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Poverty has been a problem in the Philippines since time immemorial.Therefore

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program or 4ps is implemented.4ps is a conditional cash
transfer program that provides incentives for poor families to invest in their future by
ensuring that mothers and children avail of healthcare and that children go to
school.But this program has big negative and disadvantage to our society.4ps program is
just a waste of money and this program should be removed.

The first reason why the goverment should be removed this program is the lack of
self discipline of some of the beneficiaries who takes advantage to the budget that was
given to them.This program is not properly accomplished and chaotic.Even the family is
not really poor they are member of this program.This issue involves many families
specially the politicians,instead of giving the money to the poor families they corrupted

The second reason is some of the member of 4ps are dependent on this
program.They contended with the money or budget that are given to them. People are
not working anymore, they are just waiting for their allowances.This program makes the
people dependent and idle.Because of this most member of 4ps are unemployed or
jobless,according to PSA when the 4ps is implemented in Philippines the number of
unemployed Filipinos are increased to 5.4%.

The last reason why this 4ps program is just a waste of money because the money
that are given to them are not use for its purpose.Remember that this program helps
the poor family in their expenses specifically in their health and for study of their
children but instead of using the money for this they used it in unnecessary needs such
as drinking alcohol, Gambling,and other unnecessary.And other students that member
of 4ps are the one who do not studying well, they must study well with oustanding
grades because they have budget and allowance rather than students who are not
member of 4ps.

But the 4ps member said “If the 4ps removed what about the poor families” lets
think about it,the goverment must substitute the 4ps by giving them a job,this
alternative is better than 4ps program .This is what I mean "You give a poor man a fish
and you feed him for a day,you teach him to fish and you give him an occupation that
will feed him for a lifetime”. And I think even poor beneficiaries we talked with, they
said they want jobs rather than right now just depending on the government, and that is
the direction we want to take.

I am against institutionalizing the 4Ps because of those reasons.We wanted poor

families to be able to tell themselves that they worked their way out of poverty through
their own skills and community efforts and not by merely relying on government dole-
outs. We want that at the end of the day, when they have transitioned or improved
their lives, they can say to themselves that ‘we did it and we did it ourselves.

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