. The edges of the diamonds represent
the 95% CI of the meta-analyses for the fixed and random-effect models. df, degree of freedom; MD, mean difference; SD, standard deviation. Adapted from King et al.26

age) and SCIs. In the randomized clinical trial (RCT), 196 children with of life,75 as well as a statistically significant decrease in the incidence of
SCA and SCI were randomly allocated to receive either observation priapism, new-onset symptomatic avascular necrosis of the hip, severe
(standard therapy) or regular blood transfusion (experimental therapy) vaso-occlusive pain events that resulted in hospitalization and acute
for 36 months. In participants receiving regular blood transfusion, there chest syndrome.7 The number of children with SCA and SCI who
was 58% relative risk reduction in cerebral infarct recurrence (stroke needed to be transfused to prevent 1 recurrent infarct was 13.7 However,
or new or progressive SCI) when compared with the children in the the benefit of blood transfusion therapy to prevent infarct recurrence
observation arm.7 When compared with observation, the benefit of was incomplete. Some children in the transfusion therapy arm went on
blood transfusion therapy included an improvement of overall quality to develop infarct recurrence (Figure 6). Thus, the high burden of

Figure 6. A hypothetical cohort of 1000 children

with SCA and preexisting SCIs followed for 5 years.
Events are defined as either SCIs or strokes for children
with SCA. The figure depicts the infarct recurrence
rate (overt and SCI) based on no therapy (4.5 events
per 100 patient years) or regular blood transfusion
(2.0 events per 100 patient years).7 To provide a frame
of reference on the absolute number of children with
infarct recurrence, we have included the expected
number of strokes in 1000 adults without SCD, but with
preexisting untreated atrial fibrillation.
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Figure 7. Pooled analysis of the 7 studies docu-

menting TCD measurement before and after hy-
droxyurea therapy. The pooled analysis is based on
the random-effect model demonstrating the average
drop in TCD measurement after starting hydroxyurea
therapy of 25 cm per second.80,81,95-99 The table also
includes the observation that the decrease in TCD
measurements can be seen as early as 3 months after
starting hydroxyurea therapy with a sustained impact
of hydroxyurea therapy on decreasing TCD measure-
ments for at least 36 months. The black diamond re-
presents the results of random-effect models. The edges
of the diamonds represent the 95% CI of the meta-
analyses for the random-effect models.26

regular blood transfusion coupled with the incomplete prevention start hydroxyurea therapy and phlebotomy (experimental therapy
of future cerebral infarcts may decrease the enthusiasm for infarct [n 5 60]). Participants randomly allocated to the hydroxyurea and
recurrence prevention using regular blood transfusion therapy in phlebotomy arm also simultaneously received blood transfusion
children with preexisting SCI. therapy until the hydroxyurea maximum tolerated dose was
reached (median ;6 months overlap). Treatment was scheduled
Primary stroke prevention in children in high-income countries to last for 24 months after random allocation, at which point the
is successful primary outcome, TCD velocities, between the 2 arms was
compared. After the first interim analysis, the trial was ended early
The single greatest advance in preventing neurologic injury in children because the noninferiority was demonstrated (margin of 15 cm per
with SCA is initiating the use of TCD screening to identify a group of second).8
children at risk for future strokes: primary stroke prevention. The The management of children with both elevated TCD measurement
pivotal RCT demonstrated that children with elevated TCD measure- and MRA-defined severe cerebral vasculopathy cannot be determined
ments .200 cm per second receiving regular blood transfusion therapy from the TWiTCH Trial. Regardless of vasculopathy status of children
(defined as transfusion every 3 to 6 weeks with a goal of keeping the with elevated TCD measurements, the event rate of strokes is very low,
maximum HbS level ,30%), when compared with standard therapy 0.06 per 100 patient years in one tertiary care center,77 while receiving
(observation), will have an ;92% relative risk reduction in the rate of blood transfusion therapy. Furthermore, in ;20% of the children with
overt strokes. The number with elevated TCD measurements receiving elevated TCD measurements, the TCD measurements will remain
transfusion therapy to prevent 1 stroke was 7.4 When available, we elevated several years after regular blood transfusion has begun with no
prefer the use of erythrocytapheresis as the approach to regular evidence that this group is more likely to develop future strokes when
transfusions because of the lower rate of iron accumulation.76 compared with the group that drop their TCD measurement ,200 cm
In tertiary care centers providing medical care for children with per second after blood transfusion therapy.78
SCA, adherence to routine screening of children with SCA using TCD Given the success of hydroxyurea therapy for primary prevention of
measurements, coupled with regular blood transfusion therapy, has strokes and the relative low risk-to-benefit ratio when compared with
dramatically reduced the rate of strokes. In 1 large tertiary care center hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT), we would recommend
the incidence rate of overt strokes declined a log-fold after the continuing blood transfusion therapy or switching to hydroxyurea
introduction of routine screening with TCD with blood transfusion therapy therapy, after at least one year of blood transfusion therapy over HSCT
(0.67 before and 0.06 after strokes per 100 patient-years).77 for the perceived high-risk group of children with MRA-defined
Stroke With Transfusions Changing to Hydroxyurea (SWiTCH)6 vasculopathy and elevated TCD measurements. To date, there is no
was a secondary stroke-prevention trial in children with SCA. The evidence that TCD measurement in individuals with SCA above 16
primary objective of the trial was to complete a noninferiority years of age is beneficial. In the only study to date, Valadi et al evaluated
randomized trial of hydroxyurea therapy and phlebotomy compared 110 adults with SCA and controls, and did not find any values that were
with blood transfusion therapy and chelation for 134 children with elevated.79
prior stroke who had already undergone at least 18 months of regular
transfusion.6 The primary end point was a composite of recurrent Primary stroke prevention in low- and middle-income countries
stroke and liver iron concentration measured by MRI. There were no is just beginning
strokes in the 66 participants randomly allocated to transfusions and
chelation (standard therapy), but 7 of the 67 participants (10%) No definitive approach has been applied for primary stroke prevention
randomly allocated to hydroxyurea therapy and phlebotomy in children with SCA living in Africa or India, where the majority of the
(experimental therapy) had strokes. The trial was stopped for futility children are born with SCA.9 Two strategies in Africa have been used,
because there was no difference in liver iron concentration.6 a standard care protocol using hydroxyurea therapy,80 or initially using
Based in part on consistent findings of studies demonstrating a moderate fixed dose of hydroxyurea therapy of 20 mg/kg (Primary
that hydroxyurea therapy lowers TCD measurements (Figure 7), Stroke Prevention in Nigerian Children with Sickle Cell Disease
the TCD With Transfusions Changing to Hydroxyurea (TWiTCH) [SPIN], NCT01801423).81 The feasibility trial included children with
Trial (NCT01425307)8 was funded. The main objective was a SCA between 5 and 12 years of age with elevated TCD velocities. The
primary stroke-prevention trial for children with SCA who had early results indicated that the families are willing to participate in a
received at least 12 months of blood transfusion therapy for TCD formal trial.81 Furthermore, in a short follow-up of participants and a
velocities above 200 cm per second. Children with SCA and prior comparison group (,18 months), there were initially no unwarranted
elevated TCD velocities were randomly allocated to continue blood toxicities when compared with a group of children with SCA who were
transfusion therapy and chelation (standard therapy [n 5 61]) or screened, had TCD velocities ,200 cm per second, and were followed
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Figure 8. A hypothetical cohort of 1000 children

with SCA and strokes followed for 5 years receiving
either no therapy, hydroxyurea therapy, or regular
blood transfusion therapy. The figure depicts the
number of children in the cohort with stroke recurrence
in the no-treatment group, hydroxyurea therapy group,
and regular blood transfusion therapy group with ex-
pected incidence rates of 29.1 (95% CI, 19.2-38.9),
3.8 (95% CI, 1.9-5.7), and 1.9 (95% CI, 1.0-2.9) events
per 100 patient years, respectively.20

prospectively. Perhaps most importantly, the early results suggest that options for secondary infarct recurrence prevention in children
children initially started on hydroxyurea therapy, instead of blood with SCA and overt strokes.
transfusion therapy, can have significant drops in their TCD measure- Given the evidence that blood transfusion therapy is palliative for
ments ,200 cm per second 3 months after starting therapy.81 secondary stroke prevention,66 we believe that, after an initial stroke,
The essential question for primary stroke prevention in low- and alternative treatment options should be considered. Current evidence
middle-income countries is what dose of hydroxyurea therapy strongly suggests that HSCT decreases the rate of stroke re-
maximizes the benefit and minimizes the toxicity and laboratory currence83,84; however, most children and adults do not have a viable
surveillance costs. In a setting of high rates of life-threatening donor. A range of revascularization procedures has become an option
bacterial infections and malaria, treatment with hydroxyurea for patients with internal carotid artery occlusion and moyamoya
therapy, a myelosuppressive agent, may result in an increased rate collaterals.85 Regrettably, no RCT has been introduced to rigorously
of infections or other complications. Given the low median family assess standard care of regular blood transfusion therapy vs neuro-
income in urban northern Nigeria (,$700 per year),82 the out-of-pocket surgery and regular blood transfusion therapy. Given the unknown
costs of a routine complete blood count (;$5) for assessment of risk-to-benefit ratio of alternative donor (haploidentical) or non-
hydroxyurea therapy may be prohibitive. Thus, limiting the financial myeloablative HSCT or revascularization procedures for secondary
burden for complete blood count surveillance for hydroxyurea-related stroke prevention, we strongly recommend that single or preferably
toxicity may decrease the financial barrier without potentially sac- multi-institutional studies be registered with clinicaltrials.gov so we
rificing safety. Based on the promising early results of the can collectively learn from these variations in practices with no clear
feasibility trial in Kano, Nigeria (SPIN, NCT01801423),81 the superior strategy for secondary stroke prevention.
National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke funded a RCT
to determine the efficacy of 20 mg/kg per day vs 10 mg/kg per Strategies are just emerging for secondary prevention of
day of hydroxyurea therapy for primary stroke prevention in strokes in low- and middle-income countries
children with SCA living in Nigeria and Ghana (NCT02560935).
Based on challenges of routine blood transfusion therapy in low-
For now, in low-income countries where TCD screening is initiated
and middle-income countries, no definitive strategy has emerged
for primary stroke prevention and blood transfusion therapy is not
for secondary stroke prevention. However, several investigators in
routinely used, preliminary data suggest that a fixed dose of
these settings have elected to use hydroxyurea therapy as opposed
hydroxyurea therapy at 20 mg/kg per day is a reasonable starting
to no therapy. Using pooled analysis comparing blood transfusion
point for treatment.81
therapy to hydroxyurea therapy and no therapy, the expected stroke
Blood transfusion therapy for stroke prevention is palliative in recurrence incidence rates were 1.9 (95% CI, 1.0-2.9), 3.8 (95% CI,
high-income countries
1.9-5.7), and 29.1 (95% CI, 19.2-38.9) events per 100 patient-
years, respectively.20 A secondary stroke-prevention trial (Na-
Standard treatment of secondary stroke prevention is blood transfusion tional Clinical Trial [NCT] pending) is now funded in Nigeria to
therapy. However, even when blood transfusion therapy is initiated, determine the efficacy for preventing stroke recurrence comparing
45% of the children with SCA will have infarct recurrence (both stroke 20 mg/kg per day vs 10 mg/kg per day of hydroxyurea therapy. The
and SCI) over a course of 5.5 years,66 providing evidence that completion of the trial is not expected to occur for an additional 4
alternative options must be considered for this high-risk popula- years. In the meantime, we believe that the available data suggest
tion. Figure 8 depicts the unsatisfactory results of the treatment that treatment with hydroxyurea therapy for secondary prevention
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of strokes is a reasonable alternative when compared with no the optimal hydroxyurea dose that maximizes benefits and limits
therapy at all. toxicity, while potentially minimizing laboratory surveillance.
Very few observational studies and no RCTs in adults with SCD
have been undertaken for primary and secondary CNS compli-
cations (strokes, hemorrhage, and aneurysms). Although there
Summary have been significant strides in preventing CNS complications in
the last 25 years, future research will need to focus on adults with
As a direct result of completed RCTs (STOP, STOP II, SIT, SCD and individuals with SCD other than SCA, a group still at
SWiTCH, and TWiTCH) 4-8 regarding children with SCA, a new considerable risk for CNS morbidity.
standard of care has emerged for primary and secondary stroke
prevention. Based on the preponderance of evidence, the use
of hydroxyurea therapy clearly decreases TCD measurements,
which is the main modifiable risk factor for overt strokes. Further Authorship
bolstering the evidence of the impact of hydroxyurea therapy on
decreasing TCD measurements, the TWiTCH trial has demon- Contribution: M.R.D. and F.J.K. contributed equally to writing this
strated the noninferiority of hydroxyurea therapy to blood for paper.
primary stroke prevention in children with SCA with high TCD Conflict-of-interest disclosure: The authors declare no competing
velocities without vasculopathy on MRA who have already been financial interests.
transfused for a year. In low- and middle-income countries, Correspondence: Michael R. DeBaun, Vanderbilt-Meharry Sickle
where the majority of children with SCA are born and blood Cell Center for Excellence, Vanderbilt University School of Medi-
transfusion therapy is not routinely available, primary and cine, 2200 Children’s Way, 11206 DOT, VCH, Nashville, TN 37232;
secondary stroke-prevention RCTs are under way to determine e-mail: m.debaun@vanderbilt.edu.

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2016 127: 829-838

doi:10.1182/blood-2015-09-618579 originally published
online January 12, 2016

Central nervous system complications and management in sickle cell

Michael R. DeBaun and Fenella J. Kirkham

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