Antiremed Kelas 11 B.Inggris: Persiapan UTS 1

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Antiremed Kelas 11 B.

Persiapan UTS 1
Doc. Name: K13AR11ING01UTS Version : 2016-05 halaman 1

01. Andy : “Based on the evidence, Cameron is 05. Situation : You are driving your car and
guilty.” suddenly a policeman stops you.
Clarice : “You took the words right out of Policeman : “You just broke a traffic
my mouth.” regulation.”(a)
What Clarice says is mostly synonymous You : “No, I didn’t. I drove very slowly.”
with Policeman : “It is not about the speed (b).
(A) That’s exactly what I am thinking. You didn’t signal to turn right.”(c)
(B) What do you think about it? You : “How dare you. I always remember to
(C) I couldn’t disagree more. signal my turn. You must be lying. ”
(D) That’s unthinkable. Policeman : “Watch your word (d). It was
recorded by the camera inside that traffic
02. January: “I think it is a good idea to let light(e). I suggest that you sign this form of
students enter the class even though they violation. ”(f)
are late. Basically it can increase the school You : “you must be kidding me. I don’t
attendence.” believe it, you dumb policeman.”
May : “We see eye to eye on this.” Policeman : “I warn you not to say one more
The underlined expression shows . word, or I’II put you in jail.”(g)
(A) May asks for opinion The policeman warns you in sentence .
(B) May’s agreement (You can choose more than one answer)
(C) May’s disagreement (A) (a) (F) (f)
(D) May’s satisfaction (B) (b) (G) (g)
(C) (c) (H) none.
03. Teacher :” “ (D) (d)
Student : “I think forcing the students to (E) (e)
wear uniform is a violation of
human rights.” 06. You : Do you think I should study tonight?
What is the best expression to fill the gap? Your roommate : I am afraid I can’t help
(A) That’s unthinkable. you. Decide it yourself.
(B) What is your opinion about school uni- The underlined expression shows that .
form? (A) your roommate gives you some advice.
(C) What is it? (B) you roommate warns you.
(D) That’s for certain. (C) your roommate asks for some advice.
(D) You roommate refuses to give you some
04. Claudia : “The essay is filled with data advice.
Lucy : “You don’t know what you are talking
about. ”
The best expression to fill the gap above
(A) You are missing the boat.
(B) I agree.
(C) In my opinion, it is rubbish.
(D) What is you opinion?

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Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
Antiremed Kelas 11 B.Inggris, Persiapan UTS 1
Doc. Name: K13AR11ING01UTS version : 2016-05 halaman 2

07. James : “I think I saw you at a supermarket and throat. Lastly, a long soft palate (the
yesterday.” roof of the mouth) and a long uvula (the
Lydia : “I didn’t go to any supermarkets dangling tissue in the back of the mouth)
yesterday. It wasn’t me that you saw.” can narrow the opening from the nose to the
James : “Really? That’s strange.Iremember I throat. When these structures vibrate and
saw a peach yesterday.” bump against one another the airway
What James says show . becomes obstructed.
(A) sadness
(B) anger There are two types of snoring. Occasional
(C) embarrassment snoring is usually not very serious and is
(D) annoyance mostly a nuisance for your bed partner.
(E) affecttion However, if you are a habitual snorer, you
not only disrupt the sleep patterns of those
08. Luke : “Hey, dio you know who won the close to you, but you also impair your own
game?” sleep quality. Medical assistance is often
Gina : “I couldn’t care less.” needed for habitual snorers to get a good
The underlined expression is synonymous night’s sleep.
with . Habitual snorers can be at risk for serious
(A) We’re perfect match health problems, including obstructive sleep
(B) I’m really sad apnea. Sleep apnea creates several problems
(C) It doesn’t matter to me including interruptions of breathing,
(D) I am chewing tome frequent waking from sleep. light sleeping,
(E) I’m ashamed poor night’s sleep, and throat tissue can be
caused by being overweight or, in children,
Text 09-13. by large tonsils and adenoids, the enlarged
tissue between the back of the nose and
Snoring is a common condition that can throat. Lastly, a long soft palate (the roof of
affect anyone, although it occurs more the mouth) and a long uvula (the dangling
frequently in men and people who tissue in the back of the mouth) can narrow
are overweight. Snoring has a tendency to the opening from the nose to the throat.
worsen with age. When these structures vibrate and bump
against one another the airway becomes
Snoring occurs when the flow of air through obstructed.
the mouth and nose is physically obstructed. There are two types of snoring. Occasional
Air flow can be obstructed by a combination snoring Is usually not very serious and Is
of factors. Firstly, Some people snore due to mostly a nuisance for your bed partner.
obstructed nasal airways. It usually happens However, If you are a habitual snorer, you
during allergy seasons, when they have sinus not only disrupt the sleep patterns of those
infection, or when they have deformities of close to you, but you also Impair your own
the nose structure. Secondly, some people sleep quality. Medical assistance Is often
may have poor muscle tone in the throat and needed for habitual snorers to get a good
tongue due to deep sleep, alcohol night’s sleep.
consumption, use of some sleeping pills, and
even normal aging. As a result, these too Habitual snorers can be at risk for serious
relaxed muscles can collapse and fall back health problems, including obstructive sleep
into the airway. Next, some people have apnea. Sleep apnea creates several problems
bulky throat tissue. Bulky throat tissue can including interruptions of breathing,
be caused by being overweight or, in frequent waking from sleep, light sleeping,
children, by large tonsils and adenoids, the poor night’s sleep, and strain on the heart.
enlarged tissue between the back of the nose

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Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
Antiremed Kelas 11 B.Inggris, Persiapan UTS 1
Doc. Name: K13AR11ING01UTS version : 2016-05 halaman 3

09. What is the purpose of this text? 13. Why did the author mention obstructive
(A) To persuade people not to snore. sleep apnea?
(B) To tell us about the author’s past experi- (A) To inform people of the cause of habit-
ence. ual snoring
(C) To give general information about snor- (B) To emphasize the danger of habitual
ing. snoring
(D) To reduce the incidence of sleep apnea. (C) To compare habitual snoring to a worse
(E) To helo people to get a good sleep. disease
(D) To tell the readers about the effects of
10. According to the text, which one is TRUE? sleep apnea
(A) Bulky throat tissue may cause snoring in (E) To show the readers that occassional
children. snoring will evolve into a more serious
(B) Poor muscle tone will result in deep health problem
sleep, alcohol consumption, sleeping
pills, and aging. Texs 14-17
(C) Air flow through the mouth and nose A motorist, driving by a large ranch, acciden-
can only be obstructed by allergy. tally hit and killed a calf that was crossing
(D) A long soft palate and a long uvula can the road. The driver went to the owner of
cause snoring by enlarging the opening the calf and explained what had happened.
from the nose to the throat. He then asked what the animal was worth.
(E) Sleep apnea causes snoring. “Oh, about $200 today, “ said the rancher. “
But in six years it would be worth $900. So
11. What can be infered from the text about $900 is what I’m out.
The motorist sat down, wrote out a cheque
(A) Snorers tend to be female.
and handed it to the farmen.
(B) Underweight people do not snore.
(C) Habitual snorers sleep better than their “Here,” he said, “is the cheque for $900. It’s
bed partners. postdated six years from now.”
(D) People who snore habitually have ob-
structive sleep apnea. 14. The underlined word “accidentally” is mostly
(E) When the snorer gets older, the snoring antonymous to….
may get more severe. (A) By chance.
(B) deliberately.
12. The underlined word “obstructed” is similar
in meaning to .... 15. Why did the motorist decide to visit the calf
(A) noticed owner?...
(B) blocked
(C) relaxed 16. What did the owner mean by saying “So 900
(D) enlarged is what I’m out”?
(E) prevented
17. Explain the twist of the story!...

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Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
Antiremed Kelas 11 B.Inggris, Persiapan UTS 1
Doc. Name: K13AR11ING01UTS version : 2016-05 halaman 4

Text 18 - 21 21. What makes this text a spoof text?

An elderly gentleman of 85 feared his wife
was getting hard of hearing. So one day he Text 22 - 25
called her doctor to make an appointment to Why College Athletes Should be Paid?
have her hearing checked. The doctor made There has been major discussion recently
an appointment for a hearing test in two if college athletes should or shouldn’t be paid
weeks, and meanwhile there’s a simple infor- while they are in school. The first thing
mal test the husband could do to give the opponents say is, “They’re already getting a
doctor some idea of the state of her prob- scholarship! That’s more than anybody else!
lem. Don’t be greedy!”
Fine, lets’s not be greedy and look at how
“Here’s what you do,” said the doctor. “Start
much a scholarship is actually worth. On
out about 40 feet away from her, and in a
average, a full Division 1 scholarship is
normal conversational speaking tone see if
$25.000 per year.
she hears you. If not, go to 30 feet, then 20
feet, and so on until you get a response.” “That’s $100.000 over four years!”
Yes it is, but most athletes don’t last at a
That evening, the wife is in the kitchen cook- school for the whole four years. Once you
ing dinner, and he’s in the living room. He get a sport involved, there are politics,
says to himself, “I’m about 40 feet away, let’s injuries, and a call to the office to tell the
see what happens.” Then in a normal tone he player, “Thanks, but we don’t need you on
asks, “Honey, what’s for supper?” this team anymore.” Many players will get a
No response. scholarship for a year or two, then transfer to
a different school which turns out to be a
So the husband, moved to the other end of better situation.
the room, about 30 feet from his wife and A $25.000 scholarship may seem like a lot
repeats, “Honey, what’s for supper?” of money, but it really only cobers the basics.
Still no response. It covers thousands of dollars in mysterious,
Next he moves into the dining room where uknown university fees, tuition, housing, a
he is about 20 feet from his wife and asks, meal plan and multiple hundred dollar
”Honey, what’s for supper?” textbooks. Some players, if they some from a
Again he gets no response. low income household, get a few hundred
So he walks up to the kitchen door, only 10 dollars each semester from Pell Grants which
feet away.” Honey, what’s for supper?” enables them to buy chicken soup instead of
Again there is no response. chicken flavored ramen.
So he walks right up behind her.”Honey,
Contrary to what all the opponents
what’s for supper?”
believe, being an athlete is a full time job. On
“Damn it Earl, for the fifth time,
a typical day, a player will wake up before
classes, get a life or conditioning session in,
go to class until 3 or 4 p.m., go to mandatory
study half, and then finish homework or
18. Why did the husband call the doctor?
study for a test.
The point of this is that a scholarship
19. The underlined word “conversational”is
doesn’t equal cash in a player’s pocker. Even
mostly similar in meaning to ....
with any type of scholarship, college athlates
(A) Casual
are typically dead broke. But how much do
(B) Formal
the top NCAA executives make? About $1
(C) Loud
million per year.
(D) Quiet
Who else makes money off these near -
professional level athletes?
20. What does the sentence “Damn it Earl, for
the fifth time, CHICKEN!”imply?

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Copyright © 2016 Zenius Education
Antiremed Kelas 11 B.Inggris, Persiapan UTS 1
Doc. Name: K13AR11ING01UTS version : 2016-05 halaman 5

First, their own coaches. Many coaches Most athletic programs can’t afford to
earn at least $ 100,000 per year to coach one pay athletes on their own, so the NCAA and
of the major sport like baseball, basketball, their executives need to figure out a way to
or football at a school. These coaches will start compensating their golden geese.
receive bonuses for getting to the playoffs, Athletes earn their schools hundreds of
winning championships or breaking school thousands of dollars, increase enrollment,
records. You know what athletes receive as a and if they do well, provide a recruiting picec
bonus? Nothing. for generations. Top NCAA executives are
Second is the NCAA. Recently, the getting $1 million per year while an athlete
NCAA and CBS signed a $10.8 billion televi- can’t earn $50 from signing a few autographs.
sion agreement over 14 years. The NCAA is Let’s open our eyes to what’s really going
also considered a non - profit company. on. The NCAA “prevents student athletes
Third, the athletic programs. Universities from allowing their likeness to be used for
bring in hundreds of thousands or even mil- promotional purpose.”
lions of dollars to their athletic programs There’s only one thing I can say to this :
each year. Through donations, ticket sales, Why?
media rights, advertising, and anything else
with a price tag, these athletes are symbols 22. What is proposed by the author?
for their school and their program. If a
school makes a huge scientific achievement, 23. The underlined word “they” (paragraph 15)
they will be in the newspaper for a few days. refers to...
The athletic teams, however, are in the news-
(A) Athletes.
paper the entire year.
(B) Decision makers.
The flip side if this is that not all sports (C) Sports
teams are profitable. For example, some less (D) President Theodore Roosevelt’s and his
popular teams like swimming, tennis, or vol- team.
leyball don’t earn the university much money, (E) Rules.
and the bigger sports like basketball and
football make up for the lost revenue. So why 24. What does it mean by the underlined word
would we pay athletes if entire teams are “mandatory” (paragraph 6)?
struggling to survive?
(A) Optional
We would pay athletes because when (B) Required
President Theodore Roosevelt helped create (C) Individual
the NCAA in 1906, he had no idea what it (D) Planned
would grow into. At first, it was a great place (E) Elective
to watch athletes play sports while making 25. Why would the author mention certain
sure the rules were being followed. But now monetary values (paragraph 9, 11, and 12)?
in the 21st century, the NCAA is a billion
(A) To refuse the argument that athletes
dollar company. Why hasn’t anything
need to be paid.
changed? Because the decision makers have
(B) To show that NCAA and sport coaches
the mentality of, “This is the way it’s always
are successful institution/people.
been.” They’re scared to make amendments,
(C) To illustrate how munch money every
even when it’s necessary.
party can get from sport.
I’m not saying we should be paying ath- (D) To emphasize the disparity between ath-
letes $5.000 or even $10.000 per semester, if letes and the related constituents.
each athlete got $2.000 paid over the course (E) To compare the disparity between ath-
of the semester, this would give them some letes and the related constituents.
spending cash and an opportunity to start
managing their money.

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